Ucrania x Russia - Entenda o conflito desde os seus primórdios (RESUMO)

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Neste vídeo animado você entenderá o Conflito Ucrania X Russia desde os seus primórdios, de forma re...
Video Transcript:
is the subject of the moment today is the conflict Russia versus Ukraine but not all people can understand exactly what is happening there and this is natural because it is an extremely complex subject and that many new In this video I bring a Overview of this conflict from its beginnings to the present day all this in a summarized and animated way which helps in understanding So come with me because I guarantee that After this video you will be able to understand this conflict Hey guys Beauty my name is Paulo professor of geography and you are
here with me Nagel illustrated so without further ado Let's go to the video Well after studying a lot on this topic I realized that to understand this conflict it is necessary that we understand three different historical moments in the history of these two countries the first of these moments are the ancestral roots in common between Russia and Ukraine come on in the 19th century there was a group of Nordics who called themselves like Ross the group established control over East Slavic communities in what is now northwestern Russia later this same group was responsible for creating
the city of Kiev which is now the capital of Ukraine historians call this great state that Ivan Rossi spent here is my face and this great state was established in this region from the 19th to the 13th century and hence Putin's speech of reconnecting that Russia and Ukraine are brother peoples since then a lot has happened in the history of these two countries can it is not appropriate to say about Brazil the events here in this video but if you want to know more about this story leave it in the comments and I can make
a video exclusively talking about it the second crucial historical moment for us to understand this conflict is the Cold War as you know the Second World War ends in 1945 with the Nazis defeated at the end of the war is margin two great superpowers the United States EA Uni sion T sought political ideological and economic hegemony one representing capital and the other socialism in this sense the world was divided into two blocs one was the supporters in the United States and the other the supporters of the Soviet Union hence the bipolarity at this moment history
was called the cold war, which was a war much more fought in the ideological field at the end of the second world war Europe was very weakened in this context in 1947 the president of the United States Harry Truman launch a doctrine that would lead to the named after the Truman doctrine, which was based on political and economic measures that aimed to contain the Soviet advance within European territory, in July of the same year, another extremely important episode took place: the Marshall Plan, which was nothing more than the financing of the reconstruction of the Europe
On the part of the United States, this funding had two central objectives, the first was to economically revive Europe and the use it to contain the Soviet advance and of course in the midst of all this the United States had its own commercial interests so much so that the United States and req Hello In this period, because of this good funding I did all this historical contextualization to finally arrive at the date of April 4, 1949 which was the date of creation of an organization that you have heard a lot about these days that the
other good NATO which means North Atlantic Treaty Organization Is A Military Alliance created by the United States that aimed to establish the collective defense of their Allied states in addition to perpetuating their hegemony as a superpower and containing the soviet advance the founding members of nato During this period were the United States Canada Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg United Kingdom France Italy Iceland Denmark Norway and Portugal So that was the original formation of the good nato as can be imagined the soviet union did not watch this alliance passively and its response for her it was the creation
of her own Military Alliance which was the Warsaw Pact on the date is May 1955 the countries that made up this alliance was a following Hungary East Germany Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia and Poland AND the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Bonfim given this great and necessary explanation about the context of the creation of nato we can take a historical leap and we arrive from the year 1991, which was the end of the cold war. EA Ukraine and the dissolution of the Soviet Union happens in the episode that is fundamental for us to understand the conflicts between
Russia and Ukraine nowadays, which was the guarantee of the United States that NATO would not expand further to the east, that is, it would not approach more of the Russian borders which did not happen because since then what we have seen is the increasing expansion of NATO towards the West towards the Russian borders as you can m noticing these maps and if imagining this approach made Vladimir Putin extremely pissed off so much that he talks about it a lot these days I separated an excerpt from his interview for you to take a look and check
all this about the Russian perspective is quick Give it a go take a look there I'm going to decide on an alliance tonight another Thanks Panicat I'm going to change nothing in June my skin and my sister the reason played no muscles there are times that even in the sand you don't need to win this mix is ​​not Follow me I'm very white for him too that we have one on the street and still the rain gave a cure to Souza Moraes video so be quiet Britney would come in little ball follow me cheek system
our dome in the uncle so we can't stay you go to mass it helped me even from Canada this tea and he in my big mine that gets dirty in the folder he'll leave it here ok and that's why the insertion of Ukraine into nato bothers the Russians so much now let's go to the last historic moment that I said at the beginning of the video which is the post-cold war period and some of the current conflicts between Ukraine and Russia but before that guys I already ask for that like this video was a lot
of work it's the result of a lot of study so if you if you like it, leave a like and comment that it strengthens a lot if this is your first time here on the channel I invite you to get to know a little more closely come on and take a look and if you like it, subscribe there beauty now let's go to the end of the video is good in the post-cold war period there were some Episodes involving Russia and Ukraine that made the tensions between these two countries increase a lot this gains greater
prominence in the year 1999 with the arrival of Putin to power in the year 2004 an episode happens striking during the Ukrainian presidential election when pro-Russian candidate Viktor yanukovych lost is my face is not good and Wins the election however there were several complaints that his v The story was fraudulent and he doesn't even assume it as retaliation, that's why Russia cuts gas supplies to Ukraine and to some European nations in 2006 and 2009, a fact that generated great tension between these two countries, even losing in 2004 Viktor yanukovych He wins the elections in 2010
after being elected he would be the approximation of Ukraine to the West because there were already talks of its high insertion another remarkable episode happened in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea by Russia here idea is a peninsula to the south of Ukraine with strong Russian ancestry and this annexation as one might imagine has also made tensions have increased far beyond that recently [ __ ] officially recognizes the independence of two breakaway regions of Ukraine which are Donetsk and the husky which are two regions that also have strong Russian ancestry and These were just some
of the episodes What is very rare for the turmoil between Russia and Ukraine is added to their ancestral roots in common The influence of the United States and NATO in addition to the interests of Russia and the United States itself we have the perfect scenario for the conflict that is happening today good As you can see This is a conflict of many nuances and that refers to historical episodes different but I hope that I have helped you to understand a little better I know that some things were missing but as I said I made a
synthesis so leave your comment and also your opinions about the conflict Thank you for staying here if subscribe to the channel if you liked it until next time say it
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