Formas de Relevo: Planalto, Planicie, Escarpa e outros (Geografia Fisica)

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Neste vídeo você vai conhecer as principais formas de relevos brasileiros, como Planalto, Planicie, ...
Video Transcript:
Hello In this video I present some of the major landforms exist on our planet as well as its main features all in a straightforward quickly and objectively so if you want to know a little more about it stay with me until the end Hey guys all right my name is Paulo professor of geography and everyone is very welcome here the illustrated gel well let's start this video talking about relief we can't talk about relief forms without first defining what relief is really not good relief it is nothing more than the surface part of the lithosphere is the terrain on which we live, we build our lives and etc. and it has many different shapes that are shaped and carved through geological time and the relief forms are also called landforms which is a name used for any form of relief that offers contrasts with others that are close to it, that is, this is a generic term used to refer to any r alteration or trans is what happens on the earth's surface it is also normal to use the terms rugged relief or rugged terrain for landscapes that present unevenness, look just another very important thing you have to know is that different forms of relief existing in nature are carved and modeled over geological time through internal and external agents, the internal ones are the movements of the tectonic plates that are largely responsible for the large rock formations such as the mountains Cordilleras volcanoes among others already uses external agents are largely responsible for shaping and sculpting the relief forms during geological time, mainly through the weathering and erosion processes and look, there is already a lot of video here on the channel explaining about all these processes, okay, whether it's about weathering and erosion movements of tectonic plates So it's worth checking it out here our physical geography playlist okay so without further ado Let's see what I know you really want to see in this video which are the relief features themselves Remembering that what I'm going to do here will be a quick explanation of each one of them right I won't if you don't, we won't have time to see them all but I plan to make a video here later explaining some of them in more detail So let's go but before that guys leave that like to strengthen the work Beauty subscribe there on the channel if you haven't already is subscribed leave the comment there too that it helps a lot so thank you in advance and let's go for the rest of the video let's start here with the mountains well the mountains are nothing more than a great natural elevation of the terrain with an altitude of more than 300 meters high they they originate mainly through the movements of the plates, in particular the orogenic movement, which is the movement of encounter between the tectonic plates. uhey this here I'm also going to leave the video of the beauty card we also have the mountain ranges that are collective of mountains they are also large masses of salient relief that are produced by mor progenesis as an example we can cite the Andes mountain range the Swiss Alps and the Himalayan range the hills, on the other hand, are little high hills whose altitude is approximately 100 to 200 meters high so the big difference between hills and mountains that people tend to get confused a lot is mainly related to the altitude and also in the process of formation of both we also have plateaus, which are an extension of more or less flat sedimentary terrain located at varying altitudes, is a term that is sometimes also used as a synonym for a slightly rugged surface, that is, a surface that has been badly affected by the erosion process, remaining more or less flat.
it is generally used an average altitude of 200 meters to distinguish in the Plateau it is located more or less at 200 meters of altitude having a more or less flat surface with little bumps, usually following the plateaus, the escarpments appear, which are steep slopes and without borders of the plateaus, it can be generated by tectonic movements or being sculpted also by external weather agents . Relief that are also very important are the depressions and the plains. The depression is nothing more than an area of ​​the relief that is located below the areas that are around it, so you can remember that pressure is set down.
that is below the others that are close to it, this type of depression is called relative depression.
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