failing companies have leaky funnels and this book is the secret to fixing those leaky funnels this is one of my favorite book my favorite author because this book was written by me it's called Doom Secrets now this book has literally become the Bible on how to build sales funnels that grow your business but today I'm going to share with you guys three secrets from this book and these are the exact same secrets that I tell people when they pay me $100,000 and fly to boy seaho for a one-day consult so you're going to get the the shortcut to success by paying attention to today's YouTube video let's go to the Whiteboard and let's talk about Doom secrets so this is my favorite book because I spent a decade of my life touring around the country and literally around the world teaching these principles and after teaching it for 10 years I was like I want to put this down so I can actually share it so it became the very first book I ever wrote It's Gone on to sell literally over 350,000 copies I'm really proud of this book because of it and um it is the book that kind of launched the funnel movement online it taught people about the Core Concepts and principles of funnels that um that everybody uses today uh in their online businesses there are a lot of things in this book but there's three things that I think are the most important the first one is actually in chapter one it's called the secret formula and um when I was writing the book I was trying to figure out how do I explain to people why funnels are so important how they work and what's the what's the overarching concept so let me show you what the secret formula looks like okay the first step in the secret formula is figuring out your who okay now for this I just drew a picture of a fish it's not the best fish ever but it's pretty good fish right the first thing you have to ask yourself when you're trying to build a sales phone and grow your company is who is your dream customer and this is what most people do wrong most people when they start a business they start start uh like a product Centric business they create a product and they try to figure out who to sell it to and for me that's how I started my journey 20 years ago as well I started creating a bunch of products started selling them and guess what without even thinking about it I started attracting the wrong customers and after about a year of my business I realized I didn't like my customer in fact I hated my customers I remember waking up every morning being sick to my stomach and I talked about in the book one day I woke up and uh I remember laying in bed thinking I wish I had a boss so they could fire me I do not want to go see my customers I don't want to talk to them and I didn't know what to do I was so overwhelmed and um a little while later started thinking about this in fact it was about New Year's and I remember Tony Robbins and his wife Sage put out this video and they said hey it's New Year's right now and um you know New Year's is the time for change you can change any time you want but New Year's is a great time and you know if you're not happy in your relationship you should change it if you're not happy with your health change it if you're not happy with your business you should change it and when Tony said that I was like I'm not happy with my business I should change it who do I actually want to hang out with like who would be my dream customer I would work with them for free cuz it would be so much fun and so fulfilling and so step number one for me was like figure out who is my dream customer so I changed it got a different dream customer it changed my life changed my business now I wake up every single day pumped to hang out with the people I get to serve step number two question number two is where okay where are these people congregated I'm going to draw a picture of a lake and there's going to be a whole bunch of fish in here right okay so that's second question is where are these people congregating now I use the word congregation on purpose when you hear the word congregation what do you typically think type down in the comments down below what does congregation mean for most of you guys okay for most people congregation people think of a church right it's like people are congregating together so all the Catholics are congregating together on on Sunday all of the Baptists together all the Mormons together like everyone's congregating together based on their beliefs and their values right now if I was if my dream customer let's say my dream customers were Baptist and I wanted to sell something to them where would I go find them would they're all going to be hanging out together every single Sunday in the same spot right i' go to that Congregation of people because they're already together it'd be very easy for me to get my message out okay now really quick I'm not telling you to go sell things at churches that's not the goal but conceptually that's how the internet works like everyone congregates together based on similar beliefs and values and things they love to talk about right and I really got this my senior year at Boise State uh I I'm a wrestler I was wrestling on a wrestling team and I remember um student athletes because we were not the smartest kids in the room a lot of times we had a mandatory study hall and so I get into the wrestling practice eat dinner I had to come back for 2 hours every night um to do mandatory study hall I remember sitting in study hall and uh for me what I would do every single days I would go to my favorite website at the time it's no longer there but it was it was called themat. com I go the mat. com and on that site was every wrestler on the planet all talking about wrestling talking about what the matches was coming up who's going to win like their favorite moves like all sorts of stuff right so every night at study hall I'd be on the mat.
com for hours just hanging out talking with all the other wrestlers around the world and remember one day I got up out of my chair I was walking in the bathroom I looked back I noticed like literally every single other wrestler in the study hall they were all on the matt. com too they're all hanging out and I realized I was like it's not just my University it's every University in the country it's every High School in the country it's every uh like School overseas as well like all the wrestlers on on the planet all hanging out in one spot right so my if my dream customers a wrestler where are they already congregating they were all on one website so if I wanted to get their attention I could go and just put my ad and put my message out in front of them right because they're already congregated together okay so for you if you know who your dream customer is they've already been congregated together on Facebook groups on blogs on email list on podcast like they've already been congregated together okay all right that's step number two in the secret for me step number three is what I call bait what is the bait that you were going to put out there into the into the uh into the lake into the congregation to grab those people and to pull them out okay so the bait is like some kind of offer some kind of advertising something that's going to go and grab them okay I'm going to go deeper on bait here in a second that's going to be the second thing we'll talk about in the video but the bait is the key to get that person to come in okay after you have the bait and you get the person you get their tension right you you grab their tension then from there then we're going to take from Step number four which is the result what is the big result you're promising right so in the book I have a picture of a mountain right here and um there's this person up here there's the result and they're holding the flag right so you're trying to take them up the mountain all right this is how you're going to serve them long term when they come into your world all right so this is the very first thing I wanted to teach you guys from the Doom secret book again it's called the secret formula okay it's chapter one literally secret number two now this is my favorite framework in this entire book in fact this framework is so important it's literally been in all my books I published Doom Secrets expert secrets and traffic Secrets CU it's the one thing you have to have to be successful uccessful okay uh what's funny is when people pay me $100,000 and they fly to boy to consult have me consult with them they always ask me questions like okay Russell my funnel is not working the ads ar ar aren't performing well it's leaky people are falling out like how do I fix this and the reality is the the way I solve that problem when 100% of time is the same thing it's always focusing on either the hook the story or the offer okay so that's the second secret I want to teach you guys the hook story offer and hook story offer for me I tie it back here to bait okay so step number one is hook okay what is the hook we're using to grab somebody's attention Okay now we use the hook in a lot of different places right I always think about um a hook like if someone's at home and they're on their phone let's say they're on the couch and they're scrolling through Instagram or YouTube or whatever right or maybe they're um driving a car or whatever like but like they're sitting there and they're just scrolling right so the Hook's job is to grab their tension to hook their tension just long enough for you to tell them a story okay so the hook is the key so for us we're always doing these hooks we're throwing these hooks out there to grab somebody's attention Okay after we get their attention right when when a hook grabs your tension it opens up just a little tiny gap for you now to insert your story okay so number one's hook number two is story okay I stop their attention I stop the scroll I hook them then I have a chance to tell them my story right I'm going to tell them the story and then the goal of the story is to increase the perceived value of the thing I'm about to offer them okay that's step number three is the offer okay hook story offer now what's interesting is that it doesn't matter where in your funnel you're you're in again if something's broken it's always either the hook B the story or the offer okay that seems simple but literally people pay me 100 Grand a day to fly out there fly out here and ask me how to fix their funnels and this is like like this is how it works okay let me walk you through the process Russell my my funnel is not working why do you think it's not working I'm like well let's look at the ads what's wrong with the ads like I don't know it's not working I'm like well is is it the hook or the story they offer like well maybe it's the hook the Hook's not that good no one's really clicking on I'm like yeah okay let's try make a new hook we make some new hooks right and if that starts working then we go to landing page okay Russell why is the landing page not working I'm like I'm not sure look at that is it it's either the hook the story the offer which one do you think it is they like well the Hook's good but the offer is not that good why would someone give me their email address the offer sucks I'm like yeah well maybe we should fix the offer right then we go to next page in the funnel okay well it's not working what's wrong well it's either the hook the story the offer and we literally go Page by Page step by step figure out if it's the hook the story the offer it's always one of these three things does that make sense okay that's why this is my favorite framework because it's literally the answer to every single question if a funnel is leaking if it's not working if it's not converting whatever it is it's always either the hook the story or the offer if you start looking at everything through that lens you figure out one of these three three one of these three things you diagnose it you fix it and then boom that's how you get your funnel to actually work okay now before I go on to the third framework which I'm going to teach you guys here in a second which is how to get your customers to give you a whole bunch more money I want to go I want to show you guys an example of hook story offer okay so I'm walk over here this is actually an ad that we ran for my expert Secrets book and um I'm going to show you guys this one because this is one of my highest converting ads of all time I want you to see how I've got a hook a story in an offer okay again the hooks goal is that someone's scrolling through their phone that grabs their attention just long enough I can insert my story and then the goal of the story is to increase the perceived value of the thing that I'm about to offer so with that said check out this uh video right here showing a hook story offer with me selling the expert Secrets book hey my name is Russell Brunson and this book my new book is literally on fire I'm hoping it doesn't catch me on fire uh it's my brand new book called expert secrets to teach you how to find your voice how to share your advice and actually make money doing it and uh right now if you go to amazon. com you can get a copy of this book um for 20 bucks and you see all the five star reviews or you get a free copy go to expert secrets.
com um literally this book is on fire is changing people's lives all around the world and now it can change yours as well but you got to go to experts. com to get it for free I bought a whole bunch of copies um that have not been burned and uh you can get your copy there and uh look at that that's kind of cool um uh and all you got do is cover the shipping Handley cost so all again all you do is expert secrets. com this book is going to show you how to start a business by sharing your advice you can be a coach a consultant you sell info products training programs courses this book shows you how to find your voice how to package that into a product people will sell how to sell it um how Tove traffic everything you need to launch and to grow your business it's a ton of fun so get your free copy right now expert secrets.
com is where you get it um and all you got to do is let us know where to ship it and I'll ship one to you so again go to expert secrets. com or click on link down below this book is literally on fire and now you get your copy as well thanks so much my name Russell Brunson I cannot wait to ship you out your copy of the book thanks all right so there's an example of hook story offer now really quick before we go too deep I recommend you guys do not actually light your books on fire it was a nightmare like we were soaking in gas it's dripping down my arm as I'm lighting it and trying to hope it's not going to chase down and um but you see how it works you're scrolling you see the book on fire you stop like what you click the video the the button all there's me telling a story about this book has can help you uh take your advice and turn into money and then make an offer go to expert secrets. com and get a free copy hook story offer and that is the key hook story offer so there's hook story offer on the ad there's hook story offer on the landing page there's hook story offer on the upsell page hook story offer on the thank you page like there's always a hook a story on the offer at every single step inside the funnel right the email that comes up right the email lines hook inside email there's a story then the email there's an offer like hook story offers in every element of the business over and over and over again and mastering this seeing this understanding how to make them better is the key to making sure your funnels aren't leaky okay all right I got one last framework I want to share with you guys and this is the framework that shows you how to make more money from every single customer I learned this concept from Dan Kennedy he said whoever can spend the most money to acquire customer wins right that's that's the key that's how this game is played and funnels give you the ability to outspend all of your competitors um literally when we launched clickfunnels we were competing against companies that had between 30 and $150 million in funding and we had nothing we had a credit card and that was about it right so the way that we won we build funnels where the advertising cost was covered up front by the funnel and it paid for the acquisition cost and from there we moved them up what's called a value ladder so the third thing I want to teach you guys right now and this is actually chapter number three here inside the Doom seers book when you have a chance to read it is the value lad so this is how the concept of value ladder works right you got two different axises here you have price and then you have value okay so price and value now you think about this when somebody first comes into your world right if you go and you take the thing that's like the most expensive the highest value let's say this is like the the top tier right so let's say this is let's say you have a coaching program for $100,000 or 50,000 or 25 right this is the most expensive things let's say 100 100K right and so you think about this like the price is really high but the value is really high right and this would be like the thing I'd want to sell some the best thing I possibly have I can help someone at this level more than anything else right but if I walk up to some stranger on the street I'm like hey my name's Russell Brunson I can help you build a funnel this is the deal if you give me $100,000 you can come to my office for one day8 hours and I'll help you build a funnel like what do you think most people would say they like are you crazy you look like you're 11 years old why in the world would I give you 100 Grand you're insane right and so because the reason why is cuz they're coming in here I'm trying to offer this thing where the value High and the price side but so far they don't have any relationship with me right so typically what happens when I when I'm doing this process I've got who I've got where I throw out the bait hooks offer I bring them into my world what I typically do is I bring them in at the bottom of my value ladder right where the price is really low but the values also there and they what happens they go through and they're going to buy this first thing for example might be a free book right the free.