did you know that the heart is the most spiritual organ you have in fact it is the heart that God gives you first when you incarnate onto this physical plane and believe me there's a reason for that which you'll know by the end of this video now the fact that it's the first organ that forms within a baby even before the brain puzzled scientists for decades especially when the brain is practically the operating system of the body How can there be operation without the operating system like what it makes no logical sense but see logic
is the enemy of spirituality and like I said the heart is the most spiritual organ you have now because manifestation is a process of spiritual science it would only make sense that the heart being the most spiritual organ is required to manifest well I rarely see the manifestation industry speak on the importance of the heart all the focus is on the thoughts your thinking positive thinking and that's exactly why a lot of people fail to manifest but since you're here let's move you from the 98% that are struggling to manifest to the 2% that tap
into the missing universe ival law of emotion frequency comes from emotion you see emotion is the gateway to everything you're trying to manifest it is known that emotions are produced from the heart and sent to the brain for interpretation resulting in you feeling them but have you ever asked yourself what even is emotion well emotion is energy emotion which is a form of energetic vibration that emits a signature which we call a frequency now remember the reality that you're currently experiencing is just the result of the frequency you're attuned to so think about a radio
station when you're tuned into a particular frequency you can experience a different sound and reality is no different you know Financial levels are just frequencies success is a frequency failure is a frequency and so is whatever you're trying to manifest that's what it is first always remember realities are nothing more than the reflection of their frequency so here's what the manifestation space won't tell you the base of your frequency right is your emotions that's before your diet negative or positive words or negative or positive music the heart being the basis of your frequency means that
a large part of your frequency is a result of your base emotion which means a large part of your reality comes from your heart now Dr David R Hawkins was able to calibrate the most impactful human emotions onto a simple chart in relation to their frequencies which you should be looking at right now now remember because emotion is equal to frequency and frequency is equal to reality these emotions play the largest role in your experience of reality I meant it when I said that your heart is the gateway to everything you've been trying to manifest
so much so that they actually hide complex scientific research showing your heart has a connection to reality and the universe for example did you know that your heart has its own brain through the scientific research of the heart math institute there's been major discoveries into the heart's connection to the universe and reality now like I said the heart has a brain which stores memories to quite a detailed degree this is why we say I know that song off by heart or I Know It Off by heart and it makes sense because I don't know if
you've heard those stories but I used to hear stories all the time of you know when people have heart transplants the person who's received the heart will begin to develop feelings for someone in the donor's life or they'll begin to develop admirations for things that the Doner like and you know you can make sense of it but now that you know the heart can store memories because it has a heart more so it has a comprised neuron network of over 40,000 cells which technically means it has its own nervous system now the heart is the
most spiritual organ you have and you're more aware of that than you think you know I always think to myself being younger in parties so when I ask this question hopefully you'll be able to relate but have you ever felt someone's presence when they've walked into the room before they spoke I always think back to being in parties and some boy dodgy guys would walk in and the energy in the room will just change you know nobody can smile anymore right or it's almost like how you know your girl's mad at you or your mom's
mad at you before they've even spoke right and it's because of their energy field also known as their electromagnetic field now if you can grasp this one thing you'll understand what a lot of manifestation books will never tell you you produce two electromagnetic fields one of the brain and one of the heart now the electromagnetic field produced by the heart is 60 to 100 times greater than the one of the brain all manifestation is simply put is extracting a reality from the universe Quantum field or God and pulling it down to the physical plane now
your electromagnetic field actively communicates with the universe God or the quantum field think of it like a fishing rod your electromagnetic fields comprise of two words Electro and magnetic the Mind produces thought which is electrical because in order for you to think neurotransmitters have to be sent across the heart produces energetic vibration emotion energy emotion which acts as magnetism now with your thoughts like the fishing rod you throw it into the universe or onto the reality you want and with your heart through your emotion you pull that reality back down to us and that's exactly
how it works right the mind and the heart are Partners in manifestation people make the mistake of only using one do not be people remember because the energy field of the heart is 60 to 100 times more powerful than the one of the brain it means that the heart's connection to God or the quantum field is stronger than that of the mind which is why I always say emotion is the language of God now emotion is the supercharger to your manifestations the most common mistake people make when they're trying to manifest is not injecting emotion
because that's energy right energy emotion into their actions and their techniques affirmations without emotion are dead visualizations without emotion is dead vision boards without emotion is dead positive thinking without emotions is dead it is the missing key behind everything you do emotion is what supercharges the thought now emotion increases the quantum probability of manifestation due to the fact that manifestation is a Quantum phenomenon it's a game of probabilities on a cosmic level like I said earlier emotion is the language of God meaning God will respond to your desire when you cultivate the necessary emotion to
give that thought that energy needed and what I mean by this is for you to manifest the reality you want it requires God Consciousness as the omnipotent Force which can rise above all human circumstances with poverty failure Misfortune or struggle and emotion is what directly Taps into God from Islam to Christianity to ancient ktic spirituality or ancient Egyptian spirituality the heart has always been the gateway to eternal life and higher degrees of Consciousness yet the esoteric meaning is often lost among all the intellect take the Bible verse of Proverbs 237 as a man thinketh in
his heart so is he it's so funny because whenever I hear people quote this on social media they always forget that in his heart part which ironically is the most important part the heart through emotions supercharges all thought making it more likely to manifest emotion is more powerful than thought and so for a man to think of alone isn't enough that's only part of the game the heart is everything we can go to the other Bible verse of Proverbs 423 Above All Else guard your heart but everything you do flows from it everything you do
is a reference to everything you can experience in reality and remember the origin of reality is your frequency and a large part of your frequency is determined by your emotion which comes from the heart the reality that you experience is nothing more than the unfoldment of your frequency your heart which is why everything you do flows from it bear in mind it could have said Above All Else guard your mind but it said Above All Else guard your heart because it is the most spiritual organ you have there's also a Hadith in Islam sah alkari
52 it says there's a piece of Flesh in the body if it becomes good the whole body becomes good but if it gets spoiled the whole body gets spoiled and that is the heart this goes back to what we was talking about earlier the energy field produced by the heart is powerful enough to tap into the universe Quantum field God who has the omnipotent power as Consciousness to restructure reality and completely revive one's body now in ancient Egypt it was believed that the heart recorded all the good and bad Deeds of a person's life which
if we're looking at the scientific research of the heart math Institute then that's true and the heart was needed for judgment in the afterlife now after a person died their heart was weighed on a scale against the feather of matat now mayat is the goddess of Truth and Justice you might have heard heard you know the 42 principles of May where Moses stole the Ten Commandments from but that's a topic for another day anyways your heart will supposed to be lighter than a feather for eternal life once again the importance of the heart now you
understand the importance of the heart and his role in your reality which is your frequency follow these steps to utilize the missing universal law of emotion behind every manifestation technique you do from visualizations to affirmations inject strong POS positive emotions of love joy and excitement this emotion will supercharge the idea of your desire increasing its likelihood manifestation now number two do not allow external circumstances to sway your emotions so easily if something can control your emotions it can control your frequency which means it can control your reality now I'll leave a guide to mastering your
reactions in the description which I wrote number three while in states of anger frustration sadness and anything else which is considered lower vibrational be quick to remind yourself the consequences of these emotions because they have a severe role in the creation of your reality number four aim to maintain a base General mood of Happiness well-being and peace and excitement for Life despite what reality SS you and soon enough reality will conform to your mind because love peace Joy wellbeing and happiness they're not destinations they're prerequisites for manifestation and now you know the importance of the
heart like it said in Proverbs Above All Else guard your heart hey I appreciate it for making it to the end of the video now for months I've been working on this new coaching program and it's specifically designed to help people create and construct their reality without the weird New Age stuff so if you're an entrepreneur who is within the six to S figure range who's stuck and you've been struggling to bring break past a certain profit Target I can help you break that profit Target in 60 days with reality reconstruction and that's without no
corny weird New Age stuff hundreds of affirmations and whatever else so if you're interested in that check the document in the description you'll see it it will just say reality reconstruction and it'll take you to a page to explain more about that and if you haven't already sign up for the hacking reality newslet there's thousands literally on it now and I'm proud to say that so if you're not already there make sure there until then I'll see you next time even though time's an illusion