50 Bible Questions - Life Of Jesus | Test Your Bible Knowledge | The Bible Quiz

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The Bible Quiz
How much do you know about The Bible? Test your biblical knowledge in this quiz of biblical question...
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welcome to the Bible quiz today we're embarking on a journey through 50 mysterious riddles that will test your knowledge about Jesus we've crafted these questions to be intriguing and challenging pushing your understanding of the gospels and the life of Jesus to the Limit think you know everything about Jesus now's your chance to prove it but before we start don't forget to hit that subscribe button and give this video a thumbs up to show your support your engagement helps us reach more people and share the story of Jesus after the quiz be sure to leave a
comment below with your score many riddles did you solve we'd love to hear from you and discuss the answers ready for this biblical Adventure centered on Jesus let's dive in and see if you can unravel these 50 mysterious riddles let's get started question one what did Jesus say he came down from Heaven to do a to judge the world B to bring peace on Earth C to do the will of the father D to overthrow the Roman Empire you get 10 seconds [Music] that's C to do the will of the father Jesus stated that he
came down from heaven to do the will of his father in John 6:38 Jesus explains that his mission is to fulfill God's plan and bring Salvation to the world this emphasis on God's will over his own serves as a model for Christian obedience and humility question two whose mother-in-law of the 12 disciples did Jesus heal a John B Peter C James D Andrew you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B Peter Jesus healed the Mother-in-law of Simon Peter according to Matthew 8: 14- 15 Peter's mother-in-law was suffering from a fever Jesus touched her hand and the
fever left her this miracle demonstrates Jesus's compassion and his power to heal physical ailments question three Jesus's first miracle was to turn water into what a oil B fish C Wine D bread you get 10 seconds [Music] that's C Wine Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine this event occurred at a wedding in canaa as described in John 2: 1-1 when the wedding ran out of wine Jesus performed this miracle demonstrating his divine power this miracle is often seen as a sign of Jesus's ability to bring joy and abundance into people's lives question four
when Jesus performed Miracles which Old Testament Prophet did he claim to fulfill a Isaiah B Daniel C Ezekiel D Jeremiah you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a Isaiah in Luke 4: 16 to 21 Jesus reads from The Scroll of the prophet Isaiah declaring that he has come to Proclaim good news to the poor release the oppressed and recover sight for the Blind by referencing Isaiah Jesus indicates that he is the Messiah foretold by this Prophet bringing fulfillment to the [Music] prophecies question five who foretold the births of Jesus and John a Uriel B Gabriel C
Michael D Raphael you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B Gabriel in Luke 1: 11-19 Gabriel announces to Zechariah that his wife Elizabeth will give birth to John the Baptist later in Luke 1: 26-38 Gabriel tells Mary that she will conceive Jesus the son of God Gabriel's announcements Mark the beginning of of significant events in the New Testament adored me subscribe today and become part of our community may God bless you question six what is the relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus a friends B Brothers C cousins D disciples you get 10 seconds that's C
cousins John the Baptist and Jesus were relatives and John was the cousin of Jesus this relationship is indicated in Luke 1:36 where Gabriel tells Mary that her relative Elizabeth is also expecting a child John was born a few months before Jesus and later became known as the one who prepared the way for Jesus's [Music] Ministry question seven which of these was not one of the 12 disciples that Jesus initially selected a Phillip B James C Andrew D and andronicus you get 10 seconds that's D andronicus andronicus was not one of the 12 disciples originally chosen
by Jesus andronicus is mentioned in the New Testament but is not one of the 12 he is mentioned in Romans 16:7 as one of those who worked with Paul in spreading the gospel question 8 what event recorded in Acts is directly related to Jesus's promise to give the Holy Spirit a Pentecost B Peter's vision C Paul's conversion D Steven's martyrdom you get 10 [Music] seconds that's a Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 the Holy Spirit descends upon the disciples in the form of tongues of fire enabling them to speak in various languages this event event occurs
after Jesus's Ascension and fulfills his promise in Acts 1:8 where he assures his disciples that they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them Pentecost marks the beginning of the Christian Church's public Ministry question nine who did Jesus restore whose ears were cut off in the Garden of Gethsemane a John B Peter C Judas D malcus you get 10 [Music] seconds that's D malcus according to John 18: 10-1 during Jesus's arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane Simon Peter drew a sword and cut off malus's ear Jesus then healed malcus demonstrating his compassion even
amid his arrest and suffering this action underscores Jesus's teachings of love and healing even towards those who oppose him question 10 who helped Jesus carry the cross to where he was crucified a Barnabas B Nicodemus C Simon of sirene D Joseph of ARA you get 10 [Music] [Music] seconds that's C Simon of sirene in Luke 23: 26 Simon who was passing by was seized by the soldiers and compelled to carry the cross behind Jesus this act of assistance has been used symbolically to represent the idea of bearing one's Cross or sharing in the burdens of
others question 11 who was the notorious prisoner released by pilate instead of Jesus a Judas B Simon of sirene C Barnabas D barabus you get 10 [Music] seconds that's D barabus pilot offered the crowd a choice between releasing barabus a known criminal and Jesus who was accused of claiming to be the king of the Jews the crowd chose barabus leading to Jesus's crucifixion this event illustrates the miscarriage of justice and the Fulfillment of Jesus's role as the sacrificial lamb Matthew 27: 16-26 question 12 which of God's Parables illustrates that there is more joy in heaven
over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people a talents B lost sheep C prodigal son D Good Samaritan you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B lost sheep in Luke 15: 1-7 Jesus tells the story of a Shepherd who leaves his flock of 99 sheep to find the one that is lost upon finding it he rejoices more over the Lost sheep's return than over the 99 who stayed this Parable underscores the importance of repentance and the joy in heaven when even one sinner turns back to [Music] God question 13 Jesus told the parable of
the Good Samaritan to answer a question what is this question a who is my neighbor B what must I do to be saved C how can I inherit eternal life D what is the greatest commandment you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a who is my neighbor in Luke 10: 25-37 a lawyer asked Jesus to clarify who his neighbor is prompting Jesus to share the story of the Good Samaritan a a man who helps a stranger in need through this Parable Jesus illustrates that anyone in need regardless of background or social status is our neighbor emphasizing
the Commandment to love your neighbor as yourself question 14 According To Jesus which commandment is the greatest a do not worship idols B keep the Sabbath AB holy C love your neighbor as yourself D love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind you get 10 [Music] seconds that's d love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind this statement is found in Matthew 22: 37- 38 where Jesus identifies the most important commandment quoting from the Old Testament this commandment emphasizes the foundational principle of loving God wholeheartedly question 15
what did Jesus say is the second greatest commandment a keep the Sabbath holy B do not commit adultery C honor your father and mother D love your neighbor as yourself you get 10 seconds that's D love your neighbor as yourself this is mentioned in Matthew 22:39 following his Declaration of the greatest commandment by saying that these two Commandments encapsulate the law and the prophets Jesus underscores the importance of love in fulfilling God's will the second commandment complements the first connecting the love of God with the love of others unlock the Treasures of the Bible with
us till the very end stick around for divine Revelations and deepen your understanding of scripture let's explore together and grow in faith through the wisdom of the word question 16 to whom did Jesus say rejoice my son your sins are forgiven a the leper B the blind man C the paralytic man D the demon-possessed man you get 10 [Music] seconds that's C the paralytic man Jesus is teaching in a crowded house when the paralytics friends bring him to Jesus seeking healing before healing his paralysis Jesus forgives the man's sins demonstrating his authority to forgive and
heal this statement caused controversy among the scribes and Pharisees who questioned Jesus's authority to forgive sins Matthew 9: 2 [Music] to8 question 17 what ailment did Jesus heal for the man who had been sick for 38 years a leprosy B paralysis C deafness D blindness you get 10 [Music] seconds that's B paralysis in John 5: 1-9 Jesus met a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years at the pool of Bethesda Jesus asked him if he wanted to be healed and in response to the man's affirmative answer he commanded him to rise take up your
mat and walk this healing shows Jesus's power over the sick and his compassion for those who suffer [Music] question 18 who was the propheus who spoke about Jesus to all those seeking redemption in Jerusalem a Anna B Miriam c holda d Deborah you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a Anna in Luke 2: 36-38 Anna an elderly prophetess who spent her days in the temple recognized Jesus as the promised Messiah when he was presented at the temple as a baby after seeing him Anna began to speak about Jesus to those seeking redemption in Jerusalem confir affirming
the Divine identity of the Infant Jesus and celebrating his role as the [Music] Savior question 19 what were the first words Jesus spoke in the gospel of Matthew he follow me B let it be so now C blessed are the poor in spirit D repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand this statement is found in Matthew 4 verse 17 where Jesus begins his public ministry in Galilee after his baptism and Temptation in the wilderness his message emphasizes the
need for repentance and preparation for the arrival of God's kingdom setting the tone for his teachings throughout the gospel question 20 in which city did Jesus restore BAU as's sight a Jericho B Nazareth C Jerusalem D Bethlehem him you get 10 seconds that's a Jericho in Mark 10: 46-52 Jesus is leaving Jericho when bmus a blind beggar calls out for mercy despite being rebuked by the crowd bame's persistence draws Jesus's attention and Jesus heals his blindness this event illustrates Jesus's compassion and the importance of faith in receiving [Music] healing question 21 what did Jesus say
would not pass away a the law B his words C the temple D the heavens and the Earth you get 10 [Music] seconds that's B his words Jesus said my words will never pass away in Matthew 24: 35 Jesus discusses the end times and the signs of his return He states that while Heaven and Earth will pass away his words will remain this declaration underscores the enduring truth and authority of Jesus's teachings emphasizing their lasting significance despite changes in the [Music] world question 22 when Jesus healed 10 lepers how many people thanked him a 4
B 3 c 2 D1 you get 10 [Music] seconds that's D1 this event is recorded in Luke 17: 11-19 where Jesus heals 10 lepers who meet him on his way to Jerusalem although all 10 are healed only one Samaritan returns to thank Jesus and praise God Jesus remarks on the ingratitude of the others and commends the Samaritan for his faith and thankfulness question 23 who was the ruler of Galilee during Jesus's trial in crucifixion a anus B Caiaphas C Herod Antipas D Pontius pilot you get 10 seconds [Music] that's C Herod Antipas Herod Antipas was
one of the sons of Herod the Great ruling over Galilee and Pera in Luke 23: 6-12 pilate sends Jesus to Herod during his trial because he was From Galilee which was under herod's jurisdiction Herod mocks Jesus and sends him back to pilate without passing judgment ultimately leading to Jesus's crucifixion [Music] question 24 where was the deaf and mute man healed by Jesus a Galilee b decapolis c Jerusalem D Capernaum you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B decapolis in Mark 7: 31-37 Jesus Takes the man aside puts his fingers into the man's ears spits and touches
the Man's Tongue he then says eatha which means be opened the man's hearing and speech are restored showing Jesus's power over physical afflictions and his compassionate approach to those in need of [Music] healing question 25 what three words did Jesus use when tempted by Satan a it is written B I rebuke you C go away Satan D not today Satan you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a it is written in Matthew 4: 1 to1 Jesus is tempted by Satan in the wilderness each time Satan attempts to entice Jesus with various offers Jesus responds by quoting
scripture beginning with it is written WR these words demonstrate Jesus's Reliance on the authority of scripture to resist temptation and overcome Satan's challenges question 26 what commandment did Christ say the Pharisees were breaking when they said it is a gift a do not steal B do not covet C keep the Sabbath holy D honor your father and mother you get 10 [Music] [Music] seconds that's D honor your father and mother Jesus criticized the Pharisees for shering financial responsibility to their parents by declaring ing that money was a gift from God by doing so they are
going against the commandment to honor their parents Jesus used this as an example of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees Matthew 15: 3-6 question 27 when someone asked Jesus what Commandments to keep how many did Jesus mention a five b 6 c 7 D 8 you get 10 [Music] seconds that's B6 in Matthew 19: 16-9 a rich young ru ruler asks Jesus which Commandments he should follow to inherit eternal life Jesus lists Commandments such as not committing murder not committing adultery not stealing not bearing false witness honoring father and mother and loving one's neighbor as oneself
this response emphasizes the moral framework required for a righteous life and the broader principles of love and integrity question 28 for whom did Jesus say the Sabbath was established a Humanity B the Jews C the priests D the Pharisees you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a Humanity in Mark 2:27 Jesus explains that the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath this statement underscores that the Sabbath is intended to benefit and refresh people not to be a burdensome legalistic rule it also emphasizes Jesus's authority over the Sabbath challenging the rigid interpretation of the
religious leaders of the [Music] time question 29 how many times did Jesus calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee A4 B3 c 2 d 1 you get 10 seconds [Music] that's c 2 the first instance is recorded in Mark 4: 35-41 where Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves calming the storm the second instance is in Matthew 14: 22-33 where Jesus walks on water to reach the disciples boat during a storm and the wind ceases when he enters the boat both events demonstrate Jesus's power over nature and the Comfort he provides during turbulent times
question 30 what did Jesus say to the Sea when he calmed the storm a quiet be still B calm be still see silence be still D peace be still you get 10 seconds that's D peace be still in Mark 4: 35-41 Jesus and his disciples are caught in a violent storm on the Sea of Galilee while the disciples Panic Jesus is sleeping in the boat when they wake him he rebukes the wind and the sea with these words and the storm instantly stops this event demonstrates Jesus's authority over nature and his ability to bring peace
in times of turmoil if you find this no more useful please support the Bible quiz team by subscribing to the channel question 31 what Old Testament name is not in Jesus's genealogy a Ahab B Rahab c manasse d REO bom you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a Ahab in the genealogy listed in Matthew 1: 1-1 17 there are many names from the Old Testament including Rahab Manassa and reob however Ahab who was a notorious king of Israel known for his evil Deeds is not part of Jesus's lineage this absence underscores that Jesus's genealogy traces through
a line of faithful individuals despite the imperfections of some ancestors question 32 which prophet did Jesus say prophesied about the religious leaders of his day a Micah B Isaiah C Ezekiel D Jeremiah you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B Isaiah in Matthew 15: 7-9 Jesus quotes Isaiah to criticize the Pharisees and scribes for their hypocrisy he refers to Isaiah's prophecy that people would honor God with their lips but have have hearts far from him pointing out how the religious leaders were more concerned with Traditions than with genuine devotion question 33 Jesus predicted his resurrection by
comparing his body to what a a Vine b a stone c a temple d a mountain you get 10 seconds [Music] that's c a temple in John 2: 19 to 21 Jesus says destroy this Temple and in 3 days I will raise it up the religious leaders misunderstood him thinking he was speaking about the physical temp Temple in Jerusalem however Jesus was referring to his own body foreshadowing his death and Resurrection this metaphor indicates that his resurrection would be the ultimate sign of his divinity and Mission question 34 who is Jesus talking about have I
not chosen 12 of you and one of you is the devil a James B Thomas C Simon Peter D Judas as scariot you get 10 seconds that's D Judas es scariot Jesus refers to one of his chosen disciples Les as the devil indicating Judas who would later betray him this statement reveals Jesus's forn knowledge of judas's betrayal and underscores the complexity of his disciples who despite their closeness to him were capable of significant acts of treachery John 6: 70-71 question 35 how many times did Jesus ask Peter if he loved him a 1 b 2
c 3 D4 you get 10 [Music] seconds that's c 3 in John 21: 15-1 17 after his resurrection Jesus asked about Peter's love this interaction comes after Peter's three denials of Jesus during his trial allowing Peter to reaffirm his devotion and take on leadership roles in the early Christian Church this event demonstrates Jesus's forgiveness and the importance of restoring [Music] relationships question 36 which group of people did Jesus call a brood of vipers a the Pharisees B the scribes C the Romans D the Sadducees you get 10 seconds [Music] that's a the Pharisees in Matthew
12:34 and Matthew 23:33 Jesus uses this term to criticize the religious leaders for their hypocrisy and Deceit by calling them a brood of vipers he is accusing them of misleading the people and having malicious intentions emphasizing the need for genuine Faith rather than outward religiosity question 37 who did Jesus call The Rock upon which he would build his church a Paul B Peter C John D James you get 10 seconds [Music] that's B Peter in Matthew 16: 18 Jesus says to Simon Peter you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church this
statement signifies the foundational role that Peter would play in the establishment of the Christian Church symbolizing strength stability and Leadership question 38 in which gospel does Jesus give the Great Commission a Luke B John C Mark D Matthew you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D Matthew in Matthew 28: 18 to20 after his resurrection Jesus instructs his disciples to go and make disciples of all Nations baptizing them and teaching them to observe all his Commandments this directive is known as the Great Commission indicating the mission of the early Christian Church to spread the gospel and make
disciples across R the [Music] world question 39 which Parable tells about a man who finds a hidden treasure in a field a lost coin B Mustard Seed C Good Samaritan D hidden treasure you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D hidden treasure the parable of the hidden treasure tells about a man who finds a hidden treasure in a field Jesus describes a man who discovers a treasure buried in a field he sells everything he has to by the field symbolizing the immense value of the Kingdom of Heaven this parable illustrates the idea that the kingdom of
God is worth sacrificing everything to obtain Matthew [Music] 13:44 question 40 of whom does St John the Baptist say Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world a Jesus B Moses C St Paul D St Peter you get 10 [Music] seconds that's a Jesus in John 1: 29 John the Baptist identifies Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world this declaration points to Jesus's role as the sacrificial lamb foreshadowing his atoning death on the cross John's statement acknowledges Jesus as the one who fulfills the
Messianic prophecies and offers Redemption through his sacrifice question 41 how many people were crucified alongside Jesus A 1 b 2 2 c 3 D 4 you get 10 [Music] seconds that's B two in the accounts of the crucifixion in Matthew 27:38 Jesus Jesus is crucified between two criminals these two individuals had their encounters with Jesus during the crucifixion with one mocking him and the other asking for Mercy the presence of these two criminals emphasizes Jesus's role as an innocent victim who died among Sinners to bring Redemption question 42 how many times did Jesus ask for
this cup to pass from him before his crucifixion a 1 b 2 c 3 D4 you get 10 [Music] seconds let's c three is in Matthew 26: 36-44 Jesus prays In The Garden of Gethsemane asking his father to let this cup pass from him if it is possible he prays three times each time expressing his desire to avoid the suffering But ultimately submitting to God's will this repeated prayer illustrates Jesus's humanity and his willingness to accept the father's plan despite the imminent suffering question 43 who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver a Andrew B
Thomas C Simon Peter D Judas es scariot you get 10 seconds [Music] that's D Judas es scariot in Matthew 26: 14-16 Judas agrees to betray Jesus to the chief priests in exchange for 30 pieces of silver fulfilling the prophecy in Zechariah 11: 12-13 this act of betrayal leads to Jesus's arrest and crucifixion judas's action served serve as a stark reminder of the consequences of greed and the tragic outcome of betraying the Son of God question 44 what did Jesus use to wash his disciples feet a jug of wine B bowl of olive oil C Basin
of water and towel D bowl of holy water you get 10 seconds [Music] that's C Basin of water and towel Jesus washes his disciples feet during the Last Supper setting an example of humility and service this act surprised the disciples as it was typically the role of a servant Jesus's actions taught them that true leadership and greatness in his kingdom come through serving others the Basin and towel became symbols of Christian humility and servitude John 13: 3- 15 question 45 to whom did Jesus say Do not Test the Lord your God a Peter B Satan
C the Pharisees D the Sadducees you get 10 seconds that's B Satan Jesus said this to Satan when he was tempted in the wilderness Satan tempted Jesus to throw himself from the top of the temple so Jesus responded with those words this rebuke emphasizes Jesus's Reliance on the scriptures to resist temptation and his understanding of the correct interpretation of God's word Matthew 4: 7 question 46 what was Jesus's occupation before beginning his ministry a carpenter b shepher c fisherman D tax collector you get 10 [Music] seconds that's a carpenter in mark 6:3 he is referred
to as the carpenter indicating that he likely worked with wood building or repairing structures this background as a carpenter is significant because it reflects his humble beginnings and emphasizes that he was not from a privileged background reinforcing his connection to Everyday People question 47 which Parable did Jesus use to teach about the final judgment a SE B talents C prodical sun D sheep and goats you get 10 [Music] seconds that's D sheep and goats Jesus describes a future time when he as the son of man will separate people into two groups Like a Shepherd separates
sheep from goats those on his right the Sheep are rewarded for their acts of kindness and mercy while those on his left the goats are condemned for their lack of compassion this Parable illustrates the criteria for judgment based on how people treated the least among Ong them emphasizing the importance of love and service in the eyes of God Matthew 25: [Music] 31-46 question 48 what did Jesus tell Peter about forgiveness a to forgive 70 * 7 B to forgive 7 times C to forgive three times D to forgive once you get 10 [Music] seconds that's
a to forgive 70 Time s Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who sins against him suggesting seven times Jesus replied I do not say to you seven times but 70 times seven this answer highlights the boundless nature of forgiveness in the Christian faith encouraging Believers to forgive others as often as needed without holding grudges Matthew 18: 21-22 question 49 who asked Jesus to sit at his right and left in the Kingdom om A Philip and John B James and John C John and Andrew D Matthew and Thomas you get 10 seconds
[Music] that's B James and John in Mark 10: 35-40 James and John the sons of zebede approached Jesus with the request to grant them places of Honor in his kingdom this question led to a discussion about true greatness with Jesus explaining that those positions were not his to Grant and emphasizing that greatness in his kingdom comes through service and humility question 5050 which disciple did Jesus teach feed the lamb a John B Phillip C Peter D Andrew you get 10 seconds that's C Peter in John 21: 15 to 17 each time Peter affirmed his love
Jesus responded with a command to feed my Lambs Shepherd my sheep and feed my sheep this teaching illustrates Jesus's reinstatement of Peter after his earlier denial and emphasizes Peter's responsibility to care for and guide Jesus's followers as a Shepherd would for his [Music] flock oh wow what a fantastic Journey exploring these 50 mysterious riddles about Jesus how did you do whether you solved them all or stumbled upon some new insights remember that the story of Jesus is filled with profound wisdom and wonder always ready to be discovered if you enjoyed this challenge please give this
video a thumbs up and share it with your friends and family let's encourage others to dive into this biblical adventure and test their knowledge and don't forget to click that subscribe button for more quizzes and deeper biblical discussions your feedback means the world to us so leave a comment with your score any questions you have or suggestions for future quizzes together we can grow in our understanding of Jesus and his teachings thank you for joining us today and may your spiritual journey be filled with joy and inspiration we look forward to seeing you in the
next video [Music]
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