I Used To Be So Nervous Talking To Women

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Theo Von Clips
Excerpt from This Past Weekend w/ @TheoVon 17 Full Episode: https://youtu.be/uXZib0D9mgw Find Theo ...
Video Transcript:
i remember when i was young i could not talk to girls i just felt embarrassed there was oh i couldn't talk to girls that i liked that was the toughest part um i was just afraid you know i just had this thing built in my head that they hated me or that they just did not like me and i remember one time this girl i was just in love with as a child i remember that i spit in her hair um because i was so pent up with wanting to just tell her that i liked
her maybe or something that i couldn't so i just gathered every bit of genetic ability liquid ability in my face and just deposited on onto her head one time um and i ended up getting suspended for that dude i went through a time where i was so nervous to talk to women the only thing i could use were like shitty pickup lines you know garbage ones um you know they had the one are you a polar uh are you a polar bear because you just you know i'm a polar bear i'm about to break the
ice you know that garbage you know verbal and then i used to have this one line in hindsight this is horrible i was like uh let's play hiroshima i'll lay on my back and you blow the out of me so that was but i mean that's where i was i was at a point where personally i couldn't find a comfort level where i could speak to women and how to get through that i would find you gotta you have to you have to get through it and you're gonna have to practice and what i would
practice is listening i'd practice listening man i think you're you you could be thinking because i personally used to think that i had to start the conversation every time sometimes you can just listen just listen i mean a lot of women all they want is a man to listen to him and to care and i think if you start with that with the listening then you'll eventually find spots where you can interject and offer um offer something to the conversation you know and also if you're it's it's and you can just try things also if
you want to try little things to talk to a woman i would try little things like i like what kind of candy do you like you know that like a five-year-old would say because all it's about is starting the conversation you don't need to think or worry three or four steps in advance just say hello my name is so-and-so you know um just little things like that are really the starters uh and we got you got you have to get your self-confidence up because if you are thinking that women don't like you then they're just
gonna sense that you know um because the thing is they probably do like you you know they probably do and you just have to find some ways to be comfortable around them so comfortability will lead to communication so if you can get to being comfortable you're going to be in a good spot now you also man if you get hooked up on the drugs and that you're going to start weaning yourself off of that you know if the only way you can speak to women is on at a rave on ecstasy dude you might that
might not end well you know so i don't know if you need to put on some house music and suck on a claritin or something at the house you know or start to wean yourself off of that behavior so you can create some regular behaviors where you're actually you know communicating to women in a regular way man you know when you can find a girl that you already know and it doesn't have to be one that you're sexually interested in and just communicate just listen practice bro you know practice and also you don't want to
be in a spot where where you just take any girl that will take you and you know for years i spent time in that place where i would just any girl that would take me i would accept you know i would take even if she didn't have some of my values or qualities or anything i just felt so less of myself and i'm not saying that you feel this way about you but i felt so less of myself that i just felt like i wasn't worthy of someone who was good for me or who i
was good for i was just hopefully worthy of anyone and that was not a fun place to be and uh and you end up with people that you end up with being in a match that's not a real match you know because you want to end up if you want to end up with a woman and if you're looking for something long-term you're going to want to find a woman that's real and if you don't always have to agree with girls you know if they don't have your vibe dude then screw them on to the
next one you know um but just don't make your do if you can get in your head that you have value and you have worth which you do you do bruh you know you sound like a pretty legit dude man i'd probably go party with you bro you know i'd probably do a couple bumps and put on a wig and let you practice conversation on me you know um but you don't want to end up with someone who doesn't deserve you just because you're afraid to to you're afraid to feel like someone does deserve you
hope you enjoyed that video and you can watch another and you can watch this one you can watch this one different options different choices some guy just brings you one option not this guy two options watch one this one or this one you
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