PARTS OF SPEECH FULL 📚 | English Grammar | Learn with examples

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parts of speech there are eight parts of speech each part of speech describes the role a word plays in a sentence the different parts of speech are noun pronoun verb adverb adjective preposition conjunction interjection a noun is a word used to name a person place animal thing and idea we can classify nouns into two main categories common nouns and proper nouns common nouns refer to General things that aren't unique or individual for example girl [Music] building City common nouns don't begin with capital letters proper nouns refer to more specific things that are unique or individual
for example Tina this is the name of a girl Eiffel Tower this is the name of a building London this is the name of a city proper nouns begin with capital letters now let's look at some examples of nouns in sentences she is my sister the noun in this sentence is sister because it's the name used to refer to the person that is a small shop the noun in this sentence is shop because it's the name used to refer to a place that is my cat the noun in this sentence is cat because it's the
name used to refer to the animal he bought a new car the noun in this sentence is car because it's the name used to refer to an object or thing what is your biggest fear the noun in this sentence is fear because it's the name used to refer to an idea now you try read the sentences and identify the noun in each sentence there are two dogs the noun in this sentence is dogs because it's the name used to refer to the animals did you go to school today the noun in this sentence is school
because it's the name used to refer to the place she swam in the ocean the noun in this sentence is ocean that is my teacher the noun in this sentence is teacher because it's the name used to refer to a person remember the this is a common noun because it's the name of a general person and doesn't begin with a capital letter Sam has a cat and a rabbit the nouns in this sentence are Sam Cat and rabbit Sam is the name of a person cat and rabbit are names used to refer to animals Andy
wants to be a doctor the nouns in this sentence are Andy and Doctor both Andy and Doctor are names used to refer to people however Andy is a proper noun because it begins with a capital letter and it's the name of a specific person doctor is a common noun because it doesn't begin with a capital letter and it's a general name he visited Italy last weekend the noun in this sentence is it because it's the name used to refer to the place remember that this is a proper noun because it's the name of a specific
place and it begins with a capital letter love and friendship are vital the nouns in this sentence are love and friendship these are nouns because they both refer to abstract ideas a pronoun is a word used instead of a noun or a noun phrase remember nouns are words that are used to name people places animals things and ideas you can think of nouns as naming words the pronoun used in a sentence refers to either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that doesn't need to be named specifically for example I like
Tom because he is funny the word he is a pronoun because it's used to replace the noun Tom we could also write this sentence as I like Tom because Tom is funny however we don't want the sentence to be repetitive the sentence already mentions Tom therefore we can use a pronoun as we already know who the sentence is referring to another example is this is my new pet dog my dog likes to go on long walks my dog doesn't like birds this example is quite long and repetitive instead of repeating the noun multiple times we
can replace it with the pronoun she this is my new pet dog she likes to go on long walks she doesn't like birds so pronouns can allow us to shorten our sentences and to make them sound less repetitive this is useful in both writing and speaking it's important to note that grammatically pronouns function a lot like nouns they can be used both as subjects and objects so they refer to people places animals things and ideas they can be singular or plural and they can be modified by adjectives an easy way to remember this is by
remembering that the word Pro pronoun has the word noun some examples of pronouns are I he she it you we they them this that and many more now let's look at examples of pronouns in sentences they are eating lunch the pronoun in this sentence is they he threw the ball the pronoun in this sentence is he yesterday we went to the park the pronoun in this sentence is we everyone is excited about the party the pronoun in this sentence is everyone the letter was sent to him the pronoun in this sentence is him now you
try read each sentence and identify the pronoun Sam made himself a sandwich the pronoun in this sentence is himself the bag is hers the pronoun in this sentence is hers he drove slowly so they were late to the party the pronouns in this sentence are he and they take care of yourself the pronoun in this sentence is yourself our house is big the pronoun in this sentence is our I am afraid of spiders the pronoun in this sentence is I we need to finish the project the pronoun in this sentence is we in this video
we will learn about verbs a verb is a word that is used to describe an action state or occurrence when describing an action we can think of it as a doing word for example the dog jumps over the Box the verb in this example is jumps because it's used to describe the action that the dog does I swim every day the verb in this sentence is swim because it's used to describe Des cribe the action that I do when describing a state of being we can think of the way something exists the verb links the
noun to another word usually an adjective these verbs can also describe feelings and opinions for example the flower smells nice the verb in this sentence is smells because it's used to describe the state John is very tall the verb in this sentence is is because it's used to describe the state so as you can see in both examples we're not describing an action rather we're describing the state of being the verbs in both examples link the noun to the adjective when describing An Occurrence we can think of something happening for example the caterpillar became a
butterfly the verb in this example is became because it's used to describe something that happened he developed his own business the verb in this sentence is developed because it's used to describe something that happened the tense of the verb will change depending on when the action takes place this can be in the present tense past tense or future tense in this example the verb is in the past tense now let's look at some examples of verbs in sentences I live in London the verb in this example is live Tina and CLA ate a lot of
food the verb in this example is eight Lucy wants a pet cat the verb in this example is once the baby cries all night the verb in this example is cries now you try read the sentence and identify the verb she sings a song the verb in this example is sings Stand by the door please the verb in this example is stand you are a great singer the verb in this example is R they won the basketball game the verb in this example is one Kim is the tallest in the class the verb in this
example is is the shop accept returns the verb in this example is accepts James cleaned the van the verb in this example is cleaned the picture looks beautiful the verb in this example is looks an adverb is a word that modifies a verb an adjective another adverb or a sentence so basically an adverb describes a verb an adjective another adverb or a whole sentence we can recognize adverbs because they often end in the letters l y for example quickly early badly really kindly gently however not all adverbs end in the letters l y some take
the same forms as the adjectives for example fast late best hard well right she laughs loudly the adverb in this sentence is loudly because it's describing the verb laughs remember a verb is a word that is used to describe an action state or occurrence the adverb in this sentence is describing how the girl laughs so she laughs loudly the ant is really small the adverb in this sentence is really because it's describing the adjective small remember an adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun or a pronoun the adverb in this sentence
is describing how small the ant is it's really small Jack runs very fast the adverb in this sentence is very and it's described ing the other adverb which is fast so both very and fast are adverbs however the adverb very is describing how fast Jack runs surprisingly she was good at singing the adverb in this sentence is surprisingly because it's describing the sentence now let's look at adverbs in sentences the dog usually runs in the park the adverb in this sentence is usually because it describes the verb runs I arrived late to work the adverb
in this sentence is late because it describes the verb arrived the sunset is quite beautiful the adverb in this sentence is quite because it describes the adjective beautiful fortunately they survived the crash the adverb in this sentence is fortunately because it describes the sentence they danced happily at the party the adverb in this sentence is happily because it describes the verb danced now you try read the sentence and identify the adverb I normally walk to school the adverb in this sentence is normally Tom ate the pizza greedily the adverb in this sentence is greedily the
tortoise crawls slowly the adverb in this sentence is slowly she rarely Waters the flowers the adverb in this sentence is rarely suddenly the cars crashed the adverb in this sentence is suddenly the rain fell hard in the storm the adverb in this sentence is hard the students listen attentively the adverb in this sentence is attentively my dog impatiently waits for food the adverb in this sentence is impatiently an adjective is a word used to describe a noun or a pronoun remember a noun is a naming word and a pronoun is used instead of of a
noun or noun phrase the adjective in a sentence can be placed before or after a noun she opened the brown door the adjective in this sentence is brown because it's describing the color of the door the noun is the door so in this example the adjective comes before the noun when the adjective comes before the noun it's called an attributive adjective the door is brown the adjective in this example is brown because it describes the color of the door the noun is door so the adjective comes after the noun in this sentence when the adjective
comes after the noun it's called a predicative adjective an adjective can describe the size shape color purpose feeling texture time etc for example that is a big dog the adjective in this example is Big because it describes the size of the dog I like chocolate cake the adjective in this example is chocolate because it describes what kind of cake it is here are some examples of adjectives big tall smooth rough nice happy angry fast late now let's look at examples of adjectives in sentences Lisa's hair is beautiful the adjective in this sentence is beautiful because
it describes Lisa's Hair they live in a huge house the adjective in this sentence is huge because it describes the size of the house his sister has blue eyes the adjective in this sentence is blue because it describes the color of his sister's eyes she bought a new phone the adjective in this sentence is new because it describes the condition of the phone the cake was delicious the adjective in this sentence is delicious because it describes how the cake tastes tasted now you try read the sentence and identify the adjective that bag looks expensive the
adjective in this sentence is expensive he told us the important news the adjective in this sentence is important it was dark so I turned on the light the adjective in this sentence is dark my friend has three dogs the adjective in this sentence is three there are red apples in the bowl the adjective in this sentence is red Dan is very intelligent the adjective in this sentence is intelligent she was Brave for climbing the tree the adjective in this sentence is brave I've lost my green pen the adjective in this sentence is green a preposition
is a word that shows Direction location time or introduces an object prepositions are often short words that are usually followed by an object the object can be a noun a noun phrase or a pronoun an example of a noun is a house an example of a noun phrase is the door an example of a pronoun is you some examples of prepositions are at in on by for from to with until there are many other examples of prepositions she walks to school the preposition in this sentence is two this is an example of a preposition showing
Direction he stood by the door the preposition in this sentence is by this is an example of a preposition showing location they arrived home at midnight the preposition in this sentence is at this is an example of a preposition showing time there is a bag of bananas the preposition in this sentence is of this is an example of a preposition introducing an object Kim runs in the morning as previously mentioned prepositions are often short words that are followed by an object the object can be a noun a noun phrase or a pronoun we can refer
to these as prepositional phrases prepositional phrases modify or describe nouns pronouns verbs adverbs and adjectives they tell us about the relationship between their object and the words they modify or describe in this example the prepositional phrase is in the morning and it modifies the verb runs so it tells us when Kim runs we can identify the prepositional phrases in the previous examples too she walks to school the prepositional phrase is to school he stood by the door the prepositional phrase is by the door they arrived home at midnight the prepositional phrase is at midnight there
is a bag of bananas the prepositional phrase is of bananas now let's look at examples of prepositions in sentences Tom will be here in an hour the preposition in this sentence is in it shows the time the apple is on the table the preposition in this sentence is on it shows the location she sent a letter to me the preposition in this sentence is to because it shows Direction now you try read the sentence and identify the preposition Taylor bought a gift for his friend the preposition in this sentence is for I ate the pasta
with a fork the preposition in this sentence is with the cat hid behind the tree the preposition in this sentence is behind running across the road is dangerous the preposition in this sentence is a cross the students listen during the class the preposition in this sentence is during he lives near his workplace the preposition in this sentence is near the brown dog is under the table the preposition in this sentence is under I received the letter from my friend the preposition in this sentence is from a conjunction is a word that links other words phrases
and clauses together so a conjunction is a linking word by linking different parts of sentences conjunctions allow us to formulate longer and complex sentences some examples of conjunctions are and but so or for although because as Etc an example of a conjunction linking words is I like to eat fish and chips the conjunction in this sentence is and it links the words fish and chips an example of a conjunction linking phrases is we will either go to the park or to the cinema the conjunction in this sentence is all it links the phrases to the
park and to the cinema an example of a conjunction linking clause is is I knocked on Tina's door but she wasn't home the conjunction in this sentence is but it links the clauses I knocked on Tina's door and she wasn't home there are three types of conjunctions coordinating conjunctions subordinating conjunctions and correlative conjunctions each type of conjunction is used differently a coordinating conjunction joins words phrases or Clauses of equal importance the coordinating conjunctions are for and nor but or yet so an easy way to remember these is to use the word Fanboys for example would
you like an apple or banana the conjunction in this sentence is or I woke up early so I could walk the dog the conjunction in this sentence is so a subordinating conjunction joins a dependent and an independent clause some examples of subordinating conjunctions are because while although since whereas as and many more for example Sarah drank some water because she was thirsty in this example the independent clause comes first Sarah drank some water followed by the subordinating conjunction because and then the dependent clause she was thirsty remember that a dependent clause depends on the independent
clause to make sense whereas an independent clause makes sense on its own so when the independent clause comes first followed by the dependent clause then we must place the subordinating conjunction between them with no comma because she was thirsty Sarah drank some water in this example the subordinating conjunction is followed by the dependent clause comma and then the independent clause so when the dependent clause comes first the subordinating conjunction is placed at the beginning of the sentence and a comma separates the dependent clause from the independent clause correlative conjunctions are pairs of conjunctions that work
together some examples of correlative conjunctions are either or neither nor both and rather than whether or so that and many more for example he shouted as loud as he could the correlative conjunctions in this sentence are as as I completed both my science homework and my English homework the correlative conjunctions are both and now you try read the sentences identify the conjunctions and then think which type of conjunction is it I'd like either tea or coffee the conjunctions in this sentence are either or these are examples of correlative conjunctions Ryan learns how to read and
write the conjunction in this sentence is and it's a coordinating conjunction I've lived in the same house since I was a child the conjunction in this sentence is since it's a subordinating conjunction he didn't wash the dishes nor did he sweep the floor the conjunction in this sentence is no it's a coordinating conjunction she would rather go out than stay at home the conjunctions in this sentence are rather than these are examples of correlative conjunctions we were bored at home so we went to the park the conjunction in this sentence is so it's a coordinating
conjunction I have to complete the essay whether I like it or not the conjunctions are whether or these are examples of correlative conjunctions the house was a mess after the kids finished playing the conjunction is after this is a subordinating conjunction an interjection is a word or phrase that expresses feeling it is grammatically independent from the words around it some examples of interjections are o a um wow well uh-oh oops yay and many more different interjections show different feelings such as Joy Ang anger pain surprise doubt Etc interjections add emphasis to sentences and can be
omitted without actually changing the meaning of the sentence an interjection can be followed by an exclamation mark full stop or comma depending on the feeling being expressed an interjection can be followed by an exclamation mark to presents strong emotion for example wow that looks amazing the interjection in this sentence is wow an interjection can be followed by a full stop or comma if you don't want it to show strong emotion for example I lost my keys again great ah it's nice to see you now you try read the sentence and identify the interjection hooray you
won the game the interjection in this sentence is huray oops that was my fault the interjection in this sentence is oops H I'm not sure what the answer is the interjection in this sentence is hm sh I'm trying to listen the interjection in this sentence is sh ouch that really hurts the interjection in this sentence is ouch
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