why university graduates like me ended up working in a warehouse

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I never expected to be here. With a university degree and years of experience working abroad, people...
Video Transcript:
hi well I'm very tired because I just finished the full shift of working in the warehouse now you saw the title I have a degree but I work in a warehouse why am I making this video well firstly I was inspired by all the comments that I received on the video about tough life in Britain and the other one I did about trying to find inner happiness in a tough time and I'm very thankful for all the comments because comments actually spark more conversations and more discourse so the ones I will be talking about in
this video is quite a few people questioned why are you working in a warehouse they some of them gave me compliments saying oh you're you know well spoken this and that which thank you and some even cast doubts some in a bit rude way they said are you're one of the big bosses maybe I should take that as a compliment anyway I'm not here to dispell any myths I'm not here to talk about myself I'm here to talk about a wider issue because the truth is I ended up in this position not because I want
to clearly it's nobody's dream to work in a warehouse I had no choice and I want to talk about it because this is a wider issue okay I'm obviously not the only one in this position there will be many many young graduates who can relate to it so I will rewind a little bit to 2012 2013 2014 2015 which is when I was studying in University for a sound engineering degree so it was actually called Music Tech and you become a sound engineer so it's a Bachelor of Science Now around this time this was post
recession so tough times were still on Fresh Fresh on people's minds but mostly people were talking about how it was going to be very tough for us the new graduates so you know we were focusing on doing our assignments but we kind of always had this dread in the back of our minds that once we finish this course it's not going to be so easy so when I finished it I worked extremely hard to not be in a tough position I made a video about it it's called um three times I took a chance so
I thought outside of the box how to get a job in my field which is not very easy as a sound engineer in a studio and I found one right not as a sound engineer obviously you can't start as one you start as basically like a glorified waiter then you work yourself up to being able to set up the studio for the sound engineer and work on the desk mics microphones and then finally you are a sound engineer so the whole process may take 5 years maybe a bit less if you're lucky but I was
in there I was in that world and then I moved to China why for love sounds a bit like a movie doesn't it it I suppose it does and this part I absolutely don't regret so my wife we were dating at that time for quite a few years we met at University and then her student visa expired she couldn't find a job here so she had to go back to China and out of love I followed her and I absolutely don't regret it like I said it was a very interesting very inspiring five years it
made me go out of my comfort zone it opened my eyes to a whole different world which actually inspired me to start this YouTube channel in the first place if you check back in my backlog of videos there's a whole lot lot of China stuff but eventually we decided to come back and by that time I was was it 27 with no experience of working in the UK basically except that little you know studio studio Runner job which is as I said basically a glorified waiter my experience in China didn't count for maybe it does
the point is I needed a job ASAP and when you need a job ASAP in the UK you will take whatever you can get the market the job market for good jobs is so competitive and we'll talk about it a bit in a bit that you could be waiting months and months going through the application process then finally waiting for the result which may end up negative I had none of that time I needed to get job ASAP so the short answer is out of necessity I ended up working in a warehouse now I quickly
alluded to it just now this is not a me issue this is not a personal struggle this is not a UK issue this is happening on a massive massive scale and I've got some interesting articles in the description box that you can check out one of them is actually dating back from 2013 and it was talking about how the future for graduates is going to get tougher and tougher just due to the everything kind of going into technology right it said jobs for graduate graduates in 2000s early 2000s and at that point the article was
written in 2013 something like 50% of fresh graduates were working in in jobs that don't traditionally require a degree sorry I was looking down yeah that's insane so basically they became Baristas in Starbucks and serving in McDonald's and all that kind of stuff perhaps I hope most of them just until they land on their feet and then find something better but the fact is even at that time in 2013 being a graduate did not mean that you can get a good job and the article correctly predicted that it was only going to get worse so
more and more people are getting degrees but the job market just doesn't match the amount of graduates we have and I know some people will just stay in school as as long as they could could I literally know people that did a bachelor did a master PhD and then planning to do another Master well some people can afford to do that not everybody the other thing this is a a more recent uh article I'm going to quote from the times so in 2023 to 2024 over a million people applied for just 177,000 graduate vacancies with
an average of 140 applicants per position do you understand what that means it means it's a bit tough to get a good job basically you'll be waiting for and uh if you look at graduate schemes now graduate job the application process I think I said it already takes months from the initial screening to you know until you get to what they called like a group interview what's the correct word for it I forgot a panel yeah until you get to the panel could take quite some time and another article talks about another one in the
times 2025 so very recent talks about the rise of unpaid internships So it's talking about basically how this is a good chance to stay at a good company but not everybody can afford to do unpaid internships right so this is mostly middle class upper middle class kids or graduates who have who are in this position to take sometimes a whole year of an internship unpaid with the hope that they can stay at this good good company yeah many end up in jobs completely unrelated to their studies simply because of this market now this reality was
not very welcomed by young people okay there's a lot of cases of you know depression due to unmet expectations and I haven't got articles about this but from my experience the way we were brought up in schools how our expectations were set about getting a degree and Entrepreneurship was heavily pushed like we had we had people come in and do workshops in my school and they said something like you know opening a business is very realistic you can all be entrepreneurs here do this workshop and within one hour we want you to think of a
fake business and think think of the whole business plan right shows like Dragon's Den you know there's zist um the dot millionaires Mark Zuckerberg and then with the rise of social media of everybody pretending to be or trying to be a a online millionaire it builts up very unrealistic expectations of what life is actually going to be like and if I go back to that article from Yale talking about that we peaked in jobs for graduates in 2000 that means the school system didn't catch up until quite late I don't know what it is like
now but not the correct things were promoted in school in order for us to fit this new job market this industry 3.0 this massive change worldwide that what's happening right now right the point of this little ramble section was just to say that a lot of us have been chasing dreams that were never realistic to begin with it's a new world but we have had to accept this reality and I have indeed because lives go on people get married people have children people need to pay rent people need to pay bills so we need to
have a job we need to have a stable income and then you make peace with it and the older generation complains about Millennials right Millennials is the one that's struggling we've already got gen Z soon gen Alpha will be coming up you know a lot of people Boomers were saying that Millennials were too too lazy uh expecting too much too arrogant but that is simply because of the previous things that I've just talked about the education system the Z guys around us and then social media built up a lot of Hope and then at first
people were not too keen on taking these kind of jobs but as I said we have to eventually but here's the thing if you look back in history and I've seen some people in the comments saying most of the previous generations worked one job all their lives as simple job they were proud of that job stayed in one company they put food on the table and that is the normal thing if you look back centuries ago how did names like Smith come right cuz there was a guy who was a Smith blacksmith all his life
that's who you go to Baker right people worked in car factories 20 30 years people worked in all kinds of factories miners this was the normal thing they worked hard a lot of the times much harder than we do now and for a lot less it's not just for doing nothing some of them worked 100 hours a week and that was normal for them nobody complained and I think we're kind of coming to accept this reality for us as well now this isn't to say that you should lose ambition and you should just accept accept
being stagnant it's to say you should be content with what's happening right now right living with complaints does you no good accept your reality and work on yourself when you can work on yourself talk to people learn new skills celebrate every win have little goals and try to reach them but don't live every day with your head down you can still make something of yourself now if you work on your ambitions it's still possible to move forward it's still possible to upskill yourself even from a job that seems like a dead end and I have
done just that working in a warehouse I'm pushing myself to to grow higher right I'm learning skills that will be useful not just at work in the warehouse but hopefully in the future somewhere else Maybe not maybe I'll be happy there maybe I can learn even more from them and eventually when I have enough knowledge 10 15 years of how operations run how business run you can do something on your on your own but don't try to quit your job because it's horrible you know we need money we need to work and you're not the
only one who's in this position right we can't be spoiled anymore the expectations we had don't match the reality that we living now a lot of people feel like they failed just because they're not living some crazy success story the truth is Success looks different for everyone it's not about having a flashy title or running your own business or working from home and doing stocks all day sometimes it's just working to build something for yourself slowly even if it starts somewhere unexpected I never expected to be in a warehouse but something is happening if you
got this far thank you and sorry if this felt a little bit too slow too rambly this is an open discussion I'm never right about everything and I would love to have comments from you guys to keep the conversation go going you truly inspire me some of these comments I write them down and I'm like this is a video idea this is something to talk about so yeah if you enjoyed this give it a thumbs up if you relate in any way you know I want to know have you ever had a job that you
didn't expect to get do you believe that your job doesn't match your potential let me know in the comments and if you haven't subscribed but want to why not you can subscribe and peace I'll see you next time
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