How to Build 1,000 FREE Backlinks with ChatGPT (AI Link Building)

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Adam Enfroy
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Video Transcript:
in this video I'm breaking down how to use chat gbt and AI to get over 1,000 backlinks to your website so since 2019 I've gotten over 30,000 links and this whole process is a lot simpler now with AI so I'm going to show you how to find sites to reach out to with AI how to do Outreach how to have ai WR guest post how to get links from Haro broken link building all the latest techniques right so if you stick till the end you'll have a full game plan to build the thousands of links
to your website boost your Authority get more traffic make more money now if you're new to the channel or don't know who I am my name is Adam enroy I started the fastest growing blog at Adam enfroy comom even Forbes took notice and I teach beginners real content strategies that make money without spending a bunch of money or wasting your time now before we get started I'm going to be sharing a lot of like AI prompts and Frameworks with you in this link building video so if you want my favorite ones make sure to click
the link in the description and top comment below I'll send you my 10 favorite AI prompts and my free AI master class so you can get started building an online business once and for all now let's get into it so we're going to get into the main strategy of Link building which is for key areas number one finding sites to reach out to to actually get links from number two doing the Outreach itself how do we do that number three writing guest posts if that's a part of the process and then number four other forms
of Link building things like har help a reporter out broken link building and all of that using AI is there any new ways that we can do this but first before we get into exactly those strategies I just want to show you some of my own results to show you that I know what I'm talking about so if we look at my HRS account you can see that I have 30,000 backlinks and we can see if we look at the referring domains like what these sites actually are there's a lot of them I've built a
lot over the last five years now so Shopify GoDaddy HubSpot webflow big Commerce substack lots of really high domain ratings in the 90s all the way HRS itself linked to me as well so this is kind of relationship building getting links building authority in the real world can help you build Authority for your website crunchbase tabula G2 hostinger HostGator MSU I do have a scholarship in college that I actually did for that link specifically but lots of interesting active campaign different links so over the course of time I've done a lot of Link building I
don't do as much as I do today cuz I'm kind of scaling out the content side of the business and I've already built up my domain rating I built it from 0 to 75 probably within a year which is pretty crazy not really realistic but what we want to do is just build some links and do you need to build links sometimes yes sometimes no if you're in a hobby blog and your competition has DRS domain ratings in like the 30s 40s 50s should build links yes you still should build links you should try to
get in the ballpark if you're trying to rank for crazy competitive business software marketing terms good luck you might need a domain rating of 6 in the 60s to start competing that might be thousands of links if you're just starting a new hobby blog about do it-yourself stuff Hobbies indoor outdoor whatever that is uh you don't need as many links you might not need that many at all you might just get them naturally over time so you should be focused more on content but this video I want to break it down for you exactly how
to do it so first we're going to get into finding sites to actually reach out to all right so let's get to chat jpt and how to help us find this so I'm going to show you a couple ways to find sites to reach out to but first we have to think of what links do we actually want to build well the most valuable links you can possibly build are for the brands that are selling products in your Niche not just other random blogs but the actual companies that you would be an affiliate for that
is how you build true Authority that is how I still rank for something like best online course platforms which a pretty competitive keyword ranking under Reddit number three for that it's because I actually built a lot of links from the companies themselves thinkific teachable kajabi learn worlds all of those if you have links from the company selling products in your Niche you're going to have authority in that Niche it's not just getting random links from blogs in your Niche so I'm going to ask chatu be something really simple like what are the top 10 brands
in the online course platform space and you can put your own Niche uh in there but you're really looking for the top brands we want to find things that aren't just general websites so teachable thinkific so these are the big ones so these are the ones that you actually want to start reaching out to so think about building categories if you're a hobby blogger and you're talking about Kayaking or something like that what are the top kayak Brands what are the top brands selling the ores what are the top brands selling the fishing kayaks fishing
pole things like that what are the categories that you can create and then you create a spreadsheet and you just start adding these companies into a list because when you start link building where is list building at first so the key is to find companies that you would be an affiliate for simply and easily with AI another really simple way to do this is just to use this harpa AI Chrome extension you click it here and then you can just enter it in here so I can say like what are the best online course platforms
and it'll search the web and it'll find what they are it'll say thinkific teachable here's my site here it actually showed it UD to me kajabi it'll start finding ideas what are the best kayak kayak Brands and then you can find some of those like if that's your Niche and it'll say hm what are they well it comes down to that several names consistently come up Eddie line Wilderness Systems Oldtown perception Oru Hobie dagger kayak so you start to build lists of the individual categories on your blog and then the individual companies in those categories
and this is actually just good for affiliate Outreach this is good to have this information you need this information you should have this information right so that's where I would start so your goal here is to create a list of 50 sites or so 50 companies now if you can't find 50 companies you can also add some of the blogs in there you can use a tool like HRS to scrape that data just look at the site who's linking to them find different individual media companies within your domain as well but really just get a
list of like these are the 50 sites I'd like to reach out to so put that in a spreadsheet the next step is collecting the contact information of the person so to do that there's really two ways to do it so you have to find one the name of who you're going to reach out to to get links and the email address so LinkedIn is really good to find the name of the person you can just go to a company page you put in SEO manager just put in the keyword SEO so they work for
the company SEO is in the title and then you can get their name it'll probably give you their first and last name but it's not going to give you their email address so you can put all this in your uh spreadsheet one tool you can use to find an email address is so Hunter allows you to put in any domain and it gives you kind of the format of the email so you can see like with it gives you their emails are Laura at so uh first name at is the email address format
sometimes it's first initial last name at first do last name at once you have the name and you know the company's you know domain name in The Format you now have their email address so it it's very manual it's kind of boring but it has to be done then you put the email address in another column so you have the domain the name and the email and you just build that out this is what a VA can do this is like list building 101 pretty simple stuff but you can do it manually by finding the
sites with AI or harpa at AI uh and using LinkedIn and Hunter to collect the information another paid way to do it that I've tried before is like Apollo so you can use a tool like Apollo which is a paid tool and I have like a saved search here so let me go to this saved search for Affiliates and like you know you can you can it's not Linked In it's its own database but you can see there's you can this was one Outreach I did for like affiliate management to find sponsors and stuff but
you can see like I added the job titles in here affiliate manager Partnerships manager digital marketing manager you can add the employee size the industry different keywords and things like that and then it brings a list automatically and then you can send email sequences through there so I had an email sequence right first name I'm looking to partner with Brands you can just send fully automated sequences where it's day one automatic email day four they get a followup day seven they get a followup so there's ways to automatically do that Apollo is good if you're
in the business or software space and things that where you know the companies would be on LinkedIn not as easy for hobby blogs and things like that all right I want to take a quick moment and tell you about our sponsor today and that is tidy Cal a gamechanging scheduling tool for creators and businesses so are you tired of complicated expensive scheduling Solutions well tidy kale offers unlimited booking types custom availability and even paid bookings all for a one-time fee of just $29 that's right you pay once and you can use it forever it's not
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appsumo so stop overpaying for scheduling click the link get tidy kale and explore appsumo amazing deals your productivity will thank you all right so we have a list of contacts another easy thing to do now is what are we actually going to send them well chat GPT can help us I'm going to say I need to create an email template I can send to get guest post so this is one form of Link building we're covering first it should be based on a few different things like a one- sentence value proposition which I think is
the most important sentence that you'll ever do link building is Outreach it is what it is you can get passive links yes if you do certain strategies with your content but the vast majority of links that you build will be by doing Outreach to other sites now I say here a one- sentence value proposition because sometimes you need something and you know you might not have the most impressive resume but pick one thing that is most impressive to you for example when I first started my blog I didn't say hey my name is Adam I'm
reaching out I have zero traffic to my blog right that wouldn't make any sense I said hey I'm an affiliate manager at the company I work for or you could you know maybe you have I have 10 years of Photography experience and I have a Blog called this so you find a value proposition sentence within your email I also said you should include incentives for the receiver like how I'll doing other guest posts and can get them links in them too so as I've covered in other videos link building is a value exchange if you're
asking for a link for nothing for free you're just saying hey I get these emails all the time hey you should add our company to your list it's going to help the reader immediately delete them there's nothing in it for the individual reader of that email however if you say hey I do a lot of guest posts I can link to you in some of those as well people are much more likely to open the email read it and allow you to write a guest post as well well because again as we're going to cover
later in this you need a link Surplus so the ability to give links will increase your ability to get them in return so I'm going to hit enter on this chat GPT thing here and it'll just give us an email template that we can use so here's a personalized email template I hope you're doing well my name is Adam I run this I like to focus on this so you kind of just fill in the value proposition fill in your blog and this is kind of nice as an ADB I'm working on several of the
guest posts be happy to include links back to your content small way to grow traffic blah blah blah let me know if you're interested this is a really good one you would just fill in this information and then what you would do is you would take that template again we always want to have first name hey first name you can even have the first name in the subject line but you could use as well as HubSpot sales so the HubSpot sales Chrome extension is free and you can just take the template you create a template
in HubSpot sales and then in Gmail when you're sending emails through Gmail it will automatically just you can click a button and the template will import so it'll automatically just plop it in there so you can just hit send that's what I did early on in my blogging days we can also follow up on LinkedIn connect with them on LinkedIn if you want to send another thing do an email and a LinkedIn post what we have to realize though is when we're sending Outreach emails whether we're in sales we're in marketing we're doing link building
it doesn't matter everyone on the other end of that email has a different personality and what really shines through what will make you most successful both in blogging link building and just in life is having interpersonal skills through email so knowing how to respond to people because everyone's personality is very different if you're reaching out for links or for guest posts or whatever it is they might answer you right away they might never answer you and ghost you they might say yes or say no or have different criteria so when it comes to getting links
in you know doing link building for guest posts or any type of links there someone's going to answer then on the other end what's a good response rate anything I think over 5% is actually kind of good for guest post and Link building because people get a lot of these emails so that's why I think the incentive helps but they're going to say okay yes I you know we can accept the guest post from you what do you want to write then you're going to pitch three topics so give them an a bulleted list here's
three topics now what you can do is you can use chat GPT for that too it's really simple to say hey scan this website and give me three blog post ideas that I could write that would help Their audience the main thing is that it helps Their audience and it doesn't exist yet on their site and a third optional benefit is that it has SEO value or hey it's easy to rank for now when you're doing and scaling this could you really really deeply research every single topic that you pitch yes you could do keyword
research you could say these three articles are amazing they have low competition your audience would love them I'll write them for my experience and when you're just starting out I do recommend you get as uh personal and do as much research as you can but what I did once I started scaling it out I'm like I'm not going to do keyword research for hundreds of topics that I'm pitching these people all the time but you do want to have some level of research that you do so those so you send them the topics they say
yes I would like you to do that one and you say okay great give me two weeks and I'll get it back to you now with AI it's actually a lot faster when I would do two weeks that was like three years ago you could say give me a week and I'll have it done for you either way there's different publishing schedules I sent emails in I didn't get my post published sometimes for six months one time I think it was zap year they thought they were like the New York Times or something they thought
it was the most important article ever and it spent 6 months on a guest post about some stupid marketing topic that didn't really matter some people publish right away it just depends so with that we get to the topic now we actually have to write the guest post itself which AI can help us with now what I have here to help us write this guest post with AI is the AI content generator version 1.0 and you can see a bunch of other people are in here because you can get this if you click the link
of the description below I'll send you this exact prompt and nine others so what you can do is this thing writes an entire post for you so I copy this text and I go to Claude because I actually like Claude a little bit better for more the creative side of AI so chat GPT is better for research scanning URLs and looking at data Claude is better for like just creative writing I feel like ideas and things like that so I'm going to paste this into Claude and now it's going to say what keyword or topic
would you like me to focus on so I'm going to say My article uh it's going to do an outline and then an article so I'm going to say My article is about email marketing a classic like guest post topic that's kind of random for uh a site so let's say reached out to an email marketing company I'm going to say email marketing subject lines for Black Friday doesn't matter I'm just giving you an example here certainly here it is so it gives you the title 50 irresistible email marketing subject lines for Black Friday boost
your open rate in sales gives you a meta description gives you a full introduction the H2 headings that you need and everything inside now what's cool is it also gives you all the semantic keywords that you might want to include in the article now what you can do next is you can use this paragraph generator so again I put a bunch of interesting guidelines in here but I'm going to I'm going to paste this and I'm going to say all right paste this in because I want to write individual paragraphs so I'm going to take
all this it's easy there's an intro now I want like I want it to write this section for me so that's what it's going to do give me a heading related to this and I'll create 400 words of content so I'm going to say here it is the 10 proven formulas for subject lines and all the information underneath so now it's writing the actual content for me so it's going to write it and I have it kind of humanized the content make it kind of funny talk from firsters experience do a bunch of different things
so it writes the actual content so this whole section is now written that's the thing about getting links right now is like guest posting I had I used to have to hire people to actually write the guest post and it took two to three weeks to write each individual one now you can have ai write this stuff now again we're not going to publish it we're not gonna send back an AI written guest post that does not work right but we can edit the entire thing ourselves humanize it make sure it's good add our unique
take on things and then publish it right so typically we want to send it back in a couple weeks we have to write it edit it and then we add our links in now when we add our own links in for link building we want to add our own link once in the copy somewhere higher up the better usually Brands will delete the link if you try to add your own Link in like the first paragraph I tried that a few times I don't really like that so much you don't want to be at the
very bottom cuz link value actually is higher higher up in the article than lower so link value is past from link placement also the number of links on the page there's a lot of factors in play basically just add your link somewhere in the first 8 to 10 paragraphs and you can also get a link in your guest author bio so you have it in Google Docs in a format that's good with H2 headings for the headings with about say 2,000w article would have about 10 links in it maybe one link for every 200 words
so this is where link building gets interesting because if you're writing a guest post and it's 2,000 words and you have space for 10 links well you're going to link to yourself once or twice but then who are you going to link to in the other eight or nine links well that's up to you and you can use this to build relationships and this is what big software companies do they have their content managers have relationships with all types of other people writing guest posts and they link to each other so it's based on relationships
and this is actually an example of one of like probably 30 different relationships I had so this is with the brand tidio that I was doing link swaps with you can see there's a tab here for the links that I uh got from them so they get they got me links on their own site keep salesmate Panda do some links that I got and then these are the links that I got for them so the different guest posts I wrote for torque mad New Breed marketing uh click meter all of those different things so again
they're going to say no f follow doesn't count removed it doesn't count you just try to you know be as even as you can it's like 13 to 12 so it's pretty even no one's ever going to be 100% perfectly even but again link building is based on relationships I want to stress that it's not just people randomly typing in links to sites but sometimes they do research yes they'll look at Stats they'll add a link in but most of the time people that are writing for like CNBC they're just messaging a contact at nerd
wallet or one of these big Financial sites and getting links that way it's all based on relationships because when you think about it links have value a link on my blogs probably be worth about $500 it's Dr 78 site a link on Forbes would be worth some people spend 10 grand some people spend five grand it just really depends so if a link has that much Val some of those are no follow so if a link has you know value to people you better believe that there's going to be it's going to be based on
relationships people aren't going to give them away for free they're going to be trading them swapping them doing all kinds of things ABC link exchanges I'll write a guest post you write a guest post the idea is you just get in the game and the game is you start doing Outreach you start building a brand you start having this Snowball Effect of authority by building these types of links you know over time building these relationships and then building up your own site so again we can take this we humanize it we edit it we can
submit it we wait if you don't hear anything back after you send the email with the finished Google doc linked and sent then you follow up so you want to follow up once a week or so and then it finally gets published and you're all good to go so that's guest posting let's talk about a couple other ways to build links let's do Haro Harrow Haro however you pronounce it help a reporter out so this is you sign up for Haro you get a bunch of you can choose your Niche or your area and then
you'll get a bunch of different emails when journalists and different sites are looking for experts and quotes and things like that now to do that type of Outreach you create a Haro template that's a reusable template that when you start seeing those responses it'll give you an email address to send your answer to and then you take your prompt you can put it again into HubSpot sales you take your entire prompt you add in that one sentence that quote that you wanted but then everything else should be a template so for example I say create
a Haro Outreach template that I can copy and paste and reuse over and over again it should be formatted so I just have to change the custom sentence it should provide my contact information at the end blah blah blah so with this you're providing an expert quote but then you say hey when you use my name you need to tell them how to link to you so you say when you use my quote make sure to call me this Adam enfroy founder of Adam enfroy decom kind of stupid but like maybe that's it or blogger
at and your website so you tell them exactly how to do it but this is a simple email template that you can have hey journalist hope you're doing well I came across your query or question about boom whatever it was wanted to provide some insights could be valuable here's my quote boom that's it if you'd like any additional information please please feel a Reach Out happy to help here's your contact information look forward to hearing from you that's all you need so find the queries that are interesting and you can answer take this you know
format this correctly put it in HubSpot sales and then bring the template up respond with this type of formatting and then you just wait see if you get links or not either way doesn't take a lot of time or effort so that's T another uh way you can do link building is broken link building so that's saying hey you have a broken link on your site it's going to nothing add mine instead now I've never added a link that way I've never done broken link building but a lot of people teach it it's actually can
work sometimes but that's really easy too you can go to any article like I have hubspot's blog here five steps to create a marketing plan click on this check my links Chrome extension and it'll say hey are there any broken links maybe there is one find it okay there's a YouTube video that's broken but you can find broken links that way and then it's it's simple you say hey CH GPT I need a broken link building email template like you don't it already knows what's going on here so I hope you're doing well I was
browsing your website came across a broken Link in this you know it's not working anymore I thought you might want to improve it it's potential replacement you might find my article on this topic helpful it's a comprehensive guide blah blah blah thanks for maintaining such a valuable resource so these email templates and Outreach is super easy it's more about you know incentivizing it for the other person people get all these emails all the time broken links I get them all the time uh different guest post Outreach different hey can you add this hey I want
to sponsor hey we'll do this so it's really about the incentives that drive it so you can use AI to speed up the whole process with guest post and all of that but what you really want to have is just a link Surplus so that is basically that you have relationships you're you're doing enough Outreach that you're getting say five guest posts a month are in progress at any given time you're writing five a month that gives you the link Surplus to be able to in future Outreach have a link Surplus that you can send
links to these other sites to I've done that many times so maybe it's like they wouldn't accept a guest post normally they're like normally we don't accept them but oh you can get me a link on HubSpot okay yeah if you can do that some are like kind of greedy like oh if you can do that first we'll let you write a guest post I'm like fine I'll do it so in another guest post I linked to them in something and I said here you go I did it and then they allowed me to write
the guest post so it really is a value exchange if a Link's worth anywhere from $500 to $5,000 don't expect to get it for free expect to do some trades and do some different things in return so overall link building is a process that doesn't really stop you should can continue to keep doing this over time based on your Niche and getting in the ballpark of the sites that are doing well in your Niche I don't do a ton of it now but it's cuz I already did it for a couple years very aggressively probably
too aggressively to be honest um built by domain rating to 78 so it's really important if you're starting out you see sometimes Google is rewarding oh Forbes and tech radar CNET red it right they have huge amount of authority so to do that you need to build Authority in your own Niche so if you're a gardening blog and you see that most of the gardening sites have domain ratings in the 20s and 30s and yours is zero as a new site aim to start doing some link building to get within the ballpark it will just
help you rank overall so the the need for links is completely dependent on the niche not a lot has changed with link building they are more valuable than ever it's the same thing and the process is really just sped up with AI so here when you're thinking about it here's exactly what you should do so number one build a list of 50 sites to start up to 100 get the name and contact information use LinkedIn use Hunter to find their email address reach out to them with this process with an email template from chat GPT
that you have customized try to get five guest posts going at any given time just keep doing Outreach keep trying keep testing you're going to have to deal with a lot of Nos and that's okay maybe it's your maybe you have to tweak the intro sentence a little bit more maybe you need to incentivize people more but it's okay now this link Surplus will help make future Outreach easier and then you just continue to build your Dr to get in the ballpark depending on your Niche so in marketing you might need to get in the
' 50s and 60s Hobbies or physical products aim to go from Z to 30 that's a really good uh part look at the small blogs in your Niche that are ranking for any top 10 Google search for anything from like Hobbies best kaying gear you're going to see big sites media sites and you're going to see those small blogs in there what's the domain rating domain authority of those small blogs aim to get to that level then once your domain rating is at a reasonable level in that Niche then you can kind of step off
and focus more on the content side but if you're just starting out the internet is a worldwide web and if you're just starting out with a domain rating of zero you have no links pointing to you you're off the web we need to pull you into the center a little bit with getting some links to show Google that you are an expert uh a decent source of information that is trusted so it's not the easiest part is probably the hardest part actually of blogging a lot of people avoid it completely and just focus on scaling
the content that is fine especially in certain niches but I would say try to do it a little bit get that domain rating up a bit I have lots of videos on the content side scaling it making money in all kinds of different ways creating content so if you're interested in joining me you want 10 uh 10 free AI prompts plus the ones that I showed you today and used make sure to click the link in the description and top comment below you'll get those plus my free AI master class so you can get started
publishing and scaling your content uh let me know what you thought of the video hope you liked it please like the video subscribe to the channel and I will see you in another video
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