Pluto in Aquarius: Predictions for the Future

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The Astrology Podcast
Discussing the astrology of Pluto in Aquarius, and making some predictions about major events and th...
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all right well that brings us to the present and to the Future so we are now currently um at the very beginning of the next Pluto and Aquarius period and Pluto first dipped into Aquarius last year in 2023 it first moved into Aquarius in March and it went in very briefly for a few months and then Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn and now later this month Pluto's about to enter Aquarius again um so I forgot to give the data for this so we're recording this on Monday January 8th 2024 we started at what like 2:45
or something about that maybe 2:40 yeah p.m in Denver Colorado and um later this month on January 20th Pluto's about to go back into Aquarius it's going to retrograde back out this summer and c and go back into Capricorn but then later this year in November of 2024 Pluto's going to move into Aquarius again and then it's going to stay there for the next 20 years all the way until 2044 so um we're looking at another Pluto in Aquarius period so I'd like to spend this last section summarizing some of what we learned and some
of the takeaways from some of the past ones um and then see if we can take from that and anticipate how some past Trends from history are becoming or will become relevant again for us today over the next 20 years so um things that I wrote down in notes of summaries one the utilization of technological advancements in order to have power and control um in addition to that the power that technology knowledge and information has so these are all themes that were present in many of our previous examples um that I think are are clearly
becoming relevant again today right oh well yeah no question about it all right um other than that let's see so the uh another one that was important is vast repositories of information that are under the control of centralized authorities M um how how developments in technology can shape and transform Society in different ways so we saw that with um paper we saw that with uh gunpowder we also saw that with things like um how the printing press and the increase of printing in books also affected things during the reformation and started causing um changes in
like religion and things like that sure or inventions like the cotton Jin creating you know slavery on a scale the world had not quite seen right um another theme that kept coming up is uh technological transfer from foreign or um relatively speaking like alien cultures which has a profound transformative impact on society politics and power um so for example you know the a technology that's already developed by another culture like with the Chinese spending centuries developing gunpowder for Europeans inherited it around 1300 um or even like um silk and silk orbs and how that had
been refined and developed in China for Millennia before being eventually transmitted or or stolen by the West um there's also possibly something about the idea of what it means to be foreign or alien in general becoming relevant again both in the sense of AI the emergence of artificial intelligence and creating a new sentient species on Earth which is essentially what if if people if scientists are capable or are successful in creating artificial intelligence or artificial general intelligence that's what that would be is like creating another sentient species on Earth um but even aside from that
maybe even alien life being found even in microbial form in other places in our solar system or perhaps Beyond even the rec recognition of animals as being more sentient than humans often give them credit for as new AI Technologies are developed to help us better understand how they communicate there's something about like the idea of foreignness of alienness and alien technology and the exposure to that that seems like it's a recurrent theme of Pluto and Aquarius and it's something I'm starting to see discussions about over the past year um that are very um suggestive I
think yeah I mean that would be pretty wild if AI taught us how to communicate with dolphins and octopus and and you know primates perhaps um and um yeah yeah I mean just you know there's there's all kinds of things that are seeming science fiction but you know are probably on the verge of becoming real yeah it's something I've been thinking about recently which is look like in different places in the an animal kingdom if you look at them collectively it's like animals have reflect so much of the full range of human emotions in different
ways um but humans don't often um focus on that or like most humans don't often fully think about the implications of that um but it would be interesting because one of the primary barriers is communication um but even if that's not the main thing you know one of the things that's happening this year is they're launching a spaceship that's going to send a probe I think to Europa one of Jupiter's moons that's um like an icy ocean Moon and then they're going to send a probe beneath the ice to see if there's microbial life um
down there and that's supposed to land I think in 2030 but even something as simple as that which is not really simple but it's not at the scale of like discovering a whole alien civilization but if we during the next 20 years discovered something as simple as finding that um basic forms of life existed somewhere other than Earth that would have a huge like Earth shattering um effect on our conceptualization of ourselves of humanity of our place in the universe and other things that would be similar to and sort of approaching what happened with cernus
publishing you know his book and showing that we weren't at the center of the solar system discovering a new form of life would be the mod equivalent of something tantamount to that because it would show that human life is not the center of the solar system or of the universe but that there's life elsewhere as well and it would sort of like decentralize us and move us away from the center of the universe but instead show that we're like one of many that's revolving around something larger yeah and talk about making small things big and
big things small um you know Finding microbial life like that would um yeah it easily be as revolutionary as as what cernic Unleashed on the world um you know three Pluto Cycles ago um you know also the the the the sort of elephant in the room also is um who knows I mean I don't I don't know what to make of it but there has been far more sort of serious discussion of of unidentified flying objects and what their origin might be and and that whole conversation has become um well it's certainly a lot more
normalized I mean it's you know it's it's it's out there there's there's you know it's it's being discussed in Congress you know before cameras and everything so um who knows what emerges out of that if any answers but um that would easily fit the the the you know the the sort of the the the list that we've compiled in terms of the kind of impact that that um this Transit of Pluto and Aquarius could reflect in you know terms of change in in human consciousness yeah for sure and I don't know about that either like
I don't know whether to take some of that stuff seriously or not or if it's legitimate or not um but certainly obviously like having any other signs of you know actual intelligent life or like civilizations out there besides our own would also have like a huge impact on our on our world and on society um as well as science and and a number of other things religion um so that's you know possibility as well that we'll have to see what happens yeah absolutely y um other themes one of the ones that was recurring obviously at
this point is like the role of China and China and technological Transmissions is like a major theme that kept coming up over and over again and we've already mentioned how some of that you know it's really notable to me that just in the past um few decades you know China has risen to become a global superpower again and it's really notable that that's happened and it's come to this point like right before Pluto goes into Aquarius um so that now a lot of the focus is on like you know um the increasing tensions between like
world powers like the United States and China and whether there will be conflict and as well as like um tensions over Technologies and things like that going back and forth between the two yeah yeah um I think you might have mentioned with Austin that uh xiin ping and V Vladimir Putin both have Saturn Neptune conjunctions in their natal charts so when we get to 2025 yeah you know that's the final Ingress of Pluto into Aquarius um and it happens the same time as the Saturn Neptune conjunction in Aries so I do think of 2025 you
know when when Uranus goes into Pluto good and proper for good um and all that other all those other transits are happening um will definitely hit a new chapter in the history of China and the history of Russia um Saturn Neptune has always been very promising for both and and yeah you know it's in the Nativity of both uh both leaders so I you know I and we talked already about the Pluto Transit just in terms of the the People's Republic of China and and how it was um declared when PL when the ascendant was
in Aquarius the moon was in aquarius so that Pluto Transit could be you know um certainly hitting the People's Republic the you know the political structure in China um you know right in the middle of the chart yeah yeah and then of course you and I have done that episode previously one of the major episodes in the history of the podcast about like Uranus the Uranus Return of the United States when Uranus goes through Gemini and how that's coincided with it's only happened three times in the past and the first time it was the American
Revolutionary War the second time was the Civil War and the third time was World War II so that's one of the issues um you know that's concerning since Uranus is about to move back into Gemini in 2025 and is an additional cycle that's like a secondary overlay which is is the US going to have another major conflict or another major war that's on the level of of those other three that have happened so far in its history when Uranus has gone into Gemini one of the you know and that's going to be happening at the
same time of Pluto and Aquarius and one the things that's actually interesting about that is just that Uranus and Gemini is going to be tring Pluto um several times off and on increasingly close over the course of the next decade and I think that's really going to accelerate a lot of the technological developments in a lot of the developments with Communications and other things like that over the course of the next decade that were already indicated just by Pluto and Aquarius that's going to be supercharged by Uranus going into Gemini yeah no absolutely um that
that and that's a feature that you know we didn't have um um quite in the same way uh um you know the the the last few times that Uranus has been in Gemini um they were co-present like during the Revolutionary War Uranus was in in Gemini while Pluto was in Aquarius but the Pluto Ingress came a little too late for there to be a Trine in the air signs like that and of course uh before long Uranus zipped into zip through cancer Zi into Leo and made an opposition to that Pluto um so that Trine
with Pluto from Uranus and Gemini uh is a is a a feature that that distinguishes it from past Uranus transits through Gemini and the wars that they've coincided with um and of course the big message when it comes to that that Transit of Uranus through Gemini and and the United States being involved in these major conflicts is they in all three instances they led to the United States essentially becoming a new country in a way certainly redefining itself in some really fundamental way uh the Revolutionary War created the country the Civil War centralized the country
and the uh the second world war in the Cold War uh turned this you know reluctant sort of protectionist uh uh Nation isolationist nation into a global superpower um virtually against its will virtually by circumstance um so yeah there's there's there's something about the the country's own transformation that coincides with Uranus and Gemini except this time like in the 1770s it's happening while Pluto's in Aquarius while the while the mood for for sort of popular power for people power is is um reaching its Zenith and and um the revolt against sort of Authority or or
dictatorial power is is you know at its most potent um yeah and one of the things about that with the US that's actually really fascinating about the Uranus Pluto TR is that um the US has Uranus in the Sibly chart at 8° of Gemini and that's actually roughly um where I think the exact Trine will be going exact between Uranus and Pluto um starts going exact when Uranus gets to around 8 degrees of Gemini and Pluto gets around to 8 degrees of aquarius so that adds an interesting additional um level of an intensity that it's
going to be happening at the most intense point in the Uranus Return of the United States yeah yeah absolutely so that's one thing all right moving on to other points summary points so new technologies like paper allowing for an explosion of information and a diffusion of new ideas so I think AI is probably going to be playing this role in our time although there may be additional things involving um how information is transferred and proliferated and consumed in terms of Innovations in the form factor of the role that paper played in previous times to whatever
the equivalent uh to that is in our time um you know something about that something about the form factor and the way that information is accessed and is spread around um being important to this time period yeah yeah we can see that happening pretty easily yeah um but but it's like it's going to be taken to some new level and it's going to have a completely transformative effect on our culture um through that technological innovation and we can for sure see some of that like the cusp of some of that but there's some parts of
where that's going to go that we probably at least normal people um that aren't like futurists aren't even anticipating or don't realize you know it's going to how that's going to change society soon and and on all the different levels in which it'll change things yeah yeah exactly all right other themes I've been saying to people sorry to interrupt I've been saying to people that a hundred years from now people will look back at 2025 as the beginning of the 21st century not unlike that we think of 1919 or 1920 being the beginning of the
20th century um you know where it's really like a very visible demarcation in history where uh suddenly everything that preceded it seems you know like like it belongs to another age you know even this period right now we that's a good point in a number of different ways although that makes me think of something I was I um saw recently where somebody said that um in terms of like archives and research there's going to be this demarcating line in history that starts with 2023 and it's because everybody's starting in in every field is starting to
use AI in order to augment research and do research with things but also in order to generate um content of what's being created in different fields and as a result of that um there's going to be like this this um sedimentary layer where you're going to have to like there's going to be a fine line between things that were generated by AI or could have been and were influenced by that Innovation versus things that were produced prior to that time that had to have been only produced by humans it was interesting thing to think about
yeah I mean imagine future wedding photos will be taken you know in some kind of AI generated uh um simulation uh you know wedding wedding photos with you know the parents and the the nieces and nephews and what have you but you're in front of I don't you know who knows what uh um a giant planet some kind of futuristic you know backdrop I mean what have you um yeah it it's it's going to change a lot of things I mean you know culturally as well as everything else yeah for sure all right other things
um government's trying to control the flow of information um so governments and entities attempting to control or suppress the spread of information and ideas although often failing eventually although being successful for some periods of time um so these attempts to control the flow of information for example in the past coincided with the church's list of prohibited books um so there may be other instances where there's like institutionalized censorship attempts or attempts to suppress new discoveries or ideas with extreme methods that ultimately fail because the powerful Insight that the idea or Discovery has about the nature
of the world um so thinking back to like Cernic's discovery about the sun being the center of the solar system and how that was suppressed initially but that eventually you know it couldn't be suppressed forever because it actually was true and it actually pointed to a property of nature that was that was real um not to like put you know ourselves not to Center ourselves too much but I think also of things like astrology and some of the questions we've talked about on forecast episodes lately about we've been in this period of like a a
Renaissance and a height a bump in the popularity of astrology over the past several years and whether we'll go into a A downturn or a period of suppression again at some point before too long um but if something like that happened you know it couldn't last forever because um of the fact that astrology does reveal an actual property of Nature and that the validation of that is sort of like inevitable despite both historical or any current or future attempts to suppress it that's right the truth is revolutionary so um I mean that's that's something I
I could imagine happening unfortunately uh but it makes it all the more important for us to do the work that we're doing um you know regardless of what sort of becomes us because somewhere down the road uh it's it's work that can be you know developed by others once the the Smoke Clear so to speak and um it's too vital and it's indeed it's it's absolutely a property of Nature and therefore there's there's truth there there's something to be learned and discovered and it can only be suppressed for so long so um yeah what we're
doing is is really important even even if someone does you know sort of put the boot on us at some point um the the work will live yeah and and what we've seen also is that sometimes things that are started or or done in previous Cycles don't come to full maturation until later ones so you know it may be setting a foundation for certain things that aren't fully discovered um and put together or Advanced to the next level until the next cycle but it's at least um doing or creating something that ends up having a
legacy that lives on and and grows and evolves yeah I mean in this is instance um this time unlike the 1700s we're not going to have Uranus opposite Pluto in Aquarius uh Leo we're going to have a Pluto opposite Uranus in in um Pisces Virgo um so it's a very it's going to be a very sort of different experience and that'll be the the culmination but that'll come after we've gone through whatever Pluto in Aquarius has in store for us yeah for sure all right other themes government and major entities attempting to steal technology through
Espionage um I already mentioned you know some of the things that are going on between different companies like East and West that are trying to steal AI technology between each other or um other things like that um another one tied in with that is governments and entities attempting to have a monop monopoly on technology and the power advantage and influence that technological monopolies give we've seen that with gunpowder guns cannons silk worms in modern times it's focusing on things like computer chips uh microp processors artificial intelligence and other things like that and that will you
know perhaps be the Central um struggle in terms of Technology over the next 20 years is that whoever controls and has um Monopoly on those Technologies ultimately could have just like an immense amount of power in our world uh and could set the tone for other countries around the world at the same time um all right old Technologies being merged and refined to create new weapons of war um so how developments and Technology can be used to kill other humans and advancements or Innovations in new forms of death and destruction so here I'm thinking about
things like drones robots artificial intelligence lasers and cyber warfare um all of which may be taken to new and sort of extreme Heights as we we're already seeing that happening with many of those um but I'm sure you know we'll probably see some pretty Terri things in terms of that reaching that those Technologies reaching the height of their sort of like full maturation over the course of the next 20 years yeah yeah I mean um I mean obviously drones are already a thing um you know even just on Twitter you know there these these uh
uh threads come up sometimes where you know you see Drone footage of um either they're Ukrainian Jo drones uh shoot firing on Russian soldiers or Russian drones firing on Ukrainian soldiers um it's it's taken the the sort of the experience of War into this whole new level I mean I remember you know 30s something years ago with the first Gulf War it seemed miraculous that um we were watching a war on TV on CNN uh or before that the you know the the the overthrow of of the Panamanian dictator uh uh in '89 which happened
on live TV um Nora no not Nora he was Nicaragua I forget the guy's name uh but the the the Panamanian dictator down on live TV which was during also the the last Saturn Neptune conjunction which is something else that sort of comes into the mix here uh when it comes to sort of like the spreading of information and new ways of disseminating that there's this perfect storm in 2025 of all these things coming together uh not just Uranus and Gemini not just Pluto and Aquarius but this Saturn Neptune conjunction uh which I think will
coincide with like a really you know heavy duty um Moment of clarity on you know on the world stage um some kind of everyone seeeing things for the way they really are I don't know if CL Clarity is the keyword I would use for a Saturn Neptune conjunction I it's it's one I would use um but yeah I mean amidst all the the subtra that's going on but but there does there does tend to be you know Revelations amidst okay yeah yeah yeah um and you know with this the current technology and stuff for Warfare
there's going to be questions like you know one of the questions currently are things like um should once artificial intelligence is developed and employed in the battlefield can it be um used can autonomous machines should they be given the okay to like kill humans without any human oversight for example is going to be like one of the major questions and like ethical implications over the course of the next 20 years um in terms of how that is the answer to that question and how different governments you employ those Technologies basically the Terminator you know I
mean that's that's where you know the kind of super soldier uh uh character uh minus the time travel but but yeah that's that's you know that's the kind of thing that seems to be developing yeah so some of those questions are going to become real like not science fiction but like actual things that we're talking about and are being debated in terms of the ethical implications which then leads me into the next one which is the experience of scientists creating something through a love of science but then having their creation used to destroy things so
similar to we've talked about you know gunpowder and things like that in the past but also sort of similar to leisa's example with Frankenstein and some of the the um things are erased in that story as like an allegory but the ethical implications of scientific advancements as well as the potential dangers and responsibility that come with pushing the boundaries of knowledge um and a related Thing theme that kept coming up was doing dangerous or risky things in the name of Science and out of a love for wisdom which is kind of an aquarius thing and
kind of a Pluto thing um where Aquarius can be doing something just out of curiosity or out of a love of science to see if it works without necessarily thinking about the implications um so I mentioned guns even like hot air balloons to some extent and the riskiness of like sending a human up um into the air to see if it works and and having it be successful but then some of the things that sometimes come out of that you think about that like culminating eventually not too long after with like World War II and
other successive Wars where airplanes become like a major source of of death and destruction yeah I mean we we were talking about the first hot air balloon you know manned flight in in September of 17783 and it was less than two years later June of 1785 that the first person was killed in a hot air balloon accident so uh you know even before it found its military application um so yeah right off the bat you know some of these Technologies uh um do do you know take take victims with them yeah for sure um all
right another major theme of Pluto and Aquarius was the development of the scientific method and experiment experimentation as a major theme throughout and I think there's going to be something about that in terms of it seemed like there were some successive developments in the development of like what the scientific method was and how it should be carried out that were refined in some of these periods um and I'll be curious if there are some major advancements when it comes to that as well yeah um another major theme was tensions between democracy and autocracy and a
theme that's starting to emerge that's relevant to the present but also came up in the past was like autocratic leaders attempting to establish control through the illusion of democracy holding elections but then controlling the results and I know that's an issue that's happening like this year for example there's like a record number of different Democratic votes that are supposed to take place but in some places where um there's autocratic rulers in charge those you know supposedly democratic election are not necessarily going to be actually you know fair and free elections so that's going to be
um as well as just the tendency that we've seen in the past few years it's a little bit startling of autocratic rulers coming into prominence in different countries and some of the um Democratic processes being eroded or being removed entirely um it's a little startling seeing that and I I wonder if that's also part of the Pluto and Aquarius sort of era that we've we're moving into is is an era where that's more prominent and if we'll see things that are similar to like the last Pluto in Aquarius period where there was this tension and
this um dragging back and forth between the forces of democracy and autocracy um that at times turned like violent yeah and also quite sort of another term I would introduce into this is class struggle uh which wasn't as big in the American Revolution where it really was just one specific social economic class that was doing the rebelling um or that at least that the rebelling was serving uh but in the French Revolution it really did become a kind of class war you remember I was talking about the three Estates the the the aristocracy the clergy
and the people well that Third Estate um you know it was common up until fairly recently to to refer to the developing world is the third world and that third world idea comes from the idea of the Third Estate the people in the French Revolution the masses the ones who ultimately did rise up and and um send a lot of aristocrats and Generals to the guillotine um so there is an element I think of class struggle that comes with Pluto and Aquarius because it really is about the sort of the masses it really is about
the the Third Estate or if you will the third world yeah that makes sense and sometimes the mass is rising up and in other times the attempt of um the elites to like suppress the masses from rising up well yeah yeah the the revolution the counterrevolution you know the terror and then the white Terror uh so on and so forth um the French Revolution the re Russian Revolution they they they had these same sort of forces uh Civil War winds up being fought between these two factions and or several factions and uh different factions will
win out at different stages of the of the struggle if you will so another major theme is cataclysmic events that cause an irreversible shift in intellectual and social trends um so that was the one where the major example was the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem um and we talked about a little bit in terms of what some Modern scenarios could be that would be similar to that um you know we just had Co a few years ago and seeing that sometimes these very like ancient primordial disas type scenarios that we kind of think
that we're immune to as modern societies that are things of the past um finding out that things like that can still happen and become very relevant and can um you know have this huge impact on the the world collectively um and at all these different levels I think that was a big eyeopener that you know major things like that can still happen so it might be a good idea to think about um some of that as as scenarios for what a Pluto and ious type situation could look like yeah I mean the you know Co
broke out with with the the the you know stellium in Capricorn of Saturn Jupiter Saturn Pluto and then Mars coming along as well uh in Capricorn in short order that was um you know those were the transits that that uh introduced Co to the the you know the the masses and so with with Pluto going into Aquarius yeah very easily could be you know something of that nature um I think if Co taught us one thing it's that we're woefully unprepared for anything more serious than Co to to hit us you know I mean that
was bad enough um yeah if it were any more serious it would be devastating for sure um yeah and Pluto going through an air sign could be relevant there since that was very relevant with Saturn going through Aquarius and this like airborne disease or like pathogen or Airborne um yeah just thing that was that was taking place um so that's relevant moving on flight seemed to have been a significant theme especially with the last one with the first human flight taking place during the last um Pluto and Aquarius period so during this one themes like
space flight the commercialization of space flight um and having that become more and more increasingly common like obviously already there and we're already heading in that direction um but also even like local airflight potentially becoming more common as well I saw some things that are supposed to happen this year that I thought were very interesting about um like planes that can be flown locally or or not planes but drones they're drones you can fly you can like it's a giant drone that you sit in and you can fly and you don't need a pilot's license
but you could conceivably fly it you know to the grocery store or to your girlfriend's house across town or what have you um yeah it's basically a giant drone that you fly and and they seem to be uh coming into the market yeah there's something major about that and that combined with not just Pluto in Aquarius but also Uranus going into Gemini soon which is also like a transportation type sign uh really you know seems to point in that direction yeah um other themes one that's coming up recently that may be relevant from history but
seems important is like tensions with globalization um where being in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world but at the same time we can see countries pulling back from this recently and trying to bring production of some things back home because in the 1990s um there were a lot of different trade agreements set up internationally where part of the belief in like the West like in the United States was that if trade was set up with places like China and some of the um production was like outsourced to China that it would open up and make
things more democratic in different countries where uh democracy wasn't as common but then it turned out that that didn't really happen and now especially after covid um some countries saw the problem with having their supply chains dependent on this whole easily flowing like International order so now a number of countries are bringing the production of certain things back um to their own countries like for example the United States is trying is building a um uh what is it a processor plant in Arizona for um micro microchips basically and there's other countries that are doing similar
things so I'm wondering if that's part of what we're seeing with Pluto going to Aquarius is maybe some of those um challenges to more the more globalized like interconnected World Order even though up until very recently it seemed like inevitable that we're moving towards a more you know fully integrated and interconnected world yeah I mean even before covid um every president since HW Bush has been moving the United States further and further away from this global vision actually uh it has gradually been receding and you know I dare say if it weren't for the the
Israel and Ukrainian conflicts um you know it would have receded all the more but you know that's th those those things have kept the United States a little more in you know a little more involved in for foreign affairs than they I think they otherwise would be um but yeah the trend right now seems to be you know largely towards deglobalization or at least through you know uh um sort of uh um weaning off the the the the the global influence of the United States you know on on both parties you know um the United
States no longer having the same interest a lot of that Global Order was being kept in place because of the cold war you know um it was really a security measure the United States used its naval fleet to patrol the oceans keeping trade safe for everyone and in return everyone kind of agreed not to go communist and um you know that worked for a good long while but the United States has no longer sort of invested in in uh you know uh patrolling the Seas like that and and even if they wanted to at this
point they can't they they've changed their naval fleet um so that era is largely over already you know um I mean maybe part of what we're seeing then as something that gets talked about sometimes which I feel like is sort of propaganda purposes but maybe symbolically there's a way that makes sense here the notion of it us moving towards a multi-polar world where there's like M other major superpowers rather than just like one superpower of the United States that that controls or everything revolves around just because symbolically like Aquarius is a much more social sign
where where things are distributed more evenly um and Pluto represents po so maybe part of Pluto and Aquarius is a greater distribution of power and maybe that's really the core ultimately symbolically of what we saw with like the French Revolution or the American Revolution was a Distributing of power more evenly rather than having it just be in the hands of like a singular individual yeah that would make sense and that that you know that's easily the way that the Pluto and Aquarius Transit could could manifest uh but at the same time a lot of the
other Global superpowers you know may not just have what it it takes to to you know survive the the century really um you know China and Russia have really dismal demographic structures that um you know will be hard to maintain and so you know if if not them uh tomorrow's Global superpowers could easily be you know I don't know Vietnam or or Argentina or turkey or Brazil um you know um not necessarily Russia or China um it could it could go in a lot of different directions by the time this Transit is over sure sure
yeah um so we'll see so um one of the other last few notes I wrote was um we've come as far as we have as a species partially through socializing and the power of the exchange of information among different people in different places and how that Mutual exchange and back and forth over the centuries has driven progress and technological and scientific breakthroughs um if we were more isolated than that transmission and those breakthroughs would not have happened this is where the Aquarius theme comes in as a social air sign and I think there's something really
important about that um that will both you know maybe see a contraction of that but also an expansion of it in some ways like what happens when we become even more hyper interconnected through the internet and through other means like that um you know can our progress scientifically at least or in other areas like that expand even faster yeah yeah all right um as well as just being an insight about the nature of technology and why humans have done as well as a species because of our social nature which comes partially from Aquarius as a
as a symbol all right um Pluto is going to oppose uh the Pluto and Leo generation and the Pluto and Leo generation are born like the Baby Boomers in the 1940s and early 50s that generation is still very much in power in different you know parts of the world and so here with Pluto and Aquarius obviously over the next 20 years between now in 2040 we hit the point where natives with Pluto and Leo will be almost a century old so we will probably see the last the the dying off of that generation essentially but
also the the dying off of that power that they still hold or maintain over various structures and levels of society um so that's something to pay attention to and the last point that I have which isn't a great conclusion point but one of the observations I made that I mentioned on the forecast is just that in the Chess World um the chess AI developed strategies that humans had never done before right which cause which caused human Chess Masters in turn to try to learn what they could from the Innovations of the machines um so perhaps
part of this era is humans learning from machines so this may be an incredibly crucial point because the greatest benefit of meeting an extraterrestrial civilization especially one that's smar than humans would be the potential to learn from them so maybe they think about or they perceive the universe in a way that's different than we do and therefore they're able to see things that we have not or cannot um perhaps the same is true for an artificial or an alien intelligence um if or when we ever meet them you know creating ai ai can do things
and it can think about and perceive parts of the world differently than humans can and some of the way that it perceives the world or per perceives information or data may be useful to humans and and um we may able to be able to gain insights from that that we can't anticipate yeah yeah um I mean it it boggles the mind but um for sure yeah all right well um that was actually my main my last like summary point that I got from some of this research um are there any other major points or things
that you take from it or take from what we've learned from going through the history of Pluto and Aquarius or themes from the past that are obviously relevant to now or things that we can therefore like anticipate or anything about the future um no part from what we've already covered I think we we we did a nice job anything I had to say I've said over the course of the the the episode um I I guess yeah just to to remind everyone that what does distinguish this Pluto in Aquarius Transit is um this long Shrine
to Uranus and Gemini that it's going to have that uh some of the past ones did not and um yeah that that changes the kind of experience it'll be yeah I I think that's a really important point and here is a diagram actually from archetypal explorer that I used on the forecast which kind of shows that um but the Uranus Pluto Trine that's forming right now and will start going exact over the next several years but really has its greatest intensity in the period largely the period that Uranus is in Gemini um between 2025 and
the early 2030s yeah yeah although you know right from the get-go you know they're they're pretty close even in 2025 right I mean oh yeah well right now this year in 2024 they're going to get about two degrees from each other exactly yeah yeah we're we're in a period where things are going to start moving very quickly like very fast um especially with some of the technological stuff but also um with the other Pluto and Aquarius themes that we've talked about that have come up during the course of this episode yeah yeah so um you
know may you live in interesting times I think was that like a Chinese proverb I think actually yeah that is a Chinese proverb it it is fitting there there's another line that that I love um around 1972 someone asked xuan li who was one of the Chinese leaders like aside from Mao um they asked him what the effects of the French Revolution would be and he said too soon to tell now the truth is he thought they were talking about the recent Uprising in Paris four years earlier in 1968 but a lot of people took
that remark to mean he was talking about like the French Revolution in the 1700s and that it was to too soon to tell what the effect of that French Revolution would be um and and even though there was a sort of mistaken communication that created that thought I I I love that idea that um as with the French Revolution the American Revolution it may be too soon to tell to know what like the ultimate um effect of these experiments are of these social experiments and U whatever unfolds over these next 20 years um may may
sort of bring those answers a lot closer to home um after being out in the wilderness for so long so um yeah definitely may we live in interesting times we definitely do we definitely do yeah I think we're we're definitely going to see the the highs the very highs of heights of technological process as well as the lows of technological process and the transformative effect that it has on society and culture and religion and politics and everything else um you know as a person with heavy Aquarius placements I am primarily excited about that because I
tend to be more of a tech person and I sort of Marvel sometimes at just the ways that technology can be used in ways that are interesting to do things that you couldn't do otherwise or to augment human abilities that maybe you know allow you or enable you to do things that you couldn't do otherwise and I'm excited to see some of that while also having trepidation about some of the sides but um I think it should be really interesting 20 years and I'm excited to see where it goes and excited to study it as
an astrologer and continue um documenting what's happening in real time as we see this new era in human history start to emerge as we have been recently because we can really feel that we're right on the cusp of a very important Turning Point um and I think it will be at the very least interesting to watch and to witness that together as astrologers yeah yeah amen [Music] [Music]
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