He was Banished For being Weak But Is The Strongest Hero

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He was Banished For being Weak But Is The Strongest Hero Anime: On Comment Section
Video Transcript:
a hero steps in to save a little girl from being swarmed by a horde of goblins and she can't help but admire his courage some years later lost the hero goes to the adventurer's guild to take up a quest when a lady asks him for a team up other adventurers in the guild are stunned by the girl's action the girl offers to team up with lost after seeing his sign asking for recruits to join his party she introduces herself as Nara telling lost she's a skilled martial artist while lost introduces himself and tells her he's
a Healer but he still doubts his ability Amherst an employee of the guild suddenly cuts into their conversation asking narina if she knows lost's identity she informs her that lost is an incompetent healer who only knows the most basic spells despite growing up as an adventurer she informs narina that lost is a loser because despite his years of being an adventurer he's yet to learn any advanced healing spells she informs narina that lost was recently kicked out of his previous party because he couldn't use a detoxification spell to save his party members everyone in the
town knew about losts incompetence giving them a reason to ignore his recruitment posters amers tells narina she will run out of money if she teams up with lost because he doesn't get paid since he can't complete quests as a Healer narina shows Amherst her purse assuring her that she will be fine because she is well off Amherst warns narena not to walk around with such a huge bag of money because most of the adventurers in the town are gangsters and they will prey on her narina thanks Amherst for the advice but Amherst offers to help
her get into a beginner party After figuring out that she just started as an adventurer Amherst asks for a small handling fee to help narina mediate the process but narina turns her down because she's set on teaming up with lost Amherst can't understand why narena is resolved to team up with lost but she obliges her request she hands them a party application form telling them to keep it handy so they can always refer to it in case of a dispute while lost is filling out the form Nar Hannah keeps admiring him glad to have finally
met her hero from the past lost asks her to write her name on the form and she gladly does so after they fill out the form Amherst demands the handling fee from Lost who reluctantly takes out some money from his little coin pouch Amherst gladly accepts the fee as narena is excited to be in the same party as her hero they leave the guild as lost goes over the details of the Marmont Labyrinth no one has yet to explore its deepest parts so there is no information about the kind of monster the Master of the
labyrinth is many adventurers were curious about the Labyrinth making the Marmont its largest city as they head to the Labyrinth norina wonders if they are qualified to explore it's since they newly formed a party this recounts amherst's warning telling them they can only explore the grasslands of the West since narina is still a novice lost knew that amherst's advice was reasonable because the monsters in the grasslands to the West were the weakest compared to the other locations around the city it is a befitting place for beginners to start their adventuring but loss tells naroh that
the grassland is so massive that monsters rarely appear he tells her there are more monsters in The Labyrinth assuring her they won't be harmed so long as they don't venture too deeply into it losts assurances convince narena they arrive at the Labyrinth entrance and are about to enter when narena Cuts lost off she tells him she needs to take the lead because she's a martial artist and he's a Healer lost agreed with her because she made a logical suggestion narena leads the way and lost follows behind her Mar L at her youthful enthusiasm they enter
the Labyrinth and though lost is glad that narena is so motivated he wonders if her combat skills match her enthusiasm they suddenly encounter monsters in The Labyrinth and Norah henna immediately takes them down she takes down the Goblins so easily trying to show off her strength to impress lost who commends her for being strong Nar roenna gladly takes in his Praises glad to be useful to her hero the monsters drop an item which lost and show off to narena he tells her adventurers make a living by selling monster drops like the Magic Stone to the
guild narena wonders why the Magic Stone is so valuable to the guild and he tells her they make use of the magic which resides in the magic Stone lost teases narena for knowing little about adventuring despite claiming to be an adventurer narena confesses that she's not very good at studying because she would rather have a practical approach they gather the magic Stones together and Naran wonders how much she can get from selling them but lost tells her they aren't worth much because they are drops from goblins he tells her the only way to get more
valuable stones is to defeat more powerful monsters in The Labyrinth lost was content with the drops they had gotten because it was enough to pay the bills for that day he asks narena if she wants to explore the Labyrinth further and she enthusiastically answers telling him she wants to go further she promises to protect him in an emergency assuring him that no harm will come to him her answer convinces lost so they keep exploring the Labyrinth they are walking down the Labyrinth corridor when lost suddenly pulls narena back narena is so surprised that she wonders
what happened so lost points at the Labyrinth floor he demonstrates that the floor was BBA trapped and narena is impressed he figured out it was a trap he points out that the color of the floor was different and narena tells him she didn't notice she wonders how a Healer was able to find a trap which is supposed to be a thief's job and loss tells her it's from The Experience he's gotten from working for a long time they keep exploring the Labyrinth and Crouch down to avoid being seen when by a patrolling half orc lost
wonders why a mid-level monster is in the upper level of the labyrinth because it is unusual for them to appear there narena suggests that they turn tail and run away since the monster outclasses them but lost assures her they stand a chance against it if they combin forces narena agrees to battle the monster so they come out to face it narna rushes at the monster who takes a swing at her but she Dodges she jumps into the air and lands a kick on the monster hurting her legs because the monster's skin feels like like a
brick wall the monster raises its Club to attack again and nenna takes advantage of its slow movements she Dodges the monster's attack but gets distracted by some flying debris that scratches her the monster attacks again and she blocks it just in time to avoid taking damage but the monster Corners her the monster attack swings its Club once again certain it's going to get a guaranteed hit and narena accepts her defeat but lost steps in to save her lost defeats the monster with his sword triggering memories of when he saved her several years ago nenna wonders
if lost is just a Healer and tells her he has acquired many other skills because he has been an adventurer for a long time narena is impressed by his variety of skills but lost suddenly notices that she's injured narena tells him not to worry about it because it's a scratch that will heal in no time but lost tells her even the smallest scratches need proper treatment he tends to her wound healing it immediately they go for the drop from the half orc and narena is impressed by how much figger the monster's Magic Stone is compared
to that of the Goblins lost is glad the Magic Stone will fetch a good price because it has a high magic content he asks narena what she wants to do next suggesting that they go back since they've gotten so many Magic stones but narena tells him she's still capable of fighting they decide to keep hunting monsters while narana is still bursting with energy after their exploration they return to the guild with the magic stones and Amherst is surprised they defeated so many monsters in just half a day she realizes that lost took narena to the
Labyrinth instead of taking her to the grasslands as suggested she scolds lost for taking narena to the middle level of the labyrinth because it's the only way to get a half orc Magic Stone but lost tells her they only explored the upper levels naroh backs him up telling Amherst that lost didn't let her explore the Labyrinth further than the upper level despite insisting on it Amherst is convinced that lost is innocent so she gladly accepts the magic stones and joyfully goes to the back to sort out their payment narena wonders why Amherst is so happy
and lost tells her The Guild employees get a raise when they turn in the magic Stones returned by the adventurers they are responsible for Amherst Suite talks narena into working harder to obtain more magic Stones so they can always get a raise at the guild she hands lost their payment and lost is surprised by how much they get from a single Expedition lost still can't believe he gets so much money from the magic Stones because the payment is 10 times what he has ever made even if he splits it in half and gives narena her
share it suddenly Dawns on him that his former party ripped him off heavily Amhurst points this out to narena who is furious reminding Amherst that she was supposed to help settle monetary disputes between party members Amherst tells her they can intervene If lost pays the fee but lost decides to let things go because he now has a new party he decides to forget the past and focus on his new party they leave the guild but handsome The Guild Master walks out of his room and silently observes as they go amrest gleefully takes inventory of the
magic stones in her possession when handsome suddenly walks in on her he asks her if she helped lost find a new party and she tells him she can't sweet talk anyone into teaming up with lost because everyone knows he's a fraud she informs him that nenna decided to team up with lost because she felt a special connection to him hansome gets a description of narina from Amherst and leaves her to her magic stones lost and narino walk into an inn and the waiter greets them the waiter recognizes as lost's new party member and lost is
surprised that news of his partnership with naroh has already spread all over the city the waiter tells him everyone was surprised that someone as incompetent as him was able to get a new party member lost shrugs off the blow to his reputation and makes a reservation for dinner and a room Mary the in- owner asks them if they will be sharing a room and nenna looks forward to sharing a room with lost but he dashes her hopes by making a reservation for two rooms Mary serves them dinner before showing them to their room and lost
thanks her for her service they go into their separate rooms after exchanging good nights and narena slumps on her bed narena recalls when lost saved her when she was much younger after lost healed her wounds narena swore to become an adventurer just like him and protect him in the future from that day she trained to become an adventurer waiting for the day she would meet lost again she immediately traveled to the city after hearing that lost had been kicked out of his previous party so she could form a party with him she is content content
with how things turned out and though she is happy that they were able to form a party and defeat monsters together she is disappointed that lost didn't recognize her she figures out that lost couldn't recognize her because her physical appearance has changed since she first met lost some years prior she realizes that lost doesn't need her help because he has become much stronger than he was when they first met which makes her sad she snaps out of her misery and encourages herself to continue what she has decided to do she renews her revolve to protect
lost whatever the cost she didn't want to conclude that she came to the city for nothing so she put her doubts behind her she gets ready for bed but something bothers her she can't help but wonder why the town's folk think lost is so incompetent despite his overwhelming strength watch this next video see you on the next one [Music]
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