How To See Reality Like God | The Godseye View

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Nero Knowledge
Viewing reality through the lens of a human is the cause of all our suffering. We must switch to a G...
Video Transcript:
What would the world look like if you could see the world as God? You've been trained to see the world as a human, and this is the source of all your suffering. Before being a human, you are a spirit, and this immortal aspect of you is often forgotten while playing the game of life.
Forgetting your cosmic identity limits you to navigate reality from the false self, which is the ego, and which is prone to failure, poverty, and misfortune. In order to transcend those, you must raise your perspective from viewing reality through the lens of a human and begin to view it through the lens of a God. Because you alone can't manifest anything, but the immortal divine spark of God within you can manifest anything.
This was the esoteric meaning of what Jesus said in Matthew 19:26: "But Jesus looked to them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. '" It is the esoteric truth that God is consciousness, and with a properly cultivated mind, all things, all realities are possible. A God's eye view is what you're missing in your reality, and by the end of this video, you will be able to stand above the illusions and manifest whatever it is you want.
Every single religion in the world argues and fights over every single little thing, but they all agree on one thing: that is, the world is made by God. Elevating this to a higher level, all in the world is made by God, and once you understand God to be consciousness, then you'll see consciousness throughout everything in reality. Separation is a disease and an illusion presented by the ego.
Separation, if something isn't part of your body, your mind perceives it to be separate, and this is where the mistakes begin. The truth is consciousness is the substance of everything in reality—from something as small as the pen lid to something as big as the skyscraper to even you. Consciousness is in all and connects all.
Physicists in the early 20th century discovered something that would embarrass them so much that they hid it from you. They discovered that the universe is made out of matter and that matter is made out of particles. These particles, broken down to a base level, are nothing but waves of possibility.
And guess what? Those waves are called wave potentials. Wave potentials is another way of saying consciousness, because these are the same waves that are flowing from your mind.
They're quite literally projected from your mind, and this brought them to the conclusion, the physicists, that the basis of the universe is not matter; matter is a droplet of consciousness. Think about it like imagination. The world we live in is a realm of frozen imagination.
Imagine there being an invisible string that connects you to every single thing around you—everything that you see and everything that you can't see, from the people to the environment to the situations to the scenarios to the circumstances. Everything is connected by this invisible string. This is the metaphysical and quantum physical truth.
God sees the cause, not the effect. Humans live in the physical realm, which means that what we see, what we call reality, is nothing more than an effect. If you want more detail on this, go back to the very first video I ever made, because it will break down the three planes of existence, and if you do not know them, then you will struggle to ever manifest.
Now, living in the world of effect is like walking through a mirror house, being frightened by the reflection instead of understanding that your attention needs to be placed upon the one who's in the mirror. It's even silly to suggest that one can change an effect by changing an effect. So why do you focus here?
Why do you give this so much power? Why are you so fixated on the severity of this realm of effect? When it comes to an elevated perspective, you must reprogram yourself to see beyond the effect into the cause.
The God's eye view seeks out every cause behind every circumstance and not the effect, because the cause is the seed. The God's eye view only looks for the causes behind every circumstance of reality. So whatever you're going through right now, whatever struggles you might be facing, whatever success or failure you've had, misfortune, struggle, luck, prosperity, and poverty—behind every single circumstance, look for the cause.
Once you understand that the cause is always planted into the mind, then you begin to turn away from the world that you see and go back to the cause behind every event. Elevate your mind to the potential cause of what is within, because once you focus on what is within, you can alter what is within, which will naturally lead to an alteration of the without. This is exactly what we do in the 21st-century Alchemist community, so if you're interested in creating reality without the woo-woo nonsense and being around other like-minded black sheep who all want to create reality, make sure you join it!
Hopefully, it's out by the time this video is, and if it's not, then hey, sue! But once you begin to see the cause and not the effect, see God in the three different places, and understand that God is in all and connects all, this is really seeing reality. This is you taking off the glasses and limitation and the false view of the ego and really seeing reality how God would see reality.
There are three places that you must always see God. Now, to avoid confusion, when I use the word "God," I'm not referring to some personality sat in the sky who has temper tantrums anytime somebody. .
. Does something that he doesn't want them to do, even though he knew they were going to do, and put them, whatever. When I say "God," I'm referring to an impersonal energy.
Think about electricity; you know, if you stuck a fork into a switched-on socket, you'd get electrocuted. You wouldn't say, "Electricity is punishing me"; you would say that you misused the energy. In the same way that electricity can be used to power, it can also be used to sentence someone to the electric chair.
That's what I mean when I say an impersonal energy. Now remember that invisible string that connects you to everything. The moment you begin to link yourself, or that invisible string, to these three places that I'm about to break down, you will quite literally be in another universe.
The first place that you must see God is in the world that you walk around in. From the pavement to the road signs, to the cars, to the buildings, to the trucks, to the railings—everything was first created in someone's mind, which means that consciousness is quite literally the source of the world. So when you see a car, don't see a car; see God.
So when you see a building, don't see a building; see God. So when you see a pavement, don't see a pavement; see God. Even the button that you press at a traffic light—that is God.
The next time you go on a walk, retrain your mind from processing the environment as what you've been trained to see it as, and begin to see it as God. Even something as small as the door handle is powerful. This is a powerful exercise and a reconstruction of what you've been training to see the world as.
Because once you see God in all, you will see the world as moldable, which leads to the next place. The second place that God is found is in the reality that you experience, as within, so without. Your entire reality is nothing more than a reflection of who you truly are on a subconscious level.
There's nothing that you can experience in reality that was not first established within you. If you're currently broke, it's because the idea of poverty has been solidified in your mind. If you're struggling, it's because the idea of struggle has been solidified in your mind.
The idea that you are the origin of your reality is only radical to those who have not connected the invisible string that links you between it. Your reality being a reflection of your subconscious mind means that your aim should be to change what's standing in the mirror, because the mirror will never smile before you do. The third place to see God is in every person that you meet.
Yes, even those people that you might think are bums, and the people that you think are evil, and the people you don't like. You must see God in them. We are one mind, simply vibrating at different rates and expressed into different bodies.
From the alcoholic to the thief, to the beautiful to the ugly, we are all droplets from the ocean of God, quite literally in different bottles. When you see someone, you're just looking at a mask that God is wearing, and once you begin to see God in others, it'll be easier to see the God within, and you will treat them accordingly. Due to the reflective nature of reality, you will treat yourself differently.
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