9 DARK PSYCHOLOGY Sales Techniques to Sell Anything

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Patrick Dang
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I'm going to show you nine of the most powerful sales hacks I've used to generate Millions for my clients these psychological strategies are so powerful that some people might even say they are borderline manipulative so remember with great power comes great responsibility and let's dive in the first strategy is going to be the rags to Rich's story when it comes to selling anything you have to understand people by emotionally not logically so storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to get someone emotionally driven to take an action so using the rags to Rich a
story basically when you're selling something people are buying into you right whether you're selling a product or service whatever the case is or maybe some kind of transformation so the rag Rich stories works by creating a story you definitely want to use a real story of where you started so for example right if I am selling courses on how to help people become a better seller I would start with when I was growing up I was this loser shy quiet kid that always played video games I had a hunchback and you know none of the
girls liked me right which is actually a true story so when you start from the rags then you go from the riches okay so how did I go from this shy awkward quiet kid to becoming who I am today and so as you tell that story you want to have obstacles challenges things that set you back so when I try to you know read different books and talk to people at first it felt very awkward and weird and everybody made fun of me for trying but I just kept going and going and going and I
didn't let anyone tell me what I could or couldn't do and so you see I by putting these obstacles and challenges in front of me and I'm overcoming them tells this grander story that's much more relatable because chances are if you're telling this kind of story and the type of people you're listening to probably relate to your Rags to Riches stories in some way because they are watching you and and listening to you or looking to buy something from you and they want to be like you and the more relatable you can make yourself to
your ideal customer the more likely they are to buy because they're going to think wow if Patrick can do it then I can do it too and in a way by telling the story you are in a way inspiring them to become a better version of themselves right so you can't say yeah it's manipulative but you can also call it really good storytelling and if you look at Hollywood movies or some of the best influencers out there they all have this ability to tell powerful stories now the next strategy I have for you is to
throw rocks at your enemies now there's a common quote that says the enemy of my enemy is my friend so what does that mean here so when you're selling something typically somebody's trying to reach some kind of transformation right so if you're selling consulting or coaching you're basically taking somewhere from point A to point B now to get to point A to point B there's going to be lots of obstacles right so if you're helping somebody make $10,000 per month for example and right now they're only making 0 a month right then you're saying okay
let's get you to become a better person let's develop your skills let's get you put yourself out there and try to make some money and as they go through that process what's going to happen is there's going to be a lot of haters oh you can't do it oh you can't start an online business oh I tried it myself it didn't work so if it didn't work for me what makes you you think is going to work for you because of this natural tendency for people to be haters you got to throw rocks at their
enemies so if I was selling this type of coaching program I was say hey look like when I started making content everyone was talking negative things about me they said I couldn't do it they said that I didn't have enough sales experience they said this and that but you know what I didn't listen to what they said I just continued to put out video after video and video and I created a community an audience actually like my stuff so yes maybe one person might be a hater but the reality is there's a lot of people
that are going to love you as right so what I'm doing I'm throwing rocks at the enemy so if I'm telling the story to another person let's say they are also a aspiring Creator like I was in the beginning they're going to feel a lot more relatable to me because I just went through what they went through as well and so whatever it is you're selling you want to be on the side of your potential customer and throw rocks at their enemies who are their haters who are the people that are telling them they cannot
do it and that is your common enemy now the next strategy that we have for you is going to be called the pit of Darkness now this is going to be a powerful storytelling technique where when you're telling any type of story you want to dramatize or make it very clear on how low you're going for example if you're telling a story where you're saying hey I'm I try to start my own business I put in thousands of dollars of all the money I saved up in my life and you know what it was just
failure after failure after failure and when I got to the point where I was down to my last $200 this is where everything changed and then you tell a story of how you turned it around right so when you're telling your story and you're convincing someone to buy something especially if you're selling a transformational program for example like a coaching or Consulting you have to draw out the worst Pains of how bad can it be how bad can it get when your back is against the wall when you're down to your last dollars when you
don't know what to do next and there's no one there to help you what is your next move and people are so curious to understand what did you do right what is it that you did that got you out of that hole and they might even feel damn I'm in that hole too like I need to know what you did so I can do it for myself and that's how you tell these stories in order to persuade someone to one relate to you and number two to show them that it's possible Right assuming you're selling
something that actually works then it is actually possible if they follow the same steps and so when you create this distance between this bottom of the pit of like how worse or how bad things can be and you later on tell them how you overcame some obstacles and then you reached the end goal that distance between where you started and where you ended up is is going to be extremely wide and it's going to look very impressive if you did the opposite and said like yeah you know I was always good and then I started
a business and I made 10K a month then I went to 100 and it was really no big deal then it's not really relatable right it's like no one's going to connect with that where's the human touch to it but if you said hey like I was doing a 9 to-5 job that I absolutely hated and I just basically quit and I used my life savings to try something out but then you know for a whole year straight I was losing money after business idea business idea business idea just fail fail fail fail fail and
when I was down to my last $200 than I so if you compare those two stories that I just told one is like not relatable at all one is high drama High action you see the contrast between where you were and where you ended up and it's a lot more relatable and so by creating this pit of Darkness you are going to you know just tell much more compelling stories and people are going to buy into it emotionally the next strategy I have for you is when you're trying to sell something but maybe you're not
the most qualified or you're not an expert in your field and we're going to counter this by by being an adventurer okay so when you take the perspective of a Adventurer what you're doing is you're basically saying hey I'm on this Mission I'm on this quest to do XYZ and I'm looking for members to come along for the ride right I may not know everything that I'm doing I'm testing and trying things out however if you want to learn everything that I'm going through and and learn from my pains and you can just learn it
right away feel free to come along for the journey right so this works really well when you're learning something new and you're trying to get clients fast right so let's say you were trying to be um an AI expert right but you didn't really know much about AI well you could still sell clients and say hey look I'm learning about how this goes as you know AI is a really new and emerging industry so I'm doing my best to stay on top of the trends so all the things that I'm learning and Implement for my
clients I want to also Implement for you but understand not everything's going to work right away but you know I will be there with you every step of the way to figure it out with you do you want to come along for the ride and there are going to be some clients that say no absolutely not it's too risky for me but there are maybe other people that might say hey look I don't want to figure this AI thing out by myself if you can do it for me I understand everything's not going to work
out but hey I'll pay you money to figure it out for me and so by taking the perspective of the adventurer nobody can say like oh he's just faking he's just pretending to be something he's not because you never said you were this you're just saying you're trying things out right and that's the ultimate protection against yourself as you are continuing to build your brand in an industry that you are continuing to learn about and so a couple notes on that people will be excited to be a part of something even if it's not proven
out right there's always these adventurers and Risk Takers who are going to take that risk with you and also even if you fail there will be people that still support you along the way because they know you actually tried and your intention is good so don't think you have to get everything perfect if you use the row of the adventurer and by the way if you are somebody that is looking to start a business build a personal brand and sell your skills knowledge or expertise online you definitely want to join our new school Community called
founder X where you're going to learn all these things we have free courses free resources weekly trainings to teach you everything you need to know about how to build your online presence and sell your skills so if you're interested in that make sure to check the link in the description to join our free school Community some of the people that I've personally coached have been able to make thousands of dollars their first month working with me so if you're interested in those kind of things check it out now my next tip is really going to
be for the entrepreneurs and Founders out there and that's going to be build what they want so here's the thing about selling if you build something for 6 months and only then trying to sell it to another person then what if they don't like it what if they don't buy then you wasted 6 months building something nobody wants so you want to reverse it and you want to sell and build it not the other way around so how I would do it and how I do it even now is I'll have a meeting with somebody
I'll say hey look I'm I'm looking to build this new program you're going to be one of the first people if you do enroll but I'm just curious to know like where you're currently at then they're going to give me where they're at what their problems are and I'll be like oh interesting that's a problem lead generation so tell me more like why can't you get more meetings they're going to say their problems so basically as they tell me their problems I'm just going to reverse their problems into a solution so I could say Hey
you know you mind if I share how I can help sure Patrick well you're saying you have trouble with lead generation and you want to create content so you know I've been able to generate a lot of leads by creating these YouTube videos so what I can do is I can teach you exactly how I did it so you can do it for yourself what do you think about that they're going to be like oh wow that that sounds pretty good that's exactly what I needed and so I can charge money for something like this
even though I'm just making it up at a thin air right this is like real time like just doing it and so when you're able to make these offers up just based on what somebody tells you you can gauge quickly whether or not someone is going to pay money to buy your services and only then when you collect the money then you go out and build whatever program that you had promised them right so this will save you a lot of time where you collect money first then you build instead of build and then try
to collect money because you don't know if it's going to work so the next one we're going to cover is going to be social social proof now this is going to be one of the most powerful psychological hacks that you can use so social proof is essentially showing proof that you got the results that you're promising to another person before they buy now the best way to do this is number one you think about who this person is then you go into your bank of clients that you have and you say okay who's the closest
to this person that way this New Prospect can feel like oh wow Patrick has helped someone that was just like me so if it worked for this person there's a pretty high chance that it might work for me right no guarantees all you really need to do is collect your case studies and present those case studies and only present the ones that are most relevant so I've done this where if I talk about someone completely different than the person I'm trying to sell they might say something like yeah you know your program seems good and
I see it worked for them but I don't think it's going to work for my business I don't think it's going to work for my industry right but in reality it actually might work but because of this dissonance between who my past client was and I who that case study was they just don't see the connection right so that's why you always need to find the most relevant example and the main thing you want to do when it comes to these case studies whether it's a testimonial or written case study or PDF that you sent
them is you want to show the before and after so before what was life like before working with Patrick how did you struggle what were your pains and then you talk about okay so what did Patrick do to help remove those obstacles and what is your life after you work with Patrick so before Patrick I got no sales after Patrick I'm making so many sales that my my problem now is delivering on the service right and so by creating this wide gap between where they were and where they are at now after working with you
and presenting that to the client assuming that your client is similar to the one that you're currently talking to then it's just going to make them feel so confident in your service right so social proof is one of the best psychological techniques that you got to use now the next one I have for you is going to be called why now so in a sale somebody might be a really good fit for your product and service but they may not byy now they might say oh this is really good for me but I might do
it next month but uh it's not really that important for me right now so what do you need to do in order for them to take an action right and the key here is to use two things scarcity and urgency so scarcity is really just having some kind of limited Supply right so if you are selling some kind of coaching service you can say hey look I can only take five clients on at a time because the quality and high touch and effort that I put into each client to transform their lives is so high
I can only work 5 right now we're at 4 we only got one more spot and there are a couple people that I'm looking to take on however if you're the type of person that wants to take action now I could just bring you on and you can be the fifth but you have to make the decision by the end of the week and so that's creating scarcity by limiting your supply which is limiting your time because it's B2B sales you can create any scenario you want right if you only want to work with five
people you can cut it off there if you want to work with 10 it's up to you right and the second thing you can do is urgency so limiting the time at which they have to make an action right one of the easiest ways to do it is by discounting and by using time as the kind of like the Finish Line right so if I sold something for $5,000 and I said hey look if you can make the decision by the end of the week we're going to knock it down to 4,000 but you have
to make it by the end of the week if it's not by then it's going to go back to five so if that person is qualified and they're really interested but they just don't want to make the decision today that discount might be the motivating factor to get them to take an action so by limiting the supply in terms of selling your time right or how many units that that you have just think of like limited edition like Nike sneakers for example right limited Supply increases demand and then having urgency like you have to buy
it now or else it's going to be more expensive combine those things together then the person will make a decision much sooner it doesn't guarantee it but increase the odds now the next strategy is showing empathy because people don't remember what you said they remember how you made them feel so how do you show empathy for someone and make them feel like oh wow this person really gets me I'm going to show you some tips right now so the first one is going to be to actively listen so what is this mean when somebody's speaking
to you you want to actively listen meaning you have to make the other person feel like you're listening right if you're all ears in you're listening to every single word they're saying but you're just like blank staring at them they're not going to feel it so even if you are it's not enough you have to make them feel you are listening right so how do you do that you basically use words as they are speaking to indicate that you are listening so if someone's talking I would say uh-huh yeah I got it okay well why
was that tell me more more so you basically use these little phrases throughout the entire conversation to actively show that every other sentence you're actually listening to the person now you can do other techniques like just repeating what they said so if they said that oh man like our Facebook ads aren't working anymore I'm not sure why and then I could repeat exactly what they said and offer a solution yeah I totally get where you're coming from man like these days right now it's really hard to make Facebook ads work it's so competitive I'm just
repeating what the other person said and they're going to be like oh wow he actually gets me right and you can also use physical signals like nodding your head your hand gestures physical touch he's like oh man I totally hear you man all these things combined together will create that sense of emotional feeling like wow this guy really gets me and the reality is it's not actually even being manipulative to be honest it's just showing someone you care and by understanding all these little elements like not everyone's a natural at being a salesperson right and
so these are really the techniques if you're to break it all down to steps on the things you can do to authentically care and have empathy for your customers now here's an advanced technique to show empathy and that's asking question that only makes sense if you were actually listening right so when you ask a question if you reference something that they said before and it only works by referencing then it's going to be so much more powerful right so if I just ask the person what's your budget well there's no reference to what they said
before so it could be I'm not listening to anything and randomly I just said what's your budget so instead if you said hey you know you were mentioning earlier that that right now the budgets are really tight for quarter 3 because you just bought this new software so I was just curious for something like we're talking about like what would the budget look like for something like this right and so I'm repeating something that person said in the past bringing it back showing I listened and they're going to be like oh wow I said that
like 20 minutes ago I can't believe you remember that and then they're more likely to tell me the budget because they feel like I'm actually listening and they feel like I actually care which I actually do okay now the next one I have for you is to seek truth now this one's a little more philosophical but it's one of the most powerful right I'm going to show you how to win any argument without even arguing at all the key is you don't look to be right or wrong most people they're looking to be right they
want to be like haha I'm right and you're wrong which actually is very immature so instead you want to take a more stoic way of looking at things right and say like hey look I'm not trying to be right I'm not even trying to be wrong I'm not trying to say you're right or wrong either I'm just trying to learn what the truth is and find the best solution for this situation it's like how can you get mad at that right because most conflict escalates because one person has an ego the other person has an
ego and they just keep battling each other by force and trying to prove the other person is wrong but if you just take a step back and say look like I don't even care if I'm wrong right if you're right and your way of doing things is much better let's go with that that's actually much better for you because you're looking for the best possible solution so when you're sell telling you're not saying that your product is the best and this is why you're better than everybody else or this is why you're dumb if you
don't buy my thing it's not even like that it's more like hey look I just want to understand your situation and see what you're working on see the best solution for you right and if I feel like what we're doing makes the most sense I'll let you know I'll be honest but if it's not a good fit I'll also be honest and tell you as well like what do you think about that they're going to say yeah that's sounds pretty fair to me right and so that's how it works right seek the truth don't try
to be right or wrong and that completely disarms the other person so it feels more like you're talking to a friend versus trying to battle negotiate or the person feels like oh man this guy's just trying to sell me and the thing with looking for the truth is that you're always going to get new information so your opinion on something will constantly change depending on the information you get so if you suddenly just switch your opinion on something nobody can say oh he's like twoof faced he's a liar no it's that you have new information
and you're seeking truth so now the truth has changed based on that information right you can only do the best with what you have for what you're given okay so this is how you win any argument just by seeking the truth
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