if I had the opportunity to go back and tell past me any piece of advice what would that advice be and I concluded the advice would simply be this it's never too early nor too late to listen follow and build your life Upon Jesus put Jesus first when you wake up in the morning put him first when you're tired put him first you've got to put Jesus first before your job before your desires before your dreams put him first put him first in your schedule then put him first in your finances put him first put
Jesus first because I I've come to tell you that when you put Jesus first he's able to do a sudden and he is able to do a radical and a complete change when you put Jesus first he's able to affect a fundamental change in your life he's able to overthrow certain powers that rule the decisions in our in our and our ways of thinking and our Direction when we put Jesus first that means that when you and I get depressed and hurting and broken and lost Jesus came to rescue us Jesus says it this way
for the son of man that's what he called called himself came to seek and to save what was lost and if you follow Jesus you'll find Healing if you follow Jesus he will lead you to Hope if you follow Jesus he will lead you to experience Everlasting joy that is on the horizon but we get so consumed with our own circumstances get this that we never look up I'm here to tell you got some good news for you today I've read the end of the story it's a spoiler alert we win now I know that
there's pain going to be pain and it's difficulty now and I know that you and I will both have life wrecking days in our life but we just need to keep our eyes up because in the end we win that God has promised to set everything right in the end and if it's not right it's not the end if it's not good he's not done that's right and one of the things that Jesus teaches you and I to do is make sure that we build our lives upon him to where he becomes our secure foundation
and this is what people have unfortunately done instead of making him our secure Foundation some of us for one reason or another have decided to substitute Jesus for other things in this life we we've made our careers our secure Foundation we've made our finances our secure Foundation we've made our relationships a secure Foundation we've made our status and life life a secure foundation and let me tell you if you're here today and you have not made Jesus your secure Foundation you are playing a very dangerous game here's the one thing that I can tell you
about life life can get difficult as a matter of fact Jesus made us a promise he said in this life you will have trouble but there's something amazing when you look at the difference between the person whose life is going through trouble and they have built their life on career and finances and uh relationships and all that stuff versus the person who has built their lives on Christ the solid rock it is a game Cher and I want you to see what Jesus says in the next verse he says in the next verse verse number
25 he says though the rain comes in torrents and the flood waters rise and the winds beat against that house it won't collapse because it is built on Bedrock from this day forward I'm going to listen follow and build my life on Jesus don't make the mistake of being so comfortable that you fail to make Jesus a priority in your life you know how we know what our priorities are what do you put your time into if you don't have time to spend with Jesus I'm talking regularly I'm not talking occasionally I'm talking regularly and
you don't give him leftovers you give him the best put him first in everything that you do and you know what some of the upside down things in your life will turn right side up a lot quicker than you think they will man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God Jesus taught us to pray give me today my daily bread it's like the Mana in the wilderness that was provided for the Israelites every day it is a daily provision it is not a lifetime supply
pray about everything so if you're a novice of prayer let me suggest you begin by carving out 15 minutes at the beginning of every day you get in a secluded spot where you're not going to be interrupted you go down to your knees and you pray out loud and you review everything that happen yesterday that you can remember pray about everything and thank God that he got you through then you go to today and you list what's on your calendar and your thoughts and say Lord anoint me and prepare me for the things that I
have today and when you pray about everything you come your thinking changes God's taking care of me yesterday I believe he'll take care of me today so you got to carve out time you've got to make a moment in your day 10 15 15 20 30 minutes whatever it is for you to say I going to put everything to the side phones family job all that stuff and say I'm going to sit and meet with the Lord I'm going to retreat to Jesus you have to open up your heart and ask Jesus to be your
lord and your savior Romans chap 10:9 says that if you confess with your mouth that the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you will be saved Revelations 3:20 says behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in to put him first we need to follow him to follow him to have friendship and fellowship with him and ultimately to put your faith in him you've got to seek Him Matthew chapter 6:33 but seek first the kingdom
of God and and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you Proverbs 817 I love those who love me and those who seek me diligently will find me Isaiah 55:6 says seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he he is near Hebrews 11:6 says he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him what does this mean this means that we've got to make every opportunity possible to seek the Lord see here's the thing don't grow distant from Jesus all of us have friends all of us have
people that that time and life has kind of gotten in the way and and things have grown distant maybe literally distant or or or maybe just emotionally or or but don't grow distant from Jesus don't grow distant from Jesus I don't care how young you are I don't care how old you are it is never too early nor too late to start listening following and building your life on Jesus [Music]