there's never been a time in human history when it's easier to create wealth than it is right now but it doesn't feel like it in fact I'll say this not only has there never been a time in human history where it's easier to create wealth than right now but it's probably never felt harder so in this video called follow the money why it's easier to create wealth now than ever in human history even though it feels harder I'm going to show you why it feels so hard and I'm going to show you why if you
follow the money you increase your chances of getting rich and even getting rich quickly my Define quickly in your lifetime so here we go wealth moves into different sectors we we we kind of know that wealth moves in cycles and so sometimes it's it's easier to create wealth in real estate other times it's easier to create create wealth in the stock market we all get that right sometimes the real estate market is doing really really well sometimes the stock market is really really doing well sometimes the Commodities Market is really doing really really well that's
kind of what I'm talking about but on a much broader Spectrum like throughout world history so a phrase that I've made be a statement that you've heard me make before if you watched a lot of of my YouTube videos is you cannot solve the mystery of wealth until you understand the history of wealth and so uh one of the things that we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history well I would recommend that we those of us who are here today in this studio those of us who are here watching on the
YouTube sphere that we not be the kind of people that learn nothing from history and so I heard somebody say one time if you get a college degree today unless you're going to be a doctor or an engineer who builds Bridges or a lawyer or something like that but just a college degree for the sake of the college degree if you get a college degree then you will find yourself beautifully equipped to earn a living in a world that no longer exists how many felt that right and so what I mean by that is even
if you take the amount of time it takes to get a college textbook approved to teach by the time that book hits the classroom because the world changes so fast now day one of that textbook being in school most most of the principles in it are already obsolete most of the lessons in it cuz principles are never obsolete most of the lessons in it are already Obsolete and so so what I have to do if I want to create wealth if I want to get and and and some people some people say well money doesn't
matter right that's why you work eight hours a day for it maybe sometimes 16 because it doesn't matter right um what I my objective is to help you get to the place in your life where you make enough money just by being who you're being with the business or the Investments that you have so that you can spend your life focusing on your life's purpose not just making money so if you're going to create wealth one of the things you have to do is you have to stop attempting to earn a living in the past
the biggest problem the number one reason people find it hard to create wealth is because they're trying to make a living in the past while they're living in the present now what does that mean I'm going to show you so if you look at somebody sent me a text a friend of mine John from over in the UK he sent me a text this morning I got to read this to you because it was so good it was so good he sent me a text cuz you know I like to uh I like to do
money experiments I don't know if y'all like those or not but so he said he said he said what's your view on bitcoin versus gold one feels man controlled the other feels God controlled not sure if I'm being too christianese about it so I said so shout out to my man John yabo over there in the UK so I said all currencies are man-made and man controlled the reason any of them work is because of mass exception and mass adaptation gold is a precious metal an actual resource all real resources are made by God who
is the source of all things real and valuable currencies are not resources they represent resources wow okay that that was right you tracking okay so so the money that I have the money that I have when I have money in my pocket I don't have any money in my pocket right now because I left my wallet in my car but the the the money that I have in my wallet is not it's not there it has no value what it does is it certifies it proves that I've created value for someone other than me money
is a certificate a store of value that was created in the past that I can use in the present to exchange for somebody else's value to me in the present are y'all tracking all currencies do that it doesn't matter if it's USD it doesn't matter if it's Australian dollars or Canadian dollars or if it's Bitcoin or or ethereum or whatever it's all stock all of that stuff those are all that stuff is just certificates it's not money is not wealth I did a whole video called money is not wealth what is wealth if money is
not wealth what is wealth wealth is your ability to create value for someone other than yourself the more value you can create for the more people the more wealth you have I mean that's it it doesn't get any simpler than that now so so here's why it feels so hard to create wealth because you're trying to make a living in the past and I'm going to show you what I call the history and mystery of wealth so from the beginning of time this is like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to the mid
1700s I'm just going to put 1750 the economic infrastructure of the world was based on agriculture and the economic infrastructure of the world was called the agricultural age in the agricultural age land equal wealth and when land equal wealth the people who own the land own the wealth and because land equal wealth what you could do on that land is you could either grow crops or you could raise livestock but you owned land now if you had enough land and enough crops and enough livestock you didn't even have to farm the land you'd either have
servants or you'd have peasants who would live on your land and they would Farm the land they would keep enough of the food to sustain their own lives so they'd be strong enough to so you didn't have to go out and find some new peasants right are some new servants well I I know it's it's not how we talk today so it sounds odd but I'm just showing you the reality of how the world worked and like if you were born into a family that owned land your family you would be rich your whole life
unless somebody who had better technology than you I.E weapons came and conquered your land and then just took it from you it's just how the world worked for centuries and so land equal wealth the people who own the land own the wealth now here's the thing if you've got livestock and you've got crops you only have a couple of just you have for the crops you have one gation period a year for the livestock you might have two so which means you the the amount of wealth that you can produce was determined by the land
and the animals and the crops and so wealth grew very slowly because you had to wait for the seasons are yall tracking and so the people who own the land own the wealth if you if you were born into a family didn't own land you were you were like you were you weren't even a second class or third class citizen you might have been fifth sixth or seventh class citizen right and you you you lived on the land and the land was owned by the Lords and the ladies that's where we get the term landlord
from they're the people who own the land and then you rent it from them that's where we get that term from are y'all tracking so so during the economic era of in fact I'm going to call this Eco era during the economic era of the Agricultural age land equal wealth things happened very slowly people didn't live very long like if somebody lived till they were 47 they were considered old right people didn't live very long and and if you were born rich you stayed Rich if you born poor you stayed poor there was no middle
class you were either rich or poor well change happened very slow there was no such thing as Retirement you basically lived until you died and then from the mid 1750s mid 1700s to the mid1 1900s 1950s we went into the Industrial Age and in the Industrial Age machines equaled wealth and the people who own the machines own the wealth now here here's what's really cool about the Industrial Age the Industrial Age people who created wealth they created wealth in a very short period of time compared to people who were wealthy basically forever right you were
either born into now here you got people who were born poor but they created a machine of some kind and then turned that machine into a factory and then hire people to come work in the factory and they started creating all of this massive wealth during the Industrial Age and during the Industrial Age machines equal wealth people own the machines own the wealth a whole bunch of stuff was created during this time retirement R created that never existed before right high school was create oops high school was created during this time like um eight hour
work days that was created during this time huh all of these things were created oh but this was a very permission-based Society what does that mean it means if if you thought you were an author and you thought you could write somebody who owned a printing press had to agree or you'd never get published how many y'all are tracking this is why this is what I mean when I say it's easier to create wealth now than it's ever been in human history like if you thought you could sing I believe I can sing right if
you thought you could if you think you can sing if you back in then if you thought you could sing if mtown didn't think you could sing it didn't matter if Columbia Records didn't think you could sing it didn't matter if Sony records didn't think you could sing it didn't matter you had to get permission from the people who owned the machines and if you didn't get permission from them it didn't matter how good you thought you were like the machines were centralized they were owned by the people who owned them there was no create
your own way in the world create my own way with what right you thought you were an actor well you better H H you better hope Hollywood agreed what a day to live you can literally in 2024 you can be anything and it doesn't matter what the you don't need permission from anybody you know what the to me the funniest not funny haha funny peculiar the funniest shows to me on television are like um American Idol and America's Got Talent and Britain's Got Talent like there you're you're going to go sing in front of four
people and if they approve you you're happy who cares what they think get on YouTube sing your song If people like it they'll they'll vote by subscribing to you like you you yeah exactly like it it like it literally doesn't matter when you UND this by the way oh the whole college degree was the formula for Success this was created during the Industrial Age why because if I was working on the farm and I was really working hard on the farm the guy who owned the factory was driving past the farm and he saw me
working on the farm he's like dude you're a really hardworking guy I got this machine if you come run this machine instead of you working 12 hours a day you can come work to me for me 8 hours a day I'm really making this succinct I know it took longer and it took a period of time to get to the 8 hour work day but like you come work for me and you can work eight hours you can have Saturday and Sunday off you can be at home with your family I'm like and I'll pay
you more than you making here on this Farm sign me up right right I worked on a farm once for a whole day I prayed for God to deliver me from that day okay so so so then you get to the M factory and you're working on this machine and you're like really really good with the machine and you understand the machine if the machine breaks you can fix it and the boss sees you he's like you're so good at working on this machine that you know what if you go to school at night if
you go to college at night we'll pay for it and you learn management and you learn how to manage people I'll put when you get your degree you come back and work in the factory and I'll help you I'll let you manage the people who run the machines you won't even have to run the machine anymore so you know what I did when I came home and I after I come home go to school I talk to my kids at night I say you make sure you study hard you make sure you get good grades
because when you graduate you can go off to a good college you can skip working on the farm you can skip working in the factory you can just go straight into management it made sense back then it made perfect sense that education by the way education is like education is the way to elevate your station in life but college is not the only form of Education it's not necessarily the best form of educ it's the best form of education for some but it's not the only form of Education there are other forms of Education out
there so so all of these things happened during the Industrial during the Industrial Age but guess what happened then we went from the Industrial Age in the mid 19 uh mid 1750s 1950s mid1 1950s to 1978 we went into the distribution age and then the distribution age Outlets Outlets equal wealth and the people who own the outlets own the wealth so it's pretty simple to understand this part right here this part right here we're talking about we're talking about Ford we're talking about Rockefeller we're talking about Carnegie right all of these people but in the
distribution age we're talking about Sam Walton we're talking about uh we're talking about Sears we're talking about JC Penney what Happ we're talking about Amway we're talking about malls we're talking about department stores see the reason these people created this wealth was because they were no they said okay we're not going to make a living in the past we're going to we're going to create something that is for now and tomorrow not yesterday and the day before I promise you if you're struggling right now to make money I promise you to the degree that you're
struggling to make money it's to this to that same degree you are stuck in the past wow that's mind-blowing it's m it's it's so sheerly and utterly mind-blowing that like the the the more you can understand the day and age in which you live and the more solutions you can create for that day and moving forward the better off you're going to do financially period like like period so Outlets equal wealth so many malls discount stores MLM infomercials infomercials QVC like all of that stuff was created between 19 1950s and 1978 but something was invented
in 1978 that changed the world the personal computer and in from 1978 to 1994 we went into the technology age and in the in the technology age What I Call tech hyphen no hyphen how equal wealth and people who knew how to create new technologies those are the people who own the wealth you can you like I I remember this like it was yesterday cuz in 1980 1980 I was 19 years old and guess what I saw on Time Magazine I saw kids in their 20s who were becoming billionaires Steve Jobs Steve wnc Michael Dell
Bill Gates these were guys who were born just a couple of years before me they were born in the mid-50s and they were billionaires and they did it through computer programming and so in the 198 from 1980 to 199 everybody wanted to go to school for computer programming but they were too late the thing about Steve Jobs Steve wdak Bill Gates Michael Dell all the rest of those guys they learned how to they started with a computer programming thing in the 60s they were getting ready for a time that was coming after them not for
one that came before them I'm like and so here's here here's one of the problems we have our parents are the ones who prepare us for the future but our parents were stuck in the past that's why if you really want to assist your children on their journey through life one of the most important things you can do is to be Forward Thinking don't get stuck like Chuck in a pickup truck in the past because if you do you're going to literally you're going to set your children on a path of frustration is is what
I'm saying making some sense and so so what happens techn how equal wealth and so um they created the personal computer and the personal computer Chang the world I be people will never want to use a personal computer why would somebody want a personal computer it's it's so fascinating how it takes like like new technologies are usually created by rebels by the way my first computer my first computer I bought in 1988 or 1989 my first personal computer it was an apple 2E with a 5 and a half inch floppy drive and no hard drive
like a hard drive like hard drives were we I didn't have a hard drive until probably 1991 a hard drive and I remember I got a 40 megabyte hard drive that thing was so big 40 megabyte hard drive right am my 8088 or my 886 y y y y some of yall know what I'm talking about and and it changed everything it changed it changed how we managed our money it changed how businesses were managed it changed how accounting was done everything changed with technology and the techno in in the technology age then 1994 I
remember my brothers they were so excited about this 1994 to 2003 we went into the information age now the information age was the most unique age to date because every other age wealth was created by owning something but in the information age you can't own information the sky blue who owns that everybody and nobody right water's wet who owns that information nobody and everybody so the people who created wealth in the information age didn't create wealth by owning information they created wealth by controlling the flow of information and the flow of information controlling the flow
controlling the flow of information equal wealth I remember I had I met guys I met guys during the uh Information Age who were making hundred hundreds of thousands of dollars a month with Google AdSense web pages what's a Google AdSense web page they would build a web page and would just have Google ad links on it so somebody looked up how to make money they would just have or how to make money on the internet they would just have a whole bunch of affiliate I mean a whole bunch of Google links to these and then
people clicked on them just like you know how people you know how people make YouTube videos now and then they run ads on the YouTube video and then YouTube shares the ad Revenue like if if you created AdSense Pages back then then somebody clicked on your AdSense page on your link YouTube would pay you a part of the revenue that came from that ad and there were people who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month back in the early 2000s with AdSense pages and it that and H I'm going ask a question how
many of you never even heard of an AdSense page before I just said that that's my point see what I'm saying so that doesn't make you ignorant doesn't it just means like there's so much opportunity that nobody has time to capture it all and so 2003 oh 2003 to 2008 oh by the way before I get to this one before I get to this one let me ask you a question those of you in the audience what do y'all notice about each one of these economic getting shorter and shorter that's right every economic era is
getting shorter and shorter that's why it feels so hard to get rich and your opportunity get shorter well the the amount of time you have to Tool up gets shorter and shorter the people in the agricultural age had thousands of years to get ready for the in for the Industrial Age I thought something so funny but I'm not going to say it because it get me in trouble okay the people the people in the Industrial Age had hundreds of years to get ready for the next economic error the people in the distribution age only had
a couple of decades this is why it feels so hard to create wealth by the time you even realize that you need to Tool up for something new that's happening that thing's gone and the new thing is here now y yall want to see something else fascinating fascinating to me it may not be fascinating to you the agricultural age created the environment that produced the age that replaced it the Industrial Age they were farming with manual tools and somebody said this is dumb somebody just woke up one day and said they had this is dumb
we need to make a machine that can do this and so they created a machine to do the farming and now we have machines that plow the land we have machines that sew the seed we have machines that harvest the crop we have machines that milk the cows so the AG all of the problems that existed during the agricultural age created the opportunity for the Industrial Age and the Industrial Age because we had machines now machines could work harder and longer than people and didn't need coffee braks and vacations now we produced more Goods in
the Industrial Age than we did in the agricultural age and so now we got all the stuff stacking up in Warehouse we need to do something with it so what the Industrial Age created the need for the distribution age so every economic age is creating the era that replaces it it's literally just by existing is making itself obsolete this is why it's absolutely imperative for you me and everybody we know who's serious about creating wealth we must stay on The Cutting Edge of Technology don't be late to the technology party you will get left behind
and it's like getting to the airport late um on one of the we will inconvenience you at our convenience Airlines once they close the door they ain't open it back up for you well guess what the distribution age created started Distributing things and all of a sudden they were having a hard time keeping track of what they had distributed so so Sam Walton went he was the first one to do this Sam Walton went to IBM and recruited computer programmers to write programs to keep track of his inventory in his Walmart stores and it became
the industry standard so the literally the distribution age created the need for the technology age and then technology age well we got all this technology we might as well use it to control the flow of information then 2003 to 2008 we went into what I call the Techno info edutainment age that's people who knew how to use technology to create information that educated people educated people in an entertaining way wow in an entertaining way those are people who own the wealth now y'all have heard me tell the story about how I created wealth I got
like started like I literally landed in the Techno info edutainment age and had an idea at that the absolute perfect time and I created some some level of wealth I mean we made a few million dollars which is decent but I made the mistake of thinking that I created that wealth because I was good but the real reason I created that wealth was because I was on time I was at the right place at the right time and took the right action I like I I don't know if this is helping anybody besides me or
Not by the way 2008 right at 2008 because like I didn't change with the times guess what happened my plane crashed not not literal plane my Prosperity plane crashed in the desert of Despair uh so so 2008 we techno info this is people who knew how to use technology to create information educate an entertaining way this is where Russell Simmons became a billionaire this is where Spike Lee this guy with a camera and knew how to use it he created like commercials and then started making movies this is this is the era in which Tyler
Perry became was went from selling videotapes of plays out of the trunk of his car to now he's a billionaire the Techno info edutainment age the people who were there at that time by the way can I say this it doesn't matter what the age is no age is better than another age they're just different the thing that has to be better is you and the way you get better is by being ready and perceptive and willing enough to change when you recognize a new era are y'all tracking okay and so this is the first
economic age in world history that lasted for a longer period no not this one the next one 2008 2008 to and this one went to all the way up to 2021 we were in um the partnership age and the partnership age oh let me say this while I'm on it you can still create wealth in any of these you can still create wealth in agriculture if you have enough money to buy enough land you can still create money in manufacturing if you have enough money to buy a factory and or build one you can still
create money wealth and distribution you can still create wealth and Technology if you know how to create some new technology like like none of become obsolete they just become harder to create wealth in because most of the money has already moved to another sector it's like if you're going to go fishing what's the most important thing you need well you need some you need some tackle you might need a boat you need a fishing pole you need some bait but the most important thing you need is a school of Hungry Fish and when it comes
to the economy of the world the school of hungry fish is the era in which we are in which we are in which we find ourselves as long as we find ourselves a match for that economic era does that make sense so so the partnership age was an age where people who knew how to create strategic Partnerships these are the people who own the wealth man I tap back into this thing in 2017 it's so crazy equals wealth do you realize that affiliate marketing is a in a part is a partnership here here's what's interesting
I mean all of it still works I didn't even like I started selling other people's products to my audience somewhere between there and there I started part do you real like two things are required for you to create wealth you need an offer and you need an audience you don't have to have both if you have one partner with somebody who has the other this is the first economic era in the history of the world where multi-billion everybody say multi-billion multibillion multi-billion dollar corporations said I want to partner with Average Joe and if Average Joe
will either put products on the shelf for me to promote to my audience or Average Joe will bring their audience to buy my products I will pay Average Joe 70% of the money Amazon what was created in 2008 you know what was created in 2008 Apple created the App Store this changed the world in less than 3 years Apple paid out $2.5 billion doar to people who created apps in the App Store and affiliate commissions Apple said if you'll create an app for our store we'll sell our app to our hundreds of millions of customers
we'll sell your app to our hundreds of millions of customers and when they buy it we'll pay you 70% of the money Amazon said well you know what if you'll write an ebook and put it on our shelves and sell that ebook for $10 we'll pay you $7 we'll keep $3 why because the Amazon realized something that the rest of us who don't have billions of dollars still haven't figured out that 30% of a watermelon is more than 100% of a grape ACC and we're so we we but I don't want all the money I
don't want all the money I'm happy to pay people I love to pay people I I especially love to pay people who bring me money and bring me clients and bring me customers I love to pay people hm isn't this fascinating by the way I stepped into this in the biggest way in 2022 after this economic era had already like it was already gone but I stepped into it in 20122 by doing what what I'm doing right now creating YouTube videos and since I was on you hey you don't have to be the sharpest knife
in the drawer just don't be a wooden spoon forever I open my YouTube account March 15th 2007 20 not 2017 2007 and I I think of myself as a relatively intelligent human being unless we're talking about YouTube cuz 14 years later I found out in October of 2021 YouTube will pay you for putting videos up there say what they'll do what for what I had no idea no no no you don't understand I already had I already had 5,000 subscribers I already had thousands of hours of watch time I just didn't know they paay people
once I found out they paid people though I got hyper intentional everybody say hyper intentional starting April 1st 20 22 I decided I am going to make at least one YouTube video a week you were there exactly and I'm going to do that for 10 years and see if I can get good I haven't been doing it 10 Years yet and I'm not good yet but I am getting better and today is the November 25th 2024 so this is two and a half years later and I just looked and with 51 million views on my
YouTube channel most 50 more than 50 50 more than 50 million of those came in the last 2 and a half years YouTube has paid me over a million dollars for creating content for their platform because I said yeah I'll make oh YouTube said we'll build the platform you make the video I said okay just don't make me build the platform like I got the easy part of that equation you mean get a camera turn on a camera and some lights and then start running my mouth man I can run my mouth like a water
fountain and so I I don't know if that blows you away or not but that blows me away so now I'm in partnership with apple I mean not Apple I'm in Partnership I'm I used to be in partnership with apple I'm not in partnership with apple right now I'm in partnership with Amazon though Amazon sends me money every I'm in partnership with YouTube YouTube sends me money every month now two and a half years two and a I'm I'm just telling you about I'm showing you what happens I'm I'm even I'm a year late to
this YouTube game I'm a year late but it still works last month YouTube paid me last month $67,000 for making YouTube videos that I was creating for free on wasn't getting paid nothing on Facebook now like I said you don't have to be the sharpest knife in the dra just don't be a wooden spoon what forever okay what happened in 2021 2021 AI was created in 2021 to I don't know we went into this is this is the part that all of this run in my mouth was to get to this one point I believe
we are in the integrated intelligence age so integrated intelligence what does that mean we're I we're not in the we're not in the we're not in the artificial intelligence age because artificial intelligence needs real intelligence to program it in the first place so it's the people who know how to integrate what artificial intelligence can do that saves them time effort energy and money and then they do what artificial intelligence can't do which is have conversations with people and and like and like perceive what people's needs and desires are and then I integrate my intelligence my
real intelligence with artificial intelligence I combine those things together and I come up with something that couldn't have existed with either one of us by ourselves and then I use the integrated intelligence okay it's about to get good I use the integrated it can stay there I use the integrated intelligence because I realized that a computer or in this case an iPad that's connected to the internet some kind of device that's connected to the internet is the land in our 21st century agricultural age what does that mean okay the land that houses my YouTube videos
is on YouTube which is on the internet which I uploaded with a device that's connected to the internet so a device connected to the internet is the land but guess what I use my devices my iPad my iPhone my Sony cameras all those interfaces back there where Larry's pushing all the but butons and command Central I use all of this stuff this is the Industrial Age minus the permission so technology literally gives me the ability to hold the agricultural age in my hands the agricultural age of of integrated intelligence I get to hold it in
my hands the the machines of the Industrial Age I get to hold it in my hands I get to take it with me when I go somewhere like if I had a farm and I left my farm would still be where it is and I'd be where I am and they wouldn't be the same place but now my farm goes with me my machine my factory goes with me but wait there's more I distribute my content on the internet I'm getting chills because the technology has given me the ability to capitalize on the agricultural age
figuratively speaking the Industrial Age figuratively speaking the distribution age figuratively speaking the technology age the for I get I go to the a device in my hand I can go and I can Google something I can look up on chat GPT and I can get chat GPT to do research for me and a fraction of the time that I would do the research for myself but I don't let it think for me I let it assist me in my research I let it assist me in my thinking I ask it questions to things that I
have to go look up in encyclopedias 30 years ago some young people right now saying what's an encyclopedia I know that's that's my whole point and it's the platform on which I use my technology I use this technology to create ENT uh education that entertains people and entertain educates people in an entertaining way it's where I find my strategic Partners I literally have all of the wealth I need like this is the whole thing this is the whole thing I can make more money than Henry Ford and I have it all in my hand there's
never been a time in human history when it's been easier to create wealth than right now it just doesn't feel like it and it doesn't feel like it because you're stuck in the past and you're saying but what about this and what about that and what about this you're saying but what about the land but what about the machines oh but what about what about the technology I don't know how to use a computer that's fine you don't know how to use a computer today that's fine but if we come back 30 days from now
and you're still saying I don't know how to use a computer now there's a problem right because now you've taken this on as an identity instead of an incon venience and it doesn't take that long to learn how to use one you say m what are you saying like I implore you for the sake of your families for the sake of your children for the sake of the challenges that you will face that you don't even know exist yet I implore you Seize the Day carpedm act like you're not going to be here forever have
a sense of urgency and say you know what like I'm going to be doing something with that time I might as well do something that makes sense yeah I get it you might build a YouTube channel and it might not get a million views or 100,000 subscribers or or you might not make tens of thousands of dollars a month but you will have developed a new skill that's right and that new skill will give you the ability to see when you see another opportunity some things that you wouldn't have seen had you not develop that
skill I've read I don't even know how many hundreds of books I've written five books I think three anthologies and we sell anywhere I don't know $30,000 to $70,000 worth of books a month which is decent amount of books but guess what none of that is as valuable as me developing the skill of learning how to write a book because okay okay okay here it is this you who everybody tap yourself on chest say me you are the resource I am the resource you are the resource if you're willing to be resourceful if you'll if
you'll if you'll buy more into your empowered expectation than you do into your disempowered excuses you are the resource I like why am I doing this because like I remember how painful it was to have more month at the end of the money than money at the end of the month I remember that very vividly it was very unfun and guess what to be able to buy anything you want to buy I don't have anything I really want to buy but to be able to buy anything you want to buy and I have to worry
about how much it cost the not having to think about how much it cost is a beautiful thing the being able to do things for people in your family when those people in your family need them done to be able to serve your friends and your community in ways there's something about that that feels so onp purpose the stuff is just the stuff but man if you become the person if you will become the person like I I I guess that's why I'm doing this I guess that's the whole point of me being here on
the YouTube sphere talking to these beautiful people in Tampa is because I believe in your potential and I believe you have the ability to reach your potential and to surpass your current potential because when you reach your current potential it will expand your potential potential and then give you further and further to reach for but only if you do it all the people who haven't believed in you your whole life stop listening to them they don't have any idea who you are I see God likeness in you go do the thing do the thing become
the person do the thing become the person sees the day H I suppose I will I read this poem when I was 21 years old and it impacted my life greatly it goes like this isn't it funny how princes and kings and clowns who Caper in sawdust rings and common folks like you and me were all builders for eternity to each is given a book of rules a block of stone and a bag of tools and each must shape a time has flown a stumbling block or a stepping stone I bargained with life for a
penny and life would pay no more however I begged at evening when I counted my scanty store for life is a just employer it pays you what you ask but once You' set the wages well then you must bear the task I worked for a menials hire on only to learn dismayed that any wage I had asked of life life would have willingly paid go ask life for more go give life more go expect more go become more do more and do not be surprised when at the end of the day you have more to
leave to your children and your grandchildren by the grace of God I hope this video helps you please watch it over and over and become the person who can do the thing and in the meantime in between time stay blessed by the best and we'll see you on the next video bye for now