let's start with the painful and slowly work our way towards the most agonizing Venoms on the list number 10 hila monster the hila monster is the only venomous lizard in the United States weighing it around 4 lb also making it the largest these shy but dangerous animals live in the southwestern deserts of the US and Northern Mexico now don't let the name or its appearance fool you even though it looks intimidating I can assure you it's just like everyone else in your life they don't want anything to do with you the lizards are actually very
relatable spending 90% of their lives relaxing inside of their homes and only coming out to eat the real danger comes when humans try and show off by attempting to pick up the lizard now you would think that the black and yellow markings across its entire body would be enough of a warning yet every year there are multiple people who are bitten by this slow and sluggish creature and since the lizard doesn't like to be touched by anyone other than his girl it'll quickly let you know that you are not that guy latching on to whatever
body part it can get a hold of but just to make sure you get the point the lizard will stay latched on for as long as it possibly can with some reported bites lasting several minutes a common way to get the animal to unlatch is to submerge its entire body in water or by simply placing a piece of black licorice inside of its mouth causing it to gag with pure disgust and since the hila monster produces Venom from its saliva glands a bite from the lizard guarante teas and Venom shortly after the bite the Venom
will begin to work its way into your body and since there is no antivenom available you are in for a wild and exciting ride which typically begins with excruciating pain and swelling around the bite area soon your vision begins to blur followed by stomach and body aches shortness of breath nausea and vomiting the pain will last from a few hours to a few days now the good news is that a bite from a hila monster is not typically fatal but at its Peak you're definitely going to wish it was number nine the Arizona bark scorpion
the Arizona bark scorpion carries the most painful and potent venom out of all the scorpions in North America it inhabits the southwestern deserts of the US and Northern Mexico and a Sting from one of these small creatures will leave you in agonizing pain for 24 to 72 hours the localized pain has been described as continuous electric jolts or the feeling of continuously being burned the scorpion only grows to about 3 in making it a master of hide and seek with people typically finding them when they go to put on their shoes reach for a set
of clothes and of course when they go to take a shower now a technique that is commonly used when looking for scorpions is the classic black light trick when an ultraviolet light is shining the direction of the animal it will actually begin to Glow making it very easy easy to spot just make sure not to do this one around company scientists still aren't quite sure why this happens but they believe that something in the Scorpion's exoskeleton causes them to Glow if you are unlucky enough to be stung by one of these creatures you can rest
easy knowing that you're probably not going to die but it's sure going to feel like you are since 1968 there have only been two reported deaths from the Scorpion but if I was stunned I would definitely not risk it and would much rather go into 10 years of debt by seeking medical attention number eight execution or wasp a few experts have made it their personal goal to take on dozens of stings from around the world in an attempt to see which one is the most painful some of these experts have concluded that the Executioner wasp
holds the title but after conducting my own research from the comfort of my own home I have to disagree yes to some the venomous thing is excruciatingly pain painful with the pain lasting around a week but for others the pain is shortlived lasting only around 20 minutes either way it's extremely painful and it's definitely not a steam you would ever want to take the WASP is commonly found in Central and South America this 1-in wasp is not known for being aggressive just as long as you respect its personal space and let it be unless of
course you're looking to rack up millions of views then by all means whip out the camera and take the sting number seven bullet ant known around the world as the most painful insect sting some people even know it as a 24-hour ant since the horrendous pain can last an entire day some even going so far as to say that the pain is equivalent to being shot by a bullet hence it's name the bullet ant can be found in the rainforest of Central and South America even though they're not aggressive they will sting if provoked like
when they are plucked out of their natural environment drugged weaved tightly into a glove and then placed onto a stranger's hand which is exactly what is done by the Satur mawei people of Brazil this initiation practice lasts an agonizing 5 to 10 minutes which is enough time to be stung hundreds if not thousands of times causing excruciating pain that lasts several days and it's it's not uncommon for the boys's arms to become temporarily paralyzed due to the potency of the ants Venom all this just to welcome the boys into puberty here in the US we
have a similar tradition but instead it's done on teenage girls sweet 16 where the excruciating pain comes from not receiving the car that you asked for number six Sydney funnel web spider the Sydney funnel web spider is not only the most terrifying spider on earth it is also the most venomous growing up to 2 in in size and equipped with fangs that can reach around half an inch long the spider can be found in eastern Australia where it builds funnel likee Burrows from its web hence its name and since the spider prefers moist underground shelters
people usually encounter them in their Gardens you go to reach for some vegetables only to be turned into one yourself a bite from this spider is initially very painful due to the spider's long fangs and once they are sunk into your flesh it's not common for the spider to stay latched on requiring the person to shake or pull the spider off now as traumatizing as that may be the Real Horror begins around the 15-minute Mark when you begin to feel the effects of its potent Venom starting with needle-like pokes around the bite area face and
mouth soon your mouth and face begin to go numb followed by intense nausea profuse sweating excessive saliva production and uncontrollable muscle spasms and if left untreated you can eventually become unconscious or even worse heart failure now there is good news life-saving anti venom is available but the quantity amounts are limited that is the exact reason why the Australian reptile Park is asking the residents of Sydney for help requesting that if you come across a spider in your home try your best to capture it and bring it into their facility where it can be milked for
its venom now a second option is to just simply walk out of your house and set it on fire starting a new life in Antarctica where spiders don't exist but of course this comes with the danger of accidentally falling off the edge of the Earth number five the ConEd snail there are hundreds of species of ConEd snails in the world all which are venomous the potency of the Venom varies from snail to snail with some delivering a Venom less painful than a be sting and others are so painful and potent that it can leave you
dead within a few hours and out of all the known cone snails conis geographist is the deadliest and most painful of them all they can be found on the reefs of the Philippines it has even earned the nickname the cigarette snail implying that after receiving a sting you would only have enough time to smoke one cigarette before dropping dead people who are typically stung are those who are out collecting seashells which is honestly pretty embarrassing since people will ask you why you were even collecting seashells in the first place and when you say so I
can put them to my ear and hear the ocean they're going to think you're insane since you were already there but if you were ever so unlucky to be stung by a deadly cone snail you would immediately feel the intense pain and within a few minutes The Sting area would slowly go numb followed by paralysis now the terrifying part is that the snail's Venom is so potent that paralysis can even extend into your respiratory muscles making it increasingly painful and difficult to even take a breath death and eventually it can lead to a coma thankfully
there hasn't been any reported deaths in recent years and even though there's no anti-venom available medical assistance is all but necessary as you will be feeling the intense pain of this venom for days to come just remember if it's a cone leave it alone number four stonefish the deadly stonefish can be found throughout the Pacific and Indian Ocean and has to be the most frustrating and annoying animal of all time not only is it the most venomous fish in the world it is also practically invisible I mean take a look at this picture do you
see it I bet you didn't you would have been dead and of course the stonefish inhabits the only interesting part of the ocean coral reefs here they lay completely still on the Rocks blending into their environment patiently waiting for their next meal to swim along the issue arises when humans swim too close to the fish and end up stepping on it and since the fish has around 13 razor sharp venomous spines down its entire back you are in for a world of pain the spines grow to over an inch in length and they all excrete
a generous amount of Venom deep into your wound and if left untreated the pain will only increase with the unbearable pain slowly traveling up the limb the Venom can eventually lead to shock paralysis and heart failure even though fatalities are rare medical attention should be called as soon as possible to prevent any long-term damage but now that you know just how dangerous the stone fish is you're probably thinking well I guess I'll just avoid the coral reefs then nice try the fish is one step ahead of you since it also loves to bury itself under
the ocean sand just in case you were thinking about getting in the water so you're probably telling yourself you know what I'll just stay out of the ocean completely and enjoy the beach wrong the fish can also survive out of the water and underneath the sand which is commonly seen when the tide recedes so do yourself a favor and just forget about the beach entirely number three Inland taian snake the inland taipan snake of central Australia is the most venomous snake in the world even though the snake doesn't look as intimidating as a cobra Rattlesnake
or black mamba I can assure you this is the last snake you would ever want to come across the snake typically hunts small rodents but it produces enough Venom in a single bite to kill half a million of them or around 100 fully grown men making it around 70 times more deadly than a king cobra and without medical attention a bite from this snake is nothing short of a death sentence now one of the most terrifying things about this snake is the fact that it typically strikes multiple times with rodents getting a little bit extra
typically rece receiving around eight bytes now the good news is that the snake is rather shy and tries its best to avoid humans yet if there's one thing people hate is being told no so people still find a way to get bitten this usually happens when people try and pick up the animal in the wild or when they keep it as a pet no I'm not kidding keeping a deadly snake as a pet is not the flex you think it is and all you are doing is guaranteeing that you will never have any visitors now
the good news is when you finally get tired of being alone you can always release the animal at the nearby County Park completely devastating the ecosystem which is a classic move we have seen play out thousands of times a bite from the inland taipan has to be one of the most traumatic experiences a person can go through the bite itself is excruciatingly painful but after a few minutes the localized pain will become the least of your worries you see the snake's venom quickly begins to produce thousands of blood clots inside of your body except for
the bite area causing you to slowly lose blood and if left untreated it can become fatal but before you get to that point you will be dealing with the pain of failing organs shock and paralysis that affects the entire body including the lungs and heart but luckily there's life-saving antivenom available but even with medical attention you will be dealing with the painful aftermath of this bite for weeks to come or possibly even in a lifetime number two box jellyfish you were probably expecting to see this one at number one weren't you the box jellyfish is
notorious for having one of if not the most painful venomous things in the world but out of all the box jellyfish the kirix fley or better known as the Australian box jellyfish delivers the most painful and deadliest thing of them all with enough Venom to kill 60 people it would only make sense that they are also completely invisible the jelly fish's 15 tentacles can grow to over 10 ft in length and are equipped with millions of nytes which are basically microscopic Harpoon likee Stingers that they use to inject Venom a Sting from this jellyfish can
be fatal in as short as 2 to 5 minutes since the potent and Rapid acting Venom attacks the person's central nervous system causing Cardiac Arrest respiratory failure and paralysis but if you were lucky enough to survive a sting you are soon going to wish you hadn't the pain is in and extremely agonizing being described as being branded with the red hot iron whip the pain is so intense that some people even pass out from the pain alone this is also not a pain that eases up either and will continue for days lasting for up to
a week a person who was stung ranked the pain on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being extreme pain giving it a score of 100 which obviously has to be dismissed since that that number wasn't even an option even with medical assistance and antivenom the road to recovery will be a long and painful one some of the jellyfish's victims will even be left with scars leaving them with a lasting reminder of the hell that they once went through number one the Platypus now this is nothing short of a tragedy the cutest animal on
the list also delivers the most painful venomous thing in the world the Platypus can be found in the rivers of eastern Australia the these adorable little creatures spend their days constructing or fixing up their Burrows hunting for food and of course grooming themselves since looking this cute is not by accident even though you might be inclined to give this little Pokémon a belly rub I must highly advise against it since the Platypus is equipped with a razor sharp venomous spur that is located on their back legs the Venom is non-lethal to humans but again if
stung you're going to wish it was now now thankfully the animal is not known for being aggressive towards humans and most things occur when a person attempts to pick the animal up and a swift kick will Lodge its venomous spur into your flesh requiring you to physically yank the stinger out of your wound which is not as easy as it sounds since the pain of the Venom is instantaneous and devastating and as you wait for medical assistant to arrive you will be suffering with the extreme pain once you reach the hospital and expecting some relief
you will be shocked to find out that there is no antivenom available but the news only gets worse from here there is also no painkiller that is known to be effective not even morphine is strong enough to stop the agonizing pain you have no choice but to remain in pure hell for days and in most cases the limb that was struck will remain unusable for months with a high possibility of developing excruciating hyperalgesia which causes the limb to become hyper sensitive to pain not quite convinced that this little guy should be number one well let
me tell you in 1991 a man named Keith Payne who was a former Australian Army soldier attempted to rescue the stranded animal only to be struck in the hand he would describe the pain of the Venom as being worse than when he was struck by shrapnel a month later Keith was still experiencing pain in that hand and in 2006 15 years after the sting he still had pain and discomfort in that same hand so as tempting as it might be to pet a platypus just remember your hand and life might never be the same after
touching [Music] it