Heaven is not what you think | The Truth About Heaven According to the bible

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Heaven is not what you think | The Truth About Heaven According to the bible
Video Transcript:
Heaven a concept many of us have heard and contemplated but do we really understand it when you think about heaven what images come to mind perhaps it's a mystical place filled with light where fluffy white clouds drift gently and human souls or perhaps our deceased loved ones peacefully watch over our lives from afar for many Heaven is a place where all suffering ends a place of Eternal rest devoid of sorrow or pain it's a place where Eternal peace and happiness Reign a Place everyone wishes to reach after leaving this world however if we return to
the teachings of the Bible we will discover that these familiar images of Heaven may be far different from what is described in the sacred texts the truth is heaven isn't necessarily a place like what we might imagine or have been told through generations of stories in the Bible Heaven is described with more richness more completeness and with elements that may surprise us today we will embark on a deeper journey of discovery about heaven through the accounts of John one of the key figures in the Bible John in the Book of Revelation described Heaven not just
as a permanent dwelling place for believers but also as a place that Jesus Promised would become our Eternal home this is not an ordinary Journey but a spiritual exploration where the deepest mysteries of life after death are brought to light as we read the words of Jesus recorded in John 14 a clearer and and more detailed picture of Heaven begins to emerge before our eyes Jesus said in my father's house are many rooms if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and
prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also this is not just a promise but a firm Assurance from Jesus to his followers Jesus wants his followers to Know that heaven is a vast place with many rooms prepared for all who believe in him he emphasized that heaven is not a narrow place but a very open space where everyone has their own carefully prepared place the number of rooms in the father's house that Jesus mentioned is vast Beyond human imagination however it
is noteworthy that this house is not the current Heaven that we may know when Jesus spoke of living in heaven he often referred to the new heaven not the current heaven in the gospel of Matthew 24 Jesus said heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will never pass away but about that day or hour no one knows not even the angels in Heaven nor the son but only the father this is not just a warning but also a profound reminder that the new heaven will appear at a time that no one can predict
except the Father the heaven that Jesus speaks of is not just a quiet space but a new kingdom where the old things will pass away and new things will be born this confirms that our current life is temporary and that there will be a great transition when the new heaven appears besides jesus' teachings there are two other figures in the Bible who provided detailed descriptions of Heaven first we will explore what Enoch said about the old Heaven according to the Book of Enoch written during the time of Jared before the great flood Enoch was taken
up to heaven and had the opportunity to see different levels of Heaven Enoch saw many levels of Heaven each with a distinct function where Believers Sinners fallen angels and holy people were separated this has led many scholars to believe that Enoch's Vision might represent the heaven we often imagine however as we continue with John's Vision we will see a completely different description of Heaven John not only describes Heaven as a place that God has promised to his followers but also as a place where we will dwell forever Jesus said that everything including the current heaven
will pass away and a new heaven will be created this brings a strong affirmation that what we know now is temporary and that the new heaven will be where we live forever in the Book of Revelation especially chapters 21 and 22 John provides a detailed description of what we can expect in the new heaven John wrote then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away and there was no longer any sea the vision John saw was of a holy city City the New Jerusalem
coming down out of Heaven from God it was a magnificent Splendid sight like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband on her wedding day in his vision John heard a loud voice from the throne proclaiming look God's dwelling place is now among the people and He will dwell with them they will be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God this is a great promise that God will no longer be distant from us but will live among humans this brings immense comfort and hope to Believers that they will live closely
with God in this new heaven every tear will be wiped from their eyes and there will be no more death mourning crying or pain for the old Order of Things has passed away forever John continues to describe the holy city the New Jerusalem with its high strong walls 12 gates guarded by angels and streets of pure gold as transparent as glass this is not just an ordinary City but a City built by the very hands of God where his glory and power are clearly manifested this city does not need a temple for the Lord Almighty
and the lamb are its Temple the presence of God and the lamb in this city is its only source of light with no need for the sun or moon the gates of the city will never be shut symbolizing that nothing hinders the entry and exit of the chosen ones there will be no night in this city and only those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life are allowed to enter John also describes the river of the Water of Life clear as Crystal flowing from the Throne of God and the lamb this river
is a source of Life bringing refreshment and peace to all who come near on each side of the river stands the Tree of Life bearing 12 crops of fruit yielding its fruit every month and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the Nations there will be no more curse in this city and the Servants of God will worship him and see his face this indicates a state of absolute Harmony and peace where all nations are healed and live in the presence of God so what will we do in heaven this is a
question many have asked and the answer may surprise many according to the Bible our Eternal activities in heaven will include worshiping God and engaging in a righteous creative Society this means that heaven is not just a place of rest but also a place where we will engage in meaningful and constructive activities Revelation 4:10 describes the elders around the Throne of God continually crying out holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty while laying their crowns Before the Throne in reverence this scene is not just an act of worship but also a symbol of ultimate respect
for God these Elders continuously praise God's holiness and power expressing deep loyalty and reverence Revelation 19 shows a great multitude in heaven shouting Hallelujah praising God for his righteous judgments this scene shows a great resonance among all the creatures in heaven as they together praise and glorify God for his judgments are just and right we too will join this unceasing chorus honoring our King this shows that heaven is a place of unceasing worship where all creatures are united in praising and glorifying God Heaven is a place where all suffering and pain cease there will be
no more pain or crying we will live in eternal Joy without the need for sleep because there will be no Darkness we will become immortal beings filled with the spirit of God engaging in meaningful activities and exploring new aspects of his infinite wisdom although we may recognize friends and loved ones who have been resurrected Jesus said that in the resurrection there will be no marriage as we know it on Earth instead we will all be part of one great family united as the Bride of Jesus Christ Our primary relationship will be with God through Christ
experiencing perfect closeness with him and loving everyone else as our spiritual siblings Heaven opens its doors to all who believe in God salvation is not something we can earn through personal effort but is entirely a gift from Jesus sacrifice on the cross anyone who repents and believes is saved by grace through faith Revelation 21 mentions large Gates made of pearls that are always open ensuring that nothing hinders entry into the the New Jerusalem Believers in heaven will be dynamic beings continually working learning ruling and worshiping in bodies that cannot be broken the beauty of heaven
lies not only in its physical form but also in the presence of God within the community of saints Heaven is not a boring place but a place of continuous growth and exploration where we will learn more about Christ through meaningful activities Heaven is not just a place of Eternal rest but also a place of eternal purpose the Bible describes Heaven as a dynamic environment where we will continually learn and grow in our understanding of God in Ephesians 2:7 Paul writes that in the coming ages God might show the immeasurable Riches of his grace in kindness
toward us in Christ Jesus this indicates that God will continue to reveal more of his grace to us throughout eternity drawing us closer to him and deepening our understanding of his infinite nature the concept of Eternal worship is Central to the biblical vision of Heaven Revelation 51-13 describes a scene where every creature in heaven on Earth under the Earth and in the sea Praises God to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever this depicts a grand image of Harmony and unity in
all of creation glorifying God in Revelation 22: 3-5 we are given a glimpse of the Eternal state and there will no longer be any curse the Throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city and his servants will serve him they will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads there will be no more night they will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the Sun for the Lord God will give them light and they will rain forever and ever this scene not only depicts an
eternal state of light in life but also confirms the intimate relationship between God and his servants this affirms that in the new Heaven There Will Not only be peace and happiness but also a deep and unbreakable bond between God and those who have been chosen Additionally the Bible mentions the concept of rewards in heaven in 1 Corinthians 3:12 to4 Paul talks about how each person's work will be tested by fire and what survives the test will be rewarded now if anyone Builds on this Foundation using gold silver costly Stones wood hay or straw their work
will be shown for what it is because the day will bring it to light it will be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality of each person's work if what has been built survives the Builder will receive a reward this suggests that our loyalty and service to God in this life will have eternal significance Jesus also spoke of rewards when he encouraged us to store up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven where moths and Vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal Heaven is also where we will be
reunited with loved ones who have gone before us although relationships in heaven will differ from what we know on Earth the joy of being reunited with loved ones will still exist Jesus said that in the resurrection there will be no marriage as we know it on Earth but we will be like the angels of God however we will recognize and reunite with loved ones who are in Christ and this will bring great joy and comfort the Bible also emphasizes the inclusion of all peoples in heaven in Revelation 7:9-10 John describes a scene of a great
multitude from every nation tribe people and language standing Before the Throne and the lamb praising God this highlights the diversity and unity of God's people reflecting his love and care for all of humanity in conclusion Heaven as described in the Bible is an unimaginably beautiful place of peace and joy it is a kingdom where we will experience the full presence of God engage in Eternal worship and enjoy perfect harmony with other believers Heaven is where every tear will be wiped away and death mourning crying and pain will no longer exist this is the ultimate destination
for those who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ today we discuss the future heaven that John described in the Book of Revelation we hope that through this exploration you have learned many new things about the Eternal Heaven that God is preparing for you let the hope of Heaven bring strength and encouragement to your daily life and as Paul wrote in Romans 88:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in Us in conclusion Heaven is a place of joy peace and eternal worship it is the
Fulfillment of God's promise to his people and the culmination of his Redemption plan as we look forward to this glorious future let us live our lives in faithful service to God sharing the good news of his love and grace with those around us the hope of heaven will inspire us to persevere in faith and strive to live holy lives in our daily walk thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery about heaven we hope that you have been blessed and encouraged by this discussion please like comment and subscribe to our channel to continue
receiving inspiring and meaningful content until next time may God bless you and keep you in his grace
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