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Library of Tehuti
Here’s the hidden truth about magic and energy. Learn how ancient wisdom from the Emerald Tablets of...
Video Transcript:
magic is real it was used in ancient times and it's being used today crazy enough you've used it before subconsciously you've used it both constructively and destructively on yourself and on others around you how do I know because magic equals energy that's what we call it today in your personal inner magic your inner energy can be manipulated to bring whatever desires you wish for whether you desire negative things or positive things magic works all the same either way that's why it's gotten a bad rap by religion because of the fear of the unknown they fear
these lost arts and the potential to use magic for destructive aims that some of our ancestors had abused but not all of them abused it for the negative well we won't teach you anything negative here so magic is not some fantasy or fairy tale it's a fundamental truth that ancient Kemet understood deeply in The Emerald Tablets of tahuti also known as th the Atlantean we find wisdom about this inner power tahti writes wouldst thou gain knowledge of power seek ye it in the heart of the flame this isn't about literal fire the heart of the
flame refers to the core of your being where your life force energy resides tahuti expands saying no oh man Thou Art complex a being of Earth and of Fire let thy flame shine out brightly be thou only the fire he's telling us that we're not just physical beings we're also beings of energy of fire this fire is our soul Force our Chi our inner magic but what exactly is this flame tahuti explains wisdom is hidden in darkness when lit by the flame of the Soul find thou the wisdom and be lightborn a son of the
light without form form this flame is the essence of our Consciousness our soul it's the source of our wisdom and power in another passage of the tablets he says seek thee ever more wisdom find it in the heart of the flame know that only by striving can light pour into thy brain this is a call to action we must actively seek this inner fire we must cultivate and develop this Soul force it is innate and given to us but only develops through nurture he further emphasizes wouldst be one with the heart of the flame seek
then within thine own hidden flame this is the key the power we seek isn't outside of us it's within us in our own hidden flame this concept of inner fire of Soul Force didn't stay confined to ancient Egypt after tahuti taught them this wisdom the Egyptians called it hea but the knowledge spread far and wide in India it became known as Prana in China it's called Chi other Traditions have their own names for this life force all these Traditions are talking about the same thing the energy that animates us the power that flows through all
living things it's the force that healers manipulate that martial artists cultivate that Mystics tap into for their spiritual practices it has varying effects and power depending on how you develop it and your intention this isn't only ancient history this knowledge is still relevant today modern science is beginning to catch up exploring Concepts like biofields and Energy Medicine what our ancestors called Magic We Now call Energy manipulation if you want to learn how to manipulate your personal energy then give us a like And subscribe we'll help you learn while you help us as well now let
me teach you some practical [Music] wisdom now I will teach you some practical techniques that will help you sense cultivate and direct this energy I will teach secrets that have been hidden from you knowledge that can transform your life this isn't just about personal power it's about understanding your place in the universe it's about realizing that every thought every emotion and every action you take is an energy event Rippling out and affecting the world around you it's about taking responsibility for your role as a co-creator of reality think have you ever felt a weird tingling
when someone stares at you or that warm fuzzy feeling when you hug someone you love that's energy that's magic it's real and it's powerful but the scale of your magic power purely depends on if and how you develop it the Ancients knew this wisdom they didn't call it energy back then they called it Prana Chi or life force but it's all the same thing it's the magic that flows through everything in the universe including you at the very least I advise you to use it to improve your personal reality once you master your personal magic
then let's work on building a new world together breathe think feel that energy flowing through you right now now let's get practical how do you start working with this energy how do you wake up your inner magic it's not about waving a wand or chanting spells it's about learning to feel and direct the energy that's already inside you I'll show you a technique from the vigan bav Tantra this ancient text gives 112 ways to expand your Consciousness we're going to use one of the simplest but most most powerful methods here's what you do sit comfortably
and close your eyes focus on the point where your breath enters and exits your nostrils feel the coolness as you breathe in the warmth as you breathe out don't try to control your breath just watch it as you do this you might start to feel a tingling sensation or a sense of expansion that's your energy body waking up that's your magic starting to stir remember this takes time and practice you're not going to become a master overnight but stick with it and you'll start to notice changes you'll start to feel more connected more alive you'll
start to tap into abilities you never knew you had if you practice this as I was instructing then comment below what did you [Music] feel now that you're starting to wake up your inner magic let's talk about how to use it in your everyday life this isn't about pulling rabbits out of hats we don't teach tricks here but if you've watched until this point I'm sure you realize that anyway let's start with a powerful breathing technique called nadish shadana or alternate nostril breathing this is an ancient practice practice that's been used for tens of thousands
of years to balance the energy in your body here's how you do it sit comfortably spine straight lift your right hand up to your nose use your right thumb to close your right nostril breathe in deeply through your left nostril feel the cool air flowing in at the top of the breath pause for a moment now use your ring finger to close your left nostril and release your thumb from the right breathe out slowly through your right nostril feel the warm air flowing out now keeping your left nostril closed breathe in through your right at
the top of the breath close the right open the left and breathe out left that's one full round keep going for at least 5 minutes but aim for 10 to 15 if you can this practice isn't just about moving air in and out it's about balancing the two main energy channels in your body Ida and pingala Ida is associated with the left side of your body the moon and cooling energy pingala is associated with the right side the Sun and heating energy by alternating your breath between nostrils you're balancing these energies think about it when
you're stressed your breath is usually shallow and Rapid when you're calm it's deep and slow by consciously controlling your breath with NAD shodhana you're directly influencing your energy State you're clearing your mind calming your emotions and boosting your overall energy it's like hitting the reset button on your entire system breathe think feel the balance settling into your body notice how your mind becomes clearer your emotions more stable now let me talk about visualization it's a powerful tool for directing energy your mind heart and your energy are intimately connected by learning to direct your thoughts and
your emotions into what you're visualizing you can Direct Energy try this rub your hands together vigorously for about 30 seconds [Music] really get them warm now hold them slightly apart like you're holding an invisible ball close your eyes and imagine a ball of energy forming between your hands as you breathe in see this ball getting bigger and brighter maybe it's white or gold or whatever color feels right to you as you breathe out see it getting more concentrated and intense focus on the sensations in your hands you might feel warmth or tingling or a slight
magnetic pull don't brush this off as just your imagination this is you learning to sense and move energy this is real keep breathing keep visualizing with each breath make the ball of energy stronger and more vibrant after a few minutes try moving your hands slightly apart and then back together feel the resistance like you're compressing a ball of energy this is actually you learning to manipulate energy with your mind it's the found for more Advanced Energy work healers use this kind of visualization to direct healing energy martial artists use it to enhance their power Mystics
use it to connect with higher Realms of Consciousness with practice you'll be able to generate this energy ball faster and make it stronger you'll be able to move it around your body using it to clear blockages or boost your energy where needed this is real magic folks this is you taking control of your energy your life force remember these practices take time to master don't get frustrated if you don't feel much at first keep at it the more you practice the more sensitive you'll become to energy and the more powerful your ability to direct it
will be this is the beginning of your journey as an energy Master a true magician in the real sense of the word energy work isn't only about personal practices it's about how you interact with the world start paying attention to how different people in places affect your [Music] energy as you get deeper into this energy work you'll find that it starts to change every part of your life this isn't about doing a few exercises now and then it's about living in constant awareness of the energy that surrounds and flows through you keep your energy Clean
and Clear just like you shower to keep your physical body clean you need to cleanse your energy body regularly visualize bright light flowing through you washing away any negative energy or try smudging with sage taking salt baths or using crystals find what works for you and make it a regular practice learn to manage your energy throughout the day be aware of your thoughts and emotions understanding that these are energy events that affect not just you but the world around you practice directing your energy towards your goals learn to pull your energy back from situations and
thoughts that drain you connect with nature it's full of pure vital energy spend time Outdoors not just passively but actively engaging with the energy of the Earth the trees and the sky learn to draw in this energy to recharge yourself as you progress on this path you might start to develop abilities that seem extraordinary increased intuition the ability to sense energy fields and maybe even things like telepathy or precognition remember these aren't Supernatural Powers their natural results of becoming more tuned into the energy of the universe but with this growing power comes responsibility use this
power for your highest good and the good of others not for showing off or manipulating others living a life of magic means understanding that you're not separate from the universe but a part of it remember magic equals energy it means knowing that every thought every action every intention sends ripples through the fabric of reality it means taking responsibility for your role as a co-creator of your reality that is Magic you can manipulate your personal and impersonal realities by using Universal energy which can be harnessed within you and as Tudi says Be not Afraid Of The
Power Within thee this path isn't always easy it takes dedication and a willingness to challenge what you think you know about reality but the rewards are incredible as you align yourself with the energy of the universe you open yourself to levels of wisdom power and fulfillment beyond anything you've experienced before remember this isn't about escaping reality it's about embracing the true nature of reality it's about recognizing the magic the energy that's in everything and learning to work with it consciously this is the path of the true magician the energy master and it's a path that's
open to anyone willing to walk it
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