5 Disturbing TRUE Alone at Night Horror Stories

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Whispered Diaries
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Video Transcript:
this was almost 2 years ago now I was doing what I thought was going to be a regular vacation to where my parents live I had rented an Airbnb for the first time so I was really excited the house was on a large plot of land and was very spacious and quiet I lived in the city so this was like luxury to me I set everything in the room and pretty much left right away to see my family I spent the whole afternoon with them before heading back to the Airbnb and making a quick snack
then hopping on the couch to watch a movie for the night it was like 10 or 11: so pretty late but in the middle of the movie I heard someone walking outside the house there was no mistaking that sound and it just completely threw me off guard I paused the movie and got up quickly walking to the back of the house and looking out the back door it was obviously dark out but a guy was walking away from the house and toward the trees that were behind it what's really creepy is that I never heard
his footsteps approaching like he must have already been standing by the house for a while before I heard him leave once he was out of sight I opened the back door and stepped outside the back Pao was empty but along the house there were clear shoe prints in the grass I followed them leading up to one of the windows and when I looked through it there was a direct line of sight to the couch I was sitting on I got chills just thinking about that man staring into the house at me without me knowing I
quickly went back inside and covered up all the windows for the next half hour I sat in the living room and continued the movie with the volume on low that way I could focus on listening if he came back I didn't hear anything though once the movie was finished I knew I had to get to bed so I went back up to the window to do one last look to make sure everything was okay I moved the curtain and saw nothing but heard footsteps sprinting away from right outside the window I hesitated before looking out
and seeing that same guy running into the tree line I immediately got my phone and called the police of course by then he was too far for them to find him or even really search however while we were looking around the house I noticed that my suitcase in the bedroom was open it had clearly been searched through and a few things were even missing this probably happened while I was with my family and the guy could have even been still in the house when I came back only to sneak out of a window before I
saw him why he came back afterward is what really disturbs me though if I hadn't caught him watching me there's a chance I would have gone right to bed with him waiting right outside the window I'm sure you've all heard that recently there's been an enormous data breach 2.7 billion victims personal information and Social Security numbers were stolen this stolen personal data could allow people to gain access to your financial accounts or even steal your identity so now it's more important than ever to take extra measures to ensure your security there is really no better
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Brokers and hackers after this Aura will set up continuous monitoring on all of your data ensuring any issues can be resolved rapidly by notifying you the instant something comes up when I first signed up Aura immediately found dozens of places across the internet that already had my personal data including my full name and address in just a couple minutes Ora cleared all of it especially in times like these with huge data breaches and scams happening so often having Peace of Mind knowing Aura is protecting your information is above anything by using aura.com whisper or scanning
the QR code you can get a completely free 14-day trial allowing you to see if your personal data has been leaked remove that data from multiple large platforms and securely monitor your personal identity I highly recommend using this opportunity to find any leaked info and ensure it is taken care of and secured thank you again to Aura for sponsoring this portion of today's video this was last year I think sometime in April it was raining pretty much every day here but this night was a lot heavier than usual with scattered thunderstorms throughout the day I
was at work for most of the afternoon but got back home around 8 as I was driving down my neighborhood road though it was very clear that something had happened all the lights were out and every single home home I pulled into my driveway and parked and of course when I entered and tried to turn on the lights it didn't work the power was completely out and my whole house was basically pitch black I tossed my stuff by the doorway then went down to the electrical box just to see if for some reason that worked
but it didn't this really sucked because I didn't have hardly any spare life aside from my phone what I ended up doing was getting my laptop and setting it up on the coffee table in my living room the white screen from the YouTube page that I had open lit up most of the room so I sat back and just watch some videos I had to work early the next day but I didn't feel comfortable going to bed with the power out so I was already planning on staying up late I probably sat there for a
good 2 hours watching YouTube and checking my phone for any updates on the weather the lightning was shaking the whole house so it was pretty bad out there but randomly in the night a thump came from outside the window I jumped a little then turned my laptop screen to light up that side of the room I got up and walked over then Twisted open the blinds I froze up for a second not expecting to see a man standing right on the other side of the window his drenched hair was falling over his face and he
was peering through the window at me he yelled something but I honestly couldn't hear him with the heavy rain and thunder in the background being so caught off guard though I didn't know what to do I was a little freaked out though so I just closed the blinds I felt kind of horrible about it but why was he outside banging on my window anyway I heard him hit the window a few more times then it went quiet I figured he'd either given up or moved on to another house so I turned my laptop toward me
again and continued watching YouTube The Storm stayed strong through the whole night I must have been up for another hour but my eyes got really heavy and I just couldn't hold out any any longer I laid down on the couch and drifted off to sleep I woke up to a loud crash I didn't know if it was a nearby lightning strike or what but I immediately got up from the couch the power was still out and the whole house was still pitch black I turned my phone on and looked around and that's when I heard
something from the back of the house my heart was pounding as I walked into the other room when I shined my light Down The House toward the back room there were several large shards of glass on the ground reflecting the light back at me I could then see the nearest window completely shattered with rain pouring into the house and the blinds blowing frantically in the wind and just a couple feet from there I could see a shoulder sticking out from from behind the wall my whole body jerked when I saw them and I instantly spun
around and went for the front door I ran through the rain getting soaked all the way through until I got to my neighbor's house I stood under their overhang on the porch and called 911 it's no surprise that the man wasn't there when police showed up although not getting a full look at him inside my house I was 100% % sure it was the same guy from earlier so I gave them that description oddly enough or maybe not so much there were two more reported break-in attempts that night as well as several other reports of
strange Behavior outside people's homes I was the only one unfortunate enough to have had them successfully break inside but nobody knows what he was trying to do and it seems like we won't ever know since then he's never been sighted in or around our neighborhood I was 17 and living in my parents' basement it wasn't a trashy basement or anything it was probably similar to what would be considered an in-law suite my parents traveled for work all the time so I usually wouldn't be in the basement unless I was sleeping in the bedroom down there
or playing video games or whatever this was during one of my parents' work trips I was alone for a whole week this night was a Saturday so I didn't have school or really anything to do I knew it was supposed to storm later in the day though so before it was too late I took my parents' car out to the store and got some food to make while driving back the storm rolled in the roads weren't busy thankfully because even with the windshield wipers going at the fastest setting it was still difficult to see I
pulled into the driveway and ran to the front door getting inside and drying off I then went straight to the kitchen and turned on the oven so I can make dinner but almost right away I heard heard something below me it sounded like something falling over in the basement like maybe a box or something my first thought was that there might be a leak down there and I got really worried about a possible flood so I quickly went to the basement I opened the door and flicked on the light and as I walked down the
steps I didn't hear anything no running water or any other sounds and when I got to the bottom everything looked okay I walked through the main area where I had a small couch and TV set up and then I went to the storage room this was the only unfinished part of the basement where we just stored a bunch of boxes and stuff I opened the door and looked in at first it all looked normal and I was actually really confused at what I could have heard all the boxes were stacked up still and nothing was
on the ground but after a quick walk through I noticed something really strange one of the boxes sitting on top of the stack was open and when I looked inside everything was scattered all over the place it was full of old trophies that my parents kept and almost all of them were broken it looked like the Box had fallen and broken everything inside and then someone quickly tossed everything back in I felt a surge run through my body as I just stared at that box and realized what this meant I looked up and started scanning
the room it felt like suddenly all I could think about was how loud the storm was outside making me unable to listen for anything which only got me more panicked I started to back up and just as I did one of the boxes in the back of the room was knocked onto the ground and behind it a guy came running right at me I booked it for the stairs and I have to say there is nothing more terrifying than hearing his footsteps climbing the stairs just a few feet behind me the fear really got to
me and on the last step I slammed my foot on the stairs and fell straight on the ground every horrible scenario just rushed through my head in that moment but when I turned around the guy came up to the top of the staircase and immediately ran for the front door running out of the house I got up and locked it behind him then called the cops they found an unlocked window that he climbed in through but as far as why he came into the home there really isn't any answer I was getting out of work
late due to a recent security issue at our company that had everyone working overtime I would usually take the train to and from work but since I knew I'd be out past the Train's running hours I had to drive it was nearly an hour to get home as I was getting out of the city though I saw that my gas was almost empty I didn't remember it being this low before work but I could have been too tired to have even noticed it I knew there was a gas station by my house though so I
was just going to fill it up there but 10 minutes later an alert came up on my dashboard that I was extremely low on fuel it had gone down way more than it should have in such a short time and within a minute my car was stuttering and barely running I pulled over and just as I put it in park the engine cut out I tried to start it again but it didn't budge I was both worried and frustrated like how the hell was this even happening I took out my flashlight from the glove compartment
and got out the issue took less than 5 Seconds to find there was gas clearly leaking I had no idea how this could even have happened since everything was fine earlier but before I could do much thinking a truck pulled up behind me their headlights were off and they parked unnervingly quickly like there was no hesitation I stood up and looked at their windshield seeing a couple figures moving around the there I'm okay guys don't need any help I called out but they didn't pay any attention they kept moving around until one of the doors
opened a guy got out while the other or others stayed in the truck ironically he asked if I needed help as he started walking toward me the way he said it was weird though with a smirk and a strange tone to to his voice again I said I didn't need anything he kept walking though until he was right in front of me standing uncomfortably close why don't I give you a ride home it's the least I could do he said giving a creepy forced smile I declined his offer and quickly got into my car disturbingly
he stood there for a while like an entire minute just looking at me through the window and not saying anything I just looked forward and called the police for help with my car but the whole time I could see him in the corner of my eye standing right outside my window and just staring at me during the phone call though he walked back to his truck I watched in the mirror as he got in then slowly drove past me we made eye contact as he passed by and for a brief moment I saw someone in
his back seat they were pressed up against the window with wide open eyes and although I couldn't get a good look at them I knew something was wrong I don't think that person was inside that truck willingly when he drove off though the license plate was missing police showed up and I told them everything there was a bit of an investigation where they found my gas tank was stabbed purposefully by someone likely what happened was the guy planned the whole thing out following me until my car broke down and hoping to get me to accept
the ride whether that person was truly in danger we don't know because the man was never found I was working my regular 2 to10 closing shift at a small drive-thru Cafe it's a really small place with just five or so indoor seating tables since most of our business is focused on the drive-thru this wasn't a busy spot though especially during the later hours of the day being the only one working the closing shift I'd usually sit at one of the dining tables and be on my phone only getting up if someone came to the drive-thru
it was drizzling outside this night so it was even less busy than it already would have been past 7:00 not a single customer came through for 2 hours straight I was just sitting at a table watching Netflix on my phone when suddenly the front door opened it kind of startled me as nobody ever comes inside the shop this late he seemed to not notice me sitting at the table though because he walked up to a different table on the other end of the store and sat down with his back facing me something was definitely off
about this guy though he was very tall and wearing really dark clothing and although it was only drizzling outside he he was soaked water was dripping from all over his clothes and onto the floor and that got me thinking about how he even got here no cars had pulled in so he must have walked anyway I stood up and walked over to the table greeting him and asking what he wanted he didn't smile or say hi back to me he just sat there with a blank look on his face I waited a few seconds before
repeating myself but he cut me off he asked who else was working tonight I was confused but also slightly nervous about that question but I still answered for some reason it's just me but we Clos in an hour he then asked for a small coffee so I walked back to the kitchen and started making it I grabbed a cup and poured it in then turned to go back to the table when I saw him standing in the doorway to the kitchen do you need something else he didn't respond now facing directly at me I could
see that his eyes were bloodshot but his face was still blank like no emotion whatsoever it made me really uneasy put the drink down and come with me he was demanding it and he looked ready to force me if I didn't this guy was way bigger than me so I really had no choice I moved slow trying to think of any way out of this as I followed him as we left the store though he grabbed the back collar of my shirt and pushed me across the parking lot toward the road on the other side
of this empty road was a completely wooded area with no buildings or houses as far as I knew and that's exactly where he was leading me just as we were about to cross the road though a single car came out and rolled past us as it did the man stopped which forced me to stop and both of us stared at the car and realized what it was a police officer looking right back at us I started screaming and the guy immediately let go and sprinted across the road and into the woods the officer pulled right
into the parking lot and made sure I was okay then called for backup what's crazy is he wasn't even on his shift he was actually heading home for the night and just happened to see us at the perfect time to save me if he had even been 30 seconds earlier or later I would have been dragged into those woods unseen and probably never made it out anyway way the camera's picked up some decent footage of him but as of yet still nothing has been found I'll update if anything else happens but I just hope he
doesn't come back for
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