6 Habits Of A Person With The Holy Spirit (This May Surprise You) | Christian Motivation

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Journey To God
When Jesus was leaving His disciples after His resurrection, He promised to pray to God to send them...
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when Jesus was leaving his disciples after his resurrection he promised to pray to God to send them a comforter in Person of the Holy Spirit to fulfill This Promise the disciples received him on the day of Pentecost but that promise wasn't exclusive to the disciples alone every child of God ought to be part of that blessing of course a Christian with the Holy Spirit is blessed beyond measure it goes beyond just speaking tongues can you recall the transformation the power wisdom and confidence that came over them and many more things that happened in the lives
of the disciples after they received him but unfortunately many Christians in our days are yet to experience this and a huge part of those who claimed to have received this Holy Spirit just because they can speak in tongues are far from living a transformed life like 2 in Timothy 3 rightly said having a form of godliness but they lack the power thereof so how can you tell that you or someone close to you has the holy spirit of God of course there are different Spirits in this end time if the Bible can record that the
devil can often manifest as the angel of Light then dearly beloved many people parading the Church of God today can be speaking in tongues of the devil and operating under his spirit as well that is why you should be able to discern a person with the holy spirit of God you don't need to fast and pray to know this over and over again from the days of the Bible until now there has been a consistency in the way of life of those who claimed to be filled with the genuine spirit of God they've got specific
habits before we go on please subscribe to to this channel if you are yet to and ensure you watch to the end as this is a very powerful message that will change your spiritual life so what are the habits of a person genuinely filled with the Holy Spirit number one evidence of the gifts of the Holy Spirit the presence of the Holy Spirit influences the manifestation of certain qualities within you these go a long way toward enabling you to produce his fruits these are all embedded in Galatians 52223 which says but the fruit of the
spirit is love joy peace forbearance kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against such things there is no law those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires if your flesh is not crucified then the spirit of God can't dwell in you when you're filled with the Holy Spirit God's love will always radiate around your life and it doesn't stop there this Divine love begins to rub off on the people you come in contact with if you look at love from the human perspective you might not care about the people
around you the Flesh in you will focus on your desires not minding what others are going through more still you'll find yourself being selective of the people you show love to but the Holy Spirit enables you to extend sincere love and compassion to everyone regardless of belief race or background and because your actions are in line with the spirit you'll find yourself serving and empathizing with others without condition and as a result you become a Shining Light to your generation how about faith joy and peace amid the storms of life Faith is compelling yourself to
believe what does not exist the truth is it takes the grace of God to trust God without physical manifestations and this trust comes with having the holy spirit in your life he engenders faith that will move mountains in your life and as you trust in God you're changed from Fear to experiencing peace and joy amid chaos this is not the kind of Peace you feel when everything goes as you want rather you feel this calmness even when there's trouble around you you'll remain steadfast and confident also you'll have hope knowing that God is in control
this peace not only guards your heart it also comes with joy that is not reliant on circumstances This Joy withstands pain trials and sorrow it also emanates from the conviction that Christ has conquered all and it goes a long way to draw others to inquire about the source of your peace and joy thereby drawing them to God what an amazing lifestyle but dear child of God if this isn't your reality or anyone Close to You perhaps it's a sign you should get close to God and ask for his Spirit number two an unquenchable hunger for
the word of God and his presence coupled with prayer beloved you can't claim to have the Holy Spirit if you can't remember the last time you had a serious conversation with him in prayers likewise if you are close to someone who claims to have the Holy Spirit but lacks a consistent word and prayer life be careful when you're filled with the Holy Spirit he stir up a strong desire to immerse yourself in the word of God when Jesus Christ was speaking to his disciples about the Holy Spirit he said the holy Spirit would teach them
all things the Holy Spirit expands your knowledge about the word of God as you study he opens your eyes to deep mysteries in the scriptures and as time passes your'll witness your knowledge of God increase daily he also strengthens your prayer Life by guiding you to understand that communion with God is essential Apostle Paul in Romans 8:26 says in the same way the spirit helps us in our weakness we do not know what we ought to pray for but the spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans the holy spirit gives you sensitivity to God's
leading he helps you seek guidance and understanding through fervent prayer number three activation of spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit equips you with spiritual gifts that Empower you to serve God and Lead others to him the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 124:7 there are different kinds of gifts but the Same Spirit distributes them there are different kinds of service but the same Lord there are different kinds of working but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work now to each one the manifestation of the spirit is given for the common
good when the Holy Spirit inputs these gifts into you be a prophet y healing teaching or discernment you need to have him active and at work in you to manifest them but you must know that these gifts are not for your elevation rather they are for the greater good of the body of Christ thereby magnifying God's glory number four victory over sin any man who is living in sin is under bondage Apostle Paul speaking in the Bible said that whatever act you master or allow to take hold of you you become a slave to it
and it deprives you of the things that have True Value going further he elaborated that whatever you obey is your master be it sin or righteousness this is one other thing that distinguishes a Spirit-filled Believer from an empty person the Holy Spirit empowers you to live a Victorious Life over the bondage of sin if you can say with boldness that you are no longer a slave to sin this is because the Holy Spirit enables you to overcome Temptation and resist the allurements of the world otherwise you'll be a prey to the devil individuals with the
Holy Spirit are more sensitive to righteousness and they have an elevated desire to always walk with God and obey his command number five boldness to preach the gospel of peace the Bible gives an account of how Peter stood with boldness in the company of the other disciples and addressed the crowd on the day of Pentecost after the Holy Spirit descended on them their lives experienced transformation their speech changed as well and they knew Mysteries that no one could ever imagine B no remember what Jesus Christ said when the Holy Spirit came upon them he said
they'll be his Witnesses in different parts of the world this is exactly what this scripture portrays despite being Jesus disciple Peter was always known to be one who entertained fear it was the same fear that made him deny Jesus three times before he was crucified but you can see that after the Holy Spirit came upon him he took up the leader position and not that alone there was no trace of fear in him again to prove this he preached in one night and thousands of souls receive salvation this clearly demonstrates what the Holy Spirit does
in a man's life when preaching the gospel the Holy Spirit must stir you up remember that you cannot give what you don't have without the Holy Spirit you'll waste your time speaking empty words to people but with him you can be sure that he'll convict the hearts of the souls You Preach to and the will receive salvation number six humility in service when Jesus Christ was on Earth he carried out his work as a leader by serving others he exhibited humility everywhere he went he never made it look like the whole world was under his
feet that is wisdom in the same vein when the spirit of God dwells in you you'll be humble and ready to serve the people around you only an arrogant person sees himself as being better than others and because of that he wants people to act like his slaves this is a clear sign of the devil at work being filled with the Holy Spirit instills a deep sense of humility and a heart of servanthood those with the spirit do not seek exaltation or recognition for their Works instead they are always humble enough to offer themselves as
vessels for God's purpose they put the needs of others before theirs they will never be happy until they see those around them joyful their lives always mirror the servant nature of Christ as they are diligent in serving others they make Jesus known through acts of kindness and selflessness Beloved the holy spirit is ever ready to transform the lives of those who open themselves to his presence these are a few of the many habits of a person filled with the Holy Spirit you can also experience the same and even more if you're willing you will witness
the profound impact of the Holy Spirit and you receive empowerment to live an extraordinary life for Christ as his vessel your life is a radiant Beacon that illuminates the path for others to walk in the truth but amid your busy life it can be easy to overlook the significance of nurturing your relationship with him so to keep the Holy Spirit Alive in you aside from having an open mind you must take deliberate steps to do certain things number one surrender to him and walk in total obedience to his leading you must Surrender Your Own will
and entire being to him you must be humble and allow him to mold you into a vessel worthy of use as you let go of your desires and align your life with God's plan the Holy Spirit Spirit empowers you to walk in obedience and righteousness obedience is not supposed to be a restrictive burden instead it should be a gateway to freedom and intimacy with God be careful never to disobey the leading of the Holy Spirit Ephesians 4 29:30 says do not let any UNH wholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful
for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen and do not grieve the holy spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption the holy spirit is to be your guide but the moment you decide to disobey him he withdraws remember that he is gentle and will not impose anything on you he can lead you in your everyday life in many ways for instance he can guide you in making the right decisions about any area of your life be it how you interact with others or
how you respond to situations sometimes he might give you a specific direction as he did with philli when he directed him to a certain Road Phillip listened and obeyed without delay and when he got there he met an Ethiopian unic and at the end the Holy Spirit used him to explain the scripture to the Ethiopian unic what if Philip had ignored this directive the bottom line is that the holy spirit is to lead you and as he does so he'll help you live a life that honors God and reflects his character so by humbling yourself
obeying him completely and heeding his advice you can be sure that you're moving on the right path and as a result you'll be able to honor God in every aspect of your life number two frequent interaction with the Holy Spirit you might wonder how you're supposed to interact with him when he's a spirit now answer this question have you ever conversed with God before how did you do it or how have you been doing it it's simple remember the holy spirit is the one who helps you to pray to God but don't forget that he
is God as well when you pray you're communicating with three persons in one God the father Son and Holy Spirit if you converse with him more you'll have greater chances of enjoying his company for a long time wouldn't you want to experience this dear child of God to keep the holy spirit in your life requires your sincerity intentional choices and diligence as you walk hand in hand with him your life will become a testimony of God's love and grace and this will no no doubt unlock the Abundant Blessings of having a relationship with him may
God give you the grace to continue to strive to keep the Holy Spirit Alive in your life always seek his guidance and experience the transformative power of His presence God bless you let us pray dear father my heart is full of gratitude for your constant love and grace in my life I acknowledge that you're my anchor and the only reason I'm still alive thank you for all the physical and spiritual battles you fought for me thank you for divine provision protection and guidance Blessed Be Your Name forever I thank you for my family friends and
well-wishers for all the people you've granted access into my life for one reason or another I am grateful thank you for the many times I stumbled but didn't fall because as you help me I have nothing to say but to thank you I present myself to you and ask for mercy your word says that if I claim to have no sin I make you a liar cleanse me of my sins and wash me with your blood please Purge me of every sinful habit make me a worthy vessel to the glory of your name I lay
every persistent sin in my life at your feet forgive me and give me the grace to sin no more ever righteous God in heaven I thank you for the gift of the holy spirit thank you for sending a comforter to me your Holy Spirit has been my friend and guide thank you for the transformation I've experienced through your Holy Spirit I pray for fresh unction to walk in the new directions you're set to lead me to equip and strengthen me me for the task ahead I acknowledge that without you I am nothing please continue to
lead me to the right path whichever assignment you've given to me that I failed to do and it now looks like a burden please give me the grace to take it up and complete it to the very end please open my eyes to the truth of your word your truth that enlightens please let it be the center of my life in all that that I do help me to focus on you at all times no matter how difficult it might be for me may I be willing to sacrifice to the glory of your name above
all Sweet Holy Spirit please give me the heart to know when you're leading me open my spiritual eyes to understand all you want me to know whenever I get tired and fall by the wayside please pick me up and strengthen me to complete the journey whenever I am reluctant to obey your instructions please forgive me and help me to obey my comforter please help me never to grieve you at any point in my life let my relationship with you Blossom like a tree planted by the Riverside please do not leave my side I cannot complete
this race without you you're God's precious gift to me and I cherish you thank you sweet Holy Spirit for being my Advocate amen if this video has blessed you don't forget to like drop a comment and subscribe
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