Perplexity Just Made Keyword Research Faster Than Ever

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Grace Leung
Perplexity AI just made keyword research faster than ever! In this video, I’ll share the 5 powerful ...
Video Transcript:
perplexity AI is definitely one of my top favorite AI tools it just keep improving with lots of great features so today let's talk about keyword research with perplexity because honestly speaking with AI you can just tanic spit up the process but what makes perplexity particularly unique is that it's an AI search engine so in this video I'll share the five powerful ways in using the core strange of perplexity for a keyword research bonus at the end I'll also share how you can use the latest perlex spaces to manage your curate research project before I go
into each use case we must be clear about the role of AI in cord research and not being confused in a typical keyword research process is usually covered three steps number one keyword Discovery process to brainstorm potential keywords with C keyword and build a keyword list and number two keyword analysis to evaluate each keyword by doing comparative analysis like the searge volume difficulty wense search intend Etc and finally keyword selection and group your keywords into different themes AI is particularly useful in Step number one and two because there are lots of many research work involved
in these two process and this is also where we'll focus in this video for example to start a basic cure research with perplexity you can first a it to give you some important keywords for SE keyword let's say home moving note I always recommend using the web Focus so we can maximize the scope and the source variety and also I would say the pro version is always better than the free version with more detail and quality response and then it will immediately give you some important keyword ideas about this SE keyword or topic then you
can follow up by asking more for some Niche keywords so these are keywords that are more specific like piano mover senior moving surface another way is to ask some common question about your seek keyword so you can get an idea on different themes and to extract keyword phrases based on these question and use it toak brainstorm your topical map now you have a general idea let's talk about some specific ways in using perplexity for C research the first way is to identify new keywords one of the strength of using perplexity over other a tools is
that it can access the internet source and attach your own source at the same time so it can consider both the current training topics from the open web and your own keyword performance data to come up with some new cure ideas that you may have missed let's say I'm doing cure research for my YouTube channel about the topic perplexity and it doesn't matter it applies to keyword research for website as well the concept is the same so now I'm going to download my keyword data from the analytics dashboard and save it as a CSV file
so the keyword performance file should look something like this the keywords that my channel have been ranked for and also the performance data and in this case that's the wheel performance for each keyword then on perplexity upload the CSV file and ask it to identify which keywords are performing well and which are underperforming and then ask it to propose new high potential keywords that might channel can Target based on my keyword performance as well as the top video results of course if you want you can narrow the search Focus to just video results but I
always suggest initially just expand to the whole open WB so that you can also consider some good keywords outside of YouTube ecosystem then you will see it will analyze my top performing keyword like perplexity AI perplexity versus chat gbt and the underperforming keywords like perplexity AI for Pages the best part is it will come up with new high potential keywords specifically for my channel and that I can create content around and I'm going say they're really good ideas like perplexity versus claw perplexity AI accuracy and I really like this idea so definitely use this method
because it is always tailored to your business based on your top performing and underperforming keywords and not just randomly throw keywords for you alternatively you can also apply the same concept to SEO just upload the search console keyword report and ask it to do the same analysis based on the top search results another tip is if you have lots of search data you may consider doing some filtering first before upload so the results will be more accurate the next way which is also my favorite is to ask it to analyze the search intent for a
particular keyword search intent analysis is a very important part of keyword research because it it allows you to create content that really matches what your audience is looking for and to make sure you have keywords that cover the full conversion funnel from informational down to transactional in the old days we need to manually analyze each search results one by one but with perplexity it save you much time by doing an initial analysis so for example I'm doing search intent analyses for the keyword kids meal planning although it may sound very obvious about the search intent
for these keyword but still with this prom I can ask perplexity to identify the search intent details on what people are looking for when searching for this keyword so you can see it will search the top results for this keyword and come up with a detailed analysis for the search intent like tips for involving children in meal planning meal planning for different age group printable resources and this is really helpful as unlike on typical cure tools such as Sam rush just give you a label informational commercial using this method you will get a lot more
understanding about this keyword before doing a more in-depth analysis manually the next way is to identify trending keywords you may wonder why don't we use the traditional keyword tools to spot these trending keywords yes we can still use them but sometimes these trending keywords may be too new that even those popular keyword tools like asra cons spot them so with perplexity you can Fast Track the process before you do a more indepth analysis using other training tools so let's say I'm doing keyword research around the topic co-pilot and I want to find some training keywords
associated with this topic so first go to Reddit and to First identify if your topic has an Associated subred size the reason we're doing this is to ask proxity to focus on these particular subred side instead of the whole R side so in this case search for co-pilot and see anything comes up so we can see there is a call copilot Pro and then copy this subreddit link and now on perplexity a it to identify the top training topics across this subite YouTube and also recent web sources and then Al said to base on the
training topics and propose 10 trending keywords related to co-pilot and note I didn't use any Focus search because I want to maximize the scope to also consider web sources video sources red sources and now it will give you some potential training keywords like copilot voice copilot Vision copilot image generation and then what we can do is to double check using Google Trends and see if that's really trending for example copala personalization you can see it has a reason grow on web search which is a good sign and you can always drill a little deeper let's
try another keyword copilot voice now it's even better obviously the search demand is growing as it's on Trend and you can always always dive deeper on other relevant queries and do actual search on the web or YouTube to double confirm that to achieve the best results try using a more Niche topic and not too broad for example like in this case use co-pilot instead of AI because otherwise the results may be very dileted with quality and also I found sometimes perplexity may have error looking for different sources like in this case with web with Reddit
and also with YouTube so you just just need to open a new thread and try again all right another way is to use perplexity for NLP and sematic keyword research if you don't know what these keywords are I've explained that in this video so you can check it out NLP and catic keywords are super important to improve the content relevant especially now we have ai search these keywords will provide more context for the AI model to pick up your content so it's a very important part of your keyword research process the first thing we're going
to do is to get a list of top search result page yourl for your Target keyers in this case that is do training because instead of asking perplexity to list the top result URL I found it's more accurate to specify exactly what url's I wanted to analyze so you can use this free CR extension to extract the URL easily paste them on a spreadsheets and copy these URLs and then on perplexity paste these URLs and ask it to analyze the content for these URLs and to extract 50 sematic key words and phrases related to doct
training particularly focus on the terms that frequently appear across these pages so you will see perplexity is analyzing the your else and propose 50 sematic keywords and these are really useful like obedience training positive reinforcement house training and these are terms that are often being associated with doct training of course Always verifi by doing a research on Google so obedience training is obviously a good catic keywords because the search results are highly relevant to doct trining and if you want you can repeat the same PR and this time as it to propose NLP keywords instead
to get more keyword ideas not that sometimes it can happen that perplexity is not able to analyze all the URLs that you have specified because some sites May block a asss so try to ensure that more than 10 your lse for these top Rand of results and of course there are lots of way to do sematic research and there also all the pay s your tools providing similar features but with perplexity you can actually achieve similar results the next way is to do local key research Google key planner is definitely my favorite tool when it
comes to local keyword research because it allows you to find keywords by specific Geographic locations and now with perplexity real time web access we can combine both to expand the poof th Beyond just the keyword Planet data for example let's say I'm doing local research about the target keyword coffee shop in Vancouver City so first on Google cure planner enter your target keyword coffee shop and pick the location and in this case that's Vancouver and then you will see it will pull up a list of relevant keyword ideas together with the monthly searches for this
region and then export it as a CS file and then perplexity attach the keyword file with just export and ask it to consider both the local transends real time rep data and the search data from the file and to propose 30 popular local broad keywords and 30 longtail local keywords and now this is a good starting point obviously some I can tell from my experience are definitely popular keywords like downtown coffee shop coffee shops with Wi-Fi these are the terms I've used it personally but of course always double check so downtown coffee shop is a
good one you can see the local pack appears on the search result page then for the longtail keywords these will be useful to supplement in your content perhaps on your Google business profile description your surface page and adding these keywords will definitely help increasing the chance Google picks up your website for the local searches but again always double confirm before you pick any of these keywords and if you want you can always ask the search intent for some of these specific keywords now we can take all these use cases one step thur and set up
the automation using the perplexit spaces features if you don't know what is perplexit spaces just think of it like clock project or notebook LM project where you can create a different workspaces with your personalized knowledge base and so you can organize your threads and files by topic or project and it is formally known as collections for each space you can Define your preferred AI model custom instruction and the best part is now you can also upload different files to dispas a source for perplexity there are two main ways you can use these features to manage
your keyword research process the first way to use it is to set up an automated workflow let's say I want to set up a project only doing search intent anal is and then go to spaces click create a space and then enter watch the project so it's a search intent analysis and the description and then you can also specify the AI model for me I love clock and then very important is to set up the custom instruction and as it whenever I type the keyword it will perform the web search and analyze the search intent
for me and now let's try a keyword let's say Toler discipline and since we didn't upload any file so it will only pull the web sources and now you you will see it will do the same analysis as we have covered earlier and so the best part is you don't need to type the prompt every time you can just type the keyword and it will automatically do the analysis for you and not just for search in analysis you can automate other repetitive process in your keyword research by creating different spaces and the second way is
to build your own knowledge base for your project just like on claw or notebook LM but with perplexity you can also utilize the web access features which is super so let's say I am doing local cure research for this hotel certain place and this is their sales pointure about their business offering and then the perplexity create a new space and type in all the details and for the instruction whenever I put a keyword and the region it would do the same local cure research analysis as we have covered earlier an important note is the CER
suggestions must be relevant to the business and now go back to this Bas and upload the sales sponsor to the knowledge base if you had more definitely upload more data about the business and if you are concerned about the data privacy you can always just upload the data that is available in the pl L and then again it would do the same analysis and the best thing is they're always wellin to business because I can see keyword like luxury conference facility luxury broad room with catering not relevant to sou Place Hotel offering and of course
the more you upload to the knowledge base the more relevant keer ideas you will get and our tip is since currently you cannot set video or show show as the search Focus mode within a space so if you need to focus on certain Source medium then you must specify in the custom instruction or in your prom like saying you only wanted to do analysis for R results then perlex will prioritize that accordingly and final tip is always always double check the keyword by either using a proper keyword tool or manually checking the search result page
to confirm if that's the good keyword you should Target and where you can stand a chance to rank if you want to know more about how to identify some good keywords as well as some other SL tips check out this video about the simple AO actions that you can do today to improve ranking I'll see you next time
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