How to become a high-ticket coach

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Graham Cochrane
Here's how you create transformational online courses! ►► 4 Steps to Earn $1000/mo of Passive Income...
Video Transcript:
how do you charge really high prices for oneon-one coaching like that is a big question I get all the time should you charge high prices for one-on-one coaching is that even okay how do you sell High ticket one-on-one coaching what does it even include these are all really good questions and today what I want to do is unpack the exact strategy to price your coaching and sell your coaching even if you don't know if you want to do one one coaching you need this episode and you need to go through this exercise and I'll explain
to you why when we dive in so if you've ever had questions about High ticket coaching no matter what your industry or Niche is in this is the episode for you lean in sit back relax let's do [Music] this [Music] welcome back to the Graham Cochran show where each week I'm helping you unpack the mindset strategies and habits to build a highly profitable and lifegiving business I'm your host Graham Cochran makes sense the show's called the Grim cochan show pumped to hang out with you today let's talk about one-on-one coaching and what I want to
do uh is share a question that I got inside of my coaching Community um these are all people trying to build their business to six figures or more this question hit me like a ton of bricks and we had a powerful conversation inside of that but uh without naming names I'm going to read the question because I think this is very relevant he asked my question is about one-on-one coaching and how to navigate pricing changes I love teaching privately and at the moment I feel it's integral to my mental health which I think is interesting
we've done so many courses this is a side note you do courses you do podcast and YouTube like this and you're not interacting with real people you start to lose your mind a little bit so he's he's seeing the value personally for just doing the one-on-one coaching and he knows that his instruction is helping people okay now he's building his business following what I teach is my product Suite road map and so he's like it makes sense Graham that one-on-one coaching needs to be the highest pricing tier and I'd be stoked to charge three times
what I currently do for those who can pay it but at that rate frankly it's only going to be wealthy people who can afford it I know that raising my rates that high would make lessons unaffordable for several of my favorite students given their professions and incomes thoughts on offering some sort of scholarship or need-based option for folks who demonstrate a serious passion and aptitude for what I teach he's in the music space without undercutting the rest of the pricing model basically wants to know what do we do with these people that can't afford what
he thinks he wants to charge for his coaching so what I want to do is quickly share what I shared with him and then I'm going to walk you through some really really tactical stuff on raising your prices for coaching here here's here's something very interesting that he says and I just I bring up this question because I feel like it perfectly summed up how a lot of people feel when it comes to charging high prices for anything let alone one-on-one coaching he says he understands the value of having high ticket coaching and he would
be stoked to charge three times whatever he's currently charging I don't know what his rate is but he says it's only going to be wealthy people who can afford it stop this is a massive assumption not a fact not even a probability it's just an assumption that he has made he says it like it's a fact but at that rate frankly it's only going to be wealthy people who can afford it how do you know that who put you in charge of their wallets the first thing you got to understand about anything you sell especially
High ticket products is that it is not your job to determine what someone else can afford if you do that if you say they can't afford it guess what you're not going to offer it and therefore they're not going to have a chance to buy it you're literally proving yourself right by just making the decision for them no I'm not going to offer High ticket coaching because they can't afford it only ultra wealthy people can you don't know that it's not even actually probable that that's the reality here's how how do I know this how
many people have cars that are really expensive that probably you look at their income and you look at where they live and you're like can you really afford that they found a way I'm not saying they might have used the best way a lot of people take on debt to buy a car which makes zero sense it's a depreciating asset especially when you talk about a luxury car but hey that's what people do they found a way to buy the BMW or the Mercedes or the Tesla because they wanted it people find a way to
buy the thing they want does Mercedes only sell to wealthy people no no they sell to wealthy people they sell to anybody whoever gets the money and they don't feel bad about their prices they don't run a special like hey it's Black Friday we're going to cut our car cost down in half so that you normal people can afford it no they make payment plans AKA car loans they'll do leases to make it a little more accessible but they're not reducing the price they're just stretching out how long it takes to pay it and actually
cost you more that's about all they'll do but they're not bringing their prices down because they know that the average person I live in Tampa Florida I I know the average or and even the median income in this city and I look at the average car I see on the road there is no way the median or average person in this city can afford the cars that they drive there's no way people I may I'm like my income and this is not bragging but like if you look at the numbers and I was just looking
at this recently because there's an article that just came out in the Tampa Bay Times about this I am in the top one 1% of all earners in my state and city the whole us to be honest I'm in the top 1% I could drive whatever car I want to drive the people that drive around in the city Drive nicer cars than me and I know what they make statistically they can't afford it statistically but guess what they found a way people will find a way now that's not a great example because I don't think
people need a car where I think your coaching could really help them more than a car can here's another example I gave this gentleman on the call if you have a child and they get sick with a terminal illness and they're going to die in 3 months but you find out that there is this new drug in Switzerland that is safe that's been tested that will remove that disease and guarantee without a shadow of a doubt that they will survive but it costs $200,000 would you find a way to pay for that drug you better
believe you would that drug maker is not going to discount it because oh your child's dying I'm not going to discount it that drug is is worth infinitely more than $200,000 because your child's life is worth how could you put a price on someone's life you will find a way you'll increase your income you'll sell crap you'll live in a van instead of your house you'll rent you'll live with your in-laws you'll sleep on a friend's sofa you'll whatever take on a little bit of a loan you'll do all the things because it'll save their
life my point is in these silly or dramatic examples it's not your job to tell people what they can afford that's their decision to make you don't know their financials you don't even know what they value they may not look like they should afford that but if they don't spend money anywhere else and that's all they care about let them spend their money on that your job is to price your coaching where it should be and let them decide if they can afford it so please don't make that decision for them that's the first mistake
he made and I encouraged him in that way is you're you're making a massive assumption that's not even based on facts second he talks about offering some sort of scholarship ship so he's like can we offer a discount which is now just sort of taking that idea further here's what I told him if you're doing what I teach you to do you're giving out so much free transformative content every single week on the internet there's no reason to Discount anything if they can't afford your coaching no problem just enjoy my YouTube channel just enjoy my
podcast just enjoy my blogs just enjoy these free emails I send out every week with value if you were to do 20% of the stuff that I teach for free you'd be a millionaire you don't have to buy anything from me that's how confident I am in my free stuff and you should be confident in your free stuff too so you'll never have to feel bad about charging high prices for something that's paid because you give so much away for free don't do this Middle Ground of like discounting just have premium stuff and then free
stuff don't play in the mushy middle that way you don't have to feel guilty like buy my stuff or don't don't feel bad if you can't buy it don't feel bad I love you just the same I have people that email me and they literally feel bad they say Graham I feel bad I've never bought anything from you but I I followed your free Workshop I watched some videos I launched a business I made $45,000 last week and I've never done this before and I've never bought anything from you so much so that they will
actually just send me money or buy my courses not to actually watch them but just as like a a tip a little bit of reciprocity that's how good my free stuff is that's how good your free stuff should be that makes me sleep well at night so I don't I don't worry if they don't buy my stuff so this is the context for what I want to talk about now we're going to get into some nitty-gritty I want to walk you through three things four reasons you should charge high prices for one-on-one coaching how much
you should charge and then how to actually sell High ticket coaching this going to be a little master class on coaching are you ready and if you're paying attention this is a little meta I am giving you a master class in high ticket coaching for free and you don't have to pay me for this but it's going to be transformative if you actually apply it because that's the business model I believe in I give you so much value for free I know that eventually you'll become become a customer of M customer of mine and you'll
be a customer for life okay there a little meta if you want to nerd out on that stuff ready okay four reasons this is so important before we get into how much to charge and how to charge you got to understand why you you have to feel so Crystal Clear about this and I think people miss this and so they they might start raising their rates or charging a price and it all collapses because they feel so bad they haven't dealt with these limiting beliefs there's something wrong in their mindset first so number one the
number one reason to have high ticket coaching and have high prices is it's a price anchor for all your other products if you have a coaching package that's $11,000 a package it makes your $47 course seem like a bargain because like hey I charge $1,000 for coaching but this course it's only 47 bucks you can literally say that in your sales copy and I do this all the time when you get to the section of your sales page where you reveal the price because again you never reveal it at the top because that's it's just
backwards they don't care the price they don't even care what it is they care about do can you solve my problems that's why the first part of the sales copy is all about do you have this problem I found a way to solve it now they're bit more interested then we can talk about how we solve it what's the vehicle is it a course is it a membership is it coaching is it a live event is it a book and then we can talk about the price once we've communicated the value then that's when price
makes sense so once you get to that part of the sales page the number one way to sell your thing and to make that price seem like a good deal is to compare it to what are their other options those options could be with somebody else or those options could be with you high price so one of the ways I price anchor my online course I might have a course for 500 bucks it's like well 500 bucks I know here's what I normally charge a one-on-one client I my CH my prices start at $5,000 for
an hour of my time to teach this stuff but this course is only 500 bucks wow that's a it's a lot cheaper that's a tenth of the price right and it's for way more than just an hour of his time it's a price anchor so if you can get clear on your high ticket coaching package even without having a client this is not unethical by the way because this is what you should be charging when you get a client it's a great price anchor it's best to actually do the coaching so that you can say
that and feel like really good about it like my prices that I list as price anchors are actual prices I charge for real clients but it's a powerful price anchor for your other products number two reason to charge high prices for one-onone coaching it creates an aspirational purchase for your customers I think all of your students all of your customers should have that aspirational product they want to get into that could be your Mastermind that could be a big highte acrp coaching program but one-on-one coaching private coaching is usually the most you can charge for
something because think about it your people are paying for they're paying for personalization and proximity to their favorite Educators personalization and proximity a course is not very personal it's here's the curriculum and the proximity is only but so close I'll answer some questions inside of the course platform a community is a lot more personalized because now I can interact with you in the community and I can coach you live on a group coaching call and the proximity is a lot closer because now you can interact with me in my private community and you can talk
to me on a live coaching call so we've got a little closer and a little more personalized a small Mastermind of 12 to 15 people is a lot more personalized because then you can each get hot seats and I can literally coach you on your business and it's a lot more proximity because now you know me and I know you cuz there's only 12 to 15 of you and we meet every week see how proximity and personalization have gotten a lot closer and then one-on-one coaching is the ultimate it's 100% personal CU it's all about
you my client it's 100% proximity because it's just you and me buddy talking and then imagine that in person like a VIP day well now we're doing that in the flesh we're going out to dinner we're going out to lunch you're hanging out with me we can get a selfie together like this sounds weird but like think about your favorite educator or influencer like if you could spend a day with them and they could help you directly like you can see the value goes up and up and up it's great to have this in your
back pocket as an aspirational purchase so somebody buys a course or they're a member of your community and they say you know what I can't afford grams oneon-one coaching prices right now but I'm going to grow my business or increase my income or sell some crap and one day save up enough money so that I can do that because that that's something I want there's something powerful for your students to have an aspirational purchase even my Mastermind was an aspirational purchase for many of my members in my community they're paying 97 a month and they're
like dude I don't have 12250 a month or 1,500 a month but when I get to the level where I can afford that every month I want to join your Mastermind it gave them something to shoot for gave them something to work for it sounds really weird and it maybe sounds egotistical when I'm saying it it sounds weird coming out of my mouth but I'm just telling you it's it's powerful so it's a price anger for your other products it's an aspirational purchase for your students and let's get into the two biggest reasons why you
should charge high prices for one-on-one coaching number one it's best for you and I know what you're thinking well of course I make more money no no no no no no this is not about the money the higher you charge the higher the price you charge the more you're going to enjoy it why because you're going to filter out people who aren't serious by virtue of the price they're going to be like nah only people who are really really serious who really are committed who who are going to listen to everything you say who are
going to show up on time who are going to take your advice they're not going to blow you off they're going to be like yes sir yes ma'am like they're going somewhere they're they're if they're hungry enough to pay you for your coaching that means they're hungry enough to go do the thing which means they're going to go do great things in the world and whatever the niche is and those are the people you want to work with the higher the prices I charge the better the people I get and the more fun I have
with them so if you want to be selfish for a moment if you want to enjoy coaching if you're not enjoying coaching and you're already getting paid to do it you're probably charging too little it's I hate to say it but you're attracting the wrong kind of person if you want better clients raise your rates you'll get clients that you love working with just it's facts so it's best for you but the fourth and most important reason you should charge high prices for one1 coaching is that it's best for them how could this be true
this is the number one reason why I charge what I charge for r on coaching they will enjoy it more not only will you enjoy it more they will enjoy it more because when someone invests a lot of money they're more committed when they're more committed they get better results and that's what they're paying for can I tell you a little secret I teach how to launch online businesses in a book it's called how to get paid for what you know it's great you should read it it's $25 Max sometimes it's discounted on Amazon I
also teach that same stuff to clients 101 for $54,000 now there's some nuances there but pretty much I'm teaching the same stuff most people buy my book they might read through chapter 2 statistically they don't and even the ones that do chances of them actually actioning on that starting their business making lots of money are very slim because why they just pay 25 books bucks it's just a book they read it on vacation they loved it they enjoyed it they might have even left me a review but did they do it most people not you
might be the exception I've had people reach out like read your book launch the business bus I'm making six figures thank you so much that's who I write the book for but the sad reality is that most people won't do it why CU they they're not that invested it's only 25 bucks I buy a book a day I have I've got books piling up I haven't even read I bought it doesn't mean I'm going to read it 20 bucks 25 bucks if you invest $54,000 to work with me you better believe you're going to show
up do the work you're because you want your money's worth you're hungry CU you've you've invested a lot of money guess what happens when you're hungry and you get your money's worth you get your money's worth you get results you take Massive Action you have massive Clarity this matters I'm going to figure this out it sounds so obvious but this is like so missed if your clients aren't getting great results you're probably not charging enough and they're probably not committed enough so here's the magical thing you just increase your rates and all of a sudden
you get better clients that you enjoy they're getting better results which are giving you better testimonials and you're making more money how is this possible this is the psychology of coaching this is not ripping people off this is just people get in what they put in and the people who pay pay attention people who don't usually don't hey we'll get back to the episode in just a moment but I wanted to give you a gift for hanging out with me in today's episode I want to give you access to a free onDemand video training to
teach you how to build your $1,000 of passive income in just 30 minutes a day this Workshop is packed with not only the things you need to create passive income but the order in which you need to create them how they tie together templates you can use for swipe copy scripts you can use the exact tools that are both free and cheap that you can Implement and use today including how to figure out what your profitable idea is if you haven't launched your business I cover all of this I pull back the curtain on my
business model that I'm using right now while you're enjoying this episode and how I'm generating a million dollars a year plus in two businesses it's all inside of this workshop and it's free I want you to watch it because it is the business model I believe in if you like what you'll see in this Workshop then you will know that what I'm teaching you has got substance and it's a good fit for you so watch it take notes and apply it and you can build an online passive income business off of a free video training
just go to grcr sorksh that's sorksh now back to the episode all right how much should you charge this is one of the biggest questions I get the caveat is you got to figure this out for yourself but let me give you a back of the napkin answer and then two strategies to help you raise your rates number one the back of the napkin answer it should at least be 10 times the cost of your main offer so if you have a $100 course that you're selling in your funnel your coaching should start
at $1,000 if your main thing is a $50 a month membership look at how many months people typically stick around if that's 5 months and that's 5 * 50 that's 250 bucks then it should be 10x that 2500 bucks that's that is a way to come up with a price for coaching if you want a back of an appk can answer here's two ways if you're already coaching to think about where your prices should be number one is you should just double your rates now just twox them now why so simple you only need half
the clients to make the same amount of money so if half your clients say no I can't afford that you start to get half you know twice as many NOS when you pitch it you'll still make the same amount of money only have half of your time back and they'll be better clients and they'll get better results because we just talked about so just two x your rates and then if that doesn't work for you because you're like no Grandma can never do that and all of all of these answers if that's the case are
just limiting beliefs like whatever you say that's what it is like it's it's really up to you the Third Way is just pick a price that scares you and then add 20 % to that this is something I learned from Rich litfin who I think is one of the the best coaches in the world and the best coaches on how to coach uh you should go read his book The prosperous coach his new book is coming out soon the powerful coach but the prosperous coach is his model for getting clients and I love it it's
a give first model which we'll talk about in a second briefly and then his new book the powerful coach uh is more of like what to do in the coaching sessions to get great results um it's a lot more for like life coaches and high performance coaches so that mean not be as meaningful to you if you're like in a very specific Niche like Fitness or or music or whatever but check out his first book The prosperous coach I've worked with him for in a year's time I mean it was great working with him directly
but one of the things he said that I just loved was pick a price that scares you and then add 20% the reason you add 20% is because um if they say yes you'll be so freaking glad that you did and you'll be so you would have been so pissed if you it was 20% less than that right so it's like it gives you that proof that like oh my gosh I made extra money just because I pushed myself it's just a way to psychologically push yourself pick a price that scares you and then add
20% now you might be asking Graham is this like are you saying that's an hourly rate like what the heck no no no when you sell coaching you never sell your time because that's not what we're selling when you're selling your time people compare you to other people with hourly rates and that's that's a stupid way to price coaching you're also not selling number of calls because that's not what people are buying they're not buying your time they're not buying a package of call calls they're buying results they're buying results so when you sell you
sell in a package of of amount of time you're going to work together we're going to work together for 90 days 6 months a year you're selling a package of we're going to work together for a fixed amount of time and in a minute I'm going to teach you how to actually sell the coaching but you're really selling the transformation they're going to have after working with you for that period of time you work with me for a year we're going to do X you work with me for 3 months we're going to achieve y
that's what you're selling you're selling the transformation just like with your course just like with your membership like anything else we're not selling the actual 50 videos a community nobody wants to buy a community nobody wants to buy videos they want the transformation that they get they don't care what the vehicle is coaching is the vehicle coaching is a tool it's a powerful vehicle and a powerful tool to do what that's what you're really selling so sell these things in packages so when I say like $1,000 I mean as a package and you can decide
how many calls they get or how long that is none of that really matters because it it's just like what does it take to get them a result that's what matters they're going to want to ask how many calls you can mention that whatever you think but the calls aren't what you're selling so do not let them make that the conversation it's about the transformation and how much time you think it takes working together to get that transformation so let's let's kind of land This Plane here let's talk about how to actually sell the coaching
okay I'm going to give you four strategies and let's start with something that maybe maybe give you some confidence if you're like I just do I just jump on Zoom calls with people what do I do okay here are three questions or three things you need to fill out to give you some confidence and maybe give some meat on this coaching package that you're going to sell first thing I want you to do the first one is to list out the five biggest challenges that your client or student might have five biggest challenges that your
typical client or student will have if you're in the fitness or weight loss space like what you know you've got a YouTube channel you've got a podcast you've got an email list you've got products maybe you're interacting with these people you're already teaching them what do you know are the five biggest challenges they face generically across the board now your clients when you get an actual coaching the power of coaching is not just taking them through curriculum real powerful coaching is bespoke it custom so it's like what do you want to create what can I
help you with where are you stuck and and like you could go all in on that one thing you never want to go in assuming you know what they need you really have to ask them and and and get custom but you need to know what are the five biggest challenges your typical customer or client faces so that when you talk about the types of things you help clients with you've got talking points right you got things you can actually talk about so take a minute write down what are the five biggest challenges your typical
student or CL client faces even if they're free students the same challenges number two thing you got to write down is what are one to two provocative or spiky points of view as Rich liin would say that you have a way of seeing the world that most people don't I in the business space so you could say oh Graham's a business coach and I might say the five biggest challenges I help people with is launching their business getting into a Content Rhythm building an audience automating their sales process scaling I don't know I I've figur
out where those five challenges are right it could be any one of those things but what is one of my provocative or spiky points of view that's make me makes me a little bit unique I would say if you can't create a multi6 figure a year business working 20 hours a week or less you're doing it wrong if it takes you 40 hours a week to make six figures you your business is broken now some people get pissed off when I say that M that's spiky now we're on to something but it's something I really
believe right because I've built multiple seven figure of year businesses that only take five hours a week to run that's pretty dope that's I don't say that to brag I say that very intentionally to be provocative and spiky because it's a way of seeing business that not everyone sees there's plenty of people will teach you how to make lots of money you just have to work 80 hours a week and hustle hustle hustle rise and grind baby not Graham not good old uncle gram that's not how I roll what is your one or two provocative
or spiky points of view that you have this is very important when you're selling coaching as you mention this stuff because it's like oh this is a distinction that she has this is a distinction that he has and it really helps you solidify yourself as a coach in a very crowded Niche because every Niche is crowded at this point that's fine what makes you provocative what makes you spiky you have at least one two would be awesome and the third and final thing you need to to get some basic copy for your coaching packages is
what is the result that someone would get coming out of working with you and if you help people in a variety of ways then come up with three so that you can and write them down so they're actually in front of you so that when you're talking to people about coaching whether in a video or live or in person whatever you can be like typically after working with me my clients have make more money in their business cut their work hours in half and have more joy doing it like those are three typical results my
clients have after working with me they're they're making more money than ever they've cut their work hours and a half and they're having more fun than ever doing it every week they like look forward to getting to the office those are three typical results my clients have what are they for you if you're like in the weight loss space my clients can they typically feel confident knowing what to eat and they'll and there's no or there's no food G shame or guilt and they've usually lost on average 20 pounds and they like what like I
don't know like what again you're not promising them these specific results you're saying the typical client that works with me when we're done working together in our program they typically have this main result or these two to three results you want you want this written down in your notes app on your phone or to Google doc somewhere or a sticky note on your desk for two reasons one you want to look at it and go yes I can help people even if you've never coached somebody oneon-one if you've done a YouTube video that's helped somebody
or done a podcast episode that's helped somebody or you have a course that's helped somebody you've done these things this is just a different vehicle coaching just a different vehicle but you can be confident to look at that sticky note or look at your phone and say man I do help people and I help people who have these challenges and I help them get these results and I think about things a little bit differently and that makes me feel confident I don't have to be like her or like him this is one of my uniquenesses
it's a little provocative not Everyone likes it but if people do like it they're going to like working with me you need to see it for you so you feel confident this is all a head game this is just all a head game but it's all Al Mega helpful when you are going to pitch people which I'm going to tell you how to do it in a second when you pitch people it gives you some meat to talk about well tell me grandma you know do you coach people what does that what does that look
like you know and they're just like they're afraid to ask because they don't know what the price is or whatever and you say oh yeah yeah yeah I have I do one-on-one coaching with people typically I help these types of people who are struggling with these challenges and I list some challenges like oh yeah yeah I struggle with that and then typically after work with me we kind of we get these typical results they're like oh wow that that sounds amazing and one of the things that I bring to coaching that I think is interesting
and I want people to know is that when I think about business I really think about how can you make more money while working less and I think you're actually lazy if it takes you 40 hours to work and that's a Zinger and that's almost like a filtering question or filtering point you it gives you some talking points so people can go wow he helps these types of people break through these challenges and get these types of results and he's got this interesting point of view that gives you meat to talk about as opposed to
yeah do one-on-one coaching and it's cost $30 an hour they don't know what are we talking about how do I make a decision I don't even know what you can help me with or you don't even seem intriguing so write out that basic copy just some some talking points this is not actually sales copy you could put it on a page but these are just talking points for you number two for selling coaching create a coaching menu okay I've always thought of like having tiered pricing for courses or anything you offer um but this works
really well with coaching and again referencing Rich liin a lot because homeboy is just a brilliant at this but I like the way he describes his coaching menu is he has three options and he the way he says it when people ask you know what does it look like to coach with you or after you've been talking about who you help and the kind of challenges you help me solve and these are the results we get like they're very interesting okay well what does that look like what does that cost or how long they start
to ask the very practical questions here's how you answer you say oh yeah well there are three ways clients typically work with me this is such a great line such an innocuous line there are three ways that clients typically work with me the language is so specific rich is a genius one you're you're not saying this is the only way to work with me the power of product tiers or offer tiers is the Power of Choice you you're giving them choice so they immediately know okay I'm going to have choices great cuz what if the
the one option is too expensive you're giving them choices and you're not saying there's three ways you can work with me you're talking about other people there's three ways clients typically work with me which also leaves the door open for Something Completely custom which I think is rare but it's always good to have that door open if somebody's like well I I want something something something you're like well that you could do that but that will cost you a million dollars and they might say yes like oh okay cool so you say there's three ways
clients typically work with me you give them option a option b and option C and with each one you say what it is what's included and the price what it is is it's included in the price same thing for the option and you always leave with your most expensive option for example I I literally just I literally had this this conversation with a guy on text today before filming this which is crazy timing very very very cool timing he was like Hey dude like I I've helped him for free a little bit he's like dude
I'm serious like I I want to pay you for coaching what does that look like he already we already know each other we're already friends and so I didn't have to like sell him on me he wants to work with me he wants to pay with me I'm like all right man there's three ways people typically work with me and I gave him my options option one right is a year-long concierge coaching program where we meet every month for 90 minutes video coaching call you get unlimited Voxer coaching access with me in between calls you
get access to all my courses and my sales copy my templates and my marketing tools uh and then there is a VIP day in person here in Tampa where we can workshop for like 10 hours we'll go to dinner we go out on the town all that's included $54,000 option b I have a 90day Sprint we do six or seven calls over those 90 days you also get boxer access to me in between and access to my courses $20,000 or if you just want to like have an intensive we can do a two-hour session five
grand just jump on a zoom call we'll bang out your biggest thing we'll get you results and you'll know exactly what to do two hours five grand that's my coaching menu as of this moment right so I'm telling him that and he's like oh great I think I want option b 20,000 see you and if the numbers mess you up don't listen to The Numbers those are just my numbers I'm helping people scale their businesses so the numbers are reticent to the value I can bring I always believe that anything I sell a course coaching
I want people to get 10x the value that they paid for so even when I was helping people in the music space because people well that makes sense and if you're in the business space you got to understand my first business that made me a millionaire was teaching broke musicians how to record their music at home on a budget so I wasn't helping them make money I was helping them with their their hobby I was selling to hobbyists and what I would do is I would sell a course for like $1 and in the price
anchoring I would say like I would want to make sure if they're going to spend $150 with me I want them to get 10x of value I'd want them to get $1500 of value how do I do that well I look at their alternatives to get great sounding recordings their alternatives are to spend $1,500 on a microphone which is what most people on the internet are telling them to do the reason your recordings don't sound good is cuz your microphone you're using a cheap microphone so spend ,000 to $2,000 on a good microphone then it'll
be good or I believe I could teach you how to use that cheap microphone you have if you do things differently you'll get results to sound just like the $1,500 microphone so in essence I got you a $1,500 value for just 150 bucks or I also compared it to going to audio school like full sale in Orlando you'd spend 50 to $100,000 in tuition I can teach you how to do that for 150 bucks you won't have a degree you don't get to go to college but you can learn you get the same results for
150 bucks that's like a million times the value so it's always about they're Alternatives right so I always want to make sure there's 10x of value so my prices are high because I'm helping people make lots of money but the point is I'm giving them a very expensive option for a year and it's like everything like you work with me for a year you get unlimited coaching in between you come and hang out with me for a day a VIP day we go to dinner and it's my highest price option and then I have a
90-day opt like look if you just want to work together for 90 days let's just bang this out it's a handful of calls it's they're not as long the calls aren't as long um and we don't hang out in person but it's more affordable and it's like look if you just want I like I just did a month ago I just did a one of those $5,000 two-hour sessions with somebody it's like she this is what I'm struggling with right now like let's get on a call five grand I solved a ton of problems for
her in two hours she there's homework involved you got to come ready so we can maximize that time she left like knowing exactly what to do in her business and that's all she needed three options they get to pick so decide what your ideal like top top tier thing is going to be then have like a most people are going to go for the middle option and then have like a a cheaper option that you still would be willing to do longtime commitment shorter commitment and then maybe like a just rent my brain for a
call kind of commitment you can but again these packages can be in person only for three days just come you could you could just do that if you don't want to do long-term commitments just say I only do iners weekend long Retreats and and and I'm going to charge X and we're g to do it in a nice hotel like and meet in the lobby like you there's a million things you could do you get to decide that's why it's not the number of calls it's not how many hours it's whatever package feels right for
you and your client but have three options number three how do you sell coaching by actually coaching for people this is for people like that you already know people you want to work with that you want to reach out to people who reach out to you that seem very interested the best way to have this conversation is not to talk about coaching in it's to actually coach them so invite them to come on a free coaching session you know at times I've called this a discovery call but so you can either call it a discovery
call to see like if we're a good fit together or you can say like I'd love to just coach you for free I just love to see if I can just help you for free and jump on a call and then actually coach them which means you're going to start by asking questions what do you need help with I just was on a call like this for free this isn't somebody that I'm trying to sell coaching to but we're in a group together he mentioned something he's struggling with I was like bro that's that's literally
what I help people with I'm happy to jump on a call and help you out with that I just spent almost 90 minutes with them on Zoom him and his wife helping them map out this whole new business idea and I'm literally teaching them the stuff that I would charge $54,000 to to do the great thing is is that like if that's all he needs then great I've just blessed somebody and I've made a friend for life but a lot of times what happens is when you blow people's minds by asking them the question okay
what do you need help with where are you struggling what have you tried before okay have you tried this if you tried this well here's what I would do and I mapped out his whole business here's what i' do don't worry about this like focus on this for the next six months whatever you blow people's minds the best way to sell coaching is by actually doing it and then they're like dude you've given them a 60-minute a 90-minute session now they want more they're going to ask the question how do we how do we do
more of this what would it look like to keep working together and that's when you mention your your coaching menu and fourth and final way to sell coaching is to use an application process this is better if you have an email list or client based like or customer based for your courses or you're on a podcast or YouTube and you don't know who these people are before you you don't want to jump on a a free coaching session with everybody right so you want to filter out the people that you don't know anything about with
an application so get a simple Google form and walk them through a filtering process where you ask questions that's like just getting to know them but you're filtering for a few things who are they what are they really struggling with like if they were to work with you what challenge do they have and what are they going to want you to solve so you can know if you can even solve that problem kind of where they are financially like how much Expendable income do they have to commit to this like you can kind of ask
questions that hint at like how much they make currently you know like how much they can commit how much time they can commit to coaching how serious they are you could ask them their budget range you could do a bunch of different things but you could filter whatever you think would be helpful for you to then look at go you know what I'm going to not reach out to that person I am going to reach out to that person and offer them a free Discovery coaching session and take it from there I also like to
ask what have they tried before to solve this problem gives me a lot of clarity as to who they are and if they if they really should just watch some of my YouTube videos or if they're like dude this person is serious I'll drop on a call that's it so create the basic copy create a coaching menu sell coaching by actually coaching with a discovery call or free coaching session and then use an application process it's that simple and at the end of the day like you're going to feel your way through this and you're
going to get better at it and you're going to be able to raise your rates the more you do this and the more you spend time helping people and getting people incredible results and the more confident you feel last thing I want to say say cuz we got to wrap this up if you're listening to this and you're like I'm never going to do one-one coaching so why am I even listening to this first of all I'm curious to why you've lasted this long if you're never to do one-on-one coaching but if that's you or
if you're like I'm toying with it but I'm not really sure I get it I highly recommend you do all the stuff we just talked about even if you never coach a single person 10one why you're going to feel so much more confident knowing what you're actually worth what your actual rate is for premium one-on-one coaching if somebody actually wanted it and you actually wanted to give it do you know that I made my $54,000 coaching package before I ever was sure I even wanted to offer it to people I did it for me because
I asked myself what am I actually worth and I think I'm worth a lot more than 54,000 but again I always want to make sure that what I'm charging they get 10x of value I'm confident I can help somebody create half a million dollars in income in their business I'm confident in that so I was like I need a package that's at least 50k and I would want to make a package that I would want to have I would want calls that aren't too frequent that I haven't had time to make any progress in between
calls cuz I've I've had lots of coaches and I know what it's like to have a CO call every two weeks and I'm like I haven't even those two weeks flew like I got kids I got church I got businesses I got things that I'm doing and I haven't even done the homework yet and I hated that guilty feeling so I was like I want a coaching package where it's spread out long enough over we got a whole year to work together we have a big powow every month so I know exactly what I'm working
on that month and then I have unlimited access to the coach in between for follow-up for questions can you review this so I don't have to wait a month to talk to them I could talk to them every day if I wanted to but it's it's on me to use that if I want that I would want be able to like get access to their courses as well I feel like I get all of it I want like the everything package and I would want to like go to a beautiful place like Tampa Florida come
join us uh and spend a day in a beautiful warm place uh working with this person one-on on-one and like getting that intention in person and like going out to dinner and having those side conversations where we're just getting to know each other and becoming like basically becoming friends that's what I would want I would want the ultimate package as a user where I know that I basically paid to become their friend and had an incredible experience and I know that you can do a lot in a year we could get really far in a
year so I just kind of reverse engineered the package for me and this was before I was even sure I wanted to get back into one-onone coaching because I've been so busy building scalable products and then I was like all right I'm going to offer it and so now I've been offering it now I'm selling it and people are buying it and we're getting great results and I'm having fun so so my point is is even before I I offered this as a package I felt legit knowing like my True Value when I'm selling $97
a month for a membership or a $500 course I'm like this is a freaking steal like if you can't afford 500 bucks to for me to blow your mind and help you build a business that's life-changing money then go watch my YouTube channel I don't feel bad because I know that I'm a $544,000 coach and I know I'm more than that but I know that I could command that fee because I do and that just gives me confidence so do that for yourself just dream up that package that you feel is is appropriate for you
and it'll grow over time but it's a stretch and it feels scary to to to drop that price that's when you know you're on the right path it shouldn't be like easy for you to pitch it CU then it's too cheap but it'll make you feel so confident even if you never have a client take you up on it there you go there's a little master class on on high ticket coaching from Good Old Uncle Graham will you do me a favor has this been helpful to you if so let me know if you're listening
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this video and let me know if you enjoyed this episode and what was your biggest light bulb like what was your biggest aha whether you're doing one-on-one coaching or or plan to or not what was your biggest light bulb I'd love to know I want to make sure this is leaving an impact uh in your world all right that's it for today friend thanks for hanging with me hope this was powerful and mind-blowing for you I always aim to please and serve you any way I possibly can appreciate your time it's super valuable I'll see
you in another episode real [Music] soon [Music]
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