Neville Goddard - If You Are God's Chosen Ones, Never Reveal These 5 Things To Anyone

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Neville Goddard
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Video Transcript:
Let us first understand the nature of our being. You are not merely flesh and blood, but the very essence of God Himself, manifested in human form. Your imagination is the creative power of the universe, and your consciousness is the only reality. Everything you perceive in the world around you is but a reflection of your inner state. Now let us explore the five things you must never reveal. The true nature of your inner conversations: these conversations, my dear friends, are the seeds of your future manifestations. They are the very fabric of your reality, woven by
the thoughts and feelings you entertain in the privacy of your mind. When you engage in inner conversations, you are communing with God Himself. You are shaping the world around you, molding it to your desires and expectations. But this power must be wielded with the utmost discretion, for if others were to know the true nature of your inner dialogues, they might attempt to interfere, to plant doubts or fears that could derail your manifestations. Imagine, if you will, that you are having an inner conversation about a promotion at work. You see yourself sitting in the corner office,
feeling the leather of the executive chair beneath you, hearing the congratulations of your colleagues. This inner conversation, repeated with feeling and belief, will inevitably manifest in your outer world. But if you were to reveal this process to others, they might scoff; they might doubt. And in doing so, they could weaken the power of your imagination. So, my friends, guard your inner conversations jealously. Let them be a sacred communion between you and the God within, for it is through these conversations that you shape your world; that you bring your desires from the realm of imagination into
the realm of physical reality. The second thing you must never reveal is the true extent of your power to revise the past. Yes, my dear ones, you heard me correctly: the past is not set in stone, but is as malleable as clay in the hands of a skilled sculptor. And you, as God's chosen ones, are the most skilled sculptors in all of creation. When you revise the past, you are not merely changing your memory of events; you are literally altering the fabric of reality itself. You are reaching back through time and space, reshaping events to
align with your desires. This power is so profound, so earth-shattering in its implications, that it must be kept hidden from those who are not yet ready to comprehend it. Imagine if you will a past event that has caused you pain or regret. Perhaps it was a missed opportunity, a harsh word spoken in anger, or a decision you wish you could take back. Now, close your eyes and see that event playing out differently. See yourself making the right choice, speaking words of kindness, seizing the opportunity with both hands. Feel the relief, the joy, the satisfaction of
this new version of events. As you practice this revision, you will find that your present circumstances begin to change. People will treat you differently; opportunities will arise that align with your revised past. The world around you will reshape itself to match your new inner reality. But if you were to reveal this power to others, they might react with fear or disbelief. They might attempt to convince you that the past cannot be changed, and in doing so, they could weaken your faith in your own divine power. So, my friends, keep the true extent of your power
to revise the past a closely guarded secret. Use it wisely, use it often, but never reveal it to those who are not ready to understand. The third thing you must never reveal is the depth of your understanding of the law of assumption. This law, my dear ones, is the very foundation of creation. It states that by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you bring that wish into manifestation. It is through this law that you create your reality, that you shape the world around you to match your inner state. But the true depth of this
law goes far beyond what most people can comprehend. It is not merely a tool for manifesting material desires, but the very mechanism by which the universe operates. When you truly understand the law of assumption, you realize that every aspect of your life—every circumstance, every relationship—is a result of your assumptions. Imagine if you will that you desire a loving relationship. The law of assumption tells you that you must assume the feeling of being in that relationship right now. You must feel the love, the companionship, the joy of sharing your life with someone who adores you. As
you maintain this assumption, you will find that your outer world begins to reshape itself to match your inner state. But here's a secret that you must never reveal: this process is not limited to your individual life. Your assumptions shape the entire world around you. The political climate, the state of the economy, even the weather itself is influenced by your assumptions. This power is so vast, so all-encompassing, that if others were to truly understand it, they might become overwhelmed or attempt to manipulate it for selfish ends. So, my friends, keep the true depth of your understanding
of the law of assumption to yourself. Use it to create a life of joy and abundance, but never reveal the full extent of its power to those who are not ready to wield it responsibly. The fourth thing you must never reveal is the true nature of your I am state. This, my dear ones, is the most sacred aspect of your being. It is the God within you, the divine creative power that shapes your reality. When you declare "I am," you are invoking the very name of God, and with it, all the power... of creation. But
the true nature of the I Am State goes far beyond what most people can comprehend. It is not merely a tool for affirmations of positive thinking; it is the very essence of your being, the core of your existence. When you truly understand your I Am State, you realize that you are not separate from God but at God Himself, experiencing life through your individual consciousness. Imagine, if you will, that you are standing before a mirror. As you gaze at your reflection, declare silently to yourself, "I am." Feel the power of those words resonating through your entire
being. In that moment, you are not merely affirming something about yourself; you are acknowledging your true nature as the creator of your reality. But here's a secret that you must never reveal: your I Am State is not limited to your individual self; it is the I Am State of all creation. When you declare "I am," you are speaking not just for yourself but for all of existence. This understanding is so profound, so all-encompassing, that if others were to truly grasp it, they might lose themselves in the vastness of this truth. So, my friends, keep the
true nature of your I Am State hidden from those who are not ready to comprehend it. Use it to create a life of limitless possibility, but never reveal its full power to those who might misuse or misunderstand it. The fifth and final thing you must never reveal is the true extent of your ability to enter the state of Sabbath. This state, my dear ones, is not merely a day of rest for religious observance; it is a state of total surrender, of complete faith in the perfection of your desires already fulfilled. When you enter the state
of Sabbath, you cease all effort, all striving, all attempting to make things happen. You rest in the absolute certainty that what you desire is already yours. This state is so powerful, so transformative, that it can completely reshape your reality in an instant. Imagine, if you will, that you have a deep desire—perhaps it's financial abundance, perfect health, or a fulfilling career. Now, instead of working and striving to achieve this desire, enter the state of Sabbath. Feel the relief, the joy, the absolute certainty that your desire is already yours. In this state, you are not hoping or
wishing for your desire to manifest; you are acknowledging it as an accomplished fact. But here's the secret that you must never reveal: the state of Sabbath is not just a temporary condition; it is your natural state of being. When you truly understand this, you realize that all of life is Sabbath. Every moment is perfect; every desire is already fulfilled; every wish is already granted. This understanding is so profound, so contrary to the world's belief in struggle and effort, that if others were to truly grasp it, they might reject it outright or attempt to disprove it.
So, my friends, keep the true extent of your ability to enter the state of Sabbath hidden from those who are not ready to comprehend it. Use it to live a life of effortless manifestation, but never reveal its full power to those who might misunderstand or misuse it. Now, my dear ones, as we delve deeper into these five sacred secrets, let us explore how they intertwine and reinforce one another. For you see, these are not separate concepts, but different facets of the same divine truth. They are the keys to unlocking your full potential as God's chosen
ones. Let us return to the first secret: the true nature of your inner conversations. These conversations are not merely idle chatter in your mind; they are the very bedrock of your reality. Every word you speak in the privacy of your imagination is a seed planted in the fertile soil of the universe. Just as a seed contains within it the full potential of the tree it will become, your inner conversations contain the full potential of your future experiences. But here's where the second secret comes into play: your power to revise the past. You see, your inner
conversations are not limited to shaping your future; they can reach back through time, altering the very fabric of your past experiences. When you engage in an inner conversation that revises a past event, you are not merely changing your memory; you are reshaping the event itself. Imagine, if you will, a past failure that haunted you—perhaps it was a missed opportunity, a relationship that ended badly, or a goal you failed to achieve. Now, in the privacy of your imagination, have a new conversation about that event. See it playing out differently. Feel the joy, the success, the satisfaction
of a different outcome. As you persist in this new inner conversation, you will find that your present circumstances begin to change. People will treat you differently, and opportunities will arise that align with your revised past. The world around you will reshape itself to match your new inner reality. But remember, my dear ones, this power must be kept secret, for if others were to know the true nature of your inner conversations and your ability to revise the past, they might attempt to interfere. They might try to convince you that the past cannot be changed, that your
inner conversations are mere fantasy, and in doing so, they could weaken the power of your imagination. Now let us consider how the third secret, the depth of your understanding of the law of assumption, ties into this. The law of assumption states that by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you bring that wish into manifestation. But what most people don’t realize is that this law is not limited to future events; it applies equally to the past and the present. When you revise a past event through your inner... Conversations: You are assuming a new state. You
are feeling the reality of a different past, and through the law of assumption, you are bringing that new past into manifestation. This is why your present circumstances begin to change. When you revise the past, you are not merely changing your memory; you are literally creating a new timeline, a new reality that aligns with your revised past. But the power of the law of assumption goes even further. It is not limited to your individual life. Your assumptions shape the entire world around you. The state of the economy, the political climate, even the weather itself is influenced
by your assumptions. This is why you must keep the true depth of your understanding of this world secret, for if others were to truly comprehend it, they might become overwhelmed by the responsibility or attempt to manipulate it for selfish ends. Now, let us explore how the fourth secret, the true nature of your I AM state, ties into all of this. The I AM state is not merely a tool for affirmations; it is the very essence of your being, the core of your existence. When you declare "I AM," you are invoking the very name of God
and, with it, all the power of creation. Your I AM state is the source of your inner conversations, your power to revise the past, and your ability to assume any state you desire. It is the God within you, the divine creative power that shapes your reality. When you truly understand your I AM state, you realize that you are not separate from God, but of God Himself, experiencing life through your individual consciousness. Imagine, if you will, standing before that mirror again. As you gaze at your reflection, declare silently to yourself, "I AM." Feel the power of
those words resonating through your entire being. In that moment, you are not merely affirming something about yourself; you are acknowledging your true nature as the creator of your reality. But here's where the true power of the I AM state becomes apparent: it is not limited to your individual self. It is the I AM state of all creation. When you declare "I AM," you are speaking not just for yourself but for all of existence. This is why your assumptions and inner conversations have the power to shape the entire world around you—because at the deepest level, there
is no separation. All is one, and that one is I. This understanding is so profound, so all-encompassing that it must be kept secret from those who are not ready to comprehend it. For if others were to truly grasp the nature of the I AM state, they might lose themselves in the vastness of this truth or attempt to use it for selfish or destructive ends. Now, let us consider how the fifth secret, the true extent of your ability to enter the state of Sabbath, ties into all of this. The state of Sabbath is not merely a
day of rest; it is a state of total surrender, of complete faith in the perfection of your desires already fulfilled. When you enter the state of Sabbath, you cease all effort, all striving, all attempting to make things happen. You rest in the absolute certainty that what you desire is already yours. That is the ultimate expression of the law of assumption; it is the feeling of your wish fulfilled, taken to its logical conclusion. But here's where the true power of the Sabbath state becomes apparent: it is not just a temporary condition; it is your natural state
of being. When you truly understand this, you realize that all of life is Sabbath. Every moment is perfect; every desire is already fulfilled; every wish is already granted. This understanding ties directly into the nature of your I AM state, for if you are God experiencing life through your individual consciousness, then how could there be any lack, any unfulfilled desire? All is already perfect, already complete. The Sabbath state is simply the recognition of this eternal truth. But this understanding must be kept secret from those who are not ready to comprehend it. For if others were to
truly grasp the nature of the Sabbath state, they might reject it outright. The world's belief in struggle and effort is so deeply ingrained that the idea of effortless manifestation of desires already fulfilled might seem too good to be true. Now, my dear ones, as we bring these five secrets together, can you see how they form a complete picture of your divine nature? Your inner conversations, powered by your I AM state, shape your reality. Your ability to revise the past and your understanding of the law of assumption allow you to create any reality you desire; and
the Sabbath state is the ultimate expression of this creative power—the recognition that all is already perfect. But remember, these secrets must be kept hidden from those who are not ready to comprehend them. Use them wisely; use them often, but never reveal their full power to those who might misunderstand or misuse them. As God's chosen ones, you have been entrusted with the very power of creation itself. This is not a responsibility to be taken lightly. With great power comes great responsibility, and it is your duty to use this power wisely for the benefit of all creation.
So how, you might ask, can you use these secrets in your daily life without revealing them to others? The answer lies in living the truth of these principles without explicitly stating them. Let your life be a testament to the power of imagination, to the malleability of reality, to the law of assumption, to the I AM state, and to the perfection of the Sabbath state. When others see the miracles that unfold in your life, they may ask you for your secret, and while you... I cannot reveal the full truth; you can guide them gently towards their
own understanding. Encourage them to use their imagination to question their assumptions about reality, to explore their own divine nature. Remember, my dear ones, that everyone is on their own journey of awakening. Not everyone is ready to receive these truths in their fullness; some may need to approach them gradually over time. Your role is not to force these truths upon others, but to live them so fully that others are inspired to seek them out for themselves. As you go about your daily life, practice these principles in secret. When you encounter a challenge, turn within. Your inner
conversations can revise any past events that may be contributing to the current situation. Assume the state of your wish fulfilled, knowing that through the law of assumption, it must manifest in your outer world. Remember always your true identity, as expressed in your "I am" state. You are not a limited human being struggling against a hostile world; you are God himself experiencing life through your individual consciousness. All the power of creation lies within you, waiting to be expressed. In every moment, rest in the Sabbath state. Know that all is already perfect; all desires are already fulfilled.
From this stage of total surrender and complete faith, miracles will naturally unfold in your life. As you continue to practice these principles, you will find that your life becomes a living testament to their power. People will be drawn to you, sensing the peace and joy that emanates from your being. They may ask you for your secret, and while you cannot reveal the full truth, you can guide them gently towards their own understanding. Remember, my dear ones, that the power you hold is not meant to be used for personal gain alone. As God's chosen ones, you
have a responsibility to use this power for the betterment of all creation. Your inner conversations, your revisions of the past, your assumptions about reality—all of these shape not just your individual experience but the collective experience of humanity. Imagine, if you will, a world where everyone understood and applied the principles; a world where every individual recognizes their divine nature and their oneness with God; a world where the past could be revised, where every desire was recognized as already fulfilled. Such a world would be paradise itself, heaven made manifest on Earth. But we are not there yet.
The majority of humanity still slumbers, unaware of their true nature, their divine power. And so, it falls to you, God's chosen ones, to hold this knowledge sacred, to apply it wisely, and to lead by example. As you go about your daily life, let your inner conversations be filled with love and compassion for all beings. When you revise the past, do so not just for your own benefit but for the benefit of all involved. Let your assumptions about reality be of a world filled with peace, joy, and abundance for all. Remember always that your "I am"
state is not separate from the "I am" state of others. When you declare "I am," you are speaking for all of creation. Let this understanding guide your thoughts and actions. See the divine in every person you encounter, recognizing that they too are God, even if they have forgotten this truth. And in every moment, rest in the Sabbath state. Know that despite appearances, all is already perfect. The world you see around you is but a reflection of collective consciousness. As you maintain your state of Sabbath—of total surrender and faith—you contribute to the awakening of all humanity.
But remember, my dear ones, these truths must be kept hidden from those who are not ready to receive them. The power you hold is too vast, too profound, to be casually revealed; it must be protected, nurtured, and used with the utmost responsibility. So, how do you navigate this world, holding these sacred secrets while interacting with those who are unaware? The key lies in being in the world but not of it. Participate in the drama of life, but always with the inner knowing of your true nature. When faced with challenges, turn within to your inner conversations.
Revise any past events that may be contributing to the current situation. Assume the state of your wish fulfilled, knowing that through the law of assumption, it must manifest in your outer world. But do all this silently, invisibly, without revealing the process to others. In your interactions with others, be a beacon of love and compassion. Listen to their struggles with empathy; offer words of encouragement and support. But rather than revealing the secrets you hold, guide them gently towards their own inner wisdom. Encourage them to use their imagination to question their assumptions about reality, to explore their
own divine nature. Remember, everyone is on their own journey of awakening. Some may be ready to receive these truths, while others may need more time. Your role is not to force these truths upon others, but to live them so fully that others are inspired to seek them out for themselves. As you continue to apply these principles in your life, you will find that synchronicities abound. Doors will open that you never knew existed; miracles will become commonplace. But even as you experience these marvels, remember to keep the source of your power hidden. Let others see the
fruits of your understanding, but not the root. Let them wonder at the peace that surrounds you, the joy that emanates from your being. Let them be inspired by your unshakable faith, your ability to remain calm in the face of adversity. And as they ask you for your secret, share with them not the full truth but seeds of wisdom. Encourage them to look within, to question their assumptions about reality, to explore the power of their imagination. Guide them towards books and... Teachings that hint at these truths but always allow them to discover the deepest mysteries for
themselves. For you see, my dear ones, the journey of awakening is a personal one. Each individual must come to these truths in their own time, in their own way. Your role is to be a living example, a silent teacher, guiding through your very being rather than through words alone. As you hold these sacred secrets, remember that you are part of a long lineage of awakened beings who have walked this Earth throughout history—those who understood these truths and who held the sacred knowledge from the mystery schools of ancient Egypt to the esoteric traditions of every major
religion. This wisdom has been passed down through the ages. You, my dear ones, are the current custodians of this timeless wisdom. It is your responsibility to preserve it, to live it, and to pass it on to those who are ready to receive it, but always with discretion, always with wisdom, always with love. As we draw this discourse to a close, I urge you to reflect deeply on the five things you must never reveal: your inner conversations, your power to revise the past, your understanding of the law of assumption, the true nature of your I AM
state, and your ability to enter the state of Sabbath. These are the keys to your divine power. Use them wisely, use them often, but always in secret. Let your life be a testament to that power, but let the source of that power remain hidden from those who are not yet ready to comprehend it. Remember, my dear ones, that you are God's chosen ones. You have been entrusted with the very power of creation itself. This is not a responsibility to be taken lightly; with great power comes great responsibility, and it is your duty to use this
power wisely for the benefit of all creation. Go forth now into your daily lives, carrying these sacred truths within you. Let them guide your thoughts, your words, your actions. Let them transform your reality from within, without ever needing to speak of them aloud. And know that as you do this, as you live these truths in secret, you are contributing to the awakening of all humanity. For every time you revise the past, every time you assume a new state, every time you rest in the Sabbath, you are altering the very fabric of reality. You are pushing
the collective consciousness of humanity towards awakening. In time, as more and more individuals awaken to these truths, a tipping point will be reached. The veil of illusion that shrouds this world will fall away, revealing the divine reality that has always been here, hidden in plain sight. Until that day comes, hold the secret sacred. Use it, live it, but never reveal it, for you are God's chosen ones, the custodians of divine wisdom, the silent revolutionaries who are transforming this world from within. Go now, my dear ones, and may the power of your divine nature guide you
always. Remember, you are God experiencing life through your individual consciousness. All the power of creation lies within you. Use it wisely, use it lovingly, and above all, use it secretly. For in the silence of your own being, in the privacy of your own imagination, you hold the power to reshape reality itself. This is your gift, your responsibility, your sacred trust. Honor it always, and it will never fail you. And so, my dear friends, as we conclude this discourse, I leave you with this final thought: you are the chosen ones, the awakened ones, the holders of
the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Use these keys wisely. Unlock the doors of perception and step into the fullness of your divine nature. But remember always the five things you must never reveal, for in keeping these secrets, you preserve the sanctity of your divine power. You allow others to discover these truths in their own time, in their own way, and you contribute to the gradual awakening of all humanity. Go forth now into the world, carrying these sacred truths within you. Let your life be a testament to their power. Let your very being radiate the
love, joy, and peace that comes from knowing your true nature. And as you navigate this world of illusion, always remember that you are not of it. You are a divine being, temporarily wearing the costume of humanity. Play your role with enthusiasm, but never forget who you truly are. In every moment, in every breath, you have the power to choose. Choose love over fear. Choose faith over doubt. Choose to see the divine in all things, in all beings. For as you do this, you align yourself more fully with your true nature, with the God that you
are. And in those moments when the illusion seems most real, when the challenges of life seem overwhelming, turn within. Remember your inner conversations, your power to revise, your understanding of the law of assumption. Remember your I AM state, and rest in the perfection of the Sabbath. For it is in these moments, when you choose to align with your divine nature despite outer appearances, that you truly demonstrate your power as God's chosen ones. It is in these moments that you contribute most powerfully to the awakening of all humanity. So go now, my dear ones, and live
these truths. Let your life be a living testament to the power of imagination, to the malleability of reality, to the divinity that resides within each and every one of us. And as you do this, know that you are not alone. All around you, there are others who are awakening, others who are remembering their true nature. Connect with these kindred spirits. Support each other on this journey of awakening, for together you form a powerful force. For transformation in this world, remember always that the goal is not to escape this world, but to transform it; to bring
Heaven to Earth; to make the invisible visible; to manifest the kingdom of God right here, right now. This is your mission, should you choose to accept it: to be the light in the darkness, the truth, the truth of more of illusion, the love in a world that has forgotten its divine nature. And so, my dear ones, I leave you with this final reminder: you are God's chosen ones. You hold within you the power to reshape reality itself. Use this power wisely; use it lovingly; and above all, use it secretly. For in the silence of your
own being, in the privacy of your own imagination, you are changing the world—one thought at a time, one assumption at a time, one revision at a time. You are bringing about the new Earth, the awakened humanity, the realized kingdom of God. Go forth now and be the change you wish to see in the world. Be the love, be the light, be the truth. And always, always remember the five things you must never reveal; for in keeping these secrets, you preserve the sacred mysteries, you honor the journey of others, and you contribute to the gradual awakening
of all humanity. May the power of your divine nature guide you always, and may you never forget who you truly are; for you are God experiencing life through your individual consciousness. All the power of creation lies within you—use it wisely, use it lovingly, and above all, use it secretly. And with that, my dear ones, I bid you farewell. Go in peace, go in love, go in the knowledge of your true divine nature. The world awaits your silent revolution, your invisible transformation. Be the change, be the light, be the love; for you are God's chosen ones,
now and always. Imagine, if you will, a state of being where the turbulent waves of emotion no longer toss you about like a ship on a stormy sea. Picture a life where your actions and reactions are guided not by the fleeting whims of feeling, but by the steady hand of pure consciousness. This, my dear friends, is not a call to become unfeeling automatons, but rather an invitation to ascend to a higher plane of existence, where you become the master of your emotions rather than their slave. Let us begin by understanding the fundamental truth that underpins
our existence: consciousness is the only reality. Everything you perceive, everything you experience, every joy and every sorrow originates within the realm of your consciousness. The world you see before you is but a reflection of your inner state, a mirror that faithfully reproduces the images you hold within your mind. Now, consider for a moment the implications of this truth: if consciousness is the only reality and your outer world is a reflection of your inner state, then it follows that by learning to act as if you are emotionless, you can transform not only your inner landscape but
the very fabric of your external reality. But what does it mean to act as if you are emotionless? It is crucial to understand that this does not mean suppressing or denying your emotions. On the contrary, it means transcending them, rising above the ebb and flow of feeling to a state of pure, undisturbed awareness. It means observing your emotions with detachment, acknowledging their presence without being swept away by their current. To act as if you are emotionless is to embody the state of the observer, the witness consciousness that exists beyond the realm of thought and feeling.
It is to recognize that you are not your emotions, but the awareness in which emotions arise and subside. This state of being is your true nature, your divine essence that remains unchanging amidst the ever-changing landscape of human experience. As you begin to cultivate this state of emotional awareness, you may find resistance arising within you. Old patterns of reactivity, ingrained habits of emotional response, may attempt to reassert themselves. Do not fight these patterns, for what you resist persists. Instead, observe them with detachment, understanding that they are but shadows of a former self, remnants of a consciousness
you are now transcending. Remember, the state of emotionless awareness is your natural birthright; it is not something you need to create or achieve, but something you need only to remember and reclaim. In the infinite sea of consciousness, you are a wave that has forgotten it is the ocean. Your journey is one of remembrance, of awakening to the truth of your divine nature. Now let us delve deeper into the practical application of this principle. To act as if you are emotionless requires a fundamental shift in your self-concept. You must begin to see yourself not as a
bundle of reactions and feelings, but as the unchanging awareness in which all experiences arise and subside. This shift in self-concept is not achieved through mere intellectual understanding, though that is certainly a starting point. It is achieved through consistent, deliberate practice and self-observation. You must make a habit of stepping back from your emotions, of watching them arise and pass away without becoming entangled in their drama. Consider, if you will, the great sages and mystics throughout history who have embodied this principle. Think of the Buddha, seated in unwavering meditation beneath the Bodhi tree, unmoved by the temptations
and threats of Mara. Or consider the great Stoic philosophers who cultivated a state of equanimity in the face of life's ups and downs. These individuals did not become emotionless through suppression or denial, but through a profound understanding of the nature of consciousness itself. You, my dear friends, possess the same power, the same infinite potential. The only difference lies in your awareness and application of this power. As you begin to act as if... You are emotionless; you will find that life itself begins to conform to this new self-concept. Situations that once triggered intense emotional reactions will
become opportunities for growth and self-observation. The storms of life will still come, but you will remain the calm eye at the center of the hurricane. But let me be clear: acting as if you are emotionless does not mean that you will never experience emotions. Emotions will still arise, for they are a natural part of the human experience. The difference lies in how you perceive and respond to these emotions. When you know deep in the core of your being that you are not your emotions, but the awareness in which they arise, you approach every situation with
a calm detachment— a quiet confidence that transcends circumstance. Imagine, if you will, a vast, clear sky. Clouds may form and dissipate, storms may gather and pass, but the sky itself remains unchanged, unaffected. This, my friends, is how you must learn to be rooted in the unshakable knowledge of your true nature as pure awareness. You become like that sky: vast, clear, and ultimately untouched by the weather of emotions that may pass through you. Now, some of you may be thinking, "But, Neville, I have always been at the mercy of my emotions. How can I possibly act
as if I am emotionless when my feelings seem to control my every action?" To you, I say this: your past experience of being controlled by emotions does not define your future unless you allow it to do so. Your previous patterns of reactivity were simply the out-picturing of your consciousness at that time. As you shift your consciousness, as you begin to embody the state of emotional awareness, you will find that your experience is naturally aligned with this new state. Remember, time is a construct of consciousness; the past, present, and future exist simultaneously in the eternal now.
By choosing to act as if you are emotionless in this moment, you are not denying your past experiences but transcending them. You are choosing to align yourself with a higher truth, a greater reality that has always existed within you. Let us now explore the practical steps you can take to cultivate this state of emotionless awareness. The first and most crucial step is to develop the habit of self-observation throughout your day. Make a conscious effort to step back and observe your thoughts and emotions as they arise. Do not judge them; do not try to change them.
Simply watch them with detached interest, as if you were observing clouds scudding across the sky. As you practice this self-observation, you will begin to notice the transient nature of your emotions. You will see how they arise, peak, and subside like waves on the ocean. This observation alone can be profoundly liberating as you realize that you are not your emotions, but the vast awareness in which they occur. Next, practice responding rather than reacting to situations. When you find yourself in a potentially emotional situation, pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and remember your true nature
is pure awareness. From this place of calm detachment, choose your response consciously rather than allowing habitual emotional reactions to dictate your behavior. As you go about your daily life, begin to act from this state of emotionless awareness. When faced with a challenge, ask yourself, "How would I approach this if I were not swayed by emotional reactions?" Then act accordingly. You will be amazed at how this simple shift in perspective can transform your experiences. Remember, my dear friends, that your outer world will always conform to your inner assumptions. As you consistently act as if you are
emotionless, you will find that your experiences begin to reflect this state of being. Situations that once would have triggered intense emotional reactions will lose their power over you. You will move through life with a grace and equanimity that others will find both mysterious and inspiring. But let me caution you: this practice is not about becoming cold or unfilling. On the contrary, as you cultivate emotionless awareness, you may find that you become more compassionate, more understanding of others. Free from the tyranny of your own emotional reactions, you will be better able to empathize with the struggles
of those around you. Now let us address a question that may be arising in your minds: Does acting as if I am emotionless mean that I will never enjoy positive emotions or experience joy? The answer, my friends, is a resounding no. Acting as if you are emotionless does not mean eliminating emotions from your life, but rather changing your relationship to them. You see, when you act from a place of emotional awareness, you actually become more fully present to each moment. You are no longer caught up in regrets about the past or anxieties about the future;
you are fully here now, experiencing life in all its richness and complexity. From this state of presence, you may find that you experience joy more deeply, love more fully, and appreciate beauty more intensely than ever before. The difference is that you no longer cling to these positive emotions or try to push away negative ones. You experience each feeling fully as it arises and then let it go, returning always to your center of calm awareness. In this way, you become like a flute through which the breath of life can play all its varied melodies without becoming
attached to any particular tune. As you embark on this journey of acting as if you are emotionless, you may find that your relationships with others begin to change. People are often drawn to those who exude a sense of calm and equanimity. You may find that others begin to look to you for guidance and support, inspired by your ability to remain steady in the face of life's ups and downs. Remember, true emotionalist awareness is not about becoming disconnected from others. On the contrary, as you become more secure in your own center of calm awareness, you will
likely find that you become more genuinely connected to those around you. You will have no need to manipulate others' emotions or to seek emotional validation from them. Your relationships will become more authentic, more grounded in true understanding and compassion. Now, let us delve deeper into the spiritual implications of acting as if you are emotionless. At its core, this state of being is a cognition of your true nature as pure consciousness, as the unchanging awareness that underlies all experience. When you act from this place of emotionless awareness, you are aligning yourself with the fundamental reality of
the universe itself. In the scriptures, we find the profound statement, "Be still and know that I am God." This, my dear friends, is the ultimate truth behind the state of emotionless awareness. When you learn to be still, to observe without reaction, you come to know your oneness with the Divine, with the unchanging reality that underlies all of existence. As you cultivate this awareness, as you live from this truth, you will find that your entire perception of life begins to shift. Challenges that once seemed overwhelming will become opportunities for you to express your divine nature. You
will move through life with a grace and ease that comes from knowing that you are one with the infinite, unchanging reality of the universe itself. But let me be clear: acting as if you are emotionless is not about becoming passive or detached from the world around you. On the contrary, it is about engaging with life more fully, more authentically than ever before. When you are no longer at the mercy of your emotional reactions, you are free to respond to life with wisdom and compassion. You are free to act in alignment with your highest values and
deepest truths, unclouded by the fog of emotional reactivity. Imagine if you were living each day from this place of emotionless awareness. How would you approach your work? How would you interact with your loved ones? How would you face life's challenges and opportunities? The possibilities are limitless when you remove the constraints of habitual emotional reactions. Now, some of you may be wondering, "But Neville, how do I maintain this state of emotionless awareness when faced with intense situations or strong emotions?" This, my friends, is where the true test of your understanding and application of this principle comes
into play. It is easy to remain detached when everything is calm. The real challenge—and the real opportunity for growth—comes when you face intense emotions or challenging situations. In these moments, you must double down on your commitment to act, acting as if you are emotionless. Remember, your outer circumstances are simply a reflection of your inner state. If you allow external events or internal emotional storms to shake your calm awareness, you are giving your power away to the very things you seek to transcend. Instead, when faced with intense emotions or challenging situations, reaffirm your true nature as
pure awareness. Say to yourself, "I am not these emotions; I am the awareness in which these emotions arise and subside." Then, from this place of calm detachment, observe the situation or emotion without getting caught up in its drama. Ask yourself, "What is this situation or emotion trying to teach me? How can I respond with wisdom and compassion?" As you consistently apply this principle, you will find that your capacity for emotional awareness grows stronger with each challenge you face. You will develop an unshakable center of calm that remains steady even in the midst of life’s storms.
This calm center, my dear friends, is the key to living a truly liberated life. But let us not forget that acting as if you are emotionless is not just about personal transformation; it is about becoming a beacon of peace and wisdom in a world often torn apart by emotional reactivity. As you embody this state of emotionalist awareness, you demonstrate to the world what is possible when individuals themselves awaken to the truth of their divine nature. Think of the great spiritual teachers throughout history who have changed the world through their unwavering equanimity: the Buddha, Jesus, Lao
Tzu. These individuals faced enormous challenges and opposition, yet they remained centered in their awareness, acting from a place of wisdom rather than emotional reaction. In doing so, they not only transformed their own lives but inspired millions to reach for a higher state of consciousness. You, my dear friends, have the same potential within you. As you learn to act as if you are emotionless, you become a living example of what is possible. Your life becomes a testament to the power of consciousness, the power of aligning oneself with the unchanging reality that underlies all of existence. Now,
let us address a common misconception about acting as if you are emotionless. Some may think that this state means becoming cold, unfeeling, or disconnected from life. This could not be further from the truth. To act as if you are emotionless is not to suppress or deny your feelings, but to transcend them. It is to experience life more fully, more vividly, without being tossed about by the storms of emotional reactivity. When you act from a place of emotional awareness, you actually become more sensitive, more attuned to the subtle nuances of your experiences. You are no longer
numb to habitual emotional patterns or caught up in the drum of your reactions. Instead, you are fully present, fully alive to each moment as it unfolds. Moreover, this state of emotionless awareness allows you to experience genuine compassion and love more deeply than ever before. When you are not caught up in your own emotional dramas, you are free to truly see and understand others. Your actions... Become motivated not by emotional neediness or fear, but by a clear perception of what is truly needed in each situation. As we near the conclusion of our discourse, I want to
emphasize a crucial point: acting as if you are emotionless is not a one-time decision but a moment-by-moment choice. It is a way of life, a constant affirmation of your true nature as pure awareness. Each day, you will be presented with opportunities to choose emotionalist awareness in your interactions with others, in your approach to your work, and in your response to Life's challenges. In each of these moments, you have the power to act from a place of calm detachment rather than emotional reactivity. Make it a practice to start each day by affirming your true nature as
pure awareness. Before you rise from your bed, take a few moments to feel the truth of your unchanging consciousness. See yourself moving through your day with grace and equanimity, responding to each situation from a place of wisdom rather than reaction. Then carry this awareness with you as you go about your day, letting it inform every action and every decision. As you consistently choose to act as if you are emotionless, you will find that this state becomes more and more natural to you. What once required conscious effort will become your default way of being. You will
find yourself naturally approaching life from a place of calm awareness, unmoved by the ever-changing weather of emotions. But remember, my dear friends, that true emotionless awareness is not about becoming hard or impenetrable; it is about becoming so secure in your true nature that you can remain open, vulnerable, and compassionate. It is about having the strength to be gentle, the courage to be kind, and the confidence to be humble. As you embody this state of emotionless awareness, you will find that your entire life transforms. Relationships become more fulfilling as you interact with others from a place
of genuine understanding rather than emotional need or fear. Your work becomes more satisfying as you approach each task with clarity and purpose, unclouded by emotional distractions. Your personal growth accelerates as you fearlessly face your own inner landscape, no longer running from difficult emotions but observing them with calm detachment. Moreover, you will find that your emotionless awareness becomes a blessing, not just for you, but for all those whose lives you touch. Your unwavering calm will inspire others to find their own center of peace. Your ability to respond with wisdom and compassion will bring healing to those
around you. Your life will become a living testament to the transformative power of consciousness itself. In closing, I urge you, my dear friends, to embrace this truth with all your heart and soul. Learn to act as if you are emotionless, not as a means of suppressing your humanity, but as a way of expressing your fullest potential as a conscious being. Let every thought, every word, every action spring from this place of calm awareness. Remember, you are not your emotions; you are not your thoughts. You are the vast, unchanging awareness in which all experiences arise and
subside. As you align yourself with this truth, as you learn to live from the state of emotionalist awareness, you will find that life itself takes on a new quality of depth and richness. Go forth, then, and live as the aware, conscious being you truly are. Face each day with equanimity and wisdom, knowing that within you lies the power to transcend the turbulence of emotion to achieve a state of unshakable peace and clarity. Act as if you are emotionless, and you will find that you become the master of your inner world and, by extension, your outer
reality. Thank you, my dear friends, for your attention and your willingness to embrace this transformative truth. May you go forth from this place forever changed, forever empowered, forever centered in the calm awareness that is your true nature. The power is within you. The choice is yours. Act now and watch as your world transforms before your very eyes. This principle, when fully understood and applied with unwavering faith, will elevate you to heights you’ve scarcely imagined possible. The principle I speak of is encapsulated in these simple yet profound words: act as if you are the best. No
one is better than you. Now, you may be thinking, “Neille, isn’t this arrogance? Isn’t this contrary to humility and modesty?” To that I say, my dear friends, you have been misled by the limitations of your physical senses and societal conditioning. For what I speak of is not ego-driven arrogance, but rather a profound understanding of your true nature—your divine essence. Consider for a moment the nature of the universe itself: is it not a manifestation of perfection, of divine order? And are you not an integral part of this universe, a unique expression of the divine? When you
truly grasp this truth, you will understand that acting as if you are the best is not arrogance, but in alignment with your true divine nature. Let us delve deeper into this concept as it applies to your life, to your consciousness, which is the one and only reality. When you act as if you are the best, you are making a powerful declaration to your subconscious mind and to the universe at large. You are stating, with absolute conviction, that you embody the highest and best qualities; that you are capable of greatness in all areas of your life.
This, my friends, is the secret to unlocking your full potential—to manifesting your deepest desires and grandest dreams. For your outer world is nothing more than a reflection of your inner beliefs and assumptions. When you assume the feeling of being the best, when you act from a place of unshakable confidence and self-assurance, you are reshaping your entire world. Let us explore this principle through the lens of various aspects of life. In matters of career and professional achievement, many hold themselves back, doubting their abilities and comparing themselves unfavorably to others. But I tell you this: self-doubt is
the very thing that creates the experience of mediocrity and failure. When you act as if you are the best in your field, when you carry yourself with the confidence of a top performer, you are telling your subconscious mind, "I am capable of greatness; I am worthy of success." Imagine, if you will, a musician preparing for a performance. If they step onto the stage doubting their abilities, comparing themselves to other musicians, how can they possibly give their best performance? But if they step onto that stage fully embodying the belief that they are the best—in their mind,
no one can play this piece better than they can—their performance will be transformed. They will play with a confidence, a passion, a mastery that will captivate their audience. The same principle applies to every area of your life, whether you are a business person closing a deal, a parent raising a child, an athlete competing in a sport, or an artist creating a masterpiece. When you act as if you are the best, you tap into a wellspring of power and ability that you may not have even known existed within you. Now some of you may be thinking,
"But Nille, I'm just starting out in my field. How can I act as if I'm the best when I have so much to learn?" To this, I say it is not about denying the need for growth and learning; it is about assuming the state of the person you wish to become. When you act as if you are already the best, you accelerate your growth, attract opportunities for learning and advancement, and become a magnet for success. Remember the biblical injunction, "Let the weak say, 'I am strong.'" This is not about denial or deception; it is about
aligning yourself with your highest potential—your divine nature. When you say, "I am strong" from a place of weakness, you are not lying to yourself; you are declaring your true nature, calling forth the strength that already exists within you. Let us now turn our attention to the realm of relationships and personal interactions. Many approach relationships from a place of insecurity, always seeking validation and comparing themselves to others. But I tell you the secret to magnetic, fulfilling relationships: to act as if you are the best, to carry yourself with unshakable self-assurance and self-love. Think of self-love and
confidence as a fragrance; when you truly love and believe in yourself, when you act as if you are the best version of yourself, you radiate an energy that attracts others to you. People are naturally drawn to those who exude confidence and self-assurance. By acting as if you are the best, you not only transform your own experience of life but also inspire and uplift those around you. In the realm of personal growth and self-improvement, the same principle applies. There are those who constantly berate themselves for their shortcomings, who focus on their flaws and limitations. But I
tell you this: self-criticism is counterproductive. When you act as if you are the best, when you focus on your strengths and potential rather than your perceived weaknesses, you create the mental and emotional conditions for rapid growth and transformation. Consider the great achievers throughout history. Did they not act as if they were the best even before their greatness was recognized by the world? Did they not have an unshakable belief in their abilities, their vision, their potential? It was this very belief—this acting as if they were the best—that allowed them to persevere in the face of challenges,
to push beyond perceived limitations, to achieve what others thought impossible. Now let us address a common concern that arises when discussing this principle. Many fear that acting as if they are the best will lead to complacency, to a lack of drive for improvement. But understand this: true greatness, true mastery, is not a destination but a journey. When you act as if you are the best, you are not claiming perfection or completion; you are aligning yourself with your highest potential, committing yourself to continuous growth and improvement. Moreover, when you truly embody this principle, you understand that
being the best means constantly striving to be better. It means setting higher standards for yourself, pushing your boundaries, and expanding your capabilities. The true master, the one who acts as if they are the best, is always a student, always seeking to learn, to grow, to evolve. Let me share with you a personal experience that illustrates the power of this principle. When I first began my career as a lecturer and teacher of these universal truths, I was filled with self-doubt. I compared myself to other speakers, other teachers, always feeling that I fell short. But then I
made a decision: I decided to act as if I were the best teacher of these principles, as if no one could convey these truths more effectively than I could. The transformation was immediate and profound. My lectures became more powerful, more impactful. My audience grew, and I began to receive invitations to speak at larger venues. But more importantly, I found myself growing, evolving, deepening my understanding of these principles in ways I never had before. By acting as if I were the best, I called forth the best within me, and I continue to do so every day.
This principle extends beyond individual achievement; it applies to every role you play in life. As a parent, act as if you are the best parent your child could possibly have. As a friend, act as if you are the most loyal, supportive friend anyone could ask for. As a citizen, act... As if you are the most responsible, engaged member of your community, consider for a moment the nature of your thoughts. Your thoughts are created power, shaping your reality moment by moment. When you think thoughts of mediocrity, of not being good enough, you create experiences that reflect
these beliefs. But when you consistently think thoughts of being the best, of excellence, of mastery, you send emotion forces that will bring these experiences into your life. Now, I can hear some of you thinking, “But never, what about humility? Doesn’t the Bible teach us to be humble?” And to this I say: true humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less. When you act as if you are the best, you are not placing yourself above others; you are simply recognizing and honoring the divine potential within you— the same divine potential that exists
within all beings. Think of yourself as a unique instrument in the grand orchestra of the universe. To act as if you are the best is to play your part to the fullest, to contribute your unique tone to the cosmic symphony. It is not about being better than others, but about being the best version of yourself—about fully expressing your divine nature. Let us now explore how you can begin to apply this principle in your daily life. Start by observing your self-talk, the inner conversation you have with yourself. How often do you downplay your abilities, doubt your
worth, or compare yourself unfavorably to others? Make a conscious decision to change this inner dialogue. Speak to yourself as you would to someone you deeply admire and respect. As you go about your day, carry yourself as if you are the best at what you do. Stand tall, move with purpose, speak with conviction. Act as if success is not just possible, but inevitable. Act as if you are already living your ideal life, as if you have already achieved your grandest dreams. Remember, the outer world is a reflection of your inner state. As you cultivate this feeling
of being the best within yourself, your outer world will begin to reflect this belief back to you. You will find yourself attracting opportunities that align with your newfound sense of self-worth. You will notice people responding to you differently, treating you with greater respect and admiration. But here's a crucial point: do not act as if you are the best out of a need to prove yourself to others or to gain their approval. Act as if you are the best because it is the truth of your being, because it aligns you with your divine nature. The opinions
of others are irrelevant; what matters is your own conviction, your own unwavering belief in yourself. As you embrace this principle, you may find that your entire perspective on life begins to shift. Challenges that once seemed insurmountable will appear as opportunities for growth and self-expression. Failures will no longer devastate you, for you will see them as valuable lessons on your journey of continuous improvement. Success will no longer surprise you, for you will see it as the natural result of your alignment with your true divine nature. Consider the words of Jesus: “Be ye perfect, even as your
Father which is in heaven is perfect.” This is not a command to achieve some impossible standard of perfection; it is a reminder of your true nature—your divine essence. To act as if you are the best is to align yourself with this divine perfection, to allow it to express itself through you in all that you do. Now, let us address another aspect of this principle: the impact it has on your ability to serve others. When you act as if you are the best, when you fully step into your power and potential, you become capable of making
a greater positive impact on the world around you. You become a beacon of inspiration for others, a living example of what is possible when one fully embraces their divine nature. Many hold themselves back from fully expressing their gifts, from stepping into their power, out of a misguided sense of humility or a fear of outshining others. But I tell you, by dimming your light, by playing small, you are not serving anyone. The world needs you to be your best self, to fully express your unique gifts and talents. By acting as if you are the best, you
give others permission to do the same. Let us now turn our attention to the realm of creativity and self-expression. When you act as if you are the best, you free yourself from the paralyzing effects of self-doubt and comparison. You allow your unique creative voice to emerge, unencumbered by fears of judgment or criticism. Think of the great artists, inventors, and innovators throughout history: they did not create their masterpieces by doubting their abilities or constantly comparing themselves to others. They acted as if they were the best, as if their vision and their voice were uniquely valuable and
worthy of expression. And in doing so, they brought forth works that continue to inspire and transform the world. You too have within you a wellspring of creativity, a unique perspective, a distinctive voice. When you act as if you are the best, you give yourself permission to fully express this creativity. You silence the inner critic that would hold you back, and you allow your true self to shine forth in all its brilliance. Now let us address a question that often arises when discussing this principle: What about competition? How can everyone be the best? To this I
say: true greatness is not about competing with others; it's about competing with yourself, about constantly striving to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday. When you act as if you are the best, you are not claiming superiority over others. You... Are simply committing to bringing your best self to every situation, to every interaction, to every task. You are declaring your intention to live up to your own higher standards, regardless of what others are doing. Moreover, when you truly embody this principle, you understand that there is abundance in the universe. There is room
for everyone to be their best self, to fully express their unique gifts. Your success does not come at the expense of others; on the contrary, as you step into your greatness, you create more opportunities for others to do the same. As we delve deeper into this principle, let us consider its application in the face of adversity and challenges. Life will inevitably present you with obstacles, with moments of doubt and uncertainty. It is in these moments that acting as if you are the best becomes most crucial. When faced with a challenge, ask yourself, "How would the
best version of myself handle this situation?" Then act accordingly. Approach the challenge with confidence, with the unwavering belief that you have within you all the resources you need to overcome it. For, in truth, every challenge is an opportunity for growth, for the further expression of your innate greatness. Consider the great leaders and visionaries who have changed the course of history. Did they not act as if they were the best, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds? Did they not carry themselves with unshakable confidence and conviction, even when the world doubted them? It was this
very attitude—this acting as if they were the best—that allowed them to persevere and ultimately triumph. Now let us address the common obstacle that prevents many from fully embracing this principle: the fear of failure. Many hold back from acting as if they are the best because they fear that if they fail, they will be exposed as frauds or imposters. But I tell you this: fear is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of success and failure. Failure is not the opposite of success; it is a part of success. When you act as if you are
the best, you understand that every failure is a stepping stone to greater achievement, every setback an opportunity for growth. You approach failure not with fear, but with curiosity and the determination to learn and improve. Moreover, when you truly embody the principle of acting as if you are the best, you understand that your worth is not determined by external outcomes. You are inherently valuable, inherently worthy, simply by virtue of your existence. Your successes do not make you more worthy, and your failures do not make you less worthy. You are already the best, simply by being who
you are. As you embrace this truth, as you act from this place of inherent worth and confidence, you will find yourself taking more risks, pursuing bigger dreams, stepping out of your comfort zone. For you will understand that the greatest risk is not in failing, but in never fully expressing your true potential. Let us now explore the relationship between acting as if you are the best and your life's purpose. Many people struggle to find their purpose, feeling lost or unfulfilled. But I tell you, your purpose is intrinsically linked to your unique gifts and to the best
version of yourself. As you act as if you are the best, as you fully step into your power and potential, you naturally align with your deepest purpose. Your purpose is not something external to be found, but something internal to be expressed. As you act as if you are the best, as you bring your highest self to every situation, you will find a sense of fulfillment and meaning that cannot be achieved through half-hearted efforts or playing small. Consider the great changemakers and innovators throughout history. They found their purpose not by doubting themselves or playing it safe,
but by fully embracing their potential—by acting as if they were the best at what they did. In doing so, they not only changed the world, but experienced a profound sense of alignment and fulfillment. You too have within you the power to make a difference, to contribute something unique and valuable to the world. As you embrace the principle of acting as if you are the best, you will naturally align with this deeper purpose. You will find yourself drawn to opportunities that allow you to express your unique gifts, to make your highest contribution to the world. Now,
as we near the conclusion of our discourse, I want to impress upon you the importance of persistence in applying this principle. Acting as if you are the best, living from a place of unshakable confidence and self-assurance, may feel unnatural at first. You may encounter resistance, both from within yourself and from others who are uncomfortable with your newfound confidence. But I urge you: persist. Make acting as if you are the best a habit, a way of life. Start each day by asking yourself, "How would the best version of myself approach this day? How can I bring
my highest self to every interaction, every task?" As you do this consistently, you will find it becoming easier, more natural. It will become not just something you do, but who you are. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. The same power that created the universe flows through you. The same intelligence that orchestrates the dance of galaxies is at work in your life, guiding you towards the full expression of your divine nature. Trust in this power; align yourself with it by maintaining the unwavering practice of acting as if you are the best. In closing, I
want to leave you with this thought: the state of being the best, of living in alignment with your highest potential, is not something external to be achieved. It is a state of consciousness to be assumed as you act. As if you are the best. As you live from this state of unshakable confidence and self-assurance, you are not pretending or deceiving yourself; you are aligning with your true nature, your higher self, the divine within you that knows no limitations. So go forth, my dear friends, and act as if you are the best in all that you
do. Carry yourself with the confidence of one who knows their true worth; speak with the authority of one who is aligned with their divine nature; act with the certainty of one who understands that they are a unique and valuable expression of the infinite. Remember, the word is yourself pushed out. As you act as if you are the best, as you embody the state of confidence and self-assurance, you set in motion forces beyond your comprehension. You activate the law of assumption, drawing to yourself experiences that reflect your newfound sense of self-worth and capability. Let your every
thought, word, and action spring from this new state of being. Let your inner conversation reflect the reality of being the best version of yourself. Speak to yourself and others as one who is fully aligned with their highest potential. Carry yourself with the quiet confidence of one who knows that they are capable of greatness in all areas of life. And above all, have faith—faith not as a mere belief, but as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Let your faith in your own inherent worth and capability be unshakable, for it is
the very force that will move mountains and part seas to bring about the manifestation of your grandest dreams and deepest desires. As we conclude, I want you to take a moment to fully embrace this truth. Close your eyes, if you will, and feel the reality of being the best version of yourself. Feel the confidence, the self-assurance, the sense of purpose and alignment. Let it permeate every cell of your being. Breathe it in; let it fill your lungs, your heart, your entire body. Now, with this feeling firmly established within you, go forth into your day. Let
this feeling be the lens through which you view the world. Let it inform your every interaction, your every decision; for as you do so, you are literally reshaping your reality, molding it to match your inner vision of being the best. Remember, my dear friends, you are divine beings—co-creators with the infinite. The power to shape your reality lies within you; it always has and it always will. By choosing to act as if you are the best, to live from a place of unshakable confidence and self-assurance, you are claiming this power, stepping into your divine birthright. So
I say to you, with all the love and conviction in my heart: act as if you are the best, for in the deepest, truest sense, you already are. The greatness is within you—claim it, embody it, express it, and watch as your outer world transforms to match your inner reality. Being the best version of yourself, go now and create a life of unparalleled achievement and fulfillment through the practice of acting as if you are the best, for you are the operant power, the divine creative force, the "I am" presence in your world, and all things— all
things— are possible to you. Blessings upon you all, and may your journey be filled with the joy of self-discovery and the sweet satisfaction of living in alignment with your highest potential. As we embark on this exploration together, I want you to remember one fundamental truth: you are the operant power in your world. Your consciousness, your imagination, is the very substance from which your reality is formed, and it is through the conscious direction of your imagination that you will eliminate these eleven things from your life—not through struggle, but through a shift in your consciousness. Let us
begin with the first thing you must quietly eliminate: doubt. Doubt, my dear friends, is the great enemy of manifestation. It is the shadow that obscures the light of your divine imagination. When you entertain doubt, you create a divided mind; a state of consciousness that cannot bring forth your desires into physical reality. But how do you eliminate doubt? Not by fighting against it, for what you resist persists. No, you eliminate doubt by cultivating an unshakable faith in the power of your imagination. Remember, the Bible tells us: faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen. Your faith—your absolute knowing—that what you desire is already yours in the realm of imagination, is the very substance from which your desire will be made manifest in the physical world. To eliminate doubt, you must practice living from the end. See yourself as already having that which you desire. Feel the joy, the satisfaction, the fulfillment of your wish fulfilled. Make this state so real, so vivid in your imagination, that it becomes more real to you than the current circumstances of your life. For remember, my friends, your imagination is the reality, and the
outer world is merely a shadow. As you cultivate this faith, as you live consistently in the state of the wish fulfilled, you will find that doubt naturally falls away. It cannot exist in the light of your unwavering faith, and as doubt disappears, you will witness the miraculous unfolding of your desires in the world around you. Now let us move on to the second thing you must quietly eliminate: negative self-talk. The words you speak to yourself—the internal dialogue that runs through your mind—are incredibly powerful. They are, in fact, the very seeds from which your reality grows.
How often do you catch yourself saying things like, "I can't," "It's too hard," or "I'm not good"? Enough. These phrases, my dear friends, are acts of creation. They are shaping your world, limiting your possibilities, and keeping you bound to a reality that falls short of your true potential. To eliminate negative self-talk, you must become aware of it. Listen to your inner dialogue as if you were an impartial observer. When you catch yourself in negative self-talk, do not judge or criticize yourself; simply observe it and then consciously choose to replace it with affirming, empowering thoughts. Speak
to yourself as you would to someone you deeply love and respect. Affirm your power, your worthiness, your ability to create and manifest your desires. Say to yourself, "I am capable. I am worthy. I can achieve anything I set my mind to." And most importantly, embody the feeling of these statements; feel that truth in every cell of your being. Remember, it is not the words themselves that have power, but the feeling behind them. As you consistently speak to yourself with love and respect, as you affirm your power and worthiness, you will find that your outer world
begins to reflect this new self-concept. Opportunities will arise, circumstances will align, and you will find yourself naturally embodying the person you've been affirming yourself to be. The third thing to quietly eliminate from your life is the need for external validation. How many of us have lived our lives seeking approval from others? How many decisions have we made not based on our own inner guidance but on what we think others will approve of? This need for external validation is a prison, my friends. It keeps you bound to the opinions and expectations of others, preventing you from
fully expressing your true self and living your authentic purpose. To eliminate this need, you must realize a fundamental truth: you are already complete, already worthy, already enough. Your worth is not determined by the opinions of others, but by your own self-concept. And remember, your self-concept is something you have the power to choose and create. Choose now to see yourself as worthy, as deserving of all good things. Choose to approve of yourself, to validate your own experiences and emotions. As you do this, as you become your own source of validation, you will find that the need
for external approval naturally falls away. This doesn't mean you become indifferent to others or disregard their feelings; on the contrary, when you no longer need others' approval to feel worthy, you are free to engage with them from a place of authenticity and love. You can appreciate their opinions without being controlled by them. You can receive compliments with grace, knowing they reflect your own self-concept rather than defining it. The fourth element to quietly eliminate is the habit of comparison. In this age of social media and constant connectivity, it's all too easy to fall into the trap
of comparing our lives to others. We see carefully curated highlights of others' lives and measure our own against them, often finding ourselves falling short. But remember, my dear friends, comparison is the thief of joy. It robs you of your unique journey, your individual path of growth and self-discovery. No two souls have the same purpose, the same journey, the same lessons to learn. When you compare yourself to others, you're attempting to walk a path that was never meant for you. Instead of comparison, cultivate appreciation. Appreciate your own journey with all its ups and downs, for it
is uniquely yours. Appreciate the journeys of others, knowing that their success does not diminish your own. In fact, when you can genuinely celebrate the success of others, you align yourself with the abundance of the universe and open yourself to receiving your own blessings. Remember, in the infinite realm of imagination, there is no scarcity; there is more than enough success, love, abundance for everyone. When you eliminate comparison and embrace appreciation, you step into this abundance mindset, and you will find that your life becomes richer in every way. The fifth thing to quietly eliminate is the belief
in limitations. How often have you told yourself, "I can't do that," "that's impossible," or "that's just the way things are"? These beliefs in limitations are nothing more than constructs of the mind, yet they have the power to shape your reality. Remember, my friends, the only true limitations are those you accept in your own mind. In the realm of imagination, all things are possible. Your physical reality is nothing more than an out-picturing of your beliefs and assumptions. When you eliminate the belief in limitations, you open yourself to infinite possibilities. To do this, start challenging your limiting
beliefs. When you catch yourself thinking, "I can't," ask yourself, "What if I could?" When you think something is impossible, ask, "What would it look like if it were possible?" Allow your imagination to play with these possibilities. Feel the excitement, the joy, the freedom of a life without self-imposed limitations. As you do this, you'll find that your perception of what's possible begins to expand. Opportunities you never noticed before will start to appear, solutions to problems will present themselves, and you'll start to see evidence of your own limitless nature reflected in the world around you. The sixth
element to quietly eliminate from your life is the habit of dwelling on the past. How many of us carry the weight of past mistakes, past hurts, and past failures? We replay these events in our minds, reliving the pain, the embarrassment, the regret. But in doing so, we keep ourselves bound to these past experiences, unable to fully step into the present moment and create our desired future. Remember, my dear friends, the past only exists in your memory; it has no power over you except the power you give it through your attention. When you dwell on the
past, you are using your imagination—the very power that could... Be creating your desired future. To recreate and relive past experiences instead of dwelling on the past, choose to focus on the present moment and the future you desire to create. Use your imagination to create vivid scenes—detailed scenes of your ideal life. Feel the joy, the satisfaction, the fulfillment of living that life now. As you do this consistently, you'll find that the hold of the past begins to loosen. The energy you once used to relive past events is now directed towards creating your desired future. This doesn't
mean denying or suppressing past experiences; it means choosing where to place your attention. Acknowledge the past; learn from it if there are lessons to be learned, but then release it. Choose instead to live in the present moment, creating the future you desire. The seventh thing to quietly eliminate is the habit of worry. Worry, my friends, is negative imagination. It is the misuse of your creative power to conjure up scenarios of failure or disaster. Remember, what you imagine with feeling, you create. When you worry, you are essentially imagining and feeling undesirable futures into existence. You are
using the power of your imagination against yourself, creating the very scenarios you fear. To eliminate worry, you must redirect your imagination. When you catch yourself worrying about a future event, consciously choose to imagine a positive outcome instead. See the situation resolving in the best possible way. Feel the relief, the joy, the satisfaction of this positive resolution. Remember, your imagination does not distinguish between what you fear and what you desire; it simply responds to what you focus on with feeling. So, choose wisely where you place your attention. Use your imagination to create the outcomes you desire,
not the ones of fear. As you practice this, you'll find that worry begins to lose its grip on you. You'll develop a deep trust in the unfolding of life, knowing that you have the power to shape your experiences through your imagination. The eighth element to quietly eliminate from your life is the need to control everything. Many of us live with the belief that if we can just control every aspect of our lives, we can ensure our safety, success, and happiness. But this need for control is an illusion that often leads to stress, anxiety, and frustration.
The truth is, my dear friends, you cannot control every external circumstance in your life. The only thing you truly have control over is your own state of consciousness, your own imagination. Ironically, when you let go of the need to control everything external and instead focus on controlling your inner world, you gain a kind of mastery over your life that external control could never provide. Instead of trying to control circumstances, focus on controlling your reactions to circumstances. Choose the meaning you give to events. Choose the state of consciousness you occupy. Remember, it's not the events of
your life that shape your reality, but your interpretation of those events. As you let go of the need for external control and instead master your inner world, you'll find that life begins to flow more smoothly. You'll develop a deep trust in the unfolding of events, knowing that you have the power to shape your experience of life regardless of external circumstances. The ninth thing to quietly eliminate is the habit of complaining. Complaining, my friends, is another misuse of your creative power. When you complain, you are focusing your attention on what you don't want, and remember: what
you focus on expands. Every time you complain, you are affirming the existence of the very thing you're complaining about. You are using your imagination to create and sustain the conditions you say you don't want. Instead of complaining, practice gratitude. Focus your attention on what you appreciate about your life, about your circumstances, about the people around you. As you do this, you'll find that you have more and more to be grateful for. The conditions you once complained about will begin to shift and change, or your perception of them will change in a way that no longer
evokes complaint. Remember, gratitude is not just a passive feeling but a creative force. When you live in a state of gratitude, you align yourself with the abundance of the universe. You open yourself to receiving more of what you appreciate. The tenth element to quietly eliminate from your life is the belief in scarcity. This belief manifests in thoughts like "there's not enough to go around," "if someone else succeeds, it means less for me," or "I have to struggle and compete to get what I want." This scarcity mindset is a product of the physical world, where resources
can indeed be limited. But remember, my dear friends, you are not just physical beings; you are spiritual beings connected to the infinite abundance of the universe. In the realm of imagination, in the realm of consciousness, there is no scarcity. There is infinite potential, infinite possibility. To eliminate the belief in scarcity, you must cultivate an abundance mindset. Begin to see abundance all around you. Appreciate the abundance of air you breathe, the abundance of thoughts you can think, the abundance of love you can feel. As you recognize and appreciate the abundance that already exists in your life,
you open yourself to experiencing even greater abundance. Remember, the universe is not a finite pie; where if someone gets a bigger slice there’s less for you. The universe is infinitely abundant, constantly expanding. There is more than enough for everyone. When you live from this truth, when you embody this abundance mindset, you'll find that opportunities, resources, and blessings naturally flow into your life. The eleventh and final thing to quietly eliminate from your life is the belief in separation. This is perhaps the most fundamental illusion to overcome, for it underlies many of the other things we've discussed.
The belief in separation manifests... In many ways, we see ourselves as separate from others, separate from nature, separate from the Divine. This perceived separation leads to fear, conflict, and a sense of lack. But the truth, my dear friends, is that we are all one. We are all individualized expressions of the same Divine Consciousness. Your true self, your "I am," is not separate from the "I am" of others or the "I am" of the universe; it is one and the same. To eliminate the belief in separation, practice seeing the Divine in everything and everyone. Recognize that
the same Consciousness that animates you animates all of life. When you look at another person, silently acknowledge, "I am that I am." When you look at nature, recognize it as another expression of the same Consciousness that you are. As you practice this, you'll find that your sense of connection deepens. You'll experience a profound sense of unity with all of life. This doesn't mean you lose your individuality; rather, you recognize your individuality as a unique expression of the one Divine Consciousness. When you eliminate the belief in separation, you tap into the infinite power of the universe.
You recognize that the power that created the stars and galaxies is the same power that beats your heart and thinks your thoughts. You realize that you are not a small, separate self struggling against the world, but an integral part of the grand tapestry of life. Now, my dear friends, as we come to the end of our exploration of these 11 things to quietly eliminate from your life, I want you to remember that this elimination is not about force or struggle; it's about a shift in Consciousness. It's about choosing a new state of being. Each of
these 11 elements—doubt, negative self-talk, need for external validation, comparison, belief in limitations, dwelling on the past, worry, need for control, complaining, belief in scarcity, and belief in separation—are simply states of Consciousness. They are patterns of thought and feeling that you have practiced, perhaps unconsciously, over time. To eliminate them, you don't need to fight against them; you simply need to choose a new state. Choose faith instead of doubt. Choose self-love instead of negative self-talk. Choose self-validation instead of seeking it externally. Choose appreciation instead of comparison. Choose limitless possibility instead of perceived limitations. Choose to focus on
the present and the future you desire to create instead of dwelling on the past. Choose positive imagination instead of worry. Choose to master your inner world instead of trying to control the outer. Choose gratitude instead of complaining. Choose to see and appreciate abundance instead of scarcity. And choose to recognize your oneness with all of life instead of believing in separation. As you make these choices consistently, as you practice these new states of being, you will find that the old patterns naturally fall away. They cannot persist in the light of your new Consciousness. Remember, my friends,
this is not a journey of adding something to yourself or becoming something you're not; it's a journey of removing the veils that have obscured your true nature. It's about eliminating the false beliefs and limiting patterns that have kept you from fully expressing your Divine self. You are already whole, already complete, already one with the creative power of the universe. These 11 things we've discussed are simply illusions that have made you forget this truth. As you quietly eliminate them from your life, you are not becoming something new, but remembering who you have always been. So, go
forth from here with a new awareness, a new intention. Choose consciously the states you will occupy. Use your imagination, your Divine creative power, to construct the inner world you desire to inhabit. For as you change your inner world, you will find your outer world changing to match it. This is the promise and the challenge I leave you with today. It is the invitation to step fully into your power as a Divine Creator. It is the call to remember your true nature and to live from that remembrance. You have within you the power to transform your
life completely. You have the ability to create a life of joy, abundance, love, and fulfillment, and it all begins with the quiet elimination of these 11 things from your Consciousness. So start today, my dear friends. Start now. Choose a new state of being. Live from the end, from the state of your wish fulfilled. Feel the joy, the satisfaction, and the peace of being the person you desire to be, of living the life you desire to live. For remember, in the realm of imagination, in the realm of Consciousness, you are already that person. You are already
living that life. Your outer world has no choice but to conform to this inner reality. This is the law. This is the promise. This is the truth of your being. Embrace it. Live it. Become it. For in doing so, you fulfill your highest purpose and express your true self. Go forth and create miracles, my friends, for that is what you are here to do. That is who you truly are—miracle workers, Divine creators, expressions of the infinite power of the universe. Thank you, and may your journey of quiet elimination lead you to the full realization of
your Divine nature and the complete manifestation of your heart's desires.
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