Googles Quantum Computer is Communicating with Multiple Universes? - Joe Rogan

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Video Transcript:
well one of the things that I've talked to about uh with some pretty insanely brilliant people is quantum Computing oh yes and this new Google quantum computer that can do essentially the way a quantum computer works a a a problem that would take thousands of years for every computer on Earth solve read it can solve in a second yeah something that can take more years than you literally can understand it could be solved in 15 minutes yeah I read that it's insane and this is where it gets really weird the way it was explained to
me and we should have to Google how quantum computers work and why people connect them to the Multiverse so I don't [ __ ] this up but the idea is that they're pulling answers from different universes simultaneously they don't even completely understand how this is working but the amount of power in Computing is incomprehensible incomprehensible like you're only looking at it and there's numbers you could write all those numbers out but your brain's not capable of grasping really what's going on and it's probably the biggest breakthrough technologically in human history by a long stretch and
it's all happening without most people even being aware of what the implications are so see if you can Google an explanation of how quantum computers work trying was it Mark andrion that was explaining to us that it's pulling from different universes no no that is being talked about in the wording of the willow description right um but I also just to add when I was reading about this they said that these Benchmark numbers are coming off of Google's own data um like they're the ones that set like the scale of mhm what some of the
quantum are youal is that what you're saying I'm I'm just you calling [ __ ] on Google no not at all not at all not at all no no I'm just a grain of salt like just to say that like it SE I think they use tillan is the number or something like that that no one even can grasp that yeah that's just based but that's a number based off of their formula too right that's all right what is the the definition of how it works the way it pulls from multi multi univers I think
the I'm trying to find it uh but I think the understanding I got from it was it's just too powerful to get from our universe alone you'd have to have more more than one and I don't like that's just like what does that mean even exactly what does that mean right what what is that thing that they have and if you ever seen the chip itself the chip itself is very small yeah it's like the size of a Saltine cracker yeah and then this entire mechanism around it is just the insane amount of cooling Okay
Google Quantum AI founder said the performance gains lead lend excuse me performance gains lends Credence to the idea that we live in a Multiverse the idea is that Willow might be communicating with parallel universes to finish calculations faster like what what does that mean the announcement LED Google's already high stock price to Surge which isn't that shocking but perhaps most surprising for us lay people that Google's Quantum AI founder and Lead harmut Nevan said that the Chip's performance lends Credence to the notion that Quantum computation occurs in many parallel universes in line with the idea
that we live in a Multiverse and then it says excuse me the this obviously has caused a bit of a stir and isn't and it isn't exactly clear on how he made that leap it sounds a bit like something out of a sci-fi movie and I'm definitely not going to pretend I'm an expert but it's worth pointing out that Google is very much still in the theoretical research phase of this journey this is very weird stuff an evolving scientific field that even people working on it don't fully understand three hours later okay so this is
what it is one of the world's most advanced classical computers um okay here it is with the this this this problem so ai's founder and Lead hartmut Nevan said that the new chip had performed a purposefully complicated exercise called a random circuit sampling Benchmark in 5 minutes one of the world's most advanced classical supercomputers on the other hand it would take 10 and then three Z three Z three Z three Z three Z three Z three Z three zos three zos years to perform the same exercise that's 10 septian years which exceeds known time scales
in physics and vastly exceeds the age of the unit IE so it can do more time than vastly exceeds the entire age of the universe and it can do it in five minutes and the reason it could achieve such a Monumental Improvement in calculating capacity is because Willow is made up of 105 cubits and contract the potential of each of those at once allowing it to record potential data much faster and come to the right answer sooner so like what is happening that's too much information what is what what do you mean I get it
but I don't get it what I I don't get how does that prove the Multiverse or provide evidence that the multiv verse is real like and that it's getting it from parallel universes like what are we even saying here but it couldn't come up with those answers within the allotted time span that's yeah what [ __ ] I can't even I can't even explain I mean funnily enough this is the my brother's into all of this stuff Sean he's in simpler language he he would he would probably be able to explain it to you Sean
well he would give it a shot he would certainly I think he was the one that was probably explaining it to us in simpler language Willow is doing one calculation while an unknown number of willows in other universes parallel to our own are doing their own calculations and they are sharing that data to avoid needing to individually do every possible calculation to finish the equation what the [ __ ] does that mean how are they sharing data between universes I don't know ask Nevin remember this is all theoretical and doesn't prove anything but neevan is
saying that the fact that chip can outperform outperform our best supercomputers by such a wide margin means that it might have broken Newton's Theory of physics yo what does it say under that Jamie what does this mean for me keep that going keep put that back on scroll up a little bit right here okay this is what I wanted to look at at this point uh it's an exciting look what Computing might take one day but it isn't something you're going to see in your next pixel phone Quantum chips need be isolated incredibly specific Chambers
yeah this is the thing cooler than it has to be cooled to a point where it's colder than outer space sealed away from any possible signals such as microwaves radiation radio signals etc for fear of that noise leading to potential mistakes and have specific signals delivered by purpose-built wires who figured this out where are those eggh heads Jesus CH how did they even come up with that if that has to be the case I don't how did they figure out that you have to do that all of it that's it's just brain damage that's one
of the most humbling things that I've found about doing this podcast is realizing how genuinely dumb we are in comparison to the amount of information that's available no question
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