Drink this Tea for a Month, the Result Will Amaze You

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Add this one think in tea, your tea will become medicinal. Buy Nutrabay Pure Himalayan Shilajit - h...
Video Transcript:
Tea has become such an integral part of the Indian  diet that people aren't even willing to cut back on it, let alone quit. As they say, all wisdom on  one side, and tea on the other side. But friends, you’ll be surprised to know that there are  small things which if we keep in mind while making tea then not only the harmful effects  of tea significantly reduce but the same tea can actually help in normalising high blood  pressure, diabetes, belly fat, and arthritis.
So, if you’re a tea lover or you drink tea regularly  then do watch this video till the end so that you get clear information as to how many cups of tea  are safe to drink daily? What things to keep in mind while making tea so that it doesn’t harm  us? When you should not drink tea at all?
and What is the the right time to drink tea? Will try  to keep this video very simple and practical. So without any further delay, let’s get started.
Hello Friends! Welcome to Fit Tuber Hindi. If you drink tea that is made the right way, it  won’t harm you rather it will benefit you.
That’s because tea contains antioxidants like polyphenols  and flavonoids. However, we often unknowingly make mistakes while making tea because of which we fail  to get the full benefits of these antioxidants. A long-term study of 14 years was conducted on  498,000 people which revealed some insights that can help us transform our tea from being  unhealthy to healthy.
The most important finding was that tea should not be boiled excessively.  Some people like to boil tea in water for 10-10 minutes. While this makes the tea strong but it  significantly reduces antioxidants and secondly the more the tea is boiled the more the tannins  are released in it.
It is because of these tannins that people who drink a lot of tea get those  yellow stains on teeth. Excess tannins lead to more acid production in the stomach and tannins  also hinder the absorption of nutrients from food. This is why it’s said that tea from roadside  stalls is more harmful because they boil it excessively and reuse the same tea multiple times.
The second observation was that adding sugar to tea reduces its antioxidants. But, we can’t really  imagine drinking sugarless tea. Many people who can’t imagine their life without tea won’t drink  it if served without sugar because more than the tea, they are addicted to sugar.
But why use  such refined sugar that is so processed with chemicals like sulphur that it not only loses all  its nutrition but also it doesn’t properly get absorbed by the body. So if you want to sweeten  your tea, use unrefined sugar like desi khandsari sugar or thread mishri powder. Tea with jaggery  might sound healthy, but according to Ayurveda, jaggery and milk are not a good combination. 
You might have noticed that adding jaggery to boiling milk causes it to curdle. Gud wali chai  is not good as it can lead to upset stomach. Yes, Jaggery powder can be used instead.
(My  father is diabetic. He sweetens his his tea with sugar free. Is it ok?
) No. Sugar  free and all other artificial sweeteners are worse than refined sugar. Please avoid it.
Then while making tea, there are certain things that if you add to tea then the same tea  will not only protect you from various ailments but also your tea will become tastier. There are 7  such things. The first is green cardamom.
Friends! Green cardamom not only adds strength to the  body but also has anti-inflammatory properties, because of which its regular use helps prevent  many diseases. Second is clove.
In Ayurveda, it’s called "lavang," meaning that which makes  the body flexible. Clove makes the small and large blood vessels in your body more elastic.  Third is ginger.
Whether it’s body pain or you want to reduce belly fat, don’t forget to add  ginger. Fourth is cinnamon. For high blood sugar, there’s no better ingredient to add to your  tea than cinnamon.
As the name suggests, it’s slightly sweet as well. The fifth ingredient  is licorice (mulethi). Tea is drying in nature, but licorice neutralizes this effect by  moisturizing the internal tissues.
Plus it’s excellent for lung-related issues. Sixth  is fennel seeds. If you suffer from acidity, burning sensation in the chest, or stomach ulcers,  start adding saunf to your tea.
The thick fennel seeds are better than the thin ones. Then if  you have any heart-related problem like blood pressure or cholesterol, the seventh ingredient  that you should definitely add to your tea is arjuna bark. This bark naturally peels off the  arjuna tree.
You can either powder it at home or buy a good-quality powder from a reliable brand.  Just add a little to your tea. It won’t affect the taste but will provide immense benefits.
Among these, some ingredients are heating, and some are cooling, creating an overall balance.  However, it’s not necessary to add all these ingredients at once. Just choose according to  your preference.
Another thing modern studies highlight—though it conflicts with Ayurveda—is  that milk should not be added to tea. You might be surprised to know, but most benefits that we  read about tea or coffee are based on the studies conducted on black tea, green tea or black coffee.  Meaning that which contains neither milk nor sugar.
According to modern science, adding milk  reduces the antioxidants of both tea and coffee. However, Ayurvedic practitioners believe that  while milk may slightly reduce its antioxidants but since milk is oily and cooling, it does  balance the hot and dry nature of tea and coffee. So, the next time you want to make tea, first,  add water to the pan.
For one cup of tea, add one cup of water. Then add green cardamom,  clove, licorice basically the seven things that we had discussed earlier, and let it boil  until the water is reduced by half. This will allow all the herbs to infuse their medicinal  qualities properly.
Now add tea leaves and then immediately add a little milk. As soon as  it comes to a boil, turn off the heat. Do not overboil the tea.
Finally, add the sweetener.  Strain and enjoy. This is the smart chai.
Now that we’ve seen how to make tea so that it  benefits us and does not harm us, let’s talk about when to drink tea, when not to drink tea, and  how many cups of tea should you drink in a day. Friends, no matter how healthy a food or  drink is, if you consume it at the wrong time, it will harm you. Take water, for instance. 
There’s no doubt that water is healthy. But when we gulp down water immediately after  eating, it slows down digestion. Similarly, if we drink tea at the wrong time, forget the  benefits—it will surely harm us.
And there are three worst times to drink tea and coffee. The first is right after waking up in the morning. People who drink bed tea or bed coffee,  they tend to age faster.
Wrinkles appear on their faces prematurely. After sleeping all night,  there’s a lack of water in our body and brain. In such a state, when we drink tea or coffee,  which are diuretic in nature, it dehydrates the body even more.
This weakens the memory, reduces  grease in the joints, causes dryness to the skin, and even makes the hair rough. (I just can’t quit  tea. Tell me what best I can do ) Do one thing.
After you wake up in the morning, first drink 1  glass of water. Then you can make tea or coffee. Actually, if you notice, most people drink tea  or coffee first thing in the morning because otherwise, they don’t feel the pressure to go  to the toilet.
This problem also happens to people who smoke. Smokers also don’t feel the urge  without smoking. So, does that mean smoking is a good thing?
But if you think that without tea  in the morning, your stomach won’t be cleared, then the solution is to drink hot water  instead of tea for a few days. Try it, It’s very effective. Drnking hot water in  the morning not only clears the stomach but also boosts metabolism, which brings alertness  and helps melt away that accumulated body fat.
The second worst time to drink tea and coffee  is right after a meal. You might have seen many people drinking tea just after their  breakfast. (But I drink tea after meal because it prevents drowsiness after a big meal.
) Ans -  Exactly. That is why f you just avoid overeating in a meal, your need for tea will automatically  come down. Note that whether it’s breakfast or lunch, if you drink tea or coffee immediately  after eating, it will lead to a deficiency of essential nutrients like iron, calcium, zinc,  and vitamin B in your body.
Tannins in tea or coffee don’t even allow the proper absorption  of proteins from food. Now, think about it, you eat a protein-rich dal and then drink  tea over it. That protein won’t be properly utilized by your body.
Scientific studies have  proven that tannins in tea or coffee bind with these minerals and block their absorption.  Remember we talked how we should not over boil the tea as it increases tannins. This is why A lack of calcium makes your bones brittle.
Zinc is crucial for your sexual health. A deficiency of  iron means less hemoglobin. Less haemoglobin means less oxygen will reach your organs, leading  to breathlessness and a constant feeling of tiredness throughout the day.
Then, to counter  the fatigue, you will drink more tea or cofee. But that’s not a solution. In the olden days, when  a farmer would return home tired after plowing the fields all day, do you know what he would eat  to relieve fatigue?
A piece of jaggery and a glass of water. The jaggery would provide instant  energy, and the water would prevent dehydration. Anyway, avoid both tea and coffee just after  meals.
There should be at least a one-hour gap. If you feel like drinking something after a  meal, the best option is buttermilk. It improves digestion.
If you want to drink something hot, go  for herbal tea. Something like ginger tea which will not only have a similar satisfying  effect but will also support digestion. The third time when tea or coffee should not be  consumed is at night.
Some people drink tea coffee in the late evening or right before bedtime.  If you do this, you won’t get a deep sleep. This happens because tea contains caffeine. 
Although it has less caffeine than coffee but even a small amount of caffeine can affect your  body for up to six hours. According to a study conducted in June 2023, people who drink tea after  sunset take 45 minutes longer to fall asleep, also the quality of their sleep is not that good. Body repairs itself during deep sleep.
If you don’t get proper sleep, your body won’t  get that chance to fully repair itself, which can lead to problems later on. Friends!  Its not wise to drink tea coffee at night.
If you want to drink something hot at night,  drink milk. So, if you want to keep drinking tea coffee and don’t want these to harm you  then, avoid drinking them right after waking up, immediately after a meal and post sunset. So, what’s the best time to drink tea?
2–3 hours after breakfast and 2–3 hours after lunch is  the best time to drink tea or coffee. For example, if you have breakfast at 9 a. m.
, you can drink  tea coffee at 11 a. m. Then if you have lunch at 1 p.
m. , you can drink tea coffee once between  3 p. m.
and 5 p. m. This is the ideal time.
And this also answers how many cups of tea  coffee we should drink in a day. Two cups a day are enough. If someone is a tea coffee  enthusiast, they can have three cups.
Drnking more than 3 cups is excessive. And excessive  tea coffee consumption harms the body. This is not for saying.
. Forget studies—you  must have heard people say… (3 characters) This is a side effect of drinking excessive tea  or coffee. The body becomes addicted to caffeine.
Also, understand that tea coffee both are acidic  beverages. They are heating. That’s why people who drink too much tea often suffer from acidity,  heartburn, and sour burps.
But the same tea acts as a remedy during colds. If you take 20 liters  of milk and add just one spoon ful of tea to it, you won’t be able to set curd with that milk, nor  will you be able to extract even one spoon of ghee from it. This is how drying tea is.
That’s  why people who start drinking excessive tea often experience that the grease in their joints  has reduced leading to joint pain. This is the reason in the US, bullet coffee is making the  rounds where they add a teaspoon of coconut oil or ghee to beat the drying effect of coffee. That’s why be mindful of the quantity of tea or coffee.
In fact, it’s better if you use  a smaller cup for tea and coffee. Everyone drinks tea coffee according to the size of  their cup. In fact, our mind also measures the satisfaction level according to the cup.
If  you’re given a big cup, you’ll drink more tea. If you drink from a small cup, even a little tea  will satisfy the mind. So this is a good hack.
Then there are a 2-3 more things about tea  that are worth noting. The first is that you should never drink reheated tea. Always  make fresh tea and drink it.
Secondly, if you drink 2–3 cups of tea coffee daily,  make sure to keep your water intake high as well. This will prevent dryness in the body. Also, drinking extremely hot tea or coffee is also not very good for your food pipe.
This was one  of the findings of that long term study done on 5 lakh people. Tea coffee are acidic and heating  for the body, and when they are consumed very hot, they cause a burning sensation as soon as  they come in contact with the food pipe. Studies specifically state that tea hotter  than 55 degrees Celsius can damage the food pipe.
So drink tea that’s reasonably hot. Then often in our homes, there’s a separate pan for making tea. Try to ensure that this  pan is not made of aluminum.
Steel is okay, but the best option is a brass vessel  with a tin coating inside. Over time, the tin coating gradually mixes into the tea in  a bhasma (ash) form, which benefits the body. In Ayurveda, this is called Vang Bhasma, which  works as a medicine for physical weakness.
Then, always buy tea from a  trusted, reliable brand. In 2021, the Indian Tea Board issued a warning regarding  adulteration in tea. You can use a simple filter paper test at home to check whether your  tea is authentic or contains added color.
Friends! Nothing is better than quitting  tea coffee altogether but if you can’t do that these things that we have discussed in  this video will surely help you overcome its harmful nature. Rather it will benefit you.
Winter is here, and this is a great time to take Shilajit. Shilajit has been highly  praised in Ayurveda, but now modern studies also recognize its benefits. People think  Shilajit is only for sexual stamina.
That’s not true. From anti-aging to bone density,  heart health to Alzheimer’s disease, its benefits have been observed in all these areas. For better results, I recommend using pure Himalayan Shilajit.
Nutrabay’s pure Himalayan  Shilajit is an excellent option in the Indian market. This Shilajit contains 80% fulvic acid,  making it very effective. It is lab-tested, ensuring it doesn’t contain heavy metals. 
Along with it, you get a small spoon. Use a little bit of it and mix it with warm milk before  sleeping at night. It will be very beneficial.
This 20g pure Shilajit from Nutrabay  costs ₹799. Apply the discount coupon, and you’ll get it for ₹719. For strength, power,  and stamina of the mind and body, there might not be a better natural supplement than pure Shilajit. 
So, to buy Nutrabay’s pure Himalayan Shilajit, click the link provided in the description box. How to remove dental plaque naturally at home. To know the simplest way, checkout this video.
My  name is Vivek, I thank you so much for watching.
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