if you want to grow fast on YouTube one of the best ways to do it is to learn how to get people to binge watch your content that's super important and some of the most successful channels do it awesome today I'm going to teach you how to do that and how to use some of the YouTube tools that are available to you to help grow your channel even faster on the Boost by vid IQ so what is bingeable content it is just like when you go to Netflix or Prime video or whatever and watch multiple
videos in a row and you can do it on YouTube as a matter of fact most people do binge content on YouTube and YouTube sets it up so that it's easy for a viewer to do that but as a content creator you need to make it easy for them as well I'm going to teach you a little bit about how to make bingeable content and how to get that YouTube algorithm working for you 70% of all views on YouTube come through the recommendation algorithm which includes suggested content that's the content that is quote up next
on a YouTube watch page those are the videos you see on the right hand side when you're watching a video that are different videos that YouTube think you might like now things have changed in this little column and I want to go over the way it used to work and the way it works now because ultimately if you master this you're going to get tons more views here you can see a video from first we Feast one of the most awesome YouTube channels available and of course if you've ever seen this channel before it's likely
you've watched multiple videos from them and YouTube helps you do that by putting it in the up next section putting other people who they've done first we Feast with in the right hand side bingeable content is content that is connected through some type of through line we like to call it basically if you're watching Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman eat hot food you probably want to watch Gordon Ramsey do the same thing or your favorite celebrity so that's bingeable you love the concept you love the topic and you want to watch more of it and
this particular channel is great for it there's another channel that does this so well that every time I talk about this feature I talk about this channel this is company man this channel does documentary style videos about different brands BRS Brands you know and love and whenever you watch one of these they're absolutely excellent videos and it makes you want to watch another and another but it's more than just the excellent storytelling and quality of video that make this thing a winner it's the fact that they thought it all the way through maybe you're a
gamer and you love to watch this documentary about EA and why they're so hated after you watched it you loved it and you would hope that he would do another one about video games and now he did one about Activision and why they're so hated so they connect Direct it's a bingeable session because you can go from one to the other very easily now you can do this by end screens Link in the description or up next as you can see here the next video suggested through YouTube is that exact Electronic Arts video from the
Activision video the reason this happened is because enough people who watch this video watch that other video next and because of that YouTube made a data connection between the two and automatically will suggest this as the next video up now other videos down this this list will be things from other content creators and other topics in order to keep a viewer on the platform for as long as humanly possible you see YouTube wants you to watch a video and then watch another video and then watch another video now if those videos happen to be on
your channel YouTube has no problem suggesting that to them but you'll notice there's a lot from this channel in the up next company man is dominating this more so than a lot of other channels because he has a bingeable channel a channel where you can watch Two Three or even four videos in a a row that are topically related and they get you excited to watch the next one that's what you need to do but YouTube recently implemented something that makes it even easier once upon a time this was just algorithmically generated but now viewers
can actually select from the series or from company man directly this is brand new and helps you make a bingeable series surfaced to the viewer much faster you see before that feature launch you had to make super bingeable content that was directly connected to another video and Link them in the description in a pin comment and end screens now these are all still good things to do because you do want YouTube to understand that there is a data connection between the video you're making and the video they're watching and a previous video you've made however
with this new option on YouTube YouTube will now surface more of your content directly it was never a guarantee that your content would surface next after one of your own videos this helps alleviate that so how do you take advantage of this something like this let's say you're making a video about a chocolate cake and you want them to watch your icing video super easy because if someone's going to make a chocolate cake they probably want the icing as well so at the end you can talk about how you have an amazing icing video that
they can match with the chocolate cake they just made on the video you watched or if it's a gaming video you can say something like well I showed you how to beat this level without dying at all but I'm going to show you the best weapon to use in this video right here so whenever creating new content the one piece of advice I can tell you is you always should have what's called a Target video that's a video you want to send people to from the video you're making so that you get a binge session
that's right every video you make should have a partner video that you've already made and tell people to go watch that video the more times you do this the more times YouTube will see the data connection between the two videos and start suggesting those as a pair and obviously more views are better across a pair of videos because more watch History helps your channel grow and of course if someone want watches more than one video on your channel they're going to be suggested your channel more often and YouTube will find other viewers just like that
one to suggest your content to as well so ultimately to dominate the up next feature which is suggested content you need to have bingeable content something that someone can watch one video from and desire to watch another one these should be topically related because it's easier for someone to go from one video to the next so if you're thinking I don't have any videos that are topically related there's no better time to start than right now create a series of videos that are connected together by some thread whether it be you need to watch all
three to be the best gamer in the world or maybe you knit something and you're creating the best shirt ever but you need to watch all three videos my suggestion has always been if you're going to make a 25 minute video I would rather have three videos of about 7 and a half minutes than one video at 25 minutes because the more often someone comes back to your channel watches a different video the more likely you are to be suggested and recommended on their homepage so the power of binge watching will elevate your channel to
the next level but if you want to know how to dominate search I made a video about that right here so make sure you check that out and we'll see you next time