and I don't know who's here today to hear this but I know there's somebody that needs to hear this you're going through something to get to something that you're going to be glad you've got you're going through something right now you're you're suffering but you're not just going through something you're going to something the Bible says that God works in the midst of all things bringing good for those who love him and are called according to his purpose you're not just going through something you're going to something and I promise you after you've got it
you're going to be glad I look back on my life and and and I would never ask Jesus to bring some suffering so that I could get to something I I just I don't have the guts to do that but every time that I've been suffering because I've been trying to follow Jesus or obey him and and do what he's called me to do even though I didn't enjoy that process I very much enjoy what It produced in me so I I I don't know what you're going through but I promise you you're going to
something and you're going to be glad glad that you got it I want to make a statement to you here today don't forget this there is a purpose for your suffering there's a purpose for your suffering you may not have specific answers to your specific questions you you your your situation that you're in right now today or that you may go into it will always start bringing questions that begin with the word why and you may not get a specific answer but there is a purpose for Why God allows hardship and pain and suffering into
the lives of his children I talked about how we live in a fallen world how how God is using suffering to to to to give us strength and to and to give us courage and endurance and growth and these getting the rough edges off you say why it's the ultimate reason why we go through suffering because he's preparing you for something greater he's preparing you for something greater even when we can't see his fingerprints over the situation even when we can't see the why of what's going on that he is in control and that he
is working he is molding he is shaping there's some things you and I are going to learn in the midst of suffering and pain we're not going to learn any other way I mean some of the most powerful lesson in my own life have been the result of coming to the end of myself and recognizing God if you don't help me I don't have any solution drives us to God and you say well that's not love oh yes it is anything that drives you and me to God is good for us and what Paul said
in the midst of this suffering that God would not remove he discovered something about himself he did something about God and he said now he could Rejoice over the very thing that was causing him pain because of what he learned because of the freedom and the Liberty that he began to experience as a result of that suffering produces what comfortable can't and we kind of know that just from everyday life don't we anybody ever gotten in shape without a little bit of suffering I would summarize it this way when my goal personally is a comfortable
life then when pain and suffering comes it comes as an interruption it's interference it frustrates but if my goal is to be more like Jesus then pain and suffering play a role in my growth that I don't want to ignore because God is doing something in me but the one who created you he knows better than you at what it's going to take to develop you we we love I love we love being on top of the mountains we love being on top of the world right nobody wants to be in Valley moments nobody nobody
chooses the low moments of life but it's during the low moments during the tough times that we grow the most that we draw closest to God and where our faith is strengthened and I would simply ask you this question are you focusing more about why God does this than you are Lord what are you saying to me in this what do you want to change in my life what do you want to do in me and through me that this pain and this suffering is a part of the preparation well remember this pain and suffering
will either make us better or the wrong response it'll make you bitter and you do not want that in your life remember God has a purpose he didn't say I'd understand it he does have a purpose and he'll turn it for your good if you will respond in a matter of Thanksgiving and praise even though you don't understand it that's not the issue you he didn't say I'd understand it he says trust him and he'll turn it for your good and of course pain and suffering causes us to consider eternity there's a life beyond this
one he doesn't say that you will not suffer but he says you are predestined for Glory you are preserved for Glory and the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in US Paul says this he goes for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us again context is King he's not trivializing our suffering instead Paul is making a crazy claim he's saying listen Christians I believe that the intensity in which
you currently suffer and let's be honest some of our suffering is intense Paul says I believe that the intensity of our present suffering won't hold a candle to the intensity of the glory that is to be revealed to us because this world is not your home in this world that is not your home you will have times in life which will involve suffering Peter uses the phrase grieved by various all kinds of Trials but if your hope rests on anything or anything other than the Risen Lord Jesus Christ and what he has done for you
and what he promises awaits you then it is a matter of time until you lose hope because what you placed your hope in I'm not saying it was a bad thing it just couldn't deliver on what you hoped it would deliver on but you won't know that you won't know that until it perishes or it breaks or it fades but what you can hold on to today in Jesus will never perish it won't break it can't be taken from you and it will not fade because God's power is going to guard it for you until
you cease Jesus face to face see this world is not our home the gospel is put your hope in Jesus and you get Jesus because he's your only hope and that's always been true but you didn't realize it until you realize that you had put your hope in the wrong thing or the wrong per person and now Jesus is all you've got but file this away it'll be okay because he's enough he's enough let me boil it down to this thought suffering in this world makes us long for heaven suffering reveals to us that this
world is not our our home world is the mission not the destination and Paul says that the suffering and this groaning of creation it it's like the Pains of childbirth meaning it's not a fruitless end it's a fruitful end that there will come a day when God reveals the work that he's doing in this world and that Glory won't compare to the suffering That Glory will be so great Paul says our present sufferings are not even worth comparing to it suffering reveals that this world is not as it should be but God has a plan
Peter writes in 1 Peter chapter 1: 6 he says in all this you greatly Rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of Trials he says yeah there there's going to be challenges there's going to be trials but in the grand scheme of things it's only for a little while that this age of darkness is just a mere Flicker at the beginning of history that the glory will be greater and it will be forever now for a little while you may have had to suffer griefs and
all kinds of Trials these have come so that the proven genuiness of your faith of Greater worth than gold which perishes even though refined by fire may result in Praise Glory and Honor when Christ is revealed let me tell you God's will for you is that you would walk with him through the suffering allow him to refine you grow you in character become more and more like Jesus suffering will change You For Better or For Worse you choose maybe it's not the fact that I suffer or even the fact that it shakes me up but
how I respond that matters am I faithful to the Lord or do I turn my back on him give up and walk away one of the lies that we believe in the midst of our suffering and pain is that the pain will never end Paul encourages us not to give up or lose heart because he says his beatings his persecution his imprisonment his shipwrecks he knew they wouldn't last forever but in the midst of the suffering it feels like it will last forever I understand that when you're in suffering when you're in pain it feels
like it will never end Satan wants us to focus on the immediate God wants us to focus on the ultimate Satan wants us to focus on the immediate the immediate anxiety the financial crisis the hurt the disappointment the lack of sleep The Chronic pain all of it has a way of discouraging us all of it has a way of robbing our hope that's why Paul writes don't lose heart don't give up don't give up hope even though it feels like it in the moment it feels like it it will never end and pain and suffering
robs us of our joy robs us of Our Hope Paul reminds us that our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all but it's hard to remember in times of trouble that God isn't doing something to us he's trying to do something in us but it's hard to remember in times of trouble God is not doing something to us he's doing something in us and eventually he can do something through us if we allow him but it takes time