O que é CLOUD? Explicação COMPLETA para INICIANTES

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Hello everyone, we have a very important step in the Diolinux project, a few weeks ago we migrated all our infrastructure, regarding the Diolinux's blog specifically, to a hosting service based on cloud computing. I trust In such a common expression, right? speaking that gives the impression that you automatically know that it is so simple users expressions like saving to the cloud all the time but do you really know what Cloud is? order means and I have the impression that people don't really know what is Cláudio Why does it have that name in the first place what
are the different types of Cláudio and why is it so important is directly linked to the present and future of Computing but where to start explaining right maybe we can start with the name because Claudia is called Claudia in the first place as some of you already know Claudia means cloud in English and having one seems to be older than that the very concept of cloud computing being used in the early 90's by telecommunications companies when trying to describe telephony interconnections to people I don't know if you've ever studied networking on your own in college
but generally in network diagram the internet is represented by a cloud also you have noticed from an engineering point of view it is much more complex than that but i can imagine some technical people trying to present these models to executives who are more concerned with the concept with the idea than with the technical part through a drawing so you can look Cláudio created this part here of the little cloud an abstraction of explanation right Oedipus Look, we have several servers available here, all communicating with each other and this you can look at the drawing
here it looks like a cloud too , right? I have the feeling that if you ask about the person like this, the tip of her is to explain in layman's terms. who is a Cláudio for someone who has never heard people not really knowing that you are a Cláudio so thinking in a very simple way for people to understand is that Cloud is a structure that is digital and then inside the internet and will make a grouping of servers so all these servers they will be part of this digital structure and the advantage of this
new technology was that the servers inside they can divide the work they can divide the resources and divide the tasks everything within this environment and oh and there's another explanation what I think is really cool because I like science especially is that it's like a cloud in the sky like that you can see when I leave the house it's rarely formed by several small components particles molecules atoms further away it looks like just one thing cloud computing I I think it's even a bit poetic, he thinks that way, so just complementing what you said, he's
sorry but I didn't get very cool and a The comparison I would like to make about what you mentioned was that just like one Cláudio calls a cloud, right, everything we look at clouds, the clouds Lucas So Iguals, right? plus a computer plus a server plus one just one more update so it's always changing as well as the clouds in the sky such but in general there are three main ways to use cloud computing in something for people So this one in various models of service that was created is for different scenarios within the internet
market so we have let's start going with the three models it's a service that is available to Galera The first is an AAS This is the biggest and it would be for the scenario of a company like suppose that the bus company pumps it to make a lot of money and then you decide to rent an office to start creating this company there is a physical format and you need a computer you need a server you want to work with Cloud technology and it's a lot of money you have to buy the servers you have
to buy it's a whole temperature management system you have to pay for internet energy is a lot And that's when infrastructure comes out as a service for you company break in it will rent an infrastructure it is a company will have access to the resources of that infrastructure then you will be able to build your cause the way you think is best you will choose which guests will run inside that infrastructure So you call me went to the company staff here with the ones with equipment rental we really need that, but instead of having the
equipment come to you and you can access it remotely, I think it makes a lot of sense in the company responsible for infrastructure, something only Hidra and company to use the resources is only focused on the resources and well, going beyond the infrastructure, it's not something for me or for you that is too big, it has the ph if the platform as a service so let's go back to the bus button here as an example you are You are growing your company and you have a team of developers these teams of developers are thinking Good
afternoon new applications in the software died and they Why do they need Cloud technology? Why yes, an entire integration you need to understand how the connection is made between your software and this reaction between the Cloud structure So the phs that the platform as a service our customers for this business model we have access to to a development platform that inside you will be able to make this movement that to your environment and you also have a little access to the infrastructure but just to make these connections between your applications or software and a Cloud
server beauty but there's still one more type that maybe even more common for most people there, what is okasesas makeup or software as a service This is for the total crowd, right? in the end it is very well known and we are using it at the moment and finally it is the beauty and not only has it as a service and there are several companies that have all the systems that we talked about before and they continue to work developing various Cloud tools as per example Google And then Google develops these great tools for the
market and then makes it available to the public which is Google Drive Google Docs Google spreadsheets all these Google devices and they are software as a service so it's not just about hiring a server to vote on the site there is a whole segment of Cloud hosting it is inserted in the market and today there are still other options that lock our language like an he in S that artificial intelligence as a service I hated this one that desktop as a service and so on more another way of categorizing cloud services is related to privacy
under your control too And that's where concepts like what Oi Cláudio o Private Cloud raiders Cláudia is very simple to understand in reality Public Cloud is when cloud services are offered and shared by all companies as a product even there is no specific prerequisite to be able to take advantage of it if you simply go there and buy the your little space in the cloud when I'm going to find a service for Cláudio to host our website I'm taking advantage of the public cloud there usually have more affordable prices also because it works that way
Private which as the name might suggest is the opposite is when you have it yourself your own datacenter, for example, your own structure or when you have an agreement with a partner, some third party, where this certain infrastructure will be dedicated only to your needs, being a private service, naturally this model ends up being more expensive and especially considering the costs and spaces to keep for example robust data center is certainly not and in any case now that you already know these two Cláudia's Rider is when you have a service mixed between simple public and
private clouds so our decision to migrate to Cláudia involved several interesting price points firstly the VPS server and that we were using a very robust FPS and it ends up costing twice as much of the Cloud hosting that we got without actually offering significant additional resources for our case and another important point is that we wanted to bring our website to a server located in Brazil most of our audience is from here although there are many accesses from Outside, naturally the closer to you the lower the latency that exists in the requests this makes the
site load faster for when you leave but of course Claudia is not for everyone because even if it is financially unfeasible and in some cases especially large cases it is much more expensive than a simple shared hosting which is often all what you might need in the countryside Anger himself tried to get us down and for a month the most basic model of all as an entrepreneur there is usually a certain feeling you have when an upgrade like this is necessary and I noticed something when we migrated to Cláudia de you that now It even
has in Brazil, right There's a server in Brazil So it was something that we wanted to bring our site to Brazil finally that ends up getting faster and it got even faster, you know and we have this notion of Cláudio to scale the projects in a better way so first you were in the VPS environment right where you had to make all the settings and in the sky where if you wanted you put the panel inside this PS but it's even said the panel but Well that's a dream a little of the resources from your
PS now when you changed to Cláudio what happened you were you changed from an environment where you were managed by a fully activated environment that is always being updated look for the latest t technologies and what happens here your site was the world maintained by a server just one up to a virtual server and now you must probably be being supported by 500 servers and all of them together with us stayed at the beginning so there dividing the reinforcements the tasks against the site so there's no time when your individual server will overload, you'll get
tired Cláudio is not for everyone either, right ? for What user profile So it's not a beginner's profile, it's because Cláudio is he is in this segment of the man where the project is already growing It's already receiving the public it has already stopped, which is the case of a website a blog that there's already a considerable amount of people chatting there daily, isn't it something that is recurring or a virtual store the team why a virtual store if it is better to show in the Cloud because there are many many the more resources with
its much more resource of a store because it has a cart that is constantly receiving and sending requests and there is no way you said your site took 10 seconds to load I already give up I'm already going to another one I've already had a commercial I've lost a lot of customers because of using and the use is complicated for it is not How so so the more you use the you need to have more resources and how does it work is the person today is starting now this month I'm going to open my first
website here we have shared hosting cold person her first project starts to work starts to gain success starts to grow she will learn our panel And then when she has a scenario where she needs to scale her project we can go up people move to Cloud hosting and she still in the same environment I'm always here with more resources for her delivery Cláudio is already the current way of working with big sites and Big projects and Linux is kind of the backbone bone of all that so the interesting thing for you who want to enter
this segment to work as a developer like votes or anything else that you understand how this universe works and it is important for you who are a user and will continue to be the user who will not take advantage in the sense of undertaking this because it reduces the level of magic in quotation marks that technology has and transforms it into a science everything we have today is in one way or another derived from past knowledge and technologies understand if the present is a little better that helps us enter the future with a few steps
a little firmer Ricardo da Rocha who was very nice to us for taking the time to share his knowledge the total number of activities I did to make this connection was to say face in migra for me I literally didn't do anything good anymore thanks to this partnership that you access the purple mine. Com.br Linux bar and buy anything over there using the Linux coupon if you get even more discount I hope the speed difference on our site has been noticed by you too of course these optimizations never really end in soon I want to
make another video here talking about some Rex in quotes DS what we are putting into practice and they are already making a lot of difference So subscribe to the channel so you don't miss this content I'll see you in the next video Thanks for talking
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