3 Creepy True Supermarket Horror Stories

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Mr. Nightmare
Next time be a little careful when going for a late night grocery run... If you enjoy this type of c...
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foreign ER of three and so our grocery bills are quite High my husband works at a tech company and I currently stay at home raising the kids who are 10 7 and 3. I go food shopping at least twice a week and I usually go to the king colon near our house though I sometimes go to the nearby Target as well those are two of a very small list of grocery stores in our quiet town to give as much context as possible we're an Italian family and I'm currently 40 years old this happened not even
a year ago when I was 39. I was running behind on shopping one day so I went much later than usual the king colon bias closes at 10 and it was definitely past nine o'clock already so I hurried over to the store with my flyers and coupons the kids were complaining about a lack of food in the house so I had to get a quick grocery run in most days I'd have to go shopping with my three-year-old daughter Haley since it was late and my husband was home from work at this time for once I
was able to go shopping alone which I consider a luxury I got to the king colon which was pretty void of people at this hour since it would soon be closing I grabbed a cart and quickly started doing my laps down the aisles and grabbing whatever was on my list and whatever was on sale I was in the cereal aisle when I got a tap on my shoulder which startled me I turned and saw a very tan man about my height with a baseball cap on a black OT and a red zipper up hoodie and
jeans on he left and apologized for startling me and said that he'd been looking everywhere for a specific bag of chips that was in my cart and he asked where I found them I politely told him the aisle and he said he checked but couldn't find it so I actually led him exactly to where I found the chips he thanked me with his awful breath and I smiled and was about to walk back to my cart but then he started making pointless conversation with me about why he liked those chips so much something silly like
the ingredients or a lack of a specific ingredient I kept trying to make it obvious that I was inching my way back to my cart he wouldn't get the hint though it was when he made a weird pause and then said gosh you're pretty that I said Thank you and then I had to get back to my shopping before they close I went to my cart but he followed me and kept talking to me at this point as politely as I could I told him I really would just like to shop in peace he finally
seemed to get the hint and walked away but for the rest of my time in the store that night I kept seeing that man circling the aisles and each time he walked past the aisle I was in he'd slow down or even stop and just look down at me I was getting increasingly uncomfortable and hurried up my shopping when I was finally done I went to the checkout and as I emptied my card here comes red hoodie guy with a whole two or three items and he waits online right behind me he doesn't say a
word anymore but I felt as gaze even through the back of my head I was done checking out I pushed my card away and the man called out have a good night ma'am and I ignored it as I was unloading my car I noticed the red hoodie guy in the parking lot looking at me as he walked to his car he got into a junky looking Honda that must have been like 30 years old he didn't turn the car on though he just sat in it I finally finished loading my car so I got inside
started it and began driving out of the parking lot I looked in my rearview mirror a few times and I didn't see any headlights behind me so I felt safe to drive home it wasn't until I pulled into the driveway and looked to my left down the street that I realized there was a car with its headlights off driving slowly down the street approaching our house he pulled to the curb a few houses down look to be that Honda from the parking lot I went inside the house and called my husband's name he came downstairs
looking concerned and I told him I was followed home by a creep he hurried outside to the stoop but by this time the car was already gone the following weekend late at night when we were all in bed we heard some shuffling around outside in the side yard I shook my husband to go check what it was and he went to slide the window open he saw someone right below the window trying to open the side Gates the backyard but after hearing the window slide open the man looked up and started to run my husband
grabbed the baseball bat from under the bed and ran outside and when he came back a minute later he said he saw the car speeding down the street and he tried to chase after it perfectly described the shitty Honda that the red hoodie guy was driving it was undoubtedly him we phoned the police and given the late hour a police officer arrived to our house in under five minutes I described the man and his car the best I could and that was that he never returned to our house not after seeing my Angry husband chasing
his car on foot with a bat Still Remains uncomfortable that a creep like that knows where I live though [Music] when I was in college I worked at wall bounds the one I worked at was a 24-hour one so a couple unfortunate people would always be stuck working that awful shift I thought since I was 20 and in college that my boss would never put me on an overnight shift but unfortunately I guess when she has my school schedule and I told her I was off Mondays and Wednesdays she saw me as a perfect sucker
to stick on the overnight shift occasionally moving forward one day I saw that I was scheduled for a Tuesday night from 12 a.m to 8 am I had to triple check the schedule to make sure that that was right I felt sick seeing that and when I asked my supervisor why I was put on the overnight shift he told me if I'm over 18 I don't really have a choice I considered quitting but I needed the job and money so I just sucked it up and decided I'd do it this one time and then tell
my boss I can't do it ever again because I have to study for school so I arrived at the store at 12 o'clock and relieved my co-worker Amanda half the lights in the store were out at this hour to save on electricity there were surprising amount of customers in the store when I got there I guess more people than I expected would do quick midnight shopping runs past 1 am though the place was completely dead maybe three customers in the entire hour as it got later in the night there were less and less customers it
was past 2 AM by this point I was as bored as humanly possible and there hadn't been a customer in over an hour I wondered if there were any other employees in the building there had to be I figured they couldn't have a lone 20 year old running the whole place by himself there was some bald guy who looked like he could be a manager that kept passing by the front registers every few minutes he had a key ring attached to his khakis with like 10 keys on it and he was holding a small backpack
type bag in his hand so I said excuse me are you the manager and he came over and asked if it was my first day on the job to which I said it was my first night shift he shook my hand without giving me his name and asked me if I could go to The Back warehouse of the store and organize the pallets he said he'd watch the front I didn't exactly know what that meant but I'd figure it out I walked towards the back of the store and as I did I saw him doing
something to the entrance door of the store like he was reaching for some switch on the side of it as if he were locking it I made my way into the back Warehouse where I saw a tall man who looked like he were 30 wearing a manager's vest that said wall bounce he saw my apron and introduced himself as Rob the night manager I said Oh I thought the guy in the front was the night manager and he looked puzzled and said who when I described that man from before he asked me to show him
who I was talking about because he was the only manager on duty we didn't even make it out of the warehouse before all the lights in the store turned off Rob told me to wait in the warehouse while he checks out what's going on I watched as he walked through the warehouse doors into the darkness of the store with the only light out there being from the lights of the dairy coolers that were still on I sat on a box on the pallet and was on my phone trying to text any of my friends who
could have been awake about what was happening when I heard a door from inside the warehouse opening was on the other side of the warehouse separated by the freezer and dairy fridge there were two ways in and out of the warehouse back into the store I still sat there now with my ears perked up listening for any sounds when I heard quiet slow footsteps getting closer followed by a voice saying Hey kid you in here but it wasn't Rob's voice it was that bald guy's voice I hurried out the warehouse doors into the store but
quietly I jog to the front of the store looking for Rob but I couldn't find him I called out his name nothing I grabbed my jacket and tried to open the exit door but it wouldn't open automatically so I tried to physically open it but it was locked I heard footsteps approaching from behind me and I turned and almost screamed but I realized it was Rob the manager he flicked some lever or something on the top right of the door and unlocked it and he said in a panicked whisper to hurry and get outside he
followed behind me we left the store and he got right on the phone with the police and I heard his whole conversation he said he believed an armed man locked himself into the waldoms and was probably trying to rob the place I told him to tell the police that I think he was coming to harm me in the warehouse which he relayed to the operator he told me I should go wait in my car or leave I'm sure because he didn't want the store to be held liable for anything if something were to happen I
went and sat in my car and just watched for a little while and within 10 minutes there were at least four police cars outside the store they all went inside for a while and I didn't see whatever was going on so I left I didn't quit after that though the next time I went into work I was told all about what happened by my supervisor the security footage showed that bald man circling the place acting suspicious checking if the coast were clear to do whatever he was planning to do after locking the doors he cut
the lights in the store the cameras showed him going straight to the warehouse where he told me to go that's the scariest part to me because if he were armed and robbing the place he could have been on his way to put a gun to my head or something the camera showed him leaving through the emergency exit in the warehouse way before the police arrived in the end I never worked an overnight shift again after talking to my boss and I stayed at that job for another few months I'm not sure if that man was
ever identified [Music] I used to work as a night restock worker at a supermarket in a somewhat rural town the store was called Great American it was the biggest and best supermarket in the area my shift would be as soon as the store would close at 10. I'd work from 10 pm to 3 AM the latest restocking the shelves and organizing everything before the next operating day I of course had the keys to the store for the after hours it would be a team of two myself and one other either Terry Carter or Alfonso tonight
I was supposed to be working with Terry I arrived to the store and let myself into the back where all the inventory yet to be stocked to us I started my work using the pallet jack to bring a whole pallet of boxes out to the shopping floor I started with the bread and nuts aisle rotating the older loaves in the front and putting the newer Lopes in the back halfway through I realized I hadn't seen Terry yet I walk to the back area of the store where the inventory was where we leave our belongings he
wasn't back there yet I left the back door cracked open with a door stopper for him when he would show up so I went back to work for another half hour and with still no sign of Terry I once again went to the back of the store he wasn't in there but I noticed the back door was shut I assumed that meant Terry was here somewhere I went to open the back door and saw the door stopper was outside which I thought was weird that he kicked it outside instead of bringing it in I called
Terry's name and it echoed through the room he didn't call back so I decided to call him he picked up sounding like he was in bed and I asked him if he was at work he said he wasn't coming in tonight because he was sick suddenly I got the chills I told him someone kicked the door stopper off the door and he said it could have just come undone itself nobody else was scheduled to work that night I told him feel better and we hung up I wasn't sure if I was convinced that the door
stopper came undone itself because I kicked it under the door pretty tightly I did a quick look around just to make sure no one was in the back of the store and when I didn't see anyone I went back to work though I felt a slight sense of unease the whole time I was stocking the remainder of the bread when I heard a loud sound Echo from across the shopping floor okay now someone had to be in here I got off my knees and went to the middle aisle that intersected all the other aisles I
looked straight down the aisle and stood there for a hot second and all the way on the opposite side of the store in the dairy aisle a man dressed in black walked past the middle aisle looking down in my direction I felt my heart drop it felt like that scene from the movie Signs where the alien walks past the birthday party I had to think logically that maybe this was someone else filling in for Terry's shift that our boss didn't tell me about I started to speed walk down the center aisle and yelled excuse me
very loudly I looked to the left down every aisle I passed since he went towards the front of the store in one of those aisles he was waiting at the end of it standing there fully facing my direction when he saw me he walked out of sight in the direction I was just coming from I yelled excuse me again and started to run down that aisle to catch up to him I didn't get a good look at his face yet when I got to the front of the aisle by the cash registers I looked down
the direction he went and I saw him all the way at the end by the bread aisle half his body was hidden behind the Shelf his mouth was hanging open and he started to wave me over but he didn't say anything his face was freaking me out I attempted one more time to speak to him and said who are you and he disappeared behind the Shelf I wasn't being paid enough for this I went outside to sit in my car and call my boss he picked up and I told him there was some random freak
roaming around the store he told me to get him out of there if I can or call the police to get him out I was not going to attempt to physically remove a crazy person from the store so I called 9-1-1 I waited in my car until a police car showed up I greeted the officer and asked him to follow me inside we walked around the place looking for the man and we saw him at one of the aisles again creepily standing there again as if playing a game when the police officer commanded him to
come here he actually listened he was put in handcuffs and he was the strangest man I'd ever seen he kept smiling and looking at me non-stop licking his lips he had huge bags under his eyes the only words he spoke were when answering the police officer saying he was looking for a snack I didn't like the way he was looking at me as the police officer was walking him back outside to his car it was this menacing threatening smile that I haven't forgotten to this day I continued my work after that needless to say I
never left any of the doors open again
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