Describing Personalities | Learn English quickly with podcast | Episode 94

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Learn English quickly with podcast | English learning Conversation | Episode 94 #english Welcome to...
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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to English pod my name is Marco my name is Katherine and today we've got a very very interesting lesson for you all about building your vocabulary so we're trying to describe personalities you're going to learn tons of new words exactly and as you said we're going to describe people's personality so not their physical attributes we're going to concentrate on how they are in person it wise and stuff like that their character that's right so let's take a listen to today's dialogue for the first time and we'll be back in a
moment to talk about some of these great [Music] words okay class settle down I have the results of your individual personality tests I am going to hand them out and if you'd like you can read them out loud to the rest of the class I'll read mine okay go ahead it says here that I am adventurous outgoing and easygoing it says that I'm a little superstitious and occasionally naive that's not true well the test isn't 100% accurate is that all it says no It also says that I'm open-minded with great ambition but that I can
also be Reckless and clumsy this is stupid okay anyone else wants to read theirs I'll go it says that I'm an extroverted well-balanced person it says I am generous outspoken and very very diligent this is so true it also says that I am a magnanimous eloquent and daring this is totally me whatever these tests are baloney all right we're back so we're going to divide this up into language takeaway Parts one and two so let's start with five key words now on language takeaway language takeaway the first adjective that came up was uh adventurous and
outgoing outgoing that's a good one outgoing is a great one so you think of the word out uh that means moving out going out outgoing means someone is very comfortable talking to strangers or talking to people that they don't know very well U for example my brother is very outgoing he loves meeting new people he loves starting conversations with strangers so opposite would be shy that's the opposite okay so outgoing and uh then it also described this person as being a little superstitious okay superstitious is very interesting because uh it's hard to describe since everyone's
superstitions are different in many cultures there are different superstitions so for example in America we say that walking under a ladder is bad luck MH okay or opening an umbrella inside is bad luck so if you believe that your actions will bring you bad luck you're probably superstitious okay very good so if you are superstitious you believe in superstitions that's right so Marco are you superstitious do you think that black cats bring bad luck no not at all no no interesting all right and this is also an interesting word a way to describe people who
are very believing a person that is naive okay you said this already naive means that someone generally believes most things that you tell them right so if I told you Marco hey did you know that it's supposed to rain frogs tomorrow no way really yeah really if if Marco believes me he's naive right that means that you know probably not going to rain frogs tomorrow but he he he believes everything I say so he's a little bit naive or inexperienced so naive is not really a bad way of describing a person is it no but
it can be so you want to be careful you know some people if you say that they're being naive it's offensive uh so you have to be careful when you say this okay moving on we also had an interesting adjective uh that described another person and it was to be Reckless I can also be Reckless Reckless okay so someone who is reckless uh often does things without thinking sometimes things that are dangerous for example Marco I think that driving a car without wearing your seat seat belt is very Reckless M okay that means that you're
not thinking about safety right so a person that is reckless is a kind of a synonym of being a little bit dangerous to be around that's right or someone who does things without thinking about their consequences their results okay and also along with Reckless the test said that this person was clumsy oh I love this word there was a very famous commercial when I was growing up in America on the television uh it was all about young students at high school who are clumsy and so they should buy this this special folder for their their
um their schoolwork uh to help them cuz they're so clumsy and they're dropping their papers and their books exactly so someone who is Clumsy often falls down or hits their head or trips or drops their things um if I drop something on the floor and break it my mother might say you're so clumsy youing you should be more careful yeah so clumsy is this insulting if you say oh you're so clumsy no it's not so bad okay um there there are worse things to say um but if someone often drops things you can call them
clumsy or you can also say you're such a butter fingers butter fingers that means that your fingers are like butter they're very slippery you drop everything okay so clumsy and Reckless they are negative adjectives right they're saying that you do things in wrong so it's not really a good thing to be Reckless or clumsy no it's not really a good thing these are not positive characteristics okay good so we took a look at those five which are very good about one of the people that took the test let's move on now to more language and
more adjectives on language takeaway part [Music] two language takeaway all right so in this part we're going to take a look at positive attributes about a person right they're all good things about someone that's right and this first one is very good extroverted extroverted a person that's extroverted so a synonym of this word is outgoing okay so it's pretty much the same thing that's right because extro means going out out so in this case someone who is extroverted often meets new people goes out and does social things goes to the movies goes out with friends
meets meets strangers talks to strangers again it's like being outgoing someone who's comfortable with with new people and uh what about the opposite so we said that shy is the opposite of outgoing what would be the opposite for extroverted extroverted opposite is introverted intro means in not out so that means someone who's very shy who is uncomfortable with new people okay and uh well apart from being extroverted the test also said that this person is very diligent ooh diligent is a great word this is a word word you want to hear from your teachers and
your bosses okay if someone says Marco you are very diligent at work what does that mean means you're very careful you always do things very thoroughly and also quickly right when you tell them to do something they do it immediately that's right so a diligent worker always does a good job and does it in a timely manner okay and moving on to our third adjective this one is kind of strange it it kind of sounds like like monogamy but it's magnanimous magnanimous all right magnanimous this is a great word uh we hear this a lot
in the newspaper or on TV about usually famous people he did something very magnanimous or it was a magnanimous gesture this describes a person who does things for the benefit of other people someone who is thinking about the well-being and the health and the um the lives of others so it would be a person that likes to share or a person that's not selfish right so if you donate half of your salary this month to victims of a an earthquake I would say Marco that's so magnanimous of you you're so magnanimous okay awesome and apart
from being magnanimous uh if a person is eloquent I guess that's also a positive attribute oh yeah this is another really good one um someone who is eloquent is a very good speaker M okay this means that when they talk they sound very very good you know someone who's eloquent uses big words but is also very good at making other people listen okay so it's usually about speaking so he you would say he's an eloquent speaker that's right so someone who is eloquent is fun or good or interesting to listen to okay and our last
uh description for personalities and uh the way people are is a person that's daring well this can be a good thing or a bad thing it depends on who you're talking about um because sometimes daring people are also Reckless and this can be dangerous but uh sometimes someone who is daring can be doing good things like a daring business person might take risks that other people don't take okay so a person that's daring uh dares to take risks right you are very daring you Marco are daring because recently you jumped out of an airplane right
you did some skydiving consider daring that's very daring I'm not daring like that because I would never jump out of an airplane right okay so we took a look at basically 10 key words here a lot of adjectives but they are a great way to describe yourself maybe if you're at a job interview you know sometimes the typical question is how would you describe yourself in three using three adjectives I'm extroverted I'm diligent and I'm open-minded yeah that's awesome see you sound really professional when you say give me the job yeah exactly so and even
if you took a look at some of the negative adjectives that we used it's also a typical job interview question is like what are your biggest faults so you can say well maybe I am uh superstitious and naive right you wouldn't want to say that in in job interview but I mean I don't know maybe because you have to say something right you do but I would say um sometimes I'm a bit too daring or sometimes I take things personally uh so well we can talk about that another time but I think for now it'd
be good if we listen to today's dialogue one more time and really got a good sense of how to use these [Music] words okay class settle down I have the results of your individual personality tests I am going to hand them out and if you'd like you can read them out loud to the rest of the class I'll read mine okay go ahead it says here that I am adventurous outgoing and easygoing it says that I'm a little superstitious and occasionally naive that's not true well the test isn't 100% accurate is that all it says
no It also says that I'm openminded with great ambition but that I can also be Reckless and clumsy this is stupid okay anyone else want to read theirs I'll go it says that I'm an extroverted well-balanced person it says I am generous outspoken and very diligent this is so true it also says that I am a magnanimous eloquent and daring this is totally me whatever these tests are baloney all right we're back so now going into descriptions what are three adjectives that you would use to describe someone that is that you hate the most so
going back to describing people how would you describe like one of the main things that really irritate you about someone maybe they if they are clumsy it really bothers you that people are clumsy or Reckless maybe ah I see what you're saying well I really like extroverted hardworking people uh but in English we have a word to describe someone who is too extroverted too hardworking and we call this person a type A personality type A type A the letter A and this means someone who works very very hard who is very very serious but who's
always anxious always needs to get things done right um and so these people can be very hard to work with because they're controlling and they're never calm they're not easygoing no they're not easygoing they always want to do what they want to do they're usually not very good listeners and so this type A personality is something that I would say uh I'm not a big fan of at work uh or or even when we're going out because you know with friends it's hard to be around someone who always has to control you this is very
interesting and I'm sure our listeners have a lot of different ways to describe things that irritate them maybe about people or maybe attributes that they really admire about someone that's right and I want to give everybody a little bit of homework today go home or if you're at home look up a word in the dictionary that describes yourself an adjective to describe yourself describing personalities understanding different people what is personality a personality is the way a person thinks feels and behaves everyone has a different personality which makes people unique and special some people are kind
and friendly While others are serious and quiet some people love talking while others prefer to listen when we describe a person's personality we talk about their character traits a trait is a special quality that makes a person the way they are understanding different personalities helps us communicate better make friends and work with others common words and phrases for describing personality here are some useful words and phrases to describe people's personalities one positive personality traits these are traits that people admire and appreciate friendly a person who is warm and kind mind to others example Emma is
very friendly she talks to everyone and makes them feel welcome kind of person who cares about others and helps them example he is kind to his classmates and always helps them with their homework honest a person who tells the truth and does not lie example she is very honest if she makes a mistake she admits it hardworking a person who works a lot and does their best example John is hardworking he studies every day to get good grades confident a person who believes in themselves example she is confident in public speaking and never feels nervous
patient a person who stays calm and does not get angry quickly example teachers need to be patient because students learn at different speeds create of a person who has many new ideas example he is creative and loves drawing and writing stories generous a person who likes to give and share with others example she's generous and always shares her food with her friends polite a person who has good manners and is respectful example he is polite and always says please and thank you two negative personality traits these are traits that can be difficult or cause problems
rude a person who does not have good manners example he was rude to the waiter and did not say thank you lazy a person who does not like to work or do anything example she is lazy and never does her homework impatient a person who gets angry when they have to wait example he is impatient and does not like waiting in line arrogant a person who thinks they are better than others example she is arrogant and never listens to anyone else's ideas selfish a person who only thinks about themselves example he is selfish and does
not share his toys shy a person who is quiet and afraid to talk to others example she is shy and does not like speaking in class Moody a person whose feelings change quickly example he is Moody sometimes he is happy and sometimes he is angry for no reason bossy a person who likes to tell others what to do example she is bossy and always tells her little brother what to do stubborn a person who does not change their opinion easily example he is stubborn and never admits when he is wrong types of personalities there are
many different types of personalities some people are outgoing While others are quiet some people are serious While others are funny here are some common personality types one the outgoing person an outgoing person is someone who loves meeting people talking and being social they feel happy when they're around others words to describe them friendly talkative confident energetic example Sarah is very outgoing she talks to everyone at school and makes new friends easily two the quiet person a quiet person does not talk a lot and enjoys being alone or with a small group of people words to
describe them shy calm thoughtful patient example David is a quiet person he listens more than he talks and enjoys reading books alone three the funny person a funny person loves to make people laugh and smile they tell jokes and enjoy being happy words to describe them cheerful silly energetic creative example Mike is very funny he always tells jokes and makes people laugh four the serious person a serious person focuses on their work and responsibilities they do not joke much and like to plan things carefully words to describe them responsible hardworking honest organized example Anna is
very serious about her studies she always does her homework on time and gets good grades five the kind and caring person a kind person cares about others and helps them when they need it words to describe them helpful loving generous polite example Emma is kind to everyone she always helps her friends when they have problems how to describe someone's personality in a sentence here are some ways to describe a person's personality he is very friendly and always smiles at people she is a hardworking student who studies every day my brother is shy so he does
not talk much in class our teacher is very patient and never gets angry he is a funny guy who makes everyone laugh why is it important to understand personalities understanding personalities helps us make friends we can find people with similar personalities communicate better we know how to talk to different people work well with others we can understand how different people think solve problems when we understand people's personalities we can avoid misunderstandings conclusion every person is unique because of their personality some people are friendly some are quiet some are serious and some are funny learning how
to describe personalities helps us understand others better and improve our English skills now think about yourself how would you describe your personality are you talkative or shy are you serious or funny try to use the words from this lesson to talk about yourself and the people you know the English pod audio review listen to the meaning then say the vocabulary word ignorant naive having or showing no regard for danger Reckless be careless lacking skill or physical coordinate clumsy easy to entertain new ideas open-minded be quiet settle down showing faith in magic or chance ignorant of
laws superstitious a person concerned more with practical realities extrovert Express Yourself clearly and effectively El quent let's try that faster easy to entertain new ideas open-minded showing faith in magic or chance ignorant of laws superstitious having or showing no regard for danger Reckless Express Yourself clearly and effectively eloquent be care less lacking skill or physical coordinate clumsy ignorant naive a person concerned more with practical realities extrovert be quiet settle down now say the word and hear it in a sentence naive Jake is so naive he believes anything you tell him naive many websites try to
take advantage of naive people naive stop being so naive you cannot believe everything you see on TV Reckless Stanley was arrested for reckless driving reckless you are so reckless you have to be more careful Reckless my wife was Reckless with our finances and so now we are broke open-minded I always keep an open mind towards trying new things open-minded I think Europeans are more open-minded than Latin Americans open-minded Shirley is a very open-minded girl you can talk to her about anything clumsy I am so clumsy I accidentally hit my head with the door clumsy he
is very clumsy he is always dropping things clumsy I can't hold delicate things in my hands I have clumsy fingers eloquent he has an eloquent way of speaking eloquent the priest gave an eloquent sermon About Love Today eloquent he made a very eloquent speech over dinner today [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
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