ORDER IN THE CHURCH | A Word To The Sisters

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Epiphany Fellowship
This week, Dr. Eric Mason preached from 1 Timothy 2:9-15. He explained how the Bible teaches women t...
Video Transcript:
good morning and welcome to the sunday morning experience here at epiphany fellowship church i am thankful and excited that you decided to tune in today it is wonderful to be able to gather as best as possible even with all of the circumstances that we have on all the all of the challenges that we have on my desire and my passion is that we'd all be together soon i'm praying in that stead in that reality and i know you are too i get to see different ones of you on social media and get to kind of
visit you on social media and see what's going on with you so i'm trolling the congregation so if we're friends on social media uh i i come to this page and look at you because i miss each and every one of you and great to see that many of you are living life enjoying life maximizing life still working and still living in god's favor that's the hope for all of us that we walk in god's favor speaking of god's favor next sunday family we will be celebrating 14 years we're going to do something different so
we're going to have uh a a feel the field is going to be a little bit different yeah yeah i mean so it's going to be great for us coming together and celebrating all of the great things that the lord our god has done uh to get us to this point and to impact uh ministry um those of you those of you who are uh continue i want you we want you to continue to pray about our building project we're still moving forward with that um we're building with different community leaders in our community because
one of the one of the uh requirements of our purchase to be able to do all that god has called us to do are we supposed to meet with different community leaders which has been very very good for us very very helpful for us so that we can get the buy-in of the community also build good relationships with people in the community that are in that sector of our city where we'll be building developing relationships with and having partnership with over time that it's going to be a blessing because our community now will have a
ton of ownership and our ownership stake in what we're trying to partner with our neighborhood with to to for us is to proclaim the gospel and practice the gospel for for many of them it's just to build a better life for themselves but we want to show them that jesus christ is the one that helps with that so those of you who have been giving those of you who have still investing in the building project please still do because we're going to have more work to be done and we're look everything's looking great but we
just need to get some buy-in from the community in order for who we're purchasing it from in the city to be able to be able to affirm that we're not just developers trying to make bread but we're people trying to build the kingdom well for them to make the community better and so we'll say we'll take that so keep that lifted up in prayer um let's dig in today so we're back in our series uh today on uh ordering the church i know we abandoned that series months ago that's never happened in the history of
the church you know me i'm really uh ocd about finishing our series however when there is a cultural issue that is a challenge in our malou we must take the particular time to preach an end season and and like my charismatic uh a background would say a rhema word you got to have a rhema for the people a word in season amen a kairos word you gotta have you ought to have a word in season and so we wanted to engage uh really where you were emotionally many of you but not only where you were
emotionally also be willing to engage what some of the things that are happening in our culture that's devastatingly uh obvious that it needs to be addressed and so we wanted to address it from the bible not just out of emotions and anger and intellectual fallacies a to the dog gone men so now we're back in order in the church so you might as well turn over to first timothy chapter two we're in verses 9 through 15. we're in verses 9 through 15. uh uh um um um and as we read this make sure y'all stay
with me there's some good stuff in here whether you like it or not repeat after me all all scripture is inspired by god and profitable for doctrine let's get it family here we go it says in verse 9 it says also women the women are to dress themselves in modest clothing with decency and good sense not with elaborate hairstyles gold pearls or expensive apparel but with good works as is proper for women who profess to worship god a woman is to learn quietly with full submission i do not allow a woman to teach or to
have authority over a man instead she is to remain quiet for adam was formed first then eve and adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and transgressed but she will be saved through childbearing if they continue in faith love and holiness with good sense i want to talk about today uh in our order on the church series a word to the women women come back i want to make sure you with me today because i know um that there's some itching and some uh challenges on some side are you saying what in the
world is past defend to talk about today we'll stay with pastor today god bless you god father we thank you that um your word is a lamp into our feet and a light into our pathway so god i pray that you would speak that you would speak so that we can understand what are the transcendent principles in this passage that are pertinent for our development as christian men and women to understand what order in your church and even the home looks like let the words of our my mouth and the meditations of my heart be
acceptable in your sight oh god our strength and our redeemer and whom we trust in jesus name amen a word to our sisters you know if i'm honest whenever i deal with the text like this i get a little bit nervous if if i'm honest um not for fear of man necessarily somewhat you know but being misunderstood you know one of the things that i i get concerned about is the pulpit being misunderstood but not only the pulpit being misunderstood but god being misunderstood you see sometimes reading scripture and getting in the word of god
and you read passages and you know you're trying to figure out what in the world is really going on um sometimes you can misunderstand god if you read your cultural assumptions into the text without allowing understanding god but then on the other hand it's not just reading cultural assumptions in the text sometimes it's an unwillingness to accept what what god puts in his word into our life because we're more influenced by what's going on out there versus what's going on in here but but i want us to be very very careful all of us this
is this including me or or wishing one of the things that um i kind of sometimes feel i said why the holy spirit why y'all had to word it like this you know uh because it makes it exegetically and biblically crazy as i have to communicate these things but god does all things well and we have to clearly rightfully clearly and rightfully divide the word of truth so but in order to be faithful to god the word you and i must deal with every single verse in the bible and so that's what we're going to
do today with christ at the center with gospel at the center and uh and uh uh uh looking heavenward in the way we look at things you know in a text like this i usually reach out to a few women in the church who i respect and kind of ask their opinion because they're in the bible and they probably spend a lot of time engaging either culture or women or reading and i and i asked some sisters what what are some pitfalls that as a pastor that i can avoid and you'll understand uh some things
about this as we move forward that because one of the things i want to be careful of as well is me because a lot of times we talk about the woman being influenced by culture but i want to be careful that i'm not influenced by culture negatively in how i view the text and how i understand it because of something that's more of a preference a personal preference versus a biblical principle so one of the things that i did is i asked the sisters i said y'all this is what i'm preaching on this is the
i i i said this is the first passage we landed on back in the series um i know it's been a lot going on i know there's a lot going on in culture in a past and a passage like this can kind of trigger things uh in me and in women uh in the church as they listen to it and even men as they listen to it and so i want to be i'm taking this time because i want to be healthier this is what one of the sisters said she says women who don't have
a strong grasp on the totality of the biblical message see this scripture in isolation this is this is brilliant very brilliant she says this passage can never be appreciated as a part of god's immeasurable love and care and purpose for women if you don't see that throughout scripture that's gold this needs to be written somewhere the compassionate preacher she said to me knows we can't read these scriptures without the influence of sexism but women and men need to know they are often mishandled and used to prop up sexism but these words were not inspired by
sexism it's powerful i think that that was a very very helpful uh uh soliloquy if you will to help me to think through this passage because there have been a lot of abuses of this passage um there have been a lot of abuses of women in how scripture is interpreted um everything from you know abuse neglect subjugation hyper chastisement uh uh and even telling when you gotta wear you know gotta we'll get on clothing later but i i want us to understand that this has the the context of this passage is mainly in the context
of the local church and local church governance if you if you don't get that framing out and understanding the nature of the passage you'll run in this passage uh without getting what paul wants us to understand so first point if we are going to wreck our system here and there is a word to our sisters number one and only point are you defining womanhood based on the word or the world real simple are you defining womanhood based on the word in the world now i'm saying this in the context of the church local church application
of this and the and where this is in the passage i just think it's very very important for us to recognize that a lot of it comes from our worldliness or biblical illiteracy in wrapping our minds around biblical concepts and so in starting our past i think it's helpful for me to read what a sister said she said so a woman um she said a woman is an article on desiring god about this right a woman who only considers the boundary as how far too far is really asking the wrong question this is interesting i
want to preface this with this a better question should be do i love what god loves do i treasure what he treasures does what i do with my self indicate that i treasure the things of god and how can i best honor christ and how i engage the scriptures and life i love that so verse 9 says something interesting it says also the women are to dress themselves modestly well in this passage it's in the context of the local church because in verse 8 we saw when we were in this passage last time and when
we were in the verses one through eight that it but it was talking about when we gathered particularly our official gathering together talking about praying for kings and for in our case presidents and governing leaders if you will and then it went all the way for i want the men everywhere to have their hands lifted in other words uh without uh com uh without disputing and complaining in other words the men in the passage were disputing in the congregation so there were a lot of out-of-order things going on in in ephesus and because all of
these out of order things were happening it was spilling over into how they gathered meaning there was a lot of disorganization going on and so paul said i left you there timothy chapter one verse three in order listen to teach certain people not to teach uh strange doctrines and so one of those things is those strange doctrines bad doctrine always leads to bad practice always and so that affected even how they came together because where there's doctrinal dissension there's always going to be this unity and fighting and backbiting and so here he's already addressed the
men and jammed them up and he's going to address the men again and again and again throughout the book but he but he carved out two sections one in chapter five and one here to specifically address the sisters now he in addressing the sisters all of this remember these are the pastoral epistles so it's it's it's it's it's connected more to the governance and order of the church in its specificity so when we talk about um you know women to dress modestly this whole idea uh uh uh the word modest is our word cosmeo where
we get our word cos medics from or cosmetology last time i said that word i said cosmopolitan but this time i got it right cosmetology uh and and and it it talks about if the idea of the word talks about proper arrangement of something so when in the context of this passage when he's saying he's saying uh i i want the women to dress themselves modest it means proper arrangement and so what we don't we're not a lot of times when you hear modesty you hear i'ma i'ma put a dresser to my neck to my
ankles and it's gonna be real real baggy and and that type of thing that that's not necessarily mean proper arrangement modestly it is very very important but one of the things you got to recognize is he's mixed i meant to mention this earlier everything so far is very gender specific oriented before this you had uh the word specifically for men here for women is very specific to women so it's not everybody it's not general human beings in a feminine way it's saying it it's speaking specifically to women about modesty that doesn't mean that men don't
need to be modest but that wasn't the issue in this passage culturally we'll talk about that at some point not in this message he said so dressing themselves modestly of course points to proper arrangement so what does this mean now what doesn't this mean this doesn't mean you this is a license to be homely eight of the men on steroids somebody that doesn't mean that you could go around and you you you know the bible says you know and you walk around and i'm not talking about people who can't afford i'm not shaming anybody i
know we're in a pandemic some folk can't get their hair done because you know quarantine ministry whatever it's just i'm just saying what it doesn't mean it doesn't mean it's a license to look outwardly crazy i'm not trying to be mean pray for me though as this goes on okay it doesn't mean the neck to ankle dress this this is not a verse for no makeup it's not what this pastor is talking about at to the all um and it doesn't mean dresses only like you know not wearing what's pertaining to a man and you
know the whole you know thing where certain churches holiness churches you know don't believe that women should wear pants and this all that has nothing to do with this passage so so so let's so so but what does it mean it doesn't mean be careful it doesn't mean careful you know based on your body type i'll let you ladies discuss that i don't need to describe women's body types but some of you have certain body types where you have to be extra careful at what you allow to come into the gathering amen specifically it's talking
about the gathering okay we talk about the beach but we can talk about what's appropriate but that doesn't have anything to do with what this passage is about this is about coming to the gathering that don't mean you come to the gathering um looking crazy but it doesn't it does mean that you could come to the gathering with moderate dressing you can look nice and we're going to talk about actually there's there is an exegetical emphasis on looking nice in the passage and come but it's out of order to come in and i'm talking about
the same systems we're not we're not going to be policing unsaved sisters that come in well that's not that's not what we're doing they come in you let them come as they are and in other words we're not trying to pre-converge and disciple them into a sanctified external disposition without a chained soul okay so that that's not what we're going to do we're talking to y'all to save and those that y'all that know better aids of the men in jesus name so that means when we gather and he's going to talk about that because a
lot because women in this time particularly in corinth you see it a little bit in ephesus that when they became christians there were certain restraints on women and culture and there were certain freedoms in culture where they viewed christ as freeing them for particular things so they're free to do particular things that they want to do but being a christian freedom i'm getting ahead of myself but freedom doesn't mean to lack restraint freedom i know i'm preaching now freedom is the ability to willfully put on god-ordained boundaries and see and trust god that what he
set up is freedom not in doing what i want to do turning into freedom because many of us think doing what we want to do is freedom that's never nobody can just do what they want to do and view that as freedom my kids can't do that in my house i'm like well i don't feel like i'm free well you can live somewhere else you understand you know but but but the idea of freedom in christ for freedom here set you free woman of god and you're free to be beautiful but you're not free to
do what you want with your physical appearance in gatherings and beyond right so it should be you know modest i like one commentary it says having characteristics and qualities that evoke admiration does what you wear and not now somebody can take that the wrong way but um does what you wear evoke admiration now we're not talking about um you know admiration i mean i can't you know it's it's kind of interesting because there's one sense where you're not coming around in the church now i'm talking to those who we're not talking about describing you in
relation to men but for those who want to be married you should look good coming to church you should look fine coming to church but but you shouldn't be revealing there's a thin line between i look good but then you you you you you you you know uh working out the fineness of the details amen so it is nothing wrong with being admirable but this admirable is more with the content of the character and how the content of the character shows itself up and you showing restraint all right but it should evoke delight but also
the idea of the word is respectability it's respectability does what you wear invoke man i respect her because some because some people with what you're working with i'm being very you know gracious in my terms with what you're working with being gracious is knowing that you're working with it and figuring out ways to not show everything you're working with okay so um so so so so we're talking about the suitability and beauty of that right that's why first peter 3 3 says your adornment must not merely be external braiding of the hair we'll talk about
the whole hair thing because this is so taken out of context wearing gold jewelry or putting on dresses right even though anyway yeah we want to be careful with that right but i can't one of the things i can't tell you how mind-blowing it can be the response over the years that i've gotten from actual christian women when it comes to preaching a passage like this that contains exaltations just and i know that there are ways that women need to talk about this in your own circles where you need to work through the nuances and
all of those things right but but but there should be a an attentiveness for you as a woman to say if if this is in the realm of godliness how do i live as a godly woman and how i present myself in gatherings where the brother i don't see listen the bible isn't against a man looking at a woman and being attracted to her that's in genesis right that's in that's several times in genesis they're healthy ones and they're unhealthy ones right throughout the bible there's nothing the song of songs is i mean that's in
the context of marriage but which i mean god knows god created attraction he created by he noticed that but there's there's one sense of that but there's another sense of creating something that goes over the board so christian people we need to be committed to walking in a sense of restraint as a sign of freedom and so we're going to talk about that in a second right so we look at this idea of modesty and working through the whole idea of modesty in verse 9 it says should be modest clothing with decency um the word
can be translated self-consciously modest so it's like modest but then self-consciously modest decency is that that's the idea there self-conscious timidity about being careful of saying i want to be attractive as a woman but i want to be careful of what what overt attraction can do to my brothers because i want my brothers to worship god not me in other in other words when it comes to the gathering uh the gathering is for the saints to gather together to worship god not look at you now there is a look at eunice that's gonna happen because
there's nothing wrong with the brother saying i think she's attractive and i would like to approach her to marry or whatever or just saying i i just think she's attractive nothing wrong when you're not saying it to everybody brothers like you're attractive sister you're attracted today like you're wilding like brothers chill right we're just talking about um just in general just the idea of oh okay um because looking crazy can be just as the distraction is looking too great amen so so so so that whole idea where a woman's godliness always makes her in a
way not hyper sensitive but in a way what she thinks through man is this doing is this doing too much work you don't understand what i'm saying you know is it doing too much work but then it says the next one is and good sense it's it's kind of like saying the same thing in a different way the idea of this word means having sound judgment in what you wear it's having sound judgment which means to be wise you'll see that the idea of that word in titus practicing prudence but listen what it says it
says not with elaborate hairstyles gold pearls expensive apparel now let's talk about what this means so when it's talking about hairstyles in their culture hair was a massive deal in in the east and and this is turkey ephesus is in turkey so you know in that area of what we call asia minor you know hair was a big deal there was you either had your hair covered or if it was uncovered like some women let their hair fall down to their shoulders uh uh uh uh uh uh it says which found on the of the
back of their shoulders and held an elaborate hairdo but they would have veils over part of their head right but it says only a shady woman this is back then not talking about now only a shady woman or one in mourning would appear in public with hair untied or unveiled so in their context the principle is a woman making a hair made a statement about something in your life on the side of women if you were unveiled many times they viewed you as a prostitute or you were or you were a widow or someone mourning
their husband for a season because they don't feel covered anymore right so so that's the principle of that idea but a woman just walking around with her hair uncovered you know uh uh you know that wouldn't have been back then something viewed as a good thing particularly in the gathering because it's communicating certain things to men in the congregation about the woman's openness to being with other men right so today we have to be careful of saying you know don't have elaborate heads because hairstyles today isn't the same as it was back then you could
come in the gathering with a a great hairstyle you know don't be too distracted now you know because i know you know we got some upgrades in our days and but but but but with this passage let me let me give you something very practical this passage is not a boycott of beauty that is not what this passage is this passage is a boycott of being distracting those are two different things because in other words in other words having how do i gather with the saints all of us need to think about this not just
women how do i gather with the saints and everything about me encourages everybody to look to christ wow what if all of us thought like that right that's the principle here the principle is how do i go to the gathering that doesn't mean we don't wear nice stuff that's not what i'm saying but how do i make sure that what i look like points to jesus what i want to do in us coming together points us to christ and sets our hearts and affections on him that's that's that's the desire that we have right so
it's about being careful to be a distraction so what does it say in verse 10 it says but with good works this is what she should be as a as is proper for women who profess god it means the old idea of professing god means to fear him to stand in all of the reality of him to take him seriously as tanaka would say as old testament say so in other words as a woman who takes god seriously now let's take it above clothing now i want to take what god says about the order of
women in the church seriously because it's not about what i feel it's about my fear of god or my faith in god right so when you look at that as a reality family of god we we have to begin to ask ourselves the question what in this text does it look like to fear god now this is where this is the i'mma get mad part of the passage for some of y'all right but i want to break it down and help us all to see this in a very very clear and multifaceted way that i
think will extend the boundaries of cultural foolishness to be pressed out and canceled in our minds verse 11 it says a woman is to learn quietly and full of submission so what was happening in this passage what this passage is saying not that the women should all be quiet all the time in the church i know somebody said see that's why i'm a christian now something i see this passage is something something different about it so this is not today and all that well the idea of a woman being acquired in church is really more
of a disposition of humility um and also there were probably women in ephesus that when the doctrinal time was going on they were attempting during that particular time to invade based on the context of the book chapter 1 verse 3. men were doing the same remember that's why verse eight says submit and stop fighting right there were women also disrupting the teaching in the doctrinal moment of the church and so he's saying he told men y'all lift your hands women y'all be quiet during that time that's that has nothing to do with saying amen he
has everything to do with disrupting doctrine going forth that's what this past is about then it says in full submission submission is a word that has been misused submission means falling into and this is for men too falling into your god-ordained place in the kingdom that's really all it means it's a military term for rank where's your rank function in your rank function where god puts you and wherever god placed you maximize it that's the idea of submission but submission many times looks like being under tyranny versus being under christ that's the big idea of
submission and so when we talk about this it says in verse 12 this is the humdinger it says i do not allow a woman to teach or to have authority over a man instead she is to remain quiet okay so when we look at this verse this is very very important for us to understand when you look at this verse and it's talking about i do not allow a woman to teach him saying i do not allow is not him saying this is personal preference right um that's not what he is saying when he says
i do not allow a woman to teach or have authority over a man finding this place in my notes it's important the idea is having or assuming a stance of independent authority now when we look at this idea of teaching men it's not talking about teaching men at all times specifically in the gathering where doctrinal standards are set that's why right after this it talks about the role of the elder now when we talk about doctrinal standards in the church this is what it means this is what we as a church believe and must be
fundamentally on the same mind on right so we talk about doctrinal standards it's not saying a woman can't teach a man it's saying women can't set doctrinal standards in the church because what was wrong unsound doctrine was going forth so you can so and there are other places in scripture where we can see that if if if he was absolutely saying this then it's a huge contradiction so the idea is what the elders are supposed to do which we'll see um after anniversary sunday is we'll see they're supposed to set the doctrinal standards in the
church the whole idea of what we believe about christ what do we believe about the kenosis what do we believe about the two natures of christ what do we believe about the bible and inerrancy what do we believe about soteriology what do we believe about sanctification what do we believe about church structure those doctrinal setting things right and this is to be submitted to not only by women but non-uh uh non-ordained men who are congregants so this is not specific to just women men aren't supposed to set the doctrinal standards if they're not elders the
issue is paul is expressing challenge to deductional standards being set in the church by women now somebody said why can't a woman woman got we need to talk about what you can do mentally we talk about what is god's design let me say that again it's not about one woman can do this better than you i mean sometimes y'all can like but at the end of the day it's god's standards and the question is this is not misogyny somebody say well that's misogynistic misogyny has nothing to do with this because it's not saying a woman
can't doesn't have the fundamental ability to do it god wants to show forth his strength in you by you willingly submitting to the ordained role that he's given you in order to set the tone for order in the church the church is the only spiritual entity where there's always constant public fighting about the roles of men and women i it bewilders me in our city how and this is not to not christian women because there are a lot of christian women that walk in this in power and view it as an empowerment versus a dehumanizing
aspect but muslim women walk around with a whole garbage i mean i just be like but the men don't have to do that but the women have to do they have to cover themselves so you know they'll submit to a hebrew israelite women the stuff they submit to it's unbelievable but in the church excuse me in the church um in the church it seems that there's can can be this pushback where a removal of function or a restriction of function can be viewed as a point of inequality right um um there is in other words
just because listen i i i i i i think that men and women in the church at their best is when they're functioning where god placed them now based on the scripture it's very very simple with this reality i mean the godhead functions based on order function the father and the son and the spirit have different roles but the same essence period god the father elects god the son saves god the spirit seals it's not jesus's job to seal us it wasn't the holy spirit who became human it wasn't the father who became human they
didn't get mad at the other one because they had a role that they didn't have jesus didn't get mad because the father elects he doesn't it's just the way it works and the way jesus sees it in the way the spirit sees it is the godhead works best when i'm doing what i'm supposed to do but guess what i'm equally god with the father me not doing what the father does doesn't make me less deity because we're one see that's the point of understanding listen the relationship between men and women it has tri triune implications
our role in community as believers all of us have different body parts i mean functions in relation to our gifts if you haven't been assigned that particular gift don't try to do that gift but does that mean because that person that's first corinthians 12 because that person has that particular gift does that make them less a member of the body of christ no it's just you're putting value on something for who you are that god doesn't put value on in relation to who you are that's very important for us to understand and so here when
he says i would not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man that's what he is saying setting doctrinal standards but for example you know these verses have been abused and in many ways i i i i say even ignored by some they've been abused by some and ignored by others i say these verses you know is you know some people think it puts the foot on the neck of women right but a lot of people don't know that even timothy or pastors or leaders in the church had restrictions on who they
could teach timothy in first timothy chapter five verse two is giving restrictions about how he relates to younger women says tells him to rebuke don't rebuke a older man sharply or older woman shouting but appeal to them as undermined restriction um next do not rebuke a older man sharply but repeal him as a son to a uh up to a brother rather and then to to if don't rebuke a younger woman sharply but appeal to her as a brother with all purity so then you go over to titus 2 timothy isn't told to teach the
young women it's i mean titus he said teach what according to sound doctrine chapter 2 verse 1. then that next verse says teach the older men then the next verse says teach the older women then it says teach the older women to teach the young women it didn't tell timothy to teach the younger women why because he had restraints put on him because he was supposed to teach doctrinal standards to the older men he was able to teach doctors standards to the older women and he was able to teach doctrinal standards to the younger men
after that but the doctrinal standards in the church in practical community or women's ministry or our application of that would be salt was the doctrinal standards that are set by the church under the authority of the doctrinal standards that have been set by the church the older women are to teach the younger women that's biblical church order family i hope y'all are getting this today and so when we talk about this idea of laying this out this is very very important so not to have authority a woman can do anything in the church itself would
be a pastor that's it and i know hearing can't just some of y'all but i say be free all right listen to me let anybody listen be free you don't want this anyway you don't want it it it it looked good sometimes but it comes with more than what it looked like um but this idea here is very very important now he gives a theological principle i'm out your way so i wanted to make sure i took my hope i took my time with this thing with y'all today because i really wanted us to get
this and so it says for adam was formed first then eve so what is he saying he's using the order of creation as a way to talk about function you know the law of firsts functions and order comes in this right and so if this was only temporary he made this a universal principle by going back to adam prior to the fall so that means it wasn't the fall that created order in the home and order in order in community right order and governance community but it's pre-fall it was god's intention in the first place
right it says adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and transgressed so what is he saying he is saying here that he wants women to be careful of being deceived by the devil that another way that they're called to function listen it should be viewed as a biblical function it's very important because deception is something that the devil will use the devil always makes you think that god hasn't given you enough of something and when he makes you think you got didn't get enough of something it makes you stop thinking about what he
actually gave you and maximizing it that's what the enemy did did god say why can't you eat from that tree why can't you and that's what the enemy does the enemy asks you illegitimate uh uh uh questions that lead to illegitimate outlets that's what he always does but it says here but she was she will be saved through childbearing it's singular here she not they she will be saved through childbearing talking about eve how is eve saved through childbearing it's not talking about salvific it's almost delivered from deception because jesus was born ultimately as the
seed genesis 3 15. he said and then it says if they talking about all women now saved through childbearing if they listen continue in faith love holiness and good sense what does that verse mean simply put it just means when you trust in christ and what he's ordained you to do you save yourself from deception don't talk about soteriological deception or salvific deception it's something practical deception about who you are as a woman that's that's what the verse means i hope you see it it went from singular to plural to let us know what that
means for everybody in relation to this passage right but let's look at a few things and then i'm out your way um so you know women all over the bible had capabilities in doing all kinds of things listen i'm gonna name some women they'll put them on the screen women being used in other capacities you got deborah the prophetess judges four through five she prophesied first corinthians 11 talks about women prophecy prophesying if you got the gift of prophecy it needs to be submitted to leadership just like anybody else and the let the subject that
the spirit of the prophets be subject to the spirit of the prophets right yeah and of the prophets prophetess in luke chapter two says some of y'all say that's the old testament look in luke chapter 2 verses 36-38 you got esther the deliverer you in in the book of esther you have jael who was uh helped out israel as a gentile in judges chapter 4 verses 17 through 21 mary magdalene the witness who first preached and did even engaged in uh uh letting the apostles know they were the first to see jesus resurrected and communicated
so that's the one of the greatest thing in this shoot a woman got to see him and be the first to tell the apostles that john 20 11 through 18. miriam the prophetess you know miriam was a prophetess exodus 15 20 and 21. the woman at the well john 4 she wouldn't told an entire town of samaritans about jesus they came and got saved mary mother of mark was a hostess in acts chapter 14 verses 1 through 17. she was a serenian jew from north africa hosting people uh-oh some of y'all got that phoebe was
a church leader in acts chapter 16 verse one and two you see uh you see uh priscilla the missionary and evangelist and disciple maker in acts you see it i see it in acts you see in acts 20 all the way through you see you so so so we're not saying that women don't have the ability to teach the willingness to teach we see women teaching men at times and should we sing a priscilla with her husband aquila under his authority uh uh correcting already set doctrine in engaging him under her husband very different right
see how that works so this is very very important things that we must understand so women are free to do anything except the role of the elder in the church okay but she's free to do so many other things but listen jesus in the incarnation family gave up privileges and submitted to the father's will jesus the bible says he didn't view equality with god a thing to be grasped why because he already knew he was equal with god he knew this he set aside independent use of his attributes for his incarnation for 33 years without
he didn't use him without the father's permission he's god but had to get permission to use his deity but in his independence in his incarnation he set aside the willingness to do that in order to be fully human for a greater good and a greater purpose jesus christ submitted to the order that the god that the father put in place in order to do the thing that we all needed and that was to save us from our sin and guess what guess what family what can we be saved from if men and women in the
church submitted to their role if men got into their ordained places in the home all of them whether single or married we're not just talking about in relation to marriage we're not just talking we're talking about just men being men sensible based on titus ii right what if older men fell into their place of dignity titus 2 says what if older women matured didn't just dog to younger women but found ways to grow spiritually and connect to proper spiritual outlets and were a healthy non-toxic place for younger women to get discipled what if that happened
what if women didn't have the drag men the church would if what if what if what if guys that end up coming to church didn't have to date a girl just to come to church but he came to church because he wanted to right listen what's on my order we want all orders it's not just this it's everything falling into his proper ordained place ephesians 5 21 submit one to another submit to where god has placed you teach one another exhort one another spur one another along to loving good deeds that's what men and women
in community are supposed to do we're supposed to encourage each other and point one another to the lord jesus christ man i hope i hope that that was helpful for you um i hope that you can go back look at scripture listen and form a bibliocentric opinion about this let me tell you something idea about it not opinion i have friends that differ from me on this i didn't lose friendship with them um i still have a relationship with them so this is not a deal-breaker when it comes to friendships and fellowshipping with other churches
i have female friends that are pastors this is not a deal breaker for my friendship with them i'm not saying i'm going to go out and the center of our conversation is going to be about their role in the church i'm not going to do that i'm going to love them and treat them like a sister in christ as a matter of fact in our neighborhood if we all have to march together and we're out there and the female pastors out there in front of everybody as far as the world knows we're on one page
i'm a caller pastor whatever reverend whatever why because the world ain't the world's business what we got to work through as a church that ain't got nothing to do with none of that so we're not partying with believers and saying they're they're off they're going ahead that's not what we're saying we just differ on a non-essential doctrine so anyway love you guys hope that's helpful one of the ways that we always show our unity every time we gather is through communion community is a time where your title goes in the toilet who you are in
the world goes down the drain communion is a time to celebrate the in him there's no male no female no jew no greek no slave no free no none of none of that matters but the only thing that matters family is that we know him and that he died for us and brought us into one body the sheepfold together on the night that jesus was betrayed he took the bread gave it to his disciples and said this is my body which is given for you let us eat together after the passover meal and the bitter
herbs he said this is my blood blood of the new and everlasting covenant that was shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sin let us drink together amen don't forget next sunday we celebrate 14 years family together man i'm so excited and i'm glad we're going to be together see you then let's pray father thank you for this time i pray for your people that you will keep your people safe and those who need healing healing those who need breakthroughs breakthroughs those who need provision provision and those who need uh uh their
part soul rewarded with the rivers of living water of your presence where you do it now one of him was able to keep you from stumbling and to present you faultless before it's thrown with exceeding gladness and joy to him our god and savior be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever everybody agree with that said amen god bless you take care love you by god's grace see you next week
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