if you're not excited about waking up in the morning if you're sitting around bored out of your mind if you got time to do everything anybody asks you to do if when you tell your dreams to all your friends it makes sense to them you got your lid on man your dreams should not make sense to everybody you got to say something to make people go how you gonna do that that's when you got the lid off but like I always say life is 10 what happens to you is 90 what you do about it
the first step is getting completely and brutally honest enough to say I am tired of myself when you say I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired that's the facilitator of change that's when you're ready to say these words no more excuses no more excuses clear in your in your in what you intend to achieve know what you are going to do that doesn't seem like too much to ask certainly in war and you wouldn't think it would be too much for people to ask in their lives either their precious lives as precious as
these 58 000 that died in Vietnam Heroes but how often do we see people going through their lives without knowing what they are trying to do without having any intent without having a clear Mission I'm talking on an individual level as a person people go through their lives without knowing what it is they want to do what they want to accomplish so know what your mission is know what your intent as the commander of your life know what your intent is and then fight with everything you've got to win but the reason I'm here is
I Dream Big Dreams I dream the kind of dreams that other people said would not be possible I'm also living proof this isn't a Hollywood movie I come literally from the other side of the tracks if you saw where I grew up and we took a picture of it the neighborhood the setting you say it's not you impossible that someone could come from there and get here but it is possible not to sound to try it's possible because we still live in a country with an entrepreneurial spirit is so alive and so well and anyone
in this country if you dream big and surround yourself with great people and leave your ego at the door and share a success with others and have a little luck along the way you can do anything but there will be people along the way and I remember this who will say to you you know you're dreaming too big it's not possible those things just can't happen don't allow anyone friend family acquaintance teachers whoever it is don't allow anyone to tell you that what you are dreaming for yourself and your family is not possible it is
possible don't be one of those people 20 years from now are going to be walking around in a nine to five job miserable and angry and bitter because you let your dreams get away from you because you did not believe strongly enough in yourself and what was possible don't allow that to happen this is an unbelievable time and I can't encourage you enough to continue to think that things are possible and that your dreams can come true the only reason you keep seeing the resin is you as you think about where you are but life
the universe or God is just testing you because there is another level there's a level where all your dreams are realized there's a level that you've always dreamed about it is real it has not gone away but it takes that extra Burst when you think there's nothing left there's no way you've tried everything 10 million times and you keep going it's almost like God is saying if you keep hitting this wall enough times I will see that you will not stop that you will filled with that level of determination faith and courage and then the
door opens and you get to that next level but most people don't know is the next level is just two millimeters above and it's called outstanding ladies and gentlemen outstanding [Music]