Find Enlightenment & End Suffering Using The LAW OF ONE | Aaron Abke

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André Duqum
@AaronAbke explains how to call forth our awakening by understanding The Law of One. The Law of One ...
Video Transcript:
every experience that we have is like a catalyst that is there to provide an opportunity for growth like you said I grew up pastor's kid deeply religious devout Christian became a pastor had an Awakening out of religion at 23 and was like I don't believe any of this stuff anymore that led to an experience at 27 where I literally laughed myself into Enlightenment and it was just absolute Bliss everywhere I looked now I'd actually tasted what heaven was like I don't want to live a second in this state knowing that that State's available what we
are is much more complex than we realize everything religion teaches you it's not that it's not true it's that it's way more true than you realize the loved one to me gives a more satisfying answers to these questions than any text I've ever come across the whole universe is this amazing dance of cooperation it's this endless flow of giving and receiving in the Oneness of reality all your needs are met because you're one with reality so it can't leave you out love can't leave anything out only what I have not given can ever be lacking
thank you hello beautiful humans welcome back to the know thyself podcast where every single week we get the honor and the privilege to sit down with a brilliant mind and open heart who can help us in conversation know ourselves in the world at deeper and deeper levels uh this conversation is very much in alignment uh with the theme of this podcast which is to know thyself it's why I feel like I'm personally here what I would love to do with this show is to alleviate suffering to help us know ourselves at deeper and deeper levels
and my guest today is very very in alignment with that ethos he is somebody that was raised as a pastor's kid in an Evangelical Church and through his own series of Awakenings in his life he's now come to this place where he's an educator a teacher a YouTuber and shares a lot of beautiful wisdom online and teachings and understandings from the law of one and all about Enlightenment how to ascend and alleviate suffering in this Human Experience so without further Ado Aaron abke thanks for coming on the show brother thanks for having me man really
looking forward to this conversation and uh big fan of your podcast you have uh just consistently the most incredible guest so honored to be a part of your lineup and to just uh get deep with you today man yeah man you're incredible so welcome to the club thank you bro yeah man this uh like I said there's just so much simpatico in terms of what we can dive into today and uh I'm excited to see all the Avenues in which we do I want to start wide and then go deep into different micro topics so
we'll start a little bit more macro from your understanding why do you feel like we incarnate [ __ ] into this Human Experience to forget ourselves like why do we choose to forget who we are that might be the most common question I get on on YouTube or any content I create and um from a like third density level that seems like a a rational question right but we we do have to zoom out to answer that question and uh this is why I love the law of one so much because the law of one
if you want to provide some context also yeah if you're not familiar with the law of one it's a channeled text from the early 1980s it was from a group of UFO researchers who were trying to kind of figure out what this UFO phenomenon is all about back in the 70s 80s there was a lot of like Rising UFO activity and this group had a really brilliant idea which was basically if we want to understand who these beings are and why they're here we should probably be a lot more interested in their philosophy and their
spirituality than in their technology and so they started uh channeling to try and contact extraterrestrials who are here in our plane and I think they did that for the better part of 12 years until they uh at one point had a woman come to the group as all men so that was their first mistake right um and it was the girlfriend of one of the guys in the group her name was Carla ruakart and uh as it just seems to be true women are just more natural channelers than men so she's like oh what's this
channeling thing you guys are doing and she learns and immediately is like this epic Next Level Channel One Day the story the story is that she was um giving a lesson to a student on channeling and she was demonstrating it and this contact comes through which identifies itself as Raw and the leader of the group's name was Don Elkins and he was listening to this and was like oh my this is a truly profound contact they'd had a little bit of success but not anything truly genuine like that so he was like we got to
do a dedicated you know channeling session with this so they got three people together Carla the channel who had lay down go into a deep trance she had no memory of whatever transpired in the sessions uh blindfold on the whole works Don Elkins was the questioner and then Jim McCarty was described who was recording and documenting everything so they go through 106 um channeling sessions with this entity named raw Over a four-year period where they're just asking Rob about the nature of the universe and questions like you just asked why do we come here why
are our souls doing this why evolve why reincarnate and the law of one just I've read a lot of channeled Works um the loved one to me gives a more satisfying answers to these questions about the nature of the universe and the soul and all of that than any text I've ever come across and this is one of the feedbacks I always hear from my students and viewers on YouTube is that when they get into the law of one there's this strong resonance with the material where you're like I know this information already you know
yeah and so um we can get into that but but essentially what the lava one says is that all the universe is one being and you are a aspect a fractal of that one being that is in the process of knowing itself and it knows itself through a journey of evolution over many many lifetimes which we call reincarnation and then the law of one lays out a blueprint or a map of that trajectory that is called the seven densities of Consciousness and you really can't answer that question or at least I can't adequately without understanding
that model because that model shows you this is why we we do this and why we incarnate here and why this journey has unspeakable purpose and Beauty to it yeah it's beautiful I love how you kind of alluded to it's like remembering the truth that are that you already know it's already present right that's why you can't you can't find truth it's not like you lost it as you realize that it's already here you know and so having these Channel attacks and individuals who can bring profound amounts of information and light through them to explain
and give the best that they can the ability to explain in the English language what the hell is going on in this wild experience we call being human yes um and so just to to kind of wrap this up for this first part why we kind of choose to Incarnate why we come here the purpose of ourselves is to know ourselves so from the understanding of the seven densities why continually choose back and forth to to forget ourselves and to remember ourselves and to forget ourselves and to have to know ourselves what is that what
contrast the experience of that contrast what is that providing for us as Souls yeah yes such a great question and that's one of those questions that the law of one gives an amazingly satisfying answer to the short answer is that of those seven densities the third density which is the one we're all experiencing right now is actually the only one where we forget our past lives uh the first two there's nothing to forget yet uh but after three we go through four through seven with full knowledge memory of all past lives and whatnot so there's
a there's a certain reason why the Creator designed this density level to have what's what they call the veil of forgetting why we don't get to remember our past lives and who we are why we're here the nature of Oneness the truth of the universe we don't get that information inherently we have to earn it right and that's because the law of one says that there's a very important choice taking place in third density which is essentially the Soul's choice of which polarity it wants to be on its evolutionary Journey most people listening might think
that that's a novel idea like they haven't heard that that there's actually two choices we could call the path of light or the path of Darkness the law of one calls it the positive polarity and the negative polarity the service to others path or the service to self path Every Soul has to decide which one of those two polarities it wants to be in order to make it out of this realm you know escape the wheel of samsara and these two polarities it's it's just like chemistry or something these are um you know we talk
about how the universe is fractal where we see the same patterns as we zoom out right they look a little different but we see the architecture right so as a Quantum particle has to have a charge you know electrons are negative charge protons are a positive charge every particle has to have a charge in order to do what's called work in chemistry work is uh the definition of work means your ability to cause change in your environment to act upon your environment unless a particle has a charge it can't do work and so raw says
in the law of one that you're like that your Consciousness is like a Quantum particle that needs a charge to do work in consciousness and so the I guess we could get into the seven densities if you want to map it out but basically Consciousness begins in the first density which correlates to the first chakra the the seven densities are like the macrocosm version of our seven chakras so if you know what the chakras are and what they represent you have a huge leg up in understanding the densities first the first density is the density
of pure being where Consciousness comes into space-time and think of it like a newborn baby or something you know Consciousness as you know is just infinite in nature and uh unchanging right so when it experiences physical existence it has to start from the beginning which is earth water fire air and space the five elements so the first density of Consciousness is the five elements and at some point all of us as a soul experienced that density for billions and billions of years and once Consciousness gains enough data in the first density it starts to evolve
into the second density which is the density of growth and movement so you know in first density stars explode planets form around a star eventually the oceans and the land you know Harden the planet kind of crystallizes and then now we have an ocean and there's the ability for habitable life to form and then in that ocean eventually it will start to evolve like microbial life or whatever and that goes through you know fish animals plants insects that whole spectrum is second density anything that can interact with its environment as an individual would be a
second density life form so then Consciousness spends another at least on this planet like two and a half billion years before human beings were evolved and once Consciousness gains enough data in the second density second chakra it evolves into the third density which is where Consciousness does this really amazing thing where it kind of um sort of flips in on itself and becomes an object to itself we call that I am or self-awareness so when Consciousness becomes self-aware when it knows that it exists that's third density and so I'll pause for a second to explain
density to the viewers who may not understand that term and thus you want to jump in please so density refers to the amount of light that Consciousness is experiencing so the more light is available the more information is available and the more information is available the more ability Consciousness has to express itself so like when you look at your dog or your cat for example that's a second density life form there's a clear difference in your animal's State of Consciousness and yours there's a whole plane of your Consciousness that's totally unavailable to your dog or
your cat they you can't have a conversation with them they can't understand why your stock went down that day and why you're depressed like there's so much that the animal is not aware of that's because they're on a different density level of Consciousness so the you know the filter that Consciousness is funneling into is a little bit narrower for the animal and it just keeps widening as we go through the densities and so when you become when when Consciousness becomes self-aware that's the beginning of the third density and that I I like to call it
the density of Separation because as soon as I have a concept that I'm an individual I have needs that need to be met I have to survive well then you become maybe a threat to my survival right and an obstacle for me to overcome or something for me to conquer and possess and enslave and all these different options but Unity is not yet available to Consciousness so that's why every sacred text will say you know we are at our core innocent we're not evil just because humans do evil things doesn't mean that's our nature we're
just unaware of the truth of the universe right yeah it's like a scarcity Paradigm is inevitable if there's an inherent belief of Separation absolutely so yeah um yeah walk us through that transition from 3D to 4D so Consciousness essentially evolves in third density by suffering greatly and at the at the hands of that suffering Consciousness will begin to move into the next density the fourth density which correlates to the heart chakra and it will start to gain this awareness of like okay it's true that we're experiencing different bodies but does that mean we're fundamentally separate
like maybe there's a sameness here of some sort maybe we're like the same essence or energy that's a fourth density understanding so most of the people like walking down the street right now outside this building aren't on that frequency yet right they're still just locked in separation so they can't be judged but they will continue to suffer from that awareness until it forces them to have a more loving view of reality so another great way to look at the densities is as the color wheel yeah because the chakras have colors right Consciousness doesn't just jump
from level to level it's a gradual shift right it's like a spectrum yeah exactly so let's say that so the solar plexus is the yellow Ray Energy Center heart chakra is the green ray Energy Center um Humanity as of 2012 our planet actually was began becoming magnetized to the fourth density level and that only happens raw says because of the procession of the Equinox we have that 25 000 year cycle every time uh Ross says just like the ticking of a clock or something the planets are just like clocks in space when it comes back
around after that 25 000 year cycle around the Galaxy it's it it is available to graduate to the next density if and only if 51 or greater of the collective Consciousness is on a fourth density level yeah and then the planet itself the energy web of the planet goes from yellow to Green but that happens slowly right so as of 2012 we're technically a fourth density Planet but we're still carrying all our third density Karma right so we have a lot of Shadow work to do first before we can become true color green and that's
what we're seeing play out in the collective right now all the darkness coming up but it's as if Humanity we've been in yellow for hundreds of thousands of years and now we're able to see the first shade of lime green in our planetary Consciousness yeah before we go on to the last three I think it's just a really beautiful understanding to see how we're always as individuals going to perceive reality depending upon what level of Consciousness we're at so if we're at a red orange yellow level of Consciousness then we're going to see life metaphorically
in that orange you know red yellow you got it um level of Consciousness I really love Ken Wilbur's uh breakdown of this in spirituality and he also has a book of spectrums of Consciousness where he breaks down the different levels and how you could have the same experience of life like the same thing Could Happen externally but it's complete how you perceive it as completely different internally right so you could have an inherent luminous experience of of connectedness and at a certain level maybe at a red or an orange level of Consciousness you're going to
perceive that perhaps if you're indoctrinated in a Dogma or a religion to be connected with one person for example Jesus as the you know as a savior energy and it's it's him speaking to you in that way versus a ultraviolet level of Consciousness that you're operating at and you experience it as Christ Consciousness and the inherent interconnectedness of all life um so is there anything you want to speak to how we do very much so perceive the level of Consciousness we're at um and then we'll go from there yeah so so let's go back to
that choice yeah that's available here we can choose to be a what they call a positively polarized being or a negatively polarized being and the way we do that they sort of name those polarities as a miniature description of how you transcend the opposite polarity so the positive path is called the service to others path because being of service to others is how you transcend your negative polarity now the law one also says that the Creator does not blink at the light or the darkness it has no judgment the negatives just as valid as the
positive you know the whole universe is comprised of these two polarities right we need them both so the negative absolutely plays a role um but there are different consequences let's say to which one you choose and so the service to self path you transcend your positivity by being of service to yourself and the key distinction here is that all service is service to self because there's only one self but let's say the positive polarity serves Itself by always serving the whole it's always in service to the whole everything you do in your daily life you
have the whole in mind all of creation that's what we call love the negative being serves itself at the cost of the whole right like at the expense of the hole in fact it actually is taking from the hole to serve the part that's the negative polarity and that polarity progresses through taking power over others so uh some of the you know the Klaus Schwabs the the Justin Trudeau's these beings that we see on our planet that are really trying to enslave Humanity in different ways Darth Vader Darth Vader right give this example too because
I think it's I love to make it as digestible as possible as well but yeah I love that distinction of like Yoda and Darth Vader dude Star Wars is literally our universe yeah which is crazy but they actually it's funny they actually ask raw in the sessions it's like 1983 or something and Don's like hey so this movie just came out called Star Wars and they have like um the force and the path of light and darkness is that is that movie kind of like our universe and Roz like yes like whoa we're in Star
Wars so anyway so the dark side of the force takes power over the light side of the force gives power to and so there's a that's a huge spiritual concept to grasp right that what is positive what is loving is radiating outward Moving Like a Star right A Star is always giving light and so it has an endless source of light because it's sharing its light a black hole is doing what keeping its light to itself and pulling in right so the negative polarity is like a black hole that's always absorbing into itself and is
never satisfied so that's one of the things to know about the negative path is that there isn't a destination where you finally have peace and you're like okay I've gained enough power I'm just gonna chill now yeah it's worse and worse the more you get like a drug addiction or something right you get consumed by it it's just like in every villain story as they gain more and more power like Darth Vader it eventually corrupts them and destroys them right because it's harder to hold on to for example where Yoda they're both using the force
yes in their own way right but one is service itself one is service to others and you see how that manifests in the longevity of its sustainability yeah um yeah so another cool thing about these two polarities is that because because the Creator is using the universe to know itself right we all kind of get that um one it has to do that through polarity right as we said so one of those polarities can only represent all that the Creator is in its true nature and then likewise the other polarity that the Creator makes the
negative has to represent everything the Creator is not fundamentally speaking and so you know we we talk about like you got to integrate your light and your dark because you're both that's true but the law of one makes an important distinction that says the negative is designed to give Catalyst for the positive to know itself the negative was created to give the positive a reason to know itself it has no motivation right and what's really cool about the veil of forgetting is raw says eons ago there were planets third density planets like ours that didn't
have a veil of forgetting and this was before this was thought of by the logos and so they said what happened was Souls just spent forever in thorough density and they never evolved into the fourth because they had no reason to they had no motivation to grow there was nothing challenging or testing them they were just chilling and they they're one with the Creator why evolve you know so he said it's like children in school who aren't punished for not doing their homework and aren't rewarded for doing it so they just go play in the
playground all day so we need the negative right to to drive us towards the light the darkness is there to show us the light but um the path of Illusion which is the negative raw calls it the path of that which is not um because it's it's designed to reflect the exact opposite of the Creator's nature you know separation fear selfishness it can only last so long and so those beings who do choose the dark side of the force they they graduate to Fourth density negative and then fifth density negative but Ross says once they
get to sixth density the negative being finds itself at a kind of paradox where it can't evolve anymore it has it has already experienced every kind of enslavement and power over and domination that could ever be conceived of in this universe and so it's at a wall and the positive being also finds itself with that place at early sixth density it has been of service in every way possible right it's been helping planets evolve for millions of years it can't gain any more polarity so the positive being does this amazing thing where it then turns
back in time and serves as a guide to all of its past incarnations and we call that the higher self well that's actually something the positive path has to do to keep polarizing to keep ascending and by being of service to your past lifetimes you know guiding and facilitating your learning and your karma the six density soul polarizes but the negative being is at this Paradox right where it's like well I can't serve myself or I'll polarize positively so it eventually realizes it's at a brick wall so to speak and it actually reverses its polarity
to the positive by acknowledging that Oneness is the highest truth of the universe not separation and then becomes a six density positive soul and moves on from there lots of chew on with all of that yes um beautiful so then so we kind of just touched on five and six D and then if you want to kind of walk us through what becomes available like what is 7D Consciousness essentially yeah I definitely don't know the answer to that question tell us the answers the universe Aaron see if I can channel that um fifth density is
the throat chakra density the blue ray density uh it represents light and wisdom so that's where the light body evolves actually um the the body that Consciousness is using in every Incarnation has to has to be a vibrational match to the level of Consciousness so the body is increasingly High vibrational As you move up the Spectrum so we move from this chemical body which we're experiencing now is kind of dense meat suit lots of chemicals uh and it eventually becomes more and more just pure electromagnetic energy and eventually we become a light body which is
what most et's in the universe actually are they're just like orbs of light and they can create a body with their mind if they want to but right they're just light right yeah so that's fifth density and then sixth is correlates to the third eye chakra the Indigo Ray and Ross says that's where the soul has to reach a perfect balance of love and wisdom because if if we're just trying to serve others with love but we don't have any wisdom raw says you are sort of a neophyte for the negative path to take advantage
of because he says the positive path is um what does he say what do they say it's like the positive path wants to be of service and the negative path is clever so it's like the negative path's entire existence is dependent on scheming and tricking and deceiving so you gotta endow Your Love with some wisdom if you're going to be of true service because the negative path is going to take full advantage right and that's what we see a great example of on our planet we have the virtue touting stuff that the overlords use to
be like hey give us all your rights and freedom and let us infringe on your Humanity because you want to be a good person right you don't want to be discriminatory do you perfect tactic of the negative I'm going to use your light against you because you're not wise you don't know what true love looks like so I can just couch anything I want in virtue and trick you into agreeing with me and that's how the negative path gains negative polarity by the way I can't just if I'm a negative being I can't just throw
you in handcuffs and lock you in a jail cell and say I own you now and then polarize now I have to sweet talk you into being my servant right I have to trick you in some way to giving me your power yeah I gotta you gotta suck a material illusion you gotta suck him into your illusion yeah that's what they do yeah and it's not to demonize that path right it's it for individuals and beings that have chosen that like you spoke to earlier the light or positive polarity needs the negative to know itself
not to be itself like I love that distinction yeah sure very good yeah yeah because uh you can just be yourself but without the contrast of who you're not can't know yourself yeah yeah yeah exactly well said the we definitely can't judge the negative path because in all honesty it's it's amazing you know like when we look at those structures of society which have been built in in literally every you know Zach Bush talks about this all the time in every aspect of our society it's this perfect pyramidal power structure of service to self top
down regimen right secrecy and all this stuff and you gotta just give it up to these guys like they are incredible masterminds of control and domination and uh so that's part of the Creator in a sense right the wisdom and the intelligence of the Creator being expressed through the negative but it's a distortion of the truth right of Oneness and so we just don't want to um if you want to be a being of love that is you don't want to cooperate with it right and that's that's the predicament the spiritual Catalyst I think that
the source provided to all of us during the pandemic it's like you got to do this you got to do that or you're a bad person are you gonna do it all right and something in a lot of us said this feels negative like before I even get to oh is it my civic duty for the better of humanity to do this wait a minute before I'm even there you're asking me to trust organizations that have proven to be service to self negatively polarized organizations who knowingly lie about their products and medications every year and
knowingly kill and damage millions of people a year and make billions off of it make billions off of it and pay billions of dollars in criminal penalties and you're asking me to Outsource my power to that structure I just can't do that but don't you want to be a good citizen not going to get me but that's how they do it right because you know yourself exactly if you don't know yourself that's what they take advantage of yeah part of this realization once you kind of see and have the awareness and zoom out to see
the energies that are at play without labeling it um as good or bad as you just realize the game of life that we're in and when he realizes the game then you can become uh you become aware of it it's just like Neo and the Matrix waking up to the reality of how yeah for the vast majority and just at the level of Consciousness that we're at most individuals are operating as NPCs right and it's not to like judge them and be like you're not woke and I'm woke no it's like just to see that
there is a game being played out here and the more that you have that conscious realization the more you actually have power to use the positive polarities if you so wish um to be on the advancement of your own spiritual journey and oftentimes even using the negative polarities service to self infrastructure that has been built like we are operating within infrastructure that has been built by corporations and individuals 100 um that have been on that path and it's cool we get to play in that game um and become a trojan horse for yeah waking people
up right that's a good way of putting it and it's it's interesting you bring that up because raw actually talks about that idea as well that in terms of the non-playable character when we when our Incarnation is over if we're self-aware and we know that we're on a spiritual journey we're a soul right then when we go back to the um rock calls it the space-time realm and the time space realm so space time is this realm time space is where we go when our soul leaves the body when we go to back to time
space we get to choose our next Incarnation we get to craft what kind of Lifetime we want to live based on the lessons we're trying to learn and before we're aware that we are an eternal being a soul um raw says you're kind of like it raw doesn't say this but it this in so few words say you're kind of like an NPC meaning when when that incarnation's over and you go back Karma itself decides your next lifetime you have no say in it yet because you're not aware of who you really are yet so
whatever your karmic configuration is the universe just spits you back into another body just like it's doing with animals and insects like an insect doesn't need to choose this next lifetime it just needs a thousand more insect lifetimes right to learn and grow but once we know who we are we get to take our evolutionary journey into our own hands and that's the beautiful part of this game we're playing is that it's all about Free Will you're fully in charge you're fully the creator of your reality even if you think you were born in a
underprivileged life or whatever you have to know that your soul chose that for a reason based on the lessons you need to learn so the best thing that any of us can do to begin really polarizing towards the positive is just take a look around in our life you know and ask yourself why would I have wanted a life like this my soul what lessons would I have been trying to teach myself spiritually by putting myself in a lifetime like this maybe you've been abused a lot or you've just been you've had a very poor
impoverished life what spiritual lessons would that life be trying to teach you whether it's self-love forgiveness acceptance these messages are actually screaming at us in our own life right but until we become self-aware we're kind of like an NPC that's just going through a game yep yep mistaken for who we think we are and an illusion of identity that we've created for ourselves and if you're tuning into this episode of the knowledge Health podcast right now and you've made it this far I want you to bring your full attention and presence to where we're about
to go because we're going to keep going deeper and deeper here and I truly believe the value of not just what we've gone into in the framework we've set up but what we are going to go into the rest of the podcast really is an amazing Catalyst and understanding and awareness for how to wake up for how to alleviate suffering in life how to know yourself and have a beautiful experience in this life so stay with us we're going to keep diving deeper people are familiar with IQ and EQ not as many people are familiar
with the term SQ so what in your in because as you wake up you realize this is a game yeah and you have this kind of heightened awareness of what lessons I'm supposed to be learning and like you perceive how things are working for you not just to you in a victimhood Consciousness you can develop spiritual intelligence and so how do you describe what spiritual intelligence is and then we go from there yeah so the way that I've understood spiritual intelligence I don't think that there's one right definition um but the way it's it's come
through for me is your SQ is your comprehension of reality how much do you truly comprehend what reality is now if that definition is kind of ambiguous another one that I'll often give is on a more functional level your SQ is the combination of your level of self-awareness and your embodiment or your integration and there's a obviously a big difference between the two right masculine feminine um we all know lots of people who are really high in self-awareness like and they're full of spiritual knowledge and they can talk the talk like the best of them
and Razzle Dazzle you with knowledge I find that quite often a lot of plant medicine communities anywhere where you're regularly going to gain a lot of awareness like you can have access to a lot of insight yeah but I'd be careful with unearned wisdom because you have that level of awareness and if you're lacking the embodiment it's like your reality in your ex your experience of reality actually doesn't change that much right and you can invite some some real tough karma too right so we have to actually once once we gain the awareness of self
we then have to embody the self and that is the feminine elements of what we are so SQ would be a combo of your masculine and feminine but I like to delineate that as self-awareness and embodiment yeah being yourself knowing yourself having that that kind of coming together and so yeah um now as we go through this process we develop our own spiritual intelligence um how we essentially go on this Ascension spiral I Want to Break these down to the the gross reality the subtle body and the causal body and how we can actually move
through with them because a lot of people are familiar with moving through the denser energies or like Shadow work and doing talk therapy or whatever like in this reality but I have always been keen and interested to see the deeper causal reasons for why things are manifesting in the first place and until we can actually you know we can work through things on this in the third density in this reality and see progress have an improved display of experience of life sure but if we're actually having the desire to seek to know ourselves at the
most mental level we get to realize what the the higher reasons or the deeper reasons depending on which way you look at it for the happenings in our reality so give us kind of your framework on that Ascension process of how we're actually waking up and then how on each level we can quote unquote move through our [ __ ] to to have access to these higher densities of Consciousness yeah yeah well so I love the um it's it's from the Hindu tradition and Vita vedanta they call it the four bodies of Consciousness I like
to think of it as an Ascension spiral because what it's teaching is that we are what we are is much more complex than we realize right we are actually like a cake with layers right there's layers to what you are and it it separates like if it could pull apart what you're what you are it would have let's say four levels to it um I also like the visual of like a like a Russian doll yeah like a Russian doll yeah so if you pull open the Russian dolls of your Consciousness they say well let's
go from the most dense level first the gross body which doesn't mean like disgusting it means uh dense physical gross right material that's the first Body Of Consciousness and that's when you're just identified as a body so that's 90 at least of humanity right now I'm this body and that's all I am and everything I experience is through the perspective of a body what happens to my body is felt as if it happens to me the essence the I I refer to so that's body Consciousness that's the first level we we all begin there as
we're born because of that veil of Separation right the second Body Of Consciousness we can Ascend to through lots of spiritual effort is the subtle body which is the mental body and that's when we begin to experience ourself and the universe more through the mind and uh you know think about like Law of Attraction teachings when someone's getting really interested in law of attraction you know they're ascending into the subtle body because they're realizing like I'm actually something Beyond this physical body I can actually affect reality with my mind right and that's kind of like
in that third density reality like you understand you are a Creator and that you are a Manifesto and you can create your life um but a lot of people kind of stay there for for a while too right um so then yeah keep on yeah the subtle bodies uh a very long body I actually will um I have an SQ chart in that series of through the seven chakras and I'll map uh what what body correlates to each chakra and this the subtle body I think expands like three chakras so the subtle body is when
the universe appears to be mental more than physical and energetic let's say so we we have to transcend That Body by realizing the Eternal essence Eternal truth behind the form we see that's what will bring us to the causal body which is our body of let's say the Soul's body or our spiritual body and uh that is the some people call it the void um pure emptiness pure being there's really nothing there except for the karma that you're carrying so the causal body is also called the karmic body at least I call it that because
that's the body that carries your karma from Lifetime to Lifetime each mind is a different mind right from each lifetime but you're carrying some similarities from your past life well what is that similarity it's your karma and the way that your karma is molding and shaping the expression of your soul so it's something very subtle and hard to pin down right but it's undeniable yeah in our experience yeah it's a beautiful visual also of like imagine you throw a pebble into a pond and you see like multiple ripples most people identify as like in this
example the third or fourth Ripple and that grows subtle or that gross body very dense you go back another later layer there's more of an energetic signature and it's more of a subtle body you go to the causal body and then you can go to the place the source right which is the actual Pebble that was thrown yeah like where the source the cause of all those ripples in the first place it's not to say that one is better than the other just that they the causal or I guess the most the most subtle version
of it encapsulates each level right and so how can we work through them and and what are the different ways on each level to uh to transmute alchemize the energy for example starting with Shadow work on the first um density yeah level yeah so in uh in my programs I actually teach um let's say let's just call it healing for convenience uh I teach healing in these three different bodies gross purification subtle purification and causal purification so gross purification is Shadow work so that's where we have to meet all of that stuck energy that's in
the body trauma pain uh resentment from the past we have to unlock those energies and heal them with love and forgiveness and when we do that I'll tell my students like any time you're experiencing a challenging emotion you're doing gross purification in that moment and all you're asked to do is just meet that with love you don't need to think about it you don't need to trace back the trauma to the origin or something like you just need to give love to yourself to that part of yourself but that's only one dimension of healing the
second dimension is the subtle purification and that's healing our thoughts so really if you're just lost in a world of painful emotions the last thing on your mind is your thoughts you're too busy on the energetic level the dense gross level so we need to give ourselves free some space up so we can really start doing some self-inquiry right have a little more space in our mind that's where we get into subtle purification what do you believe about yourself what what negative core beliefs are you still holding on to that you need to see from
the perspective of truth that's subtle purification so we we have to question every thought we hold about ourself and see if it holds up under the light of what's eternally true of Who We Are and that's how we purify the subtle body and then the causal body is again our karmic body and so we heal our causal body from the karma that it's carrying by paying attention to our life lessons uh raw calls it Catalyst in the law of one every experience that we have is like a catalyst that is there to provide an opportunity
for growth if it's perceived and used accordingly so hey what lesson is this moment asking me to learn what part of my being is it demanding of me more patience more compassion something like that you have to pay attention to your life and communicate with your life and that's how your soul heals Karma uh which is the causal body so there's three dimensions of healing that we are engaged in and it's for me it's helpful to know the distinctions between those three yeah because different purification processes are needed depending upon what stage of development you're
at yeah but the more you uh the more you get access to higher levels of consciousness the more you're in tune with the subtle uh energies that are behind the more gross denser manifestations and then you begin to work through those and yoga is a science and technology that allows you to accelerate that process and really go through that and most people are just familiar with and Asana practice of physical postures and right this westernized view of what yoga is but there's eight limbs that dive deep into actually how to move through this process so
it's um it's it's when you have this understanding and I just wish and I know In Our Lifetime the education system will have to be revamped otherwise for sure it's not gonna be pretty uh but like this understanding and framework is so needed and it's beautiful once you arrive at because then you have tools you have an understanding to move through energy and actually become in that Creator Consciousness where you're you're actively meeting life halfway in The Awakening of your of your Soul's Journey yeah yeah really well said um you're touching on the importance of
it's part of knowing thyself is like what part of me needs healing right now there's a lot of uh people that are they sort of become Perpetual Shadow workers especially in the plant medicine Community right they almost get addicted to Shadow work and never go the next level up and the we could also call Gross purification um like feminine healing and we could call subtle purification masculine healing and then karmic healing so I love to use this analogy of a flooded house to understand the difference uh let's say there's a house that's flooded with water
and the house represents you your body the water that's in the house represents all the stuck energy from your traumas and your pain so if I want to heal that house I have to do two things right I need to open up all the windows and doors to let the water flood out but if I just do that and I don't go around and then turn off all the faucets in the house the water is just going to reaccumulate right so if I don't change my beliefs about myself yeah I can heal that trauma but
I'm gonna recreate it at some point because I still believe I'm separate I'm lacking I'm unworthy whatever so I have to do some subtle purification too and change my beliefs that represents turning all the faucets off in the house so if I just turn the faucets off but I don't open all the windows and doors well at least I've I've stopped the water from accumulating but I'm still full of the pain and the trauma right so there's also a problem there and that's where I see more of like the non-duality community where you get these
people that are like professional bypassers almost where like I literally watched a video of a Neo invited teacher not too long ago where you know some guy he's sitting on a stool and there's an audience and they're asking questions and this lady's like so um my my 12 year old son just passed away in a car accident but it didn't really happen um and it's just like oh I felt it man in my heart when I watched that because because yeah it that's true right like eternally speaking your son didn't die nothing happened to him
but nevertheless you're carrying the pain of that trauma and the loss of your son here that you need to meet if you arrive at that understanding authentically that's beautiful but to have it as a belief system and like that's the difference between information knowledge and wisdom where it's actually integrated in what we spoke to that embodiment that's really needed yeah and so like it's not that it's wrong but if you're going to bypass yourself to that to that belief system and be indoctrinated into everything's an illusion yeah like you can say that but unless you've
done the work to actually have that be a felt experience in your reality then you're just causing more issues for yourself yes and more suffering and that that's painful yeah it's and it's not authentic yeah like I'll get a lot of non-duality people comment on my videos and they'll they'll ask me things and um and I get it right but like for example there was a post I did about everything exists in relationship the whole universe is cooperation and relationship and somebody commented and was like false in Oneness there's no relationship there's just emptiness you
know right and so I just said is it your direct experience that you there is no relationship you don't experience relationship is that your actual experience and well but non-duality says so it's like yeah there's problems on that level too if we're not able to meet what's real and Happening Here in the physical and it's not that it's not happening in the physical it's just that the physical is impermanent right it's transient it doesn't last but to say that something you experienced you didn't experience is gaslighting yourself and bypassing so we have to meet the
parts of us that hurt from something and just say it's okay to feel bad you're not unspiritual because you got traumatized you're not unloving because you have some resentment towards your abuser just accept that part of you it's okay it's okay to feel right it's part of the Creator learning and then you oh I can breathe again and there's space and then you might just realize that nothing actually happened right yeah just gotta authentically arrive that experience I love how you broke that down so beautiful thank you man so as you as we continue to
dive deeper here right and the inherent belief of Separation The mindset of scarcity comes suffering is inevitable when you're somebody that needs to protect to survive and of course that's part of ourselves but in this human experience as we're working with the more denser energies there is how we work with the ego on the path of self-actualization is an important understanding I really love the framework you've given of like three different uh beliefs of the ego so please dive into that and we can open up this little rabbit hole Yeah I feel like this is
a topic you're gonna love to jam on um so in my own personal Journey when I was coming out of my Dark Night of the Soul by the way if you'd like to share a little bit about that before we go into it I mean you're you're dark out of the soul in that journey I would love for you to touch on too sure yeah yeah it gives good context for where this understanding came from yeah um like you said I grew up pastor's kid um deeply religious devout Christian and followed wanted to follow in
my dad's footsteps to be a pastor one day actually did became a pastor for one year had an Awakening out of religion at 23 and was like I don't believe any of this stuff anymore um total identity crisis who am I if I'm not a Christian you know every single friend I had or had ever had was Christian all my family everyone I know is Christian so it was like immediate Exodus from my life yeah and that's what the universe needed to do for me right it's just isolation and so I was all alone I
don't believe in this religious God anymore um I'm pretty sure Jesus existed but like I've I guess I've been deluding myself thinking that I've been having this relationship with Jesus became a closet atheist for a few months started reading near-death experiences like 30 40 50 a day just obsessively because I'm like if anyone knows the truth it's these people right and that that gave me some hope and Assurance again that no there is uh an eternal truth there is a source and we can call that Source God if we want we could call it the
Dao we could call it whatever but it's real and it you are one with it okay that's what I needed to hear right so from there I just jumped into like all the Eastern stuff uh Buddhism Hinduism taoism and I got married at 23 years old and to uh you know my Christian ex-wife she was 20 years old we were super young and then after I left my religion we just kind of went like this and so got divorced at 26. again everyone in my life thinks I'm heretic and a cult leader and stuff now
so I have no friends I'm living back in the Bay Area working at Google as a personal trainer and if you know anything about the Bay Area it's not conducive to making friendships it's like everyone's in their little bubble going 100 miles an hour to and from their Tech job back to their 12-story apartment you know me being one of them so I had no friends all alone divorced everyone thinks I'm a heretic I'm getting hate messages on Facebook and Instagram every day from former Christians accusing me of being evil and stuff so I had
just a lot bearing down on my soul at that time so I went through this severe depression of just life is hopeless there's no reason to live there's no no purpose and that's what drove my intense spiritual seeking so I spent about four years just every day just am I going to make it through another day you know that kind of depression and my vice was to just read Enlightenment texts like these texts give me some hope that there might be some escape from this hell I'm in and that led to an experience at 27
where I was listening to um an Eckhart Tolle lecture on my break at work I'd go up to this balcony above my gym just listen Eckhart and watch the clouds pass and I had like a little bit of Peace during that time of my day so I loved my lunch break and one day you know the planets aligned or whatever and I'm sitting there listening to this lecture and Eckhart is sort of mocking things that ego says to us in our head uh things like if only people would recognize how special I am then I
would truly be happy and then he laughs his Eckhart laugh and the audience laughs and so I was just listening and he did like five or six in a row and then a big pause and then another one and I was just laughing each time because I was increasingly recognizing like he's nailing it this is exactly what my ego is saying to me every day and I sort of laughed myself into a realization which um you know laughter can be a very potent way to realize something I literally laughed myself into Enlightenment in that moment
because I just saw the nature of what was really behind that truth which is that all is one you are Eternal there's only one being in the universe everything is that one being expressing all the stuff we say we know but I knew it perceptively right I actually experienced it and it was just absolute Bliss everywhere I looked and so I'm in this samadi state at work and I have a client in 20 minutes so I float down to the gym and I'm like ready to train somebody and their first comment was wow Aaron you
look really happy I said I am so that was a that was a two-week experience in that state unbroken for 14 days so I literally was given this like free sample of Enlightenment and many people have experiences like this right but I woke up 14 days after that looked at my phone realized it was two weeks that I'd been in that state and the first ego thought came back online which said basically wow I wonder if I'm enlightened I wonder if this is my permanent State of Consciousness so now there's an eye who's claiming this
state right and from there it unraveled and my ego came back and then the depression eventually was back tenfold because now I'd actually tasted what heaven was like and they got thrown back into hell and so hell was even worse with that contrast and the hopelessness was even worse of like I don't want to live a second in this state knowing that that State's available but I can't get back there I'm stuck here so I just you know my entire life outside of spiritual growth became meaningless to me um I was a full-time fitness model
in San Francisco competitive bodybuilder personal trainer I was in all this all this vanity in my life I completely stepped out of it after that uh quit my modeling gig dropped out of the show I was prepping for like couldn't have cared less about that stuff and every waking second of my day was just devoted to how do I get back to that state of consciousness and through that burning desire came this gradual understanding of what I call the three beliefs of ego the understanding first came through on the emotional level because I realized I
was trying to break down my suffering like what am I really suffering from there's feelings of sadness for sure most of the time sometimes I get really angry and then other times I'm just really stressed out so it's like can I find any other feelings I suffer from and it was nope it's clearly these three sadness anger fear root sacral solar plexus yeah so once I understood like yeah there's actually just three kind of root negative emotions that human beings suffer from the next question eventually appeared which was well then those three different emotions must
happen for different reasons right there's there's a type of reason why I'm sad versus angry or stressed out what is that reason and after really like wanting to know the answer to this question and these questions like I didn't want to just make up a system or something it was like I need to know this information to stop suffering and so I didn't want to fool myself and come up with an idea that's not actually true so I would test it against my personal experience and eventually the first belief of ego became obvious which is
that I am lacking I'm insufficient I'm not enough in some way so the belief in lack is like the first belief ego has and that's the belief that causes sadness when we feel sad it's because we feel like we've lost something or we are lacking something that we need right so that's the first belief the second belief um is actually kind of an extension of the first they all they all connect to each other if I am lacking then that implies I might be able to fulfill my lack I can complete myself somehow and so
what does the ego want to complete itself with kind of hard to come up with the right words for this but I like to just say outcome happiness right just the general belief that a positive outcome will somehow complete me that's the second belief of ego and that's the belief that causes anger because what happens anytime a goal gets blocked or an outcome gets blocked ego gets angry anger is the way of like I'm gonna smash through this obstacle because I gotta get my outcome no matter what right whatever it is so anger is a
very useful energy for getting your outcomes yeah and then if I need to complete myself then that's the third belief implies the third belief which is I am the doer I'm in control of life I'm the one who makes the gears of Life turn I act and behave independently of the universe that's the third belief and that's the belief that will cause fear when I say fear I mean more like stress worry anxiety paranoia right when whenever you whenever the Mind believes it's losing control over a situation panic stress worry will be the result so
when when the ego thinks it's losing its control it gets fearful stressed out afraid right and so that's actually those are the three underlying beliefs behind every moment you've ever suffered in your life it was actually just one of those three beliefs that was ultimately causing it so if we want to talk about subtle purification we we can trace back all of our mind activity to one of these three beliefs everything ego does it's it has to first use a belief that you agree with to then get you off on the story right so if
you don't believe that you're lacking fundamentally ego can't trick you into being sad about something this is something that happens to people who evolve spiritually after a while we notice that the grief of losing a loved one just kind of disappears where we're just literally not able to feel sad when someone we love passes away we actually feel really happy we're like man you just graduated from a human lifetime congrats like best of luck on your next Journey can't wait to see you on the other side we can't believe we're lacking that person anymore and
so people still in lack will say you're so insensitive that you're not sad and crying with us and you're like I just have too much love in my heart you know there's no room for it yeah so beautiful man I think it's just a powerful understanding and pointer to on the path of having an integrated ego which is necessary it's not like we're going to get rid of it but being able to first off create space for you to actually have these first-hand awarenesses like hearing it in this conversation for example I'm sure is supportive
for people and when you first when you come to that realization and arrive at that authentically within yourself and you can see um see that it takes space to get to that to that point like they're we're just so embodied as the ego as the identity it's not that the ego perceives life around us is not being enough it's just that the ego identity structure itself is not enough and we are operating within that thinking that we are it and so we're living in the solution of our own making and of course it's necessary for
us like we spoke in the Beginning Full Circle to forget ourselves to go through this whole process so to see the the purpose that it serves and to see the inner workings of what's going on behind the thing and that I'm not sad because my ex left me I'm sad because of what I think that means because there's that feeling of lack right whatever the thing is whatever is happening in our external reality that we project and say that's the reason why I'm angry I'm fearful I'm sad then uh that's just going to be a
never-ending rabbit hole that you continue to go down right right that's a great Point actually that ego wants you to be lost in the story why so that you won't question the underlying assumption yes for the survival of itself right yes so because if you question it and get down to the root of it then where's the ego it gets dissolved in that space right so it's a process of having this awareness but then we get to become integrated we have an integrated ego like I'd be so careful around somebody who says they don't have
an ego like that is a massive ego yeah turn around and run right run run to a different uh environment immediately because that is just um it's it's somebody who is uh operating within the Shadow and they're not realizing it right it's complete unawareness and so coming back to this place of awareness how for you like what has been the process of actually like you saying this gives people context to when things arise to point and dig deeper have some space and and at least be curious about the experience instead of uh claiming that that
it is what it is right maybe there's something deeper working here you know my friend Peter Crone I love what he gives his um this analogy of almost just like the tonality shift of like saying I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I'm an idiot hmm you know it's like even just a tonality shift of turning it into a question allows space to be created to look at it from a different perspective and that's what we need to do to create the space so um for you how that's shown up in your life
man is there anything else you want to touch on in regards to how we can have go on this process of integrating our ego yeah well I mean it's all it's all just about finding out what's true right at the end of the day um because these three beliefs are interconnected even they exist in relationship right we can actually do the most uh damage to the ego's thought system by transcending lack because the other two depend on lack as well so transcending the belief in lack is the most challenging and the most potent uh belief
to transcend and so A Course in Miracles a course of Love are extremely helpful texts for doing that because they lay out God's thought system the the thought system of reality in such a way that it's absolutely convincing you're like oh yeah ego's thought system is a delusion I see it now and one of the ways that this was made most available to me to understand was through this concept of Oneness as all things exist in relationship so it can be hard to tell someone like hey realize that all is one good luck you know
ego is just not going to do that so we can give the mind a bridge to that realization a little step down in between and say well okay forget about Oneness just try to become aware that everything exists in relationship start there and that does that begins to do something extremely powerful to the mind in that it starts to because it seems innocent enough to where ego's like oh cool relationships can help me out so I'm happy to do that and you can just start noticing you know this the relationship between the cup and the
water even it's just the simplest relationships and the oxygen I'm breathing to have this conversation and then um our actual relationship everything is cooperating with something everything is depending on something else nothing can actually exist in a vacuum even the sun which appears to be existing in a vacuum of space is still in relationship to space right so Oneness is the inescapable fact of reality and separation is literally an impossibility nothing can be separate so why am I still living from this delusional state that I'm separate well you're not aware that everything is relationship yet
so when you start there you begin to realize that you begin to see how ego came up with its false thought system right where ego thinking it's separate from everything else you know the whole universe is this amazing dance of cooperation right it's this endless flow of giving and receiving and so when we're in Oneness when we're living from a Oneness State of Consciousness we're in that flow with the universe we're connected we're in the giving and receiving so all our needs are met even Jesus said this right who of You by worrying can add
anything to your life look at The Sparrows they don't worry and God feeds them and the Lilies of the Field are beautiful and they don't worry like you should be like that he's speaking to this truth right that in the Oneness of reality all your needs are met because you're one with reality so it can't leave you out love can't leave anything out so we cut ourself off from the unity of creation by believing we're separate and then our needs seem to not be getting met because we're not in the giving and receiving we're gonna
take take so then the the ego just sees all of its all the needs it thinks aren't getting met it just sees that as lack I'm lacking this I'm lacking that and of course in Miracle says and this this is my like ultimate mantra for the first belief to heal the first belief of course a miracle says only what I have not given can ever be lacking only what I have not given can never be lacking so there is no lack there's just what you're not giving and that's how you heal lack the belief in
lack is whatever it is you think you're lacking and you do have to get to the core of it right um give yourself that so you mentioned the breakup I'm feeling so lonely now because my ex and I are separate oh I'm so lonely well what are you really thinking you're lacking right you believe you're lacking love in your life you believe Love Is Now absent from your experience so can you give that love to yourself or maybe not even to yourself can you go love the trees outside your house can you go just go
give love to something service to others radiating and now you become positively polarized you're no longer looking to take from the whole to Serve Yourself I need to get love from someone that's the the egos kind of special relationship it's all about possession instead of doing that you just say I want to give love to Creation I want to be the giver of the love and the course says you discover that giving and receiving are one it's the same thing you can't what you give away is what you keep for yourself because again you are
the source of everything because you are the Creator in your ultimate form but how could you ever know what's inside of you if you don't give it right how could a star ever know its light if it never shown its light How could a superhero know that they have superpowers if they never go fight crime or use their powers right it's in you but you have to express it and that's what love is that's what service to others is it's beautiful man just like giving everybody who's listening to this an invitation to not project out
and point the finger at whatever's happening in your reality that maybe you're not the biggest fan of to say that uh to to inquire in the place in which from you're perceiving something not just what you're perceiving we can be so externally focused and when you look at nature it's inherently intelligent and abundant we are nature as opposed to the definition which is actually interesting if you look up the definition on the dictionary um it's like everything that's connected all life plants animals except humans of course it's so funny um and and so with that
inherent belief of scarcity and separation we are of course going to be under the illusion that we need to be in the pursuit of joy happiness connection right and what you're speaking to is coming from the energy that instead of I'm trying to be in The Pursuit Of Joy or happiness my life can be an expression of joy and and the expression of happiness and they're coming from two completely different places because one's under the illusion that it's external the other is under the proper understanding that it's actually all coming from the original Source within
yourself and from that place then you can go into Partnerships for example and you're not looking for somebody to complete you to be your other half quote unquote you know it's you're coming into and of course there's going to be Parts in your life where you need to maybe go through the relativity of a partnership to realize the magnitude of love that you have within you like you see in the reflection of another person um more of yourself and that you can actually hold that love but then as you evolve and you awaken and you
go on this journey then your life becomes this expression of Love And now when I go into relation with somebody I'm not looking to get anything out of you why because I have everything within me and I've realized that and when that's an authentic experience and not just a mental projection yeah trying to see the difference not just virtue signaling then um you just become a magnet to what's needed for you in life and how you can serve and it becomes that path of service and how you can Shine Your Light and spread love and
and do it in the ways that the Creator or life Nature's inherent intelligence has gifted you your own gifts and skill sets to weave in the way that you want to weave whether it's through writing whether it's through speaking or podcasting or art or music some form of expression that allows that energy to be transmitted and shared with others because we look at all of life around us and it's giving everything we're the human mind and the human human ego is the only thing that wants to hold on to that because it's perceiving lack so
as you start to go through this process and you start to work with energies at more subtle levels I'd love for you to share a little bit more about your own experience of Kundalini energy and your own experiences with having that those spurts and those growths because then you can start to harness it and you start to harness your Sexual Energy you start to harness your creative life force energy and you can use it to expedite your own spiritual process now I will say that there's some caution here that as you consciously bring forth more
karma into your life things are going to happen very fast and if you don't have your seatbelt on and you're not like safe in your physical physiological structure within the body as a the body's ability to handle that then um it's going to be a wild ride and a lot of things externally will be changing as you start to bring some more of that karma from the warehouse that's stored up in the ethers you know so to speak so tell us a little bit more about your own Journey with Kundalini energy and then how what
it is and how to activate that within us so we can um so we can know this off yeah yeah well so through practicing those three beliefs for uh you know a couple years time like really every day was all about like I'm gonna find these beliefs at work in my life and I'm gonna correct them with truth if my freaking life depends on it and that allowed me to open up so much space in myself in a relatively short period of time that um sort of been about two to three years after that understanding
was really ingrained in me began these weird symptoms of um first starting in in the body so like you know hot pin Pricks throughout the body the most notable one is always this um lava-like sensation of energy in your wrists probably through your meridians I'm guessing in the nervous system but anytime I would lay down and be still my my body my arms shoulders and then eventually legs shins and feet had this amazing heat flowing through them that uh I can't describe it as I wouldn't describe it as fire I would describe it more like
electricity in that it was extremely it felt extremely hot but not painful and that's when I started to feel like something is going on you know in my nervous system and I'd heard a little bit about Kundalini but didn't really know much about it so I started doing some research on like is this a Kundalini thing and sure enough I found other people on foreign boards and whatnot who were talking about these exact symptoms and and the crazy vivid dreams and so I started practicing yoga every morning in my meditation session I would do a
lot of breath work beginning with kriya pranayama and then just classic you know fire breathing breath retentions and stuff and then a lot of bandas and Hatha Yoga stuff all these different um techniques and vehicles humans have invented for stimulating the nervous system and that's what people online were saying was helpful if you're having these symptoms so I just started doing it and then eventually had what um what we classically think of as a Kundalini Awakening which is the the sort of lightning bolt event I call it the inner conjunction where uh it's essentially when
we've built up such a charge of polarized energy in the root chakra from uh retaining our Sexual Energy lots of spiritual practice a lot of open-hearted devotion and love for for life will do this as well when you get any one of those three ingredients or all three you're heading towards a Kundalini activation and what I eventually came to discover it was really through the law of one actually was that it's the activation of your green ray energy your heart chakra energy and that's why Kundalini is known as being the energy of pure love it
is the energy that comes available in the human nervous system after enough spiritual maturity has happened uh we can understand this really well when we think about anytime you've had a Oneness experience um you might maybe it's on a plant medicine maybe not but you have some glimpse of Oneness that gives you incredible Bliss right and maybe you're blissed out for 20 30 seconds maybe a few hours but it's not long before it wears off right and you go back to your normal 3D separation Consciousness well that's because our nervous system is literally not equipped
to handle that frequency for very long it's kind of like maxing out the RPMs on your engine right of your nervous system so we need to increase the bandwidth of our nervous system to sustain that frequency of bliss or love for extended periods of time or even permanently and so the universe has this amazing intelligent mechanism that has been evolved in our nervous system where when you put a kind of Demand on that energy it will come into activation in response to that demand and literally begin to upgrade your nervous system and this is what
we have heard called um some people know it as the nectar cycle um some people know it as the sacred secretion yes Amrita so basically your Sexual Energy I like to say that Sexual Energy is like the currency that Shakti uses to purchase spiritual Evolution with meaning when you're not wasting your Sexual Energy all the time on personal means um it begins to be used for Spiritual Ascension and that's most people's biggest hang up right is they can't stop depleting their sexual energy not just through sex right but even just your your thoughts and your
attention can drain it so when you truly Point your Sexual Energy towards the Divine and whether you're in a conscious partnership and you say hey I want to view sex not as how can I feel uh satisfied from this experience but how can I give you love how can I make love to you and experience you through this act those kinds of shifts is what really ignites Kundalini quick and you can do that if you're not in a partnership right um more so for men than women but retaining your semen for example has been this
classic technique that men use to awaken Kundalini increase creativity and so many benefits right well that's because it's literally the most like lucrative energy your body makes so when a Kundalini Awakening happens that energy the sexual fluids literally start to be Borrowed by your cerebral spinal fluid and your cerebral spinal fluid starts to bring them up the spine towards the brain it literally takes the nutrients out of your Sexual Energy moves it up the spine it gets into the brain and then this is where Amrita comes in where after enough time in the brain you'll
start to experience a um kind of mucus-like fluid dripping down the back of your throat that is either some people say it's very sweet or it'll be very salty it seems to be one of the two and that's actually the CSF from the brain coming down the esophagus and you swallow it every day over time and it gradually goes into your gut and starts transforming your gut as well which is kind of another hub for your nervous system so it's literally this energy that Kundalini starts moving upwards that is upgrading your nervous system to a
higher frequency level to a fourth density level and that's why people who go through a Kundalini Awakening as I experienced psychic power start to awaken usually psychic gifts the the heart chakra powers of empathy and really potent intuition being able to feel what other people feel being able to know things intuitively that just starts happening for people usually another thing that happens is you'll start feeling really Blissful you'll just oh Oneness everywhere everywhere I look is unity and it's just so beautiful and joyous it starts to happen naturally rather than it doesn't take so much
effort as it used to that's another symptom of it so you're the only reason that you're able to have those psychic abilities or experience Bliss so frequently is because your nervous system has been upgraded so that's really what Kundalini is it's a neurobiological transformation that takes place in response to again putting a demand spiritually hmm beautiful beautifully said articulated I love the the whole framework understanding and once you start to have the experience of that like I've been doing various forms of Korea yoga for like seven years now and um I kind of go and
do like immersive experiences here and there where I really try to amp up the voltage and I'm going to end of April to do an eight day silent uh retreat with side Guru called some Yama and uh yeah and uh that is going to be intense it's like you have to do all the preparation and I guess anticipatory um preparation courses and whatnot but um for me it's like once you start to work with energy in the more subtle frequencies and start to uh raise that then everything that would have taken so much force to
get results in your reality in terms of if you want to you know attract a certain lifestyle within yourself in Partnership and career and all the things there's so much less effort like it just comes to you instead of you trying to find it and get it yeah and that becomes really beautiful I think the maturation of an individual who's in in this Human Experience like you start to have your Awakening but oftentimes by virtue you have really difficult stuff that you have to go through and very painful moments where you're suffering and then you
start to become a seeker and start to seek depending on where you're at different levels of degree of that fire for self-transformation and that seeking I think that you've had periods where like you spoke to after that experience of getting blasted off into heaven and then down in the pits of hell you're like now I know it's possible I want to go there I want to reverse engineer that I want to serve people I want to show people how that's possible that's so beautiful I too for sure like I kind of had these like uh
monthly or weekly Gatherings with the guys um from like 16 to 20 where uh it was our own like accountability system and we come together we all had names we all had individuals that were uh reflective of who we are I was named the truth seeker and Marcus Aurelius like was my my I guess guy my figure it's a good one to get that's a good one I like that I was happy with that um and uh I I just for a while you know had this intense desire for seeking and to truly know myself
and to um after meeting certain individuals that embodied a level of Purity um and just like clear Consciousness it really opened my mind up to what's possible within this human vessel if you purify the system enough if you go through this process of becoming quiet finding Stillness and going on this process of moving energy and so for me it's just like um going through this process you s as you start to wake up you need less to fulfill you like you can just be silent and experience tear-jerking Bliss and happiness and from the place where's
the need to extract it from another human being or a job or whatever it is and from that place like we spoke to earlier you know you become a Magnus it's so much beautiful abundance in life and um as you grow on that journey I feel like the desire or like the identity of being a Seeker starts to dissolve you know once you start to actually realize who you are then where is the need to seek it you know you just are it yeah so for you what has been your journey of being like a
Seeker to then just being who you are yeah yeah you you move from Seeker to enjoyer yeah right and and coincidentally that's where the real progress happens actually right when you're just in the in the flow of it you're no longer feeling like you're a being that's lacking something and needs to go get it that is a tough transition to make because that's our ego right it thinks it's separate and it's lacking and it needs to get something and it even does that with spirituality which we call the spiritual ego right so it's all a
natural process right it everyone's gonna move through these levels of consciousness as they progress but I think coming back to the truth of Oneness for me has been The Elixir for all of my transformation is that I I never stopped seeing Oneness deeper it never becomes a static concept and it it's the key that unlocks the Kingdom of Heaven for us that we're all looking for like just because third density is by comparison to the others a very disharmonious chaotic challenging plane of Consciousness doesn't mean that you can't transcend it while you're here and then
find heaven in its place right you absolutely can and that has to come through the return to Unity and so when we go back to the the understanding of everything is giving and receiving in in Oneness so I have to start giving in order to join that Oneness and that flow and that's what you just talked about of when you're not trying to take from life anymore but you want to actually be of service to life you actually are tapping into an eternal principle right that this is the relationship the Creator itself has with the
universe in that God is service to life because God is the source of all life it's constantly sustaining the universe right Vishnu in Hinduism the sustainer so God is in constant service to life and then likewise life is in constant service to God because life the universe is revealing God to itself is knowing god Experiencing God so God is service to life and life is service to God so everything we're looking for is in joining in that service right so if I just start thinking like how can I just give value to the universe like
I bet when you started this podcast that was your highest excitement of like I want to start a podcast it's going to change people's lives and impact them and help somebody else get free and then boom a few years later you have this incredible podcast with the most amazing guests in this field right accompanying you you joined yourself with the flow of giving and receiving and so you're giving to God God's giving to you and it's this endlessly mutually beneficial relationship and so we find that because God is love God's love is infinite you you
can't ever out serve God you know like do your best throw your best punch and God's gonna punch back harder with more love because God's the source of it all and so when you're excited to wake up and be of service to Creation uh to I mean every single aspect of your life is relationship then you you intuitively start to understand that this thing we call enlightenment or Liberation is really just making all relationships loving right that's not such a hard concept for the mind to grasp Enlightenment feels hard ooh non-duality and Buddha Consciousness that
feels like a challenge right well what if it's as simple as this what if it's just making all relationships loving and I mean all relationships right not just your brother and your sister and your boyfriend girlfriend best friend but even the relationships with your own thoughts are you loving in those relationships um are you loving to this relationship with your body I mean like for example um the only reason you and I are having this conversation right now is because of the mitochondria in our body that's giving and receiving to our DNA and our cells
and moving light through the body so that we can be here having this conversation so like we're only here because of microscopic organisms that we can't see isn't that beautiful what a relationship right you're not even aware of them and yet they're sustaining you all the time and so if I'm unloving to my mitochondria by loading them with toxic poisonous food well now I'm in a negative relationship of taking and keeping taking and keeping and so that's going to create negative Karma and so karma then becomes simple as well everything gets simplified to me when
we look at it through the lens of of Oneness in relationship karma is unloving relationships right any unloving relationship you engage in with a thought with a feeling with a person with a life experience you're creating negative Karma because the universe is a flow and so that's why we say all the energy you put out will come back to you but whether it comes back in a positive or negative form depends on what you gave it's beautiful and like when I first started doing uh vipassana's I really loved the understanding of sanskaras and how really
our only job that we need to do is just stop creating those negative Impressions and life will just dissolve the other ones and like you will just naturally day by day year by year decade by decade have a lighter experience of life if you stop continually accumulating those negative Impressions which are those sanskaras those scars within our subconscious mind that we accumulate by virtue of all the information we can take through our five senses right and most people think of diet just as the food they eat but no it's everything that is the smells we
Bri you know that we smell the food that we taste how we touch life around us and certainly the amount of information that we're taking in through our eyes and our ears through media through the friends that were around um and all the biomarkers that were surrounded with in our physical environment like that is creating uh it's leaving an imprint on who we are that's why I've been so particular with keeping a space around me that you're living in whoever's listening to this like have a clean space have proper spiritual and physical hygiene like be
able to um be really yeah just be prudent with that how you how are you carrying with that energy and how it's coming into your reality and so before we dive deeper into a couple of things is there something you want to touch on with in regards to diet and how we can go on this path of purification and you know just enhancing our sensitivity yeah well now that we understand how the nervous system plays such a huge role in our spiritual Ascension than taking good care of the nervous system makes a lot of sense
and so one of the things we'll learn about if we study Kundalini Yoga for example is diet is huge this is why um in Hinduism food is everything you know ayurveda is the most amazing science of of food because they understand the energetics of food and how it can help or or hurt depending on what you're in taking so like it's helpful to think about Kundalini like you have a house that house is full of paper and stone the paper is all the unreal stuff all the Illusions all the wrong beliefs the stone is what's
real and true about your being and you just sort of light a piece of that paper on fire and then step away and you watch that house start to incinerate Up in Flames and it's gonna burn away everything in that house that is flammable and that's what Kundalini is is she is a fire that ignites at the base of our spine and moves up and burns everything untrue in her path so that's why as you said we have to give a word of caution that um please don't just go do like two hours of breath
work to try to activate your Kundalini because it can be done that way it's it's very hard but like Joe dispenza for example is famous for this where he gets people into his sessions and they do this I went to one of them it was amazing this really intense breath work and then a huge breath retentions and the music the drums are going he's like come on push and you're locking your gut in and pushing the energy up and people's Kundalini start popping and it's a really great experience usually when it happens because you get
that Oneness moment but what happens after that is an unraveling of your psyche of all that is false all the negative Karma all the wrong beliefs all your traumas they're gonna surface because the only way we heal is by feeling you you've you heal what you feel so Kundalini starts just grabbing everything in the basement and throwing it to the surface putting it in your face heal this heal this heal this and she's just going on a tear through your nervous system literally through your chakras and so people can feel like they're you know having
a multiple personality disorder a lot of people end up in psych wards after their Kundalini goes off because they don't know what the hell is going on and definitely the doc Western medicine doctor doesn't know he's just gonna put you on drugs and throw you in a psych ward right and psych wards are full of people like that so we want to be careful in how we approach this for sure but really just understanding the process is what we need because if anyone understands the process that's happening that it is temporary but you've agitated your
ego in a tremendous way so it's going to throw a huge fit for weeks months up to a year sometimes where people are in this psychological just the throes of hell but the good news is depending on how you handle it but really regardless you're healing all that stuff as you're feeling it if we are really well adapted to meeting everything with love and forgiving our past and all that stuff then we can heal lifetimes of karma in weeks you know like we can do so much Ascension but few people are equipped to do that
kind of inner work so usually it's months and months of living nightmare you know hellish experiences and then they start to gain a foothold and can start to meet some of that energy so it's very overwhelming but it will happen gradually and safely and naturally if you don't try to awaken it but you just get real serious about your spiritual life you devote your life to God you become of service to others you just described Karma Yoga really well which is just alleviating your negative Karma by doing good deeds to others like anything like this
if it's done with real intentionality will start a Kundalini Awakening but at that point thankfully you've already removed a lot of the paper in the wood so not a lot is Left To Burn right yeah I love the understanding of just what's inside that is flammable will have to go anything that you're not needs to be burned away to reveal who you are and if you're not ready for that psychologically or physiologically both are important then it definitely can um go the other way and that's like one of the most sad things is like a
Kundalini Awakening that's gone to waste yeah yeah and that's why on the samyama program that I'm going to where it's eight days there's 60 days of preparation where there's about three to four hours of different practices every day it's a lot like with everything that I got going on it's like I got to make time for that you know yeah a lot of breath work a lot of classical Hatha Yoga um different practices [Music] all these different practices that are like really really gearing the nervous system in the body to if a moment happens where
the Kundalini does wake up and it shoots through the system that you're in a presence in a container physically and then also externally internally and internally externally that uh that is conducive for harnessing the energy and like allowing it to move up and not be wasted um so I think it's great that there are certain individuals that are that are you know doing these long breath work sessions or really activating the Kundalini energy but if there's not a safe container if there's no integration it's actually can be very dangerous work yeah um so beautiful man
we've just like been this beautiful Crescendo of this getting to this point where we're at of like getting to this point where we're moving the energy and in your perspective what do you what do you perceive as the event of Enlightenment what is Enlightenment like once the energy moves you have these Awakenings uh what is the felt experience of of somebody who's actually reached that state if you will because there's like the word love like the word god it's become so used within a lower level perception like we talked about earlier that Enlightenment is like
you're perceiving it from this like red orange yellow level of Consciousness and it's not the real thing you know so what is your perception on that um and we go from there yeah well you know the Buddha said Enlightenment is simply the end of suffering so that's a great definition for enlightenment but I like how you phrase it as a felt experience because what's the felt experience of not suffering right if you're suffering you have no clue what that's like that's the whole point so I think the distinction is that anyone can be enlightened in
any moment where you're realizing the truth of the universe if you're having a Oneness experience you're enlightened in that moment your Consciousness is illuminated with the truth so realizing the truth is not not necessarily the point of Enlightenment but it's about not forgetting the truth and that's the tricky part is to not forget the truth so to me Enlightenment has become about not forgetting right rather than realizing something it's that realizing it's not so hard keeping its hard why because we have this ego this driver in our mind that's constantly pushing us towards service to
self and it has to be transcended it is like the really good boxing sparring partner we have to spar every day and uh you know that sparring partner is going to whoop your ass for a while but eventually it's going to make you one hell of a boxer right if you have to face that thing every day so brilliant mechanism Universe to give us this software program called ego that just kicks our ass all day but that is its ultimate purpose right is to force you to evolve whether you like it or not because you
do want to evolve that's why your soul came here when when you get somebody who's like I'm so depressed what's the point of it all I just want to end it what's the purpose and then let's say they do end their life commit suicide go back to the other side what they end up realizing is that they weren't they weren't depressed because there was no purpose but actually because there's so much purpose that they were missing out on and not experiencing that the Soul's natural response to not being in the unity of creation is get
me out of here because it's not our nature right our nature is Oneness so it's actually that there's so much purpose in a human lifetime that to not realize it is Ultimate suffering and pain and so we go back to what you said of the joy of self-actualization that can you just sit in a room alone by yourself and have peace well money can't buy you that you know you can't um you can't purchase that on Amazon there's no quick easy way to earn that kind of everlasting pleasure right but when you do prioritize yourself
knowing thyself then you get these Eternal gifts that Jesus talks about in my father's house are many mansions many rooms all of God's gifts are given once and last forever but to to get ourself to the place where we can receive God's gifts of Eternal peace love unity that's the challenge in this life is can you get yourself into a receiving position can you stop being so self-focused and actually get those arms open and become one then you get those kinds of Pleasures yeah yeah we're just so conditioned in the consumerist westernized Paradigm that we
want the Instinct gratification of whatever it is even Enlightenment and I just like to have the understanding that if you do the right things the right things will happen to you even the desire for enlightenment is in is in of itself a barrier to Enlightenment you know it's the eye that wants Enlightenment that's the barrier to it yeah and so it's nice to be able to position like your your to position yourself like you're saying to just be a conduit to be in a place of receiving and allow nature to do its thing whether you
have an Awakening one month from this podcast or in the next life it's not your job to know when it's not your job to know how yeah all it is is to make yourself available to Grace and that comes through the practices that you do that comes through proper understanding right action and um and uh yeah it's really growing on on all those planes that we spoke spoken to part of this process and it's easy to attach yourself to an ideology or a Dogma or religion on the path of first wanting truth you know and
a lot of people get locked in locked in that energy for a lifetime you know and many lifetimes in different forms whether it's a cult leader and you know um some sort of cult or a religion which is essentially a very similar thing it's a bad fellow in your own experience being in the Christian church in an Evangelical Church at that and having this desire for understanding life what the purpose is here how to live a harmonious life there's so many beautiful teachings and I don't want this to come across as any way and I
don't think it will that were you know demonizing religion um because it serves a purpose for individuals at a certain level of Consciousness oh yeah um and even inherent in this discussion like I think we both feel the energy like I'm down to at any point to be proven wrong like there's a you show me like even after I could totally be wrong about this whole Consciousness thing but at a certain point it becomes a felt reality and experience and you just have Clear Sight into what is yeah and then it's like yeah you just
don't doubt it anymore yeah you just don't doubt it it just is it's like seeing the color red once you see it it's just the color red that's just the reality of it yeah you don't even say that is red right yeah and there's no need to even articulate it unless you're in discussion maybe on a podcast like we are which is what we're doing here um a friend of mine Aubry Marcus he uh I love he gives a description of like our purpose is like essentially God pleasuring itself you know it's like and very
much so it's like God masturbating in the form of human bodies that are God's pleasure there we go um so beautiful so for individuals that are in the kind of initial stages or maybe they're just coming out of a religious indoctrination or a family where they're so surrounded by and everyone in their friend group is and their specific belief system or Dogma how do we first get past the need to uh know what the Creator is who the Creator is whether what what skin color they are whether it's blue white or black or they have
a beard they don't or is a man or a female um and then also how do you support individuals who are maybe going through leaving a big friend group or having the death of their reality and that Dark Night of the Soul where it's like they're leaving a big part of the comfort of having this you know that Community around them yeah well I I began on YouTube actually doing that I started making videos because I was myself coming out I had come out of Christianity the fundamentalism of Christianity and I had found a lot
of what I thought were really satisfying answers for these questions of like is God just or not does God need to punish people for their sins or not is the Bible inherent or not and so I just started making videos thinking like well these answers have helped me a lot and I know that they're going to help some people online because there's a lot of people coming out of religion these days and that's where my whole journey began so I never even anticipated to to be a teacher or be a YouTuber at all it was
just like this is my current passion I'm just gonna follow it and so one of those things for me was understanding that everything religion teaches you it's not that it's not true right it's that it's way more true than you realize uh the I like to see religion as like third density training wheels for spirituality yeah in that training wheels are totally valid for a kid that's learning how to ride a bike uh you'd be such an [ __ ] to judge a kid using training wheels right like you're the problem dude but nevertheless the
training wheels eventually have to be transcended to actually ride the bike of spirituality so I love religion I'm a huge fan of Hinduism Buddhism Christianity mystical Christianity uh but when you see it as a learning device rather than the absolute Finish Line you know of spirituality that's when you can use religion as a springboard and in Christianity when some of the dogmatic views started rubbing me wrong when the training wheels were no longer wanted anymore it was it was all an inside job for me it was like I'm genuinely struggling with these beliefs every day
because my ego really wants to hold on to this certainty but it doesn't make any sense to me anymore and I have a lot of questions that need answers and I can't find these answers and it was always having to do with God's nature more so than the more surface level stuff in religion so just fundamental ideas like I would start to have conversations with my Christian friends more and more where I would ask them questions because I'm like do you guys struggle with these questions and do you have answers you know and the answers
I got back were increasingly shocking to me so for example anyone who's listening to this who is was Christian has come out of this will know this conversation like the back of your hand when you start to let's say question a dogmatic Christian who believes that yep if you don't confess Jesus you get a burn in hell forever when you start poking holes at that idea the responses you get are flabbergasting and one of them was like uh for example if you're a parent um would you for any reason you can imagine ever want to
torture your child in a pit of fire for as a consequence and people don't even let you finish the sentence right they're like I would never do that it's the most absurd notion and then I would say so can you help me understand why you believe that God does that to his children even to a Buddhist meditator who would never kill a fly in his entire life but to that child he's going to burn in hell of her eternity he's like okay start to ask these questions yeah yeah this is an important thing for us
to nail down right why would you think that God would do that and the answer is always well brother God's ways are higher than our ways the classic verse and when you push back on that they'll say well see here's the problem is you're just making a God in your image if you say why wouldn't God forgive and rehabilitate people who do evil and why does he just need to just punish them with violence forever well brother I gotta stop you because you're making a God in your own image they'll always say and the more
I heard that the more it started ringing in my mind of like what are they really saying here and at one point I sort of snapped into this kind of frustrated understanding of what they were really saying which is you're saying that it's human nature to be compassionate and merciful and forgiving and to want Justice and and retribution but it's God's nature to be violent and punitive and punish and use violence and all of that because you know we would forgive brother I wouldn't punish my kids but God's ways are higher than mine so wait
a minute you're saying God's more violent than you I highly doubt that I bet it's the other way around I bet your human ego nature is to punish to get revenge to get even and I bet it's God's nature to forgive so if we have a god whose ways are Vengeance and violence and Punishment then we have a god who's made in our image right that's the religious God but if we have a god whose ways our mercy and compassion and forgiveness then we have a god whose ways are higher than our ways and that
was the truth revealed to me in those conversations that at that point it was just a natural letting go of oh that's not true so it's not that I don't believe it anymore it's not it's not true that's not how God is so beautiful I love how you broke that down man so good you have such a good understanding of like I'd just be curious a little bit to hear how you have gotten to this place where one you're so good obviously at articulating a lot of these you have a really good understanding and especially
a podcast yeah a lot of podcasts obviously you're on YouTube channel I think people who are masterful teachers are individuals who can explain things in simple simplistic terms and allow it to be digested and applied for anybody to hear um so just uh thanks kudos to you for doing the work bro and to see you on this path and this whole podcast has been filled with a lot of at least in my eyes really potent nuggets for individuals to utilize in their life to have a proper framework and understanding for why we're here what we
can do about it to end suffering and to uh go on this path calling forth Awakening and actually bringing it and um and harnessing the energy within ourselves and so so much beautiful context provided um is there anything else in your heart that you want to share on the podcast before we start to wrap up well I like how you just said uh calling forth Awakening that's a really beautiful way to put it if I if I have to give a takeaway message to the audience after all these different topics we've covered it's it could
possibly be that actually that uh your Awakening is happening for you already God's the all-doer God's in control God's the one pulling the strings behind the curtain right not you not an ego not a separate self so although these kinds of conversations for some people might really like Inspire them to want to get super serious about their spiritual walk and and whatnot or whether it inspires some guilt in someone for I guess I haven't been spiritual enough if this is the truth you know I need to try harder either either way you go in response
to these kinds of conversations um the medicine is the same which is to realize look you're not in control of this journey you really aren't you are the Divine being having a journey called Aaron Andre whoever and so in that sense you're just like a Divine idea in God's mind and to actualize the full reality the full potential of your Divine idea you as a unique expression of source we actually do that more by getting out of the way and allowing our Awakening to happen and that is we could summarize that simply as be present
right be present with your life stop existing so much in time and past and future just pay attention to what's unfolding right now to the way you're responding or reacting to what's unfolding and that has all the information you need to know to ascend to Fourth density in this lifetime no problem are you paying attention to your life experiences and then are you responding to those relationships in a loving way with gratitude with open-heartedness with surrender with patience your life is trying to to activate these attributes in you because you are those attributes right it's
part of yourself but it's asking you to express them in order to see them and to know them so to simplify all of this down you don't need to remember the three beliefs you don't need to remember the seven densities the four bodies of Consciousness and all this cool stuff yeah they're helpful tools you just need to be present and pay attention to the Supreme Guru right who's bringing you the lessons you need for your highest good hmm so beautiful man that just takes some of the seriousness and pressure off of our experience of being
on the path and just to realize that our evolution is inevitable great way of saying it's gonna happen yeah so just escapable yeah it's great man beautiful so thank you so much I just had a funny thought that pops into my head your initials are a a right you're like the spiritual AAA bro rock with that I never got one of those in school so I'll take it amazing man um before we wrap up where can people find you Aaron I mean your your channel is incredible for people that want to dive deeper into any
of the topics that we touched on today that's an amazing resource and everything will be linked down in the description um anything else you want to plug yeah if any that resonated with you you can definitely find all that content on Aaron abkey yeah it's really the same everywhere it's at Aaron APK on Instagram you can find all my programs and content there amazing 4D University sounds like a lit program that you're walking people through so it's a blast man I'm loving it yeah amazing so good bro thank you for coming on I
really appreciated it thank you brother everybody that's been tuning in to this woke podcast so uh bro we're just out here just that's a dirty word these days it is so dirty um but I mean man it's just so fulfilling for me like I would do this for free I am doing this for free I don't have sponsors but like this is just lets me lights me up so much I get lit from these conversations I love it um everybody that's been tuning in I hope that you share that Joy with me and the path
of knowing ourselves and um if you've made it this far to the podcast I would assume you do so thank you for coming on this journey if you had any insight that particularly resonated with you and upload a download uh let us know in the comment section below we'd be super curious to hear we share Clips on social media and our separate Clips Channel I'll link down in the description please hit the Subscribe button join us on this journey and until next time be well [Music] thank you [Music]
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André Duqum
Nonduality, Consciousness, and Ending Suffering — Rupert Spira
Nonduality, Consciousness, and Ending Suff...
The Weekend University
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