7 Tips For a High Converting Webinar Funnel In 2024

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Jon Penberthy
In this video, I will share 7 expert tips to creating a high-converting, transferable webinar sales ...
Video Transcript:
So I've got seven things and that's that I'm going to break down. And these tips are transferable. Meaning if you're not specifically doing webinars, then you can still take some of these lessons and deploy it into whatever sales funnel it is that you're using.
Okay. So just keep that in mind. Get creative with this.
Take the lesson of what I've mentioned and see how you could implement that into what you're doing. But of course, if you're using webinar funnels specifically, it's going to work incredibly well. All right.
So first one, simple scales. Write that down, please. Simple scales.
You can't scale mass. The reason I brought Lewis up here to share with you earlier, and I thought his presentation was, you know, really, really inspiring of just keep things really stupid, simple. We overcomplicate this.
We make things more difficult for ourselves. I have to have things simple. There are some things I'm very good at, and there are some things that I'm not very good at, and I actually feel overwhelmed quite easily.
If there's too much going on, if I have to juggle too many things, I don't cope very well with that. And so as soon as our sales funnels get too big, as soon as there's too many components, too many moving parts, I just start to freak out and start to freak out. It doesn't go well because I can't I can't keep track of everything.
So I find that every time we've scaled from the smaller numbers to the bigger, the bigger the big end to where we are right now. I've actually made our processes slimmer and simpler, meaning I'm not adding more email follow ups. I'm not adding more parts to the process to add more revenue.
I'm doubling down on a couple of key things. What I'm going to share with you right now should make a lot of sense. You know, firstly, you don't want your sales funnels to look like the tube map.
Okay. That's not what we want them to look like. Louis had a similar slide, funnily enough, but if it starts to look like that, backtrack immediately.
Okay. Because what you've just set yourself up for is the potential for so many things to go wrong. If you've got a sales funnel where there's one thing that leads to another another and then that goes off that splits off, and if they interrupt like this and do this and this is that, and you've got all these different email campaigns, you can't keep track of everything.
Something might be broken in, you know, aware of it and links, not working and emails not firing. It is too much to keep on track of. Okay.
And I did this once and and so my team will remember this. In fact, Josh, just give us away This sat on the floor. You see, Josh, the fact they can hardly see him is quite short and he's sitting down.
Sorry, very. But just just been on a team for many, many years. Love you.
Very many, many years. And me and Josh and Aaron and others on the team, we created this. This is actually a picture from our office where we called this.
Was it the monster funnel with another funnel, one of the two monster funnel. You were there as well. So we mapped this thing out and I had all these crazy ideas.
It's like, Right, well I've got my webinar funnel. And so if they go through the process, this is where it usually ends, just that series of pages. But if they don't do this and get these emails this, then this, and then we had all of these different email sequences branching off called segmentation, segmenting their behavior differently and triggering different emails.
Okay, I can tell you now it doesn't work and doesn't work very well. It took us months to build this for like a complete plonker, wasting so much time. Like missed opportunity is massive.
And so this was just getting out of hand, getting complicated. Things were breaking. I thought, enough is enough.
This right here, what you're seeing on the screen. And I would recommend you take a picture of this because I don't believe I've actually shared this outside of my private client community up until this point. But this is the illustration I use with my private clients.
If we sit down for a 1 to 1 and we're talking about webinars, I'm pulling this out and we're going to start to reverse engineer this. Okay, this is what I use, this is what I do. And, and it keeps things really, really simple.
We have a flow of registration. They register for the webinar, the confirmation of it. Then we go to the automated webinar, then they book a call, we have an application process and then the cool is confirmed and then we have just a few emails, which I'll talk more about in just a moment.
A few emails that lead to a replay and everyone gets the replay so we don't segment them in any way you might think, because surely you'd make more money if you do it now. You don't. Or at least that's not the clues that I've picked up on.
If we just give everyone the replay, then some of the and the emails are very simple. It's just, hey, you register for the webinar. Awesome.
Look, you may have made it or you may have missed it. Either way, I've made a replay available for a few days. Go check it out.
If they registered and didn't make it now they've got a chance to go get it. If they made it but left early, now they can catch up on the bit they missed. If they made it all the way to the end and didn't take action.
Watching it a second time, they might not take the action. Okay, we've doubled the trust timer. If they watch it again, we just find this works so much better.
How many of you want to keep things simple as well? Yeah. So keep things simple.
Make it so we can literally start to double the business now with very simple tweaks if we do this. So let's look at this. Okay?
Let's imagine that our registration page is converting at 15%, right? Meaning for every hundred people that register for this webinar, 15 of them opt in. Okay.
And let's imagine through that process, 50% of you might find through that process, this entire funnel is generating $10,000 a month. Okay. Now we want to start to scale the funnel scale with a business scale revenue scale, profit.
So we can often think about, I need a new traffic hack, I need to find a little traffic that's just a little bit cheaper or I need to add some more emails in some way because if I can add, I've got 37 emails now. If I add a 38 maybe that want to get me another. So and so instead of doing that, what we do is we just work on one part of the process.
If we could get our optimum rate from 15% to 30%, if we can double our uptime rate, then if everything else remains true, we will have doubled the business. We've taken a ten K funnel to a 20 K funnel by focusing on one part of the process and one part only registration page. Okay.
I really hope this is landing because if you get this, if you grasp this, scaling will actually become easier. You're right now probably focusing on a lot of the wrong things. You want to you want to look at the biggest needle movers, as we would call it, right.
If we can double opt in, right, we double the business. If we can double attendance rate on the webinar, we double the business. We want to be looking at some of these bigger things you tracking with me.
It's a lot to consume, but are you enjoying this? Is this helpful? Yeah, perfect.
I'm trying to give everything I can in this. All right, so with this, you won't be able to do things like double the revenue. You just won't.
You won't be able to do it by adding in another email sequence or adding in another email into that or, or, you know, splitting the traffic Once they've watched the webinar, I just can't do it. It's like Matt said earlier, right? The one page in the process that 100% of your leads C is the is the confirmation page after they opt in right like that front part of the of the process is where the most of your eyeballs are and everything tails off after that.
So by trying to add something to the very end of the process somewhere you've got maybe 6% of your people even seeing it. Whereas if we make changes right up at the front of the funnel, we've got a much bigger knock on effect. Okay.
So again, avoid this. So headache number two, simple registration pages, keep them really simple and prioritize the headline. Okay.
So what we do is we just have pages that just look like this, and that's pretty much like the one on the left there. That's a webinar that's done incredibly well. We've been running that for two years, done a few million dollars through that front door.
That's the design that just works for us. We want to take a picture. We're going to move on in a second, but that's a design that works really, really well.
And then over here on the right is another slightly more jazzed up page. But again, we're really focusing on just that headline with a webinar registration page. We want the visitor to bounce on and bounce through.
We want it to happen really quickly. So don't be tempted to think if someone's going to register for a webinar, surely we need to have loads of information there, testimonials, videos, all this kind of stuff. You do not need it.
You do not need it. What you need is for them to land on that page. Read a headline that grabs their attention and moving through.
Okay, you know, headline like this. That's literally what we would call above the fold. Anyone familiar with the term above the fold?
Yeah, it's what's visible on the web page before a user would have to scroll. So we want to have headline and an opt in button above the fold. It's worth writing that down.
Okay. Number three, YouTube ads and webinars. Working together is absolute magic.
It's absolute magic. If you're going to send any traffic into a webinar, YouTube, as we find, are better than other platforms. Okay.
If you can get an ad running on Facebook, great. But we find YouTube's better. And it's for this reason if you're on Facebook, you're typically they're scrolling through quite quickly, whereas on YouTube it's an environment where people are often sat back, fingers are off the keys, clicking play on a video, ready to consume a piece of content.
Okay, If you're waiting outside a shop and your partner is in the shop and you're out on the street while they just, you know, check out, you might pull your phone now, you might scroll Facebook, you're not really going to open up the YouTube app and start watching videos, are you? So Facebook, I find and Instagram, people go on there to scroll, scroll, scroll, not to sit and watch something and consume something. And so webinars work really well with YouTube ads because people are in an environment where they're watching something, they're they're watching content.
And so it also works really well because if they're planning on watching some videos now and having a video session, we're just changing the direction of what they're watching. They've come on to YouTube, they're planning to watch stuff. Now if our webinar sounds good and as a topic, they like the sound of them, then they've got the time available was a greater chance.
They've got the time available. Which actually leads us to the next point here, which is number four. This is a big update for you.
You might not realize how big this is. This is the style of webinar registration that we use right now, and it's git. It stands for just in time.
Okay. How many of you noticed Lewis earlier was talking about somebody obscene and they go straight to better watch the webinar presentation to anyone notice that? Yeah, a few of you.
Okay. Well, that's where he's eliminated the register for a certain time for this webinar. How many of you are using ever webinar?
So you've got to have a webinar account. Okay, well then you'll be familiar with this opt in looking pop up, right? What typically happens is you click on someone's page, you're invited to a webinar, so you click a button to register and it says Select your date and you click on select your date and you have a dropdown of a few different available sessions that you can register for.
We used to use this, but we don't anymore. What we do is this. Instead we use just in time and it mimics the, the, the feeling of that they've just landed on your page.
As the webinars are about to start, the webinar is going to be starting every few minutes, in fact every 15 minutes. So whenever they land on the page, it's going to be between one minute and about 14 minutes when the next session starts. So they just go straight into the webinar room.
It's very important. This is still set up as a webinar because we want that feeling of, okay, I'm waiting for a moment and I'm going into a webinar room. I can't pause.
It's got to like it's playing and I can't. I just got to sit and consume this. Right now.
We still need that feeling, but these are what are working is what is working the best right now, particularly for high ticket webinars because they're shorter. If you had a webinar that was 90 minutes long or 2 hours long, people may not register on the in the moment and be available for 2 hours. You track them with me, but if it's 30 to 40 minutes and they were already on YouTube consuming videos, it's actually a very high chance that they are available for 3040 minutes if you truly hook their attention.
Has that made sense? Track them with me. Okay.
If you're ever webinars really just as simple as this setting here, when you're doing your registration process, you don't select anything else. He only select just in time. You just toggle that on and you said, okay, number five, call to action button needs to be right at the very end.
I've seen people testing doing this in slightly different ways where you give the invitation to book a call earlier and then provide content or you mention it at the end, but you drop a link in the chat a bit earlier in case they want to prematurely click. We don't want to do that. Okay.
A webinar is designed to be a gatekeeper. A webinar is designed to provide value, provide content to people through this process of deciding if they like the sound of you and what you've got going on. And if not, they will leave and some of them will exit.
And they never had the chance to book a call with you and the people that got to the very end and did book a call. Now you know that the people you're speaking to got all the way to the very end make sense. Now, there's really very little room for error.
Okay. If they're getting on the phone with you and you don't really know what they've consumed from you, they might be at a two on the conversion timeline. Might be one, might be four here.
We know that they're going to be around that six or seven because they had to consume all of our content to get to the end. Okay. Number six, we do a three day replay campaign, a three day replay campaign.
Okay. Now, the reason we do this is because if you give them longer to watch the replay, we have found, if we offer them four days, five days, six days, it's too long. They land on the page and they go, Oh, that looks good, but I've got plenty of time to watch it too.
I'll come back another time. And they never do. If we only give them one or two days.
We find that we sometimes miss people that don't get a good enough chance. So we do a three day replay campaign and we do one email on the first day saying, Hey, you registered for the webinar, but it looks like, you know, you may not have had a chance to attend if you did or you didn't, you know, here's a link to check it out. I've put a replay on here for three days.
Second email. Hey, just checking you got my message yesterday. I've made the replay available, but it's coming down tomorrow, so come over and check it out.
And then we have two emails on the third day, one earlier on in the day that says, Hey, just a heads up, the replay is coming down today. So, you know, jump in and take your opportunity to catch up on what you missed. And the final email is, Hey, final chance.
The webinar is coming down in literally a few hours from now, so come and check it out. And this works incredibly well. We have been playing with this a lot and this gives us the greatest bang for our buck.
All right. Is that helpful? Yeah, But one more for you.
How many of you liked what Matt was talking about? Would lead magnets, and you understood the idea of, okay, I've got to have lead efficiency, I've got to have ad spend efficiency, I've got to make sure I'm getting as many leads through the front door and getting that trust hammer started. We can actually implement this with webinars.
Matt mentioned some of the things that we've been testing together, and this is one of the things that we're testing is we use Matt's lead magnet process and we push them into our webinar or webinars, the vehicle that closes and converts. But we want to get leads on the front end and so we can just add a lead magnet to the very from now for your notes. This is a what I would call a phase two strategy.
Phase two strategy. If you don't already have a webinar that's converting, throwing a lead magnet on the front end is not going to fix it. Make sense.
So what you first need is you need to have a webinar that is crushing it. Then you can add a lead magnet on the front to get even cheaper leads. Hey, well, I hope you enjoyed that webinar presentation from Ad Con, and if you want to learn more about this topic, I'd love to go deeper with you.
I have an amazing bootcamp that I run called High Ticket Webinars where break down the entire process, the presentation, the funnel, the traffic, the phone script that you would use to land the clients out. The other end. If you're a coach, an expert consultant, if you so anything that you would like to be using a webinar to get more clients for.
I'd love to be to help you. There's a link in the description box. Go ahead and click on that.
Check out the information for high ticket webinars and I'd love to see you on our next bootcamp. And if you want to go deeper on the topic right now, there's another webinar training ready for you right here. We uploaded that recently to our channel.
You're going to absolutely love it. Don't forget to hit the like button on this video. I would really appreciate that.
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