How To Detach And INSTANTLY “Manifest” Anything You Want

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Nero Knowledge
If you can detach you can manifest instantly, you just need to know two simple things… The annoying...
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how to instantly manifest your desired reality but also how to let go how to detach now unfortunately you can't let go you can't detach and you definitely can't manifest instantly your desired reality until you know the annoying law of the universe because currently you're actually making a mistake that goes in direct contradiction to the annoying law of the universe which you can't pass because unfortunately anytime that you attempt to go against the foundations of the universe you ultimately go against the foundations of yourself which means you ultimately go against the foundation of God and anytime
you go against God or you're out of alignment with the universal Consciousness with the infinite intelligence it always leads to a particular degree of suffering I think all of our human struggles and sufferings can be summarized into us being outside the universal flow so not only am I going to show you how to detach how to let go I'm also going to show you the annoying GL of the universe the secret frequency that you never knew you needed and one realization in particular that will collapse the space in between you and your desired reality and
as you can see our boy over here he's stressed you know what I'm saying he's he's stressed I don't know why his legs are short but doesn't matter let's get into it you know what's mad M I seen a comment and someone goes yo do you need to wear a shirt do I need to wear a shirt yep you think I'm like some you think you think you think I'm some online only fans guy they want me to take off my top while I'm see this the issue right here so aren't in their desired reality
you aren't focusing you guys need to be focused man do I have to wear a shirt that's that's insane I don't know what it is that makes me feel like this I don't know who you are but you must be some kind of Superstar cuz you got all lies on you no matter where you are I'm surprised you know that song I'm surprised you know that song you know she's from war is she yeah someone said you should do a video about your SP I don't like what that SP nonsense you think you think we
should actually make a video we can make a video on how people can manifest people that they want I think that be a good I just don't like the whole hyper fix on XP actually comes from a lot of insecurities which is actually the frequency that's actually repelling people from being able to attract that they people that they truly want but I'll make a video it but the annoying lord of the universe let's first cover that as the foundation you can only have what you already have this is what I call the annoying law of
the universe and I'm going to break this down multi-dimensionally because it at first glance it doesn't particularly make sense as to how you can only have what you already have but something that you need to come to the realization of is that when I'm telling you this law in particular this law is the only way you're going to manifest your desired reality now I need you to kind of restructure your definition on reality of what you've been taught it is because through Reading hundreds of books and spending years and also being hired by 7 to
eight figure entrepreneurs to literally double their revenue with this yes a niggaer like me in a vest and a doag is hired by these individuals one definition that I've come to myself for the true definition of manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change that that is a variation of what I'm saying here when I say the annoying law of the universe you can only have what you already have and if you don't have it you can't have it It's Tricky right but what I mean
is this your definition of have is completely up I I'll be honest with you your definition of have is completely up and you have the wrong definition of have your definition of have is having something in reality or what you call reality but reality is really the third dimensional realm which is an illusion also known as is the physical plane it is the world of matter it is the material world that we live in your definition of having something is being able to see it and touch it but that's not the universe's definition of having
the universe's definition of having which you need to begin to restructure yourself to because you are a universe you need to stop thinking like a human and start thinking like the universe because the universe in of itself is nothing more than a system of laws those particular laws if they're structured correctly in accordance to the frequency that you're attempting to materialize with will and they have no choice but to give you the reality that you want I say that to say the universe's definition of having is vibrational alignment what's vibrational alignment Nero relax you're going
to get some easy easy easy you're too eager keep it in your pants keep it in your pants when I say vibrational alignment what I mean specifically is your internal State also known as your mental attitude also known as your State of Consciousness also known as your frequency your imagination all of these things are completely interchangeable so the universe's definition of having is vibrational alignment and when I say vibrational alignment what that should indicate to your mind is that it's actually nothing to do with matter in the way that you perceive it as I said
your definition of having it is I have this whiteboard wiper because I can hold it that's not the way that the Universe thinks universally speaking in terms of the universe you have anything that you are the vibrational alignment of when I say vibrational alignment of anything that you are internally is the universe's definition of having and that's the only thing you can have before you attempt to get the world to give you anything see to it first that you've given it to yourself and what do I mean when I say you've given it to yourself
I mean you've become the vibrational alignment of that what does that mean it means you are that internally so whatever it is that you're trying to materialize whether a particular Financial level whether a partner whether a job opportunity whether or changing your circumstances before you have it physically you can only have it vibrationally before anything exists physically it first must exist vibrationally when I say vibrationally that's nothing more than me saying mentally and spiritually the issue is right now you're trying to play the game like a human because so long as you perceive reality through
the lens of having something by being able to touch it you're not going to be able to materialize anything because you need to be abundant before the world proves it to you you need to be rich before the world proves it to you you need to be your desired reality is equivalent before the world proves it to you all of that was a bar WR that down because here's the thing the world will always prove to you what you are so if what the world is proving to you right now isn't your desired reality then
that means you have something else and this is the mistake that a lot of people make a lot of people want to manifest a particular desired reality it which by the way you know make sure you're taking notes and leave them in the comments as usual and always spirituality without the ability to control your reality's vanity yes it's cool that certain people can you know do telekinesis and all the stuff like that but if you still got debt collectors on your ass then it's not particularly something that is you know what I'm saying it's not
useful unless you can Telekinesis the debt collectors away I wish I did I used to highlight Jehovah's Witness you know you know a deck collector knocks on the door and you just go silent even though they can't even though they couldn't see me through the door I used to duck like this as if they had x-ray vision but anyways as I said the human's definition of having is associated with the material but that's incorrect you need to begin thinking like a universe excuse me and the universe's particular definition of having something being the vibrational alignment
which is nothing more than the internal equivalent of that desired real so whatever your desired reality is you need to be the equivalent to that mentally spiritually emotionally mentally spiritually emotionally and when you do that you're actually going to do what you actually should have been doing this whole time but as I told you you've been making a a dangerous mistake you're actually emitting two frequencies right now which is actually repelling you from your desired reality so let me Point those out to you right now now those who consistently watch me know every once in
a while probably about every like five seven videos I always transform your anxiety in one instance yes I know it sounds unbelievable but people literally come to me saying Nero I've got anxiety I've got worry I've got fear and then I do this one thing and it instantly gets rid of their anxiety each and every single time and I'll get AJ to show proof of it you know what I'm saying on the screen right now you should be seeing something but guys I do have a new song for you to listen to a UK Legend
has just been released from prison go listen to ASCO straight drop times five and after you've done that make sure you go listen to four and three but first just go listen to ask or Str Dr Trans five that will completely heal your internal State of Consciousness and transcend you outside this third dimensional realm in a way that you've never been able to experience removing every particular lower vibrational emotion that exists within you I promise twice emotional stability and Tranquility I deserve it all oh not I deserve it a that song is Amazing songs pretty
good still who's actually a top three rappers I've never asked you this top three putting me on the spot buddy go on bro I'll say it Lil Wayne Drake I don't know who your third one is oh these are mine yeah I thought I thought you put little way in yours and probably Dave is it that's probably your top three wait who did you say who Drake yours is probably Drake wait man Lil Wayne and Drake and Dave sorry it's tough I want to put jcole in there but I also want to put Dave in
there so jcole Lil Wayne and Drake maybe Dave my my top three wases yours instant you guys let me know who your top three is cuz this he ain't got it top three no particular order Jay-Z Nar Kendrick Lamar legendary this legendary Kendrick Lamar Kendrick Lamar Kung Fu Kenny oh my Lord Mr moral Dave would actually just Kendrick should be cleaning Dave's shoes you're absolutely ridiculous I'm being serious which is sad cuz I really like Dave that's ridiculous you know Dave is cold speaking of which guys please stop questioning the nature of my Humanity people
keep saying I'm not sure if Nero's even human at this point who can talk off his head for 50 minutes with no notes on this information guys I am a real boy like Pinocchio I'm I'm going to leak a video of Nero [Laughter] recalibrating so guys as I told you you're making a crucial mistake you're actually emitting a frequency that's actually repelling you from your desired reality until you have the capability of collapsing this frequency your desired reality will continue to run from you despite everything everything that you've been doing you might have been making
notes you might have been doing meditations visualizations you might have been staring at yourself in a mirror like a psychopath telling yourself that you love yourself and you're a billionaire and all of this other that do but clearly that stuff isn't working and that's due to the fact that mechanically speaking you actually repelling yourself from your desired reality because of this one frequency and that one frequency is desperation the issue is right now you're desperate for your desired reality the issue is your feing for it you're dying for it you're dying for you're dying for
it you're feing for it you're desperate for your particular desired reality and don't get it twisted it makes complete sense you know especially having grown up in the ends or the projects what you like call it you know you want nothing more than to make money and that's my that was my particular desired reality please extrapolate this to whatever yours is somebody said Nero always says extrapolated like 100 times in this video and it's it's because I don't know what everybody wants to manifest you want to manifest different things so whatever your own personal desires
are please extrapolate this to you that but I can't say it without laughing anymore but whatever your desired reality is in particular the issue is you're desperate for it right now the issue is you need it right now and I need you to remember what I'm about to say think about the concept of money the people that need money the most have the least and the people that need it the least have the most and it's due to the fre it's due to the fact that desperation emits a frequency that repels you from your desired
reality because the universe is saying you're desperate for this thing you desire something external which means you are lacking something internal and ironically if you are lacking something internal and that's what the universe is registering it as you can only lack externally that's a bar that down the universe essentially says you're the shiniest object in the entirety of the universe the entire capability of fulfillment as Christ said the Kingdom of Heaven is within you Luke 17:21 and said that in the Gospel of Thomas the kingdom of Heaven is inside and outside of you supposedly Buddha
said the same thing about Nirvana that it's entirely within you the universe interpr interprets you as you're desperate for this one thing but you don't realize that you have everything you need you have everything you need within you to create your desired reality but see the world wants you to think otherwise the world wants you to place importance upon it the world wants you to project and externalize the particular degree of power that you have and to need things in the world because the more that you need externally the more gaps create internally and those
gaps internally due to the fact that as within as without due to the fact that on Earth as it is in heaven due to the fact that every vibration becomes a reality you can only have a particular degree of lacking in your universe and think about it like this the example that always comes to my mind is think of Mand in it like as Mand we all have guys and girls you would have experienced this too as man we all have guys that are desperate for G they're feing for girl hungry starving Lions hungry hyenas
and those guys seem to just do nothing but actually give girls the ick and actually repel women and women I'm sure you'll be able to speak on this in the comments but for whatever reason it seems like those opposite to this seem to get what they want in reality and that's a microcosm of a macrocosm especially due to the fact that women being feminine the universe is feminine and of itself mother nature mother earth God the father that combination of masculine and feminine is the totality in the creation of transcendence in this third dimensional realm
into unity all of that was a borrow that down but maybe that's a topic for another video but that stuff was really deep what I just covered but desperation is nothing more than a ick you're literally giving your desired reality the ick by being desperate for it because you're indicating to the universe that you're lacking something externally and if you're lacking something externally the external is nothing more than a reflection of the internal and the internal being a lack to some degree can only produce a particular circumstance where you experience lack outside of your reality
and that's what you'll be lacking whatever it is that you desire you'll be lacking that thing because there's holes in you in the universe and until you come to the understanding of what I just said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you as Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God seek first the State of Consciousness to which you desire nothing seek first the State of Consciousness to which you're in an internal state of peace and Bliss reach the internal State internally where you feel fulfilled then all of these things
shall be added on to you that is quite literally the entirety of manifestation and so long as you're desperate what you're actually doing is seeking the world you're actually seeking matter and matter is nothing more than an illusion so the universe is looking at you like a clown because it's like this individual seeking matter this individual seeking something that doesn't even exist something that's an illusion as opposed to what actually creates the matter which is consciousness which is why even in the realm of quantum mechanics they'll tell you in experiment such as the Observer experiment
that subatomic particles react to human consciousness and funnily enough we think we react to the world no the world is reacting to you that's a borrow that down and it all comes down to as within as without internal external on Earth as it is in heaven so so long as you have that particular degree of desperation with you so long as you really really need your desired reality it's not going to it's not going to materialize it's just not and it's unfortunate because unfortunately a lot of people need certain things in life a lot of
us in certain instances of our life we really need something to come through we really need this amount of money we really need this we really need that we need to make it work and ironically you can't have anything that you need someone just said I'm going to manifest you to stop saying tell you ain't got that type of power [Music] bro you ain't got that type of power Let It Go man let it go you ain't got it it actually shows the degree of ego that peoples have when they're receiving information that could potentially
change their reality but due to their own preconceived notions on what they believe is good or bad right or wrong which is nothing more than the illusion of duality in of itself which only exists in this third dimensional realm they seek to exercise over others more often than not the people that attempt to do stuff like that and say don't do this or do it like this or don't say this and don't say that you're actually lacking some type of internal degree of control hence why you have this tendency and degree to feel like you
need to exercise it externally by telling other people to say something which unfortunately you're talking to the wrong because I keep telling you look I'm not an influencer if you think I'm going to be one of those influencers that's going to begin to adjust myself to your particular degree of thinking then you've lost your mind and the reason I say that is because as much as I'm appreciative of all the people that you know watch me and so on and so forth at the same time I understand that the same rope that they Ed to
pull you up will be the same one they hang you with when they're done with you so that particular degree of social approval is nothing to me it doesn't it doesn't phase me it doesn't do anything for me and I must stay detached from that hence why even when I tell you guys when you guys say oh Nero you changed my life no I didn't change your life you changed your own life and you need to come to that understanding and redirect that particular degree of power to you because as humans naturally if we look
at it from a point of evolutionary psychology humans evolve to be in groups so hierarchy is something that is direct corresponding to the Primal mind also known as the basal ganglia and the Primal mind is another word for your lower self so for you to pedestalize anybody is to you act from your lower self Without You realizing that that person you're pedestalize is actually on a platform that doesn't exist and they're on the same level as you they are nothing more than a god a mask that God is wearing and so are you so come
to that realization quickly so how can we collapse that degree how do I Collapse that desperation n how do I let go of being desperate N I really want it relax you're going to get some keep it in your pants zip it up bro you're going to get it the only way that you can do that is through what I call the secret frequency secret frequency the secret frequency of what Nero ease up man the secret frequency of not needing the secret frequency of not needing this is ultimately what's going to be the thing that
not only aligns you with the annoying law of the universe to put you in a state where you have what it is that you want because you can only have what you already have and if you don't have it then you can't have it but also this secret frequency Taps into something that's very very important very very important now here's the thing and you know what actually before I get to the secret frequency hold on I'll get back to that I'll get back to that I'll get back to that there's something that I want to
touch upon um to the point that I just made previously just wait right there I know I know relax you're going to get some I apologize you probably wrote secret frequency in your notes and now you got to get rid of it I know it's jarring I'm sorry but one thing that I want to add reiterate more clearly when we're talking about you can only have what you already have and if you don't have it then you don't have it is this concept right here and understand that within this universe there is one thing and
there's having now I told you most humans definition of having is incorrect most people's definition of having always pertains to some type of physical expression which understand physical expression is actually what comes after after you've correctly manifested and manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change but a prerequisite to that is already having now when we talk about wanting you want your desired reality technically you can only want what you don't have and if you can only have what you already have if you don't have
your desired reality then that's all you can have and due to the fact that that's you internally the internal always leads to the external that's you vibrationally whatever you have vibrationally ends up becoming physically that's you from a point of frequency and frequency always turns into reality then if you don't have then you can only not have in reality so you don't have your desired reality and you don't have it internally so you don't have it externally and you don't have it vibrationally so you don't have it physically and you don't have it from a
point of frequency so you don't have it in reality and having let's talk about having going back to the point that I made at the start having you associate it to be some type of physical expression but having is nothing more than becoming the vibrational alignment and becoming the vibrational alignment Taps into the definition that I gave for manifestation which is when you are good with it and good without it right now you're good with it you're really really good with what you want but the issue is you're not good without it and you're not
good without it because of a critical mistake that you keep making in terms of the way that you're perceiving these things now I can go to the frequency of not needing I just had to get that out get out of my head someone goes your vids while in the gym means double pump I don't know what you mean by that oh bro I don't what you mean by that I don't know how people watch my videos in the gym to be honest like they're just listening gu yeah but when I'm when I'm making stupid jokes
you might hurt yourself bro I listen to you every morning since the day before yesterday and I'm not going to stop this is my new cult is bro saying the world is going to want to box you in simply due to the fact that people might see somebody who is associated with spiritual information myself they expect me to act in a particular way to conduct myself in a particular way to show a mask in a particular way I have no desire to do that I couldn't give a actually because even when you do perceive me
understand this nobody ever sees the real you every time somebody sees you they're actually seeing you through the lenses that they're wearing so nobody's ever actually going to see you they're actually going to see their preconceived notions their preconceived vibrational vibrational State when they're looking at you so even when people look at me they're not seeing me hence why when you know people say I love you I'm like you don't love me I could be the worst you know I could I could have people in my basement that I eat I don't have a basement
but I'm just saying that's why I'm not one for the gimmicks you know my my friends are actually always getting on to me saying you need to be more of an influencer even AJ is always saying to me you know you should be doing this you should be doing this and other people my friends will say hey go to these events and hang out with these people but I have no desire to be fluenc so honestly um the idea actually repulses me if I'm being entirely honest because most people are weird and I don't mean
weird is in the way that I'm weird I mean some people are actually just n I'm not trying to be around them so on and so forth and they're all caught up in the social gimmicks and their Aesthetics and what they present and me I don't care why I wear the same things in every video and I talk the exact same way in every video and I make silly jokes you understand what I'm saying the secret frequency of needing is going to be the only way that you can collapse that particular frequency of desperation which
is actually repelling you because you're indicating to the universe that you lack something externally and due to the fact that the internal and external nothing more than mirrors that indicates the universe that you lack something internally and if you lack something internally then that leads ultimately to you lacking your desired reality externally now this is the only thing that can break that down what is the secret frequency of not needing Nero well I'll show you because it's something that I came up with myself so when you see other people with it you know just know
know where they got it from so on and so forth and guys please stop terrorizing people who might be doing video similar to me so on and so forth I don't own this information Yes Credit would be nice as I always give credit to my spiritual Masters homelander the Bane from Batman um Joffrey barathan you know Jin Fricks gone gun's dad hisoka you know what I'm saying and you know I can only do my best you get me I can only do my best but hey the secret frequency of not needing is embodied in a
couple ways one is the secret frequency is embodied particularly by not being attached to the outcome of reality the issue is right now any time that you're particularly attached to a particular condition of reality and what I mean by that is you give reality some type of control over your internal state if reality shows you something that you don't like and you allow that to internally alter you then what you're doing is something very dangerous and that is giving the frequency of the world the ability to calibrate your frequency to align with it and you
do not want to be aligned to the frequency of the world you want to be aligned to the frequency of your desired reality so you can ultimately be above it now as I said being attached to the outcome of reality is showing to the universe a particular degree of lack of awareness and when I say low frequency this is low frequency behavior and when I say low frequency please don't associate it with what all these spiritual have made you think it is you know eating meat drinking cuz I do all of those things pause pause
on it pause on the eat and meat but low frequency you have to understand that frequency is nothing more than energetic signature in human beings it it expresses itself through us as our level of awareness so to be low frequency ultimately means to have a low level of awareness now now having a low level of awareness does lead to the quote unquote lower vibrational emotions such as stress worry anxiety fear guilt shame so on and so forth because you're actually looking at reality when we see when I say awareness think about it like the lens
you're actually looking at reality through a particular smudged lens and anytime you have a smudged lens you're not seeing clearly and anytime you're not seeing clearly you can end up hurting yourself and running into into a particular condition of suffering which is what we begin to experience so you need to detach the the dependency that you have on reality emotionally right now you have some type of emotional dependency on reality and go back to my definition of manifestation manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change
and that level of emotional dependence is dangerous because emotion is energy emotion energy emotion emits an energetic signature what we call a vibration a vibration that has more momentum becomes a frequency and every frequency every frequency will become a reality so if I can control your emotion I can control your energy emotion I can control your vibration I can control your frequency and then I can control your reality and this is the true game of the World hence why you need to begin to exercise some type of um how do I say this you need
to begin to exercise some type of emotional discipline with what you're seeing in reality reality is going to continue L show you conditions that you don't like you're going to see circumstances you don't like you're going to see people you don't like and each and every time that you allow what you're seeing externally to alter you internally the world is making you it's quite literally so you need to gain that you need to gain that capability and exercise a degree of discipline and say I'm not going to react to this because I have the understanding
of what this leads to that type of framing instantly takes you and separates you from being caught up in the Whirlwind of your all now at the start of the video I told you you can manifest instantly and I wasn't lying I wasn't lying a question that people often say is how long does it take to manifest you know I've been doing this so on and so forth you know how long does it take to manifest it's all right I'm going to give it to you I'm going to give it to you real hard right
now pause party rock is in the house tonight everybody just have a good time man taking drugs in that era must have been EX [Laughter] [Music] aerating it look like that music would hit your bones look how many times we left and F came just in time she was trying to off her skirt clearly she lost her mind I don't listen to niggga music wow wow I'm all for for the white girl Chun n their Chun slap I recently got to Billy ish she's hard star you know Spotify told me I had a period where
I was listening to um to Katy Perry like she was my number one artist in like September or some yeah because because I spoke to you about it I said to you KY Perry or Miley Cyrus and then that triggered you to listen to that possibly still possibly now K Perry is a different C of fish different cat of fish you're not touching them okay okay okay now as I told you manifestation is instant but that's depending upon your definition of manifesting see your actual desire to manifest your desired reality instantly which your definition of
manifestation is seeing a physical change in your reality seeing reality change but that's an incorrect definition and if you have the incorrect definition of manifesting instantly then you're not going to be able to manifest instantly because the true definition of manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you are no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing your reality change so how do I manifest instantly you manifest instantly when you come to the realization that all manifestation is already instant all manifestation is already instant all of it I want you to understand manifestation as putting on
a vibrational jacket of your desired reality you put on that jacket until you take it off you're manifesting but see your definition is is my reality changing when's it going to come up when's it going to come up when's it going to come up and that indicates to the universe that you have a misplaced value and a misplaced definition upon what the true definition of manifestation is if manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotion dependent upon seeing reality change when you're in that particular particular feeling where you feel so
good that you don't even need to see your desired reality come in that is manifestation all manifestation is instant all manifestation is instant from the moment you put the jacket on until the moment you take it off from the moment you put the jacket on to the moment you take it off the issue is you're taking it off each and every single time that you're looking for your reality to change so don't ever ask me again how long does it take for reality how long does it take to manifest should take you instantly it's literally
a decision to say I am it I am occupying the beliefs the identity the attention the or Focus emotional conviction and the emotionally charged thoughts of my desired reality right now at this moment until I stop the moment that you stop is when you take the jacket off you're no longer manifesting but all manifestation is instant because manifestation is always something that's going to be on the vibrational side of things as opposed to the physical side and the vibrational side of things is always going to be corresponding to your mental attitude your state of thinking
beliefs identity attention emotional conviction and emotionally charged thoughts and your attitude because your emotion plays a bigger part in manifestation than thoughts all manifestation is instant the issue is you're not you're allowing of you're allowing reality to show you what it doesn't want and when it shows you that you're like I don't feel good and at that time you've been completely taken out the vibration of what it is that you want so here it comes it's com it's about to come real hard right now pause and that is sorry my arms hurt I've been training
in the gym again like a hashir why you laughing you don't know what a his is why is it been training like I got my tuning exams you don't know what that is either sounds like you're training for the hunter test yeah all right cool I also told you I tell you how to detach and detaching actually comes from one particular realization along with everything else that I've been doing the secret frequency of not needing detaching to a particular outcome by exercising an internal degree of mental and emotional discipline and the one realization that all
manifestation is instant and because manifestation is instant when you have it internally you don't need it externally and when you do that that is how ultimately you collapse the Des ins spiration frequency that is repelling you from your desired reality because ironically your old frequency will come up in your ear and it will be like hey hey has your reality changed has your reality changed has it changed yet has it changed yet what that work you've been doing you've been meditating like a monk you've been talking to yourself like a psychopath you know you've been
working on your thoughts but nothing's changing nothing's changing like look at you and it wants you to place your attention on the external because it knows the external isn't going to be showing you what you want because reality is a delayed form of Consciousness the moment that you enter your desired reality vibrationally and you become vibrationally aligned or mental and emotional and spiritual equivalent to your desired reality that is manifestation but it plays on the fact of your incorrect definition of manifestation that you've got from all these spiritual out here and it plays to that
and it creates that deep level of insecurity and any particular degree of insecurity in any aspect of your life will always be exploited by the world whether by corporations institutions or people any insecurity will always be exploited please remember that so understand recorrect your definition and understand what it really is now how do I detach Nero it all comes from one realization right here let's put desired reality well yo quick side note how can someone say Nero how do you stop having wet dreams cuz I had one with you in it last night bro what
what it's a dude your desired reality so this is the one realization that's actually going to allow you to let go and detach because until you let go then esoterically you will be making the same mistake that Christ Consciousness spoke about in Matthew when Christ said with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible the issu is right now you're trying to act from men men is nothing more than the understanding that that is your physical vessel your physical vessel is confined within this third dimensional realm of Illusion so our vessels are
trapped and anytime we try to operate and create reality from a trapped condition we ultimately will lead to a trapped reality you need to understand that with men it's impossible but With God all things are possible and God is the aspect of infinite within you the God within now here's the mistake or the realization this should really give you a light bulb moment on how to let go and how to detach ironically when you detach you step into the true definition of manifestation which is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer longer
emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change here's the realization the only reason you want your desired reality and please write this down the only reason you want your desired reality is because you will feel a way that you don't currently feel I'll give you some examples most obvious examples off the top of my head the only reason why you want money more money is to feel more free to feel more peaceful to feel less stressed to feel less worried to feel less anxious to feel less frustrated the only reason you may want to manifest a new
career opportunity or be promoted in your career is because that will entail you particular privileges in that career whether it's less time more time More Money More Freedom more power more status you'll feel differently the only reason you want to manifest a person is because you particularly want to feel loved you want to feel complete you want to feel appreciated cherished so on and so forth there's nothing in this world nothing nothing there's nothing in this reality that we want as human beings that won't make us feel different when we got it I don't care
if you're buying a Subway I don't care if you're buying a bottle of heny I don't care if you're buying a hoodie some shoes a doag a toothpick a spray bottle a rag a whiteboard all of these things inherently know that we're going to feel differently we know inherently when we accumulate these things we're going to feel differently and that's what you really want listen to what I'm saying you don't want this you want this because this gets you this you want to feel different mentally you want a particular different mental state and you want
a different emotional state and because this is what you want you've made the dangerous mistake of associating your desired reality with this this is how this is you you think if I get my desired reality subconsciously and unconsciously I'll feel different that's the only reason you want to but you can cut out the middleman and jump straight to that state because that state requires nothing from you may want you you may want to feel differently that state it does it doesn't take anything to feel differently you can feel peace right now you can feel relaxed
right now you can feel less worried right now you can feel less frustrated right now you can feel more happy right now you can feel more fulfilled right now if you decide to get into the vibrational alignment of your desired reality internally you are that and if you do that correctly then this new state has what it has a frequency and that frequency ultimately is what will even get you to your desired reality in the first place and this is how most people incorrectly go about things they think when I attain this I'm going to
feel fulfilled when I get this I'm going to feel fulfilled and then they get it and then they feel empty without coming to the understanding that ironically you can cut out what you think your desired reality is enter the state of your desired reality right now mentally and emotionally and ironically the longer that you hold that that will emit a frequency to the universe that you have your desired reality and ultimately that is exactly what's going to put you in your desired reality so long as you can maintain that frequency you've never wanted your desired
reality all you've wanted is to feel different that's a Bor that down but you can feel different now because this state is mental and emotional mental and emotional is something that goes beyond our third dimensional realm and because it goes beyond our third dimensional realm that actually means that it's no longer confined by space time you're not confined until you have to see your reality change to feel differently you can feel differently now mentally and emotionally because mental and emotional are two particular degrees of energies that transcend this third dimensional realm where time doesn't exist
so you can enter it right now I repeat you've never wanted your desired reality you just wanted to feel different so let yourself feel different give yourself permission to feel different the issue is you won't allow yourself to feel different based upon you thinking that you need to in your desired reality that's the only way you're going to deserve to feel different without understanding that you actually feeling different is what will put you in your desired reality
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