GOD PREPARES TO ATTACK THE NEW SODOM - These Three Things Will Happen When Babylon Falls

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God prepares to attack the new Sodom the prophecy will be fulfilled this generation has become worse than Sodom and gomor the Bible warned us when some people hear about the atrocities that take place in the Old Testament they're quite shocked some say that surely cannot happen again today what if I told you there are secrets and evil things that happen now that you may have never heard of the New Testament tells us about this it tells us the prophecy of the future decadence of the new Babylon watch this video to the end and find out
about the worst event on this earth and the Judgment that will take place because of this event today we're facing moral and ethical challenges similar to those described in the stories of Sodom and gomorah let's explore how these ancient Tales are relevant to our modern times we're at a crucial Crossroads and the question remains will we learn from history or repeat the mistakes of the past watch Until the End find out how we can seek Redemption and transformation today don't miss this urgent and Prof analysis today our generation is exhibiting a new form of wickedness
reminiscent of Sodom and Gomorrah the Bible warned us about these days like Sodom we are engaging in sinful behavior and disregarding God's teachings this blatant disregard for God's word will inevitably lead to destruction and this has become increasingly evident we are celebrating sin and dismissing God's teachings the Bible forewarned us about these times it is evident that our moral standards have declined and we we will surely face the consequences repent now before it's too late it was the same as it was in the days of lot people were eating they were drinking they were buying
they were selling they were planting they were building carrying on business as usual without regard for their sins but on the very day that lot left Sodom it rained fire and brimstone burning sulfur from heaven and destroyed them all it will be just the same on the day that the son of man is revealed on that day whoever is on the housetop with his belongings in the house must not come down and go inside to take them out and likewise whoever is in the field must not turn back remember what happened to Lot's wife when
she looked back whoever seeks to save his life will eventually lose it through death and whoever loses his life in this world will keep it from the consequences of sin and separation from God I tell you on that night when Messiah comes again there will be two sleeping in one bed the one the non-believer will be taken away in judgment and the other the believer will be left there will be two women grinding at the Mill together the one the non-believer will be taken away in judgment and the other the believer will be left two
men will be in the field one will be taken and the other will be left and they asked him where Lord he answered where the corpse is there the vultures will be gathered Luke 17 28-37 Jesus used the example of sodom's time time to explain how the world will be met with judgment the destruction that befell Sodom and Gomorrah in the days of lot occurred in the morning the day before it seemed like any other day to the men of Sodom even so will it be in the day when the son of man is revealed
significantly there are other passages of scripture that seem to indicate that Jesus will return to a world that will be anything but business as usual do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God James 4:4 do we want to be friends with the rest of the world this does not imply giving up everything in the world this world represents everything that is opposed to God the wickedness that was once a part of your life God is
still ready to condemn all men and his word is still to not look back will you flee God's Vengeance in Jesus blood let God's angels take you out of this city to safety we read in that night there will be two men in one bed the one will be taken and the other will be left Luke 17:34 some people wonder if the time is right for Jesus to show up now both to save his people and to punish the world for rejecting him we can say this with a fair amount of certainty the Bible talks
about what the world will be like politically economically spiritually socially and militarily before Christ comes back it is fair to say that the conditions exist today and the stage is set two of these prophetic passages describe actual historical societies and Jesus tells us that we should be aware of them he says that on the day of his coming the world will be just as it was in the days of Noah and lot what were the distinctive characteristics of these societies and how does our world compare Jesus compares the end times not only with the days
of Noah but also with the days of lot Ezekiel 16 addressed to the city of Jerusalem Compares Jerusalem M with Sodom and that is what the Lord says about Sodom the Abominations committed by Jerusalem Judah were worse than those of her Heathen predecessors the Hittites amorites Samaria or Sodom sexual perversion was only one of sodom's sins the iniquity of Sodom also included fullness of food and abundance of idleness how well is that describing our modern culture fortunately there are wonderful exceptions to this this Story begins with these two cities in the Book of Genesis during
Abraham's time Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed in those days Sodom and Gomorrah were prosperous and thriving on the surface but secretly they were filled with evil Sodom and Gomorrah often known as sinful cities make us think deeply about what is right and wrong and what happens because of what we do the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah started with a revelation the sin in these cities had become so great that it had reached the heavens then the Lord said said the outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great and their sin is exceedingly grave Genesis 18:20
this verse highlights the difference between knowing something and witnessing it firsthand for instance God knows how much we honor and love him but he wants us to show this through our actions and service the verse emphasizes that the outcry against Sodom and gomorrah's sins prompted God's response highlighting the importance of actions and their visible impact Sodom and gomorra thrived in their prosperity as wealthy Nations yet were blinded by their excesses and moral corruption the people living there didn't realize that disaster was about to happen because they were too caught up in pleasing themselves on the
other hand Abraham who was a good and moral person was very different he tried to save any good people who might have been living in those cities in this case it isn't just about the Judgment that fell on Sodom and gomorah it's also about Mercy compassion and the power of inner Rec session it tells us how much difference one person can make when they decide to help others even when it seems like the chances are against them in Genesis 19 the men of Sodom displayed a lack of hospitality coupled with violent intentions towards lot's guests
the corruption of Sodom was so great that it deeply affected the minds of Lot's daughters what do you think is the worst sin in the Book of Genesis is it Adam and Eve eating the apple or the sons of God laying with the daughters of men or lot daughters lying down with their own father let us know if you change or stick with your answer the narrative doesn't shy away from the disturbing aftermath involving lot's daughters in the cave where they take refuge fearing the extinction of their family line they intoxicated their father lot to
lay with them resulting in both sisters being pregnant by him this part of the story highlights the pervasive and lasting impact that living in a morally corrupt environment had on lot's daughters the action of Lot's daughters might be seen as being shaped by the negative environment in Sodom they likely learned or were affected by the evil they saw around them in the city these young women grew up in Sodom and we can guess this because they were old enough to get married in the stories of the Bible this usually means they were teenagers at this
time lot had been living in Sodom for around 25 years now lot went up from Zoar and lived in the mountain together with his two daughters for he was afraid to stay any longer in Zoar and he lived in a cave with his two daughters the firstborn said to the younger our father is aging and there is not a man on Earth available to be intimate with us in the customary way so that we may have children come let us make our father drunk with wine and we will lie with him so that we may
preserve our family through our father so they gave their father wine that night and the firstborn went in and lay with her father and he did not know when she lay down or when she got up because he was completely intoxicated then the next day the firstborn said to the younger behold I lay with my father last night let us make him drunk with wine tonight also and then you go in and lie with him so that we may preserve our family through our father so they gave their father wine that night also and the
younger got up and lay with him and again he did not know when she lay down or when she got up thus both the daughters of lot conceived by their father the firstborn gave birth to a son and named him Moab from father he is the father of the moabites to this day the younger also gave birth to a son and named him Ben Ami son of my people he is the father of the ammonites to this day by looking at these details we can understand that lot's daughters were influenced by the place they grew
up in this story teaches us an important lesson about being careful of the environment we choose for ourselves and our families we need to think about how it might shape us and our loved ones just like lot's daughters we are influenced by the people and the society around us so we must Choose Wisely and think about the consequences of our surroundings certainly residing amidst an environment filled with wrongdoing does not automatically ensure that one's Offspring will Embrace similar negative paths the critical Factor here hinges on the extent to which the CORE family structure especially the
parents absorbs and reflects the prevailing societal Norms this influence profoundly shapes the ethical and spiritual growth of their children a relevant example illustrating this point is the family of lot The Narrative subtly suggests the potential familial Embrace of the surrounding decadent culture this situation emphasizes the vital role parents play in guiding their children's moral compass particularly when faced with the challenge of a morally corrupt environment it serves as a stark reminder that while external influences are potent the family's internal Dynamics and values can significantly counteract or contribute to these influence uences in shaping a child's
character and values furthermore we must understand the alarming circumstances that befell lot's daughters who found themselves without future husbands because the men were consumed in the fiery judgment upon Sodom left with no other options seeing no other path forward in their lives these daughters who had been raised within the morally and spiritually corrupt environment of Sodom committed a grave sin they chose to intoxicate their father with wine a deliberate act to lead him as as stray to make him lose his sense of right and wrong and then they committed an act that was both Unthinkable
and profoundly wrong this narrative is not just a recounting of past events it is a potent lesson for all of us it serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of longing for a sinful past of allowing the moral Corruption of our environment to dictate our actions it urges us to look forward to seek guidance and to make choices that lead us toward righteousness and away from sin let this story be a beacon for us brightening the course of Purity and steering us clear of The Temptations that threaten to lead us astray fast forward to
the New Testament and we find Sodom and Gomorrah taking on a metaphorical significance symbolizing the final judgment and the end of times in 2 Peter 26-8 the destruction of these cities serves as a warning and example of God's judgment on ungodly living it says and if he condemned the cities of Sodom and gomorah to destruction by reducing them to ashes having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter and if he rescued righteous lot who was tormented by the immoral conduct of unprincipled and ungodly men for that just man while living
among them felt his righteous Soul tormented day after day by what he saw and heard of their Lawless acts similarly in Revelation Sodom is used to depict the ultimate downfall of a corrupt World System this is a powerful example of how Justice is carried out by Divine means leading to the complete removal of evil comparing the story of Sodom and Gomorrah to modern society can be quite thought-provoking in jude5 the destruction of these cities is a reminder of divine judgment against deep moral Decay some people believe that today's society is facing a decline in moral
values this is seen in more rude and crude language weakening Family Values and moving away from the teachings of the Bible there's a sense that personal achievements and pride have overshadowed humility and modesty this societal shift raises questions about readiness for divine judgment or Spiritual Awakening the Bible in second Peter 310-15 speaks about the day of the Lord coming unexpectedly and emphasizes the need for living in Holiness and godliness looking forward to a new world of righteousness this serves as a reminder to reflect on our values and actions in today's world it begins with self-awareness
we must constantly examine our actions and intentions asking ourselves if we're contributing positively to our community it's about living a life that values empathy and kindness over selfishness and indifference encouraging individuals to uphold moral values is not just about preaching it's about leading by example it's about creating an environment where Integrity honesty and compassion are valued and celebrated we can do this by being accountable for our actions making ethical choices and standing up for what is right even when it's difficult our personal choices have a ripple effect on society the Bible warns us do not
be deceived God is Not mocked for whatever one SWS that will he also reap Galatians 67 this means that our actions whether good or bad have consequences by choosing to live with Integrity we contribute to a more just and compassionate Society conversely when we ignore our moral compass we contribute to its decline a major lesson from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is the value of staying spiritually aware Abraham a key figure shows this when he learns about the city's upcoming destruction instead of just accepting it he talks to God seeking insight and hoping for
intervention this shows spiritual alertness and desire to align with what God wants in our modern world this translates to constantly seeking a connection with God in our everyday lives it means not just following religious rituals blindly but understanding the deeper meanings and values behind them by doing so we can make more informed morally upright decisions that resonate with our faith the people of Sodom and gomorah lacked this connection leading to their ultimate downfall now the men of Sodom were extremely Wicked and sinful against the Lord unashamed in their open sin before him Genesis 1313 Amplified
Bible this disconnection from spiritual guidance led to societal Decay what does this mean for us today by fostering a deeper connection with our God in faith we can develop a moral compass that helps navigate the complexities of Modern Life the story of Sodom and gomorah serves as a warning a reminder of what can happen when a society collectively turns away from spiritual values in contrast a spiritually grounded life offers numerous benefits for instance the biblical principle of loving one's neighbor can be a Guiding Light in our interactions promoting kindness empathy and understanding in a world
often marked by division and strife you shall love your neighbor as yourself that is unselfishly seek the best or higher good for others Galatians 5 14 Amplified Bible this is a direct application of spiritual guidance in everyday life are we living in a Twisted system in these times it feels like the body of Christ is witnessing a generation that has strayed far from God's teachings many of us look around and see behaviors and attitudes that seem even worse than those of Sodom and Gomorrah the Bible has warned us about the consequences of Pride and sin
and now more than ever we need to pay attention to those warnings the Bible tells us in Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction and a hotty spirit before a fall this verse explains the danger of Pride which was a major reason for the downfall of Sodom and Gomorrah these cities were prosperous and lived in luxury neglecting the poor and needy but their greatest sin was their pride which led them to turn away from God the story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a powerful reminder of God's judgment against sin in today's society we see behaviors and
attitudes that Echo the sins of those ancient cities this generation is often seen as worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and the Bible warned us about the consequences of such moral Decay God's judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah is one of the most controversial chapters in the Old Testament some people argue that God in the Old Testament is different from the New Testament they see him as wrathful in the Old Testament and graceful in the New Testament however Jesus himself referenced Sodom and gomorrah's judgment to warn about the even worse judgment to come during the end times
this warning is repeated throughout the Bible showing that the same God who judged those cities will one day judge the world one of the key lessons from Sodom and gomorah is that sin does not go unchecked by God the inhabitants of these cities were guilty of numerous sins including arrogance gluttony and neglect of the poor and needy modern society often glorifies behaviors that the Bible condemns and this shift in moral standards reflects a deep spiritual ual blindness ignoring God's warnings is another sign of our times just as lot's future sons-in-law ignored his warnings about the
impending destruction many people today are deaf to God's word they mock the idea of divine judgment and continue in their sinful ways believing that there are no consequences for their actions another characteristic of this generation is procrastination in responding to God's call lot himself hesitated to leave Sodom and the angel angs had to drag him and his family out of the city this delay in responding to God's warning reflects a lack of urgency and seriousness about spiritual matters many people today also put off repentance thinking they have plenty of time to get right with God
Ezekiel 16: 49-50 says behold this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom she and her daughters had arrogance abundant food and careless ease but she did not help the poor and needy they were huy and committed repulsive acts before me therefore I removed them when I saw it this passage clearly outlines the sins of Sodom Pride neglect of the poor and Indulgence in sin today we see similar behaviors our society often prioritizes wealth and pleasure over compassion and humility we have become a generation that glorifies sinful behavior and rejects the teachings of the Bible God
is a god of Holiness within and without and will not tolerate pride and arrogance he will bring judgment upon those who reject him and his Commandments as a nation we need to Humble ourselves and return to God we must recognize our sins and seek his forgiveness 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land this is a call to repentance we we must turn away
from our sins and seek God's face only then can we hope for healing and restoration we need to return to the principles of love compassion and humility that God has taught us the biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah serves as a stark warning about the destructive power of sin our society's love for wrongdoings people do not remain stagnant in their sins according to Paul in 2 Timothy 3:13 but evil men and imposters will go on for from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived this appears to be happening in our country today the sensitivity to
sin has decreased significantly and we tolerate behaviors that would have shocked previous generations Galatians 5:19 through 21 now the practices of the sinful nature are clearly evident they are sexual immorality impurity sensuality total irresponsibility lack of self-control idolatry sorcery hostility Strife jealousy fits of anger disputes dissensions factions that promote heresies Envy drunkenness riotous behavior and other things like these I warn you beforehand just as I did previously that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God our society increasingly glorifies sin making it more acceptable and respectable this glorification occurs through various
channels government policies media television movies videos schools and sports many Christians have unfortunately accepted this normalization of sin feeling powerless to change it as Believers we sometimes contribute to this glorification when we allow or encourage our children to participate in activities that promote sinful behaviors watching movies or videos that endorse and glamorize cursing Ephesians 5:11 says do not participate in the worthless and unproductive Deeds of Darkness but instead expose them engaging in these worldly activities can legitimize them in the eyes of others this acceptable worldliness may be tolerated by society and even some Christians but
it is not acceptable to God James 4:4 you adulteresses disloyal Sinners flirting with the world and breaking your vow to God do you not know that being the world's friend that is loving the things of the world is being God's enemy so whoever chooses to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God Paul acknowledges the crookedness and perversity of the generation he addressed which resonates with our current times Jesus Christ though he existed in the form of God humbled himself by becoming obedient to death on a cross Philippians 25-8 have this
attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus who although he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied himself taking the form of a slave and being made in the likeness of men being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself Yourself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross Jesus humility and obedience serve as the ultimate example for this to live humbly means to recognize our need for God's grace and to submit ourselves to his will even
when it is difficult or countercultural humility involves acknowledging that we cannot navigate this perverse World on our own we need the guidance and strength that comes from God repentance is equally crucial it means turning away from sin sin and aligning our lives with God's standards in a world that often encourages us to indulge our desires repentance requires a conscious decision to reject sinful behaviors and attitudes it is an ongoing process of self-examination confession and transformation living in a perverse generation also means facing opposition and persecution another question people ask is whether the United States is
Babylon is the United States of America United Kingdoms Russ countries that are revealed in the Book of Revelation what do you think do you believe that the United States is in the Book of Revelation now if you're looking for a direct and explicit reference the answer is no the Bible does not explicitly mention the United States of America however there is a nation in the Book of Revelation that many believe refers to the United States of America and this is Babylon the Old Testament has 15 books about prophecy but the New Testament has just one
Revelation John one of Jesus apostles OST Les wrote this book while he was in Ephesus John and Mary Jesus mother lived in Ephesus and were buried there Revelation was written toward the end of the first century Emperor Demian then required everyone to burn incense to Caesar once a year on the Lord's Day people had to stand before an altar raise their hands and say Caesar is Lord this was a big problem for early Christians because they belied Jesus was Lord they couldn't say Caesar is Lord without facing harsh punishment it was essential to see if
Christians would stick to their faith before this book was written people were already dying for their beliefs Revelation was meant to guide those willing to die for their faith the word martyr originally meant witness soon however it came to mean someone who died for their faith in Jesus John wrote the Book of Revelation but it differs from John's gospel and letters here's why Revelation was specially given to John God the Father gave it to Jesus then Jesus gave it to an angel the angel then gave it to John who wrote it down for all the
churches no other book in the Bible was given in such a complex way John wrote down what he saw and heard sometimes what he saw was so impressive that the angel reminded him to write it all down 11 times during his Visions John was taken up to heaven where he heard voices and choirs singing and he had to write everything down Revelation is an amazing book that discusses one big thing Jesus Christ's return to Earth the Bible mentions this event 318 times more than any other prediction Revelation explains what happens before during and after Jesus
return in this book we also see the fall of Babylon chapters 17 and 18 discuss the very end of the world in the rest of Revelation there are two main female figures a dirty prostitute and a clean bride they aren't real people but symbols they stand for cities you might call it A Tale of Two Cities the two cities are Babylon and Jerusalem with Babylon being the city of humans and Jerusalem being the city of god let's focus on Babylon first revelation 148 then another Angel a second one followed saying Fallen Fallen is Babylon the
great she who has made all nations drink the wine of The Passion of her immorality corrupting them with idolatry Babylon stands for a significant organized Reb Rebellion against God in Prophecy Babylon can sometimes mean a particular city or a religious or political system all these are connected to ancient babylon's evil ways when we hear that Babylon has led All Nations into fornication it mainly means spiritual fornication worshiping other gods but it's no surprise that spiritual fornication often comes with actual immoral Behavior Revelation 161 19-21 the great city was split into three parts and the cities
of the Nations fell and God kept in mind Babylon the great to give her the cup of the wine of his Fierce and Furious wrath then every island fled away and no mountains could be found and giant hailstones as heavy as a talent fell from the sky on the people and people reviled and spoke abusively of God for the plague of the hail because the plague was so very great in the Bible cities are often shown as wrong places the first mention of CI ities which is essential ties them to lamech and the making of
dangerous weapons cities draw in people including those who do wrong often encouraging bad behavior where there is less community and more hiding sins and crimes grow in this part of the Bible greed and pride are the main sins discussed and both are linked to loving money you can't serve both God and money at the same time Luke 1613 no servant can be the slave of two masters such a servant will hate one and love the other or will be loyal to one and despise the other you cannot serve both God and money in a prosperous
City people can easily forget that God made everything in heaven and on Earth sometimes people start to worship their skills and talents tall buildings often show off human pride and achievements indicating arrogance an excellent example is the Babel Tower near the Euphrates River on the path between Asia Africa and Europe Nimrod a great Hunter and Warrior built it he believed that power means you are right and only the most vital people survive the tower was meant to be the tallest building ever made by humans it was a way for people to show off and say
look at what we can do they wanted to make a name for ourselves the most significant danger to Jerusalem was Babylon in the end Nebuchadnezzar came and wrecked the holy city including its Temple and took its riches he sent the people away into exile EX for 70 years God let this happen because the people had made Jerusalem just like any other City not special anymore the evil entity of Babylon an angel invites John to witness the Judgment of this evil woman Revelation 17 1-2 then one of the Seven Angels who had the seven bowls came
and spoke with me saying come here I will show you the Judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many Waters with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of sexual IM morality and those who live on the earth became drunk with the wine of her sexual immorality the unfortunate truth is that it will not end well for Babylon we already read here of a judgment from God this is not a small thing it was always a great Calamity for anyone let alone any City to come under God's judgment the fate of Babylon will
end just like the fate of Babel did the great accomplishment of man will receive her due judgment the name Babylon is vital in the Bible it's stands for religious unfaithfulness and Corruption Babylon represents a false religion that leads people away from worshiping God correctly showing spiritual cheating and moral Decay this is shown in the Book of Revelation where Babylon is described as a mysterious woman having wrong relationships with the kings of the Earth this highlights the moral Decline and Corruption of societies caught up in false religions prosperity shiness and luxury can make us proud and
greedy but they can't protect us from God's punishment the golden cup stands for The Temptations and tricks used by this wicked Babylon to gain and keep her power and to lead others into her terrible ways this place is known for its awful actions because it teaches people to worship false gods and do all kinds of evil it is full of the blood of Jesus followers and martyrs she became drunk on it enjoying it so much that she was never satisfied it's shocking to think about how much Christian blood has been spilled by people who call
themselves Christians when we look at these prophecies we see that these terrible events prove the gospel's truth we should be careful not to be fooled by flashy profitable or trendy religions instead let's stay away from the secrets of evil and focus on understanding the true meaning of godliness by doing this we can learn humility and thankfulness from Christ's example the more we try to be like him the less likely we will be tricked by false false teachers God has already decided that mystical Babylon will fall and be destroyed an angel comes from heaven and this
Angel might be Jesus himself he's coming to defeat his enemies and share his gospel with all the nations babylon's wickedness was very great it had turned away from the true God set up false idols and led many people into spiritual wrongdoing Babylon used its wealth and luxury to keep people interested and trapped this spiritual merchandise which many use to become rich through sinful ways is a big problem there's a clear warning for anyone who hopes for God's mercy they must not only leave Babylon but also help in its destruction God might still have some people
in Babylon but they will be called out those who join in the sins of Babylon will face their punishments and the Kings and political leaders of the earth who committed immorality and lived luxuriously with her will weep and beat their chests in mourning over her when they see the SM smoke of her burning standing a long way off in fear of her torment saying wo wo the great City the Strong City Babylon in a single hour your judgment has come and Merchants of the earth will weep and grieve over her because no one buys their
cargo Goods merchandise anymore cargos of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and Scarlet all kinds of Citron scented wood and every article of Ivory and every article icle of very costly and lavish wood and bronze and iron and marble and cinnamon and spices and incense and perfume and frankincense and wine and olive oil and fine flour and wheat and of cattle and sheep and cargos of horses and chariots and carriages and of slaves and human lives The Ripe fruits and Delicacies of your Soul's desire have gone
from you and all things that were luxurious and extravagant are lost to you never again to be found the merchants who handled these articles who grew wealthy from their business with her will stand a long way off in fear of her torment weeping and mourning aloud saying wo wo for the great city that was robed in fine linen in purple and Scarlet gilded and adorned with gold with precious stones and with pearls because in one hour all the vast wealth has been laid waste and every ship captain or Navigator and every passenger and sailor and
all who make their living by the sea stood a long way off and exclaimed as they watched the smoke of her burning saying what could be compared to the great City and they threw dust on their heads and were crying out weeping and mourning saying wo wo for the great City where all who had ships at Sea grew Rich from her great wealth because in one hour she has been laid waste Revelation 18 9-19 but know this that in the last days perilous times will come 2 Timothy 3:1 the word perilous canotes the idea of
troubles difficulty and stressful situations this kind of atmosphere will characterize the final days the word perilous was used in classical Greek both of dangerous wild animals and of the Raging Sea the characteristics of the last days that Paul will describe is not the times but of the terrible people in those times we should note what the hardness or danger of this time is in Paul's view to be not war not famine or disease nor any of the other calamities or ills that befall the body but the wicked and depraved ways of men the last days
is a broad term in the New Testament so broad that it could be argued that the last days began with the birth of the church on Pentecost though some believe that paying attention to the last days or biblical prophecy is frivolous we should be able to discern when the last days are or at least when the world's situations are like the Bible described they would be in the last days in Matthew 16 1-4 Jesus chastised the religious leaders of his day for failing to understand or refusing to understand the significance of their times Hypocrites you
know how to discern the face of the sky but you cannot discern the signs of the times Matthew 16:3 it is possible that Jesus would have the same rebuke for some Christians today who are unaware of the last days and the return of Jesus Christ Paul gives a description of The Human Condition in the last days for men will be lovers of themselves lovers of money boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful Unholy unloving unforgiving slanderers without self-control brutal despisers of good traitors headstrong haughty lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God having a form
of godliness but denying its power and from such people turn away men will be lovers of themselves this is definitely typical of our present age when people are motivated to love themselves it is no accident that the first of these qualities will be a life that is centered in self love of self is the primary Sin from which all others flow the point a man makes his own will the center of Life Divine and human associations are destroyed and obedience to God and charity to men both become impossible lovers of self aptly tops the list
because it is the essence of all sin and the source of all other characteristics the term literally means self- lovers and it refers to the fact that the natural man center of gravity is himself rather than God men will be lovers of money the love of money is nothing new but today individuals have the ability to chase our love of money like never before men will be boasters proud blasphemers boasting pride and blasphemy are nothing new but they appear to be more prevalent than ever today Bo boasting and blasphemy each act as if I am
the most important person each of them say you don't matter and God does not matter all that matters is me today boasting pride and blasphemy can be found everywhere especially among our cultures Idols today many people become wealthy through calculated boasting pride and blasphemy men will be unthankful Unholy unloving unforgiving these traits have characterized humankind to varying degrees since Adam these things according to Paul will be especially prevalent in the last days unloving translated without natural affection in the KJV literally means without family love according to Paul the end times will be marked by a
growing disregard for normal family love and obligation another characteristic is that men will be slanderers men have always told hurtful lies about other men men will be without self-control the story of no self-control can be noted Ross nearly everything today lust pills alcohol food work whatever we do we often do it out of control men will be brutal cruelty and brutality are nothing new in the world however Paul wrote Under the inspiration of the holy spirit that the final days would be marked by a particular brutality men will be traitors headstrong huy lovers of pleasure
rather than lovers of God these features are all about one thing self men are traitors because of self they are stubborn because of self they are huy because of self and they are lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God because of self we are not required to choose between pleasure and God serving God is the greatest joy according to Psalm 16:11 at your right hand are Pleasures forever more however we must choose between the love of pleasure and the love of God many Pleasures will come from living for God but only if you love
God first and refuse to love the pleasures themselves having a form of godliness but denying its power people in our self-obsessed world feel very free to practice a salad bar religion picking and choosing what they want they're free to be very spiritual but they do not feel obligated to be biblical the power of godliness that men will despise in the last days is the power it should have to guide Our Lives power in the sense of rightful Authority and numerous today reject that God has the power to tell them what to do through his word
from such people turn away the command to avoid people who exhibit the characteristics listed in this list is especially difficult in our current age people who do the things on this list are not only common today but they're often cultural Heroes as well Christians have a simple responsibility to turn away not only from these attitudes but also from those who practice them many give little heed to the company they keep but if we spend time with individuals like this either personally or by allowing them to entertain us they will influence us as Paul noted in
1 Corinthians 15:33 do not be deceived evil company corrupts good habits you however know all about my teaching my way of life my purpose Faith patience love endurance persecutions sufferings what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch Iconium and lisra the persecutions I endured yet the Lord rescued me from all of them in fact everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted 2 Timothy 3:10-11 Paul has just described the type of people that will threaten the Earth in the last days and which Timothy must contend with in his
own day Paul did not merely teach Timothy these things in an academic sense Timothy learned these things by carefully following Paul's example the best kind of Christianity is not only taught but it is also caught by witnessing it in others Timothy picked up on Paul's way of life there was just a certain way that Paul lived and Timothy was close enough to him to learn and follow it Timothy caught Paul's purpose Paul's life had an objective he was going somewhere and that purpose had been established by God Timothy saw that in Paul he caught it
and he wanted to live his life that way Timothy soaked up Paul's faith longsuffering and love you could see in Paul that he possessed a faith that not everyone possessed and Timothy desired to capture it Paul was patient with the little aggravations of people and life in a special way and he had a love that made him stand out we might believe that someone who lives their life according to the right Doctrine with the right way of life purpose faith longsuffering and love is loved and accepted by everyone but they're not in fact people who
carefully follow this way of life will face some level of persecution yes and all who desire to live Godly in Christ Jesus Will face persecution Christians are being persecuted all over the world today and we can face social persecution today Christians are persecuted for the same reason that Jesus was John 3:19 this is the Judgment that is the cause for indictment the test by which people are judged the basis for the sentence the light has come into the world and people loved the darkness rather than the light for their deeds were evil Paul reminded Timothy
of the specific instances of persecution he had faced at Antioch where Paul was kicked out of the city for preaching the gospel acts 13:50 New American Standard Bible but the Jews incited The Devout women of prominence and the leading men of the city and instigated a persecution against Paul and Barnabas and drove them out of their region at Iconium Paul was almost executed by stoning and when an attempt was made by both the Gentiles and the Jews with their rulers to treat them abusively and to Stone them at lisra where they actually did Stone Paul
and leave him for dead acts 14:19 but Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and having won over the crowds they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city thinking that he was dead and out of them all the Lord delivered me Paul recalled this as he sat in prison and waited for execution he knew that God was ultimately able to deliver him again or that he might not Paul appeared at ease leaving everything in the hands of the Lord persecution would not deter Paul from pursuing Jesus Christ wholeheartedly Christ Chans must not be stopped
by persecution today we may not face much violent or even economic persecution in our culture but Christians face a great deal of social persecution 1 Peter 4:4 describes the mindset of many of those who socially oppress Christians in order to be true followers of Jesus Christ we must be willing to be seen as strange by others be rejected by some for the sake of Jesus Christ and be outcasts in the eyes of some people of some people of some people it's of some people
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