Natural way to treat Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) | Dr. Vivek Joshi

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Dr. Vivek Joshi
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) - Treatment and recommendations | Dr. Vivek joshi Polycystic ovar...
Video Transcript:
hi this is dr. Vivek and welcome to my youtube channel in this video I would like to talk about polycystic ovarian syndrome also known as PCOS it is a condition that affects a woman's hormone levels or in more precise manner PCOS is a problem with hormones that affect women during their childbearing years the world polycystic means many cysts polycystic means many cysts and this many many small fluid-filled sacs grow inside the ovaries the common symptoms a female that has when she has PCOS or when she is suffering from the polycystic ovarian syndrome is the disturbed
androgen hormones testosterones are disturbed that's why the woman will have a female young lady she will have more hair growth on the hands on the face on the legs so this is one of the symptoms and the hairs on the scalp gets thinner and starts falling so if it's starting and you have the more hairs in your body this means maybe you will have the polycystic ovarian syndrome or you are suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome the second symptom is irregular periods it means someone's you have the cycle of 28 days another month it's of 45
days another month it's of 60 days and another month it is of twenty days so it's irregular periods this can be due to polycystic ovarian syndrome the next symptom is headache and weight gain so if you feel that now you are having constantly headache or you had headaches plus you are gaining the weight this can be the symptom of polycystic ovarian syndrome and the main cause of infertility in the woman is polycystic ovarian syndrome so after knowing all of the symptoms now let's move towards that diagnosis how a female will know that suffering from PCOS
the first is ultrasound just doing a simple regular ultrasound where the doctor who does the ultrasound will check the ovaries uterus and endometrium he can see and he can tell you that you have the PCOS or not because as I've said he will see small small cysts in the ovaries so this means it is or it can be pol cystic ovarian syndrome another test is blood blood test your blood is tested for various hormones for example thyroid function tests lipids and diabetic profile this all will be tested plus as I've said androgen hormone the hormones
you have to also check these all tests will tell you that you have polycystic ovarian syndrome or not now let's talk about Ayurveda the holistic medical science how it sees pulsacoil in syndrome according to the Ayurvedic principle the polycystic ovarian syndrome occurs primarily due to the imbalance of the kapha dosha in the body cava means more mucous or more water retention in the body so in the general I'm telling you it's a vast term in the simple language how you can understand is just you can relate it with the water component and the earth component
it's heavy so this is the disbalance of the kapha dosha in the body ayurvedic treatment has a holistic approach towards the PCOS each patient is given a unique therapy based on the specific health needs rather than a single remedy for all we don't have in our Veda that okay this is the herb it will treat PCOS or the you can say it as pcod also it's almost the same piece us and pcod so the average therapy in the women's with PCOS looks for the detoxification of the body and also with the detoxification strengthening of the
female reproductive system and regenerating the female is very important and recognising the menstrual cycle it is very important and what also is done as the Harmony balance is balance the weight loss techniques are told this is how an Ayurveda the PCOS is treated our Vedic treatment of PCOS includes the combination of the herb therapies and a healthy lifestyle to improve the condition of the PCOS we have understood the Dosher days balance what are the disbalance going inside the body what what are the practical recommendations that you will get through the Ayurveda doing exercises about 30
days every day it is what our weather recommends it should be every day start with the moderate I don't say from the starting just goes an excise it from third from like 30 minutes to one or heavily no maybe it will give you bad effects so what you have to do is increase moderately if you don't do exercises start doing exercises and start with a moderate exercises and then increase up to intensive if it suits your body if it doesn't suit your body then it's better to do moderate exercises and do it every day doing
yoga and meditation also helps a lot in improving the conditions so what are the yoga practices that can be recommended in this problem the first is pranayama pranayama it's a yoga technique you can just search on internet what is pranayama you will get the whole list of videos telling how to do it what to do it it's like this breathe out from another and then from this you breathe in and breathe out from the another this is how you continue so this is what is happening is oxygenation of the blood is happening and this will
create the balance also it will reduce the stress this is also one of the big cause which makes the situation worse so pranayama will help you in both the conditions the another pose is no car sauna no car salmon also popular as boat pose in which you make your body like both it's better to concern to a yoga practitioner who practices that everyday he will tell you in the proper way how to do the yoga for PCOS the simple recommendations are do the pranayama and do the boat pose the third yoga pose that I would
like to admit is we all love this if you know yoga it's a shavasana it copes pose so this pose also relaxes a lot this indeed will give the effect to your endocrine system the endocrine system will work good hormones will be balanced and in this problem hormonal disbalance is the main cost so balancing the hormone through the yoga practices will help benefits of yoga for improving the anxiety hormones menstrual cycle and metabolic parameters amongst the woman helps a lot that's why I am recommending you to do the yoga this is my first video actually
where I am recommending to do the yoga what are we the more Rickman's is punch karma therapies it's the detoxification of the body it's better to just search on internet what is panchakarma and if you have the chance to visit our Vedic doctor near to you or do a punch karma I will recommend you to do this so now let's move towards the treatment what our weather recommends the treatment the first treatment is detoxifying your body through the punch karma second is the yoga practices that I have told you the third is the diet so
what is what we have to do is just search on internet cafe died kuffar died just right you will get whole list of products that you should eat and which you should avoid what else I would like to recommend you in the as a doctor for medicines that help the first medicine that helps a lot if you are having irregular menses or if there is lots of blood flow as the plant named Ashoka it helps a lot in balancing the irregular menses I haven't whole video about this how to take Ashoka what are the effect
its form in the tablet and the powder form you'll surely get it on the internet you can search about it so Ashoka is the first herb that I would like to recommend the second herb that I would like to recommend is start using tree faller I recommend it many times because it is so effective so if you are having the problem start using the trifle also it also balances the body a lot the last herbal medicine that I would like to recommend it's very effective if you are suffering use it this is container google can't
not Google two tablets three times in a day 30 minutes after food if you are not having any of the problems with the stomach means you don't have gastritis you don't have destroys feasel reflexes these kinds of things you don't have then you can use container Gugu even two tablets three times in a day empty stomach if you have problems then it's better to shift to the 30 minutes after food take these all herbes whatever I have recommended for two to three months for surely you will get benefit if you see that your cycle it
has been reduced a lot it's better to use either ashoka either push on of Chona don't use both of them together so three fuller what you have to use container google this is what you have to use among ashoka and push on oh i would go for the push on of children the first choice will be pushed on attune so do this all it will help yoga poses will help whatever i have told before this all the things you have to do only eating these herbes will not help it will not help you 100 percent
40 percent 50 percent you will get the result but if you want full treatment it's better to change your lifestyle if you are having this problem this is a general recommendation that i have tried to give you in this video it's better to concern an Ayurvedic doctor near to you he will know your constitution and will recommend you a proper whole course these all medicines I use in my practice they are effective you can also use it stay healthy stay happy
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