How I Built A $10,000/Per Month SMMA In 30 Days

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Iman Gadzhi
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ladies and gentlemen this is the story of how I signed $10,000 a month in reoccurring agency retainers in 30 days now before we get into this video I want you to go ahead and smash that like button if you want to see more videos like this and because we're kicking it back today I'm taking you guys back to 2017 back to a point where I was to be honest struggling and as an agency owner going into the turn of the new year so I definitely appreciated a like on this video really helps the algorithm it
helps the channel grow so as I said we're gonna take things back to early 2017 and it's been approximately six months going into the month of March since I've signed another estimate my client my first IRS mate client was actually my old football club and I signed it for 300 pounds a month and for that I was doing 30 unique Instagram posts a month 30 unique Facebook posts month and for YouTube videos and give mine house curating all the content as well so not only shooting it and again posting it growing the social platforms and
reporting all that for very laughable 300 pounds a month but anyways it's six months on I'm trudging along I'm doing all the things that I now tell my students and just my general falling not to do which is send proposals have multiple meetings drawn out and not follow any approach or systematic the timeline to close a client just kind of wing it basically so then I'm trudging along I'm sending out all of these audits so kind of similar to this video right here I set up Lighting's just some cheap LED lights that I had back
today I'd set up my camera I'd have my yellow notepad and by the way I'm gonna try and see if I have any uploaded straight to YouTube and I'm going to throw a mini example of some of the video artists that I was doing I'm currently sitting here at my home office I've currently been looking at your digital marketing for both the noble gentlemen and peripheral cars so let's get started actually let me tell you a little bit about myself and my company so my name is Iman I'm the CEO of IG media we're a
full service digital marketing agency some of our clients include Bang & Olufsen zapper fuel as you know athlete and a bunch of cool innovative companies we do things from content marketing email marketing Facebook advertising web development social media marketing and a bunch of content and graphic work so let's get to the notes let's start with a noble gentleman I do have a few key insights number one I'll draw from what I learned in the restaurant industry so if a customer goes in and they have a flawless experience the likeliness of them coming back a second
time is 40% if they come back a second time and once again they have an amazing experience the likeliness of them coming back a third time is 43% now from the third visit they have an amazing experience again the likeliness of them becoming a lifetime customer is 72% now when I say lifetime that's an average duration of two years because people move away and whatnot but nonetheless so I don't know what the carryover is from the restaurant industry to the grooming industry but what I will say is when I find a good barber I stick
with them for a long time so as I said I'd have my little yellow notepad in front of me this is what I was still living with my mom and I'd be auditing these companies businesses but the issue is these days when I send out audits or when I try to get that first touch point with a client I just opened up a tool called loom I start recording I record the audit and then there's a link immediately ready to go that I can send out to that client I've literally sent that business probably a
thousand three thousand five thousand customers from me recommending its but I didn't have that tool back in the day so then I would go in and edit it uploaded to YouTube this is what I was doing and I was doing three for those a day for six months and I was getting some meetings I was trying to sell them I was sending out proposals I was having multiple meetings as I said literally all the things that I recommend you don't do and nothing was working for me but I don't know why it just didn't phase
me of course I felt frustration the fact that I'd have a deal that I really thought I was gonna close and you know it fell through but I think maybe one of the things about the fact that there's so many SMA related videos out there and you can see people scaling up their agencies and just having ridiculous success you know maybe even some of you guys want so much student interviews of agency owners making sixty five thousand dollars a month eighteen thousand dollars a month even just four thousand dollars a month but they managed to
do that into 30 days and it can be quite disheartening back in early 2017 there weren't too many of those videos and if they were I definitely wasn't watching so for me I didn't really feel disgruntled I just kept going at it and I just kept chipping away at it until I reach the turning point and I feel so every single agency owner out there has that turning point where things just click and things just work every agency owner has that not once but multiple times in their agents there's multiple points where you look at
it and you're like I'm gonna have to change something to get to the next level with my agents would that be signing your first client pushing past a ten thousand dollar month mark or getting into the $50,000 a month territory with your agency and lo and behold I had my turning point and what happened was actually signed by my second client ever a company called Ashley who have now rebranded to Gen flow Shawn was the CEO and Founder is someone I consider a mentor to me and I'd say that client really did change my life
because it sparked this turning point so I signed them the next client I signed was actually a guy called James Taylor he was a personal trainer third client I signed a guy called roux and once again he was a personal trainer so I forgot to mention James was 1501 through was 750 pounds a month after that I signed a cooking show very odd Aneesh would pay and there were 750 pounds a month as well and then the last time that I signed within that 30-day time frame or at least in terms of the date that
I signed athlete now Jen flow was a company called zebra fuel and that was for 2500 pounds month the larger container that I had ever had at that point and there you go within the space of 30 days I actually scaled from making making 300 pounds a month to making right around seven thousand four hundred pounds month and and for any of you guys wondering within those 30 days I did actually drop that first climb that I had for 300 pounds so yeah there we go seven thousand four hundred pounds which by the way the
title of this video says ten thousand but it was actually technically nine thousand six hundred dollars a month so now Quadra is there just thought i'd round up but the real point that i want to talk about in this video is how I actually managed to get to that point how I actually managed to scale to ten thousand dollars a month and Kim and that's what kering revenue that's a month or month that's not like making a sale of a car and you get a commission this or selling a product online and that's a one-time
sale this is a recurring monthly retainer now that's not to say that these clients stay on forever but those specific clients all them stayed on for more than one month minimum but some clients like Zephyr fuel and in those a couple clients right after that point that stayed on for eight nine months anyways the reason that I did it I'd say is mainly down to two things and these are two things that so many agency owners are being held back by in 2020 the first thing is patience and not understanding that there's that turning point
and number two is expectations so let's break down the first one now as many you guys know I run for agency comm and that puts me in this unique position where I've literally seen the lives and the stories of thousands and thousands of agency corners across every single continent across 60 plus countries I've seen people work so obnoxiously hard on their agency and some people just kind of give it their 20 or 30% and I've seen the people who give their 20 or 30% go ahead and make $10,000 in their first month in recurring revenue
only sign their first 1500 2500 or multiplyin six months after they start sounds pretty harsh right well the honest truth is it is and what you need to understand is that hard work commitment investing in yourself and making sure you have the right tools systems processes all this is so important in your success with having an agency but at the end of the day there's always that element of luck of timing that comes into it and as I said I've seen people who really deserve to get their first client in the first month get it
in 1 to 6 and I've seen people who to be honest deserves to get their first client probably after 6 months because of the lack of effort that they're putting in get their first client within the first 10 days and that's what you need to understand and what subconsciously I didn't internalize but for some reason I kept going and I feel as though that's because of point number two to be quite frank with the amount of work that I was putting in an amount of outreach that was doing I deserve to get my second client
much sooner than 6 months but I kept chipping away at it because there's a quote when it rains it pours and that's actually pertaining more to when something bad happens usually a lot more bad stuff soon Falls ok when it rains it pours but I think that applies for both the good things in life and the bad things when you get that first client or these in my case that first sort of sizable big client or at least nineteen hundred pounds month was big to me at that point it gives you just a sense of
confidence and you get this momentum going and you start to build all these positive feedback loops and that's kind of what needs to as I said when it rains it pours in an appositive sense so for those of you guys who have been making your cold calls reaching out to people on LinkedIn during your cold email sending your cold booms maybe even doing walkins maybe going to meetups and networking events and trying to find business owners face to face and it's been four months and but no close clients you need to understand that there is
that tipping point and you need to have faith in that tipping point because in the same way I've been very honest with you here and I've told you sometimes the people who deserve to sign a client and month 1 only end up signing plan 1 6 it happened running the leading education company on earth for agency owners I can also tell you that I've never seen anyone consistently put in the work and do the amount of outreach that they know they should do and not get a client within six months and I'm gonna say that
again because there's no one that can genuinely from the bottom of their heart without making excuses for themselves say that they haven't done the amount of outreach that is necessary and they know that is necessary to get their first client who hasn't gotten a client within six months and you know you just gotta put in the hours so I'd say that is the biggest secret to how I managed to scale to ten thousand dollars per month within 30 days but the only reason that was possible was because of point number two which is expectations you
need to understand the most of the best athletes most the best rappers performers was the best businessmen they put in the work with no real expectation of accolades or rewards in the same way I put in the work because I had no expectation I knew that hey if this takes me 18 months what's my other option gonna be go to university so I had no expectations so for me if I went to a meeting I didn't close them and I'm on a four-month drought since my first client I'm okay with that because I don't have
this warped expectation and I feel a little oral content out there right now is geared towards make money online easily easiest way to make a hundred dollars a day how to make a passive income this that it's all just very quick and the expectation mainly the timeframe actually people saying do within 30 days to within a weekend I know I can even hold up my hand and say at times I have a part to play in it because sometimes I showcase students that I have had very accelerated success but I'll always try to make videos
more like this where I set a timeline and I tell you that the cold hard truth would just sometimes you deserve to sign a client in the first month but it sometimes it might take you six months so I want you to remove any expectations from your mind and realize that hey even if it takes 12 months what's your other option gonna be go to university stay in your job and once again I never recommend that anyone quit their job until their agency is making the same amount as their work and there's someone who lives
far below their means so someone who has a long run drink which means how much money do you have saved and what's your current monthly expenses and what is your run rate the amount of months you can survive even if say you sign no clients when you lose all your plans etc etc so really my point here is if you're at school and trying to build an agency on the side if you're in college you're trying to build an agency on the side if you have a job and you're trying to build an agency on
the side or if you were genuinely just in some middle ground in your life where you're just building your business and it's fine and you have some ones to do and maybe you're living with your parents or whatever and said what's your other choice I truly urgent remove any sort of expectation in your mind I want you to set goals I want you to set intentions I want you to visualize I want you to know that in a year you're gonna get to a certain point but over a three month or six months slope I
want you to remove any expectations you have for growing your agency and just find joy and passion in doing the work and something that I say all the time is stack those private victories you can't earn your public victory until you stacked enough private victories until you've done the things when no one else is watching you got to stack those and then that's how you get public victories so lazy gentleman I hope you enjoyed this video hope it gave you some insight as to my journey when I first started and almost my sense of naivety
to be honest because I said for me I sign my first client August of 2016 my second client March of 2017 in that period I didn't know what SMA was I didn't know those YouTube videos about it I didn't have any of these expectations I'm just like I will keep chipping away at it until I sign another client and it was really as simple as that so I hope you take some lessons with you there which is keep working until you reach that tipping point because when it rains it pours and I mean that impulsive
way and second remove all expectations for yourself because no matter what it will happen if you keep working at it but there is always an element of timing of luck I mean there's so many elements involved with it but those are some just name a few so ladies and gentlemen it's been a pleasure go ahead and leave a comment what video you don't want to see next and I hope you have a great day
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