Iman Gadzhi Recorded His Entire Life Since He Was Broke

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Iman Gadzhi
From not being able to afford books to spending millions every year, this is what ultimately allowed...
Video Transcript:
so some of you watch my videos and quite frankly you hate me [Music] some are envious something i show off or brag way too much and quite frankly if you've only seen one or two of my videos in the past i don't blame you but i think that all the feelings that you are feeling stem from the fact that you think we're different and quite frankly we're not [Music] you know something like the good life eatery that's like 15 pounds i can't pay 15 pounds for that at this point that's not something i can afford
i am you you are me we are no different except for some of you you might be the version of me six years ago the version of me that was the 16 year old scared kid who just wanted to take care of him and his single mom all i ever wanted to do back at that age was just take me and my mom out of the dark depressing hole that we were in now what you're about to see is a true rags to riches story documented year by year and i guarantee that most of you
won't take the time to watch this full video but for those of you that do your life is going to change forever because after watching this video changing the financial trajectory for you and your family won't seem like this daunting task you'll realize that all you have to do is follow the steps that i took which was blindly put one foot forward in front of the other every single day for years and then half a decade later look back and think wow what have i just accomplished so ladies and gentlemen this video is going to
be extremely long raw and uncut you're about to see my five year journey running a social media marketing agency and going from broke to multi-millionaire at 21. and as i said to you before i think this video is really gonna be eye-opener for a lot of people because you're gonna be able to see me at the age of 16 and go if this young little kid who is so meek and shy and quite clearly not really fully quite confident in himself for his abilities if he can just put one foot forward in front of the
other and just trust that it will lead him somewhere then maybe you can too so let's kick it off in 2016. 2016 was the year that i first started my agency except at the time i had no idea that i was starting an agency for me i was just providing services to clients in return for money and a monthly fee at that and you know quite honestly a lot of times business people make it seem that like you know they had this perfect plan and this perfect execution at the time it all made sense ladies
and gentlemen back then i was just going with the flow if i'm just being really honest with you and the thing you'll notice about these clips in 2016 is that a lot of it doesn't have to do with the business necessarily a lot of it has to do with just me developing as a person me building those healthy habits and me setting myself up they're like i'm going to make sure i'm doing the things that i know i should be doing reading meditating and just making sure that when i'm there at the right time in
the right place i can actually seize an opportunity when it presents itself and boy in 2016 did an opportunity present itself [Music] so now what i want to do is i want to take this i want to share my journey if that inspires and that motivates people along the way i've accomplished my goal one of my main problems is looking so far ahead that i don't take time to stop and think about how far i've come at the end of the day i am proud of what i achieve daily but sometimes you just get so
caught up in the bigger picture you get caught up in this person who's doing this more than you you get this person who's done this that you haven't done be proud of where you are and keep moving forward but don't forget what you've already accomplished and achieved so i'm close with my coach uh and um i'm not playing football for them next year just because i seriously have no time but um we got in contact with the owner um so the owner the coach and i had a conference call while i was in america about
me possibly running their social media um so that's confirmed right now i'm going to be taking over their instagram help grow their instagram for them and do posts for them as you saw in today's video i'm now getting paid to run a really big clubs you know there's a lot of revenue there they make quite a bit of money a year it's it really is a serious business and i'm getting paid a good amount of money to run their branding their marketing will run their social media and brand them in the proper way as i
said if you saw last videos uh last video um i have experience with social media instagram i used to flip accounts um i used to rebrand accounts what i want to talk to you quickly about is enjoying the process now you're not going to find happiness from when you get that first 1000 subscribers or when you make that first million maybe in my case it's not first million but when you make a thousand in a month what you are going to find enjoyment from is the tedious sort of stuff you know making channel art or
talking to clients it's the little sort of things and it's literally about enjoying the process and if you can't find a way to do that then maybe you're doing the wrong thing i have my goals one of them is to read 52 books one book a week and yet just continue absorbing knowledge and you know go going through books and the way i could only describe it is like mining for gold and that's really what i'm doing i'm trying to get the info and extract it and then have it saved in my mind and then
apply it when i came back to london i really got serious and i looked at what goals i wanted to accomplish one of them was to make fifteen thousand um you know just make fifteen thousand that doesn't mean have fifteen thousand in my bank account at the end of the year or whatever make fifteen thousand pounds in a year's time i set that goal on the 19th 11 days ago and since then i've made 514 pounds and 89 pence so 11 days 515 pounds i'm on track that is 1 30th of the way there um
in 11 days so hopefully i can keep it up so four times a week i am bringing in food myself because if i go off campus my options are pretty manger mcdonald's subway even if i try to uber eat or delivery to my school you know something like the good life eatery that's like 15 pounds so a place like the good life eatery the micronutrients the nutritional content is really good but i can't pay 15 pounds for that maybe not now maybe who knows in a year at this point that's not something i can afford
so 2016 was an insane year obviously signing my first agency client and i was too scared to charge monthly i thought weekly sounded cheaper and i didn't want to charge a hundred pounds a week so i actually ended up charging 95 pounds a week so that was 380 pounds a month and for that i had to shoot and edit and post 30 unique instagram posts a month 30 unique facebook posts a month as well as four youtube videos a month so by the time everything was said and done i was basically earning minimum wage but
let me tell you something that did not matter to me in the slightest i was going out there i was getting meetings with clients i was getting rejected a lot because i was doing everything that i tell people these days avoid don't do you know things like having long proposals not actually getting to the point in the conversation you know back then in 2016 having a lot of in-person meetings which is a big no-go i was basically doing everything wrong and for the second half of 2016 after i signed that first clan i had no
luck i signed zero more clans but quite frankly it didn't matter to me i was having the time of my life i was on top of the world i was stepping into the man that i knew i could be and that ladies and gentlemen takes us into 2017 which was the most life-changing year of my life you end up feeling quite lonely from that and it's something i had to deal with for quite a while but look that's fine honestly i would rather be alone with my own thoughts than with people who are negative berate
what i'm trying to do in my life because at the end of the day those people are just scared that you're gonna rise up and find no use from them anymore don't get angry at people when they throw negativity thrown hate your way because at the end of the day they're just scared that you're going to develop so much that you find no use for them anymore i've seen that time and time again in my life so guys there's this little company you might have heard of them they're called bang olufsen i'm so so excited
basically bob who's kind of like my business mentor and whatnot he's based out in holland and he has some connections with them and they just actually opened a store in amsterdam it's pretty new from what i understand and that's like pretty much the main reason why i'm going to holland in like a month i'm shooting a video for banging holliston and their amsterdam store which is super super exciting look how do you stay composed when you're 17 year old high school dropout and you are in a boardroom meeting with a company with millions of seed
capital when you are networking with a multi-millionaire when you're networking with an influencer who has 500 000 a million followers like how do you stay calm how do you how do you know your own self-worth when you're right at the bottom the number one thing i can say is don't qualify yourself now let me explain what i mean by this you know when you think someone's so much further or higher above you you um you try and save all these things so they see your own self-worth so you'll talk about this accolade or maybe how
much you made how much money you made here or you know how well you did in this endeavor you really try to like big yourself up trust me that that is the worst thing you can do these people are playing at such a high level they can see right through that [ __ ] the best thing you can do is don't qualify yourself look as i said these people are playing at such a high level the sort of conversations they're having with other people you know who are in their circle who aren't at like an
elite level is you know it's it's people just trying to like convey their value to them and they won't even take the time to listen to the person they're so interested in how do i show you know this guy or girl how do i show them that i'm worthy of being here and all that conveys to them is they know they're down here and they're trying to bring themselves up here you act like you're here from the get-go it's a lot better of a dynamic to start the uh start the meeting off in that way
start the conversation off in that way because as i said they're like they're playing at a high level they've seen it all they cut straight through that bs now once i've woken up i've gone to the gym steam room sauna and i come back home i meditate then i read like 30 pages to 50 pages of a book depending on whatever it takes to read a book a week that week so as i said i've gone to the gym meditated red then from the notes i've written last night i look at what i have to
do which is on evernote so after waking up at around 8 i'll be at this desk at around 10 30 ready to work but let me take you back exactly a year ago i was actually sitting in the room right behind me with my mom and i made her the promise that i would take her to paris so when i made this promise to her it wasn't so much a promise it was more an aspiration or a dream and fast forward a year here we are and i get to make good on my promise and
now luckily i'm in a position where i get to take care of the people around me i get to make sure that they're happy and they get the opportunities that i want them to have and the reason i tell you this story is because when you're going through all these long nights all these tough days and things don't seem like they're working if you make it all about you you will inevitably quit whereas if you make it about something bigger than you or another human being it gives you this will and this just this extra
energy because you know that you're either gonna disappoint or make someone proud story done i actually have to get to packing just ran a couple more ads for some clients this just came in the mail funnel hacker black box russell brunson there's a few resources in there so i might take that with me as well as perennial seller ryan holiday i think these are my uh reading materials for the next few days i've actually lost around 40 of total revenue from my marketing agency and look some of that lost revenue wasn't in my control but
some of it was and some of it was because i got so numb to what brought me to success in the first place which is constantly being a student constantly keeping my ego intact not staying comfortable constantly learning and as i said keeping myself as a student that that is what brought me success in the first place but the problem with comfort is it breeds complacency because as i said when you think you have everything that you need even want then you've hit the glass ceiling there's nowhere left to go now this trip hasn't gone
completely to plan i had to cancel all of my first week's meetings but now at least i have this week and i can be grateful for that and once again these meetings aren't to inquire or anything like that these meetings are to sign the dotted line and for them to get started as clients of mine so business is booming liver on so here we go my first employee stays with me for a week and then he basically decides you you have no idea what the [ __ ] you're doing i'm out of here obviously that's
not the exact reason um his heart wasn't really in it it wasn't sort of the work he wanted to do but you get my point so you know he goes back to america i lose 50 of my total revenue my apartment that falls through because now i have to put all my money and focus back into rebuilding the business that was early june then in august i lose 50 of my clients now if any of you guys haven't been in business long enough august is just like no matter what industry you're in august is just
a ship month i end up losing 50 of my clients and once again i take full responsibility for that because i would say that i got complacent i got complacent i didn't stay on the cutting edge of things and for that reason a few of my clients actually dropped me and i'm i'm more than happy to admit my fault there you know i had just been getting into entrepreneurship for i've been in there for like four or five months sort of properly and in april i made 5 000 one i don't know if you can
see that 5 100 pounds after tax um so that's roughly six thousand five hundred dollars after tax that is um and yeah so uh that was kind of like my starting point and i was only six months ago and then to get to where i am now but one thing that i wrote down which was quite interesting is i actually wrote down that my ideal lifestyle would cost me like i'm talking like financial abundance here would cost me let's let me pull this up and try to do this one-handed um roughly okay so it cost
me eighteen thousand five hundred pounds i don't know how well you can see that uh eighteen thousand five hundred pounds is uh how much like my ideal ideal like financial freedom financial abundance would cost me um and i wrote that six months ago and i thought hey [ __ ] like in two three years i'll get there and i made this actually much more than this last month so six months later um and that's kind of an amazing feeling so after 14 years it's time to move i guess first of all i could never imagine
this a year ago if i could only tell you guys the amount of pain and hardship that i went through to get here uh and how hard i had to fight for my own place um you know i know people feel like a lot of people have excuses for themselves and you know what like maybe as i said like maybe your parents weren't great to you or you know what maybe you do live in a country where it's a bit harder or like all of this stuff like like trust me i know what that feels
like you know even to get this place i'm 17 years old like there were so many loopholes that i had to go through i came from a not so good place whether that was certain family things that went on whether that was certain financial burdens at a young age hanging around people that weren't that great for me um you know i uh i'm happy you know because this is my journey it's my story and i i managed to uh manage to make one of my little dreams come true which was have a place to myself
have a place that i could call home and that was a peaceful and just was a hat was a happy place for me so this is this is hopefully gonna be my my happy place guys and um i'm gonna share every single step of the journey with you so obviously in preparation for this video i watched back um i watched back over some of the clips and 2017 out of every single year is the only year that gets me emotional because i cannot tell you what 2017 meant for me meant for my mom meant for
my my peace and meant for me when it came to my destiny like i will never forget that year and of course the agency was the thing that let me accomplish all that i managed to hit 25 000 months with the agency and honestly that was the best period of my entire life that was the the time of my life i felt the richest and i always tell people and this is coming from experience it's not your first million or in my case i can even speak from experience not even your first 10 million or
once again you can also speak from experience it's not even once you've made tens of millions that first hundred thousand it does something for you that is unexplainable and the funny thing is i was hitting 25 000 months while i was doing everything wrong like i had a content creation agency and we were also offering some services on the side which is a big no-go i had no niche i was doing everything myself you know i tried to hire an employee in the summer of 2017 they basically flew over all the way from america lasted
three days realized that hey this isn't really a creative role like you know we're actually doing deliverables for clients on a consistent monthly basis and it wasn't a very like fun role and they were basically just like all right cool i'm out this is too boring so i was just doing everything wrong from as i said doing everything myself to no niche to you know not auto billing clients not having clients cards on file so that way it's an automatic subscription every month just so many mistakes and at the end of 2017 even though i
had made good money i was very happy with myself i still felt immature i felt young i felt like my clients didn't necessarily respect me in the way that i would have wanted to be respected as a business owner and that was really the focus for 2018 i just remember just instances where i'd i just i felt so helpless you know if i don't take care of my family if not just me and my mom no one is you know and to this day that's the case and entrepreneurship was my way out you know entrepreneurship
was my way out business was my way out you know and i remember even things like meditating i started meditating three years ago i started reading a book a week which i actually recently stopped uh but i read a book a week almost almost like 90 track record for whatever like three years or so okay perfect um okay so just to confirm that's the that's the rolex 41 millimeter the datejust steel and yellow gold steel and yellow on a jubilee place that we can do that for you if that's what you want great thank you
so much we'll see you in around hours bye-bye bye-bye all right guys so after calling around four different rolex places uh they finally found the one that i have with the exact specifications that i want guys today is a day where um i finally buy my rolex i've been wanting this for ever and ever and ever and to be able to buy it you know with completely my own money at the age of 18. this is gonna be a proud moment for me so uh yeah guys this is my as i said uh fifteen thousand
dollar rolex um hopefully that you know that inspires a couple of you you know to be to be frank in 2016 i set my goal for 2017 as making a 15 000 profit for the entire like last year you know and obviously i blew through that so to be able to get a watch for that price um i said guys it's it's always just been a dream of mine and you know you imagine yourself like when you're a mat you have a vision of yourself and you imagine yourself and you imagine what you look like
from like 10 11 12 no probably like even eight seven nine i have imagined myself and imagine myself with a rolex like it's always just been a dream of mine guys today i'm off to hamburg and uh i'm there to see a client so i'm training their team for two days they have two companies actually one which is an agency gotta squat down second which is a financial services like software which is pretty cool uh their client of mine so flying out there to train their team and work on this new funnel um so guys
we're around halfway through here with the rest of the team say hi guys hi guys and um torsten's another room just uh creating a couple slides for a video social media marketing it brings so many opportunities when i make 20 25 000 a month from social media marketing that's mine that's profit you know that isn't my me around with you guys with my revenue which i only actually make 25 or 20 profit margin on that is my money to keep right that's my money to keep yes i have certain things that i outsource for but
once again that's just because i don't want to do it myself if i wanted to i could do it myself work a little bit extra time but keep 100 profit margin basically it doesn't start like this it starts with done for you right a year ago i was doing just social media distribution and growth right and i was making five six thousand a month just by doing social media distribution and growth and a bit of content right and then you move into higher levels more things that people will pay more for like advertising and like
paid ads and funnel creation and email marketing you know helping people run their retargeting ads you know because most people are just sloppy with that so like these are all things that you can help with and then you can move into stuff that i'm moving into now uh which is more a consultant role where you just come in get paid a big fee and then get the [ __ ] out because you don't want to deal with that [ __ ] that's kind of what i love about social media marketing is that you're also just
respected and being respected is a great feeling i'm not gonna lie right you're just respected and seeing for example yesterday like i was talking to the owners after um you know after the workshop ended he's just like literally just changes everything for me this literally changes everything for me and you know that's an amazing feeling when you can literally see in someone's eyes how their business has just been completely reformed and changed i would love to get no i know you're talking about your potential clients uh just came in as a new uh potential client
well i say potential but pretty much the entire call was like it was it was a great call so probably 90 chance uh we just have to have a meeting close everything up um and uh yeah we'll kind of move from there so in the last 45 days i have doubled my retainers from my agency so this month we'll hit around 50 55k now obviously you guys follow me on instagram you'd know that two days ago at the time of recording this i actually signed a four thousand pound a month client and a seventy eight
hundred pound a month client so that is what's that like eleven thousand he always lasted my math eleven thousand eight hundred pounds which is like fifteen sixteen thousand dollars right in one day and it was back-to-back meetings as well so as i said in the last 45 days i've really just doubled my agency um retainers and i've did that all without a website actually extending my trip i have a two-day training with a company out here called motivate design so if you guys don't already know for two day training i charge twenty thousand dollars well
i charge fifteen thousand pounds which is equivalent to like nineteen and a half thousand dollars something like that yeah so that's another thing that like really kills me is like i always tell people like don't do packages yes don't do packages and also your pricing should be different per client like yeah so i i don't know if that would my type or client client type yeah client type i don't i don't know if that will work for your industry but at least in my space i know how much it's worth and i also know how
much work that goes in so depending on that um i'll charge a different price and also it's like if you go to a doctor right if you go to the doctor and they're just like take this medicine you're like i haven't told you what my issue is right and i'm like yeah just you just be like this person is just out to like scare me scam me or like listen for me or just like take my money and they just don't or if you go to like a pharmacy or something they're just like take this
mess and you're like i haven't told you what's wrong they just want your money so i'm onboarding a client called orring we've been in talks for like two months now so it's like this little piece of tech right here uh it's pretty dope things i think this thing's like titanium or something like that but anyways i'm on boarding them as you can see and uh if you take a look at my screen like i'm boarding them uh yesterday or like a few days ago uh prince harry actually got spotted like wearing it um and ever
since then like sales have been just freaking like blowing up and website traffic as well this has given us like a crap ton of website traffic so uh yeah that's the company ordering right there i mean they're a client of mine but i can generally recommend it after having this for like a month now so the thing that i want you to get from this entire story is you know never made any excuses for my age or you know being in school or you know not having you know not having rich parents or like you
know i bootstrapped this entire [ __ ] thing and that's everything i've done up until this point everything i've done has been without zero investment without zero [ __ ] guidance with you know every single excuse that most people give i went ahead and i did it so 2018 was a very transformative year for my agency i finally locked in a niche and i signed my first ever five figure a month client and not only was it my first ever five figure month client it was also a client that i was actually a customer of
which was like a very cool experience for me was a client called auring which is like this sleep wearable and yeah it was just cool i was like this is crazy like i'm a customer and now they're clan in my agency like i don't know it's really cool for me and i also hired my first full-time er i guess proper full-time employee who still works for me to this day and 2018 was really the first year where i kind of stepped out of that feeling of imposter syndrome that i had from 2016 and 2017 and
i was like wow i'm i'm actually really worth the money that my clients are paying me and 2018 was also an amazing year just because i was able to travel a bit more i was able to you know buy my first ever rolex at the age of 18. it's like oh you know like i'm i'm fine i i think i'm gonna be fine like i'm definitely not a multi-millionaire yet but you know i think i'm gonna have a very a very good career so 2018 was a great year but i still felt like i could
top it in 2019 and that's exactly what i did for the next two months in bali it's just gonna try and be as efficient as possible work wise i came into bali kind of knowing that at least in terms of my business and i guess other areas of my life this is going to be more of like a maintenance phase rather than a time when i'm really trying to scale and grow that said for those of you guys who are in the six figure estimate community um i think i mentioned one of the the live
q a calls uh the last like six months i've been doing stuff that hasn't been really revenue generating uh if i look at around april may june i was focusing very very heavily on my agency training up my employee and really focusing on scaling that which i did all i can really say is get client focused get operation focused and get sales focused you know really that's the thing that's going to separate you from the rest of your competition the key metric shouldn't be a cost you know the cost per click it should be like
the cost for conversion or the total return on ad spend so if you can just figure out a couple things operationally in your agency you can just learn some sales if you can just learn those things and you can have a better service than the agency next to you you're going to win i fell in love with i fell in love with iceland so much that this time i'm doing a little company trip out there so right now i'm actually sat in the lounge with kieran just uh having some food before we board the flight
danny is uh picking up some shoes ag medium buddy stick it on there see danny how many leads do we get for how much we've got in 760 leads at three pounds and a half each which which is pretty great also 759 leads at three pound 55 in just this client is just uk market and now we are down because facebook doesn't like us at all well facebook doesn't like anyone to be honest that's the unfortunate aspects of advertising with facebook uh we run ads to 70 80 our clients are in the info product space
you will check the validity of those contractors um so i'll throw you in danny into whatsapp group together uh he'll check those case studies and let you know whether you should move forward and bring that uh bring that media buyer on board to london because i was i did a two-day webinar build for him and um i did a two-day webinar built for him and we just made him 65 000 i think or 65 it was a 56. right at your position i think it's awesome that you're doing mainly retainer plus percentage of roads it's
a little more risky but also the rewards are a lot higher i wish i'd done that with a lot of our clients looking back now but as i said the reason that i only started doing it in the past three four months was because i just i wanted to keep things so operationally sound and simple and just um and just organized and predictable and that's what obviously the retainer gave me was just predictable monthly cash flow so 2019 i really went from strength to strength with my agency and i was signing five figure month retainers
i mean left right and center i felt on top of the world i was signing massive deals i was starting to spend you know a decent more money you know i was buying uh all the luxury watches that i always dreamed of buying you know the pateks the aps you name it everything was going well but i really started to realize at that point that my retention at the agency you know how long we were keeping clients wasn't necessarily where i wanted it basically what i realized was there's a direct conflict between how much you
charge and how long you can keep the client i realize there's actually a sweet spot where you can charge the client less which doesn't sound like it's a good thing but you actually keep them for substantially longer and i basically realized like hey in 2020 i should focus instead on what is the lifetime value of this client to me you know rather than just what's the monthly value because it's much better to have a client that pays two and a half thousand dollars a month and you keep them for ten months rather than a clan
that pays five thousand dollars a month and you only keep them for three months so with that lesson in mind i basically realized i need to become a little bit more wise as an agency owner and that was really my goal going into 2020 so exactly as i said um very weird they wanted to like look over the contract and stuff which is that's the problem with multiple businesses which is yeah i guess yeah because i mean to be honest with you like literally we've had clients sign fifteen thousand pound a month retainers and like
not request look at the contract because it's like i don't know like yeah it's just something that's legit may never come up um because obviously they pay and then after that they get the onboarding link and then the onboarding funnel and then part of that is they sign a contract using hello sign but once again you can use i think panda dock or pandas you know one of these electronic contract softwares um so yeah the it was weird part of me was like that's why i said like you know there's that chance that they don't
close so i thought the closing may be like oh maybe the business partner like really was against it but the business partner said he's super enthusiastic about it um but yeah you know so that's kind of the annoying thing about having multiple people involved um but i got a call with them at 4 15 cape town time tomorrow and that will lock it in hopefully and if they don't lock in then obviously you know i'll know that they're not being serious um so everything so far kind of like the the stalls because usually for me
it's a one call close you know to get to the second sort of follow-up 15-minute call and then now a third call that rarely ever happens for me but you know everything has been valid so far and it stems from the fact that there's not one person in charge not two but three uh so i'll call them 4 15 tomorrow and i also got another very very promising call tomorrow at 7 15 and that is with this really really cool software company that i would be very very happy if i match your clothes because yeah
they just i just think they're super dope but anyways there you go there's a real life of being an agency owner which is you don't always get the outcome that you want but hopefully tomorrow i can lock it in even though it took longer than i normally like all right so it is one day since i picked up the camera and the situation is literally exactly the same we basically haven't moved because to be honest you know after that last clip i worked for three four more hours was in bed by 9 30 and just
been working all day since so nothing really that eventful but now i have the follow-up call to yesterday's follow-up call so yeah let's uh let's get into it all right so as it stands they are seven minutes late so just went ahead and followed up so i'll stay on the cold maybe seven eight more minutes [Music] and then wrap it up there all right so it's been 15 minutes gonna end it up there um yeah not entirely sure what happened i'm sure there is a viable reason uh obviously like a client's never just not gonna
show up and i'll tell you um or at least at this stage of the sales process so i'm sure there must be a very viable reason but obviously this once again is just another sign in my opinion that the client is less likely to actually come on board so from their side it's looking less likely and then obviously from my side it leaves i'm gonna point my agency where unless it's a hundred percent match i don't take clients on and this is almost leaving a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth where i'm
even starting to reassess is this client worth taking on are they going to be those sorts of clients where they ask too many questions and they'll just let us do our thing and get the results but yeah anyway so that's that i got another call in 2 hours and 45 minutes another sales call so hopefully with that we can return to good ol lee man and just won't call close yeah he he's my little columbian secret get the logistics set up um take payment and then might as well because we're here we might as well
just uh on board you guys as well and get access to everything et cetera et cetera all right so ladies and gentlemen um this should be a good lesson for each and every one of you don't talk with chewing gum in your mouth that's a lesson no so um i'll lace in little pieces of the uh sales call agreed on it it's a ten thousand and by the way this is very different from what we normally do it's a ten thousand pound setup fee within that we're helping build out the new case study funnel outside
of that it's a thirty percent return on adsense we worked with the client within their niche for what like almost almost a year and we averaged out between 35 and 45 000 a month return on ad spend so with this client we have a 30 return on ad spend just performance fee yes we have that 10k setup but that's primarily to help just write some of their back-end emails for this case study phone set it all up et cetera et cetera really our money is made from that 30 performance fee now obviously if we extrapolate
the fact that we did around 35 to 45 000 a month for their competitor prior to them then bringing it in-house i mean at 45 000 if we're getting roughly a third that's 15 000 a month in billables that said i feel as though this will probably be clocking in anywhere from 15 to 25 000 a month return on ad spend keep in mind this an info product business so that's like pure profit and a month so obviously the 12 13 000 up front the 10 000 pounds it's great that's also my team will take
care of it but the thing that i'm salivate over a little more is that 30 return on that spin as i said it's an entirely brand new course so there's nothing to go off of just based off of my gut instinct the fact that we were able to produce a set between 35 and 45 a return on ad spend with majority of that coming in from cold my good instinct with this clan is we'll probably be doing around 20 000 a month on average over a six-month slope so 30 of that i think this clan
will be worth around 6 000 pounds a month to us another quick thing is um at the end of the call they actually want to have a follow-up call next tuesday and it was one of those situations guys you you know me you know i go for the one call close and you know when some like this client was excited to move forward like they were sold for me i get a little aggravated because i'm like you know why in my mind it's like why wait like you know let's get started now let's get the
ship moving and as i've matured as an agency owner i've had to uh you know look subjectively and remove my ego from a situation and also apart from removing my ego i also knew that i was filming this video today and i'm not gonna lie that played into it like i really wanted to show you guys the stripe notification hitting and this and that and that was in the back of my mind which is why like guys i'm doing a vlog but but in general i don't like to vlog my day-to-day because i there's certain
things i find myself doing or more pressure i put on myself like i think you guys have seen me when i was a mental closely 50 200 is that a 52 or 5 500 pound a month client and i didn't end up closing them and it's just like i don't know i feel as though i might potentially act differently or i may be or i may not think is long term in terms of the sales cycle when i'm doing a vlog with you guys but anyways long story short is they want to actually process payment
and just have a little little last look at their finances before making that 10k upfront payment and as i said i had to look at it from a macro view and go look either i can keep pushing but i'm not going to achieve that goal of them paying so there's no upside there's only downside by the fact that the climb may be like mentally they might be going first of all are you concerned that we're not gonna like you know there's a different uh balance a shift of balance and power play there so i just
kind of let off and us but still booked in that 20-minute follow-up call on tuesday and quite clearly it turned out to be the right thing because somewhere around 20-30 minutes after our meeting i got this email that i'll put in right now and blur any sense of information but they literally went ahead and said look we're excited to move forward can we just pay you 5k today and 5k next week you don't even need to start any of the work for the funnel we we just want to do this to show you that we're
serious and i was like oh yeah of course so i don't know why i didn't get the notification on my stripe but nonetheless i can i can still show you uh via email it should never work this is never working this never works yeah but it's the thing of like people like you photoshop me okay no how about i just cover this in the okay if i cover rates is a different thing as there well either way i'm still going to throw in a screenshot on top of that plus you guys got the email for
it just in case [Music] anyways um guys so secured 5k today billing them the rest of 5k next week that also means that kieran and danny can get started on the emails as well as the funnel coming from a webinar funnel background that's primarily what we do for our clients this case study funnel is more agile it's more lean it's a hell of a lot easier to set up but funnily enough it's gonna get the client much better results in this specific scenario so yeah it is friday night closing on their clan as i said
ten thousand up front i think the overall value of them as an agency to me monthly in our commissions will be around six thousand pounds a month all right amazing is there anything else that you need from us no i think um everything is clear awesome i uh yeah all i can say is a honor to have you a part of the agency and i really look forward to what we're going to be able to do together yeah me too awesome i felt i felt smooth i felt smooth at sales i know what it is
but it it's it's the first one that this is earlier this one and you have a very different like energy resemblance everything it's we need to set them up all in the morning yeah i agree in the mornings i'm working on your i'm excited i'm excited lots of new clients lots of good clients three new clients in 24 hours let's get it um yeah i'm very happy three closes in 24 hours i got another sales call in an hour um that one won't be i do do you want to see him actually boom three out
of three baby ah how are you feeling karen absolutely [Music] the company bentley trying to convince him a man to get us a company bentley muslim makes sense forty seven thousand pounds used absolutely why don't you just say we're getting one and then he then the audience would be like oh it's so sick and then he'll feel full manchester united told us that we're gonna get a company bentley brand new top of the range i get to use it most of the time but occasionally in my mortgage yeah it makes fun yeah we're going to
shoot a we're actually a youtube serious center it's called bum in a bentley see you [Music] you actually know it makes sense though as a statement as a statement like to have a company yeah and i'm gonna drive myself in a bentley you why wouldn't you drive a bentley yeah a multane yeah i don't know how the hell are you pronouncing it i'm not gonna drive myself in a bentley twice so this is a deal that i signed on friday or third friday i think and this deal is 2 500 pounds a month plus and
it's the first sort of deal that i've done of this kind it is basically we take 15 on anything above 1.9 x ross this is hands down a certified whale i think a whale in pounds wise around 7 000 pounds so it's 2 500 base so that means our performance fee has to be what like 4 500 pounds 100 100 100 our performance we will will never be less than uh 4 500 pounds in this instance as i said i think in the first month it will be probably close to like nine or 10 grand
in terms of performance fee so this is a certified whale yeah no that makes sense that's fine yeah no that's a that's a good rate just reach out to the prospect and if they're not qualifying who cares you have more reference experiences under your belt in fact 14 minutes from now i have a sales call that is only doing 10 to 25k a month which for our agency is um you know that doesn't really qualify it's an info product business uh for us we're looking at clients that do at least 25k a month to be
qualified but for me the way that i look at it is look 45 minutes if they don't become a client whatever like it doesn't matter but that 45 minutes that gives me reference experiences 2020 was the best year yet and i was extremely proud of myself and my team at the agency because we actually signed way more clients in 2019 we charged them less but we kept them for way longer and in turn made a lot more money as an agency i really realized there was a massive benefit in actually having lower set retainers but
having longer minimum terms so we were signing clients on five or six month minimums at the agency and the big change that we also started doing was we started charging performance deals so we would have much lower base retainers but because of our performance that we were delivering for our clients you know we're still building way more than five figures a month with a lot of our clients simply because of our performance fees and in 2020 i also hired another senior employee we did a full rebrand on the website the brand the logo uh you
know the reporting really just gave the entire business a massive facelift and finally right at the end of 2020 i ended up making a massive decision basically i looked at my agency business bank account and it was 1.5 million sitting there and i looked at it and i was like this money is not doing anything for me it's not being put to work and i realize what's the point of having such a profitable business if i'm not investing any of that money so right at the end of 2020 i took one million dollars from that
bank account and i invested it into two asset classes that i was most interested in back then which was putting 70 to 80 percent of it into crypto and the remaining into watches well that turned out to be a very good decision one thing that people always say when they come into my house and my office is it smells nice in here so coming through here uh we just have some storage through here and then as you saw there was one door there and then we actually have a sliding door right here so i close
this i come upstairs you can see there's actually a little glass pane so you can see down through the door i come i close this there we go close this and when this door shuts it's time for business so for me to get air conditioning in london in this area is such a big benefit and and even in the winter i will literally have the aircon blasting at 16 degrees celsius while i'm working that's just kind of my style see right here this thing comes up my chair now i have the herman miller aeron chair
it's a bit pricey i think it's around a grand but worth every single penny when you're working as much as i am so when i bring the desk up right so this is my call height number three number two this is like my standing desk height when i'm actually typing and doing work and then obviously number one is when i'm sitting so this what this actually does it's got a little like um it's got little like bumps in it so it's meant to mimic like the forest floor if you're walking uh barefoot on the forest
floor okay it's just nice to like kind of massage your feet while you're standing up and getting some work done next thing that i learned in 2020 or at least i had a lot more appreciation for um is depression and anxiety and suicidal thoughts you know because it really can happen to anyone and i kind of had one of those dark night of the soul moments in 2020 so for some context you know before july or before julyish august ish of 2020 i had never experienced anxiety in my life i had never experienced depression in
my life um you know suicidal thoughts this that but maybe a little bit uh when i was younger you know actually in all fairness uh here and there when i was younger uh you know i went through a pretty dramatic upbringing uh just saw some not very nice things um so i guess that was that but in my teenage years and you know more recent years um never really experienced those things uh and july just came out of nowhere you know i remember this maybe mid july and i was i was in manchester for a
couple months boxing um and and i came back to london for a weekend and you know just had hung out with some friends you know went for dinner had some balls of wine you know it was probably 10 of us a couple of my guy friends and i had some cigars went to a party this that i ended up getting home pretty late uh probably like 5 30. i remember i woke up at like 9 30 got in my shower turned on the shower laid crisscross applesauce on the floor and just started weeping and it
was a very you know at that time i was very confused because i i didn't know why but i was just really really sad and what that started was a six-week bout of just really really intense anxiety um depression and suicidal thoughts like i remember i would wake up and my you know my heart would just be pounding and um obviously the first thing that i would do when that would happen is i would go and you know i was in manchester and uh you know drove up and and brought my jew which is like
a red light therapy thing i would sit in front of my juve and just meditate for 15 minutes because because you know i thought that if my you know my heart rate is up and i'm feeling anxious just i can meditate this away it's no issues you know i've been meditating for seven years i can meditate this way wouldn't go away and it got to a point where after that crisscross applesauce event um you know it kind of just things deteriorated for two to three weeks to the point where i mean i was in the
midst of a full-blown mental breakdown and i remember from the moment in which i woke up it was it was it was crazy the craziest experience i've ever had from the moment i woke up to probably 4 or 5 p.m the only way i can describe it is almost like being possessed by some demon um or that something else was like some other life force was inside of me or just like we're almost like i guess what it feels like to be bipolar where it's like it's two different people um from 8 a.m to 4
p.m the only thing was on my mind for a solid like three weeks two three weeks was i was gonna kill myself and by the time that four or five p.m rolled around i was totally fine i was happy i was smiling on another note from 8am to 4pm i probably would cry four or five times and you know i'm smiling now because it's just like it's so wild to think about it but it was such a painful it was such a such a such a painful um you know a period of my life and
you know from that point once again i was that time unintentionally celibate for three months because i was dealing with so much personally that i couldn't share my energy with anyone else even if it was just for a night i you know i was just the idea of that was just the last thing on my mind i just wanted to protect my own energy and just do a lot of healing so you know i think that a lot of people are really scared to be uh just alone with themselves um and you shouldn't be i
think you need to really look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself am i have i done a lot of the work have i done a lot of the healing work and am i ready to share my energy uh with someone else at the end of the day i'm 21 and there's there's so much left actually i will say one of the clients last month uh we weren't spending we were probably spending like an average of like actually let me just look it up i remember danny who's my cmo mention it was uh i
remember danny who's my cmo mentioned it was like 2.4 million crown or something like that a swedish crown swedish [Music] yeah so we spent 207 cases a pound so that is so that's right around like 280 000 so yeah almost like 10 000 a day but anyways long story short um the issue is once you start spending this sort of money for clients um there's a lot of load balancing that needs to happen so with a lot of these clients we've got like not one account with one specific client we've got 10 ad accounts and
as a large with some of these larger budget uh accounts you know we're load balancing between anywhere from like three to as i said with that one client 10 accounts so that was really the straw that broke the camel's back um you know i knew that we needed to hire a new performance marketer back in like early january um and we were kind of fine until like early february it is now uh i don't want to look at my watch there's no date function it's now mid-march and yeah it's evidently clear we really needed a
new performance marketer like six weeks ago and it's funny because when we started getting a breaking point that's when like obviously more fuel was added to the fire and we just got like these sort of three behemoth clients so um so yeah we're right around 20 clients at the moment with the agency handling it incredibly well still maintaining the incredible standards we have at the agency but danny luis kieran like my team is they're done like they're so burnt out um so as a leader i should have really made this more of a priority um
they're charging us 10 so 10 percent of whatever they spend in a month um is their fee numbers on ad spend okay um i assume you're a bit more pricey than that no no no no no no no these guys are fleecing you oh are they no here here's the thing so you know i have um so a little bit about me obviously i have my advertising agency but i also run an education company called gradiency so we you know we're you know we're literally uh the people that uh you know we're the experts that
all the you know agencies in the world come to learn from and you know uh one of the yeah one of our favorite things is to make fun of agencies that charge a percentage of ad spend because here's the issue right if an agency ever charges you a percentage of ad spend or percentage of revenue just leave the meeting because here's the issue okay our incentives need to be aligned i don't care how much money i make i don't care what the outcome of this year is if i don't speak up about stuff that i
know is wrong to me i consider this year a failure and i can't look myself in the mirror with pride about what happened in 2020 and 2021 and you know um i've said this before and i'm sorry if this is a little insensitive i have never made more money than in 2020 in 2021 like i'm i'm making obnoxious amounts of money it has been so freaking good for my business because you know everyone's talking about like the new normal until the guys i was running remote zoom meetings with my clients for three years i've been
running my agency remote for three years nothing has changed in my life so i'm a unicorn business in a unicorn industry so yeah things are going pretty well and then before there the other people were like oh poor e-man he can't travel does it look like i'm someone who follows the rules does it look like i'm someone who who if they're told you're not allowed to travel isn't going to find a workaround let me tell you something all of these lockdowns and stuff they don't apply to people with money maybe this is why i get
so angry you know coming from a single mother household coming from a household where at some point we were on government benefits where my mom actually worked for the nhs minimum wage and she has friends there and she asked them hey how's it going and they're going empty because that's the truth you can walk past a hospital and you can see clear as day anyways as you can tell i get a little heated about this and this is what my friends say they're like man you know just stop talking about it you know you by
the way as well as my businesses are doing right now i know for a fact because there are people who send me dms messages that because of my honesty about one of the greatest frauds in history have unfollowed me have unsubscribed said literally i will never work with i've even had people tell me you know i'm a business owner and the way you've talked about this whole thing i just could never work with your agency and i never will work with your agency i've had clients in the agency be like iman i would love to
give you referrals but unfortunately like the way that you voice your opinions i don't think some of the clients will feel comfortable if i introduce you to them but i couldn't care less because i think if you sell your soul to the devil and you stay quiet about things that actually matter cool have as much money as you want you will feel empty inside this is an example right now of a two-call close now this first call was actually a initial call that i had and i just been traveling for like 30 well i had
been traveling for 36 hours i've been away from my desk for like 36 to 48 hours i was traveling back earlier in the year from cape town to london and you know i hadn't seen my girl for seven weeks so you know took a day off so i even tell this clan look to be honest i didn't get a chance to watch over the demo call so this initial call is basically me stalling and just getting some preliminary information and then kicking the can down the road uh basically penciling in that second follow-up call so
this call was actually before the call you saw before this and the one before that like chronologically uh in terms of when i had it in the year so at this point i didn't know about the whole like uh it's not that i didn't know it's just i never thought to use that whole put in waiting room feature i think going forward now a lot of the two call closes that i've had have just been because i've wanted to stall and basically like have some time to think about and this and that but now with
the waiting room feature in a lot of senses you know i basically never have to do that i can just you know put him in the waiting room speak with uh danny for a few minutes and then kind of reconvene now the third habit that made me a multi-millionaire by 21 is building an abundance mindset because the thing is most people haven't prepared their vessel as in yourself for the blessings that are going to come their way or could come their way because here's the issue you may have your foot on the gas but you
also have your foot on the brake at the same time you are your biggest enemy and the issue is that most of the time this isn't even conscious to you and this is really where going back to habit number one the books help a lot because you know if you look in movies uh you know wealthy people are made out to be evil you know uh wealthy people look like they've uh stepped on other people's heads to get to where they need to be and you know sometimes this is the case right also the other
thing i find is it depends industry to industry but for the most part right and i've also find that sometimes this can be the case with old money you know where it's passed down money like they haven't earned it themselves but honestly pretty much everyone i've met who has made their own money right who is self-made they understand that money is simply a transfer of value right that's that's what money is so if you're an entrepreneur if you're a business owner you've developed a product or a service and the thing is in order to build
a successful business you have to provide value to the market so that's just a little side tangent really just to say that most of the condition that you're given maybe even in college or school or by your friends is that you know rich people are evil or you know they have to uh sacrifice their ethics to get there that's not the case i i found personally with self-made entrepreneurs [Music] [Music] all right all right come on dude welcome to my four bedroom apartment two and a half million dollar apartment tour we'll roll with that whatever
so quick caveat it is technically a four bedroom but here in dubai they call a three bed plus maids room but there's a bed in it so and an ensuite so that's a bedroom right mm-hmm we'll call it that's that second i do not own this place i'm 21 years old i own zero property but i have an investment portfolio of 10 million dollars and right now property just doesn't fit into it very soon it will do but i'll be 35 and still not own the place that i live in at this stage in my
life it's more important to be mobile and always remember as big papa robert kiyosaki very famously said if you live in your house it is no longer an asset is it liability no inflow merely outflows so for the time being i rent now you might be wondering how much do i spend on this place well i got this place for 600 000 aed which comes out to i think around 180 000 i know it's like 10 000 pounds a month so like 14 inch thousand dollars a month that said that was in dubai summer and
prices are always climbing so if you try to get this unit now i think it'll probably cost you closer to 16 to 18 000 yes to buy prices really do move that quick and then obviously and as i said i negotiated this place in the summer and now it's winter a lot more people coming here either way let me give you a little tour so this is the living room now in the building that i'm at i'm on the service department side so for the service department side you actually pay i think something close to
twenty thousand dollars a year extra uh obviously that kind of just gets tacked on to my rent uh on the service department side it is literally like living in a hotel you have access to all the hotel amenities so 24 hour gym steam room sauna highest infinity pool on earth a beach obviously everything kind of comes included so like when you go to the beach they give you water towel like it's it basically i live in a hotel lesson number five from 2021 is you only have so much bandwidth and this is referring to business
people hobbies activities whatever it is that you want imagine what you can accomplish and damn i hate to i think there's a bill great bill bill gates that said this quote and it actually makes me want to throw up my mouth having to quote bill gates um but it is true you know uh most people do overestimate what they can accomplish in a year and underestimate what they can accomplish at ten and you need to understand that whatever your aspirations and goals are for uh 2022 you probably the actual goals i'm sure you can accomplish
but you'll probably be able to like actually things that you're able to do probably accomplish a lot less than you thought right and you probably the main key here is you're probably gonna have way less bandwidth than you actually imagine and that's something that i've started to realize as i am now at a point where i have four companies i have an investment portfolio that i need to manage uh and have grown very successfully uh and you know every once in a while i don't it doesn't take over my life too much but you know
i still do need to keep track and i make a couple of strategic moves and trades and things with my investment portfolio that have you know worked out very very well so between all that and then also especially recently in the last sort of second half of the year having to manage once again a very active social life and this and that um i just realized i just have way less bandwidth than i would have wanted and um going into 2022 i just think uh both from a business perspective i'm going to be taking on
way less even though i've been so good at saying no to everything so far and the things that i've said yes to the business and opportunities i've said yes to it makes sense that i did it and like they're they were just so blatant they were just like they were just really just opportunities that just made so much sense that i couldn't pass them up but it's still a lot on my plate so going into 2022 i guess it's just um for me just being a little bit more honest that like i really can't do
everything to 100 if i bite off more so look 2021 was a crazy year in many many ways the agency hit its record month in april of 2021 we expanded the team further and the best part is all of that was happening while i was only spending five to ten hours a week on the agency because danny who's my cmo at the agency he was just amazing you know you know we had been working together for three almost four years at that point we had great synergy and um yeah he basically just ran the show
a big life event happened for me i actually moved from london to dubai and obviously that had some very very very good tax implications for me and lastly between the agency profits as well as the gains that i actually locked in from the increase in my investment portfolio i made nine million dollars in 2021 between those two and 2021 really made me look at the business and realize what is the purpose of this thing you know what is the purpose of this agency what's the real benefit that i get from it and i realize that
the main benefit is an agency is such an amazing cash flow business so you have to take these profits from it and then actually go ahead and take that and make a commitment to making contributions every single month to your investment portfolio so i would actually take a hundred thousand dollars every single month from my agency and i'd use that and by the way i still do that to this day and i put that into my investment portfolio directly when you have cash flow you invest it and then you let the compounding nature of time
do its trick and when you follow this method you are able to attain riches beyond your wildest imagination so ladies and gentlemen i want to make this video because i still get so many dms and messages from people going i cannot believe you still have videos up on your youtube channel from 2015. and by the way i didn't even show you the 2015 clips here today you know i have clips of me going to brixton book mongers which was my favorite second hand used bookstore in london because i couldn't afford to buy the brand new
books from waterstones so i would go and get them used at bricks and bookmongers instead you know in this video you guys were able to see me basically dreaming about being able to afford ubers just basic ubers rather than having to take the bus everywhere with my friends and i know that some of you may be new to the channel and you know you're thinking that i'm just another expert you know who one day decided that you know he he knew enough about business to create some youtube videos and share his opinion and stuff like
that no like i'm just a regular dude and i'm just trying to share the things that i've learned over the past six years in the world of business i built this house brick by brick over the space of the last half a decade and i'm still building to this day in fact next month is actually the six year anniversary of me starting my agency back in 2016. it has been a crazy journey and it's just the beginning so to end off this video i want to thank my mom and yes my mom does actually still
watch every single one of my youtube videos so mom i know you're watching this i want to thank my incredible team at my agency i want to thank all of you guys especially the ones who have literally been watching my youtube videos from 2015 2016 2017 which by the way i don't know why you were watching back then like i had the most boring youtube channel on earth and of course lastly i want to thank the grace of god for turning what felt like a horror story the first 15 years of my life into quite
frankly a fairy tale if you ever ever ever ever doubt yourself i want you to save this video to youtube and keep coming back to it like i said at the beginning of this video you are me i am you we are no different and with enough time you will come to realize that too your destiny is there for the taking and i want you to know that i am your number one silent supporter ladies and gentlemen it's been an incredible ride i'll see you next video
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