you cannot reprogram the subconscious mind yes you can't reprogram the subconscious mind until you first possess the capability of recharging the subconscious mind now the subconscious mind is the womb of your reality and until you have the capability of being able to inject a particular idea which we conceptualize as a belief or desired reality into it it will not be birthed into your reality there is no manifestation without the subconscious mind as it says I believe in John 3:27 a man can receive nothing unless it is first given to him from Heaven that heaven is
the subconscious mind and much more and throughout this video I'm going to explain to you exactly why even though you've been trying to reprogram your subconscious mind for a very long time it hasn't been working and it hasn't been working because all the information that you've been taking in which more than likely is about repetition it's not a that things though it's not one of them ones so let's get into it show up show what it do what y know about super model I'm surprised you know that song AJ I'm surprised you know that song
but you know what though I got to apologize to The Regulators man they've been cooking me what did you say so Nate Dog and waren G regulate first of all I forgot Nate dog was in it I actually wrapped a large part of that song but then apparently I said lpz and it's LBC Long Beach California yeah guys I was born in 2001 man didn't that song come out like the 80s or the 90s like please spare me man spare me n they were cooking my [ __ ] they said that they took my black
card now with yours and oh mine yours was taken ages ago come on didn't know Boondocks see guys is lying to you you're going to get some let's let's just get into it so more often than not you have to understand a lot of people don't actually know the depths of what they're talking about in this space it's important that we first begin by defining what actually is the subconscious man and I'm going to give it to you in a way that it's easy pause so the way that I want you to conceptu the subconscious
mind is simple it is the womb of your reality that's the easiest way for you to conceptualize it but truthfully you can't actually understand the subconscious until you understand the superconscious so the subconscious mind is the gateway to the superconscious now the superconscious is what we'd conceptualize quite simply as God but what it truly is is the infinite intelligence and when I say the infinite intelligence I'm talking about the aspect of God that is within you but outside this third dimensional realm it's what we conceptualize as God being tapped into what's considered the infinite Storehouse
the universeal Amazon as I like to conceptualize it but the infinite intelligence otherwise conceptualized in hermetic Traditions as the all it is the source of all knowledge bear in mind when I say all knowledge you you have to elevate your thinking you have to stop thinking like a human and start thinking like the universe and what I mean by that is you need to elevate outside the illusions of this third dimensional realm to the things that we're constrained by and when we go outside of our third dimensional Realm such as time and space no longer
exist which means that technically everything is one and everything is taking place and everything that is to ever take place exist exists there hence why in the in some other traditions in the East it's known as the akashic records it's this idea that there's this library of infinite intelligence that we can extract from now that is the superconscious your subconscious mind is the gateway to that because remember the super superc conscious is what we conceptualize as God you are the physical expression of God the physical manifestation of God quite literally and the superconscious is the
is buried within your subconscious mind and through your subconscious mind you tap into this source which is the portion of you that is beyond the Illusions and the aspect of you that is unlimited also conceptualized as infinite hence why as Jesus says in Matthew with men this is impossible with your physical ego it's impossible but With God all things are possible understanding that God is the superc conscious like I said without knowing the superconscious the subconscious begins to make least sense the whole reason as to why your subconscious is the womb of your reality is
because it's directly intimately connected to your superconscious and based upon your ability to tap into your superconscious will be directly reflected in your ability to implant an idea into your subconscious to manifest reality now once again just for clarification your subconscious mind is the gateway to your superconscious your superconscious is also characterized as God also known as the infinite intelligence or the or this aspect is the aspect of you that is unlimited infinite and has pure potentiality pure potentiality to alter your reality now for anybody that's new here we always say spirituality without the ability
to control your reality is Vanity I'm not here to tell you what asai ball to eat and what smoothies to drink I'm here to help you implant an idea into your subconscious mind so your reality can change to a degree that you're actually happy that you're living in not that you that you've got a nice dashiki or nice crystals or a nice ank or whatever the [ __ ] [ __ ] we these days but regardless superconscious gateway to the subconscious subconscious is the wom of your reality now the thing about the subconscious is that
your subconscious mind in a sense is and it's been characterized as a computer and in the realm of computer science there's something that we commonly say which is input output and what I mean by that typically they say garbage in garbage out the simplification of that is whatever is being input will be output the input in this instance when we look at it at a multi-dimensional level is the mind the mind of whatever is input into the mind will be output into reality and this is what we call manifestation but one thing that I want
you to understand is that manifestation isn't creating reality and I want you to understand that two ways my definition of manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change when you're good with it and you're good without it before thinking to yourself when's this going to manifest is it going to manifest I want to Manifest this ask yourself why are you even asking that question because that question is is an indication that you have not internally shifted to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent
upon seeing your reality change you're clearly not good with it or without it but on another sense manifestation isn't creating anything because everything already exists manifestation is simply taking the invisible and making it visible based upon the alteration of a particular frequency understanding that Consciousness and matter are the same energy simply at different vibratory rates your Consciousness matter same thing mind matter one not mind over matter now now that we understand that the subconscious is a basic computer a computer that has the capability of tapping into a supercomputer which is directly if you cannot tap
into the superconscious you will not be able to manifest anything as I said esoterically Jesus said in Matthew with men this is impossible so long as you directly try to use your ego to get anything done you don't have to you can't do anything it's your ability to tap into God the superconscious that is going to make or the difference now you will learn how to tap into the superconscious and you will learn how to not only tap into the superconscious but implant an idea into the subconscious because it's all about the input but here's
the thing computers has specific programming languages there's C+ python C whatever whatever you need to understand the language of the subconscious mind and it's not repetition hence why relax you're going to get some just just stay with me now easy easy you know what's funny uhhuh when when the neero nation discovered my channel yeah someone commented we um we finally waited and we finally got some was that's a bit sus but they were commenting all types of stuff on your f in it yeah you guys make sure you go follow AJ's Channel man you'll see
him over there oiled up and I'm playing the piano for him over there in the back I'm doing it good for him pause whoa he did real good [Laughter] still that that was crazy that was absolutely insane at this point we never be in no we'll never be in allegations will never ever be in the allegations somebody commented n I've been watching you since 25k you really really do want the talk you know what I said to them MJ take my shoes and walk a mile son you can't do big talks of the Town big
boy gang news I like to walk around with my chain loose she new ass forgot the same boob whipping up dope scientist okay so now that we understand once again I'm just going to give a particular overview so you can understand it CU I know that that was a lot of information and one thing that I forgot to mention is that there's three things so as I said first is the superconscious and we can see that this is how it trickles down then there is the subconscious and then of course is the conscious and KL
y said something that was quite amazing he said until the sub he said until the subconscious is made conscious you will live the rest of your life in countering Misfortune and saying it was fate and that's the thing you have to come to the understanding that you being the physical expression of God you possess the capabilities of God and one of those is creation we exist in the mind of God as it said the first Universal and I made a video about this the first Flor of the universe is the universe is entirely mental and
understanding that the universe is entirely mental and the all is mind and the mind is all we exist in the mind of God and because we exist in the mind of God we inherently live in a material in a mental world even though we experience it materially now the subconscious once again this is the portion of you that is completely unlimited and infinite because it's directly linked to the infinite intelligence which we conceptualize as God and then we have the subconscious which has the capabilities it has the capabilities of tapping into the superconscious being the
womb of reality it is the origin point of your reality as within as without when it said as within as without the within is the subconscious mind because this is where the this is where an aspect of the superconscious resides then we have our conscious which is our you can conceptualize this as your ego your physical vessel your day-to-day activities now here's the thing the whole game as you can see it trickles down you have to understand on a multi-dimensional level which I'll explain relax you're going to get some just stay with me now stay
with me now and make sure you're taking notes and make sure you drop them in the comments we're not here to be watching me for fun I still don't understand how some people somebody one girl actually said to me I don't take notes I just re I just rewatch your videos until it gets in my head which is quite interesting actually but it's like don't not talk for like 50 minutes she's on that repetition like how do you do that that's repetition we're not doing all of that for the subconscious mind just stay with me
now but everything trickles down and you have to understand on a multi-dimensional level how eventually your subconscious actually drives your behavior because the thing about the subconscious and this is commonly said is that the subconscious is responsible for 90% of your behavior you're not consciously thinking let me pump blood around my body let me consciously Breathe Right unless you're into breath work so on and so forth but for the most part your subconscious is in the background keeping you alive and it keeps you alive on a physical level but you have to understand that the
physical plane that we experience is just a microcosm of the macrocosm and on a physical plane it performs the role of unconsciously driving your behavior but on a metaphysical level it unconsciously drives your frequency and your frequency is the product code of your reality you have to understand frequency to be a product code you have a unique frequency which produces and reflects a directly Unique Reality and it's not until you can change the frequency that your reality will be changed I always say this we're satisfied with ourselves but we're unsatisfied with our reality and that
doesn't make sense you need to alter your frequency to alter your reality because before anything can exist physically it first must exist vibrationally now understanding that the subconscious mind drives 90% of your behavior and your actions your actions and you know what I'm just getting too excited I'm getting too excited let [Laughter] me I'm getting too excited somebody actually commented start The Sopranos and I've started watching this it's really good so far I like it what The Sopranos yeah he's into Waste Management now it's a mafos type thing St have you ever watched Good Fellas
no what you've never watched Good Fellas have you ever seen Ashanti Foolish my days are cool without you yeah you've never seen the music video I don't need to see the music video everyone knows the song anyways there's a scene in that music video where she's in the restaurant with him he's a mafia guy and and she's walking in everyone's he walks into the restaurant everyone's toasting up to him they make a whole table for him because it's reflect it's copying Good Fellas it's like a a play on the thing and she's like what do
you do and he's like construction but it's not Construction in it anyways as I said as I said as I said you have to understand on a multi on a multi-dimensional level how your subconscious mind actually drives your behaviors because you exist on three planes mental physical and spiritual and it's not until that you can come to the understanding that before anything exists physically it first exists mentally I repeat before anything exists physically it first exist exists mentally so before thinking that you want to change your world around you you need to make sure you
have changed the world inside of you now like I said on a multi-dimensional level it is commonly said that the subconscious mind drives 90% of your behaviors and see you guys asked for this video so you know me like the slave I Am AJ was like make the video now and I was just like I was literally crying before this and he was just like made a [ __ ] video now and I was just like please don't hurt me anyways as I said the subconscious mind drives 90% of your behavior is due to the
subconscious mind but here's the thing by the time that we show any type of behavior behavior is a action action is directly tied to the physical play now this doesn't make sense as to why people go about trying to change their subconscious Minds in the way that they do through changing their physical actions because action is directly tied to the physical and the physical plane is an effect and because the physical plane is an effect attempting to change your behavior to change your sub conscious mind is essentially nigths that's saying I'm going to change an
effect by changing an effect that doesn't make any sense unfortunately in order for you to change an effect you must first change the cause once you change the cause the effect will naturally be changed and this is a hermetic law the law of cause and effect it says every effect has a cause and every cause has an effect but you have to understand the ego and the world around you tricks you into thinking that this physical plane is the world of cause and effect but it's not it's simply the word of effect it is by
the time you're watching a movie on the screen you're seeing a projection but you actually need to change what is playing and what's playing is always on the mental plane now here's the thing this is how it goes on a multi-dimensional level let me explain uh let me use a different color why not let me spoil you guys why not so you take physical action remember the subconscious mind is responsible for 90% of our behaviors and our actions you take action once again this is a multi-dimensional explanation of how the subconscious mind works so make
sure you're taking these notes you take action you take actions based on the things you are internally compelled to do sometimes you're just compelled to do things your mind might say take take this leftt instead of you know going down in your usual way oh go talk to this person reach out to this person change this on your website do this just fill out just fill fill this thing out oh go do this go do that you're almost silently compelled to do things internally and the things that you're compelled to do is always going to
be based on one word AJ what's that word what's the word you think after all the videos have recorded for 50 minutes he would know but come on that's a very broad no no no no no no no anyways this looks like it's SP wrong but it's not I promise no it's not um your action is always directly Interlink to what you're internally compelled to do what you're always internally compelled to do is always based upon your in your intuition is comprised of two words in pertaining to the inner World also known as the mind
and then tuition just simply means teaching or guidance guidance or guide guidance or inner teachings from the inner world so on and so forth and what is your frequency based upon hopefully you said it right your frequency is always determined by one word oh [ __ ] your intuition is always determined by one word and that's your frequency this is a multi-dimensional explanation of how we take action so this is all to say if you want to change your subconscious mind then the thing that we need to work on changing is our frequency and this
can be extrapolated to anything so for example the action that you take is always going to be directly based upon what you're internally compelled to do and that's always going to be based upon your intuition and your intuition is always going to be determined by your frequency so let's take two particular individuals let's say there's somebody who's broken let's say somebody who's rich the only difference between a rich person and a broke person bear in mind there's only one mind in the universe the only difference between us there's one Consciousness in this entire universe the
only thing that differs it is the arrangement of that particular degree of Consciousness that's what B right that down and once you begin to start seeing it like that you actually come to the understanding that you're literally like every single person that you aspire to be like you're also literally like every other person that you don't like the only difference between you guys is the arrangement of that particular degree of Consciousness right the frequency of let's say somebody who's broke based upon their frequency of being broke that means they received intuition that is based upon
their frequency so they received the intuition of a broke person and then they're naturally compelled to do things that broke people do and based upon that they then take the actions of broke people and this can be simultaneously altered to the degree of somebody who's wealthy somebody who's on a frequency of wealth will have the intuition of a wealthy person they'll know what investments to make what to do with their money what opportunities to take what things to do what people to reach out to etc etc then they'll internally be compelled to do it and
then they end up taking that physical action and that physical action always leads to what we call reality which is our manifestation so it's all about understanding that we have to work with the biggest domino instead of trying to do what 90% of people do and here's the thing it's kind of split in the world when you really come to an understanding of it it's kind of split straight down the middle right most people are concerned with taking physical action so let's say 90% of the world are here they attempt to take the action so
for example when they want to change their subcon mind they work on trying to change their behavior and naturally repeat etc etc and I say repeat because everybody knows if you want to change the subconscious mind it's repetition right no that is not the language that we're going to be using so just just relax you're going to get some just relax but 90% of people play that game of trying to take physical action to change their subconscious mind to change their realities but by then you're already too far down the chain without realizing that their
frequency is always going to trickle down and have have this knockdown effect straight down to their physical action which then has a knockdown effect straight to their reality so we work with the biggest domino first that's what we do over here because the aim of life isn't to work hard it's not about working hard it's not even about working smart it's about working multi-dimensionally and that's when you arrange yourself correctly understanding the position in the hierarchy of the universe when we're talking about cause and effect relax you're going to get some so what does subconscious
mind like and what doesn't it like see the issue is for the most part you've been given information on things that it doesn't like and you actually try to do those things hence why [ __ ] ain't working and it's all right cuz I've been there it's one of them ones I get it but you have to know what the subconscious mind likes and what it doesn't like cuz if it doesn't like it it's not going to go into the subconscious mind and it's going to feel like why is nothing working I've been putting in
this work for a long time nothing's changing if that's you then very much likely you're doing things it doesn't like which is okay because now you're going to do things that it does like if it ain't one thing it's a [ __ ] another God damn we tried to get in and that's my [ __ ] brother I pay her bills and by Design but I don't love her she just play a part when it's time to smuggle you know that song A H shots me street [ __ ] In The Tuxedo we the mob
she looked at my watch too long now she see stars I got so what the subc conscious mind doesn't like ladies and gentlemen there's a couple things you have to understand and this is all directly connected to brain waves so on and so forth so it is going to get a bit technical here but just stay with me just stay with me so what the subconscious mind don't [Music] like which is poor gramar because it should say doesn't like but please excuse me I just wanted to make the chief ke reference but anyways the things
that the subconscious mind don't like it doesn't like effort now here's the thing typically when it comes to manifestation knowledge or reality creation knowledge there's an aspect of you that has studied so much that now suffering probably from analysis paralysis the analysis paralysis then leads you to being confused on what to do when you finally do choose something you're frustrated because it's not giving you the effect that you want so you attempt to put effort onto the subconscious mind but the subconscious mind cannot respond by effort because you have to understand as Jesus said in
Matthew seek ye first the kingdom of God and then righteousness and all these things shall be added onto you seek first the kingdom of God a particular inner world of your subconscious mind that is resonant with everything except effort so the more effort that you try to put on the subconcious Mind whether you're trying to visualize yourself trying to force it and you're really like screwing your face or you're doing affirmations again and again till you're becoming [ __ ] tired or you're writing down like Bart Simpson at the start of every Simpsons episode you
know what it is your script in the reality that you live in the more effort that you actually use when it comes to the subconscious mind the more it actually begins to stray away from you because it doesn't like that it doesn't respond to that you have to understand you can't force the subconscious mind into doing anything and that's what a lot of people try to do you need to seduce the subconscious mind and that's what we are doing here seducing the subconscious mind the second thing that the subconscious mind doesn't like similar to effort
is strain so as I said when you're doing these particular techniques or you know you're trying to you're going into a particular degree of overdrive when you're visualizing or you're or you're affirming or you know really doing whatever it is that you do anytime that you begin to strain once again similar to efforts the subconscious mind doesn't like this it also doesn't like tension and see and when I when I came to this understanding it it kind of it literally blew my brains pause for the mere fact that the subconscious mind doesn't like tension but
majority of the world is trapped at a particular degree of a survival State of Consciousness and when you're in a survival State of Consciousness not only from a point not not only from a vibratory rate are you limited to a degree of survival but physiologically you're acting from the basor ganglia also known as The Reptilian part of your brain the Primal part of your brain responsible for fight or flight and flight or flight is always going to be in a state of tension and this is actually why a lot of people struggle to this is
why a lot of people actually struggle to program or program their subconscious mind because they're not in a particular State of Consciousness internally or a state within that is conducive to actually seducing the subconscious mind this is why you may be in a survival State of Consciousness you may be worried about bills you may be worried about family you may be worried about work you may be trapped between fear Panic worry the survival state of consciousness and because you're trapped in that state and because and this is why the game is so why the game
is so [ __ ] up completely because these individuals whoever they are that run this third dimensional realm understand these things down to a very intricate level and it's almost amazing that they keep people in a degree where they're constantly in a state of being tense constantly tense because if you're tense the door to your subconscious mind is closed and if you can't open the door to your subconscious mind you can't alter your reality and if you can't alter your reality then your reality doesn't change and this is some this is actually so crazy when
you think about it this is like multi-dimensional chess quite literally frequency physiologically even as well so these things shut the door of the subconscious mind and if the door of the subconscious mind is closed then you cannot tap into God which is the superconscious which is the only thing that can change your reality I repeat you cannot change your reality the only thing that can change your reality is the God within I repeat you cannot change your reality so stop thinking I need to do this I need to do this I need to do that
you actually need to get the [ __ ] out of the way and let go and let God this is the true esoteric definition of removing the ego out of the way the portion of you that is limited so the unlimited can actually possess the capability of altering your reality once again these are the things that close the door in the subconscious mind so if you're doing effort or straining when it comes to these manifestation techniques or trying to reprogram your subconscious mind or change your vibration effort and strain is going to shut the door
on the subconscious mind and if you're in a state of consci constant tense tension then the subconscious mind is also going to be closed because you're in a survival State of Consciousness operating from the oldest part of your brain responsible fight or flight so what do the things what's the things that the subconscious mind likes tranquilo never D [Music] to see I thought you'd be happy to sing that one yard man I knew he was Jama you got him guys true colors are finally sh I'm not Jamaican and I will never be Jamaican bro Deni
is in a river in Egypt do you know where that's from my wife wife and kids I need it I need it I need it I'm not your friend episode what episode yeah uh it's called open your heart I can accept that and my heart no it's literally called open your heart get out of here man get out of here I told you the episode name and you're asking me the season and that I actually think it's season season I don't think it is I think it's season 4 I think it's season have you just
checked I it's season 4 I think it's season 4 episode 13 search it right now my wife and kids open your heart that's the what the episode's called this is so idiotic season 3 episode 13 no so it's episode 13 take oh that's so crazy I said episode 13 that is so crazy that's insane wow wow wow wow please pretend this literally shut up man so what the subconscious likes and I'm going to break I'm going to I'll just go one by one in these things and also then at the end of this I forgot
to say well I don't know if it's going to be at the end or I never really know what I'm doing I'm just talking off the top of my head at some point I'm going to give you how I recharge my subconscious mind and why it's important to recharge the subconscious mind instead of programing it I need you to understand the difference but before that these things that the subconscious mind likes I'm going to have to explain so the first thing that the subconscious mind likes is relaxation you see why you've been struggling to program
your subconscious mind now because you're in a state of tension and tension closes the door to the subconscious mind but the reason why relaxation opens the door to the subconscious mind is to do with something quite deeper it's to do with the mechanics of the brain brain waves you can't know nothing about the subconscious mind until you start looking into brain waves and hypnosis and all of these things and yes I've hypnotized someone before one person which is she wouldn't let me show the video in it but my friend she she she'd even hate that
I talk about this you see the Kevin Gates thing he like I put my CL I my I hate that I even spoke about that but anyway but anyways the reason why the subconscious mind likes relaxation is due to the brain waves now the brain waves that primarily have the capability of entering the subconscious mind is Theta and Alpha these states I believe Theta is 4 to8 Hertz I'm not sure how much Alpha is but it's a deeper State the point being these two states are resonant with deeply meditative States and when these states are
deeply meditative because they are the gateway to the subconscious these two brain waves right bear in mind anytime that you enter a particular degree of relaxation and this could be you literally about to go to bed it could be you literally laying down on your sofa it could be you laying down in a chair it doesn't really matter anytime that you're relaxed your brain waves begin to switch they begin to switch going into Alpha and Theta these are deeply meditative States and these deeply meditative States take the ego out the way on my knees as
usual no Diddy take the ego out the way and because it takes the ego out the way it has essentially what it truly takes away is limitation cuz that's what the ego represents presents the conscious mind it's limited remember when you take the ego out the way you then possess the capability of going into the subconscious mind the subconscious mind is the portal to the superconscious mind the superconscious is God the infinite intelligence that is within you as it says esoterically in Corinthians that the spirit of God is the dwelling place of you and Jesus
Christ being the materialization of the infinite intelligence as it said in Philippians 25-1 let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus as Paul said in Corinthians do you not know that Christ is within you unless you have failed the test and you are disqualified the reason relaxation is what the subconscious mind likes is due to the brain waves it takes the ego out the way because a deeply meditative State you take limitation out the way then when you take limitation out the way guess what comes pause God comes pause again multi-dimensional
pause but that's why relaxation is so powerful so check this how often are you actually relaxed in your dayto day because here's the thing a lot of people make the mistake of and I write it in red cuz I'm just spoiling you guys with all these colors the subconscious mind dislikes remember tension tension is associated with our conscious day-to-day activities of work going to work talking to people Etc Etc that is beta waves beta waves is what the subconscious mind don't like you can't and that's the issue how often are you actually in a state
of relaxation hence why it says in John a man can receive nothing unless it is first given to him from Heaven you can receive nothing on this physical plane you can't manifest or materialize anything in this reality unless you are prerequisite in a state of Heaven a state of internal relaxation how often are you relaxed in your dayto day how often do you consciously relax yourself and pause I know there's some sick people out here but you get what I mean internally in your day-to-day cuz more often than not a lot of Us coming from
particular survival paradigms especially growing up in a ghetto you're constantly on alert and because you're constantly on alert you're constantly in a state of tension whether it's financial problems you worried about the bills bayts in America you guys don't call them bfts you call them debt collectors yeah they used to terrorize us over here whatever it is you're constantly in a state of tension and because you're constantly in a state of tension you're doing things the subconscious mind doesn't like so when you come now and try to put all this subconscious information or this manifestation
stuff that you see in my videos or whatever else or the books that you're reading your mind is like the door's closed the door's closed the door's closed it doesn't even matter it doesn't even out because you have to understand the information that you implement first has to have the prerequisite mandatory prerequisite of you being in a state of relaxation this is what the subconscious mind likes the second thing that the subconscious mind likes and I write this in purple probably the most important word when it comes to all manifestation or reality Creation in my
humble opinion conviction you have to understand I don't know why that buy looks crazy but anyways you were convinced it looks looks like looks like looks overweight he just looks anyways you convinced by the reality you were in and what I mean by that is this as I said before anything can exist physically it first must exist vibrationally SL Mally and spiritually that is always going to be determined by what you are convinced by what are you convinced by you convinced by the reality that you're re enhanced while you're experiencing it what I mean by
that is this if you're convinced that you're broke then due to the level of conviction and the thing about conviction is that it has such a powerful charge and we're about to get into it right now we're about to get into I'm getting excited I'm getting hot pause it it has a powerful charge conviction has a certain degree of power behind it there's certainty behind it and the subconscious mind responds to your convictions the issue is you've allowed the world to convince you of things that actually take you from your desired reality you've allowed the
world to convince you of things that actually destroy your life you've allowed the world to convince you of things that contribute absolutely zero to your desired reality and because of that those convictions the subconscious mind loves convictions anytime there's a degree of certainty behind a belief or an idea the subconscious mind is like come in come in come in me pause you have to understand this convictions are I won't say the language of the subconscious mind but the subconscious mind loves convictions you have to be you have to ask yourself the question what am I
convinced of about myself a lot of people are convinced that they're stupid a lot of people are convinced that they can't do it a lot of people are convinced that it's not going to work for them a lot of people are convinced that oh because my uncle tried and he lost his leg it's not going to work for me A lot of people are convinced by things that are actually in direct opposition towards their desired reality if you could literally convince yourself of things that contribute to your desired reality you would be in it so
two things subconscious mind LS relaxation relaxation based upon brain waves brain RS typically Alpha and theeta anytime you're in a state of relaxation that's a deeply meditative State when you're in that deeply meditative state it takes the ego out the way when it takes the ego out the way what is taking out the way is limitation and when limitation is out the way God can come in pause there's no space for God or the infinite intelligence to restructure your reality because your ego's in the [ __ ] way move [ __ ] get out of
the way and convictions the subconscious mind responds to convictions due to the degree of power behind that emotional charge which I'm going to get into very shortly and based upon that charge it has a certain degree of certainty and you have to understand this is the true definition of Faith this is the true definition of Faith so when the Bible talks about faith esoterically you have to understand our version of faith in our modern day based upon not only e atmology changing but also the meaning of words changing has been Lost in Translation we conceptualize
Faith as trusting and the about trust that has the potentiality for doubt T why you trust you don't know conviction is knowing think about the things think about the times you said I know I'm going to see some for some reason you just have this feeling I know I'm going to see someone I know today I know I'm going to see someone I know today oh I know this is going to work I know this isn't going to work right which comes back to the understanding that you make the laws of your reality there no
truth in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as true and the things that the subconscious mind accept are true are convictions your ability to enter your desired reality will always be intimately connected to your ability to convince yourself that you are in that reality on a subconscious level but how do I convince myself Nero relax you're going to get some you have to understand the only language of the subconscious mind the only language of the subconscious mind if you're talking the hardest gigs better pop up on your thoughts ch you know I've recently
been receiving a lot of messages from guys telling me that they manifested you know [ __ ] the god at they want I'm just like damn like I'm I'm glad you know my videos work obviously but it's like like really bro like out of everything you could do like everything you could do n could manifest some success some wealth well that is their success it's true it's relative is it it is true hey man as long as you're in you're in your desire yet okay okay okay walking on a dream how can I explain there's
only one language of the subconscious mind it's not repetition as they would like you to believe I conceptualize repetition like Brute Force algorithm Brute Force algorithm is an algorithm that typically is used predominantly by hackers to hack into things break encryptions and essentially what it is is trying all the multiple combinations of what the password might be it's a very it's a very long-winded it's a lot of effort but typically these algorithms can do it within seconds so in some instances it works but this is a very long-winded way and this is how I conceptualize
repetition it's a very long-winded way it takes a lot of effort and effort is something the subconscious mind doesn't like and it's it takes for you to strain and the subconscious mind doesn't like strain so even though you're doing these things the subconscious mind is like you know like you know like when you're in a club in it and you know you see guys trying to get a whine off a girl and you know the girl's just whining there freely or with her friends and the guy comes behind her and like he like Gets behind
her and she turns around and looks at him that's what the subconscious mind is doing to you guys when you're trying to exert some type of effort or strain is Lally like what are you doing quite literally hence why repetition it's along it's along that it's along that type of line it's effort it's strain but then what often happens from you feeling like it's not working is that honestly and this is completely normal you become frustrated you become irritated you become apathetic you just like you know [ __ ] this man I've been I've been
reading these affirmations for like 10 years now like it's just not working I've been visualizing this thing for the longest it's just not working there's only one language of the subconscious man that I respect and that you respect and light bul moment AJ what is it h let me think think this is the only language of the subconscious mind this is the only thing that the subconscious mind will respond to it's not repetition this is the easiest way you will ever reprogram your subconscious mind and you have to understand on a multi-dimensional level on a
metaphysical level why emotion is as powerful as it is and there's a couple reasons for this so stay with me now because my brain's literally exploding pause the first thing that you have to understand is that emotion quite simply is energy emotion that energy emotion eventually builds momentum and it becomes a frequency that frequency eventually has to materialize into a reality emotion is the beginning point if I can if I can in fact let me if I can control your emotion I can control your energy emotion if I can control your energy emotion I can
control your frequency if I can control your frequency I can control your reality my point being emotion is the largest part of your frequency and and you need to dismiss yourself from the idea within this particular space that it's all about your thoughts and it's all about your thoughts it's all about your thoughts no emotion is more powerful than thought and let me explain why in order for you to think this is activity done by your brain your brain and mind isn't the same thing you can weigh the brain you can touch the brain you
can't touch the mind you can't measure the mind the mind as Jesus said quite literally in the Gospel of Thomas esoterically the Kingdom of Heaven is inside and outside of you the mind quite literally knows no bounds because it is the portion of you that is directly connected to the aspect of you that is freed from this third dimensional realm and it's not constrained by the illusions of this third dimensional realm coming to that understanding emotion as I said in order for you to think neurotransmitters are sent across your brain which means that thinking and
neurotransmitters are electrical which means that thinking is electrical and that El and that electricity emits a particular wave because it's an energy signature and there's a there a Institute called the heart math Institute that were actually able to measure two things the first thing that you have to understand is that you possess two electromagnetic fields and your electromagnetic fields you can think about them for you can think about them as the magnets for the reality that you experience or magnets for the frequency you're on yes that's much better and what they found is that there's
two electromagnetic fields there's one of the brain and there's one of the heart and the one of the heart is 60 to a 100 times larger than the one of the brain so electromagnetically your heart is a more powerful Source your heart is the source of your emotion and the thing about the heart is that the heart has over 40,000 um it has over 40,000 is it what's the word again it's just escaped me my mind just escaped me for a second the thing about the heart that you have to understand is that the heart
has a memory storage of its own you hear these stories where people have heart transplants and they end up falling in love with the per somebody who was in the life of the person who has given their heart or has passed away and you have to understand that how often do we say I know that song off by heart because the heart is a greater storage of meory memory this is why more spiritual Traditions it's said in the Quran that the heart will be weighed it's also said in ancient Egypt in the Book of the
Dead that the heart will be weighed the 42 laws of matat you have to understand these things for the mere fact that spiritually the heart has the most reverence the heart has the most reverence when it comes to your spiritual nature hence why even babies before they develop brains they develop hearts and that makes no sense because the the brain is the operating system of of the body it literally makes no sense and it puzzled scientists for decades but you have to understand the spiritual reverence of the heart hence why it's spoken about so many
times in Proverbs the heart is quite literally the source of your frequency because the source of emotion emotion is energy emotion which compounds into frequency which compounds into reality emotion is the language of God because it's the first thing that God gives you when you enter this physical plane understand what I'm saying emotion is the only language of the subconscious mind the only language now let me go deeper pause the things that the subconscious mind accepts the beliefs that are held in the subconscious mind are those with the most emotional charge in fact let me
clean the board let me clean the board cuz this deserves its own space I understand it now I understand it now somebody actually made like a a parody video of me and and he put something like the three M's of the universe uh manifestation no he said the three M of manifestation manifestation meditation and masturbation masturbation was last you should put that as number one no I had to repost and share that he is too funny man that was too funny late night watching telion how do we get in this position it's way too soon
I know this isn't love but I need to tell you something cool so the things that the subconscious mind holds the subconscious let just write it the subconscious mind holds the ideas and beliefs with the most emotional charge emphasis on the most and the reason why I say the subconscious mind is the true language sorry emotions is the true language of the subconscious mind we've all been through traumatic events in our lives we only need to go through a traumatic event once for our entire mind to be completely reconstructed and changed to that degree of
negativity has the polarity for you to alter it and shift it into positivity for your desired reality all of that was a bar at that down and as I said The more charge you can create behind a particular idea or a belief will increase its likelihood of entering your subconscious mind the issue right now is that when you're trying to program your subconscious mind you are not creating enough emotional charge and here's the thing people say how do I get rid of you know a negative subconscious belief this is it this is how if you
want to get of a negative belief or a negative subconscious idea negative subconscious programming you need to create either an equal or more powerful emotional charge then what is there it's all about displacing once again you're not removing a negative belief or a negative subconscious programming you're displacing it by creating either an equal or more powerful emotional charge than that negative thing that you want to remove that is quite simply what it is and that that's all it is that's that's it so for your desired reality if you can create a powerful emotional charge for
your desired reality then that will displace a pre-existing belief or idea and quite literally replace it it's that simple the next question is how do I do that Nero tranquilo ESP letar all my [ __ ] from narcos which is funny because they're not even they're speaking their own dialect quick sign anime in English is actually amazing we're not doing this I'm not even going to entertain this I love how I'm not even entertaining it's just so exaggerated like G's like oh right they're two guest they're two guests like the English actors in anime they're
too gas they're too excited they're like where are you going like what I love it watch carto hey we don't call anime cartoons over here bro n we don't do that bro that's that's a cardinal sin right there that is a cardinal sin all right guys how do you create a more powerful or an equal emotional charge to displace a particular belief that you [Music] have I'm never going to dance again guilty Fe I've got no it's easy to pretend I know you're not a [Music] fool ivy let me explain so in order for you
to create a either equal or more powerful emotional charge to displace a particular subconscious negative programming and replace it with your desired reality you need to do a couple things you need to internally intensely and vividly experience your desired reality and this isn't about visualizing visualizing in one aspect typically people see it no I need you to experience it and the way you look down at your hands and you see first person that's how you need to experience it internally intensely and vividly now here's the thing if you can internally intensely and vividly experience your
desired reality this has no choice but to create emotional charge now it's very important that we get clear on the definition of what I'm saying when I say emotional charge I don't mean you have to be euphoric I'm not saying you're going to be like and excited and super gassed cuz that may not be you that's not what I'm like I'm an extremely chill guy I'm just a relaxed guy so my degree of emotional charge is going to directly be unique to me and this is what I want you to understand a lot of these
spiritual [ __ ] make it seem as if there's one SI fits or that you need to feel on cloud n and you need to be super excited but that may not be you because if you if you was in your desired reality chances are it would be normal and because it would be normal you wouldn't be probably super gassed now you might be somebody who'd be super guas do you know yourself better than I do so don't let me tell you what type of person are you if you're somebody who's to get excited and
super happy then that's going to be your expression of emotional charge if you're somebody who's super relaxed and chill the more chill and relax do you feel that's going to be your degree of emotional charge if you'd feel proud satisfied and accomplished that's going to to be your degree of emotional charge now the way that you internally intensely and vividly experience your desired reality mentally here's what I always say to my clients I always say to my clients instead of trying to visualize something that's super extravagant like you hop out a Rolls-Royce the doorman opens
the door confetti busts over you pause you walk around you high five somebody champagne is being poured there's baddies all around like that that may not be the thing like that's that's that's just ridiculous right that is extremely longwinded because remember we just want to create emotional charge we want to be efficient we want to be nice and efficient because the mind is a battery and when you're visualizing these things or you're affirming and you can extrapolate this to whatever technique that works for you there is no secret technique bear in mind there is no
best technique to create an emotional charge this is just the characteristics that underly them internally intensely and vividly whether this is for affirmations whether this is for scripting whether this is for vision boards whether this is visualization there is no secret technique the only secret technique is you it's actually the emotional conviction the it's actually the conviction that you have in a belief that activates the emotional charge and the emotional charge is the fuel that drives the car to take you to your desired reality that's a b at that down it doesn't matter if you're
driving a it doesn't matter if you're riding the Village bicycle it doesn't matter if you're catching a train it doesn't matter if you're walking as long as your vessel your vehicle has emotional charge that's going to be the fuel that can take you to your desired reality you must experience your desired reality mentally and when I say experience the way that I the thing I always say to my clients is simply enter a scene where somebody that you love and somebody who'd be happy for you to succeed is congratulating you and I got this from
Neville goded and know I'm not law of assumption I'm not Law of Attraction I'm not this I'm not that I'm law of whatever [ __ ] works and you should be too take yourself out of these little games and clicks that people want to form in this kind of spiritual Community because then [ __ ] actually begin to form rules for themselves on what works and what doesn't work I don't think anybody ever I don't think anybody ever gave a blueprint for this to be the only way that works they set principles in the universe
that so long as you adhere to they're going to work so don't fall into the little games and clicks that people do and don't let people box you in either cuz they're going to try to do that because even that's just that's just it's just the ego game I don't get nothing from that but anyways somebody who loves you and congratulating you and they either hug you and if you like it like that they can kiss you and when you're and bear in mind you need to be in the states of what the subconscious mind
like so you need to be in a state of relaxation relaxation to allow your brain waves to then shift to a degree of not being emotion independent but shift to a degree of theta and Al Al so you're deeply relaxed so the ego gets out the way and you can access the subconscious mind because those two brain wave states are the bridge to the subconscious your subconscious is the bridge to the womb of your reality if you can enter it you can reconstruct your reality and you need to be in a state of conviction that
what you're experiencing what you're seeing is real because what we're taking advantage of is the fact that the mind can't distinguish between imagination and reality the mind can't distinguish between imagination and reality so if we can trick your mind into thinking the imagination in a sense if we if we can trick your mind into thinking that the imagination that you're experiencing right now is real is going to create an emotional charge that emotional charge is going to enter the subconscious mind and this is the this is as simple as it gets and the she and
the scene must be short and simple and they must say some [ __ ] that they would say so my boys wouldn't be like I found it marvelous that you was able to attain that I find it stupendous they they wouldn't talk like that they'd be like my my guy my guy that's what it's like so then that's what I'd visualize because that would implicate to my mind that this is real and that would create an emotional charge I ain't kissing my guys now after that just Loop it again and again and again when you
begin to feel effort or like you're straining yourself stop because the subconscious mind doesn't like that and if you do this and here's the thing you don't have to do repeatedly I Rec recommend doing it repeatedly but repetition isn't what we're going for here you could do this once and create such a powerful emotional charge that your subconscious mind instantly accepts the idea and I've done this before and I've seen this before there you go