Weakest Boy is Chosen to lead the Strongest Party and Everyone Fears Him | Anime Recap

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Clan master pretends to be a nobody so he can live an ordinary life 0:00 Part 1 11:17 Part 2 24:17 ...
Video Transcript:
The Story begins as a group of kids dream about becoming treasure Hunters with the goal of obtaining riches and Glory everyone is in total agreement including the kid that's dressed like a cardboard box and they vow to become the best heroes in the world treasure Hunters travel the world to explore ruins called treasure vaults so they can collect the relics hidden inside they risk their lives fighting monsters called Phantoms but in return they can obtain vast riches and Glory a very highly regarded Clan is holding into interviews for potential new members and our protagonist named
cry waits in line there is a limit to how far a solo Hunter can go so it's vital to join a party if they have their sights on a high goal some girl named Ruda introduces herself to cry because she's the only one around that doesn't look like a creep but cry awkwardly doesn't shake her hand Ruda wants to join a party because she has been having a hard time with a certain treasure Vault but some guy mocks her for trying to do so while only being level three rud is insult Ed when he calls
her an amateur but the guy points out that she's too low of a level to join the renowned First Steps Clan he recommends that she just run to her mommy Cuda challenges him to a fight the argument is broken up and cry is glad that the commotion is over inside Ruda is overwhelmed by all the hunters that are trying to join the first steps Clan and she is shocked to hear that this is cry's fifth time being at one of these interviews skill is everything for hunters those with Talent can instantly make a name for
themselves and climb the ranks those without Talent however can only cling to the few chances they get the first steps Clan consists of several parties and the arc Brave party is the strongest at this interview they even managed to complete a level seven treasure Vault with just six of their members their leader is Arc Roden and if he accepts a hunter then they are guaranteed to be successful however as far as Kai knows the arc Brave has never accepted a new member through one of these interviews their table is surrounded by a ton of interviewees
baruda wonders why another party only has one single empty chair just then the big guy named Greg comes out of nowhere and explains that that table belongs to the party that originally founded firststep they are called the griever and they came to the capital years ago with their overabundant talent they made a name for themselves as one of the top parties in the capital their full name is The Grieving souls and they're actually the party of Christ child childhood friends this is the first time that the griever are accepting new members and it's the entire
reason so many people came out to the event there is no one at the table though so it seems like this might have just been a false rumor one red-headed kid makes his presence known by saying that he has no time for losers and he demands to know where the griever are he boasts about already being level four and he was planning to allow the capital's strongest party to recruit him some girl named Tino is stopped from showing this kid his place but Tino plans to make it quick just like her sister would do she
wants to teach him a lesson because she deserves to be Eng grieving Souls before this kid but she is reminded that the clan master told her not to make a scene it's too late as everyone antagonizes them and they make room for a fight Tino is eager to get going but cry is worried about something and he tells Ruda to come outside with him the redhead wants to do some trash talking but Tino plans to hear what he has to say after she chops his head off because again that's what her sister would do as
cry makes his Escape he thinks about how he never should have come today as anticipation for the fight reaches its peak Tino senses something shocking enough to draw her tension away she completely ignores the feverish chanting for the battle and pays no attention to the red head powering up his sword instead her focus is now completely on cry Tino shocks Everyone by rushing to cry but what's even more strange is that she call call him Master it turns out that cry is actually the firststeps clan master and leader of grieving Souls the clan was waiting
for him to get started and everyone is shocked to realize who he is in this golden age of treasure Hunters one man stood amongst all of them and his name is cry several years before all this cry and his friends arrived at the capital they were new but they were finishing treasure vaults suited for beginners and record speeds one time cry was saved by his friend but his friend just assumed that he was just acting as bait cry and his friends all shared the same dream of becoming great hunters but the amount of talent they
had was not equal his five friends possessed monstrous potential so C considered himself to be exceedingly ordinary compared to them that was when cry decided that he would only get in their way if he stayed with them they were all really close friends so they never said anything so cry knew that he would have to make the decision to leave himself cry told them all goodbye one day but they shockingly decided to make him their leader instead they were all in total agreement so Kai wondered if they even listen to what he just said the
decision was already made for him so Kai has spent the last four years as the leader of a party of his gifted childhood friends the entire time wishing that he could just retire from being a hunter altogether back to the present Ruda can't believe that she was talking to the clan master of First Steps cry was super late to the interview because he overslept but Ark thinks that it was just a joke Tino tells Ark to get away from him because she hates how superficial he is but Arc just thinks she's joking too he credits
Kai for diligently scouting the crowd but he's way off ark's impressed that Kai went undercover without his uniform but again cry points out that he really did just oversleep Tino has had enough of Ark so she wants him to be removed from the clan altogether but this guy is the leader of Arc Brave Tino is a solo Hunter affiliated with first steps and she's an apprentice to cry's childhood friend named Liz cry says that there's no room for new members in The Grieving Souls but he gets an idea and he wonders if Arc Brave would
take in a new member if he recommended them Arc trusts cry with all his heart so he says that he would this shocks everyone in the room because Arc Brave rarely ever accepts anyone but Arc says that one person wouldn't hurt cry is glad that Arc is such a generous guy but one of their members is furious about having someone forced onto their team Tino assumes that she's the one he will be recommending so she is really grateful she is distracted when the mullet head from earlier wants his revenge but cry says to leave him
be the kid introduces himself as Gilbert and cry is surprised to hear that he is in a party even though he's a level four cry can tell that this kid won't be an asset immediately but he will become something special once he gets training from Ark and the others cry however is really bad at judging people so whoever he picks to join Ark will be totally based on luck cry then shocks everyone when he chooses to recommend Gilbert but only on one condition he explains that the most important thing for a hunter is to not
lose because being weak only puts their party in danger because of this he needs Gilbert to show that he's not going to lose cry gives Gilbert a fair warning though because he has never lost a single time since becoming a hunter everyone is Amazed by cry's confidence but cry knows that this fact is only true because he has actually never been in a proper fight before cry doesn't plan to fight directly this time either he makes things way more interesting by telling everyone that whoever ends up with his ring will be the one he recommends
to join Ark Brave cry starts off the Madness by giving the ring to Gilbert so Tino instantly kicks the mullet head right in his face the ring is dislodged from his hands and everyone wonders if he's even alive anymore everyone goes crazy as they go after the ring and cry tells them that it's actually a relic that they can keep if they get it as the chaos intensifies cry says goodbye to the two he met earlier and decides to head home the next day cry is told that he made the front page news he made
a huge fight breakout and it ended up with the entire venue getting blown up the vice clan master is Ava and cry tells her to use ARC Braves funds to pay for the repairs Ava thinks that cry depends on arcway too much but cry doesn't think much of it Arc is a really laid-back guy so cry wants him to speak with the explorers Association for him as well the Explorers Association wants to speak with Kai directly but kry doesn't want to go outside without an escort to make things worse his disguise Relic was broken as
well his disguise Relic is called IR reversible face and it allows its user to have any face they want Ava assures him that no one will attack him during the day so cry decides to just go at the Explorer's Association cry begs for mercy and apologizes for causing so much commotion the associ ation branch manager is gar and he tries to calm cry down cry frantically continues to defend himself and points out that no civilians were hurt G's assistant wishes that GAR wouldn't scold cry so hardly but gar points out that he hasn't even said
anything yet gar explains that while no one has formerly complained about the incident Clans like first step still need to set an example for the other Hunters he can't just let cry go unpunished the Explorers Association gets tons of jobs and some of them hardly pay any money the other problem they have is that some jobs are so incredibly difficult that nobody will do them the hunters call these types of jobs chores gar plans to punish cry with one of these chores and he gets upset when cry seems like he's going to reject it cry
clears things up by accepting the punishment but he points out that what he did this time wasn't actually that bad cry looks through the book of chores and he plans to pick an easy one that he will just pass on to Ark anyway cry finds the perfect level three chore and he calls it corpse retrieval Duty the girl points out that it's actually a rescue mission and she wishes that he wouldn't joke about the hunters not surviving after he leaves gar is impressed with cry for actually choosing the most dangerous Mission when he returns to
his clan house cry is shocked to hear that everyone else in the clan is out doing something Tino reveals that she ended up with his ring because she didn't want anyone else to touch it and she is glad to hear that she can really keep it she is surprised when cry asks if she is free right now and she eagerly says that she has never been more free in her life Tino is clearly expecting for him to ask her out on a date but cry just wants her to do the chore Tino runs away as
fast as she can but cry uses his hounding chain to capture her Tino has never been more disappointed as she just wanted to go have some ice cream with cry instead he just pushed a terrible chore onto her what's worse is that she's just a level four and she can't Rescue five people on her own Tino knows that he sends his subordinates on Mission where they nearly meet their demise to make them stronger but she begs cry not to get carried away with this kind of Spartan training Kai agrees that she shouldn't go alone Tino
assumes that this means he will be going with her but she is disappointed to find that he just teamed her up with the hunters he met earlier 6 years earlier cry and his friends arrived at the Explorers Association it's the treasure hunter headquarters but cry was hesitant to enter everyone reminded him that it was his idea to aim for the capital but cry feared that he would hold everyone back because of how useless he was Luke had enough of all this overthinking and he just barged into the association and declared that he is the greatest
swordsman in the world he demanded to know who was the strongest fighter there and he challenged them for the title The pink-haired Liz didn't want him taking all the glory so she introduced herself as the greatest thief in the world cry just wanted to get the registration over with but his friends went around making declarations Luke told someone that the truly strong don't need to rely on a weapon and he said that these are really the words of cry their team leader cry was told that they would have to register with their party's name and
Crest but they never thought about those things the clerk said that it was really important so they should take their time deciding but cry had a different idea cry wanted to get revenge for his friends making him their leader and he chose a name that he was sure would make everyone think that they were weak his friends were shocked when he chose to call them The Grieving souls and he made their crest of skull his friends reminded him that there were supposed to be a hero party but a name like that would make it seem
like they're antisocial cry tried to use this opportunity to weasle himself out of being their leader but his friends ended up liking what he chose with that their party was made official and it was the start of how cry became the renowned leader of the strongest Clan back to the present the big guy still can't believe that c is the clan master of steps this is because the master has the nickname thousand tricks and is also a level eight Tino demands that the Newbie group bow down before cry but he tells the overzealous chick to
calm down Hunters who achieve a certain status are given special names by the Association and they become revered almost like celebrities there is no higher praise for a hunter and thousand tricks is the name that was given to cry thousand tricks is known as the strongest hunter in the capital so Gilbert refuses to believe that cry is him Tino tells the kid that he's just wasting his life life if he can't even recognize cry's power and she tells cry that she can't work with these losers she hates guys that are all talk but cry thinks
that he's also one of those guys cry doesn't consider himself to be the strongest in the capital and he only became known as that because his friend shouted it to everyone Gilbert refuses to party up with Tino as well but it's because he doesn't want to listen to a guy that's lying about being level eight Greg tries to remind him who he's picking a fight with but Gilbert just can't believe that cry is the leader of the strongest party an argument breaks out between newbies so cry decides to just give up on convincing Gilbert Craig
and Ruda are on board so cry tells Tino to get another guild member to help her if she needs it Tino cleverly tries to choose cry but he quickly shuts her down that's all settled but out of nowhere Gilbert challenges cry he refuses to listen to anyone weaker than him so if cry can beat him then he will go with Tino cry accepts the challenge but he sends Tino to fight in his place Tino eagerly points out that the kid was being rude to the master so it's time for her to Reign Divine punishment down
upon Him Tino stretches before the fight but Gilbert is eager to get his rematch Gilbert insists on fighting cry next but cry doubts that he will even come close to beating Tino Gilbert is then shocked to hear that Tino was level four just like him Tino admits to being garbage compared to cry but she is confident that she will win the fight easily Tino even decides to hold back so she doesn't kill Gilbert by accident the other rookies are kind of worried about Tino though because thiefs aren't so great at head-to-head combat cry on the
other hand knows better Tino has plenty of experience fighting humans and she achieved level eight solo so she is likely way better than Gilbert however cry is slightly concerned about Gilbert's Relic it's called The peroral Sword and it might be able to tip the scales in Gilbert's favor just then Gilbert shocks everyone as he throws his powerful sword aside he refuses to let anyone underestimate him and he declares that he doesn't need a weapon to defeat an unarmed female a swordsman throwing his sword away seems pretty stupid to cry but at least now the fight
can come down to sheer ability Tino prepares for battle and she manages to convince cry to take her for ice cream when she wins Tino starts to fight off by surprising Gilbert with her amazing speed and her kick sends him flying Gilbert isn't ready to give up but Tino puts him in a lock and reminds him that she was holding back a lot she offers to have mercy on him but only if he worships cry as a god from now on and prays to him three times a day she also demands for him to bring
her tributes that she can pass on to cry Gilbert loses his mind with anger as he won't be a made a fool of but Tino instantly silences him Tino credits cry for helping her get so strong but he doesn't think he really did anything the others are shocked by how strong the steps are and Gilbert can only wallow in his failure he always knew that he was born to be a hunter he wielded a sword at a young age and he quickly surpassed adults with his skill he eventually came to the capital where he joined
a party and cleared several treasure vaults Gilbert was really proud of himself and he began to believe that he was the best Tino now tells him that he should try using his sword if he wants to keep fighting but Gilbert refuses Tino mocks him for his pride and points out that it's all for nothing if he ends up losing his life Gilbert realizes that she is right because he would have been long gone if this was a real fight Gilbert is surprised when Kai correctly guesses that he left his party because he was too strong
for them kry says that the same thing happened with his party but he thinks about how in his case his friends didn't abandon him unfortunately Gilbert takes this the wrong way The Grieving Souls is a group of Elites who stand out even above all the greatest parties so Gil bird is shocked because he thinks that cry has been showing Mercy to his teammates by staying with them even though he is far stronger than them cry shocks Gilbert when he touches his sword activating its power and cry is able to tell what it does it causes
Elemental damage and it gives improved attack range Gilbert can't believe his eyes because he has never seen anyone handle the purgatorial sword so easily that isn't all as cry has created a flame that even he has never been able to achieve cry did all this without even touching the hilt of the sword Gilbert's frustration builds as his ego is destroyed and he calls cry a monster we then learned that monom material is said to be the core substance of this world and treasure vaults are a phenomena where monom material is condensed this creates alternate worlds
inside the vaults based on memories extracted from the core of the world the white Wolf's Den is one of these vaults and it's the one Tino is going to it was inhabited by Silver Moon wolves but this monster was eradicated due to uncontrolled hunting of its fur the Vault eventually appeared and sorted a blood soaked wolf Phantom cry is glad that he didn't go himself but he is sure that Tino and the others will be fine it's only a level three Vault and there are four in her party later cry thanks Ava for telling him
about Gilbert leaving his old party because it really allowed him to surprise the kid AA heard about C Antics earlier and he explains that the sword was a type of Relic that he can control easily cry really loves relics because they're infinite variety of shapes and uses make them fun to collect also they allow someone like him to create Miracles cry wonders if he could buy the purgatorial sword from Gilbert but Ava hates his Reckless spending she thinks that cry has plenty of relics like it already but cry points out that they are all vastly
different they might look similar but they have their own personalities and they do different things cry is seriously addicted to collecting them and AA has heard that he has been taking out loans to buy them despite the griever raking in tons of cash cry is a serious delinquent and he has borrowed a considerable amount of money the griever profits are split evenly amongst its members regardless of contribution so even cry who doesn't do anything gets loads of money The Relic addict goes to get his precious relics charged and he is told about a rumor saying
that a phantom has appeared on a nearby Road it destroyed an entire guarded Caravan along with three level three guards this means that it must be pretty strong so the Knights of the third order are recruiting for an extermination party cry is shocked to learn that it happened by the white Wolf's Den and the vault is now crawling with Wolves cry convinces himself that it's only a rumor and even if it isn't Tino is strong enough to handle anything of course the rumor continues because the monsters inside the Wolf's Den are apparently getting stronger the
association is even talking about changing its level cry continues to brush it off but the rumor also says that a level five party has gone missing in the area this shocks cry so he checks the fact sheet for the chore he chose it does indeed reveal that the party in need of rescue is level five and cry regrets never actually reading the sheet the pair he is talking to is shocked to hear that cry sent the level four Tino to a vault where level fives have gone missing but cry says that it will be good
practice for her cry tries to assure them more by saying that he sent three adventurers with her but they are horrified that he sent her with a makeshift group they always thought that the horrifying rumors about the tri's cry put his members through were not true but it's clear now that the tests he does are what make the Griers the top party cry begins to panic about sending the group to their demise but he again convinces himself that they will be okay Gilbert is pretty strong and he also has a powerful Relic unfortunately cry remembers
that he used up all the sword's power and he can only wonder if Gilbert charged it before leaving we then watch as the group approaches the white Wolf's Den they begin to sense how dangerous the mission is and Tino explains that she even wrote her will before leaving Ruda determines that cry knew that there was something going on in the den which is why he sent them Tino believes this as well as she is certain that their party's composition is random she says that cry planned every tiny detail but the guys refuse to believe it
because they all just met the day before also Gilbert only came along because he decided to just then Gilbert remembers that cry even knew why he left his old party and he realizes that cry was just manipulating the situation from the very beginning Tino adds to cry's legend by explaining that he has vast knowledge of all the adventures in the capital and its Child's Play for him to read their actions and thoughts thoughts Ruda finds it hard to believe but Greg points out that cry even calculated what would happen at the interview every single thing
that has happened has been premeditated Tino tells them all not to worry though because no matter what happens it's all according to cry's calculations she is sure that he would never send them on an impossible mission unfortunately for these dummies they are way off as cry has done exactly that he hopes that the group will eventually just give up when the mission becomes too hard but he knows that Tino won't quit easily no one will respond for backup at this time of day so cry will have to go himself back with the group they are
terrified when they encounter a powerful Phantom this is clearly no regular wolf as it has armor and even a sword Tino thinks this is just another legendary test that cry is putting her through but cry is desperately searching for relics to help him stop the group from going to the Vault he tries to get as many as he can but a safe captures his attention Ava wonders what he's doing so cry just tells her that he's just going for a little stroll Ava can tell that he's worried about the group but she is shocked to
see that he's even taking something called sea tree slime cry denies even having this item because it would violate Imperial law however cry thinks about how all the relics that he could use for offense are out of Mana so he needs to take it as a last resort AO wonders if he should take someone with him but Kai's traveling Relic only works on one person pry activates the Relic and takes off into the sky This concerns AA because it's the Relic from the horrifying human missile incident it's called The Nigh hiker but it's incredibly dangerous
it has zero safeties no breaks and it can't hover or steer it's basically defective a short look into the pth shows one week after The Grieving Souls was created the redhead's ultimate Divine sword called The Testament blade had been broken and he couldn't believe it the others pointed out that it's pretty much just a wooden sword and it didn't stand a chance against the Cyclops they just fought some old drunk Adventure assumes that they are lying and mocks them for running away from the Beast the girls in grieving Souls show him the eye of the
Cyclops and the drunk guy nearly wets himself from Fear back to the present Tino's group finishes Up Wrecking the wolf Monster such a powerful monster should not have appeared here and they were lucky because there was only one of them the others wonder why Gilbert didn't use his Flames so he explains that it's out of Mana Gilbert realizes that it's because cry used it all up and he reveals that he can't charge it himself the others think they should just Retreat because the people they are supposed to be rescuing are probably already dead anyway but
Tino refuses she explains that they're not here to collect the dead and those people are still alive Tino declares that the Master's decision making is infallible and depleting the Mana of the purgatorial sword must be part of his plan she figures that cry just doesn't want them to rely on relics they eventually arrive at the white Wolf's Den and they find that the Wolves there are much larger than usual the den was created for the original wolves that were much smaller so these big ones are kind of cramped inside this means that it would be
best if they rush in to fight inside instead of letting the Beast have more room outside Gilbert plans to go in first but Tino insults him several times and even calls him a stupid idiot it's her duty to keep everyone alive and rushing in is the dumbest thing she has ever heard cry is obviously testing to see how she performs as a leader so she must keep everyone alive Tino decides that the girls will draw the monsters forward since they are more Nimble and the guys can take out the back line as the leader she
refuses to let anyone sacrifice themselves as a shield meanwhile we find cry flying through the air his thinking is much different than Tino's as he just hopes that she is alive and he wants her to use the rest of the party as meat Shields if she has to Tino's party has entered battle but their opponents are considerably stronger than them however the one thing they have going for them is teamwork the group wins their first fight and Tino is glad that the enemy has no concept of cooperation the battle continues as more monsters appear and
Tino thinks about how their little makeshift party isn't so bad Gilbert is a big mouth but he is pretty strong Ruda isn't too flat asy but she is an expert at locating enemies Greg has tons of experience and he coordinates well with others Tino credits cry for putting such a good team together and she even calls him a god a look back shows the problems Gilbert had with his old party they couldn't keep up with him so he left the party and was full of anger he realizes now that he wasn't taking their feelings into
consideration and it actually feels really nice to fight with the team the team wins another battle and Gilbert says that he's just getting warmed up moments later Tino senses that the dungeon boss is nearby the others think it's finally time to run away but Tino points out that they have gotten this far without a scratch so they should be able to handle the boss too Tino agrees that caution is generally good but safe missions don't make people grow Greg thinks about how when a hunter reaches level four they can make a comfortable living just by
completing treasure vaults below their level Greg did this this and always just ran away when a mission got too difficult he has seen countless friends die in battle so it has made him fearful Tino can tell that he approached First Steps because he wanted to change this about himself and it's probably why cry put Greg in this party she predicts that cry didn't just put them together randomly and he actually wanted to save all these losers she declares that cry doesn't just do things without a good reason and everything is going according to his perfect
plan Ruda is now believer so she wants to know what cry's reason for picking her was but Tino assumes that he just picked her because of her very large plot points up in the sky cry fears that he's too late to stop Tino from entering the Vault he panics because this flying Relic is way too out of control and he curses the person who made it it's so crazy and out of control that it sends cry flying straight into the Vault inside Tino's group is horrified when it encounters the boss because it's just way too
big they all run for their lives and of course Greg wonders if now is a good time to retreat Tino refuses to give up on one of cry's Trials and she comes up with the plan the boss isn't wearing a helmet so she identifies it as the boss's weak point the guys distract the giant Beast with some attacks and rud is amazed when she notices that Tino never shows any fear Greg ends up in a dangerous spot when his sword is destroyed but Ruda manages to save him in time Tina shows her amazing skills as
she closes the Gap with the Furious monster and stabs him right in the neck Tino's group is Victorious and she uses a potion on her injured leg the team is pretty gleeful at this point as all that is left to do is the rescue Tino gives Greg a sword for the time being but she must quickly Dodge an attack everyone is then horrified when more bosses appear and they fear that they won't be able to defeat so many even Tino thinks that cry has gone overboard with his test and she decides that they will have
to run into a nearby p passage so the bosses won't be able to attack them unfortunately the passage is blocked so the guys decide that they have no other choice but to act as bait so the girls can escape the guys tell the girls not to dwell on it too much because it's simply better than all of them dying Tino wonders why cry would put them in this position and she is shocked when she realizes something about cry's ring she reminds the others that they will not be sacrificing anyone and they just need to aim
for the boss's eyes she once again sends everyone to distract one of the beasts and Ruda manages to make it close its eye Tino then has a memory of when cry shoulder how to use the Relic she won from him she uses this Relic on the boss and it absolutely blinds it the others send Gilbert in to deal the finishing blow but Tino can tell that something is wrong it's too late however as Gilbert gets struck by the monster and he apologizes for failing Tino takes the blame for not being a better leader and she
conceives that they are done for as the four bosses approach them just then out of nowhere everyone is shocked when cry crashes into the Vault cry says hello to Tino and Greg notices that the monsters seem to be scared of cry for some reason the monsters try attacking cry but his shield protects him and the monsters are shocked cry pies the beasts as he explains that he has 17 lives and he uses one of his relics for an attack this attack is incredibly powerful as it lights up the entire cave and Greg is shocked to
see see what a level eight looks like cry wonders why there are so many terrifying looking monsters here because this is supposed to be a level three Vault the rest of the group is shocked to see that the boss monster survived cry's attack but cry knew that that would be the case because shooting rings are not that powerful the rest of the team panics as the other bosses close in on cry because they have swords and guns for weapons cry on the other hand isn't too worried as he thinks about how he brought 17 safety
rings with him all the bosses prepared to attack at once so cry determines he has no other choice and he will have to use his secret weapon the monsters are horrified when he takes his necklace off and drinks something from the vial cry uses the vial to create a smoke screen and he tells the others to run for their lives they are moving pretty slowly so Gilbert is sure that they will be caught Ruda reminds him that Tino is injured so that is why CRI purposely moving slowly behind them this isn't the case however as
cries actually just a really slow Runner Tino also thinks he's doing it on purpose to protect her and she thinks about the first time they met Tino is being bothered by some thugs but The Grieving Souls appeared to save her Tino wanted to join the griever ever since then and that is when she began her admiration for cry everyone thanks cry for coming to the rescue and they credit Tino for keeping them alive for so long cry Praises Tino for doing so well but her injuries are causing her a lot of pain cry real realizes
what she wants him to do so he heals her and Tino declares that she no longer feels any pain Gilbert is amazed to see him healing with the Relic but cry defensively thinks about how he needs a relic for everything unfortunately cry wasn't able to beat the bosses but they have more problems on their hands they are completely lost inside the Vault with no sign of where the exit is and cry has no clue what to do a look into the past shows a time when cry showed his collection of relics to his party members
they look at them in awe and Liz tells cry to fulfill his promise of helping her pick one out for herself Luke says that it's not fair and they all start trying all sorts of different relics in front of them C Trias cry about a small bag and he says that it's a magic bag which can hold an infinite amount of items SE tree says that it must have cost a fortune to get a bag like this but cry reveals that it was actually pretty cheap because it can only hold chocolates Liz then shows cry
a bracelet she picked up and asks him about it but before before he can say anything she feels wobbly and falls on the floor she tries to get back up but the bracelet makes her fall down again and cry explains that it's a labyrinth ring which causes the wearer to lose all sense of balance just then Luke picks up a sword and says that it's really cool but cry says that it's a cursed sword and it makes Luke go crazy cry Praises Luke by saying that normally this sword makes people lose their mind but Luke
is acting just like he always does because he doesn't have a mind to lose with this they find out that all these relics are just a bunch of trash but because they all think of cry as this cool leader Luke and Liz pick up their relics as training items back to the present everyone feels relieved to have cry with them and they start following him while making their way through the cave cry wonders why they're all making him lead the way because it's his first time there and he doesn't know where he's going he turns
around to ask Tino to switch with him but as he looks back everyone else starts looking back as well because they think that cry must have noticed something suspicious after that they continue walking forward and cry wonders if Tino is mad at him and if he should get on the ground and apologize however Gilbert speaks up and asks him if they're going to the exit cry thinks about how he wants to go to the exit as well but he doesn't know the way before he can reply Tino says that she has a vague idea of
the Cave's layout from the map they saw before walking inside the cave and according to that there's no way that this path leads to the exit the clueless girl thinks that cry must be testing them and says that if they want to find the exit they would have to walk back to the boss room cry wonders if those giant white wolves were the bosses and he realizes that that must have been why they were so strong they continue walking forward and cry thinks that it's about time he makes a turn to go back but everyone
become shocked and they wonder how cry knew about their location and they Rush forward cry wonders what they are talking about and walks back to see that they found the party they needed to search for in the rescue mission and they helped them with their wounds their leader introduced es himself as Rudolph and thanks the heroes for rescuing them Tino says that he should thank their Master cry because he's the one who predicted all this and led them there however cry says that it was all just a coincidence which makes everyone say that he's just
really humble Ruda says that she replenish the Mana with potions but they will still need something to eat if they want to recover their health cry pulls out some of his handy chocolate bars and gives them to everyone he also offers a special bar to Tino and tells her to suck on his dark chocolate stick which makes her think that he's a Divine being after that Greg says that he didn't think that a party of level five treasure Hunters would be done in by those half masked wolves Rudolph says that those wolf Knights weren't the
problem because they were defeated by a single small Phantom with a full bone face he calls it the embodiment of Grudge which makes everyone except cry really surprised in the meantime we see the mass Phantom walk up to the pack of wolf knights from earlier it unleashes its power to make them howl with purple flames and glow surrounding them Rudolph continues his story by saying that the Phantom must be the curse of the Silver Moon and was born out of The Grudge of monsters that were slain in the Treasure Vault he says that they are
confident in their skills but that monster was just on another level it was especially disrespectful because the monster just soloed them Rudolph says that the Phantom might even be at the level of the legendary thousand swords and this shocks everyone cry explains that the thousand swords is the title of the strongest swordsman in the imperial capital who mastered all forms of swordsmanship and is said to be able to cut down any enemy with just a wooden sword cry thinks about how the thousand swords is actually one of his childhood friends and a party member of
gavves named Luke cry believes that the Phantom of grudges is pretty strong but saying that it's on Luke's level is just an exaggeration because if that were true Luke would have already slain it but it might still be tooo difficult for Tino Rudolph says that the first time they encountered the Phantom it just played with them like toys and the next time they won't survive for sure rud ask cry about their next move and he says that before they face the Phantom they need to look for a way out of the cave however Tino is
their leader for this Mission so they should follow her lead Tino says that she's nothing but dust compared to him but cry says that he will help her if needed while thinking to himself that it's just too scary to lead the way this gives Tino a lot of conf confidence and she says that she can now run fine because her leg is healed however cry reminds her that they have injured members so they should be mindful of them in reality though cry knows that they just can't keep up with her speed if she starts running
for real Rudolph says that if they encounter the Phantom he will act as a human shield and he begs the others to escort his friends to the capital if that happens however one of his party members stops him and says that he will act as a human shield instead Tino declares that she has has no intention of leaving anyone behind and as long as their Master is with them they will be all right just then they hear the wolves howling in the distance and wonder if they're getting closer cry checks his rings and notices that
he only has five safety Rings left which means he would go down for real if he gets hit a sixth time his shot ring doesn't seem to be working either and he lost tea tree slime as well besides that he dropped the Relic sword that he attached to his waist on the way here and he wonders if he's actually screwed this time meanwhile we see a masked figure walking through the Mist in the cave while Gilbert and Greg stay on the lookout for attacks from the Wolves and the Phantom just then Tino notices something strong
coming their way and Rudolph prepares to attack as well but cry stands in front of them he thinks that if he uses night hacker to launch himself like a missile he will lose one life but it might help them take out the Phantom with a surprise attack soon the Phantom reveals itself from the Mist with purple Flames behind it its sight makes Ruda and Gilbert really scared and Tina looks from behind cries back as well but then she notices the mass figure from earlier and it makes her freak out really bad she holds on to
C's cape and begs him to help her she says that she will be a good girl who will do her best and ask cry to save her this once J then cry wonders why some mask girl is there as well the Phantom looks back to see who is there and The Mask girl vanishes and kicks The Living Daylights out of the Phantom it turns out that the girl is actually part of The Grieving Souls named Liz and she walks up to cry and asks him if that was their new member cry says that it obviously
wasn't and asks her to take her mask off Liz gives him the Relic sword that he lost on the way while the others wonder who she is this makes Liz really mad and she wonders how they never heard of the strongest party in the entire Empire and she wonders if they're Impostors Liz was really sad because when she went to the capital to find cry she was told that he was at this cave Liz is really embarrassed because of her apprentice and she walks up to Tino and scolds her Gilbert tries to stick up for
her but Liz kicks him to another dimension she points out that she's busy apologizing to cry for having a pathetic useless waste of space Apprentice she then gets back to scolding Tino and makes her feel bad for being born in this world but cry defends her by saying that she did her Mission and was a decent leader as well this makes Liz calm down a bit and she tells Tino that she's talented after all however she lacks motivation and the will to die for her goals just then the Phantom gets up and summons one of
the wolf knights with a Gatling gun scaring everyone the wolf shoots them with a bunch of bullets but Liz sigh and says that because of Tino everyone thinks that she's weak as well Liz then uses her insane speed to catch all the bullets and stacks them on the ground around her in a pattern everyone is really Amazed by this and Liz says that such old weapons mean nothing to her and they are no big deal she walks right up to the wolf Knight and says that armor or not these are mere XP mobs and they
can be slain in whatever way you want she then blows the monster up with one attack after that the Phantom attacks her with its sword but Liz catches it in her fingers and says that swords are useless as well she can catch them break them and even play around with them she wonders why Tino can't do all this while kicking the Phantom into the air and then sending it into the ground with a punch she then gets on top of it and beats the dark edginess out of it until the Phantom turns into to a
real ghost after Tino cries from all the trash talk cry starts feeling bad for her he then welcomes Liz back after she's done taking her anger out in the Phantom afterwards they return to the town where Gilbert decides to give the Purgatory sword to thousand tricks he says that he will continue training with his old team and one day he will be able to catch bullets like Liz No One Believes he can do it and Tino says that if he really wants to be like Liz then he should know that their masks are specially made
this takes us back to six years ago when cry made their masks and it turns out that he messed up the order he forgot to tell the mask maker to coat holes for their eyes but everyone went along with it because they thought that cry did it on purpose they thought it was a special feature to protect them from enemies blinding attacks and if they can learn to walk around in those they will grow even stronger back in the present cry seems to be looking for something and says that he can't find it anywhere he
walks outside and just hopes to forget about it thanks for watching my recap subscribe to the channel for more videos
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