well hi everybody it's dr gemnatas again from cardiovascular interventions and this is an introduction to a three-part series that i've made on shopping and choices that you make when you go out shopping over this holiday season and of course the whole emphasis here is to buy real food and my emphasis is always to eliminate sugar artificial ingredients all processed foods all processed vegetable seed oils and buy foods that are in their natural state full of fiber so i hope you enjoy this it's in a three-part series and if you need more information i've put lots
of links at the bottom of this video and i hope you enjoy it and have a good healthy shopping season thank you i was very fortunate today to ask jacqueline and laura to go out do some shopping a typical shopping for a typical family so i'm going to dive right into it because what should we be feeding ourselves and what should be feeding our families and our children so early in the morning we get out of bed and we're going to have breakfast today if we decide to have breakfast now remember that if you own
a fasting program you can skip the breakfast breakfast does not necessarily have to be the most important meal of the day it is not the most important meal of the day and if you're not hungry my advice to most people is skip the breakfast but let's say you are going to go have breakfast so let's take a look at what we bought over here some people start the day with a soda drink 20 ounces of a soda can have about 10 teaspoons of sugar in it this is so high in sugar that is going to
cause you a huge rise in your insulin levels so immediately in the storage mode high concentrations of sugar first thing in the morning is to be avoided because the other thing is that the body has a circadian cycle and in that circadian cycle you become a little insulin resistant first thing in the morning so the detrimental effects of sugar are far worse in the morning than in the afternoon when you are less insulin resistant so i think this is a absolute no-no for the breakfast so most people have some coffee they'll have some tea and
that's fine with me coffee is fine people always ask me about coffee you can have two to three cups of coffee a day it can be caffeinated decaffeinated really makes no difference to me only people should avoid coffee are those who are getting palpitations if they're having arrhythmias they are not to consume any uh caffeinated drinks early in the morning this contains of caffeine caffeine sodas coffee so we'll move on from coffee and tea and then we have milk so milk milk for children adults in general should not be drinking milk you can add milk
to some of your foods for example you can add it to your coffee and your your tea but only children should be drinking more because they are growing once you've grown up you don't need milk and i've talked about this on many of my previous videos milk is a solid it's not a liquid and it has casein which is a protein which is not very easily digested now it fortunately does have vitamin d and that is good for you and it also has other sugars in it which are lactose so we've got to be careful
if you lactose intolerant so generally speaking we shouldn't be drinking milk but if you do you can have it with some cereal but let's look at the cereal now now the cereals cereals are a problem in general they are full of sugar they're man-made they're processed and they're ultra digestible and therefore these are processed foods which i absolutely don't like cereals should be avoided for children and adults so let's look at this label on the cereal over here it says that this cereal has 190 calories per serving and out of that carbohydrates are 47 grams
with an added 11 grams of sugar so the sugar is added 11 grams 11 grams of sugar that means that approximately 44 calories 44 calories in a serving is coming out of pure added sugar and the rest is coming from carbohydrates 47 grams so 47 times 4 that's almost 90 of all the calories are coming from carbs this is pure carbohydrate pure carbs this is going to stimulate your your insulin levels and once your insulin levels go so high you're gonna go into storage mode that means no matter what you eat or drink for the
next hour or two you're gonna put everything into storage your insulin will spike up and stay up so guess what happens a few hours later two hours later your insulin level is still high but it's brought the sugar down but it takes time for the insulin to come down so you get what we call reactive hypoglycemia your sugar starts tanking so two hours after having a highly sugary drink in the morning or sugary cereal in the morning high in carbohydrates and ultra digestible you're going to have a low sugar so you start feeling fatigued tired
you get that low two to three hours later and then you're going to want to eat again because you're hungry again you see these carbohydrates they don't satiate you that means you don't feel satisfied it's not like you've eaten and now you feel oh i'm full i don't need to eat anymore no you can keep eating carbs the signal to your brain never gets there that you've had dinner or you've had breakfast or your stomach is full carbs do not deliver the signal the signal that you've actually eaten and you are now full comes when
you consume fats and proteins in general so these carbohydrates don't give you that good signal not a very good idea to consume cereals even for children now they talk about fiber in cereal let's talk about the fiber the fiber let's see how much fiber there is in this particular cedar it says dietary fiber six grams of which less than one gram is soluble five grams are insoluble fiber in general is very good for you and we should be consuming about 30 grams of fiber a day the average american consumes between 10 and 15. that's it
now why is fiber so important because we can't digest fiber because fiber is important for your bacteria in your gut so that the fiber goes undigested down to your colon and then in your colon the bacteria in your colon digest this fiber and when they digest this fiber they liberate good nutrients for your benefit into your bloodstream so you get short chain fatty acids you get butyrate and these cause the intestinal lining to be healthy so that you don't get leaky gut it fastest the growth of good bacteria because those are the bacteria that love
fiber and not sugar now of course if you're consuming a lot of sugar the bacteria you're going to get in your gut are sugar loving bacteria and those are the bad bacteria you want the bacteria that live on fiber that's why you need to consume fiber because you want to invite the growth of a good variety of microbiota or bacteria in your gut at the same time you want them to do you a favor because you're housing them in your colon to release good nutritious things for your benefit that's why fiber is good fiber is
not good so that you don't get constipated or you have big bulky bowel movements others you can just go and take metamucil no that will relieve your constipation but the real reason that you need to be eating a lot of fiber is for the bacteria in your gut and you need to be eating a variety of fiber so as i go through all this here i will be talking about fiber and the benefits of fiber remember 30 grams most of us are half maybe even less than what we should be consuming so what happens the
bad bacteria in our gut and therefore that changes our metabolism that leads to obesity metabolic syndrome cancer they're all related to your gut bacteria very important now the other things that people do have for breakfast is eggs eggs what's wrong with eggs nothing is whole it's natural you can have two eggs a day you can have three eggs a day if you're a big person and very active no problem yolk is yolk a problem absolutely not so some people say that oh there's too much fat in the yolk no the cholesterol that's in the yolk
is a fraction compared to the cholesterol your own liver makes for your body so the cholesterol in in there is not a problem multiple studies have shown and the protein in eggs is very healthy it's very high quality protein so eggs are okay a little bit of cheese cheese if you want to lose weight then avoid cheese because cheese is very dense in calories but overall i don't mind cheese too much but only a small amount not not too much every day so we're going to move on so talking about fiber here we have apples
apples in the morning one apple in the morning extremely beneficial it's got pectin in it it's a nice fiber and it's got lots of nice other fibers as well it has a little bit of sugar and because it's not in the form of juice it's going to be digested slowly into your gut so because the digestion is slower your sugar rise is not going to be astronomically high as it is in the form of let's say do you have any juice here can you pass me one of those juices so here's a juice so this
thing this particular one is grape juice so in one cup of this juice how many grapes will i need to actually crush to create that answer is about 30 to 40 grapes and nobody in their mind will be eating 30 to 40 grapes at one time so what happens is this liquid gets down too quickly causes a huge insulin rise huge sugar rice in your body and you're going to get that insulin burst you're going to go into storage mode and then you're going to be hungry within an hour or two again and there's no
signal from this that hey i'm full so the way to consume fruit juice is the fruit itself no juices please for you or your children no juice juice is not a health food so orange juice is another thing people think that that's very healthy for the children it's not with or without the pulp makes no difference the sugar content for breakfast even during the rest of the day far too high you should eat the fruit so we have some tangerines here and these are fantastic here we go that's what you want to do the whole
thing no juice the fiber that's in here prevents that massive rise in your insulin digestion is slower and your pancreas will not be overwhelmed and you will feel satiated you don't get hungry so quickly because you've eaten the real thing whole foods this is an example of a whole food apple is a whole food now the next thing that i have here is a yogurt that i have and is this good for breakfast and the answer is yes this is a fermented food it's yogurt so i'm very fond of yogurt i think that yogurt is
very very good for you just make sure there's no added sugar in it so when the sugars are in the yogurt that's not a good idea look for a yogurt label that has no added sugar in it okay so yogurt has lots of probiotics in them and you can eat kefir kefir is another one so yogurt yogurt now what i have with yogurt every day or kefir every day is blueberries i don't see blueberries over here but blueberries the darker the skin the greater the phytochemicals inside the flavonoids and they are not for you even
though most people think that it's for you it's for your bacteria so again the theme is your gut bacteria when you put the right bugs in and they are feeding on polyphenols you're going to grow the right bacteria in your gut you want the right kinds in your gut and you want them to stay there and they will heal your body they'll prevent metabolic syndrome they'll prevent leaky gut syndrome if you get leaky gut you're going to get chronic inflammatory disease that's related to connective tissue disease rheumatoid arthritis diabetes chronic liver disease mental fog vascular
disease coronary artery disease heart attacks strokes high blood pressure name it your gut is the source of your health so i realized this painfully over the years seeing my cardiac patients come in and out year after year and i said that there's something causing the inflammation and when i would ask my professors they wouldn't really have a solid answer and the answer is this ongoing inflammation that's driving the vascular process is coming from your gut so we got to take care of our gastrointestinal lining and the kind of bacteria we have in our intestinal tract
so there you go so we have some grapes over here grapes should be consumed with the skin and you can have five six seven grapes but not a whole bowl of grapes because there's a lot of sugar in it now the sugar that's found in fruit is called fructose sugar table sugar is 50 glucose and 50 fructose the glucose is metabolized all over your body like i've talked about previously the fructose is only metabolized by one organ oh predominantly 99 one organ and that's your liver so when you drink juices when you eat too much
fruit you're overwhelming your liver and one of the biggest problems we have is fatty liver fatty liver there's an epidemic of fatty liver why because the fructose gets converted to fat in your liver now you get fatty liver you're going to be prone to diabetes inflammation high blood pressure uric acid levels go up joint problems all sorts of issues stay away from excessive fructose fructose should be consumed in a normal way with fruit seasonal pretty much around fall so that that you store fat that you can use in winter but we eat fruit throughout the
year winter never comes so we just gain weight throughout the year so nature booted into us when i went to alaska the bears were eating a lot of berries right at the fall and the berries come out at that time because they have massive amounts of fructose in them and the fructose changes the metabolism of the bear and the bear then puts on all that weight see nature's teaching us all this so why are we consuming so much fructose today's children excessive fructose far too much fructose it's one of the leading causes of childhood obesity
as well it starts right here in the kitchen no fructose because you're going to get it inevitably in the normal foods that you eat well i hope you all enjoyed this short series and don't forget to watch the other two videos and don't forget to subscribe to our channel because there's going to be lots of good educational materials coming on and also look at the bottom there's lots of links to other videos so have a great healthy happy holiday [Music]