Once you unlock the third eye, reality reveals itself.

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Quazi Johir
Unlock your third eye using this method. Entrepreneurs & professionals wanting to work closer with ...
Video Transcript:
quasi here we will possess eyes with which we can see the outer world but the Ancients knew of the one eye with which we can see the inner world this is known as the third eye or in ancient yoga the Ana chakra it is said that once this chakra is unlocked you're able to tap directly into the spiritual realm and see beyond physical reality itself now 2 years ago I came across a meditation that allowed me to do just that see I was stuck in my business uncertain about its future a big change over happened
in the management of this YouTube channel a key team member had decided to leave we were stuck for the last 8 months doing around 200,000 views a month right at that time I came across this meditation from Jose Silva which utilizes the Anya chakra alongside visualization to manifest the outcome that you want I did this meditation once and the instruction was to wait for 3 Days day one nothing nothing happened day two nothing happened day three a new YouTube account manager came in from the company that I contracted and provided a unique direction that I'd
never even thought of a new way to package our videos and Rebrand my channel and literally the very first video that we did together gained over 700,000 views my mind was completely blown now a few months later my channel went on to do around two to three million views a month literally 10x so listen in today's video there will be no fluff we will get straight to it because I know this has profound power to change your life look at some of the comments from those who have actually done this meditation look what they're saying
I want the same to be possible for you so in today's video I'm going to share with you the two different forms of third eyye visualizations that I use to change my life and how you can use them yourself the first is the goal visualization which allows you to gain Insight on the bridge between your current and desired situation the second is process visualization which speeds up your movement along that bridge so that you can reach the goal in the quickest possible way so with that let's get started with the very first one learning how
to visualize the goal please put aside all distractions I need your full Focus for this one and I know this is probably going to be a very long video but trust me you won't find anything like this for free on the internet let's Jump Right In okay so we're going to begin speaking about the father of the yogic sciences and this person's name was pangel now pangel existed thousands of years before the arrival of Christ an important thing about patang to realize was this man or person was so powerful and so intellectually realized that people
who look back into the past to analyze patan's writings they think that patan was a collection of seven eight nine different people okay that's how powerful this one man was and so when patan wrote The Yoga sutras which is basically one of the first texts that was actually that brought together all of the yogic knowledge because prior to that people live the yoga life but no one could consciously explain why they did what they did it's kind of like explaining walking to a more intellectual person so patang knew thousands of years ago that the yoga
sutras would be prevalent even today and it would be even more important today than it was hundreds or even thousands of years ago so that's the genius of the yoga sutras and in the yoga sutras patang talks about the human machine and it's like a like an instruction guy for how to use the human machine so we've been endowed with this great intelligent powerful machine but we don't even have an instruction guide on it do you realize how crazy this is like we're born with this great powerful machine but we just don't know how to
use it we could use this to move mountains yet we use this to multiply our suffering every single day right so pally meant for this to be a guide for human beings to use to ultimately reach their Enlightenment okay that was the goal with the yoga sutras now in the yoga sutras this is how the third eye comes in there are 114 chakras as patanjali mentions out of these 114 there are seven main ones which is what we're going to discuss okay these seven chakras describe the ascendance of men from absolute base Primal instincts of
survival to ultimately Enlightenment and if you can move move your energy from the different levels the whole purpose of yogic practices is to move energy from the absolute base and core level to the absolute highest to the level of experiential realization or the seventh chakra okay so let's talk about these seven chakras and where this third eye actually comes in this is going to be very important for you the most core chakra is called the muladar chakra this is the root chakra if your energy is most concentrated at the root chakra you're mainly concerned with
sleep and eating you just want to sleep and you want to eat and there are a lot of people who are at this low base level of Consciousness right now they don't understand anything else it's kind of like being an animal animals are at this level they're only concerned with sleep and food if you go a level above that okay going a level above the muladar chakra is thead chakra which is the sacral or the spleen chakra in this chakra you're mainly concerned with the pleasures of life sexual pleasures or any other kind of pleasure
so if your energy is concentrated here pleasure is your main focus a level above that is the manipura chakra if your energy is concentrated in the manipura chakra action becomes your main focus you want to act you're kind of like a bull okay you don't think you simply just do think of um hunks and like uh bodyguards or bouncers or people who just want to who don't want to think they just want to do and they just want to go out there and act before without thinking a level above that if your energy is concentrated
in the heart chakra the anahata chakra your main tendency is toward creativity creating artistic pieces admiring you know different creative pieces creativity is the main expression that your life energy finds another level above that the throat chakra the vishi your main focus is gaining influence your voice becomes more powerful you want to gain influence and you're good at gaining influence and expressing yourself so if that's where your energy is uh concentrated you might be a great politician a great speaker or anything related to the oratory now here's where the third eye comes in if your
energy is concentrated in the agna chakra the third eye the new become intellectually realized I want you to pause and reflect on this for a moment this intellectual realization actually is the highest level your energy can move up to in The Duality domain past this if your energy moves up to the sahasra your crown chakra then you become experientially realized this is nonu then you become it is said that you become enlightened and you're in a constant ecstatic State okay all you need to do is move your energy up to the level of intellectual realization
when you can do that you can shift your perception at will if you imagine we have sense organs that our sight feeling the five senses our sight is used to perceive the outer world the ajna chakra is used to perceive the inner world when you can learn to use the agna chakra in your visualizations not only do your visualizations become more Vivid they also become much easily materialized into physical reality and I for one have firsthand noticed this and many many teachers talk about this many many religions talk about this even the Buddhist tradition talks
about the third eye even even the hermeticist talk about the third eye even the shamans talk about the third eye recently I was reading reading a book by Jose Silva on mind control now in mind control Jose Silva actually talks about how you should get when you visualize you should get your eyes on a 20° plane meaning you should look up in your eyelids when you're doing that you're actually tapping into your third eye and as we do the third eye visualization exercise you're going to see exactly why this is so powerful okay so for
now I just wanted to give you a knowledge on the different chakras and how to you know how this energy must move on up and as it moves up you gain access to more of your intellect more of powers of perception to be able to shift your perception okay so now let's talk about the keys that we want to accomplish with this if we want to become powerful creators of our reality we want to move our energy up so we can unlock our inner Vision most people are concerned with the outer world do you notice
how you get so steeped in all your problems and what's going on outside of you that you can't turn within you can't bring your focus within it's because your third eye hasn't been unlocked it's because your pineal gland is calcified okay if you keep tapping into your third eye you don't have to worry about decalcifying your pineal gland or doing anything with it it is going to naturally get activated and I'm going to show you exactly how to do that so the crucial point for us is to unlock this inner Vision okay unlock inner vision
now when we unlock our inner Vision we gain the power to shift our perception in accordance with our will if we choose to shift our perception we have the choice to do so otherwise we become rigidly attached to how we've been conditioned up until this point and there's two perceptions that we possess how we view the world around us our world view and how we view ourselves in relationship to our worlds our self viw our identity most people become rigidly attached to how they view themselves and they think that there is one true them and
one not them right this is me that's not me this is me that's not me and their boundaries the boundaries of their bodies get constrained to the surfaces of their skins okay and I used to be this way after rigorous years of practice I've become very modable more flexible when you become flexible you become one with life kind of like water right when water enters a teapot it becomes the teapot when a water enters a kettle it becomes a kettle enters the bottle it becomes the bottle that's how we want to be whatever life throws
at us we want to flow with it not against it not against the tide and this is how you do it by becoming more moldable by gaining access to the ability to shift your perception in accordance with what life requires at different points in your life okay so the goal is to shift our perception at will so now let's get right into the third eye visualization method for this I want you to take some time out around 10 minutes to sit somewhere quietly have focus and not have any distractions and let's get right to it
okay so now let's get to the third eye visualization technique now this technique is actually using your third eye in conjunction with your subconscious mind so there's a prerequisite to this you want to make sure that when you do this exercise you fall asleep so doing this before bed is the ideal but for now it's totally okay that we're doing this as a practice run right now okay so no problem make sure you have somewhere to sit for 10 minutes with no distractions right and sit somewhere comfortable what we want to do before we begin
is in our mind have a problem that we're experiencing in our lives so think about one big problem or something that you feel stuck with it could be in your business it could be in your personal life your relationship anything of your choosing that you've been stuck with for a while and the key thing is you don't know how to get unstuck you know maybe you have an idea but you're not sure and it hasn't quite happened yet so think about the problem first and what the problem feels like okay so now let's get to
this exercise so I want you to take a deep breath with me sit quietly and take a deep breath now in your mind I want you to visualize the number three three times 3 3 3 now visualize the number two three times two two two feel yourself falling deeper and deeper into an alpha state of [Music] mind and now I want you to visualize number one three times and when you visualize the number one for the third time you're going to be in a very low frequency State of Mind your brain waves are going to
slow down to the alpha brain wave state one one one you're now in the alpha brain wave state now I want you to [Music] begin putting your eyes and tilting them up towards the center of your forehead as you do this you'll feel a pressure in the middle of your forehead don't worry if you don't feel the pressure now just move your eyes upwards just slightly that pressure that you feel in the middle of your forehead is your third [Music] eye again don't worry if you don't feel it the first time as you do this
over time you'll gain a feeling of it keep your eyes there now as you keep your eyes there I want you to visualize the problem that you thought [Music] about create a vivid scene of the problem and make it rich and colorful something that you've been stuck with now imagine what it feels like to be stuck in that problem [Music] imagine how much it sucks to stay stuck in that problem how terrible it is to stay stuck in that problem how stuck it feels [Music] make the scene as big and visual as you [Music] can
now imagine there's a ball of energy in your heart that contains that problem scene that you've just visualized and in 3 seconds you're going to send that ball up to your higher self imagine just shooting it up however way you can just shoot that ball up into space just above you and imagine it's received by a higher self you're surrendering it to God in 3 seconds you're going to Exhale and shoot the ball up into Space 3 2 1 [Music] the problem has now been sent to your higher self and you have nothing to worry
[Music] about now as you keep your eyes on your third eye and you feel the pressure I want you to visualize what the solution to your problem could look like what life looks like after the problem has been solved imagine rejoicing that your problem has been solved imagine imine celebrating that the problem has finally been solved something you've been stuck with for a very long time what does that feel like make the scene more and more colorful more and more Vivid touch different things in that scene and imagine you're feeling them Imagine The Sounds imagine
the smells imagine the tastes immerse all your senses into it fully see the [Music] color make the picture larger and [Music] larger feel the celebration and the rejoice in your heart it's been solved everything that you've ever wanted has been achieved [Music] now in 3 seconds I want you to send this ball of energy up to your higher self again just like you did with the [Music] problem three 3 2 1 as you exhale send that ball of light from your heart to your higher self the problem has now been taken care of I want
you to slowly open your eyes and now ideally when you're doing this exercise at at night right before bed you would drift off to sleep and what happens is within the next 3 days you will notice different signs coming to your reality about how this problem gets solved a precaution I don't want you to keep doing this exercise only wait until 3 days and if nothing shows up after 3 days repeat this exercise with the same problem I can't stress to you how powerful this method is because as soon as I've started doing it many
crazy things have happened so first of all if you look back at my channel a week ago a couple of my videos just blew up we I was trying for a really long time to make better videos and get more views but it hasn't worked and I was stuck with that for a very long time and the first thing I did when I learned this exercise was visualize being stuck with my channel and trying different things and that didn't work out and then visualized a solution hundreds of thousands of views and a few days ago
a video that I made maybe eight or two weeks ago started getting got like 100,000 views on it right and I was I was like oh my God this really works so that's why I was so excited to share this with you guys and you know this this really is powerful because as soon as I did this exercise coincidences happened and the team that I was working with had a had a change over and the other person that came in and staff that person happened to have a lot more knowledge about what I needed to
do and they were able to re relay that knowledge to me and I was accepting of it I noticed that that was the sign so another key thing you have to do is look for little instances because the sign will be very very small take it and acknowledge it as confirmation even the tiniest thing that happens you're looking for more money or more clients and someone shows more interest in one of your products that is the sign that is going to happen anything that happens be open to receiving it so the key is the key
part of this process is throughout your daily living as you do this exercise be open into receiving signs in different ways okay this is very very crucial the conjunction of your third eye and your subconscious mind is very very powerful in in tapping into those different sectors of space where this answer lies okay but it's up to you to take it to heart and accept it another key thing that happened to me I'm just giving you all of these examples so it's relatable to you so you have more motivation to apply it because this truly
is extremely powerful um I was looking for client results and you know we've haven't had an explosive result from a client in a very long time as soon as I started to do this one of our clients Evan um he posted how he went from you know barely making nothing in his business to after working with us now making 50k a month in his business and I'll pull up the screenshot right here so This truly does work but you need to follow these steps precisely so if you need to watch this video again please do
so perform this exercise just save it somewhere and just do this again right before bed okay I've spent a lot of time preparing this for you in a way that you can use it for yourself and I want you to listen to it and for right to sleep so let's begin with the third eye and gaining a better understanding of it why this becomes so crucial in using this this visualization process to begin with if you look at many different cultures especially it's it's most prevalent in ancient yoga cultures the third eye is known as
the Ana chakra there there are seven different chakras and the Ana chakra the third eye chakra is known as the highest domain in The Duality realm to go from the Anya to the highest the crown chakra the sah I'm probably pronouncing this wrong there's a sharp jump that needs to happen so for human beings in daily life if you can get your energy up from the root the lowest chakra which is only concerned with survival and sleep and just just survival motives if you can get it up to the intellectual Center this is known as
the intellectual Center then you'll be able to tap into higher faculties to influence life and pretty much 80 to 90% of your life your destiny will be on in your own hands so this is known in ancient yogic culture as intellectual Center the third eye now something interesting that happened was recently I was studying Jose Silva's mind control method and upon going through it I realized that Jose Silva talks about visualization too and this is where my Epiphany came in upon studying that work he says when you visualize using these methods first you have to
Center yourself and access this Alpha state which is where your brain waves slow down so you can become more calm and relaxed and project better so you have to get to this state of nothingness to create something you can't create something from another thing you have to empty your glass to fill it up with what you want to fill it up with but on top of that he also told talks about the importance of having your eyes turned upward so as you close your eyes you turn it upwards and then you visualize this was quite
curious to me because when you do this upon doing many different yogic practices I've realized that um when you have your eyes turned upwards immediately you feel a Focus right here where your third eye will be located so you can try this with me right now just close your eyes and just turn up turn your eyes upward until you feel some some pressure in the middle of your forehead I can feel that right now so this is what happens when we do that but I didn't quite understand why Jose S would talk about this until
I linked both this visualization method that I'm going to share with you throughout the end of this video uh and you know the power of the third eye so this led me to understanding another concept that I learned a very long time ago and this is in P the the perception of what's known as the all space okay if you read ancient htic work okay ancient hermeticism has been one of the first teachings by the Masters by this great being called heres Tres magistus he was literally called the three times greatest because he had mastered
the physical mental and spiritual planes of existence Tres magistus means the Thrice greatest and that's why he's called that hermus talked about the all space and in one of the principles in this ancient HoMedic book he talks about how the all is all there is there is nothing outside of the all there's no need to worry because everything is within the all what the third eye allows us to do is to perceive things that's outside of our physical senses okay so our physical senses are the five senses touch taste smell feel hear aside from that
what is this third eye meant to do it's meant to perceive that which is beyond the senses what is beyond the senses this all space this all space that contains every possible comb combination of realities that can be manifested quantum physics has started to talk about this a lot they're talking about now how there's different parallel realities that we can experience so let me ask you this why do you think you're experiencing this particular reality in which you are like this your family is like this all of the situations in your life your environment is
a particular way it's because of some energy right because of some energy that we're resonating and vibrating with if we were vibrating with a different energy or a different frequency we're attuned to a different a certain frequency then we would be experiencing a different sector of this all space right so this all space literally contains every possible reality every possible combination of a reality that can be manifested a reality in which you're rich a reality in which you're poor reality which you're alive a reality which you're not even born so what's the receiving Center of
this all space you know what's determining what we're experiencing right now this is what brings me to the brain okay so I want you to think about the brain this way if we took the brain apart we wouldn't find all of these possible realities would we it's kind of like taking apart a TV you wouldn't find all the channels inside of the TV the TV is simply a receiver of all of the channels the channels exist in the form of waves so kind of like that I believe the brain is a receiving Center for all
of these possible realities so this is where visualization comes in by the way when we have our hearts and Minds attuned we are vibrating along a certain frequency and that's when we tap into a certain sector of the alternative space and experience the current reality that we're experiencing this took me a very very long time to figure out and this is exactly why I'm so excited to share with you this visualization technique which is going to completely change your life so this brings me to the next point which is understanding the importance the significance of
visualization of which there are two main types the two main types are first of all there's goal visualization in which you think and focus all your efforts the image that you create in your mind's eye is of the final goal and there is process visualization which is the focus on the movement towards the goal so goal is focus on the final long-term goal to give you an example of this you look at something 10 years from now something about which you have no idea how to get there so maybe you want to quit your job
and work in a business that that you're passionate about and something that you enjoy and as a result you have happen to make money from it that's something you create a picture of in your mind's eye but you don't quite know how to get out of this current situation that you're at right now that's completely fine that's where we begin with Goal visualization goal visualization is great because it focuses your subconscious mind on the final picture which gives you insights into the inter intermediary steps or the process that will allow you to get there which
leads me to the next part process visualization process visualization is a focus on movement towards the goal you can visualize the goal all you want but if there's no movement there will be no Bridging the Gap between your current and your desired life lines so in this alternative space there's different pictures that we have different desired realities that we have you can pick a desired reality but if it's too far out into the future and the the energetic frequency that it vibrates at is too different from your current Lifeline there will need to be some
s sort of movement that Bridges the gap between your current and your desired life so to fully understand this we have to look at the causal chain let's say a is your current this is your current state let's say C is your desired state which would be the goal B would be the process that allows you to get there now the key thing about the process is it's an intermediary step okay it's it's anything in between that's the next immediate step after a so to give you a much better example in my personal life when
I wanted to do exactly what I described to you when I wanted to quit that soul sucking engineering job that I was supposed to go into full-time I quit that to start up my own business which is making YouTube videos and becoming a coach at that point I had no idea how any of this would happen right so I visualized what my life looks like 5 10 years from now in the long term which was my goal my goal was to wake up next to the partner of my dreams live in a mansion in an
LA or somewhere up in the hills and also do something that I love to do which is I didn't know what that was actually Frankly Speaking I had no clue what that was but I just visualized that I'm doing something that fulfills me excites me and energizes me and I visualized that for a very long time that was the goal as I visualized the goal and as I expanded my comfort zone these two things need to happen for you to get an insight into the process you have to first visualize the goal that you want
to manifest and also continually expand your comfort zone this is where B comes in B is a process of expanding your comfort zone so when I visualized that goal and every single day I did something that would get me out of my comfort zone try something new Take A New Path to work invest in a mentorship or a program that I would never do or learn a new skill pick up a new hobby I'm continually expanding my comfort zone every single day what happened was I had the idea to start up a YouTube channel but
I didn't know then that was the process but I visualized that process I'm going to show you how to do that I visualized that process and what happened was that led me that was starting to bridge the gap by the way making YouTube videos at the time for me was very very uncomfortable right that that was something completely foreign to me it was completely new to me I had no idea what people people would think I was making videos about stuff that people in my circle didn't talk about like when my friends was friends were
watching videos on me talking about spirituality and manifestation they're like what the are you doing what is this just get a job and make money you know cuz that's what people know and I don't blame them but I was just visualizing me being successful with it when I started off and I had no clue how it would lead me there but step by step the process evolved as I kept visualizing the goal and as I kept being more and more more uncomfortable and I kept moving towards what I thought would lead me there that's exactly
what happened so for me the current situation was me what at my job the desired goal was me G gaining freedom from my job and having Financial Freedom and the process was at that time make YouTube videos and I visualized that until making YouTube videos led me to becoming financially free so this turned into people reaching out to me for coaching and then I visualize me being successful at coaching and then I visualize Me growing coaching do you see how this is evolving it's just me being uncomfortable at every single stage in my life focusing
on a process that I think this is key that I thought would get me there you already have an idea of what would Bridge you from your current to your desired it's not clear to you yet because your subconscious mind isn't fully focused on the goal which is what I'm going to show you how to do but for now I want you to know this that there is goal visualization and process visualization you need both another example of this one of our clients Stefan did this uh very recently so Stefan was also in college at
the time when he joined our program and his goal was to gain Financial Freedom and do what he loved to do but back then he didn't know what he wanted to do quite similar to me he just knew that what he didn't want to do which is get to go into a job so he joined the program used the tools gained Clarity on that long-term vision and all of a sudden he had an idea to start a biohacking business okay so this was more like a performance coaching now he helps entrepreneurs and business owners get
better performance so they can perform better in their business get optimize their health to the best of their ability so they can focus more and so he had the idea to do that and he used process visualization to become more and more uncomfortable every single day what happened was within 2 years he went from having no clue about what he wanted to do he just posted in the group saying he made his first 50k month in in this Venture that he's been in for the past year and that's quite amazing to see right like how
that evolved from having no clue about what he wanted to do to gaining Clarity to working step by step day by day becoming the version he needed to be and now voila an overnight success after 2 three years so that's what happens when you have the right systems and right tools to use for your development to to actually create your destiny so I'm super excited to share this with you but the last thing you have to understand is the congruence achieving congruence between our conscious and subconscious Minds so let's get right into that okay so
now let's talk about one of the most crucial aspects to reality creation to using this which is understanding how to align your conscious and your subconscious most of the time as we're going through life when we have goals the reason we can't achieve them is because there's an in congruence between what we consciously want and what we subconsciously think and feel about it okay so there are things in within our subconscious that we're holding on to that aren't quite serving us we've picked up this conditioning from our past from experiences that we've had and how
we've processed these experiences so as human beings grow and develop and move on through life what you'll notice is a lot of people as they get older they lose their childlike sense of Joy okay when you were 14 years old you were uh 6 years old 7 years old you were just a kid you know playing you just you felt very you felt like a kid you felt empty right but then as you get older and older you'll see people their faces will hang lower they'll feel heavier you know they'll just look like they're drained
of life and it's because of all of these experiences that we collect unfortunately we become a walking bundle of traumas okay and this is because people don't really know how to properly process all of these feelings and all of these experiences that have happened and we just stuff them in and they we we suppress them and eventually they they become repressed and start to act out in different ways in our lives and then we just can't explain why these things are happening we can't explain why we you know set about on a goal to start
up a business but then we just can't do it and then we keep hopping from one business opportunity to the next and we keep starting and we keep trying shiny objects we keep procrastinating why do these things keep happening because subconsciously there's something that's holding you back so the job is to get ourselves congruent consciously and subconsciously so this brings me to understanding a very crucial concept that every single culture every single ancient civilization everything that I've studied they always talk about this the importance of creating a heart and mind coherence what does that mean
if you look at the mind how the mind works is it's it's the collector of experience the the heart simply listens to what the mind says so in a sense the mind is a gatekeeper when the Mind gives permission the heart is allowed to feel it or go along that particular line so for example when you think about a goal you really want it right emotionally really want it but intellectually what happens is the Mind comes in and says this is not possible because X Y and Z happen in the past that person went through
that the mind just interrupts and does not give permission for the heart to feel the way that it wants to feel okay the heart's like a kid the heart is like the kid that 14-year-old that seven-year-old kid that's empty that that doesn't have a well-developed intellectual mind to come in and and and interrupt and just you know hinder the process so that's the biggest problem we all face our minds have become a little too overdeveloped so to give you an example of this think about any goal that you have if you've been trying to grow
past a certain point in your career or grow past a certain point in your business there are some parts of your business and your career that you don't like we tell ourselves oh I don't like this I don't feel passionate about this I feel burnt out but you know you've got to do certain things to move forward but you just can't get yourself to do it this is the disharmony the disparity that we have between the conscious and the unconscious or the heart and mind on the other hand think about the simple Act of raising
your arm do you have any doubts about raising your arm you just simply do it right so in this action there is a clear intention there is a Clarity of intention I'm exercising Clarity of intention there is no thinkness involved on the other hand if you just think about raising your arm for like a minute before you raise it you'll have a lot more hesitation and doubt so the challenge becomes people just don't know how to we just don't know how how to deal with this heavy mind that keeps interrupting that keeps overthinking judging criticizing
and just ruminating so this creates more hesitation which creates more doubt which prevents people from moving forward in their lives one way is to just overwhelm the thinking mind but that's easier said than done so I'm going to share with you a way in which you can overcome this thinking mind overcome all of the conditioning so that you can achieve a clarity in the heart and the mind okay so this brings me to understanding Clarity of intention so understand how we've been conditioned in this physical world in this physical world we're physical beings and we
believe in taking physical action that's why so many people are so hellbent on taking Massive Action to try and accomplish something no one really understands the power of what's Beyond action who am I being in every single moment because the being determines the doing which ultimately determines what you have now going along that line if we talk about doing if we truly believe that doing something would get us somewhere we must work with the current confines of our conditioning you cannot try to change who you are you have to work with what you've got you
know it's futile to try and change something about you because you'll immediately be met with resistance and it'll immediately create an internal conflict a fight between the two selves the key here is anytime we want to bring bridge the gap between our intellectual and our emotional thoughts and feelings or our conscious and our subconscious we need what's called an action condition so bear with me for a second here while I explain this so what is an action condition an action condition helps us bridge the gap between a and C remember when we talked about process
visualization that's where action condition comes in it allows us to create this bridge between our current situation and our desired situation so if you were in the situation where I was at or where Stefan was at you know in a place that's drastically different from where you want to be and you can't possibly see yourself getting there right you can't see how you would go from here to that ideal situation what do you do this is where action condition comes in because our minds have been very very conditioned to accept readily that hey if I
do this I can get there so let's define the parameters here so let's say a is your current situation and B would be the action condition the bridge if you will and C would be the desired situation or solution let's define a situation for yourself so what I want you to do right now is just pause this video and Define these parameters for yourself Define your current situation something that you hate something that you're opposed to I want you to feel all the negative emotions associated with it this is very very crucial for the the
next part of the exercise that we're going to do the visualization technique okay so Define the problem and make sure you have all of the the terrible feelings the thoughts or whatever associated with it as strong as you can make them and then I want you to define the solution what the solution could look like once this problem is solved what it could look like so to give you an example I was speaking to one of one of our clients and he said he was in a lot of debt okay so solution a for him
would be debt him just you know paying interest through the roof every single month and just not having enough money left over that's painful for him he's focusing in on that pain C the desired solution would be debt-free earning surplus of income having an abundance doing what he wants to do traveling all of the things that he wanted to do once he's debt free now B this is where it's crucial understanding an action condition what could he potentially do that would get him there so what's the the first step you could take what's one step
you could take to get you from your current situation a one step closer to your desired situation C okay so in the instance of this particular client he could put down study real estate get into real estate investing or get into credit repair you know look at different credit repair uh services so anything simple and jot that down so I want you to pause this video right now and just jot down these three things and now we're going to move to the next part of the video where you're going to need to use this the
visualization technique so let's jump right into that okay so the meditation process the visualization technique that I'm about to share with you right now it's something that I learned from Jose Silva's mind control course now there's a couple of steps before we do this so I want you to go and sit somewhere and be relaxed comfortable with no distractions okay this is very very important now something I want to say before we get started with the meditation is this is something I've been doing for the last couple of weeks and I've already seen miraculous changes
happen in my reality so a couple little things is um you know fixing certain business problems that that we've been going through uh just some challenges you know nothing nothing really major but it's it's surprising to see how easily and quickly it fixes itself and you get aligned to it the next thing is uh in my golf game uh I've seen myself improve prove literally by using this process visualization so the basis of this visualization method is its process visualization it's when you know and you kind of know what the step is for you to
get to that next level okay if you don't know what the next step is you need to work with Goal visualization and expanding your comfort zone remember those two keys visualizing the final ultimate goal and just continually expanding your comfort zone every single day okay so this technique is called the three scenes visual ization okay what I want you to do before we get started is there are basically five steps to this and I'm going to read out the five steps to you before we get started so you you're basically prepped uh step number one
have your ABCs ready we literally just did that right now if you don't if you haven't done it go do it right now Define a what a would look like your current situation or problem that you would like to solve Define B what would an action condition look like that would get you to that next step and what would C look like the desired situation when the problem is solved and life is hunky dory okay and C doesn't have to be that final Final Destination it could be just that next step it could be just
an immediate problem that you're facing so to give you that example of being debt-free you know you could use something similar to that or you could do something similar to you improving a certain aspect of your golf game like I did or a certain aspect of your business maybe you're struggling with sales maybe you see that currently you're struggling a lot with closing deals uh B would be you know you studying something with sales doing something in action Condition it's like if I do this then I will improve this again gets you aligned both intellectually
and emotionally right we're creating that congruence because the mind really needs something to open itself up to open up the gates to the heart so number one have your ABCs ready number two what we're going to do is I'm going to show you a method to achieve the alpha state of mind we have different brain wave States the alpha state is when we get the emptiest it's one of the most ideal states to begin creation if we go below Alpha to Theta people can get a bit sleepy okay so that's not the most ideal Jose
Silva says we got to get to the alpha brain wave state at the very least so how we're going to do that is I'm going to ask you to count to three three times and visualize the number three three times visualize the number two three times times and visualize the number one three times as you exhale okay don't worry I'm going to guide you it's completely fine and then when I snap you will feel as though you in the alpha State of Mind number three then what you're going to do is you're going to roll
your eyes upwards and feel a pressure on the third eye or this point right here okay and then we're going to begin visualizing now this can get a little bit tricky because we're going to have three different scenes now the first scene scen number a the problem scene will be right at the at the center scene number B the process scene will be one step to the left and scene number three will be another step to the left the reason why we do this is because Jose Silva thought that time how we perceive time is
kind of from the right to left right is the present or past and left is the future I don't know why this works I've just tried to do it and it worked for me so I'm sharing it with you okay and I hope you try it out and I hope it works for you too so we'll do that and then at the end this is the part that I feel is the most powerful we're going to imagine everything that we've done right now we're going to collect into one ball of energy and send it up
it's almost as though we're sending it up to God the universe a higher power okay so let's Jump Right In with the meditation so as you have your ABCs ready I want you to relax and close your eyes take a deep breath EX exhale and relax one more deep breath exhale and relax now inhale and as you exhale I want you to visualize the number three three times three 3 3 inhale and as you exhale I want you to visualize the number two three times two two two now I want you to visualize the number
one three times one one one you are now in the alpha State of Mind feel the presence of your third eye as you turn your eye upwards and now craft a scene of the problem feel the feelings associated with being stuck with failing all the negative feelings associated with it Feel the Pain Feel The Suffering feel it in every single bone in your body and see the picture be one step to the left see yourself doing something see yourself going on this journey of improvement taking some action act act and more action see things improving
and finally one last step to the left scene number c all your problems have been solved you're living your best life feel the feelings Associated what it feels like to solve the problem what it feels like to be victorious what it feels like to be powerful it's all yours on the count of three we're going to collect everything into one ball of energy and send it up with a sharp exhale one 2 3 everything's now been taken care of well I hope you enjoyed that now the key with this is I want you to do
this once every day with a new problem and wait for 3 Days to see if you've had any sort of solution to this problem or if you've seen an improvement the reason why we don't want to keep interrupting again and again is because we it's kind of like placing an order to the universe or like placing an order at a restaurant but you keep updating the order again and again don't mess with it just stay with it see if you receive any sort of feedback from your universe and see what happens and then after 3
days you can return back to it but it's good to do it on new problems every single day because then you can initiate new Solutions okay but ideally I would say don't do it for more than three to four different problems or three to four areas of your life I like to do it with health wealth relationships and spirituality I hope you enjoyed that video and I hope you're going to commit to these exercises because if you do you're going to see results uh but it has to be done for a certain period of time
I've probably stated it in the video but typically for any change to happen it takes around 40 days that's where the word quarantine guarante guarante comes from quarantine to get rid of any kind of virus you need 40 days for it to get out of your system or for something to get in your system I wanted to quickly announce that we opened up our free Facebook group once again it is however very strict in qualifications because we're only looking for the highest to the highest quality of people who are going to be engaging in there
who are going to be contributing to it so we have a very strict application process we're looking for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to master the art of reality creation to create the lives that they want to access it just go to reality creator.com sgroup I really just wanted a community full of other entrepreneurs and and business owners who are interested in this stuff because most entrepreneurs and business owners really just look at the tactics and strategies and taking action taking action taking action whereas the real Wizards the ones who become successful but also
are very very fulfilled in their day-to-day lives they know that it's the internal that creates the external I'm really looking forward to seeing you in there again I just want to reiterate please make sure you fill up the application process there's a short three question application the more detail you can provide us the higher the likelihood we can approve you because we're literally just looking for members who are going to be the most engaged and make this community great as always I'm grateful for you and I'm looking forward to seeing you in the Facebook group
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