Você sofria bullying na escola?

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Descobrimos desde cedo que muitas pessoas não toleram o diferente. Aqui há histórias de gente que fo...
Video Transcript:
I went through a somewhat complicated situation at school. . .
I usually say that I was the whole target of bullying. . .
I was bullied in 5 different schools that I studied. . .
Fat, black, toothless, because I didn't have a front tooth and, according to people, a nerd. Have you already suffered bullying? I developed an unwillingness to go to school.
So I always made up something: Ah, I have a stomachache, I don't want to go to school, oh, I'm sick, I don't want to go to school. . .
I suffered a lot of bullying because I liked to dress in clothes that were sort of "men's uniform". I cared a lot because we wanted to be part of a group, and I didn't fit into the groups, you know? The girls didn't want to play with me because I wasn't within the pattern of little girls who liked to play with dolls.
. . And the boys didn't want to play with me because I was a girl.
Most gay people and black people don't like this stage of school because there's this bullying thing and we try to, like, take it out of our lives, and then when we face it in adulthood, we get scared . I like to say racism, really. Even though there is bullying, it is below racism, right?
So, man, you're dumb, you're dumb too, and such. But it's very different when you say: ok, but you're dumb and you're a monkey. And you're the black nigger.
. . Like, it's another place, right?
What they told me was hardly close to physical violence. I fell at school and the kids kicked me in the mouth. And then the baby tooth nerve died and the baby teeth started to turn black, and the perms were born, like, all crooked.
I had a canine in the roof of my mouth. I had to wear braces for a long time. And then I asked my mom: "Mom, when was it?
" And I was in pre-school. I was bullied a lot, like, oh, she plays video games, is she a man? Do you know?
The girls commented that about me. . .
And these things affected me a lot and I thought it was very weird, I started to think that I had a problem. . .
And sometimes I came home from school and cried every day. . .
Because I I remembered them talking about me, pointing their finger. . .
I remember my first gym class in high school. There were two teachers, then they were weighing the students, and talking, making some comment about the weight, that the person had to improve, I don't know what. .
. When my turn came, I was the fattest in the class, I I arrive, I climb on the scale and it weighs 105 kilos. She turns to me and says: my God in heaven, you are morbidly obese.
At 15 years old, you're weighing it. I was 1m87, man. There's no way I can.
. . If I was overweight, I was 15 kilos above my weight, whatever.
I don't think it's right for you to say that to anyone. Then that day what happened? I became the morbidly obese person in the room, right?
There was a girl who made a blog to speak ill, she spoke ill, if I'm not mistaken, of 17 students and 3 teachers. Like, she exposed something that was none of her business, and that affected me. And I remember that she said much worse things about other people, like, for example, a black boy, that she said he ate garbage.
. . Just because he was black.
I was always a very big kid for my age. And my size is equal to the size of my sillyness. When I arrived at school, I was an easy target for a joke, you know, because I was a very big and fatter girl.
They always messed with me, threw paper balls, kept giving me nicknames. . .
And once it got to an extreme level that I got beaten up by a boy at school simply because he didn't like me. I bullied and was bullied. It was natural.
There was a girl who had hair that curved here, right. . .
And she was very cheesy. I called her Juliana Head of Heart. If I had the awareness that I have today, back then, I wouldn't play this kind of joke, without a doubt.
So I really wish that nowadays he knows how to deal with people who is different from him. The words they spoke to me still mark me today, you know? So, like, I think people have to think more before doing this kind of thing.
And then I started to think about it, what's wrong with me. . .
So I started to have this process inside my head. . .
It was a very long process, but I've improved a lot in the last few years with the fact that. . .
dude. . .
leave the person there. . .
Relieve, don't cry later. . .
Right? It already happened. .
. Now it doesn't happen anymore. .
. I'm much stronger. .
. And let it go. That's the tip I gave myself.
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