Pregnant Sil Lived With Us for Free, Threw Away All Our Food From The Fridge While We Were Gone,...

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Pregnant Sil Lived With Us for Free, Threw Away All Our Food From The Fridge While We Were Gone, The...
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pregnant s lived with us for free threw away all our food from the fridge while we were gone then called me fat when I confronted her about it so I kicked her out so for the past 2 months my pregnant sister-in-law has been living with our family rentree because she needed a comfortable place to crash during her pregnancy in the apartment that she shares with three roommates was not really ideal for her situation she is 22 and moved here about a year ago right after she graduated to try and make it as a model so
far she has been somewhat successful at it and has managed to learn herself some modeling assignments but that was put on hold a couple of months back when she got pregnant with her current boyfriend they've been together for just 6 months but she said to keep the baby for her own reasons she can't live with her boyfriend though since he stays with his parents and is financially dependent on them so 2 months ago a couple of weeks after she found out she was pregnant my in-laws contacted my husband and asked us if we would be
willing to help her out and let her stay with us for free for a couple of months at the time we were more than happy to do so because she used to be a pretty sweet girl but I guess staying in the city has changed her or something because when she moved in she was a completely different person from what I was used to I have known her for almost 7 years since that's how long my husband and I have been together and we used to get along quite well before she moved here my husband's
Hometown is a farming State and his parents are also Farmers but he decided to attend college here where we live right now and would go back home every weekend since it was just a couple of hours of driving he and I met in college and we got married after dating for 2 years we even have a 3-year-old son now and I always got along quite well with his family as he did with mine his parents are simple folk and so was my sister-in-law she was quiet and sweet and actually used to put her brother on
a pedestal that was a huge part of the reason why she decided to move to our city after she graduated from college so she could follow in his footsteps and find success here because she did not want to work on the farm and because my husband and I had already built a life for ourselves we were able to convince her parents to send her as well even though they were kind of skeptical because she had never stayed away from home before but we helped her out and convinced my in-laws to just send her without any
second thoughts because we would be there to take care of her if she needed any help and we told them that we were confident that she would be able to make something of herself here since farming was not her thing when she moved here we had expected her to stay in touch with us because we were actually the reason her parents eventually came around to accept her decision to move for the first couple of months we did stay in touch we helped her find an apartment and showed her around the city and stuff but then
she just started fading away from our lives after she had settled in she kind of stopped calling or bothering to stay in touch with us and we made our peace with it as well because we believed that maybe she was too busy to keep in touch constantly so we hadn't exactly been close for the past couple of months and had only spoken on the phone a couple of times we didn't even know what had been going on in her life until we found out from her parents even then we had been happy to help her
out until she showed up and for whatever reason she had changed into a complete Diva she hadn't yet become a successful supermodel but she already had the personality for it it if you know what I mean she had developed a bit of an attitude problem she had started acting like she was too good for us especially her brother and had a lot of complaints about everything with regard to our lifestyle from the food we ate to the bed sheets for the guest room where she was staying this was new and shocking for us and we
had no idea where all of this was coming from but we tried our best not to let it get on our nerves even though it was pretty annoying Behavior we figured that it was probably just a phase and maybe she had picked up this kind of behavior from her roommates or something but nevertheless it was still very new for us it also really bugged me that she had so many complaints about the way we lived because even though we are not exactly poor folk we aren't billionaires either so we had a pretty normal lifestyle since
both my husband and I are Architects and it's not like she was contributing to any of the expenses so I didn't understand why she was so comfortable complaining about everything instead of just accepting whatever she had but my husband and I did not say anything to her or to my in-laws because we had already made a commitment that we were going to let her live with us until she figured out something for herself so far we had managed to keep our opinions about this new version of her to ourselves because we really don't want any
drama but a couple of days back I just couldn't take it anymore and I had to ask her to leave because of something that happened while we were away on an overnight trip my cousin was getting married and so I had to be there with my family the venue was a couple of hours away so we were staying there overnight and she just had to spend one night by herself because we would be back the next day my husband and I honestly did not think that there was anything that could possibly go wrong but the
next day when we came back I realized that the fridge was entirely empty when I tried to get some food after the trip when we had left it had a lot of stuff because we liked to keep things in stock but when I opened the fridge after the trip it was completely empty I'm not even kidding there was literally nothing and I almost thought that maybe the fridge had been robbed but of course that was not what had happened the only person who had been at home was my sister-in-law so I confronted her and she
did not even deny it she told me that she had emptied the fridge the previous night while we were not at home because she was planning on starting a special diet so that she could avoid showing for as long as she could since she did not want to miss out on any modeling assignments just because of a bump or weight gain she knew that I would never approve of throwing everything away in the trash so that's why she had chosen to do it at a time when I was not going to be at home from
the way she was talking about all of it so casually it was very obvious that she did not feel any sort of remorse for what she had done and thought that it was completely fine for her to empty somebody else's fridge mind you the food items that she had thrown away were probably worth a considerable amount of money as well so it wasn't just food that had been wasted it was our hard-earned money that had gone to waste because she wanted to go on some sort of special diet and did not think that it was
necessary to discuss this with the people whose money she was living off of when I asked her about the diet she told me that she was planning on going completely plant-based eventually but before that she wanted to do a detox she thought that watching us have real food while she was living off of juice was going to make it very difficult for her to stick to her regime so she had to make sure that we all stuck to the same diet as she did I was was shocked at the level of entitlement and stupidity because
not only was this regime extremely dangerous for a pregnant woman who needs all the nutrients that she can possibly get but she had also forgotten to factor in our son who couldn't possibly live off of juice even in a situation like that when she was speaking about all of this so casually and was acting like this was a totally normal thing to do while living with somebody else's family I tried to keep my cool with her I told her that what she had done was simply not acceptable and that she would have to replace everything
that she had thrown away I thought it was a reasonable enough request and I tried to sound as polite as I could even though I was really upset but she decided to make things worse for herself by looking at me smiling at me smugly and telling me that she had done the right thing for the family because I could do with losing some weight too that's where I lost it because she had already messed up by throwing away all our food which we had purchased with our money and now she was body shaming me I
didn't even bother screaming at her I just went into her room and started packing her things my husband and my son were in the other room but they came to the guest room when they heard my sister-in-law shouting at me at the top of her lungs and trying to get me to stop but I just kept grabbing her stuff and shoving them into her bags and I told her that she was no longer welcome to live with us anymore because she was clearly not the person that I thought I had invited to stay over she
was no longer the sweet and quiet girl that we used to know and she had turned into this spoiled and entitled brat and I had no interest in helping her out anymore so since she knew what was good for the family and was so confident about what was good for her I was sure that she would be able to find a place for herself in the city and she definitely did not not need our help anymore just like we did not need hers she started crying while I was ranting but that did not affect me
because the past 2 months had been nothing short of insufferable because of her every second that my husband and I had spent at home was really difficult for us because this new version of her was the kind of person who liked making other people miserable probably because she herself felt like that but I was done with that now and I wanted to go back to having a normal life with my husband and my son she kept trying to drag my husband into the argument but he just said nothing and went back into his room with
our son while while I packed my sister-in-law's bags for her and once I was done I started making my way to the door of the house so I could force her out after I had kept all her bags on the front lawn she started crying even harder than she had before and told me that she was not going to go anywhere but still refused to apologize if she had just said that she was sorry about everything I might have reconsidered what I was doing but at that moment I was so angry that I grabbed her
by the arm and pushed her out of the house and then I shut the door she stood outside and kept crying for another 20 minutes or so but then I heard a car pull up and then she was gone the next day I found out that it had been her boyfriend who had picked her up and right now she was staying with him I don't know why that couldn't have been arranged right from the beginning but anyway the problem is that right now I don't feel bad about anything that I did but my in-laws think
that I should feel bad about the way I kicked her out of the house while she was pregnant and they think that the way I behaved was a total overreaction personally I don't think that's the case because my resentment and anger against her had been building upright from when she moved in and the only reason I hadn't confronted her about her behavior was because I was afraid of something like this happening I had tried my very best to keep my cool and not do anything that would hurt people's feelings but I think that she had
pushed me to act like that and I can't be sorry for it besides if anybody does owe somebody else an apology I think it's my sister-in-law because whatever she did it was just stupid and crazy however my in-laws refused to see it that way and they keep insisting that I need to talk to her and apologize to her for the way I behaved because it was completely unnecessary and there opinion in my opinion though I think she had been cruising for a bruising for the past 2 months and she should have realized that if she
kept testing our limits this was definitely going to happen at some point we are all still human beings after all not some different higher form of life who are capable of forgiving everything and moving on my husband doesn't have a strong opinion on this he thinks that what I did happened in the Heat of the Moment and he does think that I was a little too harsh in my treatment of her while I was kicking her out and that I will agree with but her getting kicked out with something that was bound to happen at
some point if not by me then perhaps by him so he doesn't really think that I have to be sorry about anything but he also doesn't think that his parents are being totally unreasonable by calling it an overreaction since he does think that I could have been a bit more gentle so Ida for kicking my pregnant sister-in-law out of the house after she emptied all the contents of my fridge into the trash overnight update 1 so it has been 9 days since I kicked my sister-in-law out of the house and after arguing with my in-laws
for a couple of days I decided to stop responding to them because I really didn't have anything to say to them anymore if they really don't see any problem with their daughter's Behavior I don't think I can force them to see it as for my husband he does think that I was a little too rough while handling the situation and I do agree with that but apart from that he doesn't exactly expect me to apologize for anything because he doesn't think that whatever I did was uncalled for so he and I are completely fine I'm
not worried about that we haven't heard from my sister-in-law ever since she had her boyfriend pick her up from here and I'm assuming that she is still living with him so good for her I guess my son was a little confused as to what had happened but thankfully he hadn't been asking about her it was a Pity that she had to be kicked out like this because surprisingly she did get along well with our son anyway I did what I had to do and I'm not going to sit here and overthink it also obviously we
had to replace all the food that had been thrown away and she did not send us any money for that no surprises there but one thing I'm sure of if my in-laws or heaven forbid my sister-in-law herself dare to show up again I'm definitely going to be demanding that money that needs to be paid back to us because this kind of behavior is not acceptable and it's not going to fly with me the last couple of messages that my in-laws sent me were 2 days back and since then because I have stopped responding they haven't
bothered me but the last couple of messages also say that I should apologize to my sister-in-law and at least try to clear the air with her even if I don't allow her to move back in with us obviously I'm not doing that I think it's absurd that they expect me to apologize to her after the way she has behaved here she has been entitled and ungrateful and ever since she has left the environment of the house has improved considerably and I like it this way it is sad that this fight is even taking place because
so far I've always gotten along well with my in-laws but if they really don't see my point here then there's hardly anything that I can do my husband is free to keep in touch with them because I don't expect him to cut them off over something like this I don't think it's that big of a deal yet but so far even he has said that he doesn't really feel like talking to them right now because all they want to talk about is my behavior with his sister and he doesn't want to keep having the same
conversation over and over again with them update to one week has passed since my last update here in yesterday my in-law showed up at my house in the evening I will be honest my husband and I had really not been expecting that because like I had mentioned in my last update they had stopped texting me after I started ignoring them and since then they hadn't bothered to text me so I really didn't think that they were going to show up here so soon just to deal with this situation right now I thought that we had
dropped it but last evening when I saw them outside my house and I had to let them in I realized that they were not going to let this go until they came to the kind of conclusion that they wanted my son was obviously quite happy to see his grandparents but they didn't even give him enough time usually when they visit the first hour of their visit is fully dedicated to our son and playing with him but this time they gave him attention for only a couple of minutes and then told us that they wanted to
speak to us in private and they didn't want to discuss these things in front of our son so I had my husband take my son into his room because I did not think that his parents were here to speak to him anyway they were probably able to speak to me and I really wanted to put an end to this whole thing once and for all so I decided to sit with them and talk it out they had the same complaints all over again that I had been a little too harsh and that I had really
hurt my sister-in-law's feelings which is why they feel like I should apologize to her they also think that my reaction was a bit too extreme if we actually think about the situation and they think that as the older one in the situation I should have handled it better so then I also put my points forward which I had already done before and I told them that the particular incident after which I had kicked her out had been the last straw for me and even before that she had been entitled and terrible to live with if
they didn't believe me they could speak to their own son and confirm it but her behavior had been really bad throughout her stay here and I was not willing to apologize to her because I really did not think that I had overreacted so I might have been a bit too harsh but honestly she totally had it coming we had already had these discussions before on the phone so it felt like we were speaking in circles and after I had kept my side forward my in-laws went silent for a couple of minutes and then said said
that even if I had been angry because of her behavior I should have thought about how this would affect the family before taking such an extreme step like kicking her out they told me that they could understand that I did not approve of her behavior or whatever she had said to me that day but what I had done was still quite extreme and regardless of what she had said and done she was still a member of my family and I should have taken that into consideration I thought that it was not really valid because you
can't just forgive everything and everyone simply because their family with my sister-in-law things had gotten to a point where I felt like I had to take a stand for myself so that's what I did I reminded my in-laws that I might have forgiven her that instant if she had bothered to at least apologize to me but she did not think that it was important which is why she ended up getting kicked out the bottom line was that I was not going to pretend that I was sorry and apologized to her because that would be fake
since I don't feel sorry about anything right now I said it in a very final sort of way because I had to work really hard to keep my temper under control while they were acting as if I was the bad guy in this situation all along and I was getting exhausted from speaking about the same thing over and over again so I hoped that they would take the hint and thankfully they did they realized that I was not willing to discuss this any further and I had made up my mind that I was not going
to be apologetic for anything that had happened after that they went silent again for a couple of minutes and then they just abruptly got up and left without even saying goodbye I was caught a bit off guard by that but I said nothing and let them leave it was obvious that they were not happy with my decision or the discussion that we had just had but I had made up my mind and I had made things very clear clear to them after they left I told my husband how they had left as well in the
discussion that we had had and now both of us think that we had said whatever it is that we had to say there is nothing more that we want to add so if they can come to terms with the fact that I'm not sorry then good for them and if not then that's not our problem anymore update three so after my in-laws visited Us 2 days back we did not have any contact with them and we thought that this had finally blown over but once again we were proven Wrong by them I really don't understand
what they problem is but they are taking things way too far because now they have reached out to my parents to speak to them just so they can get me to apologize a couple of hours ago my mom called me up and told me that my in-laws had shown up at their place to discuss what was going on with the family apparently they had told my parents that I was being way too egoistic and narcissistic and that my decision not to apologize to my sister-in-law was going to break the family apart but I don't even
seem to care about that they approached my parents so they could talk some sense into me because the way that I behaved with them the other day that they visited was also quite rude and they think that I'm becoming arrogant and more difficult to deal with with every passing day so something needs to be done about my behavior I was Furious when my mother was telling me about all of this on the phone but unfortunately she was calling me after they had already left so I couldn't exactly go over to confront them about what they
were doing thankfully though my parents did not really engage with them much and just told them that they didn't think that it was their place to be interfering at this point because I was a grown woman and I knew what was best for me my in-laws did not seem to be happy with that response but they left without saying much just that they would appreciate it if my parents spoke to me about it and got me to realize that family was more important than my ego I think it's really ironic coming from them because at
this point I don't even think that it's about an apology anymore I think it's about getting their way and forcing me to live by their rules and they are only unhappy that I'm not being a total puppet for them well they can continue to be unhappy because my husband and I have just decided that we are going to completely cut ties with them this is more than enough and I think I have been respectful enough when they visited us last but since they have chosen to lie about it and claim that I was disrespectful I
think I'm going to live up to that now so far I actually have been trying to deal with everything peacefully and not create more drama out of nothing but I'm just exhausted now I really can't force myself to care about their feelings constantly especially when they are being so insensitive towards my feelings and are even being disrespectful towards my family so my husband and I are done and I really don't think that we are going to be seeing or speaking to them anytime soon not even if they apologize we need some space and time away
from them so we're going to make sure that we do not have anything to do with them moving forward update 4 hello guys so a couple of weeks have passed since our last update and since then we have blocked my in-laws a couple of days after my last update my in-laws reached out to me once again and sent me a text saying that my sister-in-law and her boyfriend had decided to get a place of their own so she would not need to come back again but apparently she had left some stuff of her back in
the guest room that I had missed while packing for her so she would send her boyfriend over to collect it I replied to them saying that I was fine with it and then they sent me another message saying that they were really disappointed in me they also mentioned that they had visited my parents but my family did not seem to be invested in making sure that the family stayed intact and this whole visit here had been a terrible experience for them because they had finally seen a side of me that they had never even considered
was there since I had turned out to be pretty egoistic and selfish after that message I did not even bother to reply to them I just blocked them I had heard these things before as well since that's exactly what they had said to my parents they could have just told me that my sister-in-law's boyfriend would come over to collect some things of hers and ended it there but I guess they couldn't help themselves but try to make me feel guilty anyway after I blocked them they didn't try to get in touch with me again and
neither can they get in touch with my husband since he has also blocked them I didn't tell him to do so he did it of his own will but I'm sure that they will find a way to make it about me and 3 days back my sister-in-law's boyfriend finally showed up to collect her things but the surprising fact was that she had also come with him but all she did was just stand right outside the house and refuse to step in and when her boyfriend came out of the guest room with all her stuff in
a box she made a whole show of repeatedly making sure that everything was there as if we were thieves then she finally left and we shut the door behind her hopefully now they will finally all leave me alone and get off my back either way it doesn't really matter because I know that I have my husband by my side and their opinions really don't count for me I'm happy with without any contact with them [Music]
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