Simple Way to Create Instant Change for New Reality - Bashar Darryl Anka Channeling

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The Awaken Journey
Simple Way to Create Instant Change for New Reality - Bashar Darryl Anka Channeling Drop your affir...
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now that you have changed your Collective Consciousness the vibration and frequency of your reality in such a manner as you have recently done you have created a kind of shift a kind of change that allows us now to proceed further with this agenda of assisting you in the balancing of this energy and allows us to move into different positions because now you have created on your planet a very different energy which can now accelerate in posi and constructive and creative and loving ways more than ever before so first and foremost we will congratulate you on
making a change in your Collective Consciousness to allow us to interact with you in a new reality so congratulations now once again allow us to explain briefly the idea of what the shift is about in terms of what is actually mechanically happening we understand that in human language you have many colloquial phrases for this idea of transformation and changing your world and that is all well and good and you can refer to this idea in any way shape or form you so desire it doesn't matter the effect is the same but the idea is that
we would like to take a moment to explain to you mechanically physiologically what is happening because sometimes when you understand the actual mechanism that you are employing in the change it helps you make further changes more profound changes and have a more profound understanding of what kind of changes can be made so I know this is going to sound at first a little bit confusing but that's all right this is just an issue of semantics and language and we will explain more clearly as we go along so when we talk about the kind of changes
that you are making and wish to make on your planet we will begin this conversation by pointing out that nothing has changed why do we say that I will tell you thank you here's what we mean by nothing has changed the idea is really that when something in your world changes the world you were in did not change you changed you shifted your frequency you shifted your vibration and by shifting your fre frequency you have shifted your focus of Consciousness to an already simultaneously coexisting parallel reality that is already existing on that frequency you didn't
change the world that was there that world is still there you have shifted to an already existing parallel reality that is reflective of the vibratory frequency you have shifted to personally thus when you look around and see differences it's because you have taken yourself you have shifted yourself to a parallel Earth that already had those differences in it the old Earth the other parallel reality still exists still looks the same didn't change but you have changed your focus of Consciousness so the idea of helping people change of helping to change your world is the idea
really of offering of other people a point of view that contains a certain frequency a certain pitch a certain state of being and if if if if if they choose to match to mirror that frequency you are offering that goes along with that different point of view they then will see the difference in the world in which they have shifted to they will see the difference in them reflected by the world they have shifted to but again the other world still there hasn't gone anywhere all possible parallel realities exist now co-exist simultaneously there is only
one Eternal now everything exists in it we understand that from your linear SpaceTime perspective this may not seem to be so but many of you are now beginning to realize this is really Just an Illusion the idea really is to understand that what you you call different changes different moments different places different times different experiences even different lives all these things coexist at the same time so to speak they are really just different perspectives of the same Eternal now moment so what you call the past exists right now what you call the future exists right
now there really is no future in the future no past in the past those are simply different frequencies different experiences all going on at the same time as what you call the present the idea is that there are simply different viewpoints of the present and from your linear SpaceTime experience the perspective you have created with the experience of linear SpaceTime you can create this idea that something comes before then something comes next then something comes after but it doesn't really do that an analogy we often use to illustrate this point is what you call one
of your film strips on Earth you know that when you go to watch your movie it is made of a film strip that has many frames well when you are watching the movie from the perspective of being an audience member you can say well first we see this Frame then that frame then the next frame then the next and we get this illus usion of continuity this illusion of motion this illusion of the passage of time and things start here and things end there however if you are in the projection booth above the audience you
can take the film canister you can take out the film you can stretch out the strip of film in front of you and you can see all the frames at the same time you could even look at this Frame first then that frame then that frame then that frame then that frame in any order you wish linear SpaceTime has been in that sense nullified the idea is that all the frames exist at the same time but from the perspective of the audience member they only exist in sequence to tell a story to have an experience
but that doesn't tell you it's actually mechanically happening it doesn't describe the existence of the film strip itself and the perspective of the projectionist who can see all the frames at the same time this is analogous to the idea of your physical Consciousness in physical reality experiencing linear physical space time and the idea of your higher mind your over Soul experiencing all your moments all your lives at once and the idea thus then is the reason you can connect to other lives other experiences is because they all exist at the same time so you can
simply cross-connect shift your vibration again again another analogy as we have often said your television analogy at any given moment you can watch whatever program on your TV set you want this does not mean there are not other programs available but you only get the program you are tuned to at any given moment but when you change the channel when you shift your frequency you get another program doesn't mean the program you were watching is no longer there they all exist at the same time but you only perceive whatever is the vibration you are tuned
to within yourself and when you change that frequency you get different input you get a different experience it's as simple as that this really is simple physics it's really no more complicated an issue than that and because it all exists at the same time as all the programs at any given moment do on your television set that's why you can switch back and forth that's why you can know things from other lives you may think it is a memory and in a sense again colloquially you could call it a memory of a past life or
even a memory or if you wish a precognition of a future life but remember memory is created in the present it doesn't actually come from the past when you have a memory you're having it now so you're creating it from the now in fact because everything actually exists now not only do you create the experience or Illusion of the future from now you also create the illusion of the experience of the past from now and that means that when you change your now not only have you changed your so-called future you've actually changed your history
literally now knowing this means you can work very powerful Miracles I will give you an example when you see someone on your planet exhibiting a certain shall we say habit the idea is that sometimes you will see that they struggle to overcome this over a long period of time but sometimes you will notice that someone can simply arrive at a moment in their lives where they recognize that's simply not something they wish to do anymore and no matter how addictive that habit may seem many of you have actually witnessed people or heard of people on
your planet saying no more that's it what you call on your planet cold turkey and the idea is that they do not seem to struggle with it from that point forward it's as if they never had the Habit I'm telling you that when they change their reality that strongly the truth is the reason they don't exhibit any urge any longer is because they never have had the Habit because when you become a new person literally you become a new person when you change your frequency every moment and when you become a new person that has
a definition that you do not now have that addiction do not now have that habit you actually alter all the other connections you shift yourself to a reality where you never did and thus that's why it is not a struggle not an effort no longer must you fight to overcome the Habit it simply never existed so you're having no experience of it now you can use your reality this way all it takes is recalibrating your focus to understand that this is how reality is structured and when you begin to understand this structure the nature of
physical existence in this context you can evoke and create and manifest very powerful change now I will tell you a secret about yourselves you are all already all of you already without exception yes without exception yes without exception yes not even you already as powerful a manifestor as you will ever be you will never be a more powerful manifestor than you are now what you will refine is your understanding of what you are manifesting you will never manifest more powerfully than you do because you already manifest instantaneously if you didn't you wouldn't be having an
experiential reality of any kind to have an experiential reality you must be manifesting it you must be attracting it you must be creating it so look around you're having a reality yes yes so you are manifesting the secret is why are you manifesting what you're manifesting not how do I manifest better you can't manifest any better you're perfect manifestors you are made in the image of the ultimate manifestor creation itself you are perfect manifestors so please please please we would suggest strongly suggest we're not telling you what you do you don't have to listen to
us you don't have to believe us but we would strongly suggest you don't spend time wondering how to become a better manifestor you're already a perfect manifestor what you need to do to see that you are a perfect manifestor is focus on how you are manifesting or why you are manifesting what it is you are manifesting and as you change the definition of what you're manifesting you will see more clearly and more obviously every moment of every day that you are a perfect instantaneous manifestor and now you have gotten a handle on the mechanism underlying
the reasons why you are experiencing what you are experiencing and all of this comes down to belief definition again this is physics your personality your physical personality your physical mind is basically an artificial construct composed of beliefs emotions and thought pattern actions when you have beliefs that are out of alignment with your true self you cannot help but have emotions that are also out of alignment with your true self and you cannot help but have thoughts and actions that are out of alignment with your true self but when you have beliefs that are in alignment
with your true self likewise emotion follows thoughts follow actions follow and it all works in harmony so the idea is not to work on becoming a better manifestor but becoming a clearer manifestor in the sense of knowing what you're manifesting by knowing what you believe to be true because it all stems from belief your entire physical reality experience stems first and foremost from what you believe to be true you cannot even have an emotional response if you don't have a belief first so when you have an emotion when you have a thought when you have
an action that you don't prefer always trace it back to what do I have to believe is true in order to feel the way I do what do I have to believe is true in order to feel the way I do that's the first question to always ask yourself when you find yourself in a physical reality experience that is out of alignment with what you prefer it to be what would I have to believe is true in order to feel the way I do in this experience if you are feeling something negative if you are
feeling fear doubt self-loathing hatred anger shame ask yourself what would I have to believe is true about myself in my relationship to this situation for me to experience this emotion because I know that the emotion cannot be there if I don't believe something about myself to be true first because you notice that if you don't have a definition for something you don't know how to feel about it you don't have a feeling about something you have no definition for when you do automatically either consciously or unconsciously apply a meaning and a definition to something then
the emotions kick in but only then and never before so when you find yourself feeling something allow yourself to feel it don't in any way shape or form suppress it but examine and explore why it is there and the first and foremost reason it is there is because you have a belief find out what that belief is now all these things we are talking about here we can discuss these more in a variety of ways and get clearer and clear on how to use these mechanisms in a clear and conscious manner so that you can
know that all change within yourself is in fact instant change instant change and the only way it would seem as if change is not instantaneous is because you are making instantaneous changes that are simply not that different than the change you made before you see the illusion that is created if you make an instantaneous change and in any change everything does change within you you shift to an entirely different reality but if you shift yourself to an entirely different reality that looks almost identical to the last one you won't really think that anything has changed
you will fool yourself into the illusion of thinking nothing has changed or not much has changed and that this is a long process and an effort and a struggle and it takes a long time without realizing you have actually changed everything all at once but it simply looks pretty much the same because you have created it to be so with your belief that big change cannot happen quickly that's the belief that allows you to experience the idea of change happening slowly but if you understand that every change is a total change a totally new reality
that you've shifted to then it's an issue of how different you define that reality and the difference the degree of difference in your definition of that new reality from the other one is what will allow you to see that the manifestation of the change is instantaneous because the only way you can gauge instantaneous change is by having a great degree of difference in the the change if you don't have a great degree of difference in it you don't think much has changed even though it has so again the idea of describing to you the notion
that every change is instantaneous and every change is total and I mean total you are a new person in a new reality in a new universe literally take me literally please take me literally I am not speaking metaphorically here then if you know that that is absolutely totally different then you can also begin to understand that it actually can be anything you really prefer it to be at whatever rate you are comfortable with and that's usually the big secret at whatever rate you are comfortable with because for many of you the idea of change is
very scary and you don't really want to change that much even though you're changing instantaneously totally you want to create an experience that says you haven't really changed that I don't want to be too different people will think I'm strange bizarre weird freaky and all those other wonderful colorful Earth terminologies nevertheless the truth is you change everything instantaneously it is up to you to decide how much you want to take advantage of that fact it's up to you the rate the pace the style is up to you all we are doing is letting you know
that's the mechanism that's happening so you don't have to spend time wondering how to make amazing large large scale rapid instantaneous manifestations that you're already doing all you need to do is focus on why you're doing what you're doing how you're doing it based on what belief and why and then you'll get a handle on how to allow yourself to redefy the reality in such a manner as to see whatever degree of change you prefer to see and that's what it's all about what idea what belief is most harmoniously aligned with your true now we
have said yes true self true self out of alignment in alignment with true self true self what's true self here's how you tell what your true self is once again briefly it is encapsulated in a term that exists on your planet called passion joy and excitement the idea is that vibration what you feel that excitement that physical sensation is actually the body's translation of the vibratory energy that is your true core inner being so anytime something in your life contains that degree of excitement we would again strongly suggest you act on it why because that's
who you are because it is most truly you it is your path it is your reflection it is your attractor it is luring you to more of yourself that's why things contain that feeling that's why they reflect that feeling to you and that's why you can know that if you act on your joy it will support you because it's your true self I know I know I know you have many different belief systems on your planet that doubt the ability of your excitement to support you and we can talk about some of those at length
if you wish nevertheless it does have the ability to support you why because it is you and it is the part of you that is representative of the part of you that is made in the image of creation and creation is nothing if not unconditionally supporting
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