Own the Marketplace With the 7 Forces of Business Mastery

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Tony Robbins
The 7 Forces of Business Mastery make up a timeless concept developed by Tony Robbins, responsible f...
Video Transcript:
hey it's Tony Robbins here in Fiji listen I just want to reach out to you because if you're a business owner most people get into business with this incredible desire and passion to take something they dream about make it real and yet so few really achieved the kind of success that they really want for many people it becomes something they love but it's it's a big job what I mean by that is you know they often get into business with this idea that I'm going to create this lifestyle or sense for my family maybe a
great deal of freedom a lot of free time how's it working for you so far in the world were in today if you're looking for free time and you just got into business that's like saying I'm going to have a child so I can have more free time today the world is more competitive than any time in our history and it's not hard to see that we're living in what they call interesting times you know whether it be here in the United States we've seen a downshifting economy or whether it be in Europe where you
know I just read the Forbes article recently they talked about the euro crisis is 10 reasons why it's not going away we're going to be dealing with some challenging times what I would call economic winter for a period of time here the winter doesn't last forever we all know that but if we delude ourselves and think the times are going to get easier before they get harder I think we're gonna have some real challenges and there's a reason if you're a business owner that's why I'm reaching out to you I have a passion for what
you do I feel like there were brothers or sisters on the path as corny as that may sound because my entire life has been finding a way to add value to people's lives and create things that make a difference we're here in new Mali we resort in spots the number one Resort and Spa in the country I started out purchasing this thing which is this tiny little backpackers place with four little units and now we're also rated in the top ten resorts and spas in the entire you know South Pacific so that's those decisions are
not made by me by promotion those are made by guests that come from all over the world and vote for us I found a way to be able to take any industry whether it be education and coaching whether it be the business I do with twin labs and traditional business whether it be what we're doing here and you know the area of hospitality and be able to show you how to get an unfair advantage a competitive advantage a huge advantage but if you don't know certain things and I didn't know him along the way it
can be brutal you find yourself in those oh you know what moments like how do I keep things going how do I turn around even when you've been successful the reason I relate to you sighs you know building dozens of businesses over the decades many people got it a business not just to make money they got it because they had something they believed and they're passionate about and yet the results are pretty daunting before the world economic crisis the statistics were really interesting I'm sure you know half of businesses that start are gone within the
first year within five years 80% are gone within ten years ninety six percent are gone that means in a hundred businesses four make it literally in a period of ten years and then there's the Lehman Brothers I'm around for a hundred years and they're gone we're living at a time where you have to know what this idea that ignorance is bliss is complete why ignorance is poverty ignorance is pain ignorance is a business that's constantly pressuring the hell out of you and not giving you the freedom that you deserve I've been able to create that
freedom not only for myself but for millions of other people I've done turnarounds and breakthroughs for decades but since 2008 my passion has been helping businesses to grow to another level large businesses like some of our clients are like home X the largest you know home builder in Mexico who credit us with actually growing your sales 700 million dollars - I'm here in CG and we had a small group here where there was a chiropractor here with an army of three about the double his business or a guy like Tony Tan was the largest food
business in the Philippines who got dragged here I dragged here by an associates saying you've got to come see this and he said I don't need inspiration because it's not inspiration this guy's he's the best business strategist all the people I've learned from her my best friends people like Steve Wynn who rebuilt Las Vegas and I had a chance to model or you know early on Salesforce calm before it got started was created by Marc Benioff he came right out of one of my seminars left Oracle and started salesforce.com which literally went from zero to
three billion dollars now at about 12 years so I have the insight for big and small businesses but 2010 here is for example it's got a two and a half billion dollar business then the business 35 years his business is three times the size of McDonald's in Singapore I should say in the Philippines and that said it was the most incredible business and personal experience he's had in his life so I'm not here to give any hyperbole or pumpup but I'm here to tell you that these tough times are not going away and the tough
times are one of the best time you can do well in winter you'll own your business will own the marketplace for decades to come because winter again doesn't last forever and by the way when it's winter in one part of the world you know we're very connected world today but this is winter and Fiji so there's a place you can go there's a way you can do your business that's extraordinary and that's my passion so I really truly love to be able to serve you to help you understand the road ahead what's coming how to
take advantage of it and then what I do is I've created a format a four-day format what if you can imagine the ultimate you know immersion experience where instead of just learning things intellectually you're building a pan plant nobody leaves there by the way without a plan to grow their business 30 to at least 130 percent but small business you might build up to 50 or 300% I'm talking about in six to twelve months and at the end of this video we'll share with you a few principles and kind of a fun format for you
so even I don't see you hopefully ellagic kitchen give you something that you'll find valuable and trigger you well throw in a few testimonials at the end to give you a diversity of people who've completely transformed their businesses and we transform your business your transform your life I mean think about how many hours a week do you spend on your business for most people they spend more time on their business unfortunately than they do with their kids more time in their business than they do their intimate relationship for many of us your business is an
extension of you it's part of your identity it's your child whether it be a big medium or small business doesn't matter and when things aren't going well there there's stress inside of you but when you can learn how to take these seven forces that help you to master a business and do really well in them in each of them and you make it a real simple system then you keep growing you know you think about it most people are good at certain things like maybe you're great marketer you're really good at sales or you're great
running software or delivering a certain kind of service but business has many different elements so I'm going to step out of this little video in a moment and I'll share with you a rant I went on one day I was with a group of business owners as big small medium and they were having challenges and I was trying to show them yeah you're doing great in marketing but the reason you've got this big hole in your business look what's happening over here you don't spend any time on your accounting and I know that sounds boring
but I can show you in a few hours if you know nothing about accounting how to run your accountants that I haven't run you how many times did have you had the experience maybe and so many I know I have the early days of my life where I I was running my business it was going so well I'm gonna have this huge profit at the end of the year and I didn't realize profits of theory profits not the same as cash you ever come to the end of year with a big profit sit where's the
money already ever had the experience I did where I felt like I was driving you know 50 miles an hour in my business I found I was driving 150 miles an hour I thought I had a full tank and I was down to near empty and I've had some crazy times in my businesses over the years and that's how I learned this stuff by studying the best people on earth figuring out with Veda to take advantage and then figure out what I got to do to make sure I cover every area marketing sales innovation what
do you do to recruit the best people how do you keep them how do you retain them because you and I both know you could have a terrible business terrible product or service you get the right people I'll turn it around you get you know a business with the wrong people they'll take the best business and take it to the floor and then how do you put systems in place so that people can leave interchange and you can grow this is bootcamp Total Immersion kick-ass incredible time where you will have the time of your life
and you're not imagine most people today won't sit for you know a three hour movie someone spent 300 million dollars on it I take people for four or five days Total Immersion on the subject of business and have them say was one of the greatest experience of their life and then more importantly go out and produce the result so here's my promise to you if you want to come to the program I'm doing I only do it once a year in the United States coming up here in Vegas once a year over in London coming
up here in London obviously in the UK in London I do it once a year in Australia and that's usually a Melbourne this is your chance to be able to really say I want to take advantage of winter I don't want to wonder about the economy I don't know where it's going for the best people I want to know how I can take advantage because during that winter time most your competitors are going to tighten up freak out shrink you know Steve Wynn went to the seminar it said it was one of most valuable experiences
he made some strategic decisions immediately about what to do in one of the toughest markets in America in Las Vegas and he's now profiting from it to give you an idea so this is something if your high-level player or your beginning the journey it's an immersion experience and here's my promise to you it's very simple you don't have to trust me you don't have to watch how my lips move I always say to people don't watch uh people's lives with watch other feet move for a couple decades what I've delivered the results I deliver has
pretty well known around the war but in case you don't know that or maybe this is not enough to trigger you it's really simple come spend one day with me of the four days or the five days would come to a five day program take that day take it all in at the other day if you don't think it's worth a minimum of a million dollars more an income to you or savings in your business 1 million dollars take everything got no questions asked if you refund on the spot you won't leave you won't dare
leave the stuff that you got there's the insights from some of most successful entrepreneurs in the world and they're converted into real practical strategies that you can make your business work so that's my offer to you reach it out to you from my idea what paradise is this was a vision I had decades ago I wanted to be able to have a place I could go and take my family and friends and if all heck was breaking the world have this incredible quality of life so I get to live here a couple months out of
the year I'm going to brag - I told you because anyone deserves to have whatever the dream is but it doesn't happen by hope and it doesn't happen by doing the same things you're doing that aren't giving you the result you deserve so I know I can make a difference in that area and I hope you'll give me the privilege to serve you and coach you and and I also bring you some of my friends there for business mastery so stay tuned for a second here if you want and you can listen to my rant
I think you might find interesting to explain the seven forces that control all businesses and how they're effective today it's kind of fun and afterwards there's some information if you'd like to find out more and like to contact somebody or participate in business master together thanks for taking the time I hope I get a chance to meet you personally soon live strong and live with passion bye bye the world's changing too fast you need a mount that can guide you the quest building changes make the jan availa succeed with any economic environment anything with changes
that come from competition technology cultural changes I don't give a damn if it's Apple selling something for $0.99 you know instead of an album or a blockbuster with Netflix you have to eat out to be able to be much more nimble and you have to know the answers to the five core questions of control where you are what this does for you what this is you really it will you know why this business is gonna carry you through what's gonna be your exit strategy business turtle Barbossa skill Bruce are you really manically are you chilly
who's your client who's like and we're wearing the lifecycle your business do the right thing at the wrong time you screwed you know you're the right thing at the right time in the rewards are our geometric buy house right thing 2006 America wrong time you're screwed you know you got to know this it's not enough to do the right thing you do it the right time and timing is everything you understand the lifecycle of your business or lifecycle your distri is the most successful company in an industry that's you know aging the it's time for
you to make some very important decisions for your economic well-being in the next three to five years gonna be severely challenged if you know that the answers to these questions you can take advantage of what's coming this whole game was really about what's next anticipation it's really about knowing what's coming so you can take advantages you're not reacting but then you gotta understand business is two things it's innovation marketing cardio Tracker marketing world-class marketing if you don't know to differentiate yourself that's 16d counting as money of course story them to break out you can't just
market today you're working on the side of the banana for Christ's sake you have to be able to stand out by find a way to have value to be seen as the expert class say I look who's died something out of your deal with your training program is the best salespeople have found we're sure to see your fight we clean the fish can't I receive I'll see if most important post you can cut what really matters absolutely not optimize the world today you gotta be a grown-up business 30 69 percent of war and be able
to do that in a way where it doesn't require a bunch of money this is Susan we help turn around billion dollar businesses I call max max the large dollar we help to increase the response of sixteen thousand percent maybe more than a billion since they started be our client and we got you know chiropractors or business that we're you know start their businesses on arm you go one two three people Natalie W Jersey business six months later what do people be I am sitting to joke you know Microsoft's had more money more resources for
capital apples almost go to nearly bankrupt today it's one of the richest and most successful companies the world in hand the most highly respected brand one of the top three on earth how they do readings in customers and you can't have Iranian peg customers like an Iranian culture without getting your people to make that psychological emotional they'll set you apart from anything else double 7 forces are the fundamental basis of our 4 - this is gonna be the nitty gritty what makes snapping your leader with a strategy of growing that business that's customized to you
if you're upward if you got the cost and the time of the interchange will really show up here's what you really are mined out the folk on any business the ultimate chokehold is the owner the leader the psychologist or something you're good in your self when your team's three for three thousand thirty thousand that's the corpus your leadership if you're interested that level game the price of the mission is not just attacking the prices emission is coming in ready to absolutely put your soul under for these legs because baby this is not a bunch of
conversations Papa you're ready for that if you're one of those kinds of those tax owners before you in January went to Las Vegas for business mastery won and in the last seven eight months seven months into last month we actually doubled revenue and we double profits so it was huge explosion and we're very excited about that we came to business mastery in Fiji when we were here for the first time we went oh my goodness this is what we've been looking for doing probably one of the seven steps will probably take my company and double
it in the next year but it was incredible I think we could probably even take it further and get to fourfold what we're doing now our mortgage company doubled which was extraordinary more than doubled actually and the escrow company the escrow company wasn't as quick to but after I went to business mastery - we doubled that as well coming to business at mastery I must have a hundred at least 100 tools and strategies to go back home to be the business owner and the leader I need to be so it's getting some powered me I
have a roadmap becoming a real business owner instead of operating the business start running it and start having the business serve you instead of you serving the business I think that's that's it the the biggest thing that I have gotten out of these programs I just really didn't think that we can make that geometric jumper or multiply but now with some of the techniques and strategies I feel like it's very very doable in fact if we don't do a hundred percent in some of the divisions that we operate in the next twelve months I would
feel like a failure you
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