the Lord Reigns in majesty and his Dominion is from Everlasting to Everlasting his power is unshaken his promises are unwavering and his mercies are new every morning as we walk through this sacred month of March which also marks the beginning of Lent we are reminded that this is a season of reflection Consecration and drawing near to God in deep humility this is not merely a Time on the calendar but a Divine invitation to surrender fully to seek the face of the Lord with renewed passion to walk in his ways with unwavering faith and to receive
the Abundant Blessings that come from a life devoted to him Joel 2:12 declares now therefore says the Lord turn to me with all your heart with fasting with weeping and with mourning this is the call of this season the call of Lent a call to return to realign and to press into the presence of God like never before repentance is not a moment but a continual turning of the heart toward God it is not a one-time action but a deliberate choice to reject sin and pursue the Holiness of God let this daily prayer be more
than words it should become a living Declaration of Faith a source of strength and a Wellspring of encouragement in your spirit as you pray with fervency and consistency you will witness God's faithfulness unfold in powerful ways bringing breakthroughs restoration and divine provision you will also experience a deeper intimacy with him trusting that his perfect plan is at work in your life moving beyond what you can see or imagine I encourage you to watch this video until the very end pray along daily throughout this sacred month of March and through the season of Lent and commit
to fasting at least once each week as a step of Faith surrender and spiritual renewal if you have health challenges that prevent fasting seek the Lord in other ways dedicating time in this daily prayer worship and devotion as an offering of your heart now the season of lent in this sacred month of March is a time when we intentionally strip away distractions laying aside the weight that so easily ens snares us and and fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith Psalm 51:10 Cries Out create in me a clean heart oh
God and renew a steadfast Spirit within me this must be the Cry of our hearts in this sacred season for it is in the refining process of surrender that true transformation takes place and breakthrough is released the flesh resists but the spirit Longs for more of God the distractions of the world compete for our attention but the whisper of the Holy Spirit calls us deeper those who respond to that call will walk in the fullness of divine restoration experiencing breakthroughs renewed strength and the power of God's presence in every area of their lives one of
the greatest ways to step into this restoration is through fasting prayer and reflection which are not religious rituals but powerful tools that draw us into greater intimacy with the Father the purpose of fasting is not merely abstaining from food or certain Pleasures but positioning our hearts and submission before the Lord it is a declaration that God is our provider our source and our greatest desire Isaiah 58 verse 6 reminds us is this not the fast that I have chosen to loose the bonds of wickedness to undo the heavy burdens to let the oppressed Go free
and that you break every yoke there is Supernatural power in a surrendered life and those who yield completely to the will of God will experience breakthroughs beyond what they could have imagined Temptation will come but those who are Anchored In Christ will stand firm the enemy is always seeking to divert the hearts of God's people offering temporary gratification in exchange for Eternal promises Matthew 4 versus 2: 4 accounts and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights afterward he was hungry now when the tempter came to him he said if you are the Son
of God command that these Stones become bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God if Jesus the son of God faced Temptation after a time of fasting and prayer then we too will encounter trials that seek to pull us away from our purpose but just as Jesus overcame we also have the power to overcome by standing on the word of God the enemy will try to plant seeds of Doubt fear and compromise but those who remain steadfast
in the presence of the Lord will not be moved the peace of God is the anchor that steadies Us in uncertain times in a World filled with chaos the child of God is called to walk in unwavering confidence knowing that Divine peace is not based on circumstances but on the unshakable foundation of God's promises John 14: 27 declares peace I leave with you my peace I give to you not as the world gives do I give to you let not your heart be troubled neither Let It Be Afraid those who abide in the presence of
the Lord will carry a peace that surpasses understanding a peace that the world cannot comprehend and a peace that remains even in the midst of Trials this is a season of refining but also a season of divine favor when we draw near to God he draws near to us when we seek him with all our hearts he reveals himself in ways that we have never seen before the Lord is not distant nor is he passive concerning the Affairs of his people he is near to the Brokenhearted he is attentive to the prayers of the righteous
and he is faithful to fulfill every promise that he has spoken those who walk in obedience will see the manifestation of God's provision doors will open chains will be broken and victories will be won Psalm 5:12 declares for you oh Lord will bless the righteous with favor you will surround him as with a shield Divine favor is a shield that protects promotes and positions those who remain steadfast in faith the power of Deliverance is released in the presence of God many enter this season feeling bound bound by fear Bound by past failures Bound by cycles
that seem unbreakable but the Lord is mighty to save and he is strong to deliver Nahum 1 verse 13 says for now I will break off his yoke from you and burst your bonds apart this is the confidence that we have have that every Yoke the enemy has placed upon God's people will be shattered addictions will be broken generational curses will be overturned and spiritual oppression will be lifted no force of Darkness can stand against the power of the almighty and those who place their trust in him will walk in total freedom this is also
a season of Supernatural breakthroughs there are prayers that have been lifted in previous Seasons prayers that seemed unanswered but let us walk by faith believing that the appointed time has now come the doors that seemed locked are about to swing open the battles that seemed impossible are already being won in the spiritual realm God is moving shifting and aligning things for his people those those who have waited in faith will see the manifestation of long awaited promises habac 2:3 assures for the vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it will speak
and it will not lie though it terries wait for it because it will surely come it will not t the delay was never denial and what God has spoken will come to pass in due time gratitude must be the attitude of our hearts even in the waiting even in the pressing even in the moments when answers seem delayed Thanksgiving shifts the atmosphere first Thessalonians 5:18 commands in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you those who remain grateful will never lack for they understand that every good gift comes
from above when Thanksgiving becomes our lifestyle we position ourselves for greater abundance Greater Joy and greater manifestations of God's power as we move through this sacred season of Lent let every step be taken with intention this is a time to pursue god with fervency to fast with purpose and to pray pray with boldness in the name of Jesus Victory is certain Deliverance is near and blessings are already being released those who remain in the presence of the Lord will see his hand move mightily on their behalf he is The God Who Never Fails the one
who goes before us the one who fights our battles his power is Limitless his love is unfailing and his plans for us are greater than we could ever imagine this is not just another month this is a Divine appointment a season of divine acceleration Divine protection and divine fulfillment the Lord has already made a way and as we continue to walk in faith we will see his glory revealed in Greater measures than ever before now now to all those within the sound of my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you
to listen or say this prayer in faith leave it playing while you listen and pray each day stand in faith and watch how God will move in your life listen to it in your homes in your cars or wherever you are so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let us pray to our gracious and merciful god heavenly father my rock and my redeemer I exalt you today you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the one who was who is and who is to come there is none
like you in all the Earth none who compares to your greatness none who can stand against your Sovereign will I worship you today lifting my heart in gratitude for you alone are worthy to receive all honor glory and praise father I thank you for the precious gift of life thank you for this new day a fresh opportunity to walk in your grace and experience your mercy I am grateful for this new month of March a sacred time in the season of Lent where I reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus and the gift of Salvation let
this month Draw Me Closer to You deepen my faith and fill my life with your favor salvation blessings and divine breakthroughs merciful Lord I ask for forgiveness for I know that I have fallen short of your glory forgive me for the times I have put my will above yours when I have relied on my own understanding instead of seeking your wisdom I Repent of every thought action and word that has not aligned with your truth and I ask that you renew a right Spirit within me as you have for for given me I also forgive
those who have trespassed against me cleanse me Lord and purify my heart so that I may stand blameless before you search me and know me reveal anything within me that is not pleasing to you and Lead Me in the way Everlasting let this season be one of deep cleansing where the old is stripped away and I am made new by the power of your spirit help me to turn away from anything that separates me from your love Lead Me Away from Temptation and guide me in the path of righteousness Lord I acknowledge my need for
you in every area of my life there is no strength apart from you no wisdom greater than yours no security outside of your presence today I lay down every burden at your feet releasing every care every worry and every weight that seeks to overwhelm me you are my refuge my Fortress my everpresent help in times of trouble and I place my full trust in you where my spirit has been dull awaken me where my faith has been weak strengthen me where my heart has been been hardened soften me Draw Me Closer Lord until nothing else
matters but you Lord I desire to walk in Divine Alignment with your plans and purposes I am grateful that your thoughts toward me are of peace and not of evil to give me a future and a hope let my steps be ordered by you my thoughts be established in your wisdom and my decisions be guided by Your Truth where I have struggled to discern your voice let Clarity come where I have been hesitant to obey give me courage to move forward in obedience where I have walked in uncertainty Let Your Light guide the path before
me father I ask for divine breakthroughs in every area of my life you are The God Who open doors The God Who makes way where there seems to be no way every delay every obstacle and every hindrance standing in the way of my destiny let it be removed by your Mighty hand I decree and declare that I will no longer be held back by fear doubt or the lies of the enemy for I'm stepping into the fullness of what you have prepared for me I stand in faith believing that you are releasing New Opportunities new
blessings and new testimonies into my life Sovereign Lord I lift up my need for healing before you you are Jehovah Rafa The God Who heals the one who restores the one who makes all things whole by the stripes of Jesus I declare that I am healed physically emotionally and spiritually every inflammation and every discomfort must bow to the name of Jesus let your healing power flow over me bringing restoration to my body strength to my bones and peace to my mind I rebuke every Spirit of infirmity every generational curse and every attack against my health
for I know that you have called me to walk in Divine strength father I ask for deliverance from every chain that has kept me bound no stronghold is too great for you no oppression too heavy that you cannot lift break every yoke shatter every limitation and Release Me From every cycle of failure defeat and bondage Allelujah in the name of Jesus I renounce every attack of the enemy against my life my family my future and my purpose I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises in judgment against me
you shall condemn let every door the enemy has tried to shut be reopened according to your will and by Your Divine Authority where Darkness has tried to take root let your light shine and dispel every work of the enemy Lord I ask for Supernatural guidance in all that I do let my plans align with your will and let my heart remain sensitive to your leading order my steps help me to recognize when you are speaking to trust when you are leading and to surrender when you are shifting things in my life for my good father
I ask that you release Divine favor upon my life where I have experienced opposition let Victory be established where I have struggled let Supernatural ease take over for your favor surrounds me like a shield I stand on your promises knowing that your hand is upon my life guiding me toward blessings that I have not even imagined Lord I seek Your Divine protection over my life and my loved ones you are my refuge and my Fortress my God God in whom I trust let no harm come near our dwelling no evil overtake us and let no
scheme of Darkness Prevail against us let your angels encamp around us keep us safe from dangers both seen and unseen I declare that I am hidden under the shadow of the almighty and no force of Darkness shall prevail against me father I stand in faith knowing that your protection is unwavering the enemy May plot and schem but his plans shall not Prevail every snare set before me let it be broken every hidden danger let it be exposed I stand on your word declaring that a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right
hand but it shall not come near me I take refuge in you Lord knowing that no harm can befall me when I am covered by the blood of Jesus Lord I declare victory over every battle I am facing both known and unknown I refuse to walk in defeat for you have made me more than a conqueror the storms may rage but I will not be shaken the trials may come but I will not be moved in the name of Jesus I take authority over every force of Darkness that seeks to hinder my progress I declare
that every stronghold must come down every chain must be broken Every Mountain must move for your power is greater than any opposition that I face where the enemy has whispered lies of discouragement I replace them with the truth of your word I declare that I am chosen I am called I am set apart and I am victorious through Christ father I bring my loved ones before you strengthen their faith and lead them in righteousness where there is division bring Unity where there is struggle bring provision where there is Brokenness bring healing let your favor rest
upon them let your peace dwell within them and let your purpose be fulfilled in their lives let my home be filled with your presence my relationships be built on your love and my family be anchored in your truth Lord I ask that you fill me with a fresh hunger for your presence teach me to love righteousness to hate sin and to walk in Holiness before you where I have been complacent wake me up where I have allowed distractions to pull me away bring me back to Center let nothing in this world satisfy me more than
the joy of being in your presence Mighty God I Surrender every plan every goal and every dream into your hand Lead Me by your spirit direct me with your wisdom and align my steps with your will let every decision I make be influenced by your truth let my ambitions be purified by your purpose let my desires be shaped by Your Divine will if there is anything I'm chasing that is not of you redirect me Lord if there is anything I am holding on to that you want me to release give me the strength to let
go I trust you with my future for you alone know what is best for me Lord I ask for Supernatural provision in this season you are my provider and my source every burden I carry you are more than able to lift where there has been lack release abundance where there has been Financial struggle release Divine breakthroughs let my life be a testimony of your faithfulness help me to be a good Steward of every resource that you bless me with I declare that I shall lack nothing for you are Jehovah my provider father I ask that
you break every generation pattern that does not align with your will every generational cycle of failure every stronghold of poverty every root of bitterness every tendency to sin and every burden of disease Let It Be uprooted Now by your spirit in the name of Jesus I declare that What affected my ancestors shall not affect me what held my family back shall not hold me back I walk in the liberty of Christ free from every generational curse and established in the blessing of the Lord let my family line be known for righteousness faithfulness and divine favor
let my future Generations walk in the fullness of the blessings that you have promised Lord I lift up every unspoken prayer request before you you know the hidden struggles the silent battles the things I cannot even put into words you see my tears Hear My Cries and know the burdens that I carry in my heart Thank You Lord that nothing is hidden from you and nothing is beyond your reach I trust you with the things I do not understand the answers that seem delayed and the prayers that have not yet manifested I will not grow
weary in waiting for I know that you are working all things together for my good help me to trust your process to rest in your promises and to Rejoice even before I see the Fulfillment father in this sacred season of Lent let my faith be strengthened like never before teach me to discipline my flesh to Crucify My selfish desires and to walk in obedience to your word help me to hunger for righteousness to thirst for Holiness and to seek you with all my heart let me not be swayed by the distractions of this world but
let my focus be set on things above let this be a season of deep renewal of divine transformation and of spiritual maturity Lord I give you thanks for all that you have already done and for all that you are about to do before I even see the answers I will praise you before I receive the Breakthrough I will worship you before the door opens I will glorify you because I know that you are faithful I know that you are moving and I know that your promises are yes and amen nothing is too hard for you
no prayer goes unheard and no tear is ever wasted in your presence I lift my hands in surrender my heart in gratitude and my voice in Praise I thank you Lord that your Abundant Blessings will fill each day of my life guiding me and surrounding me with your favor let your name be glorified your kingdom advance and your will be done in my life as it is in heaven for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus
I pray amen if you were blessed by this message type the word amen in the comments section below I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the name of of Jesus you can help us to reach more persons and spread the gospel you can do this by sharing the video with a friend or family member who you know needs the blessing of this prayer and by clicking the like button also remember to subscribe to our daily Jesus devotional channel for more videos that will bless your heart and uplift your
spirit we appre appreciate all those who support us you're blessed to be a blessing now for those who are listening and you want to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior I urge you to receive God's grace with an open and repentant heart start where you are your past doesn't matter Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost God loves you it is is not God's will that anyone should perish but for all to come to repentance say this simple salvation prayer for yourself dear Lord Jesus I know that I am
a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life I want to trust and follow you and my Lord and Savior Lord Jesus hear my prayer I pray thank you Lord for saving me amen now that you have prayed this prayer you can ask a pastor to baptize you at a local church and make that decision public baptism is a symbol of that decision to follow Jesus I then encourage you to
have fellowship with other believers to learn more about your new life and to get to know more about God please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comment section so that we can present them before God for your blessings and victory also we invite other believers on the YouTube platform and all over the world to join us and start praying for you right now and we want you to know that even if you don't see a reply to your prayer request it doesn't mean that you were not prayed for rest assured that we
are actively lifting up each request to God that is in accordance with his will we believe in the power of prayer to bring Comfort healing and guidance in accordance with God's perfect plan to God be all the glory May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all [Music] [Music]