Top 10 Drinks You Should NEVER Have Again!

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Dr. Sten Ekberg
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Hello Health Champions today we're going to talk about the top 10 drinks you must avoid so many people today pay attention to what they eat but it's almost like an afterthought everywhere people go they have to have a drink they walk they drive they carry a drink and if they don't pay attention to what that drink is that can really get them in trouble number 10 are non-dairy creamers and we're going to do these in reverse order so we'll finish off with the worst one but even number 10 is pretty bad these can come in
a powder form or a liquid form but very often outside of water the first ingredient will be something like corn syrup solids or high fructose corn sweetener and often the second ingredient would be hydrogenated vegetable oil so here we have a really bad fat and they turn it worse by hydrogenating turning it into a trans fat which is basically like a plastic substance that's completely foreign to your body and a lot of people pick non-dairy creamers because they're trying to avoid Dairy but often they put sodium caseinate in to give it certain consistency and guess
what casein is a milk protein so even though you're trying to avoid Dairy you're probably still getting some and then there's a whole list of the chemicals like preservatives artificial flavor artificial color and none of this are things that you want in your body number nine is flavored water and don't get me wrong this could be a good product but very often it isn't so you have to watch for what's in there sometimes they tease you and brag about the fact that this is made with real fruit juice and it could be up to three
percent well that wouldn't be a terrible thing if that's all it was and then they had some natural things like essential oils for flavoring but very often this is just tip of the iceberg and they put some other sugar or artificial sweeteners in there so some of the things you want to watch for are artificial flavors added sugar that they might disguise as Agave or something like that artificial sweeteners of course you want to avoid and artificial colors so these could be a good thing but very often they're just chemical concoctions again number eight is
chocolate milk and this could be in a bottle in a liquid form or it could be one of those instant mixes that you just blend and mix with hot water and it also includes all of these Alternatives so if they make a milk alternative like vanilla milk or chocolate milk from rice or soy or something then you still have to watch out for the other stuff that they put in there so very often they load these up with sugar and or high fructose dose corn syrup in one example was a brand where you get a
12 ounce bottle that has 36 grams of sugar in there and most of this is added sugar because they don't even use milk they just use water and powders of various different kinds and you would think with all that sugar in there this would be sweet enough but in some Brands like Yoo-hoo they still add additional artificial sweeteners like sucralose and of course A lot of these people are so addicted that they're just looking for that Sugar High and that sweet taste and in most of these products you're going to find the usual list of
preservatives artificial color artificial flavor the chemical cocktail but even with all of this I found several places where they proclaimed the health benefits of chocolate milk they still think that this is a good thing for you so here's what WebMD had to say about chocolate milk they said that this is a very healthy treat it has lots of calcium on the positive side but of course the calcium in pasteurized milk and processed products is very very poorly available so it's basically useless as a source of calcium also the protein is not very absorbable not that
you get a whole lot in milk of this kind on the downside they say that lactose is a problem so when most people think about milk being an issue all they've heard is lactose they don't realize that when most people are sensitive to is the proteins in milk and of course if you have a problem with lactose then that's not a good thing but it's usually not the top top thing to be concerned with and then on top of the lactose they have of course tons of added sugar and they admit that that may not
be such a great thing but they claim that the main problem with added sugar is that it adds calories and then calories they believe is the cause of obesity and then they think that obesity causes disease so everywhere you look you get this sequence this rationale that Sugar adds calories leads to obesity leads to disease and this is true to a point but we have to get this straight there are plenty of things that are super healthy for you like a steak or an avocado that have plenty more calories than sugar so that's not what
we need to be concerned with but here's the official model that sugar has calories that lead to obesity which in turn leads to this ease and we have to understand this is not the order of which it happens what we need to understand is that sugar is the number one reason cause involved in the mechanism of insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease right which is rampant 85 88 of the population has some degree of insulin resistance and it's creeping down getting hitting people younger and younger and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is what happens when
we consume too much sugar and we'll talk about that and then these two things is what causes disease and obesity so we have to understand the direction of the causation because otherwise we're always going to attack these from the wrong direction so yes sugar is the problem the reason is not because it has calories it's because it screws up your hormones it messes up your metabolic balance and system causing insulin resistance so that is the cause of both obesity and disease obesity doesn't cause anything it's correlated with disease and insulin resistance so if we understand
that now we can start attacking it from the right direction number seven is sweetened tea and coffee drinks and here I'm referring to the popular trendy drinks in coffee shops so chai lattes and Frappuccinos and so forth so these are really nothing more than sugar bombs in a single drink you could get as much as 80 grams of sugar so just imagine you think you're just ordering a nice beverage and they toss in this much sugar in a single drink depending on on the side but that doesn't even include some of the toppings that's just
the basic configuration of that drink in a large size so you might as well walk into one of those places and say can I please have a cup of diabetes to go but then of course all of those little squirts of syrups and chemical stuff are just nothing but artificial so there's tons of artificial flavors artificial colors artificial anything you want in there and number six is milkshakes so a lot of people don't feel like their fast food meal is complete without a shake so they might go and order a Wendy's frosty and they get
in the large size over 80 grams of sugar just like the bag we saw but it could be a lot worse if you go and get the largest size of McDonald's thick Shake you're looking at 168 grams of sugar and here you thought you just ordered a food beverage and you're getting basically an entire Sugar Bowl dumped into that that's also going to come with 1160 calories in the shake alone and if there's anything good to say about that is that at least it would give you a sense of fullness it's not one of those
things that you would order too or finish one and feel like you have to have another but why is it that sugar is so bad well there's different kinds of sugar and we have to understand that a lot of the different ones that are sold under different names are really just as bad so sugar the white crystals that's sucrose but there's also high fructose corn syrup there is honey and there is agave and there's a hundred different names that they use to sell this stuff but we have to understand what these have in common and
why some other things like lactose is quite different so I would group these four together but lactose even though it's a sugar is totally different so here's your crash course in sugar and this is really a minimum of what everyone should understand about sugar this is called glucose it has six carbons in a ring and this is called fructose which has five carbons in the ring that doesn't really matter it's just what they look like they're both six carbons the fructose has a low carbon hanging off to the side but this is a disaccharide Two
Sugars and all of the ones up here the sugar honey agave and high fructose corn syrup they start out exactly like this and now glucose if we talk about glycemic index which is how quickly these raise blood sugar that's one of the problems so the glycemic index of glucose is 100 the glycemic index of fructose is 25 and why is that because glucose is ready to go into the bloodstream directly that's why it's called blood glucose but the fructose cannot get in and cause blood sugar blood glucose because it isn't glucose fructose has to take
another pathway through the liver and this is why the fructose is so bad that's why all the sugars with fructose are much much worse than any sugars without it so lactose for example has one part glucose but it has one part of something else it doesn't have any of the fructose so lactose is not a burden on the liver and the reason fructose is such a burden on the liver is that glucose can be absorbed can be utilized by every cell in the body you have 40 trillion cells if you weigh 180 pounds you have
180 pounds worth of cells that can use glucose but you only have three pounds of liver that can use fructose so if you eat a hundred grams then there's going to be 50 grams of glucose for all the cells but it's going to be 50 grams of fructose that can only go through the liver that has a tremendous potential of overloading the liver and causing fatty liver disease and this is why we see non-alcoholic fatty livers in eight-year-olds so we have to understand there's two bad things about sugar one is that it can raise blood
sugar too fast and we have to release insulin and become insulin resistant but then the other half is that the fructose does damage to the liver and causes insulin resistance another way so this is the glycemic index for these molecules individually but if we eat table sugar now we're going to have these linked together this is sucrose it's a disaccharide when they're swimming alone by themselves they're called monosaccharides but disaccharides take just a little bit longer to absorb because we have to split this link before we can absorb it so the glycemic index for table
sugar or sucrose is around 65. if we split this link to make it high fructose corn syrup so if it's if we split it now it becomes a syrup like glucose syrup corn syrup Etc and now they're absorbed much faster because now we don't have to take the time to break these up and high fructose corn syrup now has a glycemic index of 87. so this is why high fructose corn syrup is a little bit worse even than sugar because it has more fructose to damage the liver but it still raises blood sugar faster so
it's worse on both counts but don't get fooled Now by Honey or agave because they're really just a more natural form of high fructose corn syrup they really have oftentimes even more fructose than high fructose corn syrup does so the thing to keep in mind though is if you're metabolically healthy and you're having a teaspoon of honey now and then not multiple times a day but here and there now it is actually relatively good for you because you're not getting enough fructose to clog up the liver and you're not getting enough sweetener to really mess
with your blood sugar and if you understand everything that we just said now you understand why added sugar is such a fallacy that on the nutrition labels we have total sugar and added sugar and we're told that the only thing we have to worry about is the added sugar and that is simply not true it's the exact same molecules if it's naturally occurring in fruit and we turn it into juice then we still have the exact same molecules that affect us the exact same way and the only thing that's slightly worse in sugar and fructose
is alcohol because alcohol can also only be processed by the liver so it has a tremendous potential to overwhelm the liver and cause fatty liver and the only real difference between alcohol and fructose is that alcohol is regulated because it has a different form of intoxication it it is mind altering in a different way than sugar is so sugar is absolutely a mind-altering substance but not in the same way and that is why alcohol is regulated and sugar is not and therefore the difference also between alcohol and sugar is that alcohol is not given to
kids whereas sugar and high fructose corn syrup is in almost everything kids eat and therefore we see fatty liver down in the early teens and even pre-teens so now you see why juice is also on this list of drinks to avoid orange juice for example has 36 grams of sugar in 12 ounces or about three and a half deciliters which again looks approximately like that this is a little bit more I made a bag with 40 grams so if you take off that much you've got about 36 grams and now you also understand that the
whole notion of added sugar is ridiculous so orange juice can be sold as zero added sugar which is a complete fallacy it's the exact same sugar as this and in comparison Coca-Cola has about 39 grams per 12 ounces but for some people that's not even sweet enough especially kids because they have no limit to their sweet tooth so very often they even take fruit juice to start with and then they sweeten it further to add even more sugar to it so realize though that I'm not saying you could never ever have any juice it's just
that the way we're consuming it today where we have access to it 365 days a year where it's advertised and promoted as a health beverage where more is better that is a really bad idea if we look at it as an occasional treat if we look at it as a seasonal things and we get some oranges and we squeeze them fresh so we have all the enzymes and all that wonderful Aroma and you take two oranges maybe then you're still gonna get less than half of that but it's going to be a small glass and
if you're metabolically healthy and you have that once or twice a week then I think there could even be some benefit from the nutrients in the orange now if you're diabetic if you're metabolically unhealthy then I don't think that's a good idea I think you should stay away from juice all together I think you can have a few berries here and there but you really should not consume a lot of fruit and especially not juice number four is sports drinks like Gatorade and again you're going to get tons and tons of sugar here it's not
quite as sweet as a soda or as orange juice but you tend to drink more because you're trying to replenish fluids so the bottle might be a little bigger like 20 ounces but you get about the same amount of sugar as a glass of orange juice or a Coca-Cola now with Gatorade though a lot of people drink this for workouts and they drink it to replenish fluids and electrolytes that's how it's sold and promoted so if you drink a lot of this and it wouldn't be too hard to drink something like half a gallon which
is 1.8 liters and then you're looking at 115 grams of sugar along for the ride even though you think you might just be drinking electrolytes and water to replace replenish what's being lost you're also getting a hefty amount of sugar and of course like most of these commercial drinks you're also getting a bunch of chemicals like artificial flavor artificial colors like we saw before there are other drinks that have even more sugar but the problem here is that they're sold and perceived as being healthy as something that you should take when you work out even
something performance enhancing so while a lot of people know to avoid soft drinks for example they still would gobble up these sports drinks because they think that they need the fluids they need the electrolytes and sugar is good for you if you're working out all of course which is a fallacy the only thing that you're getting other than water which could actually be beneficial during a workout is sodium which is an electrolyte they do sprinkle a tiny bit of potassium but it's really negligible the amount you're getting so if you want to make your own
sports drink then just put a quarter teaspoon or a third of a teaspoon of salt in to your water that you're going to drink for your workout and you basically have all the benefits of a sports drink but at a substantial cost savings because that sodium is going to run you about 0.4 cents number three is energy drinks and like all the other drinks we talked about this is basically just sugar water or something even worse artificial now the difference here is that they've added a stimulant and the vast majority of this stimulant is going
to be caffeine which is basically the same thing as you would get in coffee so if you want to avoid all that Sugar you could just have a cup of coffee I don't recommend consuming it for that reason I think you can have a cup or two if you like the flavor but you shouldn't start adding more and more and start just chain drinking coffee all day long to try to get energy because here's the thing can it really give you energy that's how they're promoted that's how they're sold to us but the only way
the body makes energy is from a fuel source and from oxygen that's how we make energy if something gives you the illusion or the perception of having energy it's because a stimulant changes your priorities and it makes you want to use up some resources up front for the Urgent present moment rather than reserving some for later so in doing that you deplete yourself I often use the analogy of a credit card if you don't understand how credit cards really work a credit card might give you a sense of wealth it gives you the illusion that
you have a lot of buying power but the problem is whatever you spend up front you're going to have to pay back later and just like credit cards you got to pay this back with interest number two is sweet tea we're talking about iced tea in some parts of the world they might drink sweetened iced coffee but here in the American South they drink sweet tea so by default if you just ask for tea you will get iced tea and you will get it very sweet if you want anything different you have to specify that
you want hot tea or you have to specify that you want unsweet iced tea otherwise you're gonna get it loaded up with sugar and the tradition of iced tea goes way way back and they used it as a thirst quench because here in the Summers it gets very very hot so people would sip this all day long with ice to cool themselves and to replenish fluids the problem of course is if it's very sweet and you sip it all day long you're gonna get way more sugar than you realize so if you go to the
store and a popular grocery store here is called Publix if you buy a gallon which is very inexpensive so you can buy tons of this you're going to get 352 grams of sugar so just imagine one little jug of tea and they have this much sugar in it along with the tea now you may not go through a whole gallon in a day but with 32 grams per 12 ounce glass it's pretty easy to finish one and start drinking the next and that's a problem with these drinks is that they don't fill you up at
all it's just a drink so you don't even pay attention to what you're really consuming and the number one worst drink the most toxic thing to stay away from is soda or soft drinks and even though we use Coca-Cola as an example it's not just about Coke it's all the soft drinks with sugar and high fructose corn syrup in them one typical can of 12 ounces like we said has 39 grams of sugar and very often this sugar is high fructose corn syrup and of course when people learn how bad high fructose corn syrup is
which it is now they start replacing it with cane sugar and now cane sugar gets proclaimed as a healthy substitute for high fructose corn syrup which of course it isn't high fructose corn syrup is just a little bit worse for the reasons that we talked about and the reason I put soda here even though it's not really really any worse than any of the sugar bombs that we talked about they're very very similar but the reason I put it number one is that through massive amounts of advertising billions of dollars every year in promoting these
sugary drinks this has become a way of life in many many modern cultures especially in the United States but this is spreading all over the world where as a way of life and thinking of it as a thirst quencher we drink it all day long we don't even think about it it has become the default food beverage for so many people you see it in the stores they're loading up their carts with soda and they drink it mindlessly and it's part of every meal so that's the problem that it's so pervasive that it is a
way of life and it's part of everything that people do if you enjoyed this video you're going to love that that one and if you truly want to master Health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe hit that Bell and turn on all the notifications so you never miss a life-saving video
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