How To Make Your First $1000 Selling Websites (Beginners)
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Trevor Foya
In this video I would share with you guys my step-by-step guide to selling websites to local busines...
Video Transcript:
imagine you're a business owner and you get an email from some guy offering his business services and all you see is a bunch of keywords in there SEO domain name registration low time optimization or worse yet they tell you we build websites with Weebly Wix and WordPress let's be frank a business owner does not care about any of that they just want results they want to know how you can help them achieve their goals and that's it maybe that's helping them create consistent good-look brand for their company making their website look nice or more importantly get some more lead their we some customers to improve their profits and in this video I'm going to show you the stepbystep process that took me from being just a website guy making $200 a month to making over $4,000 a month consistently making websites and selling them to local businesses this video is going to cover everything from the best website platforms to use how to get your first client and I'll show you my secret Source my incentive based Outreach strategy that gets me three to eight new clients every single week so let's not waste any time let's get straight into it quick note before I begin I'll attach a PDF in the description of this video that contains this as a document so you don't miss anything it's in the description below so feel free to visit that when the video's done all right let's start here you're going to need some Foundation these are the basics that you're going to need before you even try to reach out to your first client first thing you're going to need is stripe you're going to need a stripe account this helps you accept payments take payments but most importantly this lets you set up a direct debit for your client I don't know if it's called anything else outside of the UK but this is basically a qu to the bank to say the client owes me $50 a month can you please send it to my account if you've ever dealt with small businesses you know they do not pay on time having something like this setup means you're going to serve yourself a lot of stress trust me on that one this is the number one thing I always recommend every business owner regardless whether you're starting a web agency a SAS agency or anything else number two obviously you're going to need a website you're going to need somewhere where your potential customers can go and access you so you have some visibility online now let me tell you this speed is everything momentum is something you need to use I don't want you guys spending 2 3 weeks creating a fancy website so when someone visits it they're wow it needs to be simple straight to the point you just need to have some presents online but don't waste a lot of time a lot of people who who are going into this business waste a lot of time creating the website in the first place you can take a look at my website very simple it's literally a heading here's what we offer here's how it works get in touch with us done I made this in about half a day and I've been using it for 2 years and I've had major success with it this is a much simpler website than the ones I actually make for my clients so I don't want people getting stuck on this this is one thing you need but you want to get it done in a day or two get it out of the way okay number three you're going to need a custom email for outreach so you can go create a Google workpace account create a custom email it's pretty cheap and honestly it looks far more professional to have info@ implement. compared to implement agency gmail. com it just adds an air of professionality so when these emails have been delivered to your potential customers they look at these and they say oh you know what this is a legit business let me reply and number four you're going to need a calendly account cly is a application that allows you to book meetings to close these deals it's by far the best platform I've seen uh I'll leave a link to it below but yeah you're going to need one of those okay so once you have those Basics the first thing you need to do is pick a niche now the first question you're probably going to ask me is why a niche down why do I need to pick a niche why not just send emails to everyone and hopefully someone gets back to me well you cannot conquer Everything at Once think about it like this when you're born and you're a baby you don't come out of the room and start running straight away you need to learn how to roll then sit then crawl then stand then walk and then you can run all of those steps are sequential you can't just start from zero and go to 100 the same Works in business trying to cover everything essentially means you're covering nothing this is one of the major blockers one of the major things that stops people from progressing in this business I've seen a lot of people start and try to message every single person and then quickly realize that a website you might make for a cafe which need a menu and maybe a booking system is very different to one that you might make for a contractor or a church yes all of those people need websites but how you create those and how you reach out to them is vastly different and what you might charge someone for a Church's website might be very different to what you might charge a lawyer or a dentist you Niche down so you can learn the craft properly then as you grow you can open the up to other markets now the next question is probably going to be how do I pick a niche and there is no magic Niche there is no mag magic formula there's no one that's better than the other being brutally honest the best Niche is the one that you spend the most time in business is a consistency game it's all about reps the more that you do something the easier it gets just like anything else in life so when you pick dentist as your Niche rep number one email number one is not going to be as good as email number 50 number 500 because by 500 you've had all these iterations to learn how to get to them what kind of keywords they like to hear what kind of offers would appeal to them with that in mind though there is still some things you need to think about when you are picking an niche first thing is do you want a high ticket client or a low ticket client High ticket is someone you can charge three four five grand a month big businesses they might need more complex websites and are generally a little bit harder to close we're talking dentists law firms recruit agencies places like that and their websites might need a lot more functionality that's when you might move from being someone who's making websites to someone who's making web applications or software applications which is slightly different but my company off offers both but this is something you need to think about what I would recommend if you're starting out is targeting low ticket clients these are your boxing gyms family cafes stuff like that these are small local businesses that have pretty bad websites or don't even have a website at all but could use your help and you don't charge them a lot of money maybe even three4 $500 for a website with a small maintenance fee that could be maybe 3040 $50 a month but you could get a lot of these clients build up a pile of these and that retainer that monthly maintenance fee is what gets you going and that can easy get you from 0 to3 4 $500 those are some things to think about but you do need to pick a niche so make sure you do that before you move on and the most important reason you need to do that is link to the Outreach method that I'm about to go through okay so the next thing you need to think about is doing Outreach reaching out to people getting them in meeting so you can close those clients and start making the big bucks and at my company implement we work on an incentive based Outreach method we use email marketing but this is how diff from everyone else when most people write their emails it's targeted to selling themselves it's not really trying to solve what the client wants number one thing in your email needs to be how can you solve their problem and instantly they need to know what you'll bring to the table before you even tell them what you can do what your services are so before I show you how I structure these emails I suggest you sign up to an email Outreach platform I like using instantly but there's other ones like lemlist or woodpecker whatever suits you best and the reason you're going to use these platforms form is because Outreach is not a one-step thing you're going to send an initial email you might have a second and a third followup depending on uh whether the customer replies to you or not believe it or not nine out of 10 customers don't actually reply to your first email we usually see that our second or third email Outreach is what then gets the customer to then reply to us whether that's a yes or a no at the end of the day these are business owners they're busy so initially you might send these emails and they might see on a busy period and never get back to you a little reminder in the email inbox is a nice prompt to let them know that you're serious and you really do want business from them okay now once you have that set up we're going to start writing our email number one you don't want a long subject line that says website services from Implement people are used to seeing these kind of emails and won't even open them and most importantly number two you do not want to write a long email people do not have time you are competing with everyone else in the email box you can p them with whatever else is going around around them they don't have time to sit open up an email and see 14 paragraphs and read through all of that and think oh I'm going to buy my website from this guy it's not going to work like that now let me show you an example I kick it off with a nice quick sentence you say hi name let me not waste your time immediately they're thinking okay I can see the email short and they've told me I'm not going to waste their time let me give them another couple of seconds to see what it is they're offering me I've then written I've remade your website and would love to show you what I've done straight away you're delivering value the customer knows that you're already putting some work work to actually make a change to their website the value has been given upfront their incentive is already in front of their face before the read the second line of this email you've basically walked in and said listen I've done the work for you if you want to show you the work then just let me know and then I go to an explanation I say why well I saw a couple of things that I believe were holding back your current site and you put their website there so they know that you've gone out there and done your research and you're not just sending this to everyone even though you are from allowing you to and then you can insert your incentive here whether that is reaching more customers for your spa whether it is booking more meetings for your agency whether that is getting more clients to visit your dentist you come up with your incentive insert it into this and then say I'm happy to send it over for you to take a quick look if you would like just send me a quick reply to this email and I'll have it to you as soon as possible you see I added an emoji in and they feel like you're a friend that's talking to them people are used to seeing emojis now so even if it's the most professional business you're breaking down that business barrier you're making it seem like you're talking to someone who's just a friend oh you know what I've made your website let me know if you want to see it and then to round it off I say FYI this probably won't be the last time I reach out to you so if you're thinking leave me alone then please just let me know and I'll be on my way and this is actually a good strategy to make sure that your email doesn't get sent to spam you see giving someone an out giving people an option to reply to you and say no leave me alone because you are going send them follow-up messages allows your email to build up credibility having replies to your emails shows that you're just not making an email address and spamming people with messages it also saves you time you don't want to waste your time following up on people who do not want business from you if they turn around and say no I don't want this then you know that lead is out of the list they're gone they're done my follow-up email doesn't even need to go to them and then say speak soon sign off boom also something I forgot to mention the subject line here I've used is something that's going to entire them to open the email I've just put something for you with an ellipsis at the end to let them know what is this what is this something for you that you're offering me so our follow-up message is going to say hey name it's me again I think my last message might have missed you I noticed a couple of improvements that will take your website to the next level I've actually recreated the site already for you would it be cool if I send you a link to the new website on this email let me know if you'd like that if you're thinking just leave me alone then just let me know and I'll be on my way speak soon now this second email is just a gentle reminder that I've already sent you a first email and I've already done the work to recreate the website all you need to do is send me a little message and I'll show you and then at the end of course you let them know if you don't want me to message you again then just let me know simple as that now if you're thinking how am I going to make 50 websites for all of these different people what if everyone sends me back a yes message and I have to make a website for every single one it's going to take me way too long blah blah blah just hold on let me show you how we're going to do it what we're going to do is because we to picked a niche we're going to have templates of already made not full websites just homepages to Showcase to these people so when they reply saying oh I'm interested in this what you're going to do is send them a link to the template that you've changed to their website I'll show you how to do that in a minute alongside a link to your cadly to say this is the new homepage for the website I've done I haven't done everything else but I'll show you the improvements I've made in a nice 10-minute call pick a time in this kind the link and I'll go through this and how I would improve the rest of your website and honestly it might not be as expensive as you think and that's it you leave it there now to create the template itself I believe you only need if you're starting out at least you only need access to two platforms c.
co and WordPress there's a bunch of other website building platforms out there so if you're comfortable with another then I'm happy for you to use that but those are the two I generally recommend especially c. co it's one that most people don't know but it's efficient extremely cheap extremely cheap in fact probably 90% of the businesses I started making websites for I built them on card and why do I use card one Pro Plus account for $49 a year gives you access to create 25 websites 25 websites for 50 under $50 a year 90% of small businesses won't need anything more than a main Banner homepage an about a section something to explain their services and a contact us form and all of that can be done in a couple of hours using a card template all you would do is go grab their logo from their website insert it into your card template change the colors to match their their logo or whatever you know brand colors that they use and then you send that off to your client so they can see a full-fledged version of what their website would look like you can literally get chat GPT to rewrite any of the copy for you to sound uh you know slightly different and the beautiful thing about card is that you can post to to one of their URLs which looks like something that's professional legit something that you've already done and once you've added the brand in the colors their logo they can see that homepage right up front straight up before they even pay you and you charge them a maintenance fee the maintenance Fe is just for when they may need you but honestly they don't actually contact you that much the website is pretty stable pretty uh stays in the same state for quite a long time WordPress is the second platform I recommend to do this you can also create templates on that this is for maybe the more complex uh type of websites but you can still just create that homepage on card send that over to them and say oh if You' like something like a job board or whatever uh we can this takes a little bit longer it's a little bit more complex it might cost a little more but we can get it done for you in no time I think 99 maybe 98% of all websites will be covered by these two platforms alone so if you're already a bit more technical then obviously WordPress is is quite easy to use for you if you know JavaScript and that kind of thing you like to get into the code of things WordPress is perfect for everyone else if you're just starting out card. co is an absolute no-brainer I'll leave a link to that in the description below but a no-brainer for me it's honestly it's what changed my life $49 for 25 sites even if you're charging that site $100 a year for each site that's 2 and a half Grand a year that you're getting just from those 25 website and you're only paying $50 for the year that profit there is absolutely insane the other one or 2% of websites might be uh something a bit more complex that might actually be web applications or software or SAS but this is something that we offer and I'll be making videos on but is separate from the the basic web development company so I think card.